The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, January 14, 1869, Image 2

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italuson Journal. ftouiat r O., Editor. n .i IFi o.r, a . ■ ■■< »»»» - . Thursday, January 11, 1 «< ft. gt#/iY. tiling matter ,/« ctn-ry ‘•mjc. m Tefll C. A. Ckowki.l is our nuthorixed agent, and will teceive and receipt (or tuy money due the office. V§uHev. Tuoß. L. Hcyl is autbor itedlo act as agent for the “Journal. ’ ” THE I»WEt*S. For more than two oenturis*, the in vention which tr.ay very appropriately b,, den tminated the first in the cycle of all inveuiions, that of “printing,” has wioiued ins influence is a world of let ters. Wb»t has been its weight lor good or evil, we have only to mark the records of the past and comment upon the actions of man as detailed upon the pages of history, comparing the imper fect rudiments in the sciences of former ages, with the moro peifcct Eucyclopc- > dia of the present. Through the ac complishments of its labours, we in our leisure moments, by the opperations of TeasoD, cm defy the intervening space of ages, and with the self important air of modern perfection, stroll as it were in tbc camps of the patriarchs of old, or lounge with all our fastidious notions in the tents of ancient tribes. Assisted by the histories of each successive pe riod, the virtues and vices of mankind arc made familiar topics of our reason - ing qualifications and the wisdom thus afforded serves ‘o direct us in our judge ment for future benefits. With what raptures of thought, are we brought to regard the ancient habits and customs of our race, when we think to wh-.t ad van age tin cultivation of the sciences that are now afforded above the rude ac quirements of the primitive ages. The hanging gardens of the Assyrian King though woudorful as the result ot pride and human ingenuity, with all their boaitcd elcgauce cannot compete with the less superficial array, yet more useful arts of the present day. The manor halls of ancient Babylon bore the impress of kingly pride, and ambition’s chief concern was tbc bestowal of hon ors upon tbc royal courts, in obedienco to the mandates of absolute rule, nod these with all of their boasted provinces of woalib, are now slumberirg beneath the dust of ages, their actions transmit ted down through successive genera tions and are to day, subject to the investigations ot the common minu.— The first imperfect mode of communica ting. thought, could have Dover beep sufficient of itself in giving to the gen erations of our time a knowledge of men and things that have passed. That inspiration which was onec delivered to tho remnant of Isreal, with a comp’ete distory of its mysterious promulgations i has become a popular theme of our age, although the tablets of stone upon which was inscribed the records of Divinity, havo long since been lost in the mist cf the past. The press as an instrument of power through the wisdom of the great Law Giver who first spoke in thun der tones from Biuai heights, has since more effectually fulfilled the divine in junction by sending forth the dootrincs of the law in every nation, suited to the convenience of every tongue. Wc too, are bletrud with the privilege of review log and modifying tbc intricacies that nung around the philosophy of other ages, and even the apparently unmean ing iciroglyphies of anc’cnt date have been defined and handed down to our time in language suited to our un derstanding, inaliihe meaning that gave them birth. Thus by tho continued application of the human mind tbc mys tcries of the old world have been gradu ally swept away, aDd the Press, the la boars es which have linked the intelli gence of former times with that of the present, will continue its faithful work of usefulness, and will yet unfold im portant troths that are unknown to os, for the benefit of futorc generations. Tistol Practice. —At 9 o’clock on the eight of the 6th, saya the Eafaula Alsic*, a difficulty occurred between Mr. K. A. Yarrington, and Mr Holt Brannon, both young men and res.- deals of this city. Tho latter drew a repeater and Mr. Joe llartung, a mu tual friend, seised the pistol, and in the seutle it went of, lauding a ball iu the peacemaker’s thigh. It is a dan gerous wound, and weeks, if not uotitbs will elapse before he is able to use it. The Cuthbcrt Appeal reports exten -6!70 but bloodless practice in that city on the 4tb, between Oapt. Tutnlin and James A. Foster—several shots were i exob&nged. Grant and the Offices. —lt is pub lished by way of a joke, says a contem porary, in s me of the Radical nosrspa ,wrs, that Gen. Grant will not appoiut Jtff Davis to a seat in bis Cabinet It may be remarked, cm passant, that this ability to positively assert that Grant will not appoint Davis to a scat in his Cabinet is about the extent of tfce infor mation wLiob Radicalism possesses wi.h reference to Grant’s iuteotiens. The ig noracce of the Radicals in this respect is i.jormons, and is only equalled by fheir disgust at a s'ate of things in width ! here are a good many thousand offices to be filled, and no certainty that they will ’ -Unwed to fill them. JYcui •ldrcrlihciHen fn. "Uli Ml LET LIE” (N the Practice of J/ed Seine, ahile we «re oppress* and ourselves, we are uo. ui.luh.d- I tut ol a similar coudilion in our lellow-ciil zens auit shall endeavor .o make “honors easy!" We stall require PuilClHttl Crisll payments in all ins'ai.cos. Those who cannot pav in U It KKJt'Ueit C KS, can | ae.i'e .heir bill', at Market Price*. ICo n, Fodder, Meal, Fresh or salt Meats, Chickens, Regs, Giound or Cow Peas, sweet Potatoes, Wood or raw Hides, In .eturn, *e pledge strict attention and relief. A» 10 * on ‘ petenev, we lesve our patrons to eh ciUe. l a nrpscl/p'lOU OfflCC «PCI H (2f keep s preset P splendid assortment of A A AM/ Af hi/ I VINKS', and In aft# our fueuds 10 give us u I call at Dr. Gilpin's old stand, i c * ,, > U J AMKS W. PRICK, M I)., JAMES 11. V'AICE, M. It. /)jwson, Jauuaty lt;lt FURNITURE. W.&E.P. TAYLOR, ill &23 Cotton Avkkuk, 21 dc 23 Macon, Ga. KEEP always on hand all kinds of fine uttd plain I'umiturr, Mahogany, Walnut and fancy painted sets, Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, jlfutresses, spriug Beds, Hair cloth, looking Glass plates, all s xes, Gilt and fancy mouldings, and all articles usually kept in a first class Furniture Ware house! All articles sold by us guaianteed to be as represented. Otders promptly filled, as low as if purchased in persou. j tnl4;3in J. W. O’COAiVOK, Late of and Successor to 11. HORNE & CO, MACON, CA. lias no at or. hau l a chjise selections of GROCERIES FINE LIQUORS. H Hlr*KV AM) TAXES, ■V r ou have all heard that Jno. W. O'Con- I nor has (and he intends to keep) the finest and largest stock of LIQUORH in Ma con, and those who don’t think so can come aud see for themselves, His XXXX WHISKY Cannot be surpassed, which he offers 25 pe emit cheaper than any other fine Whisky in Jf.uket. Call and judge for youtself. His EXTRA IMPERIAL RYE and old Cop per Distilled Star Brand, As fine J/ediutn Whiskies, s'and unrivaled as to quality and price. His CO.J/.1/ON WHISKY Io superior to any that is now offered, being well Testified. In addition to the above, his stoek of fine BRANDIES RUMS, —Jamaca and Saint Croik—WlNE,S' Tort. Sherty and Jfadeira —is equal to any in this country. Call an and see him if you wish something pure and Cheap. Don’ forget that on the Ist of January last a Tax of ten per cent., per gallon on Whisky went into effect. He has, also, a fine stock of Irish 7’otatoes, Pickled Park, Fulton Market Beef. Sour Krout Cheese, Bu’ter. Sugars, Coffees andJTeas. Apples Otrmgcs, Choclale Malaga Gtapes. 'Ctanberries, Rais ins, Currants and Crackers. SOAPS.—The largest Stock of Fancy Tot; let and Washing Soaps in the market. It you don’t believe it call and see! J.XO. W.O’COKXOB. j»nl4— oneyrw Terrell Coiirl ol Ordinary, ) At Chambers, January IStb, 1869. j IT being made to appear to me th t it is necessary that a bridge should be built act oss the Nochaway creek, on the road lead ing from Dawsou to Cuthbert, and also that a bridge should be built across the above stream near Dover, on the road leading from Albauy to Cuthbert. It is ordered that said bridge’s be buil', and that the plans and spec fi cations of said bridges be exhibited at this office to all who may desire it until the Ist Tuesday in February next, and at that time, that contracts be made by this Court, with the lowest bidder, or bidders, tor furnishing the material aud building of said bridges, ac cording to the plans and specifications. It is iuitber ordered that the office in the South- West corner of the Court House, knowu as the Inferior Court office, be rented to the highest bidder, on the Ist Tuesday in Febtu ary next, nd that this order be published in the “Dawson Journal” weekly for three weeks. T. M. JONES, jinl4;3tr Ord’y. Terrell Court ol Ordiiiaay, I At Chambeis, January 13. b, 1869. ) IT appearing to the Court, from »u exami nation of the records that there are sever al toirn lota in the town of Dawson belonging to Terrell county, which hnve not been Bold, or if sold tbe terms of sale havo not been complied with. It is therefore ordered that lots No. 84 containing 6- 10 of an acre, No. 85 containing 6-10 ol an acre, No. 13 con taining 36 feet front, 162 feet back, No. 22 containing 72 feet fiont, 162 feet back, frac tions 105 and 106, containing each, 162 feet boat, 60 feet back, and fraction No. 125 con taining 324 feet front, CO feet back, more or less, to be sold for cash, to the highest bid der, on the first Tuesday in February next, during usual hours of sale, at the Court house door, in the town of Dawson, and that this order be published weekly, lor three weeks in tbe “Dawson Journal " j tnl4—3w T. Jf. JONES. Oid’y. J. M. HOLBROOK’S I'rice Current for FURS, FOR 1569. Ist 2d 3d 4th qual 8ear....54 00 ...$3 00‘-$2 00....Jl 00 Oiter ... 800 ... 200 .. 100 50 Mink 2 60.... 1 75 1 00 25 lieavsr. ...1 60 ... 1 (SI 60 ......26 Red Fox 75 50 25 00 Grsv . 25 20 15 10 C00n.... 20 15 10.... 05 Unsk Rut. .15 10 08 08 Wild Cat 25 20 15 10 House Cat 12| 10 08 05 Opossum 10 08 05 OS Skunk 30 20 15 10 lUbit 25 cents per dozen. J. M. HOLBROOK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fur mid Wool Hats* OF ALL DESCRSIPTIONS. WHITE HALL STREET, ATLANTA. GA. j inlP.Sm J W CLAYTON. J. U. RODGERB. J. W. CLAYTON Sl C 0 GROCERS AND Commission Merchants, (Opposite McNacght, Ormond k Cos., Wltit<-li;ill Street, Atlanta, Git. We keep a full sink of all Goods ustisllj found in a Oiotery Store. Orders and Con sign Bents solicted. Satisfaction gu-rantccd. * jtiill—3m REIITBIS! And be convinced that we Mill keep cm band the UH«i:STAI\[D DES'I’ SHLIK TEI), And cheapest stock of Goods in IMIIIDIDILjIE] Ca-EOI^C3-I-A.. And nro ever ready, ns heretofore, to prove what we sny, by our customers who buvo been dealing with us. All Goods shipped promptly and guaran teed to COME UP TO REPRENTATION ! Don’t take our word for it, but TR YUS yourselves. Always on band BACON, CORN. PORK, SOAP, FLOUR. MEAL, MACKEREL, STARCH, LARD, RICE, HERRINGS, CANDLES. 450 BOXES TOBACCO. CHEESE, WHISKEY, OSNARURGS, SNUFF, POWDER, SHOT COFFEE, SARDINES, BRANDY, YARNS, CIGARS, SUGAR, CRACKERS, CASE LIQUORS, SHEETINGS, PICKLES, CAPS, TEA, &c , &c. SKYMOUR, TINSLEY & Cos., JAS StYMUUR, i A R, > Macon, On. T. D Tinsley, j j-.tnl4;3m Saddlery and Harness Emporinm. G. C. ROGERS, On the Site of the Old Theatre , and opposite United Staten Hotel, DEC A TUI ST t ATLANTA, GA. Convenient to the Passenger Depot. 7Vi ces will be found more reasonable and Stock more complete than any in the city. Albo, all kinds of Harness and Skirting Leathers.— A’so, Enameled Leathers and Cloths constant ly on hand, wholesale and Retail. CARRIAGES AND REGGIES, Itaby Ca2rifigt*n, Rocking Hornes, aud /fuggy Umbrella*, of the most approved style and fiiUHli, on hand ami made to order. janl4*ly COR I CCA HD’S Yacht Club Smoking Tobacco, la universally pronounced the best wherever t has been introduced ; for the following rea sons. It is free from NICOTINE, or any po’sonous drugs ; consequently no it jury can result from the use of it. It has an agreeable aroma, and leaves no unpleasant after taste in the mouth. It is made of the best stock that can be procured, and is of a bright Golden Color. It weighs less than ordinary tobacco. One pound of it will last as long as 2 or 8 pounds of other kinds. Oiders for elegan'ly Carved, Genuine Jfecr. schaum Pipes, .repacked in the varioi s six-.d bags, daily, value at sls 00. The venders of these order- mus* Bond them to us, aud we will forward the Pipes per Ex press. It is sold onlr io b„zr. »r lib gib gib ...<i ith. Loril'ard's Krebs gmokirg tobacco is also a vet Y good article but much lower in price. Orders for Meerschaum Pipes are alao parked in tills brand daily—valued at 7 50. Ask for either ; try them once, and you will ns*, no other, Wc Htiirpark SIOO 00 daily in small tin foil pa pers of century Chewing Tobacco. P. LORILLaKD, New Yotk. THE MASON & HAMLIN Cabiuet, Metropolitan am! I’ortable ORUAIN9. SSO to 1000 each. The acknowledged Standard of Excellence amoug iimtmment# of this class : winners of the Parish Exposition Medal and Seventy-live others ; recommended as the best by more than Three Hundred of the most Eminent Musicians iu the country and Europe. More than lift\ styles,, adapted to all uses, in plain eases for Cliu.cliett Schools, &c/ and a fjreat variety of elegant erses for Drawingrooms, Par lors, Libraries etc. These instruments derive their superiority, not alone for excellence of material and work manship, but also from the exclusive use of ma ny important patented improvements. Price —Four Octave Single /feed, Solid Itlack Walnut-Case, plain, SSO. Five Octave nmihlc Reed, Five S to P**» Tremulant etc.* Solid black Walnut Case, carved and paneled,sl2s* PRIVATE DISEASES. DR. JAMES Formerly of James’ Lock Hospital, Custom House /Street, New Orleans, (established 1850) for the last 8 tears located In Chicago, and celebrated throughout the country in the sue cestful treatment of Private Diseases, can be confidentially consulted at his office and par lors 91 and 93 Randolph St., corner of Dear boo st., Chicago, 111., or by letter. Post Of fice Drawer 5803, Chicago, Dl. Dr. James treats Chronic, .1/ercural, Syphi litic, Blood and ,S’kin Diseases, and all Disor ders ot a Contagious Venereal Character— which he cures without the use ol mercury, iodide of potassa, arsenic or any poison, but with his Neutraliser, a positive cure for all humors and blood poisons. Organic Weakness, such as Seminal Weak ness, Nocturnal, and Diurnal Kmissions, brought on by the abuse of the oigans, early ndiscretions, excesses, or entailed hereditar ily, causing loss ot memory, confusion, de pression, dimness of vision and oft times in sanity, with a deplorable train of other symp toms, treated and radically cured by an in fiillable method, saving time and expense.— All diseases peculiar to the sexual organs, radically and permanently cured. Old diseases of the most horrible class, where the blood has become poisoned, pro ducing bloiches ol the face, small watery blis ters, pains in the 1 cad and bones, ulcerated (b o t and nose, sores on the limbs and body scrofula, together with an endless number of suffering*, effectually and permanently cured. Dr. James is recommended by the press ot the couniry, by professors of medical colleges and by the medical profession generally.— Tlioe sfll cted should apply to him, and be cured at Once. Tle Monitor by Dr. James, a book upon diseases peculiar to the sexual organs ol ei ther sex, causes, effects and their remedies, compiled by an experience of twcDty years’ practice iu the exclusive treatment of tliesc diseases, seutto any address, securely wrap ped. Price One dollar. Sust issued anew treatise on Spermator rhea, Syphilis aud other diseases ol his spec iality sent in sealed envelopes, for the postage 10 cents. Address Dr. James, P. O. Drawer 5863, Chicago, 111. Fifty other styles at proportionate pi ices. lllnstrsted Catalogues, will exact reptesen tation, full descriptions, and prices sent free of charge, aud post paid to every applicant. Address The J/ALOX k IUMLIN GRGAM CD., 696 Broadway, New York. T 013 WOIiK .Vaily excculfd at Ibis Otliff. DK. Wlir&'AKl R. A REGULAR GRADUATE OF MEDICINE as diploma at office wilt show, has been longer engigod in the treitment ol Venereal , Sexual and Private Disease* , than any other physician in Bt. Louis. Syphili *, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Or hhitiaHernia, and rupture ; all Urinary Die rare, and Srphililic or Mercurial Affliction/! of the throat, Skin or Bone*, are tieaied with unparalleled success. Spermatorrhea, Serai dehilitij and Irnpo tenet/ as the result of self-abuse in youth, sex ual exoess in mature years, or o her causes, and which produce some of the following ef fects, as nocturnal erniesion x, blotchc*, debil - Up, dit incur, dimness of sight, confusion of ideas, evil forbo/liugs, aversion of society of females, loss of memory and sexual power, and rcnitcring marriage improper, are per manently cured. Dr. Whitaker publishes a MEDICAL PAM PHLET relating to veneial diseases and the disastrous and varied consequences of self abuse, that will be sent to any add,ess iu a scaled envelop for two stanifs. Many phy sicians introduce patien's to the doctor after reading his medical pamphlet. Communica tion confidential. A friendly talk will cost you nothing. Office central, yet retired— No. 617 St. Charles street, St. Me. Hours, 9 a in to 7 p. m. Sundays 12 to 2 p tn. SOUL CHARJ/ING, Electro Biology, mes mariem. Spiiiiualigin, Divination aud a thou sand other cniious wonders. How to learn them, price 25 cents bv mail. Address, Book Publishing Cos, Box 2677 Philadelphia. 's3oo A Month S2OO -A.gents Wanted roit SERVICE AFLOAT, In the SUMPTER & the ALABAMA, BY ADAHUAL RAPHAEL BEMAIL'S, This work is a record of the heroic services afloat rendered by this gallant commander and eis devoted ci m ades dur ng the war be tween the States; and is a bo. k of thrding in terest to all lovers of the daring, brave and true. It sells faster than any book that has been issued for years. One agent iu Balti more 6old 27 copies a day lor two weeka; an other agent iu Alabama sold 35 copies a day his first throe davs; and every agent we have out reports rajpdsales. Exclusive territory given to men of experience and ability. The work w ill be splendidly iilustratee and bound. To secure good territory. Address F. I. DIBBLE & 30, .Publishing House, 208 Main S:. Louisville Kentucky. TWELVE BMES A YEAR. The Best I7l;; for Fami ly Beading published in this Country.— Very greatly enlarged and impiovcd, aud now gnr| asses all competitors. It has many new features not contained in any other Periodical; and for the year 1869 will be tbe most desirable reading that can be obtained. It is Edited by the talented Author and Historian [0 PORTER THOMPSON, who is sup ported by an extensive corps of the most bril liant American Writers. Each number is filled with the best N.ories, Essays, and rais c-llany, together with a complate epitome of tbe News, making it absolutely a household necessity. Specimen numbers, post-paid 20 cts. Yearly subset iption, $2 50 Don’t fail to address the Publishers for a copy. F. 1. DIBBLE A CO., 208 main St. Douisville, Ky. BLOOD MAHHOOdT Nothing so important; send 10 cents, for sealed 72 packages on the whole subject, showing who and who ought not to marrv, to DR. WHITTIER, 617 St. Charles St., ST. LOUIS, MO. Consultation free, at office or by mail. State your case, no mattter who hage tailed, fie stands pre-emiuently above all others in his speciality. Patients treated by mail or express in every State. Persons having Privatet Delicate, Intricate or Consti stutional Cases, having failed cf a cure, may apply confidentially. D. K. PUHBLE7 Os Eist Bethany, N. Y., Patent Farmer’* Steam Boiler has been in use many years, without accident, and with perfect success for cooking iu large quantities for stock, scald ing hogs, &c. Morton’s Cyclopoodia of Agriculture,(than which there ie no higher authority iu FiU ropc,) says : As to steaming food for cat le, there is abuudaut to rccomraed it, Tho process of cooking renders soluble that which would olhwi.-e be imperfectly di gested. It removes, in some cases, what otherwise be unwholesome ; and it tenders savory what would otherwise be distaseful.” Those in want, will please send f*»r circu lars, prices, Ac., to JAMA’S C. HAND & CO. Factors or &AYEIIY A CO, Manufactories, Philadelphia. DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. The best family Medicine in the world Hon. Alex. H. Siepheus, of Georgia, says, j “No head of a family shou and ever be without | it* n We guarantee it to cure, without fail, : Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Sores on man or beast Colic in horses, Stings or poison, Dian Lon, Catarrh. It is the best Disinfectant that has yet been discovered, and will remove all bad odors. It is invaluable in the sick room. It has the boat recommendations of any niedi*. ciue in the United States. All Druggists keep it. Trade supplied by »hc proprietors. JOHN DARBY A 00. jtul4;ly 160 William st., New York. t ii i: UN ill VA BAa E B € OOK &TB VE Sheaf! Anti-Dust Air-Tight Cooking Stove, with Extended Eire Box for Wootl or Cosil. Patented I?lsty hi, lMi5. a take pl msure iu (ffvring this justly celebrated first class flat top (JookiDg Stove to the public, aud would call atten tion to its many attractive and va’uable improvements Over one thousaud of the BARLEY SHEAFS were sold last season, and every Stove has given such universal satis* faction in cooking, fuel saving, and e .nveuience of operation, that it is now difficult to supply the demand. I*, lias a patent anti dust shaking Biftcr in the hearth, which sifts the ashes into a drawer in the ash pit, an i retains tbe cinders and ccal, which can be put back on the fire through the feeder, making no dust. The long cross piece is reversible, so that tbe wash boiler can be used on the side as well as the front holes. By re moving the long cross-piece wc give a latge opening for a cauldrm or wash ketde. A feeder with slide for rcgula’ing tho draft and feeding and fixing the tire when the front holes arc in use. Slidiog front fire doirs, g : ving full use of tho hearth. There is also an additional slide in the oven, being a very gre a convonieuco while cooking and baking. Tbe oven i6 nerrly as wide at tho top as at the hearth line, which not ou!y increases the size, but will be reoogniced as a great advantage iu baking. A- to the S’Z' of the flues and fire box, which arc made to correspond with the very large oven, several months trial has- cuablod the Manufacturers to so adjust them that the grea'est amount ot beat is obtained with the least possible fuel. Tho design of the Stove has been prepared with great care, and cannot fail to please. I get these Pt- vos dir ct fr in the Manufacturers, and Bundling tliCffl a Email profit. I include thirty pieces of fur niture and fixtures with each Store, aud will guarantee aa'isfaotjun. I rcf.r the j u’dicj to the Allowing gentleman, to whom I have sold these Stoves : ISon. L. Ilryan,* Duw&on, Dr. f. A. Ciiciilliatii, “ ?! i’. T. I, Mr. Savsige, “ tl. IS. dniiingr, ’8 rs fcll C«. <*Si. Hi 1 , .9. (J. B.cmiard, “ Mr. J. El. Ciimioii, 44 44 Mr. E. Taylor. 44 44 I have many other excellent 8-otos, viz: The Mutual FriCUfl, with Hot Closit aid R sc-rvo’r. Tho Improved Iron H'itcli, with six holes, T ic Srieutal, ReJ Jacket, Palmetto, Flame, Eastern Premium, &.?. I h IVC just r c ived a lot of VV. G. Wilson’s IMPROVED COMMON SENSE SERVING MA CHINES I know them to be splendid Maehiues, having tested one thoroughly fur two years. 'J h-y will sew ths tmest silk i,nd the coarsest cloth, with any kind of spool thread. Will stitcb, hem, fell, tuck, embroider, etc , with r pid ity. Any cbd t eight or ! en years < f age can do good sewing on them with ease, without any danger of getting them out of ordc . 1 will warrant these Machines, aud sell tberu at Manufacturer’s prices. Will include with each Machine, Hemmer, litruum’ss lt'-scwer, Oil cao, Screw driver, and Needles lam agent for S.AttOrwllite’s Improved Ootton Seed. This Cotton is said to yield mors per acre than any other, aud is mucu superior iu quality. Messrs. Bealv & Jackson, of Randolph county, certify thst they rai-ed li 10L> lbs. of Cotton per acre, ami Mr. A E Ward, same o aunty, certifies that he raised 820 lbs. lint per aere from these seed. Messrs. Tutnlin, Shaw, McDonald, aud others, recommend them very highly. I have a sample of the cottiri, and think it the finest I ever saw. I also have on baud a large supply of PlanlaUosi Broil, Steel, Axes, Hoes, SSanaes, Traces, Nails, Plow lines, CofJt, se.>*B Oats, Fioui*, Meal, Sal. 1 , Synsgi, r, Coffer, Lime, Fish, Si’isSi Potatoes, Apples, <lJiseese, Crackers, Sardines, Oyster.*', Tobacco, Snail, Soap, Soda, UtUlHScs, Live Ceoe Featliers, etc. Which I am soiling at lowest market prices.' gismo! Guano* I am agent f r the sale of the following Ferterlizers, at the pr'ces aun xed; Raw Rone Phosphate, $ 57.00 per Ton. Ranch’s Chicago Blood Wanure, $50.00 „ „ Cat si met Mills Hone Rust, $ll.OO „ ~ . I sell those Ferterlizers for CASH ONLY, and the purchaser muR pay the Freight on them from Baltimore to this plane, which will be about § 10.00 per Tod. # t Many of the most prominent and reliable Farmers in Virginia, North and Snath Carolina and Georgia, certify that Baugh’s Raw Boise Phosphate is by far the best Fevterlz r they have ever used, for Cotton and Corn. It t ffects the land for several years in succession, although applied only once It not only increases the orop, but permanently improves the land, which id not the oaac with other Guanos. . I append a few certificates, and refer the public to the following gentlemen who have sold, and are still dealing in tbil article: J T’ OARDNK/?, Augusta, Ga, ) J. T. AWTRY, Lagrange Ga. M. R. DKVAUGHM, Jnne borro „ Judge CAMERON, „ „ JONES. BAXTER DAY, Macon „ S B. RYE <fc SON, Forsyth, „ J. T- KIRBY, Nownan,,, Hiram FHINIZE, „ Judge J. H. M’CZUNG, Marsballvill, “ E. REMINGTON & SON, Thomasulle „ David KNOTT, McDonough, „ N. A. HARDEE SON & Cos Savannah, „ Thomas county, Ga, Mr. George Dugdalc— Dear Sir: Having been induced to try some Fortcrlizers, and being entirely ignorant of which were the best, I concluded to uso three kinds; so I got one ton of Peruvian Guano, one ton of Swan Island Guano, * M one ton of Baugh’s Rtw Bone Phosphate. T gave them all a fair trial en cotton, some of the land upon which t e J used having been in cultivation nearly thirty years. I put them side by side, and am satisfied that Baugh s Raw Phosphate was (he best. # . . On land that would cot have made 300 lbs. per acre, I gatherd 700 lbs, cotton; therefore I feel no hositancy in rco omendiog ths I’Loipnatc as the cheapest aud best Fertcrlizar we can g.:t --* Very Respectful!. ELDER ALLISON DEKLE. I have notietd more favorable reports from this than aDy other Guano for several years past, and actualy bcleive i be the best and cheapest Ferti’z rin use. Come, one and all, and put iu your orders tarly Sell your cotton at * 30 cents, and make a large cr< p this year, and improve you; lands at the si me im-. a. wm^rEQm, jan7;-3m DA.WSCTN', GEO, Dr. J. If. Pickett, Terrell so., <*a, Mr. \V E BJryan, Slcivart ( <>., <>in. Mr. A T Ncwsoibic, 44 4 ‘ Mr. <3 n Hasu!;!!!, 44 “ Hf, s WiiliiuKi, Webster co. 44 Mr. .3 W Warren, C'aßEiouu,eo 44 ,11s*. «a M Dea?uis, 44 “ Mr. tieo. \\ . C olley, 44 44