The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, December 17, 1868, Image 3

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gwßnrjouMAL. jKpVEifiTKSift'K lSDi:x. % fl' s Wnrd*l , '^ia»jiblf) , 'l'afh»r l Ma con, 1.3 11 L il Wing—Watches and Jcwo!ry, JtlaccUt Ga. 1 ■ (jjsb, & lioid—Tilegraph Publica tions, M,ioapyGfi. . Tj4lftr»—Dwwmvo Carriage fiaetory. T M Jones, Oid’y— Home Exemp- Uobi*, ioOtU:rf aiK»uardiaii»liip. Tf;R rud—W fiolesalo and retail deal cjtfn ’fr.i(Ml OT7 Ewthef &e , MSuou, Gn rou SALE. We have on hand one of Scbitield’w New Putteutod Cotton Presses, which cm be bought low for cash by applyiag THIS OFFICE. To our Subscribers— While we are compelled to remit.d *ome of our subscribers who are still be hind, that tht first of January is very near, and that their namen will be dropped then, unions they come up and eettle some way, we are also pleased to return thauks to many far their kiudro membcrance of the Prio er. But don’t erowd us with your money, for wo hav’ut got our iron safe yet—wo have nothing buts cigar box to keep it in. Don’t oomfl to pay us twice, (as soma of our Webster subscribers did,) but come, if you haven’t got any money, bring some thing elso —if you haven't got anything else, oome anyhow and take dinner with ni, (but bring your dinner with you,) and we’ll sing together, “When 1 can read my titles clear.’’ Those who are behind, look out f»r the X mark. r r.r about dark on last Sunday «v*hin» the unusual quietude of our mtjr’vvae aroused by the alarm of fire, which was discovered to issue Irorn the building, next to the “Journal” office, being that occupied by Mr. Hood as a grocery Store From nil accounts the flames were truly threatening, and judging from the havoc that wan made jn suppressing the fire by the prompt and timely work of the citizens; we aie justified in saying that it was through their energy the entire block of build tags was saved from destruction. It is said to the credit, of the Freedman, they’did wu-ir whole duty on this occa sion, for whi h the community will j on ub in loiideiingto them our heurttc.t thanks. Fortunately no lose was sus tained outside of the damage that feli to the lot of the building, and that was covered bv Insurance. We were absent during the excite ment add after seeing to what danger our sanctum, with its attending nj pur- Wnauces, had been exposed, felt that was bliss will, us on this par ticular occasion. flaincthiita .Acw— lly turning to our advertising columns il will.fie seu that our chance ior tak ing a ri le will not hcrcaf .ir depend on our ordering pleasure vehicles from for eign maikcts. Mr. Hart can save this trouble and <ip cse by having work neatly executed v. bunm. Ilia . xperienoe as a workman is sufficient evidence that he is well qualifi-d for the business. irSTlbiinJ, the iunlnotiitble Tailor, would reflectively inftirm the citizens of South Western Georgia, thur ho has on hand a woii selected stock cl ready nuda clolhiag of the latest ofylo, also the facility for filling orders v*itli prornpinees, >by cutting and making from ths best French Goods, at le luaikable low rates. Bet* advertisc ap'Dt. • atteutioa ia called to (he sdvertisement of G B.rud, fttanufactu rcr, wholesale and retail dealer in Sad dles, Uarne?9 and Saddlery Hardware. Alsq, Leather in every conceivable chape of us fulness cau be found at this popular establishment. No betier em porium for these useful articles can bo found ia the South. See bis adv.iiLo.. meat. ssr \Vfi would call the attention of r a leaders to the advertisement of I. H WiDg, to he found in our advertising «oluiem of tfc s is.iuo. This gentleman has prepared himself to meet the de mand of the most fastideous, in the line of Jewelry or every description. His ' to ok is largo and well selected, and eannot fail to give satisfaction. Tor particulars see afvertiSement. '' hit* Corner— lu Hadioals have not yet knocked foe word while out of Seymour Tins ®y & Co’s corner, in Macon, Ga , the t. 3CO 80 w ell known to our Grocery*. and so much dreaded by v " '■° l,, pWitors j and well they might en such a go a head man as Joe tlc fr r ia on gtneet ing it. Wo no -lan i Ule consUtlti y receiving large arc Bu Pl ) l' ea of Groceries, and as > they have always M ’ S’' e great bargains t> countrv its * BBt *' <-oiliDg Jor small prol “* lhc y do, they are enabled to , Her < a? ' f um their m*tH>y »it? t £ M - r i,iuL 18 u -^ r «o*»o. xNo Deir »‘l»ertisement, l ß ''P'pmtc , r , kV C,tlpfß ’ n oul *> m ,iC<! |-.4j of »LicU Ve o.en shipped. s vrrt mrs- - ——. -™ TWhile Mrolii.g tlowu the at root, Aik attention wa* aUrictcd to the Ittvni ot Messrs. Byrd A Cbker, by the grout va riety of Christtn»s tiicks and gooc things t)i£ have jdnt ’jfo bur ttfhprise, weTTOna that Sa®a Clfusßd arrived and undo this his headquarter*. Ujvo theia u everybody, and get something good. UfNiAy’ilfliigur9ii44 [jli fl Fiir January', 1809, has reached us, ami while it is our duty to recpm*%al! this highly appreciated d^, not thing to afford light beyond what ttre Magazine has already established for itself, both as to its excellency aa a book of fashion and a fruitful messenger of literary taste. It has an unrivalled corpse of literary writers, which is of it-, self suffi.icnt, to establish for it a reputation, not to say the least of other qualifications, it may hove tmansuro sue cess Mingle copies for one year $3.00. Address L. A. Godey, N K corner 6th and Chcstuut sta , Philadelphia, Penn. Tuiinkk, tue Negro Radical Ora tor.—-Thw Cißwtitutiynulist, in a no lie* ot a Radical meeting, field in Au gusta, not long since, makes the fol lowing note of a speech made by Tur ner, the negro Radical preacher and orator: “The first speaker was II M Tur ner (negro ) whose most important ex invasion was. that he wished the moat glorious of all Congresses, the Repub lican Congress, to declare the immor tal Governor Bullock dictator of Geor gia, and that ‘colored troops would be seut to tho Elate, who would hang every Democrat who winked his eye.” We have been too king, troubled with this pufied-ap spsoiHnmof Afri can bigotry in this State—going about promulgating evil counsels and blow ing ont his Radical venom. 80 long as such pests are roving about over the country we (hull have turmoil and j bitterness between the races.—La grange Reporter. jrsrxhe Columbus Sun says that, just after Court adjourned in the after noon, a few days ago, Andrew How ard, a tokxpbly old negro, who had beeu found guilty by a jury of keep ing a disorderly house, approached Judge Worrill, and begged that ho would order him given thirty nine lashes and let him of. Tho old fellow was in eaiuo-t. Os course his feel ing appeal Ibr the drubbing was dimo garded Counting Out Debt. There ate not 100,000 seconds in a day, but if if were p jssibie for a man to count lUO,Oi)0 iu twenty-f ur hours and with a patience and energy never given t . man he tried to count the dollars of ear national debt in round number.-. $ 2,1 (f),UOd, it would take him, cveu though telling 1,000,000 eaiffi ten days of his life more tiian sixty-eight years to number the gold pieces represent.)i by our deb’. No DtsduisK-—D -n't flatter yoor soif, young m in, that a cardamon seed, a kernel of buret coffee, a bit of flag root, or lemon peel, a clove, or anything of that shallow sort, will dis guise the nipper that has gone down your throat. The lady at your side detects the Uiok, and thtq«*oa the cause of it. A family mnn in New Turk—very much of one wo should sny —has re cently been favored with tripplets, all finneuine, anal bo has named them Faith, Hope and Charity. It is a grout thing, even though in small pacs iges, to have the leading Christian graces under one roof. tfß*. Louigviile has arr atriraouial agency. The fee is five di fiir--, with a subs'quent payment of five per cent, upon your property when married. Alt in the ino'tne tax, SIOOO is exempted, but applicants of that value don’t ge't s > large a choice. The agent is making matches with great sucoess. t . A UiiiU'A It Cures dy>p pw , *’• ttburn, *tek and nervous chiSDU diarrioc* etc, . • si Mtfi ovad I! It Relieves oostiveness, despondeßt and melancholy fweliags, nervousness, etc. It Prevents fever aud ague, vjujpey, feohsuiuptioi, jaundice, anil bilious dis eases. *;> In Fact, Simmons' Liver Regulator has no equal as a preventive or cure. Examine and see the certificates of peo pl»3 here right at home that you know. ■ . rryvj ftlfl M,n nn j A negro paper in Ibis S’ate says that John A. Wimpy his received a certificate of election as representative from the 6th District. { T Mr. E. I*. Power l , of Columbus, Ga, was mortally wound'd afi w dSytt siuou by the accidental cM-rharge of a gun whilst out huoting. The residence of John F. Morton, Chattooga county was, with all its fur niture, destroyed* by fire pn ih® night of the 30th ult. Lise $8 OOu. The Talbotton G/t.eitt sayst h»t nine out of ten f. rmcrs of that county* have made more than enough corn and meat to do them the coming year. I). UV*. D 1> 'ullv, the f .under of the flawkinsville JjftpmcK, (a paper whioh has been suspended for some time), s about to repttßoka'publieiAion. The gin h use of GLo. Win M Biown hoar ktberis Was' foobrft Ft a quantity of seed cottuD a 1< w nights ago. Tho largest cargo of Colton sdht to Liverpool Tr m ftavapiiali—d v ßtt9 bales —saihd on the IS.h 6t November? Foster Blodgett left Angnsta fob Washington City on tho afternoon c*f the recent charter elcciiou oft Lat city. ~er;xno,\;j fflfWiW JOAFFIJORO, 13 A. o r PIIE next Term of this l.ivoriie School will 1 Open on tho 2nd Holiday in .T.nn.ov, isr.fl. Its distinguishing Characteristic! ute : I Ist. It is lfi> most thorough and practical School in Georgia. 4tiii. It is the least expensive Schooiin the South. 3rd. It is attended by morepupilr than any Other School in Uie Sutal 4th. Jonesboro is si healthy at any other town on the continent, ■ r .'hV The School hag been long pauMuthed, ond ig sll we claim for it, and not no eptu lite ral funning. TWO III!ml!•<•<• Dollars In curren cy will pay for Hoard, Tuition and Wsfl.iiu; for an entire Yeah. Tliore are no “extra’’ charges for anythin*, for circulars, gpplunto A. D. CANDLER, A. M., rriocipal. dec3’6B—2tn 1»W»BRY GOODS HOUSE —or— NUSSBAUM & DANNENBEHS, ?«o doors from the Express Office, 70 3«1 st., ftlacon, Oa. Wholesale wud ReUd dealers in DRY & FANCY GOODS Clothing’, BOOTS StTQJia HATS, TKIAKS, Ac. A general assortraeut of Undies and Rents furnishing Good*. Country merchant* supplied at New York market prices. dcclo;3m O. P. iIEATII J. r. REYNOLDS. HEATH & REYNOLDS, Wholesale and Retail dealers ia FRESH FISH, SHAD, OYSTERS, Game and Dressed rousts, Foreign k Native Fruits, Vegetables, Opposite passenger Depot, between the Brown House and Byington's Hotel, MACON, - - GAi WE respectfully solicit Merchants, and otb eia visiting the city to give us a call, — We feel assured that no house in the city can sell anvthing in onr line cheaper than we can. We have an Agent In Florida that Is now supplying us with Fruits and Fish, and weenn sell Fish as cheap as can be bought in Savan nah, with freight added, and they will be much fresher, for they do not lay in an ice box in Savannah several days, as other Fish do that came from there. Give us a trial and we guarantee entire satisfaction. declOSm Something Fresh! EVERY MORNING ! Iq the shapo of FISH, OYSTERS, ETC., By every train p. H. KD HOLTiIMGSWORTH’S BLOCK, 2d Dior frun Byington’s Hotel, MACON, GA. YITOULD ask the attention />( nil fond o< TI luxuries or substantial) to the fact iba> he is daily receiving FRBSH FISH, OYSTERS, ETC. He keeps on hand a full Block ofc*’oice and fresh Fancy mill Family Grocer ies, which he offers at reasonable figures Give him a call. declC'Sm FRENCHBTORE. aHmauro, DEALER IN Frpach & Americau Confectioneries TOTS, FIRE WORKS, Family Groceri’s, & west India Fruits, ■ —ALSO TKA, Coffee, Sugar, fe'pioe. Matches, Craek ers. Candles, Soap, lFines, Ohampagne. Brandies, Cordials, Bitters. Lupiors, Cigars, Tobacco, 7’ipe*, Snuff. 2 Dimour Block, MACON, GA. deolojhm 4.EOKLIIA, Terrell County:— Notice is hereby given to all persons con cerned, that Mary Kelly, late of said county, departed this lif» intestate, and no one has applied for letters of adminiatratioDl (ti tl|p estate of aaid Mi ry Kefl'v, and thaf in term of the law administration will be vested in of ■ lie Ajuperior Court er proper peison on the 3rd J/enday ; n De ceinher next, unless some valid objection fs made to hi* appointment. Given qiy hjoid, and offfciiil signa tuVr, this Ijih day or November ISiIS. nov 10 Ini T. M. JONES, Urd’y. tut It Terrell County: X'telilXS'FgZS?* Tfitfift tHsvihereforl to eitSf ahd adtoenith all peisone eon ye mod, toiy and appfarat my office within the tune prcscribed by law, and show Cunse, if aVy, why said letters slioilhl tttH he granted. Grven tindet my hand; and official signature, this October 26th, tsffis. novd'i)f3tid T. M. JONES, Ord’y. fi I'lOßOf.i, Tor roll Comity: V J WUerwts, */. T. apuliclfor let. ters Os Guardianship of Rosanna, Jfargaret Ha Wen Sikes. , "H. . I Thesy are thetefo'etd tile ifiS Udihontsh all perrons' concerned to be and appear at ml offlee wTffiTn tbs ttme prescribed by law, and show if anT. -why aafd tetters should not be granted. Given under oi.v ban* and ofiieial signature, this Nov. JJth ISOS. ( | novliMOd T U. JONES, Ord’v. p EORtiiA, Turn'll County: \ J Whereas, Klj CWimn, Executor of Ui,r. Hag Sikea, applies for letters of diamuaioa from raid estate. % f won , tl | .p—, i There are therefore to oite and ada.otiifh all (.a rsons concerned, to he and appear at wv office within the time prescribed by and *how cause, if any, why said letters should not be cratit'-d. Civeu under my hand, and official signature, this Nov. novlOGm T. .1/. JONRS, Ord’y. iSomclhinif for All. O RND a red Stamp and fifty cents, with O your name, and receive by return mifl, a Stencit.rfate for markipff Ctorhirg, Books,. Sc. Bottle oflndeltble Ink, Brttsh and In structions sent with ea(*h pfste. Address J. S. ANTHONY, COthWrt, Ga. novl9'6S- M . .jr ’ fc 3raß.s3tupu Adesireahle Hours *t*d lot bun dred yards of the business purUou of the citv. Gail ou me at »v aloro. 7 W. M. PKEI'LKd. XJawson, Ga., oct/i'-’-K ;!« ion iK'ftNfjJJF“'■‘ji 3 MSH'ili EMMS OF ClOCrtfY. >3J li kisibiS 1* M.. WXSS NIACOIf, .Y.O* •#¥ to 41 j)W a, r d od) dMw Msrwssd M d ms j K »dt fiwMW w«d ft ill Cleftirtrtson's: ftsft, ft Ware, I f ■ dw o,ti iiflMvl f. do/.-u W Gnmitc s inch lliitca, #llO sf. 50 7 ,l«i do' M (1o 1 m 11 <ll 7 do rtiiaHletl Te*s, 175 is 12 3 do do 08 do fiCuiTMa, XOU AtX» f 1-3 ilo do linkers, 55) IS3 :& . s s■: Jl6d« do 10 do do 550 V> 5 1 41 do d<>s| ** !*f. M mm 0 «» J » *3-0 do do H <fo do 12 00 2 «h» WAoSb/Sff" vvSatf 1-3 do do do B<o 207 •3 |»nirs do 1 2 dozen do covil (’Yinmliors, 12 00 .3 on [Mdo do do Dishes, tt so Sl9 l-e<to do do do f ttlUO 100 ie,lo do Biitt.-rr, pi* 1 > 1-Odo do Ton pots, oo^T^rl l-Cido do s "0 1 3.3 1-6 do do Creams, 3 50 5S 1-2 do do Bowlk, 163 80 1-2 do do do 2 00 1 00 1-2 do do do 2*o 125 1-2 do do Gravy boats, 4 00 1 3.3 Dear ?ir :—Plca»e find afcove Price Ltsf.of .C|f*liorf, to I invit# your especial attention. Yours very truly, pmanr adLii± stx i was. •+* *** •WJk 4HI ■ —d • at T YTCXI .1 AM NOW OFFERINGj AT THE LOWEST JOBRING PRlCfi^ CUTLERY, GLVSSWARE. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS’ gjy WOOD WAHE, COOhDIx, BOX AHI) PAHLOIi STOVES, THE BEST PATTERNS AT THE MARKET. It. A m WISE, declßjim GWerry Rtrdot, ISl’ncon, Gfa. R ‘^ChOFIVILD’* \m Tim, ADJOINING THE PASSENGER DEPOT, -—! o '*■* ® 1 Zjjl Shoficld’s Patent Cotton Press, X’atonted ScxitombcP otl, 18G7. MklllS PRA’SS must commend Itself to the Cotton Planters of Georgia for it? I Simplicity of C’oostruciioD, and the ease with which ftfff operand artliM Uend Horse Water, of Sleaui Power—the change from oue to other being eßcctcd lu a l«w Another great advantage which this Tress possess is, it np so little room that if may be placed in and run in the Gin House, thus saving much «*tra labor aud loss <Sf time, the Cotton being placed in it aa fast ns ginned. Occupying hut little space, and kept out of^iie, weather*o..S press is very durable, and not liable to get out of order, both the Screw aid the Fratue being of wrought irou. These W e!,, ' ,< Bre all P ut up conl P*® te " n, kperfect before leaving my e talmsfintcM, tuna putting the purchaser to no cUra trouble and expense htprocw ing a uun to put them in TL wi'h what f„v >r and satfs ac'ion these Tic st -• have re ctv and the past sea soßf I Append the following certificates and Homes, among many others, of gerftemeD wth* i,.„. iifdth ..i. W II due tow CorwTY, G’., J uue 1 h 1868. Mr. J. S M ,con , Ga. Dkaii to tour note of the l.ftTibTf , I fiaye tTi:| to se» in regard to ygur Patent CottowWWf 4< tt KILLS TUB Bil,!,,*in<os ; ( !1 rod c’air. fo,W. I regard U so perior to any PfAsWlSrive soeu. I ani, vary i!, 11. E££LL. <.i s'.Ml. : 1 vIiBOPTON (ioCNTT, (ga., June 2d, lddß. Mr. Srhofirl'l »/•' >», Georgia : Dicar Sir—Your favor atJiand. lam Aril pleased Wltk wjiß f'» flgn i’rtge. For pows er and durability I don’t think ft eats d. Vvfry J. vY. Wimbeily ■ Ga , June lfih, 18«>S. Xfr. J. S. Sclnnrl'l Mor : AH') I !**?*. *. lif»n 3m—We aw it: receipt of your lattowstfa irt repfV, Mtf that the'Screw Iff r perfect success, ind'l Jave po doubt wilt have ready sale. We cau pack f.'tfiti ImM an ordinary size bale with four halidf’ Very yours, 3. U. i’KICK St SOX. 03 A IWMT .F" jAfst Captß. 57r J. 5 Har\, Tie nr I •# f ' Sr* The Got ton /’r/ssJ. JuaugJJiPf jo*t last sass wbrifs WJtf and I +mSetf W'-lf jpfeaf( cd with it. 1 packed w feh VaWSiTI onu ifuJiJrtd bLViHiH* .tfo" ‘1 I'e 'tWtlAf the Trww'w,t deiior to all otlieis for Qat-Mng'bitkon, a rk pWVoiced wtfli Jess tabor, and will pack at heavy bales as au v larmcr Wants. Wood Stress and /’less for baling ci’lion must surely give way aud place to your Iron Bcrgws. All I mm:t.'fs. tout 1 did uot get an Iron fr tne flout you, Complete. [ IcclOfut] rflnd res-cctlully, fe. D. Ft LLlth. Ciemontspn's Best, C, C, Ware. ‘J .If /,ini 0C i inch Plates, fl tS fl ft ,6 do do Jfi do 7 J 420 6 do do 0 do 85 510 i do «<lo 80% Fla l , dish**, iJO 45 J do do Udo do 400 1 IK) 4 do ilullilil do *7o(1 175 t do do Q..kqrp. 150 OS J (1.1 do do 4 ot) 100 do do do SDO 1 i do .do Pitchers, 200 C 7 i flo do „3o nnifi A S( I U 1? i do do do 500 1 1,7 i,t tsM*- 4 IS 4 do do do 150 XOO i do do Chambers, 400 133 i do do do r> 00 1 f.7 4 do do do VOO 233 3 pairs do Ewers & Basins, 80 240 18 sets do Toms 26 460 G dozen do Mugs, 126 1 66 1 do do dq. rSo fillß 61 Crate and Cartage 2 60 sl2l If? fiAVE ALWAYS ON" HAND FLOUR , of all Grades, ML*lL 9 grits, iWM.r, 4 '"‘" SR OR TS, and CO W-FEFR. :» o t s* ALSO, THE FAMOtTS SELF-EAISING FLOUR 'TO OUK, I’ATTONS, and all others we would say that we are manufacturing Onr Fleer I from the beat quality of Wheat, and that all the Flour we s:Il is fresh. We make ell grades, and have Flour as low as the lowest ami aa good as the best. Our motto ie, WE STRIVE TO PLEASE, And guarantee satisfaction in all oases. All Flour fold by ns is guaranteed to pleeee, Ot money refunded. To all dealers, and the balance of mankind, we would Say, try us, ea 4 Wre feel assured that you will call again. BLEDSOE & CO. oovems;3months Diesel Sternbcrg&Bro’* MA-QISTIFICENT STOCK OF FALL s TINTEI GOBI! IS 3STOW READY ! STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS AND G 2.0 THING NEXT DOOR TO M. H. BALDWIN, DAWSON, GKO WK are now receiving ti e largest and best selerctod s'oek of Full and Winter 4»o<><9« ey. r brought to this market, consisting of every varietv of IP HESS GOOnS, PfU.I7S, Pit. I-ICMIED and Hlto lf'.Y* OOJHtfSTtVS, sTIISPEO and t HECHEO do, u . EMBROJDKKY, LAOEB, Hosiery, Uandkurchicf*. Gloves, Shawl*. Cln .k*, and evorvUdng u«mlly kept in 4 FIRS J CI.ASS Lit Y GOODS ESTA DUSIIMEET. r ri»e OreifitleTneii , ’H I>«'partment/ Is complete with Cloth, Casimerss and vestings, Fin liliing Goods, Bclldl-Tlnde ( lot li iM d*, Caps, Bools and Shoes, and every article necessary for a genteel outfit. Wc make a wpecialirv of this line of oik buainoas, and ha excelled in nnnmiti nnalft* er price. Ci IV E ES A CALL Ut.fOBE IGL UIIY KLkEWIIBBph 7 novs;Bin JOHNSON, CAMPBELL Si CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COM MISSION MERCIIANTS, Corner -Fourth and Streets, MACON, : : OEOIfGIA. Have in Store and aro daily rcctiflng large shipments of Lho Following €iood§y which they are selling at the Aioau.i.w jtemmoi. moeyi noli A mi uO Sam* fcOWKST PO SNBISI.E: FlfiPß^ .mu jMutr ..... II r ..i.-x-q,. - ' ’•.J.I-,'.' - - BACO3I. 60 Hbds C'R Bason Sides 50 “ Shouldcre, G Ticrco.s Rargrass Hams. STJGA.RH. 100 Bb's Stuart’s 0 Sugar 50 do A do 10 do Powdered do 20 do Oru'bed do 10 do Cut JiOaf do 10 do Grauulated da COFFEE. 100 Bags Ixio CofTcc, all grades, . • -iPn ‘‘ U and Government Java. ]3AG GlN(},&c 100 Bolls Patched Gunny Cloth 10 Bales Heavy “ ** •20 Tail* 30 000 lbs Arrow Tics j 5,0y0 “ Whaley “ I SAT JI\ j I (lit Sacks Liverpool* Salt i FISH. | 10 Rblsßay 1 Mackerel 20 Half bids Bay 1 Markerct 20 Wtds Bh"rd No. 1 Maekct&l ?0 Half bbts Shnre No. 1 Mackerel, BLls B tie Fish / fill Half bblt Bine l ish M» Bo*. « llcrnttg 10 “ Codfish, « Ac. 50 Boxes Candy, Plain and Fantf Pecan Nufe, Almonds Ruisint, Prunes 20b, S e« Gfccese, ’• 0 “ Soda Crackers. 10 Sugar do 10 “ Buttct do 10 11 Poser t do 10 “ Lemon do 10 kegs Butter 20 barrels Irish Potatoes 10 n Onio)r3 10 tierce.* Rie’a 60 boxes Mn. | Snap 50 “ Erasive Soap 100 “ iXI ive . do 2o ,l Fay’s Nn. 1 Soap SO l?iar Candles 10 “ I’airufinc Candida 5 barrela Keroeeno Oil, .'IQO half barrels itolasscs 15 barruls P up Syrup 100 cases I/quorg, all gra'Vs 8t)0 n»Jf sacks iSuj crfiue Flour 250 * “ Family « LIQUORS Cotton Plant Bitters Ifnsn’ Bitters ■ Gibson’s t'abfnet ?ti btl« ’ Gibson’s Moeongnhsla Whiskey, ia 1 •• barrels,’ V 1 » * '.d «*?« Teaucsseo W hi.-key, in barrels M * Oid \Y inchestcr aud Shcuandnle AVbiikcy, in barrels ■ Fine Old 15:audios aud Gins SeuppunoDg Wine, novS^a