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Local Column.
News! News!! News!l!
cue«ip von cvisit i
S' ifi. ISfiiO,
rpilß well known Drv Goods dealers, have
_T received a large Stock of SPISLi'l*
tjOOHS, which thev intend to sell at
reasonable prices. Tlieir stock compiises
everything generally found in a tirat class
HOUSE, and especially Domestic (foods, can
be found there, of all kinds and all prices
mr. s. M. Nii-wstl l , the Snior of the
■firm is now in New Ytok, watching 'll ■ mar
ket, and intends to have his share of all the
good bargains that are daily to be had in
that city, which w ill enable them to sell then
Goods at such prices as will astonish the eo
tnuuiiy. Try them and be convinced, lor tv
«rv word they say you may relv upon.
They also take this opportunity to pn nr
all mistakes, to inform the public, and espe
cially their patrons, that Mr. J. W. Johnston
is not in their etnplov at the present time.
Messrs. S. Maas & M. S. Flesh will be
pleased to wait upoa all at their old stand,
occupied by them for the last year.
Dawson, (fa., Feb. 25, 1869 —'f
Corn, Grits and Jleul, just re
ceived and for sale, bv
Swift & Hamburger’s Upson county
Factory Thread, Osnaburgs and sew
ing Thread ; also, the best Sheetings, at
S M SIESEL & 15110’S.
roit SAf.E —
A good, second hand, “PalmetU”
No. 7, Cook S'.ove. Apply at
T ADIES’ & Misses’ Cloth Shoes. Gai-
U tors; also, all other styles of Shoes
& Hoots at S 51 SIESEL & 15110’S
Gilbert’s Star Troupe-
Will perform iu this city, at *he ‘ L'y
less Hall,” to niglit, (Tbun-day.) This
c lebrated Troupe, we noiite from our
exchanges, is said to bo tbe best thing
of the kind now travelling Mr. Gil
b rt comes too will recommended for
us to add any m re. Eat all turn out.
We bespeak for him a crow led huuse.
ONE dollar only will buy one French
C rset at tbe store of
r*r; : ' Wo notice, our fellow (owns
man, Lb. James 11. I’t .e , has been ap
pointed'by the Gove raor, Inspector u*
T’erfili* rs for this county.
Messrs. J. \V. Kubvrt:< & Co's-
Spring stuck is now open and ready
fir it s. eation. They make Staple
Goods and Family Groceries a special
ity Call and see Charlie and 15:lly.
BEAUTIFUL B diprein s, or so-called
-O Alhambra C vers, in all c dor.-; and
a small prices, i.t
('esMiltoii of Hostililies
lu Europe, n account, if B 11. IT -od
b yit g up all the Bacon and Cum,
and 1 f nothing to feed the s >l*l i rs n.
Mr. 11 tod has, without a dmb', tbe lar
g s' lot of Bacon ever brought to this
market, and he sells it cheap for Ca.-h.
Ilehts everything else in the l'lovi ion
line. Bynum is a clever, up ight geu
tleinar, aud all who trade with him will
say that wo are “corrcc*.” He aisa
keeps somethiog good to ,dm k, so says
some of his neighbors G ive him a call.
See advertisement
KA Pieces of the nicest and b st sprint;
OO Calicoes ever shown iu this mar
ket, can be fund at
Jacob Knltiier-
Is now selling at New York cost, and
it will be to tbe advantage of al. who
arc in want of Good?, and want them
cheap, to call on Mr. Kuttner at once.
Our young fiiend, Reuben \lbn, will
be on band to atteud to the wants of all.
See advertisement.
Ciodey’s Magazine-
Ear April has been received, and is
freighted with everything to the ladies.
Send to L. A. Godev, Philadelphia,
$3.00 and get the best magazine pub
KA pieces of Bleaching of all kinds,
someone yard wide, at the very
small price of 15 cents, at
Our worthy Pastor, Rev. Mr.
Breedlove, has one of tbe finest cows in
this section. She will readily give two
gallons of milk twice a day. Who can
beat that ?
Mr. James IC. tiilbcrl —
Os Lee county, visited our town a few
days since, on business with the Daw
son Manufactuiing Company. Mr. G.
has a most excellent machine for putting
out Guano, it arranged in two
apartments, one to be used in manipu
lating, while tbe other is dis ributing
It is also adapted to the p lanting of cot
ton seed, opeuiug furrow, strewing the
seed and covering at the same time. 110
has made arrangements to have a few of
hu machines put up by the Diwson Fac
tory, with a view of testing them thor
oughly, aud if they should meet his ex
pectation, will establish a factory in our
t r 'wn for the manufacture of this and
other valuable agricultural implements
he is interested in. We wish him much
Shooting of Rev. JWr. Anthony.
This affair occurred neat Anderson
villo, at the house of Mr. Hobart Mann,
where bis step daughter was to be mar
ried. It was at the request of Ml.
Mann that slr. Anthony be sent for to
perform the ceremony, aud on his arri
val,wsß warmly welcomed by 53 r. Mann.j
Before the ceremony camo off, Mr. !
Mann became intoxicated and enraged
by some circumstance, and rushed in the
room when the ceremony was ah ut half
through, aid ordered i si q ped, at the
same time holding a shot-gun in his
hand. slr. Anthony endeavored to
quiet him, and at the same lime tried lo
get rhe gun from him. Mr Mann re
sisted, in the struggle, his gun was
accidentally discharged, the load ( qmr
rel shot) entering the 1 wer part ~f the
abdomen on th ■ rgb' si.b . II tell
the floor, but true to that dote miiuii -o
that, has ever governed him iu all his
undertakings, he declared his intention
“finish the jib,” was placed on abed,
t r ped up hy pillows, and did finish
tlu ceremony. There was no hard feel
ings on the part of Mr. Mann towards
Mr. Anthony ; the sad affair was caused
by tin great enemy in our midst—whis- (
P. S. Since tbe above was written we
learn that Mr. Anthony is a little bet
•f. IS. Ross &, Son, Macon, Ga —
In passing tbrougli this mammoth
house, a few days since, ‘‘conducted by
our fiiend, Mr. English,” who, we be
lieve, is chief in the wholesale depart
ment, we could but think of days gone
bv, when we bought goods from the same
“Jack” Hose, and bought them cheaper
than cur neighbors did. We will ven
ture our reputation as a business man,
on this assertion: You can do better by
buying goods from J. 11 Riss&Sod,
small slocks, and buying often, than you
can by going to N w York aud buyiug
goods to last you six mi ntes.
The stock of this IT .use is now com
plete and ready for the Spring trade,
and i: did seem to ut that a Dry Goods
man could buy anything he waDted.—
Stop aud see 51r. E glish, and if he
fails so sell you, this much he will do,
his jri es v ill be so low, that you will
f rco the m m that does sell you, to sell
at vet i/ low Ji;/tires.
Macon, Ga., Ft* 20ui, 18G9.
Messrs. L. IF. Hunt e& Co. — ln reply
to yi ur qnct-tion in rcgaid to my exp -
recce with Dr. Wilht Its Antiperiolie,
L have to sav, that it is the lost medi
cine Lit chills and fever that I ever saw.
Wh n I came to Maeou I had been hav
ing chills for a year, at <1 one bottle
cured me. It not on'y breaks the pai
rxysin, but jaii as a good appe'ite and
improves tbe digesti< n I belive one
bnt le, taken according to directions,
will euro any ase nf chills aud fev- r.
Yours respectfully, R. R. Evan-', S.-ed
deal r, G 8 Thitd street.
Fjr sale hy Janes & Loylese, Daw
son, G. n eblß'G9.f
The “Barley Sheaf.”
Morgan, Ga., M ireh 9,1809.
Cap'. J. A Fulton, Diwson, Gi
Dear »SY/ A week ag-. I rec< ived my
Oinking St ve, ‘Birley Sheaf,” 1 pur
chased of y> u, and am glad to say that
[ belii-ve it 8 tlre best L have ever?
anti I have bee 1 aeons'omed to use them
from early childh od. My wife siys
she would not part with it f r thrice its
cost, and that it is a complete success.
Several of our villagers have examined
it and say they must have ore • f the
same sort. With respect Yours truly,
Y-u’m: right, ’S(j •.!•- 8 y
villagers ai ,g; I nave a few • . r «.n
I) no of the some sort. J A. Fulton
( nuMiuum. — Why are the Jots
i Greenbacks aiUe. Answer next
Homicide of Ah Editor.
Augusta, March 12. -be editor of
the Warren.on, Gcmgia, Clipper was
sh.d and instantly killed this morning.
Mr. Wallace applied for admission
into the Masonic Lodge in Wayrenton,
and was clack-balled -by* Dr. G. W .
Darden, who promised not to oppose
his application. Mr. Wallace then at
tacked Mr. Darden through the col
umns of bis paper, denouncing him as
a liar and villain. As Mr. Wallace
was passing Mr. Darden’s office be
shot him front his window with a lisle,
the ball passing through Mr. Wallace’s
head, causing instant death. The ul
lair creates intense excitement in War
'The Augusta Post Offics.— lt is
ramored that Foster Bl dgett is about to
be reinstated in the Postofhce at Au
gusta. Can it bo possible that General
Grant is to sigualiza the opening of his
administration by appointing to a lucra
tive and responsible official station,a man
who is now resting under an indictment
for perjury found ui the United States
Di-wiot Court by a jury of Union men
who were strangers to him personally,
and c uld have been animated by no
prejudice? For the character of the
country we hope it is not true.
A Fight. — Fue llawkinsvilis Dis
patch says some tweuty-fivo negroes, on
the plautatioa of Mr James Bohannon,
about six miles from llaw kinsviila, bad
a frolic, which ended in a fight with pis
tol-, knives aud bludgeons. 'lVn oi were severely wuuuuei, aud one
The suow is five feet deep in and
about tbe While and Frauconia M un
tains, aud tbe lumbermen are obliged
, to desert the swamps and take cut their
Our Cotton Mahkkt—We quote
cotton this wet k at 25c- -a good article.
Now York, middlings, 28} i2BJ
Savannah, 27}
Macon, 20
The latest Rio advices says—“it is
generally believed that Lopez has retired
in a mall steamer to Bolivia ; others are
of opinion that the dictator of Paraguay
has embarked on board an Ametioan
The Giiioa. Chiu, and Fever
Remedy. —\\ o cull u Umti n to t (its
cer iti mto in another column in rolati hi
to Dr, \\ ill oft’s Antiperiodie This
is no quack medicine, but is prepared
on scientific principles. It is a con
centrated Fluid Extract of Peruvian
Bark deprived of that constituent
which prodtic s the iii- I. _>r- • ml»le head
sym| !oins. , bis, combined \itn Iron
nvu.-s the Great i.etno ly It has
proven itsell to ho almost infallible.—
Patm rs who live below Macon should
buy it by the dozen and always keep
it on hand. Messrs. L. \V Hunt &
Coptic llie wholesale agents. For
saWin Dawson by Junes & Loyless
G««d Advice.
Let our pass s inns be what they may
—marble palaces, broad land-, magnifi
cent plate, or easki ts of “precious stones”
—they all sink in tbe balance against
Heaven’s great boon, HEALTH, end
they cannot bo et joyed without it. And
yet how lit tie is it valued, aud how care
lessly preserved. The laws of nature
cannut be violated with impunity
Night revelry, luxurious living, irregu
larity of meals, and a disordered appe
tite, will gradually destroy the power
and activity o£ the stomach. How many
ladies ani gentlemen eat and drink dis
ease at. late suppers, and arise in the
morning with headache,) :ss of appeiite,
feeling languid god unrefreshed. There
can be no mcdjupti remedy thet will turn
lead into food, or poisoned drinks into
nutriment, but medical science can assist
nature, supply exhau-ted fluids, and to
a great extent correct the ifLcts of dis
ease. In all cases such as the above,
we recommend Plantation Bitters
You will find them just the tiling—at
the same time a most delicious tonic and
51agnolia Water —Superior to the
best imported G rmau Cologne and sold
at half the price.
Docs lie l Blood pour l's crimson
streams through your veins with all its
accis'omcd purity aud inanity? Or
has it became thickened and polluted by
disease until your glands have become
swollen, ydur skin diseased, or covered
with ulcers and old running sores?
Have you any dista-c which leads you
to suspect Impure Blood, as the cause?
1 he spring ot the yeans tbe time to cure
all i uch complaints and Dromgoole &
Co’s “Cutifti uti -nal Monarch, is the
uio-tpow. rful 15 eo i> Pdkutier that.can
be found. Tetter, Scald head, PunpliS
151 itches, Gianulat, Swelling- 1 , Scrofula,
Erysipelas, Gout, Rticuniaii-u;, aud all
such diseases, cure i by its ae. S Id
by all priuciplo druggists.
KI EliKl! : I X—Suitable for steady hands.—
Pays huge [ lotus. Address for funiculars
at once.
“COSTAR,” No. 10 Crosby St., N. Y.
Latest New York News.
i. \ TTv: !!
unit OUT I! ICK 0 r !
UWOBUi t ax OUT! 1
“Bi’wnifie* tbe O-'tnp cxion.”
“Give- ,i I! =y Glo ■ to the Chocks.”
“X It i tv Ti •><> lo the Lips ”
“Removes all Bl >’rhes and Freckles.”
“The li -st in lo- VV.'ihl.”
BiHer-Sweft and Orange Blossoms.
Boitle, $l.O0 —Three for $2.00.
Kino Bottles sold in oris Jhv in N. V. City.
£2?“AU Druggists in DAWSON sell it.
[ Morning Paper , A up. 26.]
“lOH MY ! ! Oil MY ! 1 can’t stand it;
but he did, tor he seat right off and got a
box of
‘Costar's’ Corn Solvent,
and it cured
All Druggists hi DAWSON sell it.
“fostarV* Rat, Roach, kc., Exter
“Fosiar's” Bed Bug i xtcrmiiiafors.
“lostar’s” (only pure) IliStCt I’OW
•■Only Infallible Remedies known.”
“18 ream established in New York."
“2,(100 Boxes and Flasks manufactured
“( 1 ! Beware ! ! ! of spurious im tations.
“All Doigg'S's ill DAWSON sell iheni ”
address “Costar, 10 Ur 'sby S r ., N \ ,
Or John F. Husky, (Successor to)
(irmas Ba nks & Cos., 21 Park R w,
N. Y.
For sole by Janes & Lojles?, Diuggig-9,
Dawson, Ga, /yb2&'69;ly
R E A J ) !_R HAD!
“A Pc tiny Sand, Is Two Pence Made"
ONE hundred vents experience by the
World, since Benjamin Franklin uttered the
above ptoverb, but adds to its truth. Then
whv not everybody use the
and save the Doctor’s Mileage, Visits and
The EXCELSIOR .lytic Pills
NEVER FAIL to cute Chi!ls and Eevtr
or HIMOF3 Fevers, while the cost Isa mere
tr fie complied with a Doctoi’s bill for the
same aerviue.
GUlfetl—lt never fai's to cure either. In
fact, it i8 the name Remedy in a different
form. But from its greater fo!ability and
fluid condition, is more nauseous to tbe taste,
but at the tame time, is more active than the
Pills. Neither cure bv Vomiting or Purging,
but bv killing the •Hillaviu or Poison in
the svstem, and the patient is relieved with
out being prostrated with Drastic Remedies.
These Remedies also lemove Fever Cake*,
or enlargement# of the Npleen and Liver.—
Cue lueipieut Dropsy, and all Malarious Dis*
The Excelsior IWious
Catharlic SHits are uuequuled as a
Mil,l) ant'. KFFI IF,XT Ch than it*,', always ae
tinj? promptly, vet mildlv—disgorging the
Liver and relleving Biliousness andiiscon
sequcnces. Cu es Sick Headache, Constipa
tion, Liver Din iifii, &r.
The Excelsior I'ett: file Itcs'or
a!frf—Relieves Hipmessed Menstruation,
Fateful JJenstrna io-qLeuoorrhon or Whites,
Ulceration of the Womb, and many other die
eases and conditions peculiar to Females. It
is the best Uterine A'terative and Purifier
known to the Medical 7 5 rofe a -'ion, and no fe
male troubled with any irregularity or con -
dition peculiar to the sex, should dispair of
bcinfi cured, until she has eiveu it a fair trill.
HvILSvIJM — Cures Colds, Catrrrhs, In
Uuenzas, Coughs, &e., Prevents Pneumonia
aud Croup. A single bottle not unfrequently
saves a family one hundred times its cost in
dollars and cents, besides much suffering, and
even the-loss of life.
Tlie I xcelsior Sootliiiip: Cnr
<■ ial—Has no equal for the cure of Bowel
Affections, such as CHOLERA, Cholera-.1/ot
btts, Cholera-Infantum, Diarrhea and Dysen
tcr;; relieves the paius aud gripings, and ar
rests the discharges.
The Excelsior Pain Killer—
Stands at the head of that class of Remedies,
bring superior to Od of Life, King of Pain,
and a host of such remedies heralded before
the public as cure alls.
The Excelsior Vermifuge— ls a,
dead shot for Worms—a good and safe Ca
thartic for children, under all circumstances,
when such an action is needed, whether they
are, or are not troubled with worms.
All of the above Family IltlKrelics
are offered to the public, not. as cure alls or
geuetal Panaceas, hut as useful Family Reme
dies, such us every family can administer
with safety, without the aij or advice of a
Th p ,Mguc Pills and Feltrifitge,
never fad to cure wheu administered ac
cording to directions.
The Female Restoralirc has made
some of the most remarkable cures of any
medicine of the kind ever offered to the pub
lic. It acts upon the tissues of the womb
with the same certainty that J/ererry acts
upon the Liver and other glands. It, removes
obstructions aud relieves organic at.d func
tional changes, and leaves tbe orgm healthy
and natural.
The other ISeinedics are simple, safe
and efficient, for the several diseases aud
conditions lor tvf.ich they aro severally re
commended. They are all prepared at the
IZau'SoH, Georgia*
Wbe e msy always be found a complete as
sortment of’ Drugs, Medicines, Pakus, Oil*,
Dye-Si nil's, School Books, Paper, Fane, Ink,
Ftncv articles, Fresh Seeds, &c, at
Wholesale and Retail, as low «a they Citi be
rurch .sed at any house iu South Western
The Excelsior R medies are for sale by
Druggist-# and Merchants generally.
C. A. Cheatham.
Dtwson, Ga., March 11, 18d9—Cm
,Y 0A R BEN 10! N0 Q l /NINE !.’
.eo merc i rm:
Bibb County, Ga., Feb. 11 Lb, 1809.
Messrs. L. W. Hunt & Cos.
Gknts—l have taken Dr. Wilhsft’s Antipe
• iodic, and have given it in my family, and
unhesitatingly pronounce it to be the beet
('hill and Fever Medicine that 1 ever saw. I
have never known it to fail in a single in
s'auce. Yours truly,
Tuos. J. Gibson, Bibb county.
F«ale iu Dawson by Janes A Loyless,
I) '?rrg*B' u march 11’09 f
,tn. ji.rfkSTt'./TOiivs
1)Y Vctue ol on order Doit) 'he UMH of
) Ordinal volT■ ■ rcell Cos. Ga., Wff be
■old before tbe Conn House door in the town
of Dawson, in Terrell comity, on the Best
Tuesdav in April next, between the legal
limits of sale, the following propertv, to wi :
25 acres off of lot No. 135, in tin- 3rd di-tiict
ofTerrell county. Sold for .he benefit of the
heirs and creditors of Hdto y B. Smith, dec’d.
feblStds de bonis non.
f ( Il'dKti! ", Tcrroll County :
V X Notiee is hereby given to ail peraotiß
concerned, that the estate of W. C. Thorn
ton is unrepresented, and no one applies for
letters of administration on said estate, aud
that in terms rs theliw, administration de
bout3 non, w ill be vested in the Clerk of the
Superior Court or some other proper person,
at (he J/irch Term of the C’ourt of Ordinary,
unless some valid objection is made to said
Given under my hand and official signa
ture, this March 11, ’69. T. M. JONES,
mhl 1-Sod Ordinary.
f t EOKGI.I, Terrell County:
VJf J. W. Rigan applies to me for let
ters of Administration de bonis nou on tbe
estate of P. A. Waller.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all petsons concerned, to be and appear at my
otliee within tbe time prescribed by law, and
show cau-e, if any, why said letters should
no: be granted. Given undor my bend, and
official signature, this J/irch lltb, 1869.
marll3od T. J/. JONES, Ord’y.
Administrator’s Sato.
VORF.EaBLE to an order of the Court of
Ordinary of Terrell county, will be sold
before (he Court House door in Dawson, on
the fiist Tuesday in April rest, between
tbe legal bonrs of sale, the following prop
erty, to-wit: Lot, of land, No. 63, in the 17th
district, and east half lot of land, No. 62, in
the 17th district of Terrell county, known as
(lie Ford place, belonging toes’ateof Sarah
Ford, dec’d. About 120 acres of chared land
—ordinary improvcm, nts. Possession given
the first of Januarv, 1870. Terms cash.
febAtds CHARLES FORD, Arlm’r
ftolice to Debtors anti Creditors.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons
having derminds against Isaac W. Ken
drick, late of Terrell county, deceased, to
pr. sent them to mo propeilv made out, wi fa
in the time prescribed by U«, so as to show
their character and amount. And all peisons
indebted to said ceceased, are hereby re
quired to make immediate payment?*.
W.O. K END KICK. Adm’r of
1 fvblSjGGd ISAAC W. ixENDfUCK.
HAVING formed a copartnership in the
Drug business, have on hand, and are
constantly receiving, one of the largest an.l
best assortments of
Drugs and Pore Medicines
Kv,-r before off red in this Ma-ket, which
will bv sold at. .tlaron Prices , freight
added, for t tie CvISII. Thev buy li > gely
for cash, therefore can offer super.or induce
ments to cash customers.
Their stock consists of
Ml rugs, Chemicals ,
tl 'hile IjCitd ground in Oil,
Paints, either dry or in 0:1,
famishes ot' all I,intis,
Purest Qutlity,
Keroser.e, Linseed,
Tanner’s, Machine,
Sweet & Castor Oil,
in abundance;
. pice.
Salts, &c.
A full and complete assortment of
Patent Medicines,
Flavoring Extracts,
Perfumery of all Kinds,
Hair Oils,
Toilet Powders
And soaps,
Shading, Tooth and Hair Brushes.
In fact, rvervthing u'uallv kept, in a fir?t
clafs inset; SiOltE. They keen,
also, far J/edical purposes, pure articles of
Superior inducements are offered to Far
mers and Physicians. Prescriptions carefullv
conipi uuded and tilled by a Druggist and
Physician of experience. Don’t fotget the
place— n.xt door to Win. Wooten’s,
Perryman’s old stand. Main street.
Dawson, (Ja., March 4, 1869 —ly
Baton Sides,
And a lot of
Fresh Ground Meal and Grits,
From Judge E. <*. ISrowsi * Mil!,
All of which 1 am offViiug at livir g rales f. . ,
the Jtloney.
Would like to make arrangements with :
amities to furnish them with
from the best 19'llite Corn, uridfrcm
the best Mill in the county.
Dawson, Ga , March 4, *C9—3tj
ISri to inform Pmders and Farmers of
▼ » South Western Georgia, that tty have
opened a large Wholesale and Retail
Produce <fc Provision House
ijt e f TANARUS./ r/jr-/, .fi.r.,
Whore they notv have on hand, and will be
constantly receiving, large supplies of
Flour, Tobacco, Liquors, He.
WE offer great inducements to Deal rs and
Farmers by the Wholesale, and pled e our
selves to sell to them at all times, at as low
pi ices as the goods can he obtained in J/a
con, thereby giving a great difference in
We refer to Capt. S. R. Wistoh, of Daw
son, from whom our wholesale ptices can be
HOI.B A rorßlt.
! Fi.faiil. *l. 11 loan »-
Kew Jew •
JVTain Sti*eot ? - - - - DAWSON, <
Ifß Hfiill 13VT £ ‘gra IT?! "Pf* TTT Bill
pH! 1 1 lib fc\ b’s [ •:! t.. \ Eg I 8 I%\ il L#
Pj iil Ff IA II IS MUI£IU li l*
AND is receiving daily, tho most MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF
Evtr before otFercd in a Southern Market, consisting of ( UOICE RRY GOODS,
embracing a 1 tbe new stylos of
Louies’ nit ess coons, cloths,
CviSIMLIIES, I'ESTI.raS, ffe.,
u:ea;dy-ma:d:e clothing
If, ITS, Cat PS, HOOTS Si SHOES, in every variety of Price and excellence
Alto, for the accommodation of our Agricultural friends, wo have aud shall keep on ban; 1
a large assortment of
tii we intend t. a II oti the lowest aud n.oat accommodating term* for CASH. Osi
r.-anner of huglnesa w ' he conducted upon Uio fit. IS Iff principle. We shell endeavor to
r iKe "QUICK SA I.FS" and be satisfied with "SMALL PROFITS.” Under these cit
c tii-t ihces, we invite cur friends and customers to call and examine our stock before pur
el: sing elsewhere- assuring them' shall be fully satisfied before leaving,
,ir“Bill” JriiiMston aii«l Grcrit 11. Tlsompson will always boon hand,
anu will be pleased to wait on their old friends and customers. f0b11,1869 —im
1860. # 18 60.
LirfAVE nr . > hrtul one of tho Largest and bust Selected-
Wtock t 0- I)S ever b. tight
SAID Goods /.eve hi or. Hompllt Low, aBl ( w
gold at eueh figures as will suit EVERYBODY.
'T-ipr mWmmLm I •' '>l ■*' |aa* tu—)
Mew Hard mi re Stor«-»
, '|''llE Uuderslgncd would rcppectfully
1 announce to the citizen* of Dawaoti
and the aurroutiding country, tl at he
has received, and is constantly receiv
Hardware of every I)f..cnptiou,
nd of the very best mate ' il: Consist
ing iu part ot Gookjiiii Slovts,
I liovclw,
T&r - wj. f\.V.
k\\ hi am 11 BW'T’rrTTt. A 1 jjlf 1
IK ON AX ?3 STEEL Always on Hand.
Tha . ful for the liberd patronage, of which lie has been the recipient ior a number of
years, he respeetfully solicits a continuance of the same.
D v.-on, Ga , January 2*, 1869-3 m *
VST ILL be sold before ti c Coon House
f T door in th<* town of Dawson said conn'
ty on th«> first Tuesday i Apr»i next, within
the Ir./al hotn «» ol eutf' t- f«Howing property
o v»it : Oue l uuse an ■t, Iri the totrn of
kno-v.. a- 1 the p’a< ■’ oc< and by J. F. Scai’t?.
Lev lon aa the prup. r ■ •. t W. N. Duckerj
to k i fv lour Jusii- V( sis is, issued from
tbe >G;M;h District,'*. A--., of Floyd coud'v,
Ga., ii favor of A. W -aidweli vs W
Duckt r, which ii fas hav *i t - . i .*nsf *rred to
T. \V Loyleea. Prop ty pointed out by T.
W Loyless, transreiec. I :ry made ami rc
turned to me by a con-tab .
AUo, one house and io ’.ue towft n f Daw
son, leirell county, A*>. o' kiiown, but
kno? r. as tbe pLc* whereon J. F. x V uo*'
re>it s. Levied on es tbe r; on ol Y. N
Duckc , to .Mi'i-ly a 0 i t . - >■) ! U” ••• >. • v r or
Court, in iavor of M. D” ’?»•!, e U cr, vs
Wrn. N. Ducker, maker, : x ' y f tu
doisf r.
A i -.i>. two bales of co’ t. - ,i'2 and 3
marked T. J. S. 7/evie< 4 pof
of Ji nos W. Scotr, to 8a u-.on is
sued from the /Superior ( i .<?!! Cos.,
in favor oiSauiual Willtfo; '*l W, Scot*.
Alto, one house and lor, .n;ir*d tit this
time >y Mr. Johns on, and *jksu.ith and
shops, and the lot wbei • a the stand,
Nos. ijo’ known, but known a the lots of R.
P. J/* tin, deceased, ? n the village of Dover,
Terreil county. Levied on < the pro { ty
of li. P. Martin, dec’d, to 8a i fy an x* a 10a
issued from the Superior » c irt cf r -H
cousi v in I'avor of John F Perry vs A ifua
P. J/irtioand W. M. C^—.
fi V * • ■
. . AS^ETPK,
1 fcb2s-tda sh’lf
Also, a well assyried Stock of.
of different grades ; #ll of which, he
is prepared to toll on as accomtno
datiog and
IScsisonable Terms
as the times md situation will allow.
I/ROM tbe subscriber, at or near ( j, e (¥rß .
i r.ikc, in Calhoun county, G* a mcijiun
v.- light Sorrell mare mule, sir.,;] wi ,k ’ o!
1 forehead, 8 years old this f pri|i ,. i8
: -v.-dI that thb mule was ' co ‘|er, if , negro
. ...icd Nteph-ti Jfimtee. formerly owned by
a U'. leDtiel; ot War .ling'oi eoiintv, 6n.,
8 ; h:it bu hl « gon% back to. Washington
■ l negro j.. nbout, S3 or 38 .Tears old,
M,c:. W>. prr.minent forehoad, and nas otilv
j.t.-j Movers and Thumb on We
li iii-i, not reeoileeteti which hand, b; in<r a
( -Lcral I’cfeet.
■' ippreh.'DStoD and delivery in any
-ii ol tfiis S. tie, of said negro, the sub
y-r will give one hundred dollars, and
v ,! give ssme awonnt for the delivery ot
»'•••' H'uie to him at t.fe residence. Slid no
- ■ was uuder anwt for stealing and made
?e from the Deputy Sbeiiff'of Terrel
A-iy inform illon (bankfolfy received A.i-
ri Dawaur.Gt.
G fKMA, Tfi-rttll Count
Vt ncreus, Eli Cochran, Executor of ii
ling S: ; >B, applies for letter* of dismis.-
froi ,- nd estate.
7 <-?e are therefore to cite *nd iidmc.
all »ns concerned, to be aDd appear a.
oft. ihia (he time preacribed f y |^ w . • -
ah- ause, if any, why laid •»** .J,
no: .. . ' .
uiveu under my nd,
I cfbci.i -iviiature, this Nov. Lbh. 1^
IYI r r * s j