The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, November 19, 1868, Image 3

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DAWSON journal. : — D-- ——- 1 - J Local Column. or tbrie mb re of the Com mo# aeMo fiewinj Minhirtes can be bought Very cheap by early npplica tioo at __ THIS OFFICE £SE"Wpcoiul attention (a directed to the advertisement of Cupt. J. P. Allen, to be found in another column. isrTjtf public arc hernu notified that Byrd <fc Coker are now prepared to sere* them with a smnptumi* repast at any time, with only a small profit to themselves. See advertisement. jg;r We heard that the Hotel was imperilled by fire on Tuesday last, but fortunately the flumes were suppressed in time to pr< vent material damage. We can hear occasionally of per sona inquiring for a location in, or near our city, which we are inclined to (Link bespeaks for our town a rising populaii ty. In view of this fact, may we not audibly exclaim—“ Rah” for Dawson. Como! Come ! I Come!!! Come everybody and h»vo your fea ture taken at your own price. Mr. W T. Brown, the great traveling Artist is going to leave cn the 10 b of December, nnd you will do well to call on him if you wait ndatfj •. x< cuted jiicturcs. £3C"As Sbakespcur would say, we have been chewmg the cud of sweet and bitter funuh'S for a considerable portion of the week, but think now to gtatify our habit of 'chewing upon sdtnetMfiJ 1 rh'ort agreeable to our taste for a short while at least. Mr. Pee ples-will accept..our thanks for a plug of pleasent flavored tobacco, which we unbesita i/igly pronounce to be the best we have used in sometime. IpjtTThis is a progressive age and one that affords inducements far in ad vance to those of previous ages. Live after you are deceased is the policy. Notice the advertisement of the El|.- faula Co-Operative Life Insurance Company, to bt found in another col umn. we would call the at tention of our readers to the adv rtise mpnt of the enterprising firm of Mes srs. Jones, Baxter & Day, Cotton Av enue, Macon, (la. In addition to their large and well selected, stock of Gro ceries, we notice th<y have just re eived 50 barrels of the choicest fl >ur in the market, which they are selling v ry cheap. Give them a cull, and you will meet with honest and gentlemanly treatment. fte§_Hen<] orders, accompanied with a small pitance, to J. S. Anthony, of Cuihhert, Ga., for something that is indi«pensul>le to every Wardrobe, a r.eut'y executed Stencil plate. We have seen sj>ec.imens n| this gentle man's work, and can insure the plate to be of an elegant and substantial kind. See advertisement. The Place ? Yes— G. F & H. E Oliver is certainly the place. If you want a gootj CQok ing stove, the Cotton Plant or any oth- j er sort; if you want a nice pailorj stove; if you want any hollow-ware ; if you want any tin ware, or anything in the r line, or if you are weary and only want to rest, drop in and you’ll always find them ready with a smile to entertain you, or to sell you goods Very cheap. Meteoric fr bowers— This grand phenomenon which we have s-> anxiously desired to lie an eye witness tej' and which has in times past, created such ideal sublimity in our imagination whileperusing the ac counts given by others, has again transpired, when we were insensibly retained by the silken .eords of Mor pheus, front gius : ng Upon the splendid illuratnation Haw much of interest are w« unhappily deprived of in con sequence of our wiiliug submission to this agreeable god of worship. Thai rain of dvid light which has op palled the ancients with u superstitious dread, mus boos an extraordinary ap pearance, and one well calculated to inspire the senses of the beholder with the idea af what tnay very properly be t-rmed the awfully sublime. The ac count given by others can only create a momentary effect upon our senses, which like the guy Sittings of the swallow over the flowery meads in .May, must soon be forgotten, unless ■permanently impressed upon our mem ory by actual observation. May we be wide awake when such occurs Again Cody's Lady's Rook— •rbe December No. of this old stan dard periodical is magnificent, both in its literary material and beautiful illus {.rations. No other magazine can com pete with it in the beauty, design and coloring of if* fashion plates, beautiful b-el plate engravings, superior to any published in this country. Now is the time to make up your ciu s, for uext year. Terms, single copy, ono yean $3 ; two copies, $5 ; four copies, $lO. Address L. A Godey, N. E. Corner, 6th and Chestnut Sts , Philadelphia, Peon. The Cloning np of the Pastoral loir. As previouily denoted, the Iluv. T T. Ciikistian occupied the Pulpit for tko'jast tune as Paster of the Metho dist Churob at this place, aud in accord dance witfrtha occasion, the very Sppra priate text was selected, found iu the 16th Chap, of Paul’s Epistlo to tho Oorrinthians, Bth, 9;h and 10th verses, coofining himself more especially to the latter verse as the basis of hia sermon : •‘Now, if Timotheus come, see that he may be with you without fear, for he worketb the work of the Lord, as I also do.” After briefly stating the reasons for selecting the tex f , which was that of preparing the Church for the reception of his success rr, he entered into the following analysis of tbo subject: Ist. The duties of the ministry ; “2nd. The corresponding duties of the Church. Ist. Then as to the Ministry : The Minister as such, U first called to tho work, and in obedience to this call, he virtually turns lose the intermingling of worldly affairs, and gives Liaiselt up to the Ministry. ffnd.. Htjs Hit only called to the work, but commanded. This command issues from the highest authority. It is p- remptorv. The language is, go in to all the world and preach the Gospel. From the nature of the command, the Methodist Church has established the | mode of itinerancy. Then if God calls, sends au 1 com mands, will not the work be accom plished, even though he may not be a Paul or an Apollos that comes among yon. Tho i'iopoitant consequence is with you as a Church. Trust to the fact, that he will be a good man. The pale of the Church is so guarded as to guarantee this Remember that his is a responsible work, unlike the Physician, whose office is to administer temporary relief to the suffering sick, but one of greater importance, that involving the eternal interest of the soul. The Min istry is a laborious work. Itisnatsim ply from the sacred desk, in the matter of preaching the word of God, that the Ministerial duties are per ormed. It is a continual work ; a labor of watchful ness and care. It is the lot of the faith ful servant of God to he assailed and persecuted by wicked men, as John and Christ were persecuted, so it is with those who represent the cause of Christ at the present day. Ilis labors in pi ay r for support in the hour of temptation, administering a word of comfort to the needy, is a part of his ministerial du ties, and will you say iu view of tais, that bis is a life of ease. After setting forth the abovr division, which we have endeavored to fullow iu a manner as concise as the statement of the principle facts alluded to would per mit—he entered upon the second dtvi si m of bis subject, which consisted chit fly in an appeal to the Church, in sisting that he who is to follow in the Pastoral charge should he received with c infiddeuce l and that his Ministry should b# appreciated. That the principles of religion be cultivated and kept alive in the Church. Let him not fear that he lacks devotional assistance, and above all things let him feel that he will not loose his reward in wiuning souls to Christ. Let him not fear as to his temporal sup port, as he will he giving you his time, you should be responsible for this. He here closes, by alluding to his own ministerial servic s that had past, hoping that the progress of the Church may he such that he might not in a coming day Use his reward. The people listened attentively, shed tears freely and gave every evidence that a lasting impression was nude lpou tieir minds Judging from all tbe'oir t cumstaucea of the occasion, wc have ev ery reason to believe that the bread then aud there cast upon the waters will be found many days hence. ! Fads and Fancy. 1 The pm is said to be mightier than the sword. So is ink mightier than the peD. People who sling printer’s ink are j the mightest of all—the monarch* of mankind. He who understands this art in all its ramifications travels the short est and best route to the head and un- 1 derstanding of human nature. Prin ter’s ink has made more fames and for tunes than any other':—perhaps all other i —tbings put together, j The necessities of life are compara -1 tively small. It is the luxuriis that count heavy on the purse To procure the latter, men make themselves the mo«t abject of slaves Nature oalls for j water which costs no'hing; man for champagne at $7 per bottle. The form er is always good and salutary; the lat ter rarely so. When we go back to simplicity in these matters, we shall go forward to a really better style of living. A merry heart makes sunshine Ev crybody is warmed and enlightened by | it. It e'xhilerates a whole household' : its cultivation should be gcueral. The world would be better lor it, and indi j viduals vastly happier, Poverty isn’t always a matter of dol i lars and cents. A. pocket fall of money 1 and an empty head are often the worst possession a man ran have; he is sure to illustrate the saying, that all fools are not dead Positive people keep the world going, but Bfgwttre oner have their use. Many a wife i$ charming booaoso-of her nega tive qualities; iu other words, because she is quiet, contented, amiable, win ning and good. The rivalries; coupe’■ tions aud struggles of life require that tnen should be positive. If not, they are shoved aside, trodden upon, and cast among the nohodien. Women are not made hotter but worse by this contaet and rub. I’ weakens instead of streng'h ens them. Now and then a strapping exception appears A woman who ought tc have been a mao, struts up and down the world, not only in the most positive but tho most ridicubus way also. The merit of positive quality depends upon whether it fits. In walking to Church with a friend i on Sunday morning last, we noticed a 1 gentleman walking up the street with a lady on his right arm, and we asked our co upanion which arm a gentleman should take when with a lady. He promptly replied : “Whichever he can get, and think himself lucky at that.”— Macon Ideyraph. Col. Hulbort bas paid $25, 000 into the State Treasury from the earn ings of W. A R. R , ’or October. DAWSON TIARKET REPORT C'BRECTRD WBjCKLY BY WM. ¥()OTM„ GROCKR AND CoMMI'SION MERCHANT. COITO.V, 18*80 tOf.f), 1.80 SUP£R, 1.26 GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, ft./ < O.Y —Clear sides (smoked) 2b@2l Clear ribbed aides (smoked) 18@'20 Shouldets, 17 (a 18 linns (plain,) @22 Canvassed hams, (sugar cured) @25 V lOWflE—Prime Hie, @33 Good Kio, @3O Ordinary Rio, @*2B SCO*/It- (According to grade) 18(0,20 TJE-J-Black, @1.60 Green, @2.25 Young Hyson, 1.50@2.00 RICE— @ls fXO li It —Superfine, @6.50 Extra, @7.00 Family, 7@7.50 EaIRII — 24@26 l'£> II —JAekeral hf. bis. 12 3 flb@l2 Mackerel in Kits, 4.50 \Vhiiefiah per tb. 12J@15 R f'/jf'E' R— Goshen, @6O Country, , 25@30 ERGS— 15@20 CHICK E*YS— 16@25 REE'A IfV.V- 26@30 '#V#EEf>lV @lO SPRt/P— 75@ 1.00 I'EVE'C-ER— 65*80 S.EET-Liverpool, a3.25 Virginia, a3 25 lE’EIf SEE I*—Com. Rye, 3 00a4 00 Corn, 2.60a3 00 Fine Whi-key, a4.65 rOW.JCTO—Common, 60*76 Fine, 1.00a1.50 Corn (western) al 00 Corn (country) al.oo .WEViE— al .35 Bagging, 'Hope, K Tics. Bagging, Gunny— 28a30 Kentucky, aoO Iron Ties. Buckle, alo Rori:— Sal 2 [OFFICIAL] PRO CLAM ATIO N. BY I HE GOVERNOR Wfikreas, it is reported by reliable citi zens from many couuties of the Slate, that preparations are being made to collect oner ou*» taVa levied under authority of the Con st tuiion of Eighteen hundred and sixty-five (1865,) and failing 10 collect, to apply the provisions of the present Constitution, and thprebv exclude many citizens from the priv ilege of voting. Therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Governor and Couimauder-iu-Chief of the Army and Navy of the State of Georgia, and of the Militia thereof, by virtue of the authority in me vest’d by the Seventieth (70) section of the Code of Georgia, do hereby suspend the collection of all poll taxes until the cext reg* ular session of the General Assembly of this State, and of this suspension the Comptroller General will foithwith give notice to the Tax Collectors of the several counties. Given under my hind and the Great Seal of the Stale at the Capitol, in (he city of At lanta, this twentieth day of October, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and siiiv eight, and of the Independence of the .United States of America the ninety third. Rofvs B. Bullock, Governor. By ihe Governor : Davin G. Cottino, bcereiary of State. COMPTROLLER GeSERAL’S OFFICE, J Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 27ib, 1868. J To the Tax Collators of the State of Georgia: In conformity with tl»e above proclam lion by hia Excellency the Governor of the State ot Georgia, vou are hereby directed to sus pend the collection of all poll taxes, iu your respective counties, uulii the next regular session of the Generally Assembly of this State. Keepectlully, Mabison Bent, Comptroller General, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. TP HE undersigned is offering for sale, his X House and lot in ftwwsfln —-the lot iwc acres, more or less, building new, with three rooms aud kitchen, and within three minutes walk of the Court House. For particulars in quire at this Oifioe. Price S6OO. J. E. HARRIS. Dawson, Ga., Nov. 12th, 1868—lm ~ VAX "NOTICE. J7IAIR warning is hereby given to all whom it may coucern. Positively no excuse will be available if you suffer the time to pa«s j I caoaot always chide. The Books are now open to receive State and CounlptHX. Make your returns before the first day of Decem ber, or you will find the Books closed, and you dealt with as a defaulter. \V. W. FARNUM, T. R T. C. Dawson, Ga., Nov. 12i.b, 1868—8 t V .AITtXA.IiLiE PROPERTY FOR SALE. ABOUT Three Ilundred Acres of good puie land lying in aud adjoining Daw ion, Terrell coup tv, Ga., alao three Store , tipuses arid a dwelling in said town, which wfil be sold low. For farther particulars inquire of Wm Coker, Esq., of Dawson, who will act as mv representative in the sale, Ac. aug2* Bm* f ROBT. J. HODGES. NOT ICE. SIXTY days after date application will We made to the Ordinary of 7errell county tor leave to sell a portion of .he reel eat ate of S. B. Smith. ABRAHAM SASSER, eep 246tydw Ex’r. HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND J FEOUR, of all Grades , MF.IF, G UMTS, SHORTS, and COW-FEER. ALSO, THE FAMOUS FFOim. r l''o OUR I’ATTONS, and all others we would say that,we are manufacturing our Flour L from the best quality of Wheal, and that all the Flour we sII is fresh. We make all grades, and have Flour as low as the lowest and as good as the best. Our motto is, WE STRIVE TO PLEASE, And guarantee satisfaction in all cases. All Flour sold bv us is guaranteed to please, or money refunded. To all dealers, and the balanob of mankind, we would say, try us, and we feel assured that you will call again. { BLEDSOE & CO. Dovems;3moDths S. T. COLEMAN’S MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF fall & in m\i IS NOW READY! ANY ONE WIIO HAS NOT GIVEN US A CALL, WILL BE AISTOISTISI-IED AT THE MAGNITUDE AND VARIETY 01 THIS STOCK. We aje fully prepared for any rush that may he made, either by the wholesale or retail trade, as our house is tilled from top to bottom. THE*JOBBING OF GOOES BEING A NEW FEATUR IN OUR BUISINESS, WE CALL THE ESPECIAL ATTENTION OF W lIOLESALE BUYERS In returning our thanks to otir large circle of friends and customers for liberal patronage, we beg to assure.them that we expect to Continue our buisiness as we begun it—upon a FAIRIAND SQUARE BASIS, And do not intend or expect to be undersold; and by treating customers well, we expect, not only to v in 4> thior favor, but to secure thier influence wherever they go. we invite tbejpublick to call and see what we have, and hope we may be able to make a good impression visitor. S. T. COLEMAN. octs-Im. Second St., Triangular Block, Next to National Bank. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR IS THE Life-Giving Medicine of the Day, IT relieves all diseases of the Liver, it renovate* the entire System, and sends new blood bounding through every Win. IT IMPARTS A sparkling brightness to the Eye, A Rosy glow to the Cheek, A clearness to the Mead, A brightness to the Complexion, Buoyancy to the Spirits, And* Happiness on all side#. It is a household Treasure lor every Family.— Only 81 a package. Sold by all Druggists. Prepared only by I. H. ZEILIN& CO, 1 Druggist*, Macon, (ia. GOOD RECORD. In regard to the virtue of your Simmons’tLiv er Regulator, not only ean I speak for myself but also for my wife, she was so badly affected with Torpid Liefer and Indigestion that 1 sent her to Europe for the change of climate and for medical advice: but Bottling seemed to do her any good, at last some of her friends advised her to try Sim mons’ Liver Regulator, aud she has been restored to perfect health. I also have suffered severely i from the disease and been made a well m..n. ,v. h #.♦ ■*' h v/.vf; ka, ( No. 8o .Mulberry bL, >1 aeon, Gab. I Oclß 3m. NOTICE. ~ DAVID C. SEARS has applieand tion of personalty, and setting aftSH and j valuation of Homestead, and I will pans upon | the same at 2 o’clock, p. m., on the 20th day of November, 1868, instant, at mv office in Dawson, Ga. T. M. JONES, Ord’y. novl 2 — 2w notice." Emanuel moomaugh has applied fer exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at 2 o clock, p. tn., on F.iday the 2flth mat., at my office in Dawson, Ga. novl2— 2w T. M. JONES, Ord'y. "notjck “ IRA TRUKTT has applied for esemptian from personality, and setting apart and valuation ol Homestead, and I will pass qp.u the same a' 10 o’clock, A. M., F'iday the 27 th day of November, 18*8, instant, at my office in Dawson, Ga., T. Jf. JUNES. Ord’y. uov. 12—2 w ii. F. At 11. E. OLIVER, STGViS, STOVES, AND HOLLOW WARE, Pocket and Table Outlerv, Iron Pipe, Steam Fittings &<-., wholesale Manufacturers of Tin Ware. 42 aud 44 Third Street, Macon, : : : : Gkobbia. novs;3m I*. P. STRONG &SON, Wholesale A Retail Dealer In S (TO ? S&S HOES, Second SI. !UACOI,Ga. M?“ Country Merchants supplied at New York Market Pgicrs- nov 5 8 m Wholesale A Retail Dealer in BOOTS & SHOES, TS If Tit UJTMtS, 85 Cherry Street, Macok, Ga. Merchants supplied at New Yura Market Price*. novs;3in NOTICE. I'WO Months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Ter rell county, tor leave to sell the lands belong ing to ihe estate of Sarah Ford, late of said county, deceased. oci22(iu* CHARLES FORD, Adm’r. FOB A desires hie House and lot within two hnn drvd yards of the business portion of the city. Call on me at tnv store. , W. M. PEEPLES. : Dawson, Ga., oct.yMf SIESELj STERNBERG & BRC'i OF FALL t WINTER GOODS IS NOW RExYDY! STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING NEXT DOOR TO M. n. BALDWIN, DAWSON, GEO "1X715 are rtow receiving the largest and best aeleected *to«.k of Fall and Winter v v Unodscver brought to this mark-t, con-iating ot everv vadetv of Ldl>i£S’ BKKSS tiOOtfS, BHtJTTS, IIM. I.i VitM2 D and uuo itvv nn.ui s-rn s. stkjpa/i ana CHECK. Klf do, EMBROJ UKKY, LACES, Hosiery,’ Haudkeicbief9, Gloves, Shawls, Oloaks, sud evervthi"g u-u*lly kept in a FIRST CLASS DRY COOLS ESTABLISHMENT. The GS-entlerneri’H Department. Ts complete with Cloth, Cssimeres and Vestings, Furnisn-ng Goods, Ready-Made Clolliiiiff, Hate, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and every article necessary tor a genteel outfit. We make a specialitv of this line of our business, and cannot be excelled in quantity, quality or price. UIV£ US A FALL. IILFUKU VOL HI V LLSLVVHLUL. novsj3m EMPORIUM OF mIRT *EVIi REAUTYt Favorite Resort of the Fashionable and Lovely! BOOTH & I3RO'YV r 3S7j Eh.otograph.ers, DAWSON, - GEORGIA. ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH THE MOST BEAUTIFUL Photographs, Ambrolypea, Yla-laiuotypes, Ivorytypes, Pearltypeg, lYrreo types, Poreelalu, or any other kind ot Types, of all sizes and desenpsious. IDTTIFILiIEIXI-T'X'jPIEB, By which the likeness of the same person appears twice in the same, in the most inconcciTi bly different positions. In true sympathy with the many ills to which frail humanity is heir, they bare for a long, time been endeavoring to ascertain some process by which beautiful pictures can b- taken from inferior subjects. They have at last made this, and are now permitted to rejoice in heralding the glad news to all who are the least uncomely in form or feature, that they are prepared to take for them the most beautiful and Battering pictures, at the same time pre serving a correct likeness. E3F"®ld Piclur*** copied to Miniature or Portrait size, by such a skill combination as to render ttum even more natural than life itself. tyWe are also prepared to paint I.ifc-siz« Portraits, in Oil, Pastel or Water Colors. Let all come and see our Specimens. BOOTH it 880 irvr, Photographers. oov5;Im Over J E Loyless' store, Dawson, Ga. JOHNSON, CAMPBELL & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner .Fourth and Foplar Streets, MA.OOTST, : : GEORGIA, Have in Store and are daily receiving lsrge shipments of Lhe Following Goods, which they are selling at the LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES. BACON. 60 Hhds C 11 Bason Sides 50 ** " Shoulders, 6 Tierces Barg rasa Hams. ST7G.A_:RH. 100 Bbis Stuart’s C Sugar 50 do A do 10 do Powdered do 20 do Crushed do 10 do Cut Loaf do 10 do Granulated do COFFEE. 100 Bags Bio Coffee, all grades, 10 “ Old Government Java. BAGGING, <fcc 100 Boils Patched GuDDy Cloth 10 Bales Heavy 11 “ 20 “ Twine 30 000 lbs Arrow Ties 6,000 11 Whaley “ SALT. 160 Sacks Liverpool Salt 80 “ Virginia “ FISH. 10 Bbis Bay No. 1 Mackerel 20 Half bbis Bay No. 1 Mackerel 20 Bbis Sh-re No 1 Mackerel 30 Half bbis Shore No. 1 Mackerel, 20 Bbla B:ue Fish 50 Half bbis Blue Fish 50 Boxes Herring 10 44 Codfish. € A ABIES, &c. 50 Boxes Candy, Plain and Fancy Pecan Nuts, Almonds Raisin-, Prunes 20 boxes Cheese, ,10 41 Soda Crackers 10 44 Sugar do 10 “ Butter do 10 “ Desert do 10 44 Lemon do SUNDRIES. 10 kegs Butter 20 barrels Irfsh Potatoes 10 “ Onions 10 tierces Kico 50 boxes No. 1 Soap 60 44 Erasive Soap 100 14 Olive do 25 44 Fay's No. 1 Soap 50 44 Star Candles 10 44 Pairafine Candles 5 barrels Kerosene Oil, 100 half barrels Molasses 15 barrels Fine Syrup 100 eases L quors, all (.rales 300 half sacks Superfine Float 250 “ 44 Family 44 LIQUORS, Cotton Plant Bitters Buss’ Bitters Gibson’s Cabinet Whiskey jo, bfcD Gibson’s Monongabala W hiskey, in barrels, Tennessee Whiskey, in barrels Old Winchester and Shtuandale Wbi.-key, in barrels Fine Old Brandies and Gins BcupjicrnoDg Wine. novo-bm