Newspaper Page Text
"local column.”
We have beeu shown uu Irish Potato
weighing 2 lbs., and grown by Mr. Jeffrey
yf. Truett.
Crowder and Speckolod Fiold Foaa
for salo l>y
J. E. ■ Loyless.
The Excelsior Dobating Society return
thanks to Prof. J. JL /Edwards for valuable
contribatious to tbeir Library.
Don’t fail to read tho beautiful temperance
story on the first page, onlitled “The Wife’s
Gift, or, Three Glasses a Day."
Good Old Days Again. —Ono pound
of Bacon for ono of cotton at
june!s-4t J. W. Rockets’.
Dawson is still up with the times, and
boasts of ladies who cau and do driro sorrel
croani, bay, or any other colored horses they
desire to drive.
The most magnificent picture ou record is
the Lithographic engraving of the Car Fnc
tory. _
Mr. Baskius, next door te .Solomon’s
llakeiy desires to share the trade in Fancy
"Groceries, Confectioneries, Cigars, 4c.
fir. Richardson, the Beef man has swaped
his grey mule for a bay horse, and thinks he
can deliver beef on quicker time than before.
Saturday last was a very busy day in Daws j
ion. Oue gentleman “took in" so much he
gouldu’t get home with it.
If there is any one that desires to engagd
in a snake hunt we can tell them of a plaoe
at which it will be almost impossible to go
amiss for them.
Some excitement in town on last .Saturday
inconsequence of an ox running away while
hitched U> a wngon. This hot weather will
make the best of them bunt the shade.
The largest “fish" brought to Dawson mars
ket this season was a Turtle weighing 28
lbs, caught by J/essrs, Loyless and Lee at
tic heaver Pond four miles from Dawson.
Distinguished Visitors. Hon. Nelson
*Tift, and Dr. Austin, Master of the Grand
Lodgo Masons of tbe State of Georgia were
inUe city last week.
• Kcv. E H. J/oGehea preached a most ex
cellent sermon on .Sabbath last to penitent
sinners. We believe every sermon delivered
.by him in Dawson this year has been t o the
Church except tbe one alluded to.
The Faculty and pupils of the Columbia,
Tcnn. Athenaeum will pleaae accept our
thanks for an invitation to attend their Com
uendement exercises.
Mi' J. Christian, editor of the Lumpkin
Telegraph is spending some time in oar midst
recruiting bis health and energies. Ample
accommodations for others who desire to
leave behind their sickly localities and spend
the cummer in our midst.
The meeting of the citizens for the pur
pose of ascertaining what inducements Daw
son could offer for the location of the Meth
odist District school was largely attended and
property holders and those who are not sub
scribed liberally, with a few exceptions.
We have been shown specimens of peacheß
from the justly Celebrated Nurseries of A.
J.Surles, near Georgetown, Ga.; and to say
they wore equal to any we have over seen
grown in this section does not do justice to
them. This is anew enterprise in this part
of the country, and we trust the efforts of
Mr. Surles in this particular will be duly ap
According to custom and in order that all
theittachea of the office may enjoy a short
respite from their luhors, there will be no
paper issued from this office next week ex
cepta slip containing the legal advertise
ments, Look out for the "Devil,” ha will be
permitted to parade the streets at will for
four days,
Capt. J. W. Roberts has any quantity of
Pice Jollies, together with a large lot of self
sealing cans for preserving fruit. Just think
how easy it will be to have a peach pie in
winter,after fcastiug on baked turkey with
Hilling* (jVeffcw ol Jo*h)
on JDansm.
dansiu iz uv rneuny 6orts. thar iz
‘lie roun danse, tho long danse, the
maskorado danse, tho lioavy or giro
ero dance, &c., &c, the danse wo uzo
CD d° r son tho most iz tho hewy or gim
cro anse ) and then tliay hev no pur
iiklor time tu danse, it uzo tur bee
enn y uite exsep Sadday nite, but i
feekun thay hev maid er chang en go
}s ladys bolt or sum uthor big bok,
ar now thay danse as big on Sadady
“was©nay uthor nito & gis as hard,
, kore lot me sa tho yung foks uv
orson iz tho out dansinost foks an tho
0a estor Uv it of enny over i seed on
nJ'vhar. Why hit makes no odds
" i:at uv or to du tha hev on dor
60n ! ' ia ar boun tor cloze with a gim.
ro danse. tho sundy skoolo pick
lc > the masins diner & over thing
the sort iz bound tu clos wither
ansc ' * wood advize the prechors tu
' l^aro orrangmunts befoor han
tho deostrik metin, fur if tha dont
1 clos wither danso now i
Un dansin iz all rito but thar iz a
m ° | Ur danso an a timo to weap & i
tk' U \ 4 m ° * ur elca P> tharfoor i
■ .| nc tlia y orter wato tel winter an
lun<" S ° an n ** oß "
j, n ° or ’ 50 we cood sta wak longor an
I* u git er plenty U v sloap, an then of
Ul fasshun tur danso sadday nitos
tUr danso the same 010 gim cro
tCsc ii will sa no more.
Youm til winter,
Ned Billings.
rJaJl' and Surgical lieirortor
& te s ß^ o cost to tho fe people of the
medic ° tat ° B medical services and
S at 8100,006,000, and add a
!) |ooo,ooO for quack medicines.
educational ravK'riiG.
Tlie citizens of Dawson and Torrell
county aro oarnostly roquosted to at
tend an Educational Mooting at tbe
Court llouso on to-morrow (Friday)
“igbt, at 8 o’clock. A full attendance
is dosirablo, as matters of vast impor.
t anco will como boforo tbo mooting.
*l. John’s Day.
Tho celebration of tho anniversary
of tho Ancient Order of Masonry in
Dawson on Saturday last was a suc
cess. Tho procession was quite im
posing as regards numbers and mate
rial composing tbo saaao. Tbo pro
gramme as published in our last issuo
was strictly adhorod to. Tbe speech of
Col. C. T. Goodo was worthy of tho
man as regards eloquence and a his
tory of tho rise and progross of Ma
sonry, together with a portrayal of tho
noblo work engaged in. After tho
speaking at tho Baptist church, tho
procossion was again formed bv Mar
shal C. B. Wooten, whou tho frator
nity, together with thoir familios and
friends, ropairod to tho Warehouse of
Dodd & Simmons, whero a sumptuous
feast was spread, and tho best of all
thero was plenty and to spare of ev
erything that was good. Wo would
liko to enter more into the details as
to the festivities of tho day, but somo
body might find out wo wore not a
The Trustees of the A meric us District
High School met at Curhbert on yes
terday but failed to decide on a point of
location, and adjourned over until September.
To the Farmers of Terrell.
We publish something on the fourth page
of this paper especially calculated to do you
good if you are at all willing to be benefitted;
and now that tbe .State has done and is do
ing so much to enhance your interests, will
you not do something for yourselves ?
Tbe subject of improved agriculture, the
diversification of crops, fcc.. is one that is en'
gaging the minds of leading men everywhere,
and bow is it possible to attain the desired
object, without the hearty co-operation of all.
Hence tbe importance of agricultural societies
It has been said that when two men ride on
one horse one must lide behind. It was es
tablished by that Being who made the world
that tbe producer, or Agriculturist should
ride before, and bold the reins of the com
mon horse. And such was evidently the
oondition of the producer and consumer in
tbe early ages of the world. As dhese com
panions were compelled to travel together,
they enjoyed for a time the order of nature :
but when both stopped to rest in the early
and dark ages, the consumer seized the reins
and mounted before, and the producer has
been compelled to ride behind ever since l
Now, this state of things should not exist,
aud a state of peace, order and prosperity
will never exist on earth while it continues.
The following suggestions on this subject
arefiomanold agricultural magazine, and
we ask a careful perusal of them, aud trust
that the farmers of Terrell may determine to
have a live, prosperous and beneficial soci
ety :
We now call upon you to begin she reme
dv; to attempt a cure for an evil which has
long afllcted your whole body, and to remoe
a burden which has long oppressed yon.
Many of your brothers and producers say to
you that the remedy is easy, aud will do ii -
justice to no one It is plain and may be
seen by you all. It is only unitedly to say
wo will govern ourselves, and not be gev
orned; we will ride before on the common
horse, or we will travel in company no ions
ger 1 We will say to those who are neither
producers nor manufacturers, God made men
to work six portions of time out of the sev
en of Lis active existence j and that when
he was not in want of so many, or much of
tbe fruit of labor as at present, God placed
him in the garden of this world, not to study
politics nor metaphysics, butte be an agri
cultui ist.
It is not for wont of intelligence among the
farmors, but for want of confidence in the
knowledge which they have; a confidence
which alone can be obtain and by associating
with their fellows, and participating in tho
bnsiuess of deliberate assembles, that they
find theraselvos neglected. It is a known
fact, that a lost in the wilderness, and a
long time addicted to solitude, will flee front
every man that approaches him ! It is this
principle of our nature, that makes us ima
gine 'Aiat others are superior to ourselves, ula
til we become acquainted with their weak
ness : and this can only be done by associat
ing with them, where we shall soou find that
their talents are diminished by comparison ;
and soue confidence will bo iucrea-ed by a
discovery ol your strength.
In order that you may be united, you must
meet and associate one with another. You
must form yourselves into a society, and en
joy a mutual interchange of thoughts and
opinions. You certainly can uuite in mutu
ally aiding each other by a communication of
the results of your experience in farming;
and union of sentiment and opinion in one
thing, will naturally pave the way for union
in many things t and the effect of union in
your agricultural pursuits will not fail to
make you sensible ot the importance of un
ion in the business of vindicating yoar rights.
Is ia by oomiug together and eeeing the
great improvements in husbandry, and the
adaption to use of the different improve
ments that all can be effectually benefitted
by them ; and it ia by coming together and
conversing on the best n:etdonß ot cultiva
ting the earth, and adapting particular
grains to particular 60ils, and ascertaining
the most valuable seeds, that the knowledge
of the few may become universal among
you. Publications may do much, but they
caunot do all that is desirable to be deue in
this respect. Many subjects of valuable in
formation cannot be so placed on paper as to
bo profitable to you all; and what is * an ‘ ed
canuol be known to those who might be dts
nosed to unite, without such personal inter
views as may be had in societies such as
those which have been formed in your coun
ties, and in which we invite you to take a
part. _________
Dawson, Juno 28>—No ootton offer
ing. Com 81.30. Flour 85.00 to
85 50. Bacon shoulders 10c. Clear
Kib sides 11*. Stock of provisions
heavy. Domnnd light.
Macon, June 28.—Cotton dull and
quiet with a downward tendency in
the market. Middlings 170. Provis
ion market quiet and unchanged.
New Yoke, June 27.— Cotton dull,
uplands 102 - . ,
Louisnille, Juno 27.—Flour quiet.
Corn scarce at 72. Provisions firm :
demand light. Pork lb 00. Bacon
shoulders 7; dear sides 9-
Dawson Business Directory,
Dry Vooilk merchants.
A TUCKER, Dealers in
or . v Goods Clothing, Boots and Shoos
rrcceries 4c. /llso agents for some of tho
mostapproved Fertilizers. Main Struct.
17" ETHER. EDWARD, Dealer in
~ V Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries
Hardware, Crockery etc. .
® ( ’ a^er In Fancy and sta-
V/pie Dry Goods, Main at., next door to
J. W. Reddick’s.
Grocery merchant*.
Hood, r. ii., Dealer in Groceries and
Faroilj supplies generally, at W. F.
Gri a old stand, under ‘Journal’’ Office,
Main at.
T I-CSS, J, Ei Grocer and Com*
I.i mipsion J/erchaut, Dealer iu Bacon.
Hour, Liquors, &c.
l»DI)ICK, .1. Grocer dealer iu &a*
con, Flour, Lard, Tobacco, &c.
f EE A BROTHER, Dealers in
A J Hardware. Iron and Steel, Wagon Tim
bars, and Plantation Tools. Also Manufac
turers ofTin Ware; Mam st., at J. B. Perry’s
old stand. 1
•* ' 111 pry Goods, Groceries, Hardware Cat
terly, Furniture, 2d door from the Hotel.
E. A., Druggist and
V/ } hysioian. Will visit by day or night,
patieuts iu Town or Country—will prescribe
Kir any and all the ills that flesh is heir to.
Keeps a complete supply of Drugs and Med
icmes, School Books and stationary Gar
den Seeds 4c., 4c., At his old stand, The
Red Drug Store on Main St., TKR.V/S Strict
lu Cash for all articles sold. Monthly settle
ments for Professional /Serviced.
T»SES, DR. J. R., Dealer iu
ft Drugs, J/edicines, uns, Faints, Dye
Stuffs, Garden Seed, 4c., 4e.
Livery Stable".
T3RINCE, N. G. & J. K., Bale,
toed and Livery Carriages,
Hacks, Buggies, Drays, Wagons, Harness
and Mules for sale or hire. Horses boarded
at reasonable rates. Depot Street.
WARE, RANDALL. Will make
and repair Wagons, Buggies Plows,
Dickson Sweep, Shoeing horses, near Post
Office-, Always ready to do work good and
cheap j an . jg
Bakery, Confectionery,
Tli. SOLOMON, having completed hi 8
• arrangements for the Fall trade, takes
this method of informing the publie that lie
has, and will constantly keep on hand, every
thing te satisfy the appetite, and if you have
no appetite, can fix you up something to give
you one.
will be supplied, daily, with fiesh Fish, Oys
ters, Old Virginia Beef Steak, etc., and will
furnish to families, three times a week, Pork
or Beef Naugage, of his own make. Polite
Watters, good Cooks, who will prepare your
meals in the latest ala mode without any ex
tra charge for tho fancy name.
is presided overby an experienced hand, and
wo are prepared to furnish everything neces
sary for Parties, Balls and Suppers, private
or public.
This Department is supplied with all kinds
of Plain and Fancy Candies, from the best
J/anufactorios, together with everything
usually kept ia a First-class Confectionery
have been selected from one of the finest
stocks in New York, and the purchaser had
an eye to the tastes of all the little ones, and
can furnish the boys with anylhiug from a
Wooden Pistol to a Fire Jfngine; and the
little girls with any thing Irom a Wax /foil
to a complete out-fit for house-keeping.
I will take pleasure in waiting en custo
mers, aud furnishing them with anything I
have or can get for the
“O -A. S H,”
Oct. 13-ts. Trustee,
Governor of Said State.
Whereas, Official information has been re
ceived at this .Department that Warren Har
roll, convicted of burglary in the night time,
and Alfred Walker, of voluntary manslaugh
ter, have escaped from the common jaii of
Decatur county, where they have been con
fined awaiting their removal to the State
Now, therefore, I have thought proper to
ssuc th is my proclamation, hereby offering a
reward of Five Hundred Dollars each for the
appreheusion ami delivery of the said War
ren Harrell aud Alfred Walker to the princi
pal Keeper of the Penitentiary.
Given uuder my hand and the Great Seal of
the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this the
eighth dav of Juje, in the year of
our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy.
odc, and of the Independence of the Uni -
ted States of America the Ninety-fifth.
By the Governor:
David G. Cottino, Sec. of State,
june 15-4 w.
We are now prepared to sell
may 25, if;
Special Notices,
A Chapter of Tacts.
.Space is valuable in a newspaper, and it is
therefore proposed iu this advertisement to
condense it variety of facts, Important to the
publie, into a small compass. Those facts re
fer to Hosteller's Stomach Hitters—what that
celebrated medicine is, and what it will do.
In the first place, t ic«, the article is a stim
ulant, tonic and alterative, consisting ot a
combination of an absolntely pure spirituous
agent with the most valuable medicinal vege
table substances that Botanic research has
placed at the disposal of the chemist and the
physician. These ingredients are compound
ed with great care, and in such propoi lions
ns to produce a preparation which invigor
ates without exciting the genoral system,"and
tones, regulates aud coutrols the stomach,
the bowels, the liver, aud the minor secretive’ I
What this great restorative will do must
be gathered from what it has done. Tlie
case of dyspepsia, or any other form of indi
gestion, iu which it has been persistently ad
ministered without etieclingu radical cure, is
vet to be heard from, aud the same may be
said of billious disorders, intermitted fever,
nervous affections, general debility, constipa
tion, sick headeache, mental disabilities to
whice the feeble are so subject. It purifies
all the fluids of tlie body, iucludiugtlic blood,
and the gentle stimulus which it imparts to
the nervous system is not succeeded by the
slightest reaettou. This is a chapter of facts
which readers, for their owu sakes, should
mark and remember.
r IHIE “Savannah Morning News" is now
J. in the Twenty-first year of its existence
and is acknowledged by the Press as one of
Leading Dailies in tlie Soulli.
Asa news gatherer, the Morning News is en
ergetic aud enterprising—up with the times
in every particular. It is carefully and vigo
rously edited, and is emphatically a Journal
of 7’o-Duy.
In politics, it is earnestly and hopofidiv
Democratic, and is an unwavering advocate
and diseip'? °f the principles of ’76.
It is minted in tbe interests of ncople
of tho South, of Georgia, ai >d of Savannah.
The current local news of Georgia
Florida :a made a specialty ; the commercial
department is full and reliable; aud the
general make-up of the paper is fresh,
sparkling and piquant. More reading matter
is given in each issue than is to bo found in
any other daily journal South of Louisville,
or Fast of New Orleans.
Tlie d/orning News has a circulation equal
to that of any newspaper printed iu Georgia,
and double that of any other Savannah jour
nal—thus affording one of the best advertis
ing mediums in the country. Money sent by
tbe Southern Express Company maybe for
warded at our risk aad at our expense- Ad
dress J. 11. ESTELL,
Savannah, Georgia.
r |' , UE W EEKLY NATWN is a large, neatly
-L printed, carefully edited journal, each
issue containing an average of
Thirty Columns of Reading Matter.
It commands itself particularly to those
who do not enjoy the facilities of a daily mail
and who desire to havo the current news of
the day In a cheap, compact aud reliable
The Weekly is made up with great care
and discrimination, and contains the sream
of the Daily A’dition of the Morning News.
Its extremely low pi-ice, its caiefnl make-up,
and the large and varied amount of reading
matter which it contains, commends it to all
who desire a first class family newspaper.
The Weekly will be sent one year to any
address for %i 00 ; aix montbe, $1 00.
A/oney sent by the Southern Express Com
pany may be forwarded at our risk and at
our expense. Address
J. 11. ESTELL,
Savannah, Georgia.
THE Tri-Weekly Morning A’cws Presents
all the best features of the Daily and
Weekly editions, and is made up with an eye
to the wants of the farming community of
Jfiddle, Southern and South- westei n Ga.
It contains all the latest Commercial and
Telegraphic intelligence up to the hour of
going to press, and the very l&rge circula
tion to which it has attained convinces us
that it fills a high place in public estimation.
The Tri-Wceklv News will be sent to any
addrccs one year for $8 00 ; six months for
*S 00. Money sent by the Southern Ex
press Company at our risk and expense. Ad
dress J. 11. ESTELL,
Savannah, Georgia.
Governor of Said State.
Whereas,ln formation has ben received at this
Department that on or about the first day of
May last,in the County of Fulton, one John
Campbell did, without provocation whatever,
commit the offense of assault with intent to
murder, upon ihe person of F. M. Smith by
shooting at him six times, two oi tbe shots ta
king effect and inflicting serious wounds pn
tbe body of said Smith ; and
Whereas, jVotwithstanding the efforts es
the civil officers of Fulton county Cos arrest
said Campbell, be has succeeded in making
his escape, and is now at large: aud it being
further reported that he, the said Campbell,
is a ve.y despo-nte character, and generally
bidding defiance to the offenders of the law;
Now therefore, in order to more speedy se
cure bis arrest, I have thought proper to is
sue ttis, my proclamation, hereby offering
for the apprehension and delivery of the said
Campbell to the Sheriff of said county of
Fulton, in order that be may be brought to
trial for tbe offence with which he stands
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
the Stale, at the Capitol, in Atlanta, this
Ist day of Juno, in tho year of our
Lord A’lghteen 2/uudrod and Seventy
one, aud of the Independence of the
United States of America the Ninety
By the Governor:
David G. Cotting, Secretary of State.
1871. 1871.
Ihave bought from Mrs. I£. A.
Thompson her entire stock ol
MUlincry and fancy Hoods,
arid have nJuud thereto the latest
styles of Spring Goods, and ask. that
the old customers of Mrs_ Thompson,
and many new ones may call to see
me at my Store under tho Telegraph
Office, arid nearly opposite tfie “Jour
nal Office.”
April G-3m.
linn, suit su
Are Receiving and Opening
| A BHEJ9CT stock
Spins Ms,
Ladies ami dents,
* ■*—— f
Established in 1852—Formerly at Double Wells. ■
The Griswold Gin .
THE UNDERSIG NED, having resumed the manufacture of tho above Gio,
*■ pr< pose to make it what it was before tho war—“ The favorite of the
South." Our work stands upon its merits, anti we think this a sufficient guar
antee. Via have secured the services of some of tho best mechanical talent
in the Northern shops, in addition to somo of tho best workmen from the shop
of tho late Samuel Griswold Mr. Cbas. Gardner, who served eight years
apprenticeship under E Carver & Cos.. at East Bridgewater, Mass., and who
was employed as Superintendent of tho Double Wells shop, from the com
mencement of tbe manufacture ol the Moore Cotton Gin, until its suspension,
is again at Lis post, aud will give oach Giu his personal inspection before it
leaves the shop.
In calling the attention of planters to our Cotton Gins, wo desire that they
should notice the improvements we offer, which aro substantially as follows ;
For obtaining any inclination of the Gin Rib or Grate, is used ; tho object of
which is to improve in the quantity giuDed, lesson the quantity and improve
the quality of lint. Also, to giu damp or wet cotton ; to alter the picking or
separating tbe lint from tho seed—either to take moro lint off, or lees lint from
tho seod, as circumstances require. We use both the common Roll Box and
a Swinging Front. The latter is arranged to lot out all tbe seeds and hulls
in a momeut, and is very easily managed.
We meke, cannot be excelled by any bair brush used. Tho bristles are all
drawn in by a cord, nnd the timber is all selected from tho best lumbor, well
seasoned • and every brush is made perfectly tiro and rat proof.
Are both oscillating and plain. Can furnish either, as may be ordered. We
line them with the best babbit metal.
We make all the saws that we use from the best English Cast Steel, and o
any size that may be desired. We employ, to superintend and manufacture
our su"s, one of the buqj*eaw-ma':ors in the Soutn, aud our machinery for the
manufacture of Gin Saws cannot bo excelled.
We are the only successful manufacturers of this important and useful in
vention—the Cotton Gin, with the Cotton Seed Crushing Mill attached. It
will hardly be necessary hero to allude to the immense saving and economical
use of crushed cotton seed as a manure. We received a gold medal as a pro
miurn, from tbe Fair of the Cotton Planter’s Convention, held in Macou, Ga.,
18Ct>, for tho best Cotton Seed Crusher attached to the Gin Stand, to crush
the seed as fast as it escapes from tho Roll. We refer to some of the many
certificates that we have on the subject.
We keep constantly on hand seed cotton, and every Gin is tried before it
leaves the shop-old cr new ones.
Wo have a complete assortment of tho very best Cotton Gin Machinery in
the country, and make repairing of old Gins a specialty. Planters will do
well to send in their old Gins and have them made as as now, at a much
less cost than anew one can be bought for. Send on your orders and old
Gins early
We aie also authorized by Messrs. Findlay’s Sons to receive orders orders
for Findlay & Craig’s Screw Cotton Press, and Craig’s Patent ren table Horse
Power, and Castings generally.
further particulars send <V>r Circular and Price List.
DODD & SIMMONS, | 2d Flour itndlay’s Iron \Y oaks,
Agents at Dawson Ga. j Macon, -Ga.
Mo t a lie
Ihave on hand, and will keep, an assort
ment of
which I offer on as favorable terms as can be
had elsewhere.
Prices regulated bv the size and style of
fiuish. J. 11. CROUCH.
rn’cb 30- ts.
Still All cad of C oinpeittiou!! 1
Tlios. Wynne’s
Improvid Ppen-Throat, Curved Breast,
ouble X, Self-Ribbed-Cleacing-Seed,
Premium and Diploma
.Year Bel All - , Richmond coGa.
Slioi-t Staple' Gin, with attached
Circle Flue,
Upland Long and Short Staple
Gin, with Attached Circle Flue.
Common Ribbed Gin, with satfie
vw All sizes made to order...jJJ
Mky 18-Sm. Thomas Wynne.
Commission Merchant,
I Are respectfully solicited -for the cretfou of
Confederate Dead of Georgia,
And those Soldiers from other Confsderato
Statos who were hilled or died iu this State.
The Corner Stone it is proposed shall he
laid on tho 4th of July, or so soon thereafter
as the receipts will permit.
For every Five Dollars subscribed, there*
will he given a certificate of Lifo Membership
to the the Monumental /fssoeialion. This
certificate will entitle the owner thereof to an
equal interest in the following property, to ho
distiibutod as soon as requisite uumbers of
shares arc sold, tl-wit :.
First, Nine Hundred and one acres
of Land in Lincoln county, Gcor-<
gin, oil which arc the well known
J/igrudor Gold and Copper Mines ,
valued at *lfio 000
And to Seventeen Hundred and Forty
four shares in One Hundred Thousand Dol
lars of United States currency, to-wft •
J Share of *IO,OOO SIO,OOO
l „ - ft,i*iO
" “ *.OOO anjmw
19 ~ i/oo Ki.noo
„ 500 10.000
l ; ;; w,«uo
*oo “ 25 Jod!;
“ !0 lo’oUU
m, , , , SIOO,OOO
1 ho value of the sopnrato interest to winch
the holder of oach certificate will bo entitled,
will be determined by the Commissioners,who
will announce to tlie public tho manner, the
time and place of distribution.
The following gonllemeu have consented
to act ns commissioners, and will either by a
committee from their own body, or by spe
cial trustees, appointed by themselves, re
ceive and take proper charge of tho money
for the Monument, as well as the Real Estate
and the U. 8. Curreucy offered as induce
ments for subscription, and will determine
upon the plan for the Monument, the inscrip
tion thereon, tbe site therefor, select an ora
tor for the occnsion, and regulate the cere
monies to be observed when tho corucr
stoue is laid, to-wil :
Generals L. Mi-Laws, A. R. Wright, M. A.
Stovall, W. M. Gardiner, Goodo liryou, Colo
"als - U. Snead, W'm. 1\ Crawford, Majors
Jos. B. Cummins, Geo. T Sacksan, Joseph
Ganabl, I. F. Girardcy, Hon. R. 11. May,
Adam Johnston, Jonathan Id. Miller, W. fl.
Goodrich, J. D. Butt, Henry Mooro, Hr. tt.
E Bearing.
The Agcr.ts In tho respective connties will
retain the money received for the salo of
Tickets until the subscription books are
closed. In order that the several amounts
may bo returned to tho /Share-holders, iu case
the number of subscriptions will not war
rant any further proceedure, tho Agents will
report to this office, weekly, the result of
thoir sales. When a sufficient number of
the shares aro sold, tho /Igcnts will receive
notice. They will then forward to this offico
the amounts received.
L. 4 A. n. McLAWS, Gon. /lg’ts,
No. 3 Old P. O. Range, Mclnthsh st.,
J/ar 18 ts. Augusta, Ga.
W. F. Combs, of Dawson, Ga , will bo glud
to give information and receive subscriptions.
See Here !
||AVINQ purchased tho Block of
Orj Goods & Groceries
of G 13. THOMPSON. I take thin
method of informing my friends an I
tbe public that I am recruiting the
Stork, and will bn pleased to see any
person who will favor mo with a call,
I expect to
as others, or retire from tho trade
My Store is in the Loyless Block, ucx
door to Juno’s Drug Store.
April 20-3 in.
Valuable Property For Sale,
I am offering for sale on the most reason
able terms one of tho most desirable planta
tions in South Western Georgia, lying in
Terrell county containing one Thousand
acres, on Kinchatoonee Creek, two and a
half miles from Brown’s Station and In a
good state of cultivation. The crops on the
place consist in equal portions of cotton and
corn ; also ground peas, stock peas, sugar
cane, potatoes, etc. There is a sufficiency ol
labor on tho place to make tho preseut crop.
I will also sell the mules, horses, cows, hogs
and other stock ou the plantation ; also a
complete and entire new stock of blacksmith
The place is in gcod repair and everything
in good condition. A large and comfortable,
dwelling house kitchen, smoke house and all
other necessary outbuildings on the place,
together with an excellent well ol water. It
is one ol the moet desirable places in this
section of country and is offered for sale only
ou the ground that I desire to change loca
I also offer for sale a very desirable house
and lot in lhe town of Americus,'located near
the Presbyterian Church, and convenient to.
the business portion of the city. Possession
given immediately both as to plantation and
city property. For further particulars apply
to tbe undersigned at A morions or en the
placo. . J. BARLOW,
may 25 ts.
, Governor of said State.
Wherean, There is now a ponding in tho
Superior Court of Cherokee county a Bill ol
Indictment, charging James B. Cloud, Win.
Cloud and Geo. P. AfcCraw, alias .Lafayette
J/rCraw, with the crime of murder, alleged to,
have been committed upon the body of Jertf
Garrison in said county of Cherokee ; and ■
Whereas, The said James B. Cloud, Wut-
Clotid and Geo. P, J/cCraw, alias LaFayctte
Me Craw, have been arrested and confined
uuder said charge, and subsequently made
their escape from jail by breaking therefrom,
and aft now at large greatly to the danger of
the peace and good order of the community : ,
Now, therefore, in order to bring them to
speedy trial for, the crime with which they
stand changed, I- have though proper to issue
this, my proulamation, herebv offering a re
each, for the apprehension and delivery of
the said J.imos B. Clond, Win Cloud and
Geo. P. JACiaw, alias LaFayctte MeCraw, to
the Sheriff cf Cherokee county. , <
Given under my hand and the great Seal of
the State, at tho Capitol, in Atlanta, this
tweftb day of June, in ,the year of our
Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-one,'
and of the Independence of the United
Ntatas the Niuetv-Fifth.
By tbe Governor .
David G- Corriso, DccreUry’of Slate.
June 15th it.