The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, September 13, 1877, Image 1

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THE DAWSON WEEKLY JOURNAL 1)Y J. D. HOYL & CO. g, 11)5011 SSUtklg Journal rnßLlßiltt) K*KKT TiItJESDAT. TFIt jIS-Strlctht in iAdvaHct. Three months Sii months " 2 00 Ose . The money forad /eftWogcousidered due after first iuser “ Adrertiseßents inserted at intervals to be as new each insertion. An additional charge of 10 per cent will b made on advertisements ordered to be in- TJSMSKWfc m *► 1 o tices" will be inserted for IS cehts aarline for the first insertiob, and 10 cents or line Watch stibssquCnt insertion. P Advertisements in the “ I.ocal Column ' willbe inserted at ‘25 cents per line for lhe grsi, and 40 tight- per line for each subse auent insertion; . q All communications or lettere on business Stended for this office should be addressed t"Tm Dawson Jodknal ” LEGAL ADVERTISING RATES. Sheriff sales, per levy of 1 square *4 00 kortgage sales, per levy 8 00 ri sales, per levr * * Citations for Letters of Administration 400 ipplicaiion for Letters of guirdia *hip. * \ *'* Application for Dismission from Ad ministration 10 00 Application for Dismissions bom Guardianship ••••• 600 Application for leave to sell Land— ene sq $5, each additional square,... 4 00 Application for Homestead.,.. , •.. 3 ttO Notice to debtors and creditors ... 600 Land sales, per sqaare (inch) 4 00 Rale of Perishable propertv, per sq 8 00 Estray Notices, sixty days.... ... 800 Notice la perUct service 8 OO Rule Nisi, pe> square 4 00 Rules to establish lost papers, per eq 400 Rules compelling titles, per square.. 400 Rules to perfect service in Ditorce cases m. O', ii" 10 00 The above ore the minifnlim rate- rflegal advertising now charged bv the Press of Georgia, and which we shall strictlv adhere to in the future. We hereby give final no tice that no adVertiseffteilt of 'his class wil be published in the journal without the fee in paid in advance, oniv in cases where we have special an mgemen'S to the eontrarv ytoftsuional N. b 4 Barnes, -S W.tTt H-VAKER. JEWELER f/~‘ and Repatrei (C-J Offi 6 at Aolhcnv's s'6r6, £ DAWBOX, - GEORGI V • Rv paring a specialty. .411 work warranted. Bep 6,6iu 8. F 6IMMONB, T. H. PICKETT H. KlIaA PICAti T T ATTORNEYS AT LAW bIIVSOV r.IARG.A JAMES CTPA RKS, . Attcrn< y At Law, LAWSON, • GEORGIA, And Counsel for the Cnrprratifcn of Dawson :0: IjRAOTIORS in the Cout's of P. tv. Ga., A State Supreme Courts, and U S. Cf'urts hr Gentgia. CollrC'ons a specialty piness iusurtd. aue‘2,3in J. F. JVALKErT Allornej sit, La WSON - GEORGIA \\ ILL practice in the Pataula Circuit.— * ' Office i ihe Court. haiiAe hch 22 ly t. IMVO. Tiwl, Attorney at I.aWj Guu.rr, - Eoitti Ki \\ GjL prfc‘i(, j n State Courts nd in ihv Oiioni Di*r*uv Eoutts of f be suited S> tt+g in feuYriunah sep'27. bjh k, A ll orn e y at Law, l,ri oi< Cttlhonu i omtij'jGsi. ' ere in the Stafej hy Contract; Prompt at rtnisn giveti to all business eutrnated to his , sre ; Collection* a specialty. Will also in ’Bl'irsteiit|es an d buv or sell real Estate in 4! :aon , Raker aud Airly Counties, march 21-tl L. G CARTL t DOE, Attorney atLaw - - GEORGIA. H ! LL give close attention to ail bost fi o‘‘Sß entrusted to his tare iii Albany _ 4 J lv_ I- O- HOYLt Attorney at I ..'i~w> Ger;tl‘,i< 0- H. MILLER* \ Tr 'RAEV AT LAW, Ga. ein Ordinary’s Office. OSn.Sm JAMES H. GUERRY, Att rn.ys at I .aw, - GEonaiti. m the Court House. Feb. 4 J - E. J A NEsT ATTORNEY at law, aw soy, _ GEORGIA. orcr J 'S’. Johnston's store. Ja7 THE CONSTITUTION. ADOPT! D BY THE Pf OPLE OF GEORGI A lAt t'OAVEA. TlOfil ASSEMBLEi. I Ailunia, August 25, 1877. BILL OF EIGHTS. riiEAMBLE, To perpetuate the principles of free government, insure justice to all, pre serve peace, promote the interest and happiness of the citizen, and transmit to pioeterity the enjoyment of liberty, we the people of Georgia, relying up on the protection end guidance of Al mighty God, do ordain aud establish this Constitution: AKTICLE I. BECTIOK I. Par. L Ali government, of right, originates with the peop'e, is founded upon their wiii only, and is instituted solely for the good ot toe whole Public officers are the trustees and servunts ol tne people, aud, at ail times, amenable to them. Par. 2. Protection to person and property is the paramount duty of g< vemment, and shall he in partial and complete. 'Par. 3. No porson shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, except by due piooess of law. Pat 4. No poison shall be deprived ol the right to prosecute or defend his own cause n "ny ol tn? courts of this Btate, in poison, by attorney, or both. Par. 5. Every person charged with ! an offense against the laws of this State shall hive the privilege and benefit oi counsel) shall be furnishtd, on demand, with a copy of the accusa tion, and a list ol the witnesses oh whose testimony die charge against him is founded; shall have compulso ry pruces- to ot taiu the testimony of h s own witnesses; shall he contion te< 1 with the ■witnesses testifying against him; aud shall have a public and speedy tri..l by an impartial jury. Par. 6. No person shall he com j edsd to give testimony tending in any maimer to crin.mate himself Par. 7 Neither b-nislmient beyond the hums ol the State, nor whipping, as a punishment lot crime, snail bo allowed. Par 8. No person shall be put in jeopaidy oi life or liberty, mote than once lor the same offense, save on his, or her, own umtiou for anew trial after conviction, or in case of mistrial. Par 9. Excessive hail shall not he required, nor excessive fines impo.-ed, nor cruel uud unusual punishments inflicted; nor shall aDy person he abused in being ariesteG, while under a rest, or in prison Par lU. No jetsofi shctll he cou.- p- lied to pay cost except alter convic tion on final trial. Par. 11. The writ of corpus shall not he suspended. Par 12. Ail men have the natural aud inalienable right to worship God, e. qh according to the dictates of his own conscience,and no human authori ty should, in any case, contiol or intei fere with such right ot conscience. Par. 13. No inhabitant of this S'ate shad he mohsted in peison Oi proper ty, or prohmited lrotn holding any public office, or trust, on account of nis religious opinions; but the right ol libei ty ul conscience shall not he so cons’.iued as to excuse acts of licen tiousness, or justify p actices inconsis tent with toe pease aud safety of the State. Par. 14 No money shall ever be taken from the public Treasury, di rectly or indirectly,- in aid cl any Chtirch, sect, or denomination of reli gionists, nrof Hny seetanau institution; Par, 15. No la shall eVer he pass ed to curtail, ot restrain, the liber y of speech, or of the press; aiy person may spook, write, and putdisti his sen timents, on ail Subjects, being respon sible for the abuse ol that liberty. Par. 16 The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papeis, and effects, agains; unreasona ble searches and seizures, sha 1 not ti violated; and no warrant shall issue except upon probable cause, suppor ted by oath, or affirmation, particular ly describing the place, or places, to be seaiched, and the persons or things to be se zed. Par 17. There shall be within the State ol Georgia neither slaveiy nor involuntary servi ude, save as a puu ishment for crime after legal couvic tion thereof. Par. 18. The social status of the citizen shall never be the suhjeset of legislation. Par. 19. The civil authority shall he superior to the military,-e.ud n • sol dier shall, in time of psuce, he quai teied in uny house, without the con sent of the owner, nor in time of war, except by (tie civil magi-trate, in su.h manner ss may be provided by law. Par. 20. The power of lhe Courts to punish tor contempt shall he limited by legislative acts. ■ Par. 21. There shad be no impris onment for debt Par. 22. The right ot the people to keep and bear arms shall not he in fringed, but th Geue al Assembly fhatl have power to pre&iribe the manlier in which arms may be borne. Par. 23 The legislative judicial and •. xecmive poweis shad lorever re main separate and distinct, and no person discharging the du’ies oi one, sha I, at the same time, exeiciso the functions ot ei her ot the others, ex cept as herein provided. _ Par- 14. The people have the ngut to assemble peaceably ior tlietr com mon good and to apply to those vested with the poweis of government for re dress ot grievance# by peiitiou or re monstrance. . Par. 25. All citizens of the Untied States, resident ia this State, are here- DAWSON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1-3 1877. by declared citizens of this State, and it shall be the duty ot the General Assembly to enact “uch laws as will protect them in the full enjoyment of the rights, privileges aud iuimuuites due to such citizeinhip. SECTION r Par, 1 In all pro.-ecutions or indict ments for litre! the truth may fie given In evidence; and the jury in all crimi nal bases, shall be the jndges of the law and lire facts. The power of the Judges to gram new trials in cases of conviction is preseived Par. 2. Treason against the State ol Georgia shall Constat in levying war against her; adh ring to her enemies; giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason, except on the testimony of two wit nesses to the same ove t act, or Cou fe sion in open court. Par 3. No con vie ion shall work corruption of blood, or for f'eiture of estate Par. 4. All lotteries, and the sale of lottery tickets, are hereby prohibi ted ; and this prohibition shall t.e en forced by penal laws. Par 5 Lobbying is declared to be a crime, and (lie General Assembly shall enforce this provision by suitable penalties. Pai. G. The General Assembly shall have the p. war to provide for the punishment of fraud; and shall pro vide by law for reaching properly of the debtor concealtd from the credif or - SECTION 111. Par 1. In case of necessity, private ways may bo granted upon just com pensation being first paid by the ap plicant. Private property shrll iot tie taken or damaged, for public pur poses, without just and adequate com pensation being fiist paid. Par. 2. No bill of attainder, ex post facto lan, retroactive lew, or law im pairing the obligation of contracts, or mal ing iirevocable grant of special privileges or immunities, shall be passed. Par. 3 No grant of sp< cial privile ges or imtu' uities shall he revoked, except in such manner as to work no i. justice to the corporators of the in- Cuiperatiou. SECTION IV Par. 1 Laws ol a genera' nature shall have uniform operation through out the State, and no special law shall be enacted in any case for which pro vision hap been made fiy an existing general law No general law affect ing private rights shall be varied in acv particular case, by special legisla tion, except with the free consent, in writing, ol all persons to be aff cted thereby; and no person under legal disahiliiy to contract is capableof such c nsent. Pur 2 Legislative acts in viol tion of this Cons itution, or the Constiutiou of the United States, are void, and the Judiciary shall so declare them. SECTfoN v. Par. 1. The people of this Etßte have the inherent, sole and exclusive right of regulating their internal gov ernment, and the police thereof, and of alt< ring and abolishing their Con stitution whenever it may he necessa ry to their safety and happiness. Par. 2. The •numeration of rights herein contained, as a partof this Con stitution; shall no' he constructed to deny t the people any inherent right* which they may have huhaito enjoy ed. ARTICLE 11. ELECTIVE FBANCUISE. SECTION I. Par. 1. In ali elections by the (eo ple, the electois shall vote by ballot. Par. 2. Every male citizen of the United States (except as hereinaftei provided), twenty-one years of age, who shall have resided iu this State •no year neit preceding the election, and shall have resided six months in the coun.y in wbieh he offers to vo*o, and shill hate paid all taxes which may hereafter be required of him, and thifth he may have had an opportu nity of paying*, agreeably to law. ex cept for -he year of the electi a, shall be deemed an elector: provided, that no soldibr, sailor or marine in the milita ry or naval service of the Uuited Sta'es, shall acquire the rights of an elector, l y reason of being stationed on duty in tins State; and no person shall vote who, if challenged; shell re fuse to take the fol owing oath, or affirmati n: “Ido swear (or affiim) tha! lam twenty-one yeats of age, have resided in this State one year, aUd in this county six months, next preceding this election. I had paid all tax 8 which, since the adoptiou of the present Consiiiution o! this Stare, have been required of me previous to tins year, and which 1 have had au opportunity to pay, a"d that 1 have not voted at this election.” SECTION 11. Par. 1 The General Assembly may ptovide, from time to time, fur the registiation of all electors, but tlir fol lowing classes of persons shall not he permited to register, vote or hold any office, or appointment of honor or trust in this State, to wit} Ist. Itiose who stn 1 ha 7 tiei-n convicted iu any co„it of competent juiisdictiou of trea son agaius l The Slate, ol eiubezzel rnet.i ol pnblL funds, malleasance iu office, brib r iy or larceny; or of any crime involving moral turpitude, pun ishable by ’he laws ol this State by itnpiisonniout in the penitentiary, uu less such person s. all have beeu par doned 2d. Idiots and insane persons. SECTION 111. Par. 1. Electors shall in all cases, s>cept for treason, felony, larceny aud breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance vu elections, and in going to and return ing from the SBme. SECTION IV. Par. 1. No person who Isthe hold er of any publu money, contrary to law, shall be eligible to any office in this State, until the same is accounted for aud paid into the Treasury. Far. 2 No persou who, after the adoption of this Constitution, being a resident of this state, shall have been convicted of fighting a duel in this Stale, or convicted of sending or ac cepting a cliadenge, or convicted of aiding, or abetting such duel, shall hold office in t is i s tate, unless he shall have been pardoned; and every such person shall, also, be subject To suGh puishmect as may he prescribed by law, SFCriON v. Par. 1. The General Assembly, shall, by law, forbid the sale, distri bution, or furnishing of iutoxicating drinks within two miles of election precincts, on days O' election —State, county or municipal—and prescribe punishment tor any violation of the same. section tf. Par. 1. Returns ot election for all civil officers elected by the people, who are to he commissioned by the Gover nor and also for the membevs of the General Assembly, snail be made to the Secretary of State, unless Other wise provided by law. ARTICLE 111. LKOISLTIVK DEPAIITMKNT. SECTION' I. P#r. t. The legislative power of the State shall be vested iu a General Assembly which shall consist of a Sen ate and House of Representatives. SECTION 11. Par. 1. The Senate shall consist of foity-fouT members. There shall he forty-lour Seuatorial Dis'.iicts, as rn w arranged by counties. Each district shall tivve one Senator. Par 2. The First Senatorial Dis trict shah he composed of the counties of Chatham, Bryan and Effingham. The Si-cotid enatarial District shall be composed of tho counties of Liber ty, Tatnall and Mclntosh. Tim Third .''enatorial District shall be composed of the counties of Wayne, Pierce and Appling. The Fourth Senatorial District shall he composed of ths counties of Glyu, Camden and Charlton. The Filth Senatorial District shall he composed of the counties of Coffee, W are and Clinch The Sixth Senatorial District shall he composed of the euuntiesof Echols, Lowndes afid B iriefi. The Seventh Senatorial District shall be composed of the counties of Brooks, Thomas and Colquitt. TheEightb Senatorial District shall be composed of the counties of Deca tur, Mitchell snd Miller. The Ninth '■'enatorial District shall ho composed of the counties of Early. Calhoun and Baker. The Tefilh Sefiatoria! D : strict shall be composed of the counties of Dou gherty, Lee and Worth. The Eleventh Senatorial District shall he cm posed of the counties of Clay Randolph and Tferfell. The Twelfth SenatorialDistrlntshall be composed of ihe counties of Stew art, Webster and Qui'nian_ The Thirteenth r'enrttorial District shall be codip' sed of the counties ot Sumpter, Scnley ank MaCon The Fourteenth Senatorial District shall he composed ot the counties of Dooly, Wilcox, Pulaski and Dodge. The Fifteenth senatorial District shall be composed of 'he counlies of Montgomery, elfair and Irwin. The Sixteenth Senatorial District shall be composed of the c< uulierf of Laurens, EmatiUel and Johnson. The Seventeenth Seuaieiial Di— trict shall he composed of the coun ties ot Screven, Bulloch and Burke. The Eighteenth Senatorial District shall be com( osed ot the counties of Richmond, Glasscock and Jefferson. I he Nineteen h t-enatorial District shall he composed of the counties of Taliaferro, Greeue and Warren The Twentieth Senatorial District shall he composed of the counties ol Baldwin, Hancock and Washington The Twonty-fi'st i-enatorial District shall he Composed of the cOnties cf Twiggs, Wilkinson and Jons. Twenty-second Senatorial District shall be composed of the counties of Bibb, Monroe and Pike- The Twenty-third Senatorial Dis trict shall he composed of theiounties of Houston, Crawford and Taylor. Tho Twenty-fourth Senatorial Dis trict shaii be composed ot the counties j of Muscogee, Marion aud Cbatahoo chee. The Twenty-fifth Senatorial District ' shall be composed of tie counties of Harrisun, Upson and Talb t. The Twenty-six Senatorial District i shall be composed of the Counties of fipauiing, Butis and Fayette. The Twenty-seventh Senatorial Dis trict shall he composed of the couuttes of Newtnu, Walton, Claike, Oconee Hnd Rockdale, The Twenty-eighth Senatorial Dis trict shaii l e Composed ot the coun ties ol Jasper Putman and Moigan The Twenty-ninth Senatorial Dis trict shall be Composedof the counties ot Wilkes, Columbia, Lincoln and Mc- Duffie. _ I The Thirtieth Senatorial District shall be corn; o-ed ot the counties of Oglethorpe, Madison aud Elbert. Ihe Thirty-first Senatorial District shall be composed of the counties ot Har , Habersham and Franklin. The Thirty-second '"enatorial Dis trict shall he composed of the counties of White, Dawtou and Lumpkin. The Thirty-third Senatorial District shall be composed of the counties of HhII, Banks and Jackson. The Thirty-fourth Senatorial Dia tiict shall be Composed of the coun ties of Gwinnett, Drlfalt) aiid Henry. The Thirty-fifth Senatorial District shall be cofirposed of the cofinties of Clayton, Cobb and Fulton, j The Thirty-sixth Senatorial District I shall he cum posed of the Couhtiesof! Campbell, CoWeta; Meriwether and j Douglass. | The Thirty-seventh Senatorial Dis trict shall he Ci mposed of the couuties ! of Carroll, Heard and Troup, j The Thirty-eighth Senatorial res trict shall be composed of the cotfuties of Haralson, Polk and Paul ling. The Thirty-ninth Senatorial District shall be composed of ’he counties of Milton, Cherokee and Forsyth. The Fortieth Senatorial District shall he composed of the counties of Union, Towns and Rabun Th' Forty-fiiet Senatorial District shall be composed of the counties of Pickens, Fannie and Gilmer. The Forty-second Senatorial District shall be composed ot the counties of Bartow, Floyd and Chattooga. The Forty-third Senatorial District shall be composed of the couuties of Munay. Gordon and Whitfield. The Forty-lourth Senatorial District shall be composed ot the couuties of i Walker, Dade and Catoosa. Pur. 3. The General Assembly may change these districts after each ! census of the United States: provided, \ I hut neitherthe nuuiberof districts nor ! the number ot Senators iromeach dis-; trict shall be incieased. section m. i Par. 1. The house of Rqnesenta. tiws shaii consist of one hundred and snvenvy-five Representatives, appor tioned among the several counties as follows, to wit; To the six counties having the largest population,•<viz: Chatham, Richmond, Buike, Houston, Bibb and Fulton, three Repre. enta tives each; to the twenty-six counties having the next larged population, viz: Bartow, Coweta, Decatur, Fioyd, Greene, Gwinnett, Harris, Jefferson, Meriwether, Monroe, Muscogee, New ton, Stewart, Sumter, Thomas, Troup, Washington, Hancock, Cai roll, Cobb, Jackson, Dougherty, Oglethorpe, Ma con, Talbot and Wilkes, two Represen tatives each, and to the remaining one bundled and five counties, one each. Par. 2. The abore apportionment shall he changed by the genaral As sembly at its first session after each census taken fcy the Uuited States Government, so as give to the six counties having tile largest population three Representatives each; Hnd the twenty-six counties having the uext largest population two Representa tives each; but iu no event shall the aggregate number of Heprosentatitea be increased. SECTION tv. Par, 1, The members of the Gen eral Assembly shall be elected for two years; and shall serte Until theit successors re elected. Par. 2. The first election for tnpm heisof the General Assembly, under this Coustitu'ion; shall take place on the firs* Wednesday in December, iB - the second election lor the same shall be held on the first Wednesday in October, 1880; and subsequent elections, biennially, on that dry, un til the day i* Changed by law. Par. 3, The first meeting of the General Assembly, after the ratifica tion of this Constitution, shctll he on the first Wednesday in November, 18- 78, and suhsftp.ent mee’ings biennial ly thereafter; on the same day, until the day Shall be change by law.— But hothihg hoiem contained shall he construed to prevent the Governor from calling an extra Session of the General Assembly before the first Wednesday in November, 1878, if, in his Opinion, the public good shall re quire it. . Par. 4. A rnaji rity of each house shaii constitute a quorum to trausact business; hut a smaller number may adjourn from dajr to day and compel the presence of its absent members, as such house my pr* vide. par. 5. Each Senator and Repre sentative, before taking his seat, shall take the following oath, or affirma tion, to-wit: “I will support the Cou fctttnti, n of this State, end of the Uni ted State-; and on ail questions and iteahreß Which may come before me, I Will o conduct myssT, as wi I, in my judgment, be most couducive to the interests and prosperity of this State” Par. 6. No session of the General Assembly shall con.iftue longer than forty days, unless by a two-thirds vote of tha whole, number of each house. Par. 7. No persou holding a milita ry commission, or other appointment, or office, having any eniolumeut, or couipeusatiou annexed thereto, uuder this State, or the United States, or either of them, except Justice of the Pace and officers of the militia, nor any defaultei for public money; or for any legal taxes requirwd ot him, shall have a seat in either house; nor shall any Senator, Jr Repi esetitalive, after his qualification as such, be elected by thn General Assembly,or appointed by the Governor, either With or without the advice and eongent cf the Senate, to any office ot sppoin ment haying any emolument annexed thereto duiiog the time ior which he shall have been elected. Par. 8. The seat of a member of either 1 ouse shall be vacated on his removal from the district or county frcin which he was e ecied. SECTION T. Par. 1. The Senators shall be citi zens of the United States, who have atfained tha age of twenty-five years, and who shall have been citizens of : this State for four years, and for onj year residents cf the district from ; which elected: Par. 2. Tho presiding officer of the 1 Senate shall he styled the President of the Senate and ehall be elected { o va r oei from the Senators. Par. 3. The Senate shall have the sctle power to try impeachments. Par. 4. Wheh sitting for that pur pose, the members shall be on eatli, or affirmatirm; snd sic 11 he presided ovtsr by the Chief Justice; or the presiding Justice of the Supreme Court. Should the Chief Justice he disqualified, the Senate shall select the Judge of the Supreme Court to pieside. No person shall be convicted without the concur rence ot two-thirds of the membafs present. Par. 5. Judgments, in cases of ifii peachtneut, shall not extend further than removal from office, and disquali fication to ho'd and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profir, within thin State; hut the party convicted shall, nevertheless, he liable, and subject to indictment, and punisheuen according tfi law- skcrioN ti. Par. 1. The Representative shall tie citizens of the United States who have attained the age of twenty-or.e year*, and who “hall have be* n citi zens of this State for two years, and for one year residents of thh counting from which elected. Par. 2. The piesiding offi er of the House of Representa ivea shall bo styled the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and shall he elected viva voce from the body. Par. 3. The House of Rep esenttf tives shall have the si le power to im peach all poisons vho shall have been, or may be, in office. section vtr. Par. 1. Eajh house shall he the judge of the election, returns and qali ficationa of its msmbers, and shall havo power to punish them for disor derly behavior, or misconduct, hv cen sure, fine, imprisonmeu', or expulsion ; but no member shall be expelled except oy a vote cf two-thirds of the house to which he belongs. Par. 2. euch l ouse may punish by imprisonment, not extending beyond the session, Uny person, nut a mem ber, who shall he guidy of a contempt, by uny disorderly behavior in its pres ence, or who shall rogfcue, or attempt to rescue, any j erson attested by or der of either house. Pr 3. The members of both houses shall be free from arrest dur ing their attendance on the General Assembly, and tn going thereto, or re turning theieftom, except for treasen, felony; iaiceny, or breach ot the peace; and no member shall be liable to ahsWkr In afly other (dace far any thing spokfen ih debate iu cheer house. Par. 4 Each housel shall keep a journal ot its proceedings, and publish it immediately after its adjournment. Par. 5. The oiigina' journal shall be presorted after publication, in the office of the Recretary of fitate, but there shall be no other record the.eof. Par. 6 Ths yeas and hayi oft any question shall, at the desire of one fifth of the members present, be en tered on the journal. Pkr. 7. Every bill, before it shall pass, shall be read three titiies, and on three separate days, in each house; unless iU cnStS of actual invasion < r insurrection, Par 8. No law or Ordinance shall pass which refers to more than one subject matter, or contains matter diff erent from what is expressed ia the title fhkfe'of. Par. 9 The General appropriation bill shall embrace nothing except ap propriations fixed by previous laws, the ordinary expenses o! the executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of tue government, paymeut of the public debt and interest thereon, and for the public institutions and educa tional interest of the State. All other appropriations shall he made by sepa rate bi ts, each embracing hut one subject. Par. 10. All hills forrai-ing reve- Uffe, or appropriating money, shall oiigiuate iu the House of Representa tives, tut the Senile may propoffC, or concur in amendments, as in other bills. Par. 11, No money shall be drawn from th* treasury except by appro priation made by law, and a regu a# statemeut and account of the receipt and expenditure if all public momj ►had be ptblished every three months, amt, a so, with the laws passed by each session of the Goneial Assembly. Par. 12- No bill or lesolution ap propriating money shall become a law , unless upon its passage, the yeas and nays, inrach hours, are recorded. Par. 13. All afts shall be signed fy tbo President ol tho Renat? and the Speaker of the House of Representa tives, and no Dili, ordinance or resolu tion, intended to have the effect of a law, which shall have been rejected by eidier housp, shall be again pio posed during the same session, under the same or any other tittle, without the consent of two-third* of the hoUse by which the same was rejected. Par. 14. No l i 1 shall become a law unl-i>s it shaill receive a majuiity ot the vo'es of all the members elected I to each bouse of the General Asset! - | bly, and it shah, in ever) instance, so i appear on the journal. Par. 15. All special or local bills shall orioinate iu the House ot Rep resentatives. The Bpeuker of the House of Representatives shall, with in, five days from the organization of the General Assembly, appoint a c. m aiitteo, consisting of o. e from each Congretsiooal District, whose duty it VOL. III.—NO. 31. I shall be to consider, and consolidate all special ahd local bills, on the same subject, and report the same to the House; and no special or local bill shall tie read or considered by the House Until the 6amo has been report |ed said committee, unless by a two thirds vote. And no bill shall be con sidered Or reported to the llouse, by said committee, unless the same shall have been laid before it within fifteen days after the organization of the General Assembly, except by a two thirds vote, Par. IC. No local or special bill shall be passed, unless notice of tho intentich to apply thereof sha'l have been published in the locality where the matter, or thing to be ef fected, may be oituated, which notice shall be given at least thirty days pri or to the introduction of such bill in to the General Assembly, and in the manner to be prescribed by law. The evidence of such notice having be6u published, shall be exhibited in the General Assembly befoie such act shall be passed. Par. 17. No law, or section of the Code, shall be amended or repealed by mere reference to its tittle, nr to the ntimber of the section of the Code but the amending, or lepealing act; shall distinctly describe the law to bd amended or repealed, its well as the al teration to be made; Par. 18. The General Assembly shall have no power to grant corpor ate powers and privileges to private companies, except banning, insur ance, railroad, canal, navigation, Ox press and telegraph Companies; ntfr to make or change election precincts; tiUt to establish bridges or ferries; nor to change the names of legitimate children; but it shall prescribe by law tire manner in watch such {tower shall be exercised by thecourte. Par. 19. The General Assembly shall have no power to relievo princi pals or securities upon forfeited rd* Cognizances, from the payment there of, either before or after judgement thereon, unless the principal in the recognizance shall brfte been app'rd bended and placed In the Custody of the proper officer. Par. 20. The General Assembly shall not authorize the construction of any street passenger railway within the limits of an incorporated town or city; without the Consent of the corporate authorities. Pur. 21. Whenever the Constitu tion requires a vote of two-ttrirda of either or both houses for the passing of dir att or resolution, the yeas and nays on the passage thereof shall be entered on the journal. Par. 22. The General Assembly 31.d1l have power to make all lawe and ordinances consistent with this Constitution, and not repugnant to thai Constitution of the United BtaU*e; which they shall deem nesessary aud proper for •.lift welfare of the State. Par. 22. No provision in this Con s itution, for a two-thirds vote of both houses of the General Assembly, shall be obhstrued to waive the necessity lor the signature of the Governor, aa in any other case, except in the case of the two-thirds vote required to over ride the veto, aud in case of prolonga tion of a session of the General As sembly. I'ar 34. Neither bouse shall ad jour u for note thatt threO days, or to any other place; without the consent of the other, aud in case of disagree ment between tho two houses, on f* question cf adjournment, the Govern or may adjourn either, or both of them. HX'TtON VIII. Par. 1 The officers of the ttfo hou ses, other than the President and Speaker, shall tie it Secretary of the Senate and Clei k of the house of Rep resentatives, and such assistants as they rimy appoint; hut the clerical ex penses of the State shall not exceed sixty dollars per day, for each eessior,- t.or those tf the House of Represen tatives seventy dollars per day for each session. The Secretary of the Senate a ltd Cisrk ot the House of R p resentativus shall be required to give bond and aecUiitj for the faithful dis charge of their respective duties. at.CTlox ix. Par. 1. The per diem of toetabsrd of the General Assembly Shill not ex ceed four dollars; and mileage shall not exceeJ ten cents for each mile traveled, by the nearest practicable rote, in going to and returning from the capital; but the Resident of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives ahall ea r h receive col exceeding seven dollars par day, StCTIC* *. Par. 1. AH elections by the Gener al Assembly shall be viva vote, aud the' vote shad appear on the journal of the House of Representative*. When the Senate and House of Representa tives unite for the purpose of elections, they shall meet in the Representative Hall, and the President of (he Senate shall, in such cases, preside and da c!aie the result. sccnoit if. Per. 1 All property of the #ife af the time of her marriage, aud all prop erty givtu to, iuhsrited or acquired by her, shall feutaih 1 her separate property, and not be liable for the debts oi tier husband. To be Continued. / i 1.0KU.l t, Terrell Cssuuty. VJI To sil whom i may concern : I haie (his day made application to the Court of Ordiuary u! said county, tor leave to sell the Land b.longiug to the estate of MRS. R. CULPEPPKR, deceased, Ini* *T said coun'v. The application will bj heard on the lat Monday in October next. J. 0. F. VLAKK, dd-it'r de bouiaton Sept. 3, 18*i 7,