Newspaper Page Text
■ B BESTOW, Editor'
Wfjyj IfSO/i G
B l]ff y December 3<E_****»
printer* have lain
B, ticks, "and are out in the hunt
Bristmas We only put out a.hp
Keek, to conform to the lavrs of
K adtertising'
Fridt y r™'
K 24th inst., the Jouenal build-
Keupiedby W. F Orr and our-
Kas tired by *n incendiary. Prof-
Kin discovered the Are, gave the
■ iD d the whole block vras saved.
Orange l!Or»ag«it : l
K barrels of sweet oranges just
KeZ* o“ Bt ‘ J u ohnß , RlVer ;
K for sale by the barrel or at
K;,y J. L. Solomon.
1, gxokks' for Fe
■ will open on next Monday, the
■of January, in the house now oc
■] by Mr. Solomon.
K terms and testimonials on circu.
K t hTb*st. —One carload Ten-
H e water-ground flour, the best in
just received at
JT Alexander & Tarrott s.
|fc)VERTTStNOc— rre many wlo
■ that advertising docsn t pay. ror
of eucb, we give the ex
,he most sucoesttul business ,
knowledge :
advertisements, I snou.d
Hp.u to-day/'— H- T. Ilem
■ poccc‘»i3 owicc to my liberality
vis furnished me wit# a
I D»t.s>.
his residence in this cite, ofPneuron-
the 26th inst-. Dr. J. L. D. Persy-
H former Editor of th< pap r.
Hbrr residence in thibcitT, of Peeumo-
the 28th inst.’ Mrs. Uuisa A. Whitvy
H affect--nate wife, ar.i * true Cbtialian
to re^t.
■ jit Mlic Clitcry !
|/\y the first Tuesday in Jannarv next.will
|V/ be sold at public outcry, before the
House Door, in the town of Daw* 0)
Hit., that desirable plantation known as t e
■EDGE KNOTT PLACE,” and on which M
- ifeVev cow lives, being about pint
|p) miles from Dawson, on the main road
through the town of Chickasawhatch-
Be, i-i containing 607 12 acres, about one-
Hcleared and producing finely. On the
is a good Farm House, plenty of cabins,
H* din House and Screw, Ac.
this plaae will be sold 500 Bushels
H, 2000 lbs Fodder, .2 Wagons, all the
Tools, Harness, 4c. A splendid
Saw Gin, will gin 4 bales Cotton dai
all the Cotton Seed on the place.
chance to secure a good place cheap.
positive. For further information apa
Hos B. Ctim, Dawson, Ga.. or to Mr.
Hot, on the place.
i If" Terms made known on the dar of sale.
■ .not dm-:.
W|L Miller has applied lor exemption
of personalty and setting apart and vrl-
B of Homestead, to be heard at 10 o'clock
on the Ist day of January, 1870, at
in Dawson, Ga.
■ I II JONES, Ord’y.
Tei-rcll Connly:
u hereas, i/artiu L. Him applies for
■wM of Guardianship of Julia, Parisade
■NH enelope Haddock, minors of J. W.
are therefore to cite and admonish
ns c P to be and appear at
e w ‘ tQ ia the time prescribed by law,
•Mow cause, if any, why g*id letters
' j e granted. Given under idt
E? * nd f officiai signature, this December
Etaaj. T- it- JOSBS, Qrd'j.
j®“«*A7Tcrrell Comity:
, re * B .’ V-C .Kendrick applies for
.of dumunoa on th« esuu of Isaac W
l‘„ rethere,or * to c,w **><l »<*mnni.b
ns concerned to be and appear at mi
within the time prescribed by law, and
«ee, if any, , hy teld I#tterg ihould
granted. GWen onder my hand, and
B 5 gnatare, thie Koeember 18th, 1569.
T. M. JOKES, Ord’y.
Terrell (onxty :
of dim Wright KeDed - T 'Dpi*** for
iaTfe 01 0D th * of Elmira
le » and John A. Kenedy.
*n^- trtfor » to c ‘te»nd admonish
oe withinT^’* 0 *" ,ad «PPe*rat
)ow «L h * r t:me Prescribed be law,
not £ ' f !? 7 * Wh - T letters
nd ' g T* Bt6d - Givec onder my
i official signature, this November
“oal«;3m T ' *' JOS ®»
■ Ord y.
V'J*" Co ««*T:
!rs of p,', M !- rth * Haddock bee applied
L °* Os Fanni. Florence
lons* oobc'/^j lo , C j U * nd ‘dmonisb
F*ithMKJ ,b ** Bd *pp e " «
low c, ' * Um * proscribed by law,
[not he^.^,^ 7, * h - T “* d letters
Id official GlT * n onder me
169. “gnitore, this November
|U;4Od 14 • dOKES,
b Ord’y.
rupS^ eli “.««»>• i.t
*df gai, * 7 n,xt i during usu
k 2;tl, S- JOli ES, Ord'j. |
By Rufus B. Bullock, Provisional Governor
of said Utate.
Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 22d, 1869.
Bt virtue, and in pursuance of an Act of
Congress, to promote the reconstruction of
the State of Georgia, approved Dec. 2'2d,
1869, of which the following is a copy ,to
“An Act to promote the Reconstruction of
the State of Georgia :
Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of
Represeutativee of the United States ol Amer
ica, in Congress, Assembled, That the Gov
ernor of the State of Georgia be, and here
by is authoiiaed and directed forthwith, by a
proclamation, to summon all persons elected
to the General Assembly of said State asap
petra by the Proclamation ol Oeo'ge G.
J/eatle, the General Commanding the Milita
ry District, including the Stats of Georgia,
dated June 25th, 1868, to appear on mm
day, certain to be named in said Proclama
tion at Atlanta, in said State, and, theieupon,
the said General Assembly, of said <b’» te,
shall proceed to perfect its organization, iu
conformity with We Constitution and laws or
the United States, according to the provision
of this act.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That
when thw members so elected to said Senate
aud House of Representative', shall bt* con
vened as aforesaid, each and eTerv persou
claiming to be elected as a member of said
Senate cr House of Representatives, shall, in
addition to taking the oath or oaths required
by the Constitution of Georgia, also take and
subset ibe, and file in the office of Secretary
of State of the Stale of Georgia, one ot thr
following oaths of affirmations, namely:
“I do solemly swear, or affirm, as the
case may be, that I have never held the of
fice or exercised the duties of a Senator or
Representative in Congress, nor been a me n
ber of the Legislature of anv State ot the
United S ates, nor held any civil office creat
ed by law, for the administering of ary gen
eral law of a State or for the adnrnisteriog
of justice in any State, or under the laws ol
the Uaited S ates. nor held any ' ffiee in the
militrv or naval service of the United Statee,
ana thereafter engaged in insurrection f)r re
bellion against the United States, or gave
aid or comfort to its enemies, or rendered,
except in consrqoence of direct phys c 1
force, any support nr aid to anv insuirectlon
or rebellion against the United States, nor
held anv office under or given any support to
any Government of any kind, organiz-d or
acting in hostility to the United Stale, or
tewing war against the United States, so
help tne God ; or on the pains or penalties
of perjury as the vase may h- ; or the to'—
lowing oath or affirmation, nantvly : “I do
solemly swear or affirm, a« the ea»e may be,
that I have beet, relieved by an Act of the
Congress of the United States from disabili
ty a« provided for by See. 3rd of the Four
teen'h Amendment of the Constitution ot
United States, so help me God ; or on the
pains or penalties of pe.jurv as the case
mat be which oath nr affi matinn, when so
filed, shall be entered on record by the fee
retarv ot State of the State of Georgia, and
Slid oath or affirmation or a enpv of the re
cord thereof, duly certified by said Secretary
of State, shall be evidence in all c-urts and
places, and everv pernio claiming to be so
elected, who shall refuse, or neglect, or be
unable to take one of said oaths nr affirma
tions above provided, shall not be admitted
to a seat in said Senate or House of Repre
sentatives or to a par-icipation in the pro
ceedings thereof, but shall be deemed ineli
gible to such seat.
Sec. 3. ADd be it further enacted. That if
any person claiming to be elected to said
Senate or House of Representative? as afore
said, shall falsely take either of said oaths or
“Srtnations, as above provided ; he rhall he
detmed guilty of petjury, and shall suffi r
thepains and penalties thereof, and may be
trie!, convicted and puni'hed therefor, by
the Circuit Court of the United State- for the
Distrat of Georgia in which district said
crime »as committed, and the juriseiction of
the saic Court shall be sole and exclusive for
the purpose aforesaid.
it’xc. 4 And be it further enacted. That the
persons dected as aforesatd, and entitled to
eoropore .aid Legislature, and who shal’ com
ply with He provisions of this Act by taking
one of tbeoaihs affirmations above prescrib
ed, shall thereupon proceed in said Seßate or
House of Reoresentatives to which tbev have
elected respictivelv, to re organize said Sen
ate and Houar of Representatives respective
ly, by the election and qualification of the
proper officersof each House.
Sec. 5. And be i' further enacted, That if
anv person shall by force, violence or fraud,
willfully binder or interrupt any person or
persons elected as aforesaid from taking eith
er ot the oaths or affirmations prescribed by
the Act, or frora participating in the pr<~.
ceedmga of said Senate or House of Rt-pre.
aentalives aftet laving taken one of
oatbs if Cffirmations and otherwise complied
with this Act, he shall be deemed guiitv of a
felony, and may be tried, convicted and pun
iahed therefor, by the Circuit or District
Court of the United States for the District ol
Georgia, in which district said offense shall
be committed, and shall be punished therefor
by imprison ment at hard labor, lor not leas
than two nor more than ten years, in the and e
cretion of the Court; aud the jurisdiction of
■ <id Courts shall bs sole aud exclusive lor the
p> t ore aforesaid.
cic. 6. And be it further enacted, That it
U k..oK« declared ib-» '»• eaclnaion Ot an .■
person or persona elected as aforesaid, and
being otherwise qualified, from participation
in lb 6 proceedings of said Senate or Bouse of
Representatives, upoD the ground ol race,
color or previous condition of servitude,
would be illegal and revolutionary, and is
hereby prohibited.
6'tc. 7. And be it farther enae'ed, That
upon the application of the Governor of
Georgia, the President of the United States,
as may be necessary to enforce and execute
the preceedine provisions of this Act.
iSac. 8. And be it further enacted, That the
Legislature shah ratify the 15th Amendment,
proposed to the Constitution of the United :
States, before Senotors and Representatives !
from Georgia are admitted to seats ip Con
gress. ’
1 hereby issue this, my proclamation, to sum
mon all persona elected to the Genera) .assembly j
of the State of Georgia, aa appears by the proc
lamation of George a. Meade, the General Com.
manding the Military District itcluding the State
of Georgia, dated June 25th, IbW, who are quail
Bed to appear at AtlanU, in said State, on Mon
day,Tenth flOth) Day of January next, whereup.
on snch of the said persons as are qualified to
held office, in accordance with the provision# of
the Acta of Congress in such cases, made and
provided, will be organized in the Senate and
House of Representatives respectively, as the
Provisional Legislature of the State of Georgia,
for the purpose of promoting the reeons traction
of Civil Government, io said State, in accordance
with the laws of the United States.
Provisional Governor.
TW. Foreman bn applied far exemp
. tion of Personalty and I will
pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. m. on
the Slndav of December inst, at my office
in Dawson, Ga. T Jf JONES, Ord’y.
Dac. 2Sd2t.
Dawson, Ga„Dec. 30,1869.
By Rufus B. Bullock, Gov. of said State.
To the People of Georgia :
Tlie recent renewal of active hostilities
against the persou and property of
citizens and while Republicans by the orga-.-
ized bant e of secret assassins In certain por
tions of the State, seems to ind cate a louorrt
ot action and a purpose an the part ol said
organizations to pe sin in defytug the civil
It therefo'e behooves the good people of
this State to s-e to it that the commonwealth
be not further injured and defamed bv lha
acts of pet sons wbo it is believed, are who!—
y without interest iu, or regaid lor, the ». 1
are of the State.
It is the duty of every county, town, or
municipal corporate au'bority to ensure prr
ec* protection tor life and property to erery
resident within their bord. ■§; and whereas
in mint cases the local officials fail >o exer
cise rfficient means to secure this resu!', the
good ett sens within «nih iim fs—tha-e hav
ing » n>"iertal interest at »»•**». Or he be-'
imerer of the Ste at hear'— sh nilj sec to
it that prompt measures a-e at once t.iken
under tire civil U* to artes* and bring to
punishment the members ot there org u ra
tions of secret robbers aud assassins. U. d-r
the statute- at present in Puce theEaecuiive
is pievented from 'aking active n.etsures or
the suppression of ciiu disorders, and it is
therefore all the more important >h.t every
good citix, n thotlTd feel it his individual duty
to become a peace officer, and to aid .n secu
ring to every inhabitant that perfect protec
tion guaranteed by the Consii-.u'ioii, and
without which we can nev.-r enjoy, either civ
il liberty or material prosperity.
Outrages su.-h as have heretofore and ar«
now again d-sgracing our State cannot be tol
t ra'ed or excused without involving the
whole community.
Trie ime has ar-ived when these outrages
must cease, or he good people of the whole
S ate will be held responsible for their con
To the end that no moDve may he wanting
to s ini late the people to action in bringing
to punishment the violators of the l.«, 1
hereby oft-r a reward of Five Thousand Do)
lars each for the srre-t, wiih evidence io con
vict, of the peaemior persons engaged in the
murder of HjßHj^^dkiu»^hite^iß--
he murder of Dr. Bet a
Republic-iO Representative lrom the county
of Jefferson.
Ana ol .be person or person? engtged iu
ihe ouirage com-iitipd ttpjn the p.-rsou o
William Hardenivn, white, of the countv ol
Oglethorpe, when, on or about the 31st day
ot October last, he wss tied to a tree aut
brutally whipped, the outrage having b*-en
committed by a bohj of di'gu sed men, for
no other reason, it is alleged, than that Har
deman was charged with being a R dical.
And of the person or persons engaged ii
'he outrage committed up.n the p-r-on o
Hod. Abraham Colbv, colored R presentative
from tne county ot Greene, w-o. on or about
the 30th day of October last, was taken Iron
his bed at night and cruelly beates, the out
rage having been committed by a bndv o!
iwentr-five or thirty di.-guised men for tb
reason, a-i alleged, that he the said Coloy
vi-ited Atlania and reques-ed of the mditarv
authorities oroiection toe th- treedmon'e
school, located in tlie town of Gieeusboro',
in the county ot Greene. m
And of th- person or p°rson» engaged it
he depreds iou upon 'he office of the Anars—
■ r ol Interna' Revenue lor the United State-
Government in the town of Wa-bingtot
conn'* us W’iikes, on or about the niehr «
■he 13th ult., when, as is alleged, the offi.
was broken open and books, paper-, Ac.
scattered and destroyed, and ro'ices let
warning the As»e-sor to leave the Dis’rict.
And of the person or per-ons eugaged it
the assault upon the house of 'h* own. E
Barnes, colored, Repnbl can Representative
f om the ennntv of Hancock, when, »« is al
leged, a body ot masted men at or ab >ut th.
hour of 1 o’clock «n ibe uig'.t of the Int
uit., surrounded his residence -rd bv th-e..'
of persoual violence forced him to leave tb
Aud of the person or person?, who, st or
near the hour of 10 o’clock on the night o
the 15th ult., fired ten or twelve g insho'a in
to a camp of colored laborers, on the line ot
'he Macn »ud Brunswick Railroad, in th
tcounty of Telfair, whereby one man w. b
killed and another severely wounded.
And of the person or persons, who, ot.
Thursday night of Court week, Ocmbe te'tn.
about midnight, said to be a bod? of sixt
men in disguise, surrounded th" residence, o'
the Sheriff of the county of Hancock, de
manded and obtained from him the cf
the jail and released from th» jail one .t ic-
Oxford, white, a notorious ou law »«..uirir
his tr’.al for the murder of John Taylor, a re
‘pectahle citizen of said county.
Given under my hard and 'he great tv
the Staie, at" the Capitol, in A Gn-a, tb
the 29'h dav of N- vemhe-, in the vrar o.
our Lord, Eighteen Hundred »> and Sixtv
tiiiie, and of the Independence of the Unite.
S ~tes of America 'he Ninety-Fourth.
Bv the Governer; G- vemor.
Davtn G. CoTriao, Secretary of State.
MY pl-ce near Dswson, on which ’here i'
6 0 acres of prim? open land, to s good
teoaiit who h.s the mean* and ••rck io culti
vate the lard. None ethers n»ed apply. I
the (Lee be no’ «>M during the present
ippi? fn W. V. urr, * f |i*ww»n.
AriminisErators Sale of
In Terrell County
■* YfILL be sold, before the Coart floas*
Yv door in Dawson,
On the Ist Taesday in January, 1870,
I Between the legal hours ol saie, ibe undivi
' ded half interest in the following I,ols ot
I land, belonging to the estate of JfvUhew B.
Pe’-ers, deceased, 10-wii: Lots ot land No*.
I ioi, lu2, H>3 and 128, in the fourth and a'rict
ol Terrell county, containing in all eizbtbnn
dred and eight acres, and known as the
Kolbe place.
Also, the undivided half inter-at >n I ot»
N’o*. 170, 171. 172, 181, 182 and 183. in the
third dist-ict of Tertell counts, repairing
lL>lts ACHES :
These lota are a portion ol the Piaiitatioi.
formerly own'd bv John T. Lumpkin, and
known as the Peters and R- ber's pLe»
la here offeed to capitalists or (warn wish
iug to invest in Lands. E. F. BEr?l\
Macon, Ga, decl6;td« Adm r.
Administrator Sale !
iil be sold before the Ourt H r use
in Dawson, on the lit Tuesday io Feb
ruary gext, durioe o»nzl boura of sale,
lot nf land No 319 io ibe 26 district.
of Early cr, ■‘•ld a* tto property of the
est«t: of oi (’bamb'esa for divis on.
Xerina C-ash. D CII AMBLERS, I
dc-c 2; 43 Adai’r.
n lb in n cunt h un
i ‘*} V *wr*- ■» The Liasx Orest Senawuon and Wonater \a
,k\ jk Combination of Zoological.'Jrnitho- /OS H
( /l logical and Equeatrian Wor.deri of / f P »
i Creation, forming a grand Stock En- /j .e-e \T p—,, -g
1 terpnae, consolidating /j l
Os flr»t-cla«« selection, in one Grand A IL- Jk
' J fwf[\ ance. nroduciug the most Ktuuendoua w \ .j I
TaW and ini) lay of wealth, talent ana expe- L J
rienceever»eeD in thi* w>untry. i ■■
The fentt Zoological Department I
If rompo«ied of the enrioas and rare Ani- K 1 | fP|
yyl mai.« ji Asia. Africa and Houth |v I
\ inciudJiig Ornithological sciecllotiH of the K il M
u nm/uV" -■T~ i & • mens ol for»;ik'r! Hii 'lf. lK r IM
*.|pg- Ti lonmiig the moat oollection of k g kj%
Ar\i . WILDAMMAI'S /' |
* j In America, supported by the largest
In tlie eountry, numbering liO men and ' j
2Vi lior—s. Including Su PerK,rmer»,6 Livdy fJ J»
Kider-aud 3 popular Clowns, enabling the -—N*- fwj. I
Jit Horseinaiiahip, Daring Gymnastic Exer- if A J
ctses, >f--ctaclf- of Oriental Grandeur, <g
w with the most dazzling aplendor. X;J
TIOM SHOW— Living Wild Animals and At Ar ■
-v.* I*-Eoueslrian 1 *-Eoueslrian Selei-tions. i \A II
H ovjtoi.irs wA v.t a r.Kir., in» W 11
P.Ut Zoological and Ornithological— j j|
Afo.v.v. ITtASCOTS isnnrx Par- o
I 1 ijrinn ScfunJ nf h'.Juriit* (/ JB
fWu. \ \\y\l 4. Slti. .tnOl.PH■ I ASTI l.l.trs Ital- . ) 11.
ft , V Inn Trnttpe of T.durntnd />','/«, Xntxkryo
ftfCA Ml - .W AIK OKKTJtrnR TtOIXAKTF.'H ;/**' J
' Jye ) ft SPECIALTY, with her inngn.r ent den *G
Jp \%n of Penormimr Lions. “IlrtKo,” "Don,'’ ■ \\'kj
xiA li.sns : s 4I N VKA LIAS GYM- k _ ,
7. M iim i v-s south amei:icam j, wm \y I j
Wa ' r.icppyiLi.E coyrpAxr. *} If Col
'. Jait V ry -wWsw. H. E. KOHTSSOM, .fr.’w SCHOOL f*. M
I ft—> !t. .1. IJ. A. IIESf IXOWAT’S ColloHlon \j . WSW'.- H
f g flatly Ry \ of Sntirr Anmrirnn Mil ft Arrftnnln. ; Vfl
ralVnt and I xperieiice prixineea, 1 It
cosoW \ »* if by magic, an outtit of suoti superior W Aft
--.We- ft, \. magniticence as Ui a-toi.i-li the world. / f
I i\ gorgeous Aiv- - t Pageant—tbegmnd A
I , f’liariot of Mars. O'-rou and Aehhlea: *w //
I II A Living Lions In ot*on de.'is of gold and /''
lift ■ -WU —q... , - .-a 1" ae.. or -raw - -
■ a- oi Ana: l _ IT \
■ P t EAw.«rvwgiS _ teilng and eodlv Or , atri! Eo'iipage. This I
ItS imposing Proce— ion will be preceded by t H and m
ft th* Chariot of Oocron, containing p Sib&rjciil
I Car. ham’s Operatic Silver 4 String Orchestra
1 Us twenty Musicians. The Pro- mtmt
oeskion will enter the city at 10 o’clock. -a "
hf £3- Jmt added to this aiteadv gigantio it
collection, is the very rare npeciinea k 0 klt\
lrom the liesertft of Tartary, \ J ffj|t
k .i-wo to naturalists as the * If
VAIiPUS 4 \?J&\
The mo»i fiowerfulanimal known, weigh- t j / [i
iux Ijjh i*>andii. Tlie only one of the fV
k.ud ever brought to thin country. Jf - -
I A rare and wonderful animal, from the I
Interior of Asia, of the g«-nus of Pachpy- •{v J
I derm Mammal, charwterbsed by an »
r ) prolonged into a movkblc proboacia; *kin a
• very thick and covere<l with cloee, nhort k^^^ m
r hair, and neck furnished with a all flTmane. A/ A f
k p T ’V. Qf ail animals they have the moet acute /*■ w J f
! I nJD 1 a«ise of b*-v«rtng ami of ght. and wh#*n ■ J •»
i! f7. / aUa'-ked. defend ve* with j jk \1 \q I
J - - their teeth. The present herd has been j ca 1]
1 fmpor.ed ar an imraen -•* *xp« nse for Ro- [ /% .wl 1 M
a— 1 biuson’n Great Com M nation, and more- 1j M tj
over. are the ou*y living specimena '1
I of the animal ever brought to thia country. > jE&sgft&fT *
nf;- \ Buffed Lemur, Ocelot. Wild Dog of I
' . I Tartwry, Civet, Ground V\iU
* % Coati, Alpine Marmot Zebra. Cb&o . ft A4| “f
* xna, Cockatoo, Man- ft i
oriL Bed Monkey Chimpanzee, Di- AA \W tj
. Z*—at. Monkey, Great Flaming' Lyre S > fA I j
i/ -— -tCTk. Bird, Fersian Lioners, White-nose 1 Jrn C c J
f*n /X L , Monkey, Boao Cockatoo, Tiger Cat, LA ft
I ”-3 Alexandrine Parroqueta, Ceylon Ti- aj gWr 0
J3j ger, African Leopard. Ichneumon. M
American White fl-or, Russian Cin- > i y* If
\ naaon Bear. Wormbat of Australia, t -w jtf* “ I'
White-headed Parrot, Grizzly Bear,
Australian Kangaroo, American Bus- i
falo, African Bison, African Porcu- \ Ar.'&c&r .
Jtia nine. Wap its, Mona, Barbary Ape. *
r- . Marmozet, Bed Macaws, Blue ana e*N W AM
Yellow Macaws,Bose-winged Parro- 7l
jMPJp quete, Baaksian Cockatoo, Goodwit | \/ X ft
Caaeawaries, White-eyelid Monkey, is r
txa Long-b-.lled Curlew, Soutn American «,w ft W i
D-sly Pace, Prcboacia Monkey. It- Vz A
rSB sine, Agile Gibbon. Gulii»«
Btlver and CkmMa Pheasants
Will Exhibit at Slarksville, Wednesday, Jan. sth;
at Dav son, Thnrsdav, Jan. Gth, and Albany, Friday,
Jan. 7th. Admission $i 00; l hildren under tea
I years of age, 50 cents.
Vol, IV-No. 46.