The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, December 17, 1868, Image 4

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" A« K i- From the Chronicle k Sentinel. Bewnra> We learn that there is considerable feeling, if not actual excitement, among Sima of our planting friends upin the suhjeet of ootton rai.-ingnext year. The recent statements of heavy results ob tained from planting cotton this year by a few of onr roost industrious, enter prising and intelligent planters has giv ■ en to the production of cotton in this State a sort of Utopian character, which ) may lead to the ruin oi many of our cit zeos. The largo result?, so far, Which have be.... obtained, have been confined to am H patches, andcanDot be regarded as anything like a fair test of what cotton planting on a large, or even moderately largo scale will produce. We do not uoubt but that two, throe, or even five bales of cotton have been made and may he again made on one acre ; but we do not believe that such results are attain able in the culture of a largo crop.— Doubtless thorough tillage, high ma nuring and an improved and intelligent system of cultivation will enable the thrifty and industrious planter, who lives upon and personally directs the operations of his plantation, to make ftptgrr crops than have heretofore been possiblo on our old exhaust lands. But he who expeets to reach such results upon a large plantation as Mr, Bancroft has obtained upon a small town lot, will he sadly disappoint ed. We do not pretend to say that the same amount of money expended for fertilizers and tho same quantity of la bor bestowed nptn one acre by Mr. Bancroft, will not produce like results if applied to each acre, in a hundred or a thousand aero field. What we insist upon is this: While a prudent man may expend twenty or thirty dollars per acre for fertilizers for a small patch, the same man would not risk two or three thousand dollars on an hundred acres, when he considers the uncertainty of our season and the liability of our sea sons and the liability of the plant to be ruined with rust or destroyed by worms. We would be rejoiced to know that all our planters were carefully and pru dently moving in the direction indicated by the experiments of Mr. Bancroft, Mr Dickson and other intelligent planters, but we should be sorry to hear that any of them had attempted to invest even twenty dollars per acre for fertilizers on a very large scale for the next crop.— Not only is the uncertainty of the sea sons and the amount of the crop to bo considered in this connection, but what is of quite as much importance the price which it may bear next year is to be taken into consideration. With the staple at twenty-five cents or even twenty cents a pound, money can be madeby planting provided the plan ter makes his own provisions. We in cline to doubt, however, if money can be made when all the corn, long forage and provisions for the planter’s family and bis laborers have to be bought at the present high prices. Neither do wo be lieve that much clear money can be made upon rented lands. When the rent is paid, tho laborer paid, tho pro visions paid for, the loss of work ani n)u , ' , J and the wear and tear of farming imp’"Bents are paid for, ihero will be bat little left to the profit side of ac count. Our eye has just fallen upon a statement made in one of our State ex- that a tract of land of two hun dred sud eighty-five acros in Polk coun ty, recently rented for twenty seven hun dred dollars, or within a fraction of tei: doiiais per acre. The reason why it | brought so much is stated to be, be- j cause “it is among the best ootton places in the State.” Now when the renter of ! that plase pays for his labor and pro visi'D?, and then deducts from his crop hundred dollars for rent wo sh#ll be greatly surprised if he has a sickle dollai left in the way of profits. \Vc trust ;b»t wo do not under-esti mate either the importance or the profits under proper and judicious management j of cutton planting, neither would we dts- j courage our p in’ers from using liberal j supplies of the best aod most reliable j fertilisers. Wo know that much money i has been made through the intelligent use of ecinmert ai manures as applied to tbs cultivation of oar great staple. Our ‘ object is simply to warn our planting friends of the great danger they are in of being led away under the present high prices of cotton by the Aladdan like storiea of three and tire hales of co*- tor. Falina lent* is a good maxim for planters as well as politicians Children otawl befote they learn to walkl Let us try to mteka profitably one bale per acre before we attempt to. reach five.— When we perfect a system which will insure a bale for each acre planted, it will be time enough to take thought for ■tore. . JUKUXTUtIiY. cotton avenue, Macon, Georgia, GENERAL COMMISSION. PRonrrE uvd Provision Merchants. .tarn In for f'hrtrfM .Vr/son’l Celebralrsl Cooper TUslUlrd II */i Itfcn/’*. .tfjrnh Chctcetcla Lime n'trrkn mlgenln (7ir«fn lU Grove ll*/»<»- key, HAVR new In Store and For Sale at tbe very Lowest Market Prices, A large Stock of Goods, consisting in part of 1.000 Bushels Corn 2,000 do Choice Tennessee Oats 200 do Seed Rye 200 do Seed Barley 400 Sacks Flour )t u j 100 Barrels Flour \ ot * JI B radea 100 Sacks Liverpool Sait 50 flbds Bacon Sides and Shoulders Lime, Piaster and Cement al ways on liaud. 75 Barrels Whiskey—all grades 10 Tierces New Crop Rite 10 *' Canvassed Barns 25 Barrels Rump Pork 50 Packages L n af Lard 100 “ Mackerel 100 Boxes Star Candles 75 “ Soap 75 Barrels Sugar 50 Bags i?io and Java Coffee 3 r 0 Bales of Hay 25 Tons Phosphates and Flour of Raw bone. Additions are made to our Stock daily.— Call and see us or send us your orders. We fill everything reliable, promptly add fairly. novs—3m Orton’s Preparation 1 llslablitlied 1866. TIIE APPETITE FOR TOBACCO DESTROYED I Leave off Chewing and Smoking the Poisonous 1 Vied, Tobacco. One box of Orton’s Preparation is warran ted to destroy tha appetite for Tobacco, in any person, so matter how strong tbo habit may be. If it fails in any case the money I will be refunded. It is perfectly safe andO harmless in all cases. It is almost im-fl possible to break off the use of Tobacco.* oy tbe mere exercise of tbe will. Some-1 thing is needed to Rssist nature is over ■ ■HUSH lll —I oming a habit so firmly rooted. Witl ■ he help of the preparation, there is no I he least trouble. Hundreds have used ig who are willing to bear witness to the fact, that Orton’s Preparation completely destroys the appetite fbr Tobacco, and leaves the per eon as free ftom any desire for it, as before he commenced its use. 7be Preparation acts directly upon the same glands and secretions affected by tobacco, and through those upon the blood, thoroughly cleaning the poison of Tobacco from the system and thus allaying the uunatural cravings for Tobacco. No more banksring foi Tobacco after using Or ton’s Preparation. Recollect it is warranted. RECOMMENDATIONS. The following are a few seclected from the multitude of recommendations iu our posses sion. From W. V. Heald, Esq , Bangor, Me. Bangor, Maine, April 14/A, 1868. I heicby certify that I have used Tobacco for thirty years past, and for the last fifteen yeats I have used two pounds per month I have made attempts to leave off at diiferent times. I have left olf one j ear at a time, but always continued to hanker for it till I used Orion’s Preparation, which has completely cured me ot tne appetite for Tobacco. I would recommend all who are afflicted with this terrible habit, to try the Preparation which will certainly cure if the directions are followed. W. P. ligaux From E. W. Atkins, Knoxville, Tenn. Knoxville , lean., August hth, 1867. This is to certify, that I bad used Tobacco to such an extent, that my health had be come greatly impaired, aDd mv whole system deranged and broken down, in June, 1867, I purchased one box of Orton’s Preparation, and after using it I found that I was com pletely cured. I have not had any desire or hunkering for Tobacco since using the Prep aration. i bcaevc it to be ail that it is rec ommended, and I would advise all who wish to quit the use of Tobacco, to try one box of Ortun’s .Preparation. E. W. Amiss. From John Morrill, Bangor, Maine. Bangor, Maine, March 3]«f, 1868. This is to Certify, that 1 used Tobacco for 18 years ; havo tried many times to break off, but have suffered so much from a dizziness iu my head, and a guawing in my stomach that 1 lui*e soon given up the trial. A short time | .-ince r a friend induced me to lay Orton’s I Preparation, (sold bv you.) I have done so j a:. J am completely cured. 1 did not io the least hanker after Tobacco, either to smoko or chew, after I began to use the Prepara tion. John „Voauu.x. Beware of Counterfeits and all articles pur porting to be like this, of the same name or oth erwise. The great popularity of Ortou's Prepa ration has induced unprincipled persons to at teiupt uiiig upon the public counterfeit aud inferior articles. Purchasers will please order directly from the proprietor, or his duly authorized Agents. The price of Orton’s /’reparation is per box, forwarded to any part of the couutry, post paid, on receipt of price. Money sent by mail at our risk. Address, 0. B. COTTON, Proprietor. Box 1768, /Portland, Me. We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we brre had peisonal dealings with 0. H. Cot ton for several years, and have found him to be an honorable and lair dealing mao, and one worthy the con&deoce ami patronage of the public. Dr. 8. B. Gowell, Rev. J. 8. Green, S. B. I Richardson, Esq.. Portland, Maine; Hon. E. |K. Boyle, Ballast, Me. ; Alonzo Barnard, Esq.. Bangor, Flu ; Ckas. H. Aforrill, Bidde | ford, Me. ; Mr. M. Quimhy, St. Johneville, N. V.; Wm. O. Sweet, Esq, West MansfieM, i Mate, deeS;3nt K K K EUNTRTMEN KEEP KUMING. Richard is Himself Again, amt - [ran, UAH RETURNED, AND has brought with him the largest lot of GTJTST9, PISTOLS, AND SHOOTING FIXINGS GENERALLY, ZVIK SIIS IS DXWSOS, SUCH ss Colt’s Repeaters, Smith k Wesion’s Repeaters, Metalio Cartridges to auit any thing, Cartridges for Cob’s Pistol*, Smith * Wesson’s Pistols, sod all other kind of Pistol or Gun Cape that may be called for, and Am uuition of every description. J. U. S. SMITH. Dawson, Ga., Oct 32, '6B ; Siu. THE GREAT TRIUMPH IN NEW YORK. 1. M. SUM k 10., nAVING purchased the largest and best selected stock of DRY GOODS 1 that has ever been exhibited In th« town of Daw son at unprecedented LOW PRICES l Which they are determined to sell Cheaper Than the Cheapest, They retnrn their thanks to their friends and pat rons for past favor*, and solicit a continuance of the same. Itleasrs. ITlaas & Johnston Who are always on hand, are determined to spare no pAins in making their customers agreeable.— Be certain to call on us before buying elsewhere if you want to save money. S. M. SIESEL & BRO. f West side Public square, Dawson Ga. octS-3ra mu, BLINDS, BOOBS, MOULDS BRACKETS READY-MADE m GLAZED, AND ALL KINDS OF Ornamental, Cottage, House A More Work done to order in the beet and latest styles. HOUSE AHD KITCHEN FURNITURE Planing, Saving and Turned lisW, Cowri ters, Tables, and Stools for Store*. Repairing of alt kinds done cheaply, and with dispatch. It »ill pay to (end or call at Fac ory, foot of Third Street, on Wharf SL, Macon, Ga. GREENVILLE* WOOD. june2hjlyw GEORGIA. Terrell Comity: Whereas, Jeremiah Hileman applies to me for letters of dismission from GuarJian ship of F. A. & M. T. Mercer. These are to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under aav hand and official signs are, this Oct. 86, 1868. T. M. ZONKS, octS9-40d* Ordinary. N OTICE. THOMAS GARRETT has applied for ex. emption of personalty, and setting span and valuation of Homestead, aud I will pass upon the same at 10 o'clock, a. m., on 19th day of December, 1868, Inst., at mv office in Dawson, Ga. T. -V. JONAfS, December 10th, 8w Ord’y. notice. HIRAM GARRETT has applied for exemp tion of personalty, and settingapart and valuation of Homestead, and I wilt pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. on the 19tli day of December, 1868, at my office. dec 10—2 w T. M. JONES, Ord*y. NOTICE. t'r'HOS. E-Josxs has applied for exemption JL of realty and personalty, and acting apart and valuation of IlomeMead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. tu, Thurs day, Decembei the 17th ins;., at mv office in Dawson, (is. T. M. tOSTV December lOih 2w tsta’V TANNERY AND SHOE SHOP! WE HAVE PURCHASED OF MR. W. W. LEE ns TAN YARD AHD SHOE SHOP, whioh wc propose to mako an Institution of the town OP not u*s OoV. In the Shop we have scoured the ser vices of that superior workman, JUn. JAI. FITXVEBALD, as foreman and general manager, who, with Messrs. BLAIR, JOHNSON and SMITH as assistants, will put np any thing you want in the line of ROOTS AND SHOES FROM THE HEAVY BROGAN TO A VINK * CALF SKIN SEWED BOOT FOIt GEJTTLEJtIE.r, AMD Kid or Calf Shoes or Boots rOMt LvMDIES. IN THE Y A.RD, MR. HOLLOWAY, Late of fort Guinea, A PRACTICAL TANNER AMD Superior Finisher, VFNII have General Supervision. CASH PAID FOR HIDES or ALL MINDS, COW, GOAT, SHEEP, DEER, &o. TANNERY on Cbickaßawhatohie creek, half mile from Court House. Shop, south side Publio Square. A.T ottr store you will always find MR. PARROTT who will sell you anything in our line Low for Cash. ALEXANDER & PARROTT. octls-3m BEAU THIS. And be convinced that we still keep on hand the Largest and Best Selected, And cheapest stock of Goodi in MIDDLE GEORGIA ! And are ever ready, as heretofore, to prove what we say, by our customers, who have been dealing with us. All Goods shipped promptly aud guaran teed to Come Up to Representation! Don’t take our word for it, but TRY U 8 yourselves. Always on band. BACON, CORN, PORK, SOAP, FLOUR, MEAL, MACKEREL, BTARCB, LARD, RICE, HERRINGS, CANDLES, 450 Boxes Tobacco. CHEESE, WHISKEY, OSNABURGS, SNUFF, POWDER, SHOT, COFFEE, SARDINES, BRANDY, YARNS, CIGARS, SUGAR, CRACKERS, CASE LIQUORS, BHEETINGB, PICKLES, CAPS, TEA, &c, &c. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO. Jas. Seymouk, T A. R. Tinsley, > T. D. Tinsley, y ect£;Bin SOMETHING WORTH HEEDING O -Ty 0 1 HAVING mads arrangement* will, tks Twiiilin««M D«'inorc*t Co-, are able to sell two, three, lour and ai* horse Wagon*, at a small advance on Hew York coat. We would invite those wishing good Plantation Wagons, to examiue our. Stock before purchasing elsewhere. We would also call the attention of the public, to onr splendid and extensive stock ol LILLIES, HARNESS h CARRIAGES, both of oar own and Northern manafaetirre. It is generally understood throughout South- Western Georgia, that Will. SI KRONE always warrants hi* work. We always keep a good Stock ol Carriage k Harness, Wagou and Buggie materials it all description. Call and see. WM. SIRRINE, augSPy A meric us. G*. PERRY DAVIS’ VegetablePainKillcr Is the Most Popular Medicine Extant. Til K PAIN KTI.LKR ia equally applicable and efficacious to young nr old THK Pain Killer is both an internal and external remedy. THE Pain Killer should t-e used at the first manifestation of Cold or Cough. THE PAIN KILLER— Don’t fiUI to keep H In the house ready for wse. THE PAIN KILLER Is good for Sprains and Brnisrs. Try It. THE PAIN KILLER Cure* the Toothache. Tbs Pain Kilier is a favorite with all classes. Tbs Pain Killer will cure Chilblains. The Pain Killer cures Cholera Morbus. THE PAIN KILLER is the Great Family Medicine of the age. Pain Killer cures Uyspepsia. Tbe Pain Killer can be bought of your Drug gist or Grocer. It cures Painters’ Colic. It is good for Scalds and Burns. It has the verdict of the people in its favor. The Pain Killer gires universal safc iafaciiou. Beware of imitations and Coun ter feita. THE Pain Killer is almost certain cure for Chol era, and has, without doubt, been more suc cessful in curing this terrible disease, than any other known remedy, or even the most eminent or skillful physicians. In India, Africa and Chi na, where this dreadful disease is ever more or less prevalent, the Pain Killer ia considered, by the natives, as well as the European residents in those climates, a sure remedy. THE PAIN KlLLEß—each boMle ia wrapped with full directions for it* use. THE PAIN KILLER is sold by all Zfruggiats and Dealers in family Afedicinca. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors. 74 High st., Providence, It. 1., 3*o St. Paul street, Montreal, Canada East, 17 .Southampton Row, Loudon, /England. ttprau’6Bl V THE PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE. TO the Planters of Olay, Sarly, and Cal boun counties, Ga.. and Henry and Dale counties, Alabama, the undersigned would most respectfully infi rm his Friends and tie Planters of tho above uamed counties, that he haa erected a LARGE AND COMMODIOU3 WAREHOUSE, On the corner of Wasington and Hartford Streets —Oposite the Masonic Hall, where he is prepared to Receive and Store all Cotton aud other .Produce that may be brought to him. He will Sell or Ship Cot.on to reliable parties in New York, Savannah, New Orleans, or any point his friends may desire —either by Railroad or Steamboat. — He will alwawa keep on hand a good supply ot BAGGING, ROPE, IRON-TIES, SALT AND — Plantation Supplies, Which he will furnish to farmers as low M any house in Southwest Georgia. He hope* by strict attention to business, to merit a rea sonable share of public patronage. J. T WALKER, FORT GAINES, GA , Sept, 17tb 1868 Beptl7 3m RICHARD E. KENNON, J77Grt.t’f I’ .//’ /.J R’, FORT G A IVES, CLAY CO., GA. WILL attend promptly all the Courts in the Pataula Circuit, and those adjoin ing whan desired. Wiil attend the District Court of the Uni ted States at Atlanta and Savannah. Particular attention paid to cases in Bank ruptcy. N. B. The provisions of the Bankrupt Act that expired June Ist, 1868, have been ex tended to January Ist, 1869. octlfi noS6-* AdalMhlrater’i Sale. BY Virtue of an order of the Court of Or dinary of Harris coglty, Gs., wiil be sold in the town of Dawson, Terrell county. Ga., on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the following lot Os land, belonging to tho estate of A/ercer Babb, dec’d : Lot No. 14, in the Brd District, orig iually Lee, now Terrell comity. Slid land sold to pay debts and for distribution. Terms cash. L. L. STANFORD, Adm’r. uovl9’6Btds GEORGIA, Terrell Conntr:- Whereas, E. G. Hill, Execuior of R. S. Jordon, applies for letters of dismission tram said eetate. These are therefore to cite snd admonish ail persens concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band and official aignatuie, this November 25th, 1868. n0v2640d T. M. JONES, Or’dy. NOTICE. Mrs. Cowroar Wxstfisld has applied for ok emption of personalty, and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and 1 will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, A. M n on 19th dav of December, 1868, at my office, .leeio’—2«v- T. -V. JONES. Ord’y. W. 111. Peeples HAS JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK With an Entirely New, Fresh and Beautiful Stock of STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS A FULL LINE OF Domestics, Cassimercs and House-Furnishing Goods. YANKEE NOTION S> WK have everjthing in this liße that oan bo asked for. CLOTHiira-, OUR Stoek is very Large and Complete. BOOTS -A-ItsTID SHOES, WE have an endless variety, inoluding a splendid assortment of Ladies Shots. w&mmiz xu&vODJiamie $ OUR Grocery Department will also be well assorted and complete. Bagging, Ties and Salt always on hand* AFTER a stay of three weeks in New York, and a close observation of tha fluctuations ha tbe Market, I have been enabled to buy Goods very low. Come aad examine them and no argument will be necessary to sell thvm to you. I AM AGENT FOR Wllili Grand, Square and Upright Piano-Fortes, A Specimen of whioh can be seen at my residence. Also, WOODRUFF’S CONCORD B CJG- CtTFS, which I will sell cheap for CASH. And am prepared to make LiL>er»l Cash Advances OB Colton consigned to my correspondents in Savannah or New York. W. ]VI. PEEPIJES. Dawson, Ga., October 22, 1863—3 m 111 A. MTII, WAREHOUSE«COMMISSION MERCHANT GEO* seegyaae FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE! I AM NOW PREPARED TO RECEIVE,* weigh, mark, store, sample ard Bell, or ship your cotton at moderate rates. Will make liberal CASH advantss on cottou stored in my Warehouse, and allow the planters to hold as long m they wish— sell when they see proper, or ship it at any time, and to *Dy place they chdoze. 1 would advise my patrons to sell iikke, but if they wish to try other markets, I will ship their cotton to parties in Maeon, Savannah or New York whom I know to be responsible and reliable gentlemen, and who will g««- antce the planter entire satisfaction. . My Scales are correct, as the Ordinary's Certificate below, will show, End they cannot be changed to make thora weigh more or less ; GEORGIA, ) Ordinary's Offiee Tbbret.l County. $ fer said county. I, T. M. Jones, Ordinary, in and for said county, do hereby etrfify il»j I have this day tested tbe Sctles used by John A. Fulton for the purpose o' weighing cotton at his Warehouse and find them correct, said weights balat>«n>g with the Standard weights in my office for the use of Terrell county. ly, and affixed the Seal of my office. September ‘2 '■ < ISGB ' T. M. JONES, Ordinary, Terrell County. COOKING STOVES! COOKING STOVES' I HAVE THE LARGEST AND FINEST assortment of Cooking g*"* that has ever been brought to this market and T will sell than be ow Bf prices, with freight, Ac., added. I invite all, and especially the ladie > and examina my stock; and would advise every family w^ h " one as soon as convenient, as the demand .s so very great, theprices >wM* 1, increase during the coming winter. Sell, or draw on one Bale Cotton, AND BUY YOU A GOOD STOVE WITH FURNITURE AND FIXTURE enough to last a life-timo. You will have no more use for negro cooks, * becoming a nuisance, but every lady can do her own cooking with P e * B " with their “Sunday harness” on, without stooping or straimug, an* l scorching, smoking, greasing or smutting her bauds and face, or dres?- rt ,i The following are some of my best patterns of Sioves. I have sot s many of them, and every ore has given entire satisfaction BARLEY SHEAF, lined throughout with Tin Reflectors.' FOREST with six holes and Hot closet. . !*»_FITCH, with sll the new I ORIENTAL, BED JACKET, PALMETTO, DELTA, EAST REA PRE* II1 "’ If parties should want any Cooking or Heating Stove which I "or a»J band, I will order and Sell it lower than it can be bought in New lor ’ other place, at retail, and laid down here. JOHN A. FUIaTOA* oct 15 n( 36-‘lm