The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, December 24, 1868, Image 1

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THE DAWSON WEEKLY JOURNAL BV CUHIBTIAIV, H<>YL, & CO. udceldn lottnul, Published Every Tliumdiy. *’#’ i.lit— Strictly In .Itlranee. fnree month*. OH 75 gi, moo'bn •••■•sl 25 Ouv year.... ...... 12 00 Date* oT Advertising : f) n e dollar per squ ire ol ten linen for the g r «t insertion. and S-ventr-five Gents per aqaere for eieh subsequent iuaeriioD, notex ceedinc three. On* aq i.ire three month* .'.s 8 00 n„e yquare si* month* 12 00 One aqmre one year 20 00 r<»o square* ihree months 12 00 1' , 0* «ix months 18 00 fen eqinrea one vear 30 00 F.n nh of* column three moths 30 00 Fnarsb of * column six montha 50 00 Mdf column three moths 45 DO H ,|f column six montha 7o 00 One column three months 70 00 One column aix months 100 00 Liberal Deductions .Hade on Contract Advertisement*. millin' Legal Advertising. (sheriff's S (let, per levy $2 50 M<vU*ge Fi Fa Sales per square 6 oo Oiutioua lor Letters of Arlmiiii«traiioii, 3 00 (• “ “ Gu irdianship, 3 00 Binniision from Apminiatration, 6 00 n Guardianship,... i.. 4 00 Application for leave to Bell land, fi 00 gales of Land, per square, 5 00 Sales of Perishable Property per squ’r, 3 00 XBases to Debtors and Creditors,.... 3 60 Foreclosure of Mortgage, per square, 2 00 Catrsv Notices, thirty days, 4 00 Job tt'ork ot every description eve • «ted«ith neatness and dispatch, at moderate rates. RAIL -ROAD GUIDE. Squill western Kail road. WM. HOLT, Prea. | VIIIGIL POWERS, Sup Leave Macon 5.15 A. M. ; arrive at Colum bus 11.1# A. M. ; Leave C'alu-'bua 12 45 P. M ; arrive at llacon 6.20 P. M. Leaves Macen 8 A if; arrives at Eu t«ula 6 SO, P VI ; Leaves Eufauia 7 20, A M ; Arrives at Macon 4 50, P M. ALBANY BRANCH Leave* Smi'hville 1 46, P M ; Arrives at Albany S 11, P M ; Leaves Albany 9 35, A M; Arrives at Smithville 11, A M. Leave Cuthbert. 3 57 P. M. ; arrive at Fort C.i' i 5 40 P. If ; Leave Fort G-ins 7.05 A Jf.; anive at Cuthbert 2.05 A. M. Wailcru A Atlantic Itailroad. 0.4 MPUEL.Ii WALLACE, Sup’t. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. I,»»ve Atlanta . . . 8 45 A. M. Lire D ilton .... 2.Kn P. II Arrive at Chattanooga . . 5.24 P. II Leave Chattanooga . . 3.20 A. 1! Anive at Atlanta . . . 12 05 P. M. NIGHT TRAIN. 1. rave Atlanta . . . ,7 00 P.M. Arrive *• Chattanooga . . 4 10 A. M ■::£S; y ' -Iffl* flarfl*. LEVI C\ HOVla, attorney at law, Daw on, - - - - Ga. w ILL orac ice in the several Courts o! \1 L w and F.quhv in this Stu’e and the Circuit Coor'S ol the United B ates for the B'ste of O it'gta. Ala attend n given to OOMUISSIOS in BANKRUPTCY. C. B. WOOTEM, ATTOKXKY AT LAW, ISausot i, fc'ff. ,*»l6 IS6B ly I.AW FIRM. tv a I’AHKS, I VASON & DAVIS, D-iwsun Ga. Albany, Ga. U A VINO asjoeiated ourßelvoß together in me practice of Law, we will be thank lul tor patronage, and will attend promptly to mII bu*im'Bs entrusted to our care. d*< 3,1868—6 m 1)R. It. A. WARNOCK, OKFRRS his Profrsßionul services to the of Chirkawrtwhatchee and its rieinity. From ample experience in both cifil and Military practice, he is prepared to treat successfully, cases in every department of his profession. oci22'6Bif T. J. PKATT. J B. CRIM. PRATT & CRIM, DRY GOODS AND Grocery Merchants, UAWSO.I, - - UEOROIA. LIBERAL advances made on CoHon shipped to our correspondents in avail to*h and Baltimore. 0c'22’681 v* BYINTGON’S HOTEL. (Opposite The Passenger Depot.) macon, - - Georgia. IS Wow open for the reception of visitor® Haring spared no expense in furnishing this House new throughout, and determined tbst the Table and Bas shall be inferior to bone in the South, I feel confident that I can 6ffer to my old patrons and the public all that tfa*y can wish iu a Hotel. <7»ll »rd see nie. .}. L. BYINGTON, Octgftni Late cf Fort Valley, Ga. BROWN HOUSE. E. E. It ICO AY Af At SON, Fourth St., Opposite Passenger Depot, Jfiacon , Georgia* Ij'ROVf the Ist of July the business of this Bonne will be conduct-d b\ E E Biown the Senior having associated hi* son, Wm. F B'own, in the management and in— *«»“"» , f lhl . Hotel. r *h'i hoU'p eotitain® sWtr rooms, which are reserv»(t , hii tiy frt< theme off avellers and tranwieui guess 0 mp- 'ent assistants have ooett se- ctir» and ii every and partmeiH, and eve rT ’•Mention will he i nid io ensure comfort 'o their customers Rooms clean nnd airy, and t e table a!\v ys sopt li*-d with the best the <*r>U’tr\ .ff» dv Pots eit attei and arrival and of alt trains to convey bagesge ind Cbtnfuct passengers acre s »h‘* s reet to tQeir quarters. julv27,tf MONEY! MONEY!! MONEY!!! MONEY IN DAWSON ! MORE MONLYJAISAVANN H ! Still More in Baltimore! Most Money in New York J And Honey World without end LIVERPOOL ! TyE have, after much effort, succeeded in If perfecting our arrangements to Ad vance on Cotton And are now prepared to advance, at verv low rates of int. rest, on Cot ton in store in our Warehouse in Dawson, or consigned to our frlendH in Bavannah, Haiti, more, New York, nr Liverpool, and allow fdanters to hold their crops for the spriu" market. ° Respectfully soliciting patronage, we are in readiness to serve all who may favor us .ith their cotton. CHEATII M, HARRIS A CO, D twson, Ga , November 6;tf WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, k, At the old Stand of E. J. JOHNSTON & CO., near Lanier house, MACON, - - GA. rAM now receivine, l ur the Fall and Win -1 ter trade, a fine selection of WA TCffES r/i JEWELRY, silver ware, FANCY GOODS, PI A XOS and Olh r mn seal inst'nmenis. WALKING CANES ROGERS' TABLE <k POCKET CUT LERY, etc., which. With niv former stock "ill be gold at VERY' LOW PRICES FOR CASH. A call is r. s ectfully st.lieited E J. JOHNSTON. WHEELER &. WILSON’S Sewing Machines, IVeedits, And all new improvements. Public attention is called to these Machines, for sal > at manu facture!'a prices by E J. JOHNSTON Agent for Middle G orgia. Gun Barrels, Locks sad Moaaiiags. I have for sale over 500 Gu.-t Barrel*, which I am cffciii:g at low figures E. J. JOHNSTON W.ITCB3 WORM. I am pre|u' t'd to do at short notice, in a stipetior manner nn.l fully win-ani,/I AI«o I y-.reu at -Hurt. nmn. I ’ eovs;3m K I JGHNSTON EsT.USLIaIILE) K»3i. SPORTSMEN’S] warehouse. D. C. HODGKINS & SON, MACON, GEORGIA, DEALERS IN guns, pistols, ammunition, AND Sporting Goods Oj every Description. Hate new in the way cf breech loading rifles a>'d shot gcns, a „,| invite inspection ol their stock for ttte com’nc season. They are also prepared to furnish the farmers WINCHESTER GUNS, And the Catridgcs. at the verv lowest pricfS And notwithstanding the advance in prve and great scarcity, in conscience of he cX traoniinarv demand for the Nos. G and 2, it; inch.) Sinllii sV Wesson’* Re volvers, we have, by an exertion, been able to procure them in a small quantity, and are ready to furnish them on early appltca Valuable Plantation F Ohi SiVF F. I OFFER for sale on terms that win be made , aatlafacLoty to a good responsible putchas er, for the reason that I am not a P l *" tt ', r -' — M v plantation, six miles on the Bat) Road be low Dawson, two and a half miles ftom Graves’ mill, containing fourteen hundred, seventeen and a half acres. This place is healthy, acknowledged to be one of the beet. places ill the county of Terrell, being a good Stock f,.rm, well wa ert*d, good orchards, ami in short, a desirable home. If not sold bv the 15 h December next, will he for rent. For teima, applv to A/eSrrs. Orr, Brown & Go., at Dawson, Ga. or to W. T. BUKGF nov6;2m Charleston, S. C. “oyster saloon. BYRD & COKER, HAVE on hand, at their store on Main st, next, door to J L Tucker & Bios store, run II DATERSt «'‘ d are prepared to serve them up to suit the taste ot all. Come and try them. Dawson, Ga., Oct. 29th, 1868 ts ISAACS* HOUSE, HOTEL And RESTAURANT Cherry St., Macon, On. E. ISA,US. : : » Proprietor. Free Coach to and ftom Hotel. JP A. W A >2 N A UK DEALER IN French A, tsut-ricau < oi»f- ctioncries mo\ S, Fire Works, Fancy Groceries aud X West India Fruits. A'sn, Liquors, I ’gars, T liaet 0 Sin ff. at and a fplendtd asaot trtlent ol r pea, of all quali i'S and pciees. (five hint a call and be satisfied. Cherty at , bptwceo 2d aud fid, Mocun, Ga. declo;3rn dawson, caa.. tui iisiiay. decembrr 34, is«s. UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. NEW I'ORK, OFFICE No. 69 LIBERTY ST. Tin* Original Joint Stork Life ■ iiMirunro fonipniiv of tint I nitrd States. The Bminen •/thin r nmrta „ v „ ExeUeively confined to the Insurance of Fir it dan Healthy Lives. STATEMENT JULY 13, 1868. A S8 E TS: u. S. Stocks (market value) $109,250 00 Hoods* If irt,gages (ci y N Y.) 97,000 00 Brooklyn City Bonds (market Virginia State Bonds'‘(market 25,187 60 Cash deposited in N. Y. Guarii'nty 14 *‘° t ' °° & ludemnity Cos. (ar inteist) 45,000 00 t ash on hand and in Bank 10.182 00 „i, ant T du ** Agents (secured) 25 478 23 Olhec Furniture 6,286 22 Interred semi annual quarterly Premiums m course of collection 56 584 64 Interest accrued, not due 4,540 67 Other Assets 3,319 2] Tot “ 1 * $468,622 87 liabilities i Amount required to reinsure outstanding risks-Homan’g Table— 5 percent, $243,200 L up’d Losses, not due, !5,000-$258,200 00 Surplus over & above all liabilt’s,s2lo,422 87 Ratio of Assets to Liabilities, 1814 to 100. Number of Policies in force 3 034 Insuring... $7,926,’810 Policies issued since Jan. Ist 1868 ’ 138 IllliUriri £ $2,713,260 the universal Offers the following original aud popular pii»n of Insurance : Ist. The Return Premium Plan : Upon which policies are Is rates less than those charged by J/utual Companies, guaranteeing the return ot all premiums paid, m addition to the amount insured. 2d. The Reduction or Premium Plan : By winch policies a” is ued at rales less than tlmae charged by Mmual Companies, guaran teeing a redaction of 50 per cent, ot the pre mium alter tae third annual payment. OFFICERS s w illiav Waller Preeiden* Bendy J Furber A r ice JeUN H. Re-let. .., Secretary I HA ft lev E Pease Assistant Secretly D. Park- Fackler Consulting Actuary Fdwaro W Lambert, m. and... Medical E»am. Alexander & Green Solid ore A gents wanted throughout the South Addie-s W G. WRIOIIT, Genneral Agent, Ea'aula, Ala. J R <"HRISTI AN, Agent Terrell Ooi.n’l. i f " cur ul u bU'fi^^riVE LIFE INSURANCE; COM P-A-TS’ Y. F.i-Gov. JOHN GILL SHORTER, President Maj. JAM. a M. BUFORD, Vice-President J. G. L MARTIN, Seerctury and Treasurer lusurancc For tbe Rich and Poor. 'PHE cheapest and best system of Life In. I surance is now offered by this reliable Company It is founded upon the principle that one thousand persons come tose'lier and bind themselves, each to pay one and iHar to the surviving triends of everv deceased member a mens them at, his death. These mortuary esntributions are Left in the Pockets of Members Till called for at intervals durins the year, or for convent, nee they may be paid in advance in the shape ut a deposit, and id that case eight per cent, in'.erett is allowed till the finds are applied Every person, of either M-J, troll) 15 to 76 years of age, can secure a membership hv paring an admisstOD fee ot 011 L SIX DOLLARS, no matter how many classes mar be entered and Ministers in actual charge of churches cau become mem b rs Without, any Outlay at The Start. There are two divisions. The classes in Di vision 1 are composed of 1,000 members each. This Division includes none but sound lives, and are arranged as follows: V 15 25 35 45 55 60 jjT op E* ®m» to to to to to to c< s o£° 25 35 45 56 60 <»5 53 y rs yrs vrs yrs_yrs yrs_« C i,,bA 50 75 100 125 150 200 1,000 Class it 100 150 200 250 300 400 2,(MJ CUhh C 150 2?5 300 3,5 460 600 3,UW ( laaa K 250 Wti 500 025 750 10,00 5,000 Class J 500 750 10.0 C J 2.50 15,00 20,00 10,<IW The second Division is composed of sound lives from 65 to 75 years old, and impaired lives, who inav be represented by the “Medi cal Examiner” as safe for 10 years more of li e • each class is entirely seperate and dis tinct from the other. This company is n»c essarily a mutual roinpanj, And cannot insure on sny other plan. The sell-iuterosced punctuality of each member in I paying fcis Jfnrtuary Contributions, can lea»e j no possibility of the Companv's failure to j meet all casualties that may ocCur. Policies will not Become Void in litis Comjany By reason of inability to meet the notes for arge amounts of premiums. The Contribu lions ate oDly paid at different times durit g the year, and in such smtil amounts that al roost any one can meet them with certainty and ease It is onr moral duty to strain every nerve to pav onr debts and leave our families a boon of comfort after our deaths. » The Eufaula Co-ttperalice 1.1 fc Insurance iomi»any Af’kes this comfort (or our farai ics a certain tv Let us avail ourselves of this tnatehless scheme of ri*lt. (. The different eia-ses are rspidlv filling up. I am now takit g appliea. tiot sand luruishing policies for any desired ant “tint. * . F»r info* nv»don on the subject, ® n d for in gu>ance. sppfv i J. R. CHRISTIAN Agent, noYl?;lm DaweoD, Ga; L. W. R.IS3AL, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, Fully prepared to fill all orders ut tbo Prices of the West, with the Freight addt J. TERMS CASH. .VO. 53, TMitltD STItMZ&T, MACON, GA. dec3’6B—3m Iflix X K3rtTiAi\l), Wholesale i Retail Dealers in BOOTS k SHOES, Leather Findings, Lasts, k, .\o. 3 Codon Avenue, MAconsr, ga. oc3;3m Til o3l AS WOOD, (next door to lanter house,) Macon, - . Qa. dealer IN FINE FURNITURE, 2p3KWPSa°TO.SS; In Reps and Heir Ooib, He,iron,,, Setts in Mahogany and Walnut, -ff.ameled Cottage Setts, cheap, &c., A . 6 Fisk's Burial Cases, n ol *" 9 (I * a|,p fs Coffins in Rose WootLM ihoganv, Walnut, Cedar and Paint ed. <*. F. & SI, F. OLIVER, STCViSy STCV£S # AND HOLLOW WARE, Pocket rfnd Table Cutierv, Iren /*ipp Bream Fittings lie., wtiolesale Manufacturers of Tin Ware. 42 tnd 44 third Street, Macon, : j : : Georgia. Dovs ; 3m ■Wholes* .- .* Re lid DiV. -f in SOOTS l k SHOES; keemid St, JIACOV,Ga. Co’.in’rv Mefchants supplied at New York Vahket Pricfb* 5 S m t p&a*. Whslesale & Retail Dealer in BOOTS & SHOES, M. ITS X Tit l .VH S, 85 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. Merchants supplied ar New Yura Market Pi ices. uovs;3in SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR IS THE Life-Giving Medicinfi of the Day, IT relieves all diseases of the Liver, it renovates the entire System, and sends new blood bounding through every Vein. IT IMPARTS A sparkling brightness to the Eye, A Rosy glow to the Cheek, A clearness to tlie Head, A brightness to the Complexion, Buoyancy to the Spirits, And Happiness on all aides. It is a household Treasure lor every t amt y. Only *1 a package. Sold by all Drugeistß. Prepared only by J > H.ZULIN& CO, Druggists, Maoon, Ga. GOOD RECOR D. In regard to the virtue of yonr cr lU pifatrrr, nut only can I speak J °r niysiU lnt also lor my wife, she was so badly affected with Torpid Liver and Indigestion that 1 sent her to Furope for the change of climate and lor medical adW^Tbut nothing seemed to do Imr any * cod, at last Home of li«ritiewda advised her to tr> .Sim mons’ I iver Regulator, and she has been restored to°perfect bealfb. I also have severely trout the disease aud been made a well man, »•. iii.t ,s ./.l t< >. »*, No. SO Mulberry st., Macon, Geo. Pctß Bm. h. COHEN, . IMPOKIER OF Brandies, Wines, Gins, Segars,! DEALER IN Eye, Bourbon & Monongahela Whiskies, Manufacturer of the Celebrated Stonewall Hitters. Whitehall Street, Allan**, <«»»• JUST recrived and for sale at astonishingly Low prices, 50 bbls. doubh' Rectifi and ; 25 bbls s Iver Creek Bourbon ; 28 hbta. Wood cock Bourbon, at R. COLIEN b. declo;3m a SO*. rpgg firtn of Orr. Itl-oWII & L’b't L doing a Mercmlle business iu D.wsort, G„„ has th s d.ty been dissolved by consent' , , u . W F ORR, who continues the 1 uMness, sssumeS all the lii.htlitie- ol the concern, and ,s au h"rized to collect all the debts due the . W. F. ORR, Bam I.E OY' BROWN, Vov 12th, 1S«8. THOS. T. CURI(?TIAN. POETRY. Tlm* Squire’s Harria|t‘Cereno -11 y. Ynti hromNh now, you goot man dare, Vot stfTqndfl upon de vloor, To hah dish voman for vour vise, find iouvp her effermore; To feed her veil mil sauerkraut, /Veits, ru termilk, and schoese, Und een all dings to leend your ait, DSt will bromote her east? Yesh, and you voman standin’ dare, Do bledge your Vt,rd dish tay, Dat von will took for your hoospand De man, und him opev; And you will ped and poord mit him, Nosh, iron, and mi nt his clothes, Luff Net: he shmoils, veep ven he moorns, And chare his uhoysund roes? Veil, den, I now v ddro dese vails, Mit shoy und not mit kreef, Bronounce you both to pe one minte. Von name, von man, van beef: I ponblish here deae sacred vords, Dese maf.thermi trial ties, Tefo'eGot, mine frow, liana, and Foil, Uad all dese gazin’ eyes. Und, as de sacred Nehriptures aays, Yot Get eboni es rogodder Lot no man dare asunder put, Und no man dare tem seffer- Dare! britekrooin. schoost you stliop I’ll holt tight fast your collar, Ounti! you aoshwer me di-h ting, Lnd dat’s —Vare ieh mine tollar ? Frederick hihl iii> Frederick the Great, Kingof Pruyfia, one day rung his hell, and, nobody an swering, ho found bis rage fist aslc p in an elbow chair. lie advanoed to ward I itn, and was going to awaken him, when he perceived part of a letter hang ing out of his pocket. His curiosity prompted him to know what it was, he took it out and read it It was a lettpr from this young man’s mother, in which she thanked him for having sent her a part of his wages to relieve her misery, and finished with tel ling him that (rod would reward him for his du iful aff-otiou The king, after reading it, went back softly into bis chamber, took a bag ful, ot ducats and slipped it with tbo letter into the page’s pocktt. •Returning to the chamber, be rang the bells loudly that it awaL. tied the page, who instantly made his appeal, aneo u have had a sound sleep,” said the king. 1 tie page was at a loss how to excuse him elf, and. putting his hand into Ins L'r g*. ’bufs' 1 i' o feat - wfAuoiit being uOie to u : t(-:- a single w -ril. “What is the matter ?” ‘‘Ah, sir", *nid the young innn, throw ina himself on bis knees “somebody seeks my ruin ; I know nothing of this money which I have found in nr y p"oket!’ “My young friend,” said F derick, • G'd often does great things for us even in our sleep; send that to your raotbtr; salute her ou my part, aud as ure her that I will take care of both her aud you. Ciiar t cTtR - We may judge a man’s character by what he loves—what pleases Lim. If » person manifests de light in low sordid, ohj ct, the vulgar song and debusing language, in the misfortunes of his fellow or animals, we may at once determine the complexion of his character. Ou the contrnry, i' ho loves purity, modesty, truth—if vituous pursuits engage his heart and draw out his affections—we are tmtis fied that he is an upright man. When we see a young man food of fine clothes and making a fop of himself, it is a sure sign that he thinks the world con sists of outside show and ostentation and he is certain to make an unstable man wi hout true ass etton or frieud sh’p fond of change and excitement aud soon wearying of those objects and pursuits,- which for a time give him pleasure. Story op Twi> Calves Jim Smith was a Doted auctioneer. One day he was selling farm stock. Anting the articles lo be sold was a heifer ; very attractive in her appearance, and onn -B,qupntly ‘Jim dwelt exfenrively on her excellences, winding up his eloquent fl iurish that she was us ‘gentle as a lamb.’ Thereupon a long slab sided coun tryman, wb' se legs were some twelve inches longer than his pants, approach ing he heifer, stooping down commen ced handling her teats. Possy, notrel i-hing such fimiliarty, lifted her hoofs and laid‘Greeny' sprawling some ten feet off. ‘There, ‘said Jim.‘that shows one ot her best traits ; sh.M never allow a strange calf to cate near her ! •Greeny’ meanwhile picked himself up, and giving his bushy pa a har r wing setateb, exclaimed : ‘No won der when her own calf has been bleat ing around her all day ! Let the Baby (’by. —At one time a woman could hardly wnik the streets of San Francisco with' ttt having every one pause to gaze on he, and a child was so rare that Once in tt theatre i-.t tne Fame city, wl ere a woman bad taken her infant, wbeoi began to cry, just a* the orchestraoommenced to play a man in the pit cried out, “Stop those Add! es and let the baby cry. 1 havn’t heard such a sound for ten years.” The audience anp’.atucd this sentiment, ti e orchestra stopped aid he baby con tinued its performance atuid uuboundel enthuMioiu. Tbe Albany and TnomasviHc rail -1 road has bien put under c ntract find will be tiuiahed by November next year. From the Banner of the South. Bevwrle. I a*7.mi on yonrler hillside, n'l ver dnnt in it« Sumnier coverinjr. Tho soft h zoos Indi.-ui Summer cov-red the! lundHcttpo with beauty, and ditntn d' the di tant m tmtaios in wary tremu lo'ts light* All Nutmv> seemed to smile in that happy wood which pro claims a Creator Tho river at the foot of tho cliff went gurgling by. its limpid waters I sparkling in the sun light, like molten silver, and as the eye wandered over it Hll s my heart was filled with reverence and joy The shadows 'f evening deepened, the sun gilding Nature with his last rajs, (inged niotin ain, and hill, and crjst*! river ip the light of departing day. The blue hazs on the mountain deep ened into hi etc, and the shadow of tho 1 lifl grew longer The moon, in her first quarter, looked sad'y be. utiful, as followed in her azure path tr concourse of twinkling stars, and away off ir. tho Western horizon a blood red comet added grandeur, to the already mag. nificent scene. ’Twas the glad Indian Summer of the mountams and, as we stood and gazed, long lost memories suddenly tevived, and mid the yearn ing after better things, the words of the po. t give an impetus to the thought almost too beautiful to trust to words : Dear as long remembered kisses after Death, And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feigned, On lips that are (or others, dear aa love Sweet as first love, and wild with II re K rets Oh! Death iu life, the dayi that are no more.’ We have looked at the bright side of the picture, turn ns to mother On that same beautiful day, the t un.ler of Artillery, and t rash of small arms filled the air witn the hor rible dm of battle. Heavy clouds of cannon smoke floating away in awful grandeur, slowly mingled with the haze while the scream of shell, aud shutp hiss of grape and sharpnell, made music fit tor Pandemonium The faoe of Nature changed. Birds flew frightened away at the awful commo- tion On the crest of a hill, just in ad vance of the fields of dead and wound ed, a long line ol men, s retched in the agonies of wounds and death showed where a singie and whole Battallioa had been swept away by tbo broad side from the enemy’s guns, A little tn advance of them, bis young face turned up in agony, and the new moon sh full upon hirn, lay tin officer. A gLu-tly wound in the sine showed VYstf* charged with him to the top of that hill, ilia General ra sod his cap as he dashed on at the head of his forlorn Lope, and he knew that he had won the "Cross of tho Legion.” But, as his brave men fell around him, add all seemed lost, tho second lino charged up as he fell, (mortally hur ,) the wild yell told that the enemy was Drokeu. -* * * • * By tlio light of the stnrs, as the ores cell porn* of the moon slowly sank be- 1 hind the Western hills, a group of sorrowing comrades bent over hurt to listen to his last weds, and catch the tleeilng tnvwsuge he tried to send to the loved ones far away near the Shenan d ih's watero but u gush of blood, a laint shudder, an l gaZ ng about him' wildly, he murmured : ‘-We’ll rrieet above the stars, Bessie,” then gasped and died. The soldier wait oti duty lorevet 1 They covered him with his dusty gtev coat, and as the day dawned, (for the enemy was near,) sadly laid their Colonel to test beneath tne h>ernanV soil I hat day, a letter came. Asm ill and delicti e let er. It was from the woman ho had loved, with wh se name on his lips he Pfid died. Bhe had trifled with his affections, though her heart was really his, and this caused the rashness which resulted in his death. But the kind, loving words ol that letter could never cause the co'd heart of the sol ier t<> quicken its pul sa ion. The letter was read by a broth er offuisr, and us he wiped from his eye a scalding tear, be wrote on it the words : “Too late, too lute,” and sent i’ back to her. The missive sped back on its wav, the goltien hopes it breathed hlusted torever * * * * # The Summers have melted almost imperceptibly into the russet -»f the Autumn, and the Winter’s chill winds h ive given place to the spiring breeZe id any times. In an asylum not lar from us, visit ors sometimes see a young woman with hands clasped, and the weird stale of the maniac, on tier once beau tifci! (ace. Now and then, an expres sion of intelligence crotsvs her face, and with an acute anguish touching to listen to the murtnms: “too late. t<.o late,” and the old care-worn, weary j look again o’erspread her features. ! You ask the cause of her malady, and the attendant* tell you the story we’ve told you here. nu ,v ~ J Far away on that battle-field, on the crest ol the hill, where the green j corn dow waves, stands a title marble j shall, and on it the words : “Tbe oOlh, to <>ur ga lant Colonel.” M -uiiuliile, the air is as balmy, and tho lanifscaptes as beautiful, and the river rolls as placidly by, as in days ut yore. Tho birds have coir.e hack, and wo hear their joy I til songs, but amid all, tho li tie marble monument alone on tho hill in kes us hear again the mani ac girl's cry : “too late, too late.” °A* HI IYo. 40. Ah Excellent Snake Story. A friend of ours in B nton County not more than a hundred miles float Pond Grovo is exceedingly f , n d of gelt ting a joke upon his neighbor*, tod on ', j”V s a U“igb even at bis own expose '■'he tables were lately turned so nicely upon him however that we doubf whether he will try his band at 4 ink* again for a long time. He was Jate/y a field on his promises whea j he a peculiar pemmioo in hit j tr 'users leg, and in au instant the ter rible suspicion fastened upm him that there was a snake thore. Putting oat h s hand to a-ccrtnin it came in contra** with what he supposed fc ba the bead of the reptile. It fl isbe( , acroM hi# mind at once hit the only ho fe of hi* life lay in bis abili'y to grasp and firmly hold the head un ill be could obtain a£» instance and extricate himself from hi* u; pleasant predicament. Seizing it therefore, with one hand, he s aried at full tilt tor the bouse, about half a mil* distant As he ran he could feel tbs reptile wriggling around bis leg. He wars fairly bn hed in a cold sweat at thff thought that it might free itself fronj his grasp and give him the fatal blow while far away from help, and fear wings to his feet As be approached tho barn where hi* wife was at work, he became fearful of tho terrible iff ct it might have upotf her to reveal his dangerous situation and he therefore slipped slyly in at tb* back door Going into one corner,- he divest and hirnfelf of his clot! ing she bad kicked off bis boots on tho way], drew forth the causo of his terror and with a sense of relief hurled it violently front 1,1 him. Ir struck the rafters and then fell to the floor and revealed to bis astoa. '..tied gt-Z —an old piece of rope, which h - puq as ho supposed, into his pocket, but which slipped and -wn his trousers leg, I be movement of walking had produced ho wrtgglfflg which bad first attracted Gl3 aUt ntioD. An he rao, of course the motions became more violent. A. kci.t on ono end ho had mistaken for the Lead and had been holding it tft with the grasp ot death. IBs wife, good sou)/ was at first nearly fng ,tc C cd to death, then almost laughed herse f to death. The story was too good to keep, and soon his neighbor* were anxt msly inquiring rogardtng his rocove-.y from the '“snake bite.” W* have often hoard of persons having “snakes iu tbeir Loots,” but never id Court bef Ti —Ln/ f ,jp et (e (I»d) “The Dryil to Pay’’—This phrase doubtless originated iu a printing office on some Saturday night’s settlement of “ptd.- “Let’s 6ee, • . u *~ w < ««rc “how far that will go tew ing tho hands.” J -hn begins to figure arithmetioailyy so much duo to P.itkins, so much to Typos, so much toGiumblc, aud so on through a dizon dittos. The publisher stands aghast. “Here is not rnonoy enough by a jug fuU." ••No, sir, and besides there is tho devil to pay." Daniel Webster, in a discussion on the it fluences of the press, spoke as follows : “Every parent, son ia away from home at school, should sup ply him with newspapers. I well re member what, a marked difference there was between those of mv school-mates who bad and those who bad not, acoes* to newspapers. Tbe first were always superior to the last in debate, composi«t) tiqn and general intelligence. A MisMss'ppi editor having give*, notice that ho would inform, free of charge, enterprising young men bow to' make a fortune without capital, replies thusly to several anxious inquirers f “Every one of you pull off your costs/ leave off your army sixes, quit whisky/ go to work, make a emp of corn,coWoa p.ous and potatoes ; house thorn up, then' marry an ‘enterprising’ girl, and contin-' uo working, adding in your former crop' boy babies and pumpkins.— This never faiis.j, ‘What's the matter, rty dear ?’ said a w fe to her husband, who Lad sat for half an hour with bis f cc buried in bis Lands apparent y In great tribulation.' ‘Oh ! I don’t know said he; ‘I hsvs felt like a fool all day.’ ‘Well,’replied tbe wife, consolingly,- ‘l’m afraid you will naver get any bet ter; you look the very picture of whit' you feel. The wife of a New York oanker and the daughter of a Baltimore manufac turer have been notified by the master of ceremonies of tha Empress Eugenio that the permissiop formerly granted to them to ap;ear at the Monday even ing receptions of the Empress has been withdrawn. C tuse —unbecoming dres ses and uribeeommg conduct at tho last s dree in the Tullerics. A lady advertises for sale, one baboon/ three tabby cats and a parrot. Sbe suites that, being now married, she has no further u-ie for them for tho reasonl 1 that their amiable qualities are S.II | combined in her husband. foolish old batqhelor says: ‘Young mao, keep clean of calico, if you want to do anything great. Calico is a bautful instruction. A pair of sweet lips, a pink waist and the prossurn lof a delicate band will do as much to unhinge a man as the mease’s and * doctor’s bill to boot. 1 A Radical member of the Legislature from Lowndes was arrested, “drunk and disorderly, in Atlanta a few days ag'**