The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, December 10, 1868, Image 3

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DAWSON journal. Local Column, Presentment* of the Grand Jury of T.rrrell cunty. M, Kenney & Crouch—Dry Goods, Clothing, Dawson, Ga. IJr LU Soule—A grbat discoisry recently ma *, »«"««' 0.. . g /i Wise —Wholesale dea'er m Crockery. Cutlery, Glass ware, Stores, 4„ Macon Gh J S. Sohofid'i—Schofield's Iron Works and *’otton Presses, Maeon Ga. p H Ward—Fresh Fish, Fancy & Family Groceries, Mu.on. Ga. Nussbaum & Dannenherg—New Dry Good - house, Macon. Ga. Heath A. Reynolds—Dealers in ev erything good to eat, Macon, Ga. 'A Wannack—Dealers in everything good to eat Macon, Ga. * A Mauro—French Store, Macon, Ga. r . L Cohen—Dealer tn Fine Liquors, Wines cigars, &c., Atlanta, Oa. S F Lasseter—Terrell Sheriff Sales. T M Jones, Ord’y—Homestead Ex sorptions. or three more of the Com. nion Sense Sewing Machines can be bought very cheap by early applica tion'at THIS OFFICE. Xfec Slewardu of the Dawion Circuit Will have their final meeting in Diw m, on Saturday before the 2nd Sira d»y in D -eember, at 10 o’clock, at the Methodist Churob Let every Seward he present, and it is earnestly roqu sted of the member* of the different Churches that they set lls their assessment* immediately. Let us pay up tbs last dollar. W. M. PEEPLES, flb’m’o ILiard of Stewards. C. A. Crowell will occu py the pulpit at the Methodist Church on next Sabbath. Our City— Every day we hear of someone en quiring aa to the chances for a location in Dawson. This bespeaks for our town a growing populari'y, and should, with all the rest, move our eitiseos to the important step of forming here a neu« oleua of trade, which would certainly enhtoce the value of property, and af ford in ’he main, a more flittering in ducement for those who may desire to settle among us. The question of having a Factory among ua, should not cease to agitate the minds of our people, until this im portant matter has been arranged and eel In motion. Hiw much more invitingly would Dawson appear with this material ao ee«sion, and how much greater would bo the advantages to the present resident •itxtna. With the present facilities for operating under snob favorable circum stances with a Cotton Faotory in our tntl«t, there is certainly no reason for a hesitancy ou the part of those who are able to make this sute investment of You have the means to bestow upon ilia worthy enterprise, and surely no better investment can bo made. It is a »af« investment, and one that is profra- Ms to freeholders in a double capacity. Keep moving in this matter. All ar gument ag dost it is futile. Terrell is aa able to support a Factory as any • mniy in Georgia.— Then let the Faeiory be built. JC3fTbu time is drawing near for anoUur municipal election in Dawson W • hour of no preparation being ntsde Who s going to move in tbia matter. Exhibition— Mr. J. F Nelson would respectfully inform ti e citizen* of Dawaon that so •xh'buioo will be given at the Aoade. my on the nigh a of tbe 16th and 17th respectively; the proceeds to be ten dered lor the benefit of the Baptist ,'hurch. The programme is one oi interest and pleasure. rarwe call attention to the New cf ..up c ty to he fund in our ad v rt * tig columns of this issue Messrs cKenny & t.rouch are determined to idler great inducements. Read their *Jvert semeot, and crowd them with ®u*t'.m Sa wable Medicine *ie panacea for domestic ills may be , “ and W the Tin Shop of R J. Soule, Ga. We know nothitg * ''lit fhoee dimsgreea le maladies that **"? ° ten said to be instrumental in P°'«<niing the cup of wedded bliss, nor , UV * We ' lVer thought of a plan whero the broom stick and poker could be *pt to lu (ii| their respective offices ° ll now. This medicine will keep «« in the family— try it, and then U c * n w ' l h «ome reasonabie hope Say * “Ut us have peace ” Fr L a "‘ tt . e *' , * ! ’' PafcllcaCtem *moey (Wg are two highly inter- ICjj * Weefc!le * Wfflf Worth the sab- Viiarl'"! 1 Ad ' ir * ,w Fraok Leslie, 1)37 r «rl»treet, N ew y orlt> \ew Dry (iuodi Mouse— By examining our columns you will find an advertieemeot under this heal, Nausbuiim A Dunnenberg, Macon, Ga. Having known these gentlemen for sometime, we cheerfully reo ommend them to our country mer chants und to the public generally, as lumest and clever geuderaen We ex- j aminet! some of their Goods and know they are selling very cheap. Their motto is "quick sales and small prof its," s proof of which is thut one ol tois firm have just returned from New York with the third stock of Goods which is large and well selected Wholesale buyers would do well to give them a call, and no aigument will j be Decessury to prove what we have 1 said. M.We refer you to the advertise ment of B A., to be found in this issue for any gi ade of Crock ry ware that you can possibly conceive to be of use; also. Cutlery, Glass Ware and House-Furnishing Goods of every deecription. Patrick is that Boy Not Patrick Ma oy, but Patrick H. Ward, under Byington’s Hotel, Ma con, Ga., is the boy ro sell you fresh Fi h, Oysters. Fancy and Fam.iy Gro ceries. He is in daily receipt of frtsh fish and oysters Our country met chuc.s who deal in his line would do well to try b.m. lie can sell them to you eh.aper than /Savannah or any other man. Try him he ia a clever fellow, and will treat you right. Look at his advertisement. Where do Ton get your Bread— W e take p ensure in notifying the public general y, and Grocery mer chants especially, that the best bar gums in flour cun be had ai the ‘ Ea pie Mills” of Bledsse & Cos., of Ma con, Ga. We have tested this flour both as to price and quality, and feel ae ured that better bargains cannot be had from any other market in the Sou.h. We mean just w hat we say, and il you are douottul as to the trutn of this assertion, we beg ol yeu to try this market one time, and satisfy your selves upon this po nt. One of our most .uhetantial merchants has de id ed in favor of the "Eagle Mills,’’ and many more will adopt this decision upon m king the trial See adver tisement under the sign of the “Eagle’’ and seud for what you want. t6F“Tbere is nothing so g >od for the human blood is the pure sparkling wa ter, so says temperance, and we have no reason to doubt it, but we know that Mr L. Cohen of Atlanta, Ga., has a laige and splendid assortment of pure, spark ling Liquors, which »re “mighty” good We have known Mr CLben and had dialings with him for many years. He is a perfect ffenlleman, and will do what he says. Wholesale dealers would do well to try biin, for we know he has pe on liar a 1 vantages in buying, which will euable him to make ether dealers stand from uodsr. uan he furnished with the best of eatables by calling on Heath & Reynolds, between the Brown House and Byington’s Hotel, Macon, Ga.— See advertisement. Iron Works— It may be seen by referring to onr to our advertising columnsthat Scho fields! ron Works are still in operation. For particulars see advertisements. £3 n 'hristmas is coming and A Wannack is ever ready to furnish you with Confec ioneries of every type.— Refer to his advertisement in another column. French Store- Special attention is hereby directed to the advertisement of A. Maura, to be found in another column Fvr par ticulars tee advertisement. Peterson’s Magazine— For January is on our table, and one of the mst brilliant we h-v«* ever sera. Ibe superb colored Berlin pat tern alone is Worth twice the price of the Number. Now is the time to sub. scribe for 1869 ! Terms $2 00 s year. To clubs, four copies $6 00, with a pre mium eng raviDg, “Tbe Stsr of Beth lehem,” to the person getting up the dub, or eight copies for sl2 w ith both the engraving and an extra cO| y for piemiums Spec-mens sent gratis to persons getting up clubs. Adorers Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut St t Philadelphia, Pa. Star Spangied Banner— We ftMVe received from the publish ers, the “Star Spingled Banner” lor January. With th»e Dumber tt enters upon its seventh volume, and is en larged and improved, giving nearly double the loriner amount of matter It is a rich, rare and racy sheet of 40 long columns and 8 large pages, il us tra'ed, and is ready the cheapest pa per in the coumry. Its publ s'ners pr- sent, gratis, to every subscriber, a splendid eng-aving, and the price of all is only 75 cents Specimens cun be seen tt this office, or will be sent free by addressing “STAR SPANGLED BANNER," Hinsdale, N. EL - -An ol(f bachelor S»yi the talk of women, is usually about men, even their laugh is but ‘he ! he ! he ! broil's Monthly— This popular Hugazino for Deconibei 1 has Touched ua with its usual feast of intellectual merit. Now is your titne for getting Up dubs to insure this cheap and valuable Monthly visitor for another yoar Single copies of this worthy Magazine will be sent to yjur address for $1 00 a year. Address Rev. W. J. Scott, Editor, Atlanta, Gs. D»xtu or Genkkal N G. Evans Brg.dnr G •?n. N. G. Kvnnt, of this State, fimiiarly known am <ntt his com panions in arms in the Conf.-di rate ser vice as General “Simnks’’ E»»ns. died very suddenly on Monday of Ln week at Midway, Bullock county, Alabama, whero he was engaged in leaching. Gen oral Evans was a graduate of Wes' Puirit, and served wi'li credit as an nffi cer in tbe Unfed States army, up to the secesri'in of South Carnlii a. In a band-to- baud encounter with Camauoht 1 Indians on the Texas frontier, he be haved with such dis'inguisbed gallantry that he was presented with s sw >rd by the Legislature of South Carolina. He fought throughout the la'e war, from tbe begining to the end. llis regi ment opened tbe fight at the first battle of Mauas.-as, and he was honoiably meo tioued in General Ruauregard’u i ffijial report fur his courage and skill ou that occasion. He was is command of tbe Confede rate (trees at the ba’tls of L esbnrg, or Ball’s Bluff, which proved so disastrous to the enemy. Laur in tbe war he| manoeuvred bn brigade agaius' the ene my, with largely superior numbers! through a winter’s campaign in N >rth i Carolina, succeeding, with a mere hand ful of men, in baffling every «ff-rt of General Foster, the F deral commander to eut- r the interior of ibe Siate. IDs brigade wag afterward ordered tn Mis iist ppi, where they enriur-d tbe unparal leled hardships aud trials of the Vicks burg campaign, and from that time on, he atid they shared tbe fortunes and misfortunes of the Western aimy, until rb final surrender in North Carolina. Sines the war, circumstances compelled him, like many other brave men, to leave tbe State, and he died ao exile from home ar and friends. —Charleston Daily News. Dec. 4 Gxnkeal Grant’s Views.—Mr Boyinton, the Washington correrpoud ent of the Cincinnati GaZet'e, says: ‘Io spite of Geueral Graut’s reticence, enough has leaked out concerning his views of tbe ynli'ical situation and the relations of parties to eff dually check the prediction that Graut would d-gappint the Ri-pnblioans, which sipped so glibly from Conservative ii| s, a fortnight ago. He has talked freely ie garding pi lit cal matters with several promiuent Repub'icans, and while, of course, no portion of this conversation cun be published, it is not too much to ■say that these persons have been struck with the clear and comprehensive view which tbe new President takes of public affairs and policy, aud also th'-r ougbiy satisfied with tbe earnestness wi>h which he support# the general fea tures t,f the Republican policy. Tbe gentlemen thus satisfied arc "Radicals ’ Arrest nr Two Bn or eh —Bimjhamton N Y., November 30—Two men named Hiram and Peter Hiosm, were arrested Sund.iy morning at on the charge of committing an indecent assault under the most aegraved circumstances upon the person of Cavrie Pierce a child twelve years of age, Saturday evening, on the Erie railroau, a few miles wesi oi this eily. It ij doubtiul whether tbeii victim will live. It required muches f >rt on tbe part of the ' ffieers to prevent the lynohing of tbe prisoners. They are in jail in ibis city aud will be tried here. A little boy in an infant class one da} sail to bis teacher, “our little baby’, dead 1” After speaking about it for « few minutes, tbe teaber asked tho sebol ar, ‘would you like to die?’ He replied, ‘Not yet.’ Tbe teacher thought be wisb ed to live till he was grown up or become a man ; hut the child was thinking ot something e!se, for when asked what be meaoi by saying ‘Nol yet,’ he said, ‘Not till I get e new heart!’ Perhaps some older scholars eould not have giv en a better answer. Du Stark., the R gistrar General of Scotland, reports that “bachelorhood is tn re destructive to life than the most uuholcsome trades, or tbsD residence in so unwholesome house or district, whe e 'here ban never been tbe most distaut 'tempt at sanitary improvement of any ki d.” Poms Ba'cM—A large num’er of emigrants passed ihiough here on yes lertliiy bound ft.r Texas Uur advice to all :h to stay in Georgia. We have whipped Radicalism, can do It again, and (he old Slate has a living and home yet fur ail bonesi and iDdustri* ous people —Col Sun, bih. The editor o* the Brunswick Banner has se*-n a ruUlesnube skin that me-tp urea seventeen feet with ut the head or tail. The New York Journal of Com merce boasts of atrawi berries gathered November 15, from Isle of Wight -cunty, Va. Tue Methodist Church, South, according to recent statistics, has bad within the present year’ 1868,an increase of 53 (ISO members. There is said to be a great similarity between s vain young lady and a coin fi-tb.d drunkard, in that neither of them ean ever get enough of the glass. Butler the Beast, has written a letter in which be rays he is the best friend the Sndtb has, and F -rney is daring any Radical to show his head, who is an enemy to the South. It is stated that Mr. Garrett intends to run his fast trains between this city and Baltimore in fifty-five tributes. An entire daveland family, cre»pt the fathef, Rati been sebf so the lunatic asyiurn- The father is remarkably heal thy and vigerous, both in mind and body. 1.1 AEh IN MEtfOKY Os Mrs. Sallie S. Gambol, daughter el Jas. H. and Elisabeth Y. Ratrcaa, died at Brown s Station, on the lOib of October, 1868. She was greatly beloved by alt who knew tier, and her life was one of uuusual piety. She died at she lived, triumphantly composed aud rssigued to God’s will. Bv her Side., P. 8. J. Sweet sister lies amid tlie dead, This day five weeks, her spirit fl -d, To Heaven, the borne of the blest, Yea, in Heaven she sweetly rests. She shunned the path’s of vioe and sin, The souls of tinners, she tried to win j Her mission here was doing good, And with the righteous ever stood. Her words were, Sister do not weep, On Jesus' breast I soon shall sleep. Sweet children, don’t forget to prav, Wheu mutter, dear, has passed away. Y a, far from worldlv joys or woea. Sweet, sweet will be her soul’s repose. She sleeps wiihln the silent ground, Yet a home in Heaven she’s Lund. CLAYTOrt HIGH SCHOOL, JONESBORO, GA. Deit Term of this favorite School will 1 open on the 2nd Monday in January, 1869. lis distinguishing character)#' ics ere : Ist. It is the most thorough and practical School in Georgia. 2nd. It is the least eipensive School in the South. 3rd. It ia attended bv more pupils than any other School in the State. 4'h. Jonesboro is as healthy as any other town on the con'inmt. 6ih. The School has been long established, and ia all we claim for it, and not an epheme ral humbug Tw» Hundred Dollar* in curren cy »ill pny lor Board, Tuition aid Washing for »«n entire Year. There are no “*xira” chatges for anvthincr. For circular % apply to A. D. CANDLER, A. M., Principal. dec3’6B—‘2m LAW FIRM. VV G PARKS, I VABON & DAVIS, Dawson Gs. Albany, Ga. HAVING asiociated onraelves together in the practice of Law, we will be thank lul for patronage, and will attend promptly to all buaineaa entrusted to our care. decS, 1868— 6m UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. NEW YORK, OFFICE No. 69 LIBERTY ST. The Original Joint Utork Life Intiiranre rempniiy of the United States. The Buxines* of this Company is Exclusively conjined to the Tnxnrnitce of First Class Healthy Fives. STATEMENT JULY 13, 1868. assets: U. S. S'ocks (market value)... .$109,250 00 Bonds & J/'irtgatres (ci y N. Y.) 97,000 00 Brooklvn City Bonds (market value)... 25,187 50 Virginia State Bunds (market value) 14,700 00 Cash deposited 'n N. Y Guaranty & Indemnity Cos. (at inters!) 45,000 00 Oa»h on hand and in Ba> V 10.182 00 Bi’ance due by Agents (secured) 25 478 23 Office Furniture 5,236 22 D- ferr. and semi-annual quarterly Premiums 72 165 31 Premiums in course ol collection 66.564 64 Interest accrued, Dot due 4,540 67 Other Assets " 3,819 21 Total $468,622 87 LIABILITIES : Amount required to reinsure outstanding riaks-Uoman’s Table—s percent, $243,200 Unp’d Losses, cot due, 15,000—5258,200 00 .Surplus over A above all liabilt’s,s2lo,422 87 Ratio of Assets to Liabilities, 1814 to 100. Number of Policies in force.,.. 3,034 Insuring $7,926, 810 Policies issued since Jan. Ist 1868 I 138 Insuring $2,713, 26u THE UNIVERSAL Offers the following original and popular plan of Insurance : Ist. The Return Premium Plin : Upon which policies are is ra'cs less than those charired by J/urual Compan'e", guaranteeing the re'U-n ot all premittms paid, lu addition to the amount insured. 2d. The Reduction oe Premium Plak : By which pul-ciea are is ueil at ra'cs less than t' charged b» Mil'nal Companies, guaran teeing a reduction of 60 per cent, ol Hie pre mium after t le third annual paymeut. OFFICERS: Williax Wall** President BknktJ Kurbkb Vice Prraid. n' Jess H Bkwlkt /Secretary Oharlks E Pkavb . .Assis'sntPeere’ty D. Pabk> Facklkb. .... ,C*-&s Ring Actuary Ep’Vard W LambKrt, m. b. ..Medical Eiam. AlkXandrs & Greks Solid ore tap Agents wauled throughout ihe South. Add-era W G WRIGHT. O-nneral Agent, Fu'siil*, Ala. J. R. CHRISTIAN, Agent Terrell County G*. and c-ia-n Motiieifiiintf lor A Si. SEND a red Rump and 6ftv cent*, whh rour name, and receive bv re-u-n m il, a S encil Plate for msrkirg Clothing, B >oks, Ac. Bottle of indelible ink, B- u-h and in structions sen! with each date. Address J S. ANTUONY,Cutht>ert,®a. novlVSS— in 'notice. - TAJANCY F. BE.tCOHAMP, wife cf EP. Lv Beanehamp, has applied for exemption of personal proper-y, and pe*-i g part and ▼alahilton of Homestead, and I will pass unon the same at to o'clock, ». rr., December 17tb, 1868, at my office iu Da »sod, Ga dec3 2w T. M. tOSE*. Ord’y. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THE undersigned is offering few sale, his House and lot in Dawsrn—the lot two stores, more oV feed, building new, with three rooms and kitchen, and within three minutes Walk of the Court HotrSe. For particulars in quire at this Offlow. Frits |Bitd. J. E HARRIS. Dawson, Ga., Nov. lath, 1868—J rtf FOIVtSA. CeT~ \ deaireahle, HnuVe »nd ln» within two buy -1 .'I dren yards of the business portion of the city. Call on me at mi store. W. M. PEEl’Lio. Pnweon, Ga., net,77 If L. W. RASDAL, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, Fully prepared to fill all orders at the Prices of the West, with the Fieigbt added. TEIiMS CASH. .VO. ft3, THIRD STREET, MACON, QA. dsc3’Cß—Jm MIX A kIKTI l^l), Wholesale A Retail Dealers ia BOOTS & SHOES, Leather Findings, Lasts, &c>, No. 3 Cotton A venae, MACON, GA. decß;3m THOMAS WOOD, (next dook to lan:er house,) Macon, - - Ga. 0 DIALER in FINE FURNITURE, Chairs, Mattresses, Feathers, Carpets, Win dow Shades, Wall P .per, Ac. Parlor N.-Ua in Reps and Hair CUt'h, Bedroom Setts in Mahogany and Walnut, Aaameled Cottage Sells, cheap, Ac., Ac. Fisk’s Melaiie Burial Casea, and Full Glass Caskets—Coffins in Roar- Wood, Mahogany, Walnut, Cedar and Paint ed. irXFPrices io suit tbe times. d»cSsm _ G I * U. El OLIVER, STOVcS, STOVES, AND HOLLOW WARE, Pocket aud Table Cutlery, Iron Pipe, Steam Fittings Ac., wholesale Manufacturers of Tin Ware. 42 and 44 Third Street, Macon, : : : : Gioaeia. »ovs;3m I*. P. STRONG &SOnT Wholesale A Retail Dealer In BOOTS 81 SHOES, Second St. MACON,Ga. Merchants sup-tlied at New York Mabket PRicrs- nov 6 S m jJ^M.SJeyefilPW Whalesale A Retail Dealer ia BOOTB-& SHOES, JiJJS# TRVJTRS, 86 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. E-jf Country MerehuuU supplied at New Yura Market Prices. novs;ttn SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR IS THE Life-Giving Medicine of the Day, B T reUev-cs all dißcanes of the Liver, it renovates ■ tbe entire Rvstern, and sends new blood bounding through every Vein. IT IMPARTS, A aparkliiig brightness to the Eye. A Kosy glow to tlic Cheek, A elearnesa to the liead, A brightness to the Complexion, Duoycftcy to tile Spirits, And iTappinesa on all sides. It ia a houßehold Treasure lor every Fami jr,—- Only $1 a package. .Sold by all Drugginte. Prepared only by J. H. ZEkUN & CO, Druggists, Macon, Ga. GOOD RECORD. lu regard to the virtue of your Simmona’JLiv er not only can I *pe*k'for my seif but also lor my wile, (die waa ao badly affected with Tjrpid Liver ami indigestion that 1 aent her to Europe for the change of climate and for medical advice; but nothing seemed to do hee any food, at last some of her frienda advised h*T to try &im> mouH' I iver /Regulator, and »l»e has been restored to perfect health. I alao have suffered severely from the disease and been made a well man. Nu. W Mutbcrrjr »t., Macon, Ueo. Octß 3m. GEORGIA, Terrell County: Whereas, J R Eliis, applies to We for let-ers of Guardianship of Alsa Bowen. These are therefore to cite aod admonish all pe-sons concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my band, and official signature, thia October 26th, 1868. novl9»'id T. M. JONES. Ord’y. feofttuA/t, Jencll *.«»«• at I yT~ M Wh/ T. C&cWho, iippli*** for let ters ot Gd irdianship of Rosanna, Jfargaret and Ell. n Sikeft. These are therefo-e to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand and official signature this Not. 12-h 1868. n0v194-td T V. JONES, Ord’y. GEORGIA. Terrell Cuttuly : Whereas, Eli Cochran, Executor ol Dar ling Sikr-a, nppliea for letters Os dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish ell persons concerned, to be and appear at my offi.-e within tha time pteaciibed by law, and show cause, if any, why said letters should not he granted. 6-ven under my hand, aod official-ignature, this Nor. 12'h, 1868. novl 96m T. if. JOSES, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Terrell CoHUtjr:— Not-ce ie lie-shy eivea to all persona con cerned,- thst Mary Kelly, tare of eaM countv, departed this life intestate,-end no one b*» applied for letter* of administration on the estate of said .t/sry Kells, and that in term* of the law administration will be tested in the Clerk ot ihe Superior 6'ourt or acme oth er proper peison, on the 3rd ,V«w<Jay 'n De cenrber neye, unh-its some Valid 01-iecUou is idxife to hlh apjlAiin'ibeut. Given under my hand, and official signa ture, this 12th day of November 1868. DpilUlut T. Jf JONES, Ord’y. HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND FLOUR, of all Grades, MEAL, GRITS , BRAJT, SHORTS, and CO W-FEER. ALSO, THE FAMOUS SELF-HA.ISI2STQ FLOIJR. TO ODR PATTONS, and alt others we would say that we are manufacturing our Dew from the best quality of Wheal, and that all the Flour we a .ll is fresh. We soak# all grades, aod bava Flour a* low at the lowest and as good as the best. Oar aiotto is, WE STRIVE TO PLEASE, Aod gusrsntee satisfaction ia all esses. All Flour sold by u* is guaranteed to ptsefe, at money refunded. To all dealers, and tbe balance of mankind, we would say, try us, aad ww feel asiured that you will call again, BLEDSOE Sl CO. novcß)s;3uootbs JOHNSON, CAMPBELL & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Fourth and Poplar Streets. MACON, : : GEORGIA Have in Store and are daily receiving large shipments of th« Following Goods, which they are selling at she LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES. BACON. 60 Hhds G R Bacon Sides 50 “ “ Shoulders, 6 Tierces Bargrass Hams. SUGARS. 100 Bble Stuart’s G Sugar 50 do A do 10 do Powdered do 20 do Crushed do 10 do Cut Loaf do 10 do Granulated do COFFEE. 100 Bags Rio Coffee, all grades, 10 “ Old Government Java. BAGGING, &c 100 Rolls Pstched Gunny Cloth 10 Bales Hesvy “ “ 20 “ Twine 30 000 lbs Arrow Ties 5,000 “ Whaley “ SALT. 160 Sacks Liverpool Sail 80 “ Virginia “ FISH. 10 Bbls Bay No. 1 Msckerel 20 Half bbls Bay No. 1 Ma« kerel 20 Bbls Sh« ro No. 1 Mackerel 30 Half bbls Short No. 1 Mackerel, 20 Bbls Bine Fish 50 Half bbls Blue Fish 50 Boxes Herring 10 •* Codfish. Biesel sternberg&Bro’s MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF Mil i YIITH COIIS IS NOW HEADY I STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Adtn CIbOTHIMTO NEXT DOOR TO M. B. BALDWIN, DAWSON,SffO WB are no# recelßng th* largest and best seieected stock 6f Falk mad Goods ever brought t 6 this market, consisting of everf Vk'/ielv of INDIES’ OBESS fiOOHS, /»«MTS, BLKiSCftHn BRoirjr tio.ntsTics, sTßibsiDana . ( >l£C«t£D do. u , . teMBROi DEKY, ±,ACi:s Horery, Hatfakerchicls, Gloves. Shawls, Cl,»«ks, and eversiM-ig n.uallv kentiw a »r«a- CLASS DRr UOODS ESTABLUSBmENT. n r The Gentlemen’s llepartwiptif la eompfete whh OfasMy Oallb#tl $ Fureisbinn Goods — CANDIES, Ae. 50 Boxes Candy, Plain and Fasay Pecan Nuts, Almonds Raisin.-, Prunes 20 boxes Cheese, 10 “ Soda Crackers 10 “ Sugar do 10 “ Butter do 10 “ Desert do 10 “ Lemon* do SUNDRIES. 10 kegs Butler 20 barrels Irish Potatoes 10 “ OnioßS 10 tierces Rice 50 boxes No. 1 Soap 50 “ Erasive Soap .100 “ Olive do 25 “ F.iy’s No. 1 Soap 50 “ Star Candles 10 “ Pairafioc Candles 5 barrels Kerosene Oil, 100 b&lf barrels Molasses 15 barrels Fine Syrnp 100 esses L qnors, sll grades 300 half sacks Superfine Flour 250 “ •* Family ** LIQUORS? Cotton Plant Bitters Russ’ Bitters Gibson’s Cabinet Wb?tiey la bbls Gibson’s Monongairftls Whiskey, ia barrels, Tennessee Wh*#k«y, ia barrels Old W nches er and Bhensadslo WM key, in barrel* Fine Old Brandies sad Git* ScupperMng Wiae. Mvt-lN