The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, August 23, 1877, Image 1

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j3Y J. I). IIOYL & CO. iu.'ju jiilft'kii) v' oui it ,-CBLISHKII KtKitY THURSDAY. ,'tlS—Slriclly it i .Itlnnm- Three months * .jj? months a 00 One year. • • * Ts idt crHwr* .’—The money for ad eftiHiu 2 considered due alter firs, maer 'Tiv. inserted at intervale tob. h.rjed as uew each insertion. la additional charge of 10 per cent will mi idvertinemems ordered to be in sert,..! on a particular page. Alverti-emente under the head of “Spc ! Soirees” will he inserted for 15 cents " jine lor the first insertion, and 10 cents ! r 'iue'foreach -ut.sequeht insertion. S Advertisements in the -‘Local Column ’ -villb'* inerted at -25 cents per line lor .he jest and 20cent-per line for eatjh subse iiictif insertion. 1 A H communications or letters on tiusioess M for 'his offict* bp addressed ‘Thb Oawson Journal ’ tfi(UL ADVERTISING RATES. Sheriff sales, per levy of 1 square ~. .$ 400 kor. K ,g.-sales, per levy 8 0 r,, .ales, per lev' 4 bita.ions for Letter* of tdmiuistration 4 00 Application for Letters of pu rdia- Anplication for Di-rtission from Ad ministeillon ••••••• lo,l ° Application for Disrntseioi* from Guardianship ••;•••• 6 "" Application for leave lo s< 11 Land— bne sq $5, each additional square 4 00 Application for Homestead 8 no to debtors and creditors ... 600 Land sales, per square (inch) 4 00 Sale of Perishable proper! v, per sq 800 p.trav Notices, fifty days 8 00 Notice 18 perfect service 8 0,. Rale Nisi, per square 4 00 Rules to establish lost papers, per rq 400 Roles compelling titles, per square.. 400 Rales to perfect service in Divorce eases 10 00 The above arc the minimum rate, cf legal advertising now charged bv the Press of Georgia, and which we shall strict!v adhere to future. We hereby give final no tice that no advettisement of this class wil bepnhlisbi'd in the Journal without the fee [ffaid in adance, only in cases where we bav. special ar. ingemenrs to the eontrarv ©arils. K. F. SIMMONS, T. H. PICKETT- I 1 I OH N fc I* I C i fl T T H 7 RNE YS AT LAW IMW'tO't Gl OIMi A. j M S G PARKS, \ *t, rn< y \t Law, LAWSON. GEORGIA , An - fVunpe for thp ('orprniticT >f Daw on :o: j)RMTIORS in tbpOoiir' n*. S. W. fl . 1 'i’.r >ur-reni* Ormris; and IJ ". *' n I r (i“ ai i. (L'lptf>ona a ppprinlrv roiT‘p’ne>B injured. au 2 Hm J. F. TALKER, Attorney at Law, Dawson. - Georgia IVILL practice in the Patniila Ci'cuir. — ' * Office m the Court hau-e. Mch 22 ly JAMES KEEL attorn y at law, Leary, <'al!i < tiin Cos , Ga. (. li. iVoiiTKA', Attorney fit T„\v, iin.i.rr. - t- /dkg i.i \ ILL pr * c icp in he Sia f e fVtnte ht din i the oironi* ami District (?oui'a ot 'b* united State# in h .v iimah pept 4 27. I. J. 151 ’( K, U I ii rne y a t Law, trjiiii, Cal|iitn otnity, Cs. 'practice in the Albay Circui' urd else P [** ' n Stat* f by Contract. Prompt at -1 ,nM ">vpn to all business entrusted to his ,rp - 1 oil actions a apcciaftv, Will also in ?>fles and btfv or sell real Estate in aon, R*ker and Parly Counties. **rcb 21-if *■• Q CART LEDGE, Attorney at 1 .ayv . . UEOROS V. \\ "' tK close attention to nil bnsi n ** entrusted to his taie iu Albany 4-if L* or HOYLi at ].nw> ® il 'von, GcttrgSii, D - H. MILLER, \ Tt OIS\ Ev ax LAW( Morgan, Ga. Offivem 0. dinary’s Office. OKO.Sm ja IES H. GUERRY, :Vtt r n ys at Law, ! ■'O*'oa t - i.oKGia. o* • —jo:— I ' ' n ' V "“ Homo. Fob. 4 J * L. j A N K Tt &t law, P* n s °y, - GEORGIA. r J W. Johnston's store. Jan" TUm_PILLS A Noted Divine says They are worth their weight in gold, READ WHAT HE SAYS: sni-mg your pills were recounucndeU tome: I used them (but with little luith). lam now a well man, have good appetite, digestion pertei t, regular s'ools p. esgone, and I have gained forty pound! solid They arc wortlt their weight in gold. llev. R. L. SIM PSON, Louisville, Ky, THTT3O D ? S 5P I Dl Tl, tt has been en 1U I I nLLo Booed in the practice of nmii- RTnir Tria ae. medicine thirty years, and CURE SICK HEAD- tor a long time wasdemon. strator of anatomy in the TUTT’S PALS p®?5S2aS w Jus Pills have the guaran- CUItE DYSPEPSIA. tee that they are prepared r on scientific principles, TOTHS PiLLS quackery^ 66 CURE CONSTIPATION 1 th"e TUTTS PILLS *“ W , tig.purgative, and a pur • CURE PILES. ilyingionic. I Tlieir first apparent ef. TIETT3O D if E feet is to increase the ap. llf ! t v} I iLLu petite by causing the food CURE FEVER AND U properly ass! mil at e AGUE. 1 1,,1S tnc system is nour —- j, ished, and by their toniq YIITVI© Eva a action bn the digestive or* Sul I nLLo K a iS . regular and healthy evacuations are produced. CURE BILIOUS COLIC The rapidity with which -n. - persons take on flesh, TIITTJO P's 5 O while under the influence IU fi I O I lamKbiW of these pills, ol itself in- CUBE KIDNEY COM- dicates tlieir adaptability PLAINT. to nourish the body, and hence their efficacy in cur- TBJTT3O r$ r & i O in ?r nervous debility, inel- SUI 8 0 SSLLiO ancholy, dyspepsia, wast- insr of the muscles, slus:- CUBEIOBTID LIVER gishness of t!ie liver, chronic constipation, and imparting health and strength to the system. Sold everywhere. Office, 35 Mu ray Street, New York. 1; r H Gray Hair can be changed to a H S elossy black by .1 single application of K H Dr.TuTT’sHair Dye. It acts like magic, 0 0 and is warranted as harmless as water. 0 0 Price SI.OO. Office 35 Murray St., N. Y. 0 What is Queek>s Lelieht? Head tbe Answer It is a ]>lant that grows in the South, ahd is spe cially adapted to the cure of diseases of that climate. NATURE’S OWN REMEDY, Entering at once into the blood, cxnejiing all scrof ulous, syphilitic, and rheumatic affections. Alone, it it a searching alterative, but when combined with Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, and other herbs, it forms Dr. Tutt’s Sarsaparilla and Queen’s Delight, The most powerful Mood purifier known to medical science for the cure of old ulcers, diseased joints, foul discharges from the cars and nostrils, abscesses, skin disease , dropsy, kidney complaint, evil effects of sec et practices, disordered liver ana spleen. Its use strengthens the nervous system imparts a fair com plexion, and builds up the*body with HEALTHY. SOLID FLESH. As an antidote to syphilitic poison it is strongly Recommended. Hundreds of cases of the worst type have been radically cured by it. Being purely veg etable its continued use will do no harm. The best time to take it is during the summer and fall; and instead of debility, headache, fever and ague, you will enjoy robust health. v Sold by all druggists. Price, Jfii.oo. Office, 35 Murray Street, New York. THs CONVENTION. VOW that it is certain n Ccr.vihtiir and be neld, wc take plcsMitc. n ftit <ut cir.p that tiie pic eredit gs <1 list tidy wil) tic reported for The Constitu’-vn l y an in l'et of our editoiial ilaft, who i> et ki (w !i cp< (. one of the iiiop bc c< n p!i*l t and on l i*i and wi itei s in ilie e< t i ti } . f i 1 side*nble it cref-t ivJU attach to these ptret rdii id hcs.: who and ftite toifjd oi pen Y* a vnlat n hist or v of tie It. I its ( f '1 * 1c i vt 1 ii( n w>l do we ll tOMLri then ONE DOLLAR w;l! vet the Weekly OonMitu irn till January Ist, 1878. or Five Dollars ih< Daily Consti tution lor the —me teugt li ol time, postage free. Addrt ai ( ONST IT UTJ ON, Atlanta, Ga. Get the Best! MARROW’S Pictorial Family Bible and Encyclopedia ot Bibiteal Knowledge ..wains ()4 important featurr?, neatly ! : 8uo! illustrations and ill. n V fine plate- by Gustave j t)or? and Diher fine Aif’sts. G* uinne nio-* J locoo binding? oiid heavy pant 1, four styles j and prices Send for cicuiara and te n.s to j agon ts. OUR GOVERNMENT. | r |''HE Ocn’ury ot Independence embraces i a col'eclioo from official sources cl the, mo-tt important documents and statis c ; connected with the political histor, ot | America ; also a ehronoloeUal recotd of the j principil events t.oin its discovery to the present time, with biographical and his icrical sketches, etc. Piloted it Getmru andAnplsh. A’eatly 600 p g s A’. VC I-be'ore has 80 much p actio and tntor m .iien of this tiatme been published ;u any one volume. The lawyer, btftker, merchant and farmer | will each conclude that it must have be. n prepared esp.ciaHy with reference to I i- 1 convenience. I is designed for this wo?k to take the j place in politics that WrbrteiV and crionirv ; does in language and A ppK*i< ; ii 4 * b*' 2 ;ftevr [ in gcncial literature. Ibe b■ s i i >a -‘‘- r | and illu.nations have been made to compare , h ihe gefctpal character ot ti*e Though a pt- >oi c m f a good c zen without a tboi 'i’ub education, no g’ c*U zeu can eij v itie tight c,' li ' < ’ l,t * l ‘ l * gctjtlv withou p(Mes ug the intoiaiA-ion contained in this bo* While person •tns o pnrclnPe ordinary or expensive *<-tks *ll classes w £‘ a ' av il themselves ot the ot•■.-n tunit > ot <-o • aii.ii g • wok so h‘ a ' '* io * a pi c*, v- o>. Sold only by subsciip’ion. Scud for pe dal circular and tern.? o agents A X I W PLAN SOLICITORS for premium paper® should wr; ♦ us a; once. I t.e burden ot a bevy hd removed. S tuples ll Car id "ti if -Ijr.ii. Send to. I.- n- for the cheat** ' f’* p , i ub sc, rii a fine * ug-KVtg (26x32) 10. premiuu . Foi this and iheabove new woiks and 15t) standard books, .ddrt-es S. L. MORROW A CO, jndianajoG. Ind DAWSON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY. AUGUST 23 1877. Turnip * sill live. it. u. Hardaway's pla?:. li-Gntt- wt> puLlisii a con inunicittioD ‘ M R. ti. Htmliiwny on the above -u’j <■:, to which ullu-iott w<i- innde in our Ust issue, and in reference to which the Terrell Count? Agricultural and Hoitieultiiial society [tassed the folio -ving ro.-olu ioi), at its ast meet ■ng: Kesolted : That the Terrell County Agricultural and Hoiticu’tura! Socie ty tieiely tender tlieir sincere thanks to Mr K. 11. Hardaway, of Thun a county, lor the valuatde inlonna ion given upon the subject of turnip tuis j >"g- Tu -MAsviLLF, July 20, 1877. M. 8 Kkitf, Dear Sir; Rich loamy land, a itt ! e sandy, is best for (iU ro. t crops. My garden j haa a deep red clay foundation, sligM j ly sandy, gray si ii about nnef-'ot deep, ; free of pebbles. Pure PetU'.ian gu no and Mope-’nitrogenise 1 euper-phos i phate I consider the best ntanures for fleets and turnips. It should be applie broadcast, very evenly scattered, and plowed in ai nut three inches deep with a turn plow; and should be plowed about eveiy ten days, with along three inch scooter, at leasi twice, (three plowings w uid 1 e better;) at ach pb'wi; g go ing actots the last plowing Put on tbe manures at tbe rate of a thousand pm mis per acre. Lay of in rows, slightly elevi'ed, (to prevent wat r settling on the seed and young plant;) two feet apart and sow the seed thick enough to insure a stand promptly. — When the leaf forms the size of a stiver quafter of a dollar, immediately thin out to about three inches apart; , as the leaf con tin u< - fj get lai get, thin again to six inches, and, as they grow, thin again, which will leave them twelve inches asunder. Work them very carefully and lightly, at each thinning, and these three work ings are enough. D n’t wotk them while the dew is on the leaf. Work them late in 'he evenit g, is the best, and, don’t cover the feavos with dirt; let it be clean, and well bone. 1 giv nine the last working with a gtub tme, of and g'jg ng too doB6 to the tut nips; this leaves the ground ioose and meilov, for the roots ic spread. The turnips I exhibited at the fair, were manured with well totted stable manure. One do£eb weighed 131 J pounds, the largest 23 and the sma 1- esl 6 pounds. For fall and winter, I prefer “Car t i’s purple top” Ruta Baga for win ter use, and purple top Sirip Leaf for early, quo k growth. For spring, purplue top Strap Leaf, and whi'e Aberdeen or Yel’ow Abei deem; They do best here s. wad ftoin tly? 20th of August to the 20th of Sep tember. I would prefer September sowing, it seasonable, regardless of the moor. I sow when I get ready, and have seasons, and never pay any attention to the moon. I know some do regard the moot, and are success ful, and the hio.jn may have sotee thing to do with it. But, if you will make the groUud rich and prepare it by thorough pulveri-i g, as I state/and have good seasons, it will heat 999 n.oon plattings, when the ground has been half prepared and manured. Very RvspfCtlul y, Ii 11. Hardaway. Tito Atlanta Constitution records the following singular'incident; ‘‘A Chris tian ctii.d tiled in our ci y The father had nol a cent, and the family in their deep woe were on tb. verge ol starva tion. A man with a teudet heart ai ded thorn as much as he could, and than went to the others for very small cohtiihutions To his surprise, not a single Jew refused him, and not one Chistiati out of five would give a cent It should rot appear that the religion of Uhiist dtstjoyes cliaiity.” Whin a lover leaves the bouse of his a lined at a late hour in fne evening, and walks musingly home ward ti6iiealti the twinkling stars, his fjud fancy pictures h r clothed in white samite, resting sweetly on her ptliow, with iier unbounded oair toss ed about her sleeping face, aud angels bending over her coach w hispering heavily dreams. P rhaps at that mo ment, though, sin is in the pantry gr awir g hungrily on a ham bone. More thun five million cans of corn are now packed in M .me annually, and sold m various pai te ct h- word, giving employment to from B,OUO to 10,0uU petsous during the packing season. FOISTv MIL • H I oin TWO SIOI Itv An Exciting Itace .Again-I lime, lilt: Killer ISoillg 1 ' •<’' The citizeni of St. Paul weie yes terday tteated to a great novelty, a man named DeWolf riding forty miles inside of ttvo hollts at ilieii dtiving piiik. He used ten hoises, lidiug each one four miles. To render the feat still more surpri.-iug lie rode the last mile wi hoot tithei saddle of bii dle O, 1 horsemen were more sur prised tv an at v one else, ami a few uf theiu who were confident enough to back up tlieir opinions with gteet backs droped a tew oil tbe result. — The attendance was unexpectedly large, and white the running was in progress there was a good deul of excitement. Pinuiptly on time Mr DeWolf (• m nienced. Tlie fits: horse ho mounted proved an unruly one, ands ion after ht passed the wire bolted end thtew the rider ov-4- his head more than >n fvet, landing Mr. Do Wot flat on ii is? back, his liee.s conn g down upon tho track so that the sound of tlieir con- cussion could Im heard on the grand stand. A good many thought tho ri der was seriou-ly hurt, but before they could start to di anything lie was on bis feet, as good as now, and arranging for another hotse, which be immediately mounted and started again, tilaking his tour miles with that horse within tbe time allotted to him The second horse went well enought au I” iu time. The thiid hotse pioved to he a retactory one and started off in an obstinate id unruly manner He had not reached the quarter pole belbre lie had jump ed the fence and Mr. De 'A ol! found It necessary to return and take another animal, hut notvVi hstunding ull this trefutde lih made his tune. I'lom this time on everything ptoceeied smooth ly ui: the twenty-seventh uii e, when the hors3 ran into the halt-mile pole, throwing th tider As soon as possi ble Mr. De oil picacd himself up Fortunately the noise, altin throwing Mr. Da Wol I, stopped. The lider as quietly us posibie c-atight -he animal, mounted him and sturled again, com ing in on the time The remainder of he race was rtltl without atcident, ami firiaily tUe last mile was ieached j when, discaiding the saddle uud bridle, Air. DeWolf started purely “bare back,” and amid the shouts ol the crowd came down the homestretch, passing under the wire in lb. 57m. having just 3m. to spate. There is no doubt that with suitable hoises that are weil btoki n Mr. DeWolf can tide froty mile3 iu considerably less than two hours. There was a good deal more excitement about it than there is about an ordit ary running race, and, what is s’ill more satislactory, it las ted a good dal longer. - St Raul Pi or.etr, Any , sth. Idiitziug H alei'iitt-loiia. The editor of the Maryland Farmer says he lias been making his surplus watern elons ihto in lass6s by simply peeling oS the outer rind, pressing out the juice in a cider press arid then evaporating as one would evapofate the juice of sdfghuni or sugar cane. — After that fie says: “We can give our readers another useful hiut lor utiliz ing their surplus watermelons. I' is tit is: List year we saw coins Yitgmia farmers f> ed watermelons to their milch cows, wnen they fame up at night with very good effect, by increas ing the qoanity and improving the quality of their milk.” Writing on the same subject the editor of the Florida Agriculturist says; Watermelons make as most excel lent light col ,red vinegar. There me thousands of these thrown awray that are too small for marketing. Why not eatiact the juice from the sweet poitiou and convert it into vinegar? Anv old wmsky hartei will do to keep it. All that is jeqoired is a little syrup or molasses to star*, the feimen tation. Il we wish our iState to pros- \ per we mus’ turn our attention to these little article?, And live within ourselves. i here are plenty of me!-j o s still !elt to urn into vinegar. Do not let another rent tro but of the State lor vinegar. Learned professors know about thirty thousaud words; children or two from two to nx hundred; ordina ry people ten thousand; book agents nine million niue hundred and niniy r ine thousand nine hundred and ni..ety-ni<ie. When tiny learn the word “quit” tlroir education will bo Couip’Ct*. Ten Tlioiikiiim! II II ns fur n I>i ink uf tl siler. Inonoof the hotly-contested fights ih Virginia, during the wur, a Federal officer fell in front of the Confederate htec.s'vvorks. While lying there wounded and crying for water, a cun federate soldier (Jsines Moore, cl Burke county, N. C.,) declared his in tention of supplying him with drink. The bullets were flying thick from both sides, and Moore’s fiiends en deavored to dissuale h>m from such a hazudous enterprise. Despite remon strance and danger, however, Moore leaned the breastworks, canteen in hand, reach; Ins wftJindd rnemy and gave him drink. The Federal, under a sense of gratitude for the timely service, took out his go and watch and | offered it to his henofator, but it was refu-ed. Tlie other then asked the name of tlie man who bad braved such danger to secure him. The name was given, ahd Mrore returned un hurt to position behind the ombank ment. They saw nothing more of each other. Moore was subsequently wounded mill lost a limb in one ol ti e engagi merits in Virginia, and return ed to his home in Burke county. A few days ago he received a communi cation from tin Federal soldier to whom be liad given the “cup of cold water” on the occasion allud <d to, an nouncing that lie had settled on him the sum of SIO,OOO, to be paid in four annual iustalmentaof $2,000 each. Inve-tigitiou l as established the fact that tliefe i no mi take or deception ill the matter.— Raleiyh Ned't. Mow Kill v (i. The “stow fighter” was a tail, raw boned specimen of the Lumpkin coun ty oieed, and when be arrived in the mining camps the hoys began to have lun with him —to “mill him,” as they citll it it tfie parlance of tlie mines. He stood it fut a long time with perfect equanimity, until finally one of the patty dared him out of doors to Sgl-t He went. When they got all ready and squaied off, Lumpkin coun ty stretched out bis king neck and pro” seated Ilk tip of his big imse tempt ingly close to bis tormentor; “I’m a little slow,” h said, ‘ and can’t fight unless I am well riled; just taste rue lone—a good un—right on the end of that smelier!” His request was complied with. “That was a good un,” fie said,salii - ly, “hut I don’t feel quite riled yit” turning tbe side of his head to the adversary—“please chug me another lively one under the ear!” The astonished adversary again complied, whereupon Lumpkin c/uu t*, lemaiking that fie was “not quite as well riled as he would like to be, fiut would do die best lie could,” sailed info the crowd, and ft r tlie next tbiity days die “b were em ployed in friending broken jaws,repair ing damaged ey es and tenderly resur recting smashed noser. 5..011cry ESiiniltilu A couple of young men of IVrry sometime since pi.rchas&d a ticket of Russell &C. 37 Bond fit., N. Y, in what put ported to be the Iloyal f1 a - Littery. A few days ago they were notified t*y E. R. Espetitellto, Actuary, of Havanna, Cuba, th*t their ticket had drawn a gold watcii and chain worth §l6O 00, and that cn or dering the same from Russel! & Cos., and ptiyii g their commission of $lO.- 00 on the trensaStion, the watch would he sent C. O. D., giving them the priviledge of examining it before paying the money. The watch came a few days ago, and on examination tvas found to he to > Iklfi so fat as the coat of gold with w tiic'r it was washed over was concerned, sw h as could be bought bv the barrel in New York at about §8 00 each. Moral. —All these lottery enter prises are swindles, and the selling of tickets is an indictable oifei ce in both N< w Yoik and Georgia.— Ilrme Jour nal. A LLuckei sack man creeping soltly J along the bedreum fl >or, on his hands a..d knees, and was feeling tenderly under the bureau for something he had hidden there the evening before; but his wife awoke and said, “Peter, w hat under heavens are you doing?” : “Dear,” 6aid he, “I urn walking in my sleep and dreaming that I am pluck ing water lifies from the s< ft, blue bosom of 'lie lak*.” flow to get that Haste out of thete before she got up in .hr? morning was What Worried him. fVimyi'oysil siiwl l’oliisli. The Scientific American says tlint if mosquitoes, nr otiiei bloodsuckers, in fest our sleeping rooms at night, we uncotk a bottle of oil of pennytoval, and these animals leave in great haste, mr will they roturn so long as‘he tir of the room is laden with the futnesof that aromatic herb. If rats enter tho cel'ar, a little pow dated po'tish thrown in their holes, or mixed with meal and scatteiedm their tun ways, never fills :o drive them a way,—Cayenne pepp r will keep off ants and roaches. If a mouse makes tin entrance into auy pa. t trf j>ur dwelling, saturate a rug with caynne, in solution, and stuff it into the hole. No rat or mouse will gnaw at that rag. Try it. Weread in the Scientific Journal-. “Theio is a method which I have adopted in my own house to coo! the temperature of any room during hot weathef, and that is, to harig a sheet or a Hauket down autside windows upon which tlie sun may fie shining. This sheet is wet, and the evaporation of tho water produces a delieously cool Upliftmont. The slleof is kept damp by .having a vessel with water above tho top of it outside, and a piece o! fl innel arrange 1 to form a siphon, and touching several portions of the sheet. The water gradually empties out of the vessel, and mty fie replenished if necessary.—Tho win dow is, of course, opeii. It is strange that so simple and mexpeu sive a method lias not Lund favor. A head of Tim.'. Tom Howard kept a gun shop. — Tom was a first class workman, but distressingly dillatory in the dispatch of business. He would meet his pat rons with a postive piomise, ivir't h lie would ren w month after month, un til at length his shop became an ar mory of unfinished rifles and fowling pieces. Oue day his neighbor Smit , who had suffered repoa'edly by Tom’s habit of procrastination, entered bis shop. “Tom,” said fie, “I wau’t you to make a gun for my little hoy—a small, well-finished piece, and as light in tfie barrel tie will lie cansistnnt with safety.” “Oh je*,” said Tom; 1 wifi make it immediately—you shad hate it atonce. But by the way, how old is the boy '{" “Well, as tj that,” replied Stni h, “tho hoy in not born yet; but I thought 1 hud hotter get the gun under way.” Met Her dinteh Some time since, on one of tire Hudson riv. r boats, a lady who had attracted much attention for the tna'e culiue turn of her manners and con versation, was seated at the table op posito a gehtlemsri, who', in taking seme butter, in tho absence of the us ual knife, used his own, which the lady observing, tailed aloud to the waiter; “Wnit-ta! bring another plate cf butter; that man (pointing to the gentleman) had his knife in this.’ The unfortunate wight almost sank under the tourious gaze of the com; a ny, but said nothing, determined to watch his opportunity to return, for the cruel rr.oriificntieu, change in her own coin. lie wailed hut a moment, eie a p'ate of dried beef was handed to the lady, who unceremoniously took so”.:e in tier fingers and placed it upon lief plate. “Waii-ta!” exclaimed the gentle man in turn, “bring another plate cf bad; Brat woman has had her fingers in tfiis!” A most urigallent roar from the company forty turned tho tallies against the lady, and she had the 1 good sense to acknowledge its dtsert, and'joiued heartily in the mirth ert atod. Tho New Orleans Democrat gives an nccouut of a negro man 11G years of age, now on the plantation of (State Treasurer Dubuclet in Louisiana. — i It says that lie cultivates three acres 1 of corn, and a garden patch using on !ly a hoe itr stirring his crop, also • catches considerable diift wood in the river, and his eye-sight is so good that . ho can thread a need e and mend his own clothes He about ?300 laid up for the evening <>f life. A girl who cati put u square patch on a pair of pantaloons may hot he so accomplished as one who can work a greed worsted dog otr a yellow ground, but she is oi more real valuo to the community. VOL. XII.—-AO. 28. A few days Bgo the inhabitants of a country town were filled with con jecture ut the fuliowinp; sign painted in large capitals on the front of ft house recently fitted up and repaired; “M rs. Bro*n, Dealer in all sorts of Ladies.” All was consternation. In quiry was instantly set on foot as to who this Mrs. Brown might be, but no one could tell. She was astranger in tl e town. On the third morning the mystery was unravelled. The house-painter returned to finish hii work, and concluded by adding “and Gentlemen’s Wearing Apparel.” N. B.— Painters should finish one job be fore beginning another ! An Irishman called on a lady and gentleman, in whose employ be was, for the purpose of getting some tea and tobacco. ‘‘l had pi t dredm last night, your hbhoiir,” sffid lie to the gentleman. “What is it, Pat?” “Why, I drar.tedyer honour made nieapresent of *r pound of tobacey, and her lady ship there —Heaven bless her! — gave me some Uy lor the good wife.” “Ah, Pat, dreams go by contraries, you know,” said the gentleman. “Faitll, and they may that,” said Pat; “£o her ladyship is to give the tobaccy and his honour the tnv I” The custom o£ appointing lawyers to defend pauper crimiualsre ceived a “back-set” the other day in a district court. llis honor bad ap pointed two young lawyers to defend an old and experienced horse-thief,— Alter inspecting his counsel for son;* time in silence, the prisoner arose in his place and addressed the bench.* “Air them to defend me?” “Yes, sir,” said his honor. “Both of ’m?” ill quired the prisoner. “Both of them.” responded the judge. “Then I plead guilty ;” and the l'allovf took hts seat and sighed heavily. A little (ellow was partaking large ly of the good tilings of this fife at the dinner-table, immediately ori his .etiirn fiorn Sulibath-school. His brother, after eyeing b!iti for some time, said; “Charlie, if you were to Ht ii ueh more, and it should kill you you would weigh so much that the angles toul I not cariy you to heaven.” Lit.le six-year- id for a iHo inent, and then looking up, replied: “we' 1 , if they cuuldn’t do it alone, God would send Samson down to help A rather gloomy bon mot, which promises to be historical, marked tho trial of Miss, Whftf ton, for tire alleged poisoning of General Ketehum. “A doctor should bo able to give his opin. inns without n.istukes,” said tliS At torrn y-Gent rah “He is well able as a lawyer,” replied Dr. Warren. “A doctor’s mi'tikes are hurried six feet under the ground,” said the lawyer. ‘• And a law yer’s ares - inotimes huogeix feet above it,” replied the doctor. “Bridget! why don’t you bring op tho lemonade ?” said s!rß. 8., on the Fourth of July, from the to£ of tbrf kitchen stairs. “Why, marro,” said Bridget, wipirg the sweat from her red face with her checked apron 1 , aa ■he put her head around the alarr* case partition, “why, warm, you see the ice I put in the, h monads is so hard that it hasn’t melted yet, thoagh it's Stirring it tver the 9r6 Iv# been for the last fifteen minutes or more. - ” A few days ago a register of births, deaths and u.ariiages proceeded to the house of one of his neighbors fot tho purpose of registering a birth, and on irquiry oi the motffer of the day and iho date of the child’s birth, re ceived the following characteristic re ply; “Deed, sir, 1 ken neither the day of the week, nor tho day of the month ■ hut the bairn was born the day after Robbie Lumsden’e pig was killed.” New York barbers are waging wai on those tousoiiel artists who give a shave for live cents. They held a meeting Sunday night and declared that the “fivecenters" are “bringing dishonor upon a profession in which artistic skill is required! iu the manf pulation of the razor.” A woman was testifying in behalf of her son, stating that he had work ed ou the farm ever since he was horn. The lawyer who cross examin ed hr, said: “ You say your son has worked on the farm ever since he was bom?” “I do.” “VVlrat did he do the first year?” “Ho milked.’’ The 1..W --j'er Wilted.