The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, December 10, 1868, Image 1

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THE DA WSOKWEEKLY JOURNAL j3Y CHRISTIAN, lIOYL & CO. gjwsoii aalcckln Jourual, ru Every Thutedtj. j'mtt.'ttS—strictly in .idvance. fhren month*. »-.i.... ........ • -'*o I s - Six l\ no Out year uo Hates One dollar per square ot tan kn*» fov the Brat insertion. end Seventy-five Cents per “”»re for each subsequent insertion, not ex- months 8 M< hue square six month. 00 On* rq«»r« one year.. 20 Oo Two aq'Mres W'" Punch us a column three moth. SO 00 Fourth of a column six months >o 00 H df column three moths 45 *0 Half column Six months . «><• On. column three months ™ 00 One column six months 100 00 liberal inductions Made on Contract «idrertlsrments. .mint Legal Affverttsiß*. Sheriff’s Sites' per levy ......$2 6o Mn.tzsgeFtFi Sales per square...... 6 00 Cilations lor Letters ol Administration, 3 Ou 4l «« *« Guardianship, rs no Pismision from Apministn.tion,. 6 00 . .i •> Guardianship, 4 00 Application for leave to sell land 0 Oo Pales of Ltnd, per sqtmr*,... •• * S,lea of Perishable P,op.-rtv per sqn r, 3no .VaMtes to Debtors and Creditors, 8 50 Foreclosure of Mortgage, per square, 2 oo Farrar Notices, thiriy days 4 00 Job I C'orts of every description ere cuied«ilb neatness and dispatch, at moderate r.ifs. ____. RAIL -ROAD GUIDE. Southwest*! - !* Railroad. WM. lIOLT, Pres. | VIRGIL POWERS, Sup Le.ys Macon 9.15 A. SI ; arrive at Oolitm bn» 11.15 A. SI. ; Leave 6'.»lu'"bus 12 45 P. M ; a-live at Macon ft 2o P A/. k'-aves Maean '8 AM ; arrives at Eu taula 5 30, P ti ; teaVes Euf.iUla ? 20, A M ; Arrives at tiacmi 4 5", P M. ALBANY BRANCH Leave" S ■lithvdlo 1 46, P M; Arrives at A|:,a»v 3 11, PM ; Leaves Albany 9 35, AM; Arrive, at Suilrfivfll ■ 11, A M. Leave Cut'ihert 3 57 P M. ; arrive at Fort oii i. 5 40 P. Sfr, l.esre Foal G.iu* ?.0A A H ; aruve at 6'uthbert 9.05 A. At. .lineoil Jfc Wc-teru Railroad. A J. WfflTE President. ’ 15 W AI.K Ell. Superintendent. BAY PabSEMigTl TRAIN, la 1 -res MaC.oi .* * • tBOA. t . A-. Ives at Atlanta . . . 1 57 P. M |,. v h Adunta . • • G 55 A. 0. Arrivesjat Macoh • • , ISo i’. M. NIGHT eJR»IS. Leave, ifrcnn . . t - 845 T M-' Arrive.hi Atlanta . . 450 A. M.. Le*re» A'Ri.u ' . • b TO P M Arrives at ilacon . • ■ 125A. M. Wuteru A Atlantic Railroad. * Campbell Wallace, Suyjt. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. L*a?e Atlanta . . . 845A. V. Utve Dittou . • • • 2.H0 P. W. Arrive *t Chattanooga • . s ,'lh P. M. Lunve Chattanooga . • 3.20 A. V. Atlanta . . . 12.05 P. M. NICUT TRAIN. Le«.ve Atlanta . . • 7 00 P. M. Anive it Ciuttanooga . . 4.10 A. M Leave Arrive at D.lton . • • 750 P. VI Arrive at Atlanta ... 1.41 A. M. LEVI C. IIOYL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dawson, - - - - Grcu \\m.L practice in the several Courts of 1 V C\b aud Equiiy iu ibis -Siam and the Circuit Cogrc* ot the United States for the b’ate ot (Loreia. Also, attend n civen to coviviisstox m bankruptcy. c. a. Wooten, A'iTOitXEY A's LAW, Datrson, Ua. J*3i« 1868 Iy Die If A. WARNOCK, bis Profe*ional services to (be ci'iz -ns of Chi<‘kaaMwhntehee and ita ▼isTJiky F'-orn ample experience iu both civi] and Miliury practice,'Tie is prepffred so cases iu every ci^oHrrniGnt of hi* profession. T * J PRATT. J B. CRIM. PRATT & CRIM, dry goods, and Grocery JVtercvhants, IkAWSON, - - GEORGIA. J IBERaL advances made on Co'ton stupned io our correspondents in .-avail- B *h and Bibimore. oc>22’*Blj* BViNTCON’S HOTEL (Opposite Tht Patsengtr Depot.) macon, - - Georgia. [ w o P‘‘n for the reception of visitors ti i. it n ’ ,, ' e spared no expense in tnrniahiui; •h > n<,w throuuhou', and determined i T Hh J? , * u ' l Bv shall be inferior to utr ■ , t *”‘ l frel confident that I can tu ° mv ol '* Ps'rons and >he puolic all mat c.n wish in a Hotel. 0,11 .nd see me. J- L. BYINGTON, BS,n Late of Fori Valley, Ga. HOUSE, hotel id restaipmt Cherry SI., JUacon, Ga. j , , Praprielar f*' Free Coach to and from Hotel, MOSEY! MONEY!! MONEY!!! a *t l- * • n MONEY INDAWSON ! MORE MONEY IN SAVKtiN?H I Slill More in Baltimore I Most Money in New York ! And Mniicy World without end IN- LiyEKPOOL ! WE have, after much effort, succeeded in perfecting our arrangerie-nts to Ad vance on Coiton And sre now prepared to advai c“, at very low rates of interest, on Cot ion in store in our Warehouse in Dawson, or consigned to our friends in Savannah, Balti more, New York, or Liverpool, and allow planters to hold their crops for the spring market. Respectfully soliciting patronage, we are in readiness to serve »U who may favor us -.ith their cotton. CHEATII ft, HtRRn ACO. Dawson, Ga , November s;tf WATCHES, JEWELRY, SIVER-WARE, k, At the old Stand of E. J. JOHNSTON A CO., JVo. 97 Mulberry St., NEAR LANIER HOUSE, MACON, - GA. I AM now receiving, lor the F»ll snA Win ter trade, a fine «.|. elion of WATCUES. GLOWS, JEWELRY. SILVER WARE. FANCY GOODS, PIANOS and n-h r mu sc.l ir.stnnmnis. WALKING CARES ROGERS' TABLE A POCKET CUT LERY, etc., Which, with roe h.-mer stock, Will h.. said at VER >’ LO W PRICES FOR CASK. A call is r s • cifullv soli Led. E J. JOHNSTON. WHEELER & WILSON’S Sfwing Machines, Needles, And nil new PuYtlic attention palled to Machine*, for «»•.! > a - mx' U facturcr’g prices hv E J. JoHNSfON, Agent for Middle G o'gia. Gun Barrels, Locks and Mountings. I have for sale over 500 Guo Barrel.*, which I alii offering at low E. J. JOHNSTON. WATCH WORK. I mu prepared to do »t short notice, in in superior iHutmer and fullv warranted. Also, ■irwelry and all Standard Sewing 11 ichim s repaired at short notice. 1.0v5;3m E J JOHVSTOV. CVrABLIsIILD 1532. D. C. HODGKINS & SON, MACON, GEORGIA, * . 'DEALERS IN GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, AND Sporting Goods 0j every Description. HAVK SOMKTHISO »KW IN TUK WiT rtf BRKKCH I. O A PING RIFIKS 8"d PHOT GINS, and invite inspection of thei* B*Oi k for toe cnni'm season. They are also prepaied to fmrrish the farmers , ■% WINCHESTER GUNS, And the Catridpea, at the verv 10-est prices And notwithstanding the advance in pvh e and great scarritv, in con*eq>-epce of he ex traeriMnarv demand for the NoK aiji 2. (ft inch.) Suit 111 A We»sow» Re volver*) we have, by an exertihn, been ahle to procure them ioa small q'lantitv, and are ready to furnish them ou eaily spnlica tion. novsßt A FAVOR AKEDKD. MV friends in genersl, sod subscriber* in particular, will do me a special favor bv calling on Jiidtffi Mims at W. M. P.-eirlei*’ Sloraj. and get a copy of tnv "Guide to Beal'h,’’ by the JOih of next month. I need help to wind up tbe expense of printing, & •. Mv rcepeuis to all who will fa-or me, jambs j davis, u. and. p. i5 —Falter not to make the le-p. T-sti monia!- are bril- had a- to the t ffiescy of the medhiines held forth in the Woi k. ,oct 9—2 w J J. D. Valuable Plantation FOR SALE- J OFFER for saie on terms that wi.i be made satiafacioty to a good rcbpont-ihle puiehas er, for the rea-on that lain not a plaiter. My plantation, *ix miles oo «be Rail Road be low Daw.-on, two and a half mil*- ftoni Oiaves* mill, e>ntainiug tourtecii hnndred, Seventeen and a half acres. This place is healihv, acknowledged to be one of the besi plices in the county of Terrell, bemg a good stouk torni, well wa ered, good orchards, and in st ort, a desirable home. If not sold bv th -16 h December next, will be for rent. For tei m-, apple toifes.-rs. Oir, Brow n & Cos , at Dawson, G»t or to W. T. BDt.CS, novs;2m Charleston, S. C. LANIER HDUSE, HACOX, : ; GEOaiGIA. CQXXIER & BOYS Bavti'g ibe ,8 Huune, reppecllullv solicit a Bb*re ot public p.«troti»g**. Fit*e Omnibus to aud from tbe Hou«e. At teuiive Forurti. uovfiti MARSHALL HOUSE, A. B< LL’C£, Proprietor, Savannah, - # Ga, «■ mft I w r§tmJ +*+ * r* 'nt mtvt> <t+ft ] DAWSOIf, GA.j’iyiURSBM, DfJpEMBER 10, l«(lw. EUFAUIA CO-OPERAriVE | LIFE INSURANCE ’ c ?Jtt^Foa Ei Gov. JOHN GILL SHORTER, President. Maj, JAMf.B M. BUFORD, Viee-Preeident. J J, G. L. MARTIN, Seorctarv and Treasurer J j ) oi roi Insurance For ilie Rich and Poor. -*'PHK cheapest and best system of Life In. * suraniS* is now offered hv this reliahle f.'mnpvnv Uis founded upon the pHnc'plj that onq thnusniMi persons .rune tore>her.nd bind themselves, each fb pay one dollar to the surviving. IciqpdeAfeverv deceased nr-mter amene j|t>«n qfflffs d*th:" Thise mortuiry c.ntributions are Left In the Pockets of Members Till called for at intervals during the rear, or tor convenience t hey may he paid in »dY|noe in they shape oi a deposit, and In ili»t tight per cent. ib’tri'H U allowed till tEe fund* art applied Every person, of eitlier .ex, Horn 15 Ui 7g wears of age, can secure a nieuihership by paring an admission lee of SIX DOLLARS, uo nmuer how raniiv classes may be entered and Ministers m "dial citarge of churches can become mein, b ca Without any Outlay at The Start. There- are two divisions. The classes !n D'vision 1 are composed of 1,000 members each. Tfii. Division but souqd livee, and a-e arranged as follows: 15 Ho ;is 45 *5~!o m cn 10 to to to to to to * =TO |C n 25 ;io 45 55 00 63 n? % __}ta yrs_yr« yrs_2»- Class A 50 75 100 125 150 200 1,000 Class B 100 150 200 250 300 * 400 : 2,#t. ' Class C 150 225 3.1 3,5 45 . 000 3,(KX) Class E 250 375 600 025 160,10,1.1 i.ijoo Class J 600 ; 769 10,'at 12,50 1 13,U0 20,0# 10,000 The Second Division is composed of sound lives Iron. 65 to 75 years old, and impaired lives, who B'HV be represented tty the “Medi cal Examiner” as safe lor 10 years more of li ey each class m earn ref. eeperate and di»- titic from the other. This company is nec essarily a lYßutiial Company, And cannot insure on anv other plan. The .elt.lntetes Sfi pnncttiali’v of each member in paying hi* SI .rtharyOotOrlhutTi'ris, can leave no possibility of ihe Companv's to meet all Casualties that may occur. Policies will if of Rnminc X r oid in iliis Company By reasofi of inabiHtv to meet th» note* for arg- anmnnts’nf- memityft.s. Tl,e 'tfmfnbu hms aie otily paid at different times during he year, and in such sinrll amounts that al tuo-t ayy o<ie C an meet them with certain|y and eaae It is ot'r motal duty u>.train every m rve to nay our debts and leav. o ur families i a boon of cumlott a(jpr our deaths. \ Tltc teii/ltuto Co-Operative Life, lusiirance < onijiany -4F<ke.a this comfort fnr onr fami ies a certain tv. Let us avail ou-selves of this matchless scheme of reli. f. The different ohosee ar. rapidly filing up. I am uuw taking appiica 'ions and furnishing policies for eny desirejj anmunt. Fur infot mmion on the subject, and for in suiance, apply to S. R. WESTON, Agent, novlgjlm Dawson, Ga- OYSTER saloon! BYRD & COKER, HAVE on hand, at their store on Maiff'st., next door to J L Tu‘ ker & Bro’s store, FKEh II l>. STEHS,. ei.d are prepared 'O serve them tip to salt the taste ol all. Come and tty rheui. Dawson, Ga„ Uct. 29tb, 1868—ts Guide to llcultb! MY Guide to Ilea I'4. is now published in good binding and plain type. But) sermers ami.others wisbli g a hook or books; can be acchmndaied hv caUine on J. A. M mis at (he S ore of VV. M. PEEBLES’. Loviews Block,, Ga J tH l-.s J. da VIM, n. D. Aug, 27 ili. It. BROWN HOUSE K. E, ISItOXVV & SOX, Fourth St., Opposite Passenger Depot, Macon, Georgia. [jiROM their of July the business of'his House wilt be conduct, and bv E. E Biown h So., the Senior having a.-ociaied hi- son, Wm. F Btawn, iu the manage meut and in terest if Ih, do’at. f The bgu-e coutains sixty rooms, which are resorved uhiely |bi of *' yv- Hers and tralisieni feuM's ‘ Competent assistants have heen ee- cured in evegt and j>artmein t .and ev»- ■ y atteiittoif wHi he'paid to ensure comfort to their customers. Rooms clean and airy, and the table alvv. yasiipidird with the best the countrv affot d*. Por'ers attend arrival and .'eparturo of alf trains to eortvvy baggage and conduct passengers across the street to their quarters. juU27,'f SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, DAJLY AM) W£IKLT t By J. It. Sneed. To the Merchants of the South, and espe cially ol.hts State, he looks With cot nee for a gebtwous support, prontieiog them, iu return, the best news, commercial and polit ic a I journal th <t his experience and capabili ties can produce. Daily One Tear, SIO,OO “ Six Montb», 5,00 a • N. D. ray meut in advancu for. either edition will b<* required, without exception. All lottci s should be addresbed at below, J . U SNELL), Kepublican Office. novl2tf Savannah, Ga. HiHNOia lAriOiV*'- THE firm of Orr, KraWII A Cot, doing a Me-eaiPile hu-ine-s in D-wsnn, Ga., ha* th s day been dissolved by mutual consent a || t * Yf f. ORR, who'cftmtfiues the husines*. sssttmek all the liabilitle-' of the csnftrn, ani is au:h n ri*cd to Coliict all'the debts due tlrt 9.ime. YF. F, ORft, *• ”•* - LE OT BHOWIY. ? 9 t. 12th, 1668. THUS. f. CHR!ST?Af. ts C 11>KI[UYgf I A sea «Linml High tide, and the year at ebb ; T he eea is a dream to-day ; w *'- and pearl, Sbd grdjr. Avail over rock and boat; X brsath on the tremulous blue, Wlteie the dim sails lie afloat, Or, noawve, 'slip .from view. They veer to the rose rey; They duek to the violet shade j Like a thought thev fill awav ; Like a foolish hope, they fade. , But listeu Ia sudden plash I A sfi’p i* heaving in sight, o' a With a stir, and a noisy dash Ofthe salt lo*m, seething white. Tar-grimmed and weather etaingd, . The sailors shout from her deck ; Naught of the «kv higg^veinyd, Os the dreamy waves they reck. And the sunburnt girl who standi, Where her feet on the wet wrack 4tp— Eyes sTmdei.with lithe, brown ha^tis — She sees hut. the coming ship. kk« it Ryiiig, The following sublimely benniiftil and pathetic, aud cottld only have been dicU ed l>y a heart that bap e«- pcHenced aIT the bit erneas that i thereiD expressed. Who is the author we know not. Yut suspect it is an ex tract from some book ]f anybody can read it without mristure in their Vet. and t tones in their throat, thev are worthy of tn«rWe :* Hush 1 Shq is dying ! The sun'iglit streams through the «indo«— the r-n ni is.lrngrant with the Southern flowers— large milk white Afroan flt ies—roses a nighfingti'e would stop to worship; cape jt-ssauiiues and caindiaa vuO» liieir large and glossy leaves through the often casement pfeals the faint,musical tingle of n playing louniaia; the light tempered pleasant ly by Tost curtains of en>i>roider-d satin, -with a halo bright us a rain bow. It is as if frer-iior sunshine were faH ing earthward on the bower of beau ‘y* a Ihe eanaiy sings in bis gilded nsge —hes canary; and the m'>cking-bird raise-Ti-Toles 'higher aDd higher OD the perfumed air. Why do you clench your bands un. Her the uai s r.nd draw the ri.-h rosy o ttod through the thin quiveiiog skin? Why do vnu grind vour.teeth togeth* ! ct- andlniss that one word, hush ?* ItV | a oetiutilul b me, 1 am 'sure, and that I lady w lift her hands upon her losum is fair as any dream vision fifth* pain ter Suu;ly« U 4hing cq and purer than Ihul bihadiitiiglf brow ; ja*Aiditg bright er than those cu-Is. And site loves you, 100 ! Ah ! yes, any one cun read that :n the deep, vio let eyes, raised so ten er y toyoUrowb. Alt ! tuat is it; your yuUDg wife loves I,!* ft fflT [/Iff t>hgfJink<-d*to yours lb*i ex’stence of an artgel wfteu stie knelt beside you at the marriage altar aud placed her bunds in yours Fur twelve long golden summer months an angel bus walked by or eat by your side, or slept on your bosom. Y’ou know ,t! No moral woman ever made your heart bow belore a punty so d.vine. No earthly embrace ever filled your sout witii tin' gJwiy beyoud tbe stars; no eartfiiy smile ever sf>one unchang ingly above all noisome tnings us earth worms cad care and trouble c'ht. is an angel, and other angels have been sibling to ft*r in the long Oayw ol ibis pleasant Jun time. •liuMbf you BKJ-, you cqn’t shut the anthem no es <tf heaver) from lliostj unsealed ear-—longer, lighter, ewet| the hyms of tile seraphs; blighter ’g ows Hi* smile ou your young wife » ups. She whispers, ‘Dearest, I’m almost home, and i am going to a-k God to I dess you !’ but you eannot hear it— you urn aw ay, and the big tears gatn tr 111 tbe y/olet eyes You Lad held her there on your bos om ull day—all Btgh ; are y<*u lireti ? But you cun t an wer. t lower, eltwvf you clu-p the slight, frail figure; paiir lutly you press your lip* to the cold U.ow —v arrie is dead i . . W fiat is it to you that the sunshine is bright; wfist that its cheerful PhVs la 1 t-u be broad lands—our laud -£-4 V\ hat is it low l;.al she cult wu k on them no more? And what is and ath her death? Few people hUew her; no one can be Cbosen to fill her place; no nation will raise a monument to her niroioty 1 Hut site was yours great •ood oi ours—Jh.uis all ! No, yours and God’s; and your years ol joy are over, bhe rests on His busoin now iu Heaven. 'they have dug a grave for her.— [spring flowers br.ghten over it, and tfie greet) grais smi ea with the daisies und viob ts You go there, and sigh and pray, and ask God ify U, tooj may eome home? And when no answer comes, your bright heart rises up in hiuerness, and with the bold, wicked words U| on jour tongue, you pause, for vour guardian angel looks down from* heaven, ami ilush 1 Paste that will Keep.— Put half a pnund cl guiii-*r»bio iu a quart bottle then pour iu we'er till the bouJsis near |y fuil, ami put in s wine-glass of wine, vinegar, br ndy, wti-ky or aloobol, which will prevont putrid ft rxenrstion; i *h»ke your b“Pl* coe»sicßii|ly for two or three days ; you will then have a bottle I Os tkwt %i}l never sf>oi|. f WaabiuKtqsMonwaiX'O'lKat of tfie Mew York 1 ll"raid. A Talk Belweeii 6m. ttraul and mu Sx-t «ufc(tcrat<'A M < WhiltrSen. Grant was her* lifter his return from (?ul#nn lately, n gentlemftn lull Iduglg th# city, happened to puss by tbs italilrs of the President elect, and having a curiosiiy tod(M>k in, facet toward tlttt (dace ttnd entered A plum looking little man in itm sliirt sleeves waft ffiltltig fin nit iifVeVted water luick- Ot, qbictly tig) kirtg » cigof. Ta this pin u little man went the inquisitive genttemun. '•'tn; n. J ' *i Gooff Jqy ty you,” sail/ tbja gentle limn ‘‘Good day.” responded the plain little mw ker •'fins Grant’s H-nblcr ‘ This is his stable.” “AuyibUjfeiMirHtlk IdokisfrXtt Hiram Ulysses' h»wiartt?r,» kse ii«m« * ?*«!£’•** * Heard soovu b a’>Aut. tiidfilneial ft f;i»t toasts shat Ylnlmvnt 1 would likd, to vfelv Biem. Uv Jovs ! that iff a fine animal un«l do mum, ke( looking at a .tie of ibeHi.) Grant is very lo;ui of bis horses, tsu’t he ?” ‘‘Ves, he is mther given that way ” answered the li.tle‘-smoker, with un unaccountable twinkle in his eye "Ratheh drive u fast team any day than get serenaded, 1 suppose, or held a i'abtnet ?” “ I hat's rather a broad question,” re plied the little man. witn apotlier curi-j ous twinkle Something in the twinkle discon certed the questioner jnst at this jtinc tuie, and picmpted Inin ;o uttty: ‘‘Oh, ! twg {airdon, 1 sir, but I don’t mean to be inqu:*dive.” "No occasion ui beg pardon at all,’’ answgrejj ,the little man iu his shirt sleeves. Tt'Ui rsa*sure 1 tbe curious geritle uiuu who recommenced his que-tion ing, while he kept eyeing the horse flc.ih •‘How does Grant take h!s election now ? Hoes he really laky it as coolly a* the new-paperssay ? I have nev r seen him, you know, and know noth ing of nim except by report.” "Well/yes; the newspapers are about light Users auyuvw. ’The Gen eral does take tne election about the 1 same as anything ejee,'-' said the little man ■ ; ‘ • " Well, now, Jie must be a wonder • tul fellow. By Jobe ! sir,* the man wiio can bear jevery honor so easily and e<4»lly as Grunt must be somettiing ulaive the rest ot mankind.” "Did you ever sea G**”/ 8 likeness?” dryiy oekAC# the iittis *ian . J*. * pf couesp. They stfy he’a uglier tliah theprmtft niake hiln. t stij'P se-yt u'kift.w him Well nmv. He lulus to you, of course, a great deal uLftnit Ins hor-es, anti ( wouldn’t won der if he to and yon a good deal more titan nmst people about nirn.” ‘ Well, Jr utn supposed to know a ah ul Giant; that's a fact. You say you have sueu Grant’s iike uess, end that fieoplo ftsj that he'is uglier t- an the pi. tures. Now, whbt 1 uo you U.iuk ?, Do / Jock any thing i iik« v* pictured ?” ' ” A flood l|gbt oyer.wJielnMH] the ! curious gentleman iu art instiaifx The \i2ie man in shirt s uevus, and smok ing, was Grant mniseffT Wliata mis take 1 A number of apologies escaped from the geut einan. He wasu .rry to Tiave made such » mifttake—Very sor ry. lie bimaelf stud beet) on lliti Cun -federate side, 1 figirtTug agniriftt Grant/ aud was still more *orry tor that. * * i 1 Wosidu tbavs been so imperti nent bad be kcowu he wfis couv/r.-ing 'with Grant himavif. 'J? ~' * , "My dear sir.’ said Grant, “uo#pol ogy i» necessary ; glad to see you.— Vi'i.finer, you were * Omitedtrnito or a Union man, ip,.k p p<j diflerence now. Tinii is all over, you know; toAi ehoulu be forgotutn;" Uai’•"uuci tfio di*tM»c -4ivU,iß ignored, tile sooner we wifi buV* p«aee. will be glad to see you again, sir. Goctf day to you.” „ "Goficf day, General,* utid tbd curi ous gt-iAi«mmi withdrew, cogitating on ijr*ut’%fL#)t fs Lave Pentx-. ToUcmtfiß Instanck of Cnn,t'?sn DkvOTlon.—l’bfee children iu IVow Ji uaawrek gut es.ruy, Gaft was sbuut six jeare (4 age, tbe othors four and three, it was a wild region, and in wild woqtber, aud at ihe edge oj night. Frow signs, it eertns ft..i/tfie six y#*f -.old soon fell sure there was io bope of their being touud, or fl.uihig ihdiueei v* tbai night, and su it took (ucasurts ai ocoe tor iub safe keeping of us luile uueft. Futtrag them lu tbe most ebei teted nook it could find, it then stripped away tbs must of its uwu gariweuts tu pui 00 them, and set out to gaifier dry seaweed aud brush io eover iflcoi up iu aLd dcieud them. Q jits a quautiiy of this had been gathered aud pbed about the babes into a sort of a oest, and there teey lay when the people fouud them still alive ; bu; tbe a x year old matron and martyr lay out ou toe (bore dead of tbe cold--iay tn side ihe lust pile us brush it uad Deoo stile to gather, but was nut able to bring iu. —N Y. 1 met. Cat Cube.— A eat case, wbioh has beeu occupyiug the superior e<urt ufj B 'Ston fur some days was settled ou , Sa.urday. Two women were parties ' ti the suit. . The difjiidaot demanded that t.e pieiotili, should kill her eal ; tbe plaintiff devliued; thereupon defeu daLtaeised plaintiff's ot, dashed’ its brains out agaiusi tne wall, and threw j tbe gory earcaes against tbe person of I tbe plaintiff ; plaintiff was bo shocked at I tbe bight or too brutal conduct, together ' with ihe aswKtk, tfiat *bc w.ft prostrated upon # bed if siekness several da A/ Oo be? fehuVery sbe sued defendant . fur damages, apu the jury awarded her die* l *-'* - Mary June and Uie Urecian lleud. Yuba Pum.Jlip racy correvpondaiit of the Coiuier writes; Mary Jaue has got it, Uiat fiMbiotv ablo curvutiiro of fbe spine called tbe •44 rocian 1 15,md.” NhJ caught it nt S.irntoofi, win r • she hrtr been on eklm liition during tb» seaftnft. She has re tpiuad, however, bringing wi'h her sevcriil trunks full ofsccon I hand oloth »"8 —i. e.; gar nenta that sfie bus worn otu-p. A* I ft'ftft |if*t«fting n dry goods store on Fourth street, Maty June whb chin- the door, fsbe was pitch ing forty ft rd at such « rute that I she was ntiout to full into my nun*. I held those implemorit" of in dustry accordingly. She didn't fall |i oAh a cstiL Regarding not the ex am set by our first parents, she tmainta ned her placing the tip of a gl vcfl forefinger on my outstivtclied paint, ebs h id, in tlie/a.-hjouabiu of m.FiJ'th Are fiodille, “Awf Yunn, is it you f Deluited ” film pioked up that infurnak-acient ■gm! language 4t Saratoga uito. by, Jennie, dear, this is an un expected pleasure. (Grabbing both the Jittle jiiirula and roiling.ttiem up together ) I was not looking lot you tor boiuo weeks. You are ilk I jim sorry. Shall I assist you Vo your car ripgq,” "Never was bettaw in ma loife. I was fawced to lave that sweet place, because I had absolutely nolhiug to weaw.” ‘‘N- thing to wear ! Why, what has become of all your cloth s? Did you have a fire, or did you exchange them for flower va-vs and Plaster Pat is Statues of the Apostles?” "How atupia 1 I had warn all my dresses ODce, olid its miwt the etoyle to appeah in the same appawml twoiee.” ‘‘Confound the stile! But I an glud you cartie home, if you did come almost naked, and so changed that it is difficult to realize that is you. You are among friends now, and I hope you will shortly recover ymir speech stud figure.” The Prsirticul Beau lies of .11 «>r iii on Polygauiy. Zi " A Gentile woman io Utah lately gave a correspondent of the Cincinnati Com mercial this liitle hut telling sketch oi the practical workings of the Mormon system : Now there’s Eph. Roberts over (befo—pointing to a stone house gear Uie'tije mountain —he brought :i reisi young, delicate wife from New York, now goin’ on sixtevn years ago, and she worked hard, I tedy-iu ; w hy, Ive known ier to do ail her own work when Eph. had three bands and ihe thrashing machine at his bouse, and sometimes she works out In tlie ti Id, bound wheat and rukeJ hay, which, you know, is awful on a delicate New j York woman—' as if she’d been i rais <1 to it like we lolks—and, Hfter i air,;just last year, Eph went nnd mar ried another woman, u real young one, not over twenty, and don t yuu iiunt, this sjaing she knocked Mariu—that’s his hist wife—down with the churn dasher and scalded her. Eph st-od by and just said "Go in Luce, ki I her if you can.’’ It all stunej about, a chum, too.— 'Both wunted to use it at once Maria had ft, and her butter was a litfJe slow in cuuiiu’, arid ill y got mad, and Luce yiiyick her anti then snatch, and the kettle right off the stove and poured hot wa ter on her f'efct; so she fell down when she tried to run out. And what was tiie rcsul , finuiJy,? W/l, Maria left him; of coukse, sfiejlad to or he killed : It’s very nice, though, for thv men 1 rfiad a dozen chances to marry old but, law ! I wou dn,t give ting, for W Why, just turn ihiwgs .ariMind and let • w«auun have two or three met, nnd see how they'd like that I’htre wouldn’t be no*mar def.u' done iu Uiese per s--oh, no 1— And I reckon v woman bus as fine feclin’s as a man. I veil you if my husband evu joins Vm or tries to get another wife, '.hut day PJi hunt unoih er Gentile. Bet your life cm ihnt. JO., . i ] . • A Batrlislor on hlelftiing. Things tuifU'onifial are sour grapes to o and basheJurdtiUi; sUig'ning. is a mat limoaial kind of thing-; at J«asr, a good deal of diet'iwooi#l bus always tuliuwed cluftelj on hetls of a good deal of sleighing. Alold, dried iip, shrivelled up, hard up old chap, whose heart never experienced the divine tfiiuus that comes with love, thus talks of sleighing : 'layoff meet a couple, one of whom is a female and the other ain’t, and tbe one that aiu’t is trjiug to make figure 8s on tbe snow with a whip, and squirting tobacco j iice into he circles, while the woman looks straight ahead or Jeans a little t’other way, it may be safely set down as a man aud wife of some stand ing. if two youthful heads are bent down over some protended curiosity cn the road, while the horse has the gettiug , al ae left wholly to hU discretion, this i indicates tbe fi st symptoms of a soften ing of tbe heart, and generally, of the 1 brain. When you meet a dashing pair, with a team eqaally on the dash, rib bons twisted all around the driver’* arms, with a very lohg whip in the sock et, they may be taken as somebody elie’s wife takeu an airing with sotuc boriv etfti’s husband. When yuo see a blooming young wid ow snugging up to a beaver overcoat like a sick kitten to a hot brick, this inoar.B a wedding—that’s if the widow I eu» ttiiy have hot way about it. And «»*•'•* d*M» r i*n (--• Yol. ITT ..... IVo. 44< W S ITEMS. An earlfiquake shock was felt ia Hickman and Psduoab, Ky., Saturday, A 500,000 mansion for the Lieuten ant Governor of Ontario is being erected io Toronto. It is estimated that tbe guano on th« Ohiocha Island will he exhausted io an other year Tho St. Paul Dispatch says the white Fawn ballet girls in that place were "barc-fooied up to lhd*tieck.” Wm. Green, nineteen years old, fell from his horse near Hebardsville. K!y., ou Friday, and broke bis neck. Maine this year produced 1,000,000 ton* of hay, the same number of bush els of ojro, aud 200,000 bushels oi wheat. A stove-pipe bat, sixty-five ytars old h.B been discovered in Essex, Mass , and in said to be exactly in the present fashion. The prison eboir at Sing Sing is said to be surpassed by but. few in 'be conn t j, either wi bin or without prison walla 8 xty cur loads ol freight were shipped North from Nashville, Tennessee, on last Saturday, The widow and daughter of the late General Wardsworth have left Teonas* see fur Europe. Sir Percy Shelly, son of tbe poet, is one of the best yacnttnen in England. His other speciality is private theatri cals. Mi«s Mary Mott won tbe prize sad* die given to the most graceful lsdy rider at tbe Union City fair. Harriet Beecher Stowe has a son en joying the bospitali y of an Inebriate Asylum at Biughampton, N. Y. A woman with nothing to wear ex* cept a shawl, created a sensation un the streets of New York last Saturday, A Cincinnati paper says that Yallan dighuui has withdrawn Iron the editori al chair of the Dayton Ltdjer. Three strikes are now in prugress in New York, viz ; The s gar makers, shoe makers and piano forte makers. The formal diss-olution of the Br'tish Parliament was announced on the lliti of this month. Grant was for mnny years a tanner—* hois now goingiuto the Cabinet maker’s business. All tbe public officials of Rockland, Me,, arc running away. The City Marshal, City Clerk, City Phy ioiau and one of the Assessors arc missing. Tbe ..United States Mmis er has been authoriz'd by the revolutionary junta of Seville to build a Protestant chapel iu that city. The Pall Mall Gazette argues that no gentleman is obliged, according to the code of honor, to accept a challenge from BQcb aiblluw as Mar o i. An phil (logical society ia is now iu coins; of formation by tho pr fessors us languages of the diffjreut colleges of the country. European physicians, it is said, havs successfully used cleo'ricity to restore pursi/us who have taken au overdose of laudanum or opium. The other day thirteen head of cat tle wure killed for grazing in a corn field near Melrose Wisconsin, in which several smut cars were been left. Stealing bridal presents from the ta ble on which they are dispiaved is be— _ coming common. Last wtok a detec tive, in full evening dress, at a New York reception, caught a thief in tho Bo'. At the Granite Church, in Augn»*a, Mattie, last Sabbath, whil; Rev. Me. Bingham was preaccioj, a pure white duVe esmr and percbeJin the window n ar the chancel above the altar, a> and re mained till the gentleman had Southed bis discourse. Mr. A. B. Smith, a stranger seeking business, a few days ago, attempted to cross the Muddy.near Sedaliua, Missou ri, with a two-horse wsgon, containing himself, his wifo and three cbildron. Io dniog so, nco of his children and the horses were drowned. Bttk-A monster deed has just been put on rce'.rd in Topeka, Kansas. It is tbs transfer of 339,245 acres of land from the effifed States to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Cutnpas ny. The deed covers thirty pages of lha record. Hayino “No” Easy.— “ How is it you uover go with bad boys, or get into bad scrapes 7” asked one little fel« low of bis playmate. ‘ ob,” said the other, “that’s sause I don’t say ‘no* eaty." We thank that boy for bis secret. It is worth a great deal more than a beg of money. We have uo doubt saying "no” easy has ruiued many a child, aud man, and women too—siyiug “no’’ as if you did not. quite meau it. When a bad b y or g'rl tries to coax you to do doubtful things, say ‘‘no” as if you meant “nu” and nothing buf'no.’* When sin whispers an excuse for do-* ing wrong, say “no,” and no mistake.—• When Satan asks you tu serve him, and makes as great proaii-ies as he did to tba Loid Jesus in the wilderness, do not say ‘ no” easy, but answer Lim as Jesus did —“Get tnee behind me, Satan.” Tliat is a ‘‘no” he can understand. Hxßt> Soap.—Put in an iron kettle five Round* uoslacked lime, five pounds sal Soda, three gallons soft water ; let ia 1 soak over night, io tbe morning pour ’ off tbe water, then add to the watqg j throe and a half |iaj 0 f g r6mW( |>o t f t|R'4£-jhit - or „ j rj g pan to cool, then cat ’ iti bars.