The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, September 20, 1877, Image 1

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jjy J. D. lIOYL & CO. fljWsolt Cflvly J’SlUH'jl rC >iJsnsD kvkut tuprsday. H'lt.ns-SIrUUy in **drahct. Three month*:; ™ fjii mouth* ;;; 400 One Zr idvertiztrs .—The money fo. ad considered due after firm iuser- " Idtertfifeaients inserted at intervals to be . '-eJ as new each insertion, in additional charge of 10 per cent will ba raade on advertisements ordered to hem *-s&ySS£ k ..a.(“sp- J Notices” will be inserted for 15 cents r. line for the first insertion, and 10 cents Hr line’for each subsequent insertion. in the “ I.ocal Column, -illbe inserted at lb cents per line for the first, und to cent* per line tor euth subae ui]6H f In^rtion. S ill communications or letters on business ntended for this office should be addressed •I “Thi Dawson Journal” ‘ LEGAL ADVERTISING RATES. Sheriff sales, per lefy of 1 square... .* 400 Morteage sales, per levy V 00 T,i sales, per lew . • * dilations for Letters of Aaniinisiration 400 Application for Le.tcrs of gu-.rdta ship ’ Application for Dismission from Ad ministration >0 00 Application for Dismission; Loin Guardianship • 600 Application for leave to S'II Land— ice *4 fo, each additions! square,... 400 Application for Homestead .... BnO Notice to debtors and creditors ... 600 Land sales, per,-ifiare (inch) ....... 400 Saif of Perishable prorertv. per sq 8 00 F.otray Notices, siitv days 800 Notice to perfsot service 8 00 Rule Nisi, pe' square 4 < -0 Rules to establish lost papers, per tq 400 Rules compelling titles, per square.. 4 00, Soles to perfect service in Divorce The above are the minimum 'ate 1 of legal ldvertieing now charged bv (he Press ol Georgia, and wbich we shall sniclv adhere fo in the futme. We hereby give Seal no tice 'hat no advertisement of 'his class wil be published in the Journal without the fee ij puli in advance, onb in cades where wi have-peelal ari angemeti's to t>e en-'rart sfrofessicaai N. B. Barnes, W. Tt H MAKER JEWELER ff and R. pairei if— f Cm e at Amht nv’s s'O r e. D.tWhON, - GEORG! i. ill/ 11*0/IK IIVI ItII.I.YTI It. Sep ti,Sin R. ? SIMMONS, T. H. PICKETT X I y| ■* O > ' A l' Ii \ i; T T ATT RNE YS AT LAW tttWaO.t A J SVT 3 C. P\f K3, y s t L.;rvv, DA If soy - GEORGIA, A f* (r i j-4 \e t *. (V *t. tfi D * IJKm '! hh > m .f. . ij. .*. s . Cy., S*hte Si| n*n i‘ ( in-r* Mi r I) >■* l , ' iii ,,s ft r Gf*rijj (Vih CWM s u fp* m l'\ r rn j. I frß ii feri and. *U *2 Hin J. F. WALKErT" itßai'iirj stt I dawson - Georgia \VILL practice in Patauln Circuit.— * Office a the t'our' bans* Vlrh *2*2 lv V. IJ. IVoT 'B'b JV, A ttorn £ y t ai.b.j.y i*. - v. ran a /./ \\ lUj P r c f ic*> it be Sla r e Chur’s and it* ' tl 1 oui< arui D;t T iet ('onus of 'be Unitfd in vannah sep ‘27. r.iriii t k.~ Am n rn e y at law, ’tfi-jatr, CiiMnmi ntilt,<>- •' II practice ie th. tlb.v Giron c and Ise ''ifr* n th* h Oon’r 1 -•'* aomo'i tjivpp tp hu*?n/vip pt*rented r o is Hr,i ; Collect ion . m-4 necia It v. Will lfo • hiiv Or ei! real " lh.uin, B*krr and tf.irl? Cou- ties 'tiareb 21—U h. G A RTL c DGE, sVttoi’TUiy .at i nw - - CIIO Kiri IA \\ 11-L give do* aUep'ron fo ill hnse -11 '•s to hi? ca> in Alban* 4-1 v L- (iHOYir A at 1 nw- K;t tvsoil. Gcorith. H, PAJLI. EF, T fORt F,V AT I tW, ’lotjiiii, iia. ®*ofßee if Ordinarv’s Offiec OSt'.Rn JAMES H. GULRRY, ys at I oav. "•ni’sot, - G/o/i#././. in -he Gouri House. Feb. 4 J- L J A N K at tornev:at law, SAW SOY, - GEORGIA. f)m - —'t eri-r ,? w ,r, ijij-on‘- store. Jat7 THE CONSTITUTION. AIIOFTCII MV run ProPMl i <l Co>VM. IOM Ahhl fliti , 2,. 3h A I lull til, Annual as, IST7. CONTIKCBD. SECTION SIT. Bur 1. Ail life inauincce conipt uiee now doing f. umuhss in this Bta o, cr which ...ay desire to establish ttgeu cies auJ do business in the State of Giuugiu, chartered fry oilier States of the Union, or foreign Suites, shall show that tt ey have deposited with j thn Oornptrollei Gemini of the State in which they re tltattered, or ol this State .the Insutan Couunissiuner, or such other t ftic r as may le an hu rizeil to receive not less than one huridied thousand dollats. i*i such sf c rittes .s may be deemed by such officer equivoleiit to cash, subj ct to his order, as a guarantee fund lor the stcuiity ot policy holders. Par. 2 When such snowing is made to the Compttoiler Genetal ot the State ot Geotgia by a proper cei tificute lioni the S'aie official having charge of the fund so deposited, the C'omptrol er General of the State ot Geo gia is authorized to l-sne ]o the company making such showing, u li to du bhsii.e in the dale, up c:D paying the fees nquited t y law. Par. and A I lt!e insurance compa nies chattere * y tire date ot Georgia, or which may hete,liter t e chartered f.y the State,- shall, bfetoie doing busi ness, deposit with the Comptro ler ol the Mate nt Georgia, oi with some 1 strong c rpoiaiit.ii, which may be ap proved by said Comptroller General; one hundred ibousand, in such securities as may be deem, and by hso equivalent to Cash, to be subject til his tn.'let, as *i guatantee fund lot the se eutiy f the policy holders ol the Company makiny such deposit, ali m tuest and dividends arising f.oui such seen ities o he paid, whm due. to il e Corn pa ty so tieposillhg Auy such se- Ctn llles as may ha needed or deslttd by tbe company may lie taken from said depai.ineut a 1 afiy ii'n e by replu tn g H em with i.lhet secuiities e qual ly t cceptafi e to the Cou pi toilet GeU - si, w l ose cet t fieate lor ifie same sfiall he fun ishe.i u. Hie con pany. Pat. 4 The General A.-semb y st.all. li. Ui ti e in tlU.e, eliacl laws tt tempt ul fit insumnee con panies doing business in this Mate, wheti er charteied by inis Bia e oi OllieiWlse, to deposit feasonab e secu.ltles ivltu tbe Tieasu er • t this Mate, to n scue the people against css I y the oj.eta to ns ’ f said companies. Pm. 5. Tie General Assembly !.-1; c mpei all lusuiatic eompani s lottos tate, or I Usim 6s i here in, tinder ptoper penal ! s, to :io Ue set! i-anuuu lepoits to the Govern* I, at and punt tbe same at their own ex pen.e, tot the it foiu.ation and pliGec liou ot the people. ARIICLE IY. Pi.WRK oF THE GENEIiAL AsStHBLY t.VEB TAXATION. SECTION I Par 1. The tight of taxa'ion is a sove eign tight—ina.'enable, it dee trt ctikd.— is the life of the Mate, arid rightfully belong- io the peop e tn all lepiilt uan iriivoi nuieni , and r*eit er the Gefleiai Assembly, nor any, nor all othot depaitmenis nl the govern ment established by this Cocsutii-uoii, shal ever have the authoiity to irre vocably g ve, grani, Umi ,or restrain this tgt t , and all laws, grants, con tracs, and ail other acts, wfiatsoevei, bv said g vea meet, or any depan uient there"*, to eflict any of ihese purpoj- s, shall be, aid are lien by, dec arid to be I ull and V"id, for every purpose whatsoever; and said liglt* of ihih ioa sha 1 always be under the Complete control of, at if revocable b>, the tate, no*wi hstanding any gift, gran', <>r cent*act, whatsoevet, by the Gener 1 A-.'eti b y. SECTIOF 11. Par. 1. The power anil ntJiority of legulating railr. ad height and pa-scn gn tariffs, preventh g unjhs dii'cntiii naiions, ami requiring reasonable ana just i trs oi Holt’ll: and passenger laiilf-, aie hereby jot.lered upon il 1 " Genetul A-s.-mhly, whoso duty it snail bo to pass 1-iwn, froth time to tun**, o ugtila'e freigh and i asxeng<>i tariffs, to pi.di it unjust discriminations on the vniioue rat toads "I this .’'late, atid to prohibit said roads from chntg ii.g other than jut and reasonable rates, ' and enfoteij the same by ade quate penalties l’at 2. Toe exereisi of the tight of eminent domain shall revet he abridged, not bo constiu das to pro Tout t tie Genet a I Assembly from tak ing ttie ptop rty an’ l flam lose- ot tn companies, lind suojecting llietll to public Use, the san eu- the proper y of individuals; a"d the exer ris- of the | olii-e power of the fjtate shall never re abridged, tit r so em its ued, as to pernot torp. rations to conduct heir busit.tss if eueh rinn ner as to infringe the equal tights ol ilioividusS, It the general well being of the Htots. Par 3 The General Assembly shall not the f. rteito.e of the c alter ol any Corpot avion, now ext t ing, nor i I’er or an end the same, nor pass my ot er general oi special ! for the benefit of said oorp. ia’ion, ex cept uion ti e condition ♦*•* s ctll c"r ,,oration sbail thin eel er hi Id ua chatter subject to tl.e prousl-ns ol this Cons nution; and v*rv an em ment of any charter of any cut por - tion in this '?uste. or any sjioc-.a law ( for its Lcnefi’, accepted theie-'V. ehn.i operate as a novation of cbnrter ar.d shall hrng the same under tue DAWSON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20 1877. provisions of this Constitution; prod ded, that ’.his section shall no l extend to a. y amend, ent ior the purpose of allowing any existing toad intake sir ik in or aid in the building ol any branch road Par 4. The General Assembly of this ' tate shall h ve no power to uu i thoriza any entporntion to buy hares, j or stock, in any ctfier cnipoia'.iou in this Mate, or elsewl ete, or to n>a e any contract, or agieemeut whatever, wi h any such jot potatien, which may have tlie effect, or ba intemied t > have the effect, to defeat or lasssen c tnpe titn n in their re-pective businesses, or to encourage monopoly ; and ad such contracts and agreements shal! be i.h gal and void Par. 5. No railraad cotnpeny shall give, or pay, any rebate, o; bonus in te nature thereof, directly or indirect ly, “i do any act to mislead or deceive ttie pufi ic as to the real i-tes Charged or tecetved for fiif*ghtß or pass* e, und any such payments shall le ille gal and void, and these piohihitions shal. he enforced by suitab o pel a ties. Par. 6. No provision of this article shall be deemed, held or taken to im pair the otdu ation ot any contract 'heretofore made fiy the State of Georgia. Par. 7. The General Assembly shall enfore the provisions! f this arti c e by appropuate leg s alion. ARIT3LE V. r.XKCCTIYE Di PAinitKNX. SECTION I Pat' J The * fiicets ol the E'ecu tiv< Depat uient sliaii i.nsist of a Gov emoi, St-cteiaiy of State, Ctniplrollei Genet al and Treasurer Par. 2 The executive power shell be vesti and in a G- vernor, who shall hoid fits • ffice during lie tenn of two veats, and until hie successor sha 1 he cLosen and qtialifjed, He shall not i e eligible to re-election, at et the ex phation of a second turn, for the pe.i od of lour years Lie t-l.ah tiave t* sala y of thtee thousand doliais per annum (until o;)ietwt>e piovided f.y a aw passed by a twi-thitils vote ot both branches ol the G-natal A-sm My), which shal not bo incensed or diminished during the p-r,ud for vhicli In stiall hav* lieon elected ; nor shall he ree-ive, willnn that line, any otlier emolument 1' m the United Bo tes, or ei her of them, or bout hi y foreign p. wer. But >tiis tedm iioi, of salary -hail nm apply to the piesent term 1 -|ie pteseti G vernoi. Pat, 3 The fit nt eU-cion ft;• Gov ernor, tinder this Constitution, sfiall he held on the 3 si V\ ednesday in Ot tofier, Ihßo, and the Governor-elect shall tie installed in nffi e at tl e next session of the Geneial Assetnb v. An e ection stiall take plate biennia y tlieie-.ft r-, on saitl day, unti another date in fixed bv t.h( Ger.etal Aisem- I-ly. Said e ection shal he to- and nt the paces ot In Id ng geneuu elec ions in the seieral counties ol this Mate, m the manner p-escribed for the e tetiun of no inhets of the General Assetnb y, and U.e electors sba I be the same Par. 4 'Hie returns for every elee tion ( t Governor shall he sealed up hy ttie mu agers. separately troll other re urns, and directed 'o Ti.e Piesident of the .Senate and Speaker ot he House t-f Kepresentativea, and tiaiisinitted to the -ecre'niy of Ma e, who shal , without opening said re turns, cause the samp to be aid hefoie tfie Senate on the day after tbe two bouses shall have been organized, and tftey shall he 'rails" it>ed > y t‘ e Sen ate to 'he H use of R ptpsent&tive.’S, Pa'. 5 The members ol each branch of the G'-net al Assembly shall convene in *ne Representative Hah, and the Pfe-i<!ei.t of tneSenate and the .spaal • er of the Amin* of Represen’stives shal) opey and publish the returns in the ptesencp at and under the di ection of the Geneial Assemblv*; and tfte per ao" having the majoiity ol the w hole number of votes, stiall he declared du ly eli cfed G- vernoi of this State; but, if no person stiall have uch niajoii'y, thea ftoin the two persons having the highest number ol vot-s, who shall lie in life, and shall not decline an election at the time appointed lor the Gehetai Assembly to elect,the General Assembly shall immediately elect a Governor vi:a vo:c; and in all coses of election ot a Governor f.y the General Assembly a majority of the members present shali be necessity to a choice. Par. 6. Contested e ectiocs sfiall be determine 1 by both houses of th Ge neral Assembly in such manner assha 1 be toe ( ilbe'2 t-v law. Par 7 No person shall be eligible to the ( ffice ol Governor who shall not have been a citizen of the United Mates fi.teen year-, and a citizen of the Sam Six year-, and who shall ni t have at'alned ihe age of thir y yea rs Par. 8 In case of the death, re-ig nation ol (liability of the Governor, tile Pres.dent of the- v 'e; ate stool ex<-i the executive powers of the g"V e'nuieir until such disability be re roved, or ft successor !s elec ed and qua died. And in case of 'he death, resigns ion or disal-ility ot t|ie Pie#i dent of the Senate, the Speakei of 'ho Bouse of B-presentatives shall exer cise ti e executive powers of ti e gov ernment, until ttie r-iio vniol the disa bin v. or the elsntion and qualifit at’on of a G' voi nor. Pai. 9 The Gd eta 1 Assembly shall have jower to provide I yU for Sdu.g unexpiro terms hi special elections. Pai 10. The Governor shall, betoie lie entets on tbe duties of hi- • ffice, take the l.dbiwii.g oath nr nffirma n.ii; “Id ■ solemn y swear (or -.ffiim as tlie Case may be) thutl will faithluly exe cute the office of Governor of the State ot Georgia, and will, to the be-? of my ab.lity, preserve, protect and defend jthe Constitution <3f the United Hiatcs of Auisiita. Par. 11.. The Governor shall be comm .nder-iii-chief of tbe army and navy ot this Mute, ut.d of the militia thereof. % Pur. 12. He shall have power to giant r< ptievi-s and pardons, to com mute portables, remove disabilities im posed by law, and to roimt any part of u sente ee for off--uses against the State, alter Conviction, except in cases of tteason and impeachment, subject of Stic*' regulation ns tuny be provided lyl. iv relative to tbe manner.of ap p'yiug for par lous. Upon conviction tor tieason, he may suspend the exe cution of tiie sentence nud report the case to ihu Qonra! A3 embly at the nex meeting thereof, when the Gener al Assembly sha 1 either pardon, cotti mute the senenci, direct its execution, or giant a further reprieve. Heshull, a each session of the Get.e-al Assem bly, com liiiuicatd to that body each case of reprieve, garden or commuta tion granted, stating the name of the convict, the offense ot which he was convicted,-tlie sentence and its date, the date of the reprieve, pardon or Commutation, and the reasons for granting tfte same. He shall take care that the laws are faithfully exe cuted, and shall be a conserv .tor ot : the peace throughout the S'ate. Par. 13. He shall issue writs of eleition tn fid all vacancies that may h ppeu iti the Senate or House of : Reprecentatives, and shall give tlie General Assembly, fioui time to time, information of the state of the com monwealth, and tecouimen to their Consideration such measures as he may deem nee ssuty or expedient. — j He shall have power to convoke the ■ General Assembly on < xtraordinary occasions, t-ut no law shall be enacted at culled sess.ons ot tho General As sembly except sucli as shall lelate to ihe object stated in hi# pioclatnation convening then. I’ii. 14 When any office shall be come vacant, by death; icaignatn n, or otherwise, the Governor shall have power to fill such vacancy, uu ess other wise pmvi led by law; an'> per &o-s'• T> appointed shall continue in i.ffi e until a succ ssor is 2 ittinissioi - ed, ag'Moably to the mode pointed nut by this Constitution, or by law in pu - su.i nco 1 hereof, j Pat. 15. A pers -n once rejected by the Senate slia l not be ro-appolntei by ttie Goveri 01 to yifbo same office duin g the same session, or tho lecesa ll.eiealt* r Phi. 1G The G-iVernpf ahull have the revision of ell bill- pas.-*d fiy theG-u --siai Assembly before the same shall become laws, but ’ two-thuds of 1 ach Imu-e a. ay 1 ass a law, not withstand ing Ids dissent, and it any bill should not t.e lo'ui ned bv the Governor with-! in five days (Sunday excepted) al;e. ! it has be* u pie ei.teil to him, the same ■ shah t.e a law; unless tho Geneial , Assembly, by 'bell adjouroiLfiiit, shall prevent iisre um. II may appiovo j any other upptopiietion, and c'i-ap piovo any other appropriation; in' too Mine ill, and the laiter shall not be effectual, unless passed by two-thirds ol eacl. hou-o Par 17. Every vote, fesolu'ioti, r Older, :n which thecom utrenceof both bouses may *ie necessary, extent on a question ol election, 01 sdj uriiinwnt, slvll 1 epiese’ited to the tioveinor.and befoie 't shall take off 1 t to appioved hy him, or, being disappit ved; st all b- ropas-od liy twu-tird* ot each house. Par 18. He may require infer -a tion, 'n witiiig fmm tlie officers in he Ex cutive Department on any subject lelaiing to the duties "f theii resp-c ive officers. It be the duty 'f the Governor, quait' hy. and ottener, if he deems i f expedient, to examine, und u r oath, the Tieastnfii and (Jompt o Her General ot the Statu on ail trail rs pertaining to theii re spective - ffices , and 10 inspect and re view their books and ucoouate. Tne General A-sembiy sha i l.avo MU’.bori tv to prov'de by law tor the suspen sion of . hlier o! said officers from the discharge of the duties of Ids office, and alsolor the appointmentof a suita ble pel cons to discharge the duties of the same. Pm-. 10 Tbe Governor shall have power to appoint hie own sect eta lies, not exceeding two in number, and to such other clei cal force as may be i<quired in hi# 1 ffice, but the total cost tor secretaries and clerical foice in his office shal! not exceed six thousand dollars per annum. section if P*r. 1. The Secretary of State, Comptrodei General atn.' Treasurer si,a.: be elec ed t-y tbe persons qua - tied to vot. for 11 saltier.- ot the Gener al A-semt-U, at ttie same time and m the same 11 aimer as the Governor. — Tlie provisions of the Constitution ns to the transmission if the r turns ot election, counting the votes, teeb-ring the result, deciding when theie 1- no election, and v hen t eto is a contest ed nectn n, applicable to the electi u ol U'-veino , stiall app.y t•• the election ol Secietaty of Sta e Comptrnllel Gt-n --etal and 1 reasmer ; they -ha I be com- missioned ny tbe G Ve aor und bold tliei (ffices lor tne eame time os tbo Governor. Pur. L The salary of 'lie TieasU'cr shall not exceed two thousand dol Uts pier annum. Ttie cleiical expenses ot bis depMrtuieut shall not exc-ed six teen handled and liars jer annum. Par 3. Ihe suiny oi ti.e Secretary of Sta'e shad ti'. t t-xcet-d two thousand *’s(diars pei Ntinu 11 , <-n-l 'he ci< ileal ( ot his di pai no nt s nl. not ex'ved one thousand dollars per un til! ill. Par. 4. Tho Salary ot the Comp !iol ei Gcneial shall not exceed two th msaiid dollar* p- i i.nncni. The cl lical *xpeiise- '( bis department, lnclu ing the Departmeii'. and Wi and Lund Clerk, shall not oxteed four thousand dol ats per minimi and without said clerk, it shall not ex cqod three thousand uollm? per au nu in. Par. 5. The Treasurer shall not be allowed, directly or indirectly, to re ceive any fee, interest or reward from any person, bank or corpemtioii for (be deposit or use, in any manner, of the public funds, and tbe General As sembly shall enforce this provision by Slii’able penalties. Par. G. No person sha l be eligible to the office of Secretary rf State, Comptroller General, or Treasurer, unless he shall have been a citizen of tbe United States for ten year-; und shall have result'd in this State for six years next preceding Ilia election, and shall be twenty-live vears ol sge when elected. A 1 of said officers shall giie bond and secu rity, under regulation:! to be prescrib ed by law, for the faithful discharge of their duties. Pat. 7. The Secretary of the State, He Comptroller General and tho Treasuier shall not bo allowed any foe, perquisite or compensation other :ti a u their salaries, es pres'j.ibed by law, except their necessary cxpieuses -.vher. Htiseut from the of govern ment on bu iness for tho State. section 111 Par 1. The Great Seal of the State shall bo deposited in tbe office of ilio Secretary of State, and shad not be affixed 10 any instrument of writing! e eept by order of the Governor, or j General Assftnby, aud tint now in j use shall be tho Gieat Seal ol the State until other wi-e piovulid by lu\v. j AhTl I,E VI. JCJOICI.VUY. SECTION T. Par. 1. Tlie judic'al power of this Stare shall be vested in a Supreme Court, Superior Courts, Courts of Or dinaiv, Justices of tbe Peace, c tu intssioned No aiies Public, Knd such other con Its as have been, or may be, er.tu bliyhed I'V la vv StCEION if. Par. 1. The Supreme Couit shall ion most of a Chief Just;(o "ltd two As- Isociato Justices. A majoiity of tho Cos", t , hall constitute u quo: um. Par. 2 When cure or more of the Ju lg-8 ate bisqu lifted from deciding any ease, by interasl or other w ise, the Governor ahull designate a Judge, ol Judges, of the Supeiior Courts tn preride in said case Par. 3. No Judge of any court shall prrside in any c*-e where the validity of any bond -P- ileial, Male, :cm point on or municipal—is involved, ! who holds in hie own right, or us the 1 epie>€ntHiv i>l othflrp, any m.itenai ■ iimresi in the clhbh (ft bunds j which the qcestiou tube decided aii- S-'S. Par. 4. Tbe Chief Justice and As sociate Justices shall hold their offi | t-es for six year-, and until their suc cessors ate qualified A successor to ; the incumbent whose term will sooti est expire, shall he eloe ed by tho Gohfiral Assetnb y in 1880; u succes sor io the incumbent whose term of office is next in 'Juration siiai bo elec ted l y ti.e Geneial Assembly in 1882; nd a successor to tbe third incum bent shall be ected by tlie General Assembly in 1884; but appointments j to fill raeaneies shall only ho for the 1 unexpired ienn ; or until such vacan ctes ate fille ! by elections, agreeably .to the mode pointed out by this Con stitution. Par. 5 The Supremo Court shall have no origin-1 jiirisdLo ion, but shall baa court alone lor the trial and cor teciion ot errors from the Sup“rior Courts, and from the City Courts of Atlanta aid Savannah,' and such other like Ci urts as may b hereafter established sir other cutes; and sha 1 sit ftt the seat of government, at such times, in each year, as shall be pre scribed by luw, lor the trial and da te?initiation of writs of error from said Supeiior and City Courts. Par. 5. The Supreme Court shall dispose of oVery Case at the hist or second term after such writ of eiror is; and in case th- plaintiff in error shall not be prepared at the hist term to ptoeeate the c.*NH--un'ess pre vented hy Providential 6ause —i* shall be stricken in tn the docket, and the judgment below shall stand affirmed. bar. 7. In any case the court ma'y, in it- discretion, withhold its judgment until th next term after the saun- is argued. BECTION 111. Par. 1. There shall be a Judge of I the superior Couit for each Judicial Circuit, whoso teim of office shall t o four vears, and until his sutces-or is 1 qualified He may ac iu other cir- i cues when authorized >y law. Pal i. Th- 8001* 88018 to ti e |>r<-s- ' ciit incurni ents shall be elected by ti.e Gein-ial A s mbty 0- toll, a#; H, tho !*ail ('8 near as may be) whose commissions ate tbe o.dest, ill t: e year 1878; and to the others, in the year 1880 All subsequent sections stiall be at tlie session ot tbe General A# semt'.y nex - pro-, edi-ig the expiration of tin* trims ot inenm ents, except elections l’t'C day of electron may be fixed by the Oeuer ai Assembly. i'ai. 3 The terms nf the Judges to be elected undei tbe Colistltu! on ( X cept to fill vacancies) si.' begin on the first .lay ot January alter then elections. But if tbe time lor tho nitetii g *'f the General Assembly shad be charged, thi General Assem bly may change tbe time when the t- r.ns of Judges theicittier elected shall begin. SECTION IV. Par. 1 The Superior Couiti sha 1 have t-T udve jut .edichon in cases ol I divorce; in criminal cases where ttie offender is subject to loss of life, or 1 Cunfiuemmit in tlie penitontiary ; in j cases respecting titles to land; and equity oases. Par. 2. The General Assembly may ! confer upon the Courts of CumuoOti j Law, all the powers heretolore exer ; cisod by Cou'ts of Equisy in this State. I’ar. 3. Said eonrls shall, have juris diction in a 1 civil cases, except as hereinafter provided. Par. 4. Hoy shall have appellate ' juried etion in all shch cases us may i be provided by law. Par_ 5. They shall have power to 1 coned error* in infeiior judicatories, I hy wtil ot cerliuriiii, whi h shall only issue on the sauctionof the Judge; and said crurts, aud tire Judges thereof, shall have power to issuo writs of mandamus, prohibition, scire facias and al! other writs that may be neces sary for carrying their powers fully in to t-ffoo*, and shall hale such other powers as ate, or nifty bo, conferred on them by law. Par. G. The General Assembly may provide for an appeal from tin* jury, in the Supeiior and City Courts, to anothet, mol tire suid *oui i* in-. y giant new trial- on legal giounds. Par. 7. The courts shall lender judge ent without the verdict of Ihe ! jury, in all civil oases founded on mi- I conditional contracts in wilting, where an issuable defense is not filed under oatli or affirmation. Par. 8. TlioSuperio Courts shnll sit in each county not less than tv*ice in each year, at such times as have been, or may be, appointed by law. Par. 9. ’i lie Gi neral Assembly may provide by law for the appointment of some pr-per p-rson to preside, iu ca ses where tlie Judge is, from any cause, disqtiulifLd. SECTION V. Par 1 In any rounty within which thete is, or hereafter may be, a City Coint, ti e Judge of said courts, aud of tho Supeiior Court, may preside in the couit of each other iu cases where the Judge of either court is Unquali fied to preside. SECTION VI. j Par. 1 The pow- is of a Court of Onlinaiy, and of Probate, shall he vested it* an Ordinary lor 1 aoh oouri’v, t-om whose decisir n there may ho an appeal (ot, by eonsjnt of fur lies, with out a decision) to the Superior Court, under regulations prescribed by law. Par. 2 The Courts of 0 dimity shall have such powers iu relation to roads, bridges, lorries, 1 üblic budd ings, paupers county officers, county funds, county taxes and o'hei matters, as may be conferred on them ly law. P..r 4. Tho Ordinary shall Loti his office lor the term ol four year-, and until his su-cesesor is elected and qoalifiod. SECTION VII. Par. 1. There shall be in each mi’- itia district one Justice of the Peace, whose official tenn. except w hen elec ted to fib an uuexpitod term, shall be four ears Par. 2. Justices of *.iio Peace sha l' have jurisdiction in a'l mvil cases, arising ex contractu, and iu caso of in juries or damages to personal proper ty when the principal suru (lees not ex ceed one hundred dollars, ar and ’.ahull rit monthly, at.fixed times and placer; hut in all cases there may be an ap peal to a jury in sai l court, or nil ap peal to the Superior Court, under such regulations as may bo prescribed by luw. P r. 3. Justices of the Peace shall he elected by the legal voters in therr re spective districts,and shall be cominis -lunerl by tlie Governor. They sha 1 he removal) e on conviction for ma - • practice in office. SECTION Xl*l. Par. 1. Commissioned Notaries Public, not to exceed one for each militia district, may he appointed by lire Judges of the Superior Courts iu their 1 espec'ive circuits, upon reocui inendatuiti of the grand jurieo of the several counties. They khnil be com missioned by the Governor for the term if four years, and shall lie ex offi cio Justices of '.fie Peace, atui sfiall he lemovaPe on couwc'tion for milprat lico in r ffice. SECTION IX. Par. 1. Tho jurisdiction, poueis, proceedings and practice of all courts or fficers invested with judicial pow ers (except City Courts) of the same grade or class, so far a- regulated by law, and tho force and effect of the process, judgment and d-cree, l vsuch cou t-, severally, shall le uniform.— This unit runty must be established by tbe General Assembly. srcrioj x. I*<*r. 1 Thete shuil l.e an Attorney 1 i General ot tins State, who shud i-e ! elected by ti.e people ut the same time, ■ ( -I the same term, and in tho sumo Hi 9 liner a* Oiv* Gov^rn^r. Tor. 2 It si ad bo '.ho duly of the j Attorney General to act as the legal ] adviser ul tlit E *cuiiv-ldepaitruen - , to i.'preson*. tin* S a;e in the Supteme Court in ail capital Io uni 15; and in all Civil am! (r.miiud (rises in £any court' when requited by the Governor, and ! . to perform stich other services (is sfiall I be required ot him by law. StCTIoN Xt. Par J. There shall be a Solicitor Generali r euch judicial circuit, whose official term, ox-opt when oomnriseion *l to fi 1 an unexpired term, shad be four years. Tar. 2. It shall be the du'y of ihs Solieitjr Gto erl to rent* torn - h*State in a i cases iu the Sup.e'ior Courts of hi# i-.itcuit, and iu a lease.- t ken from his ci:cuit to the Supreme Court; and VOL. XII.—-NO. 32. to perform such other sei vices us shall bo required of him by law, sicnox Xlr. Per. 1. The Judges of thoSuprema and Superior Courts, aud Solicitor# General, shall be elected by the Gen era 1 Assembly, in j i njaession, on such day, or days, as shall tie fixed by joint reso'ution of both bouses. At tha ses-ion of the General Asssmb'y which is hod next before the expiration of the terms of the present incumbents, as provided in’this Cou. tituMoo, their successors shall he chosen ; and, the same shall iipp’y to the e action of those,who ,"shall succeed them. Va cancies occasioned hy deatti, resigna ion ui other cause, shall be fifed by appointment of the .Governor, until the General Assembly shad convene, when an election shu 1 be he'd to fill the unexpired portion of the vaoant terms. SUCTION XIII. Par. 1 The Judges of the Hopreiue Court shall have, out of the Treaaury of the State, salaries not to exceed tinea thousand dollars per annum; the Judges of the Superior Courts shall huve salaries not to exceed tvfo thousand rfollets per annum; the At torney General shall have a salary not •o exceed two thousand dollars per annum; and the Solicitors General shall each have salaries not to exceed two humlrfld ami fifty dollars per an num ; but the Attorney Gonera 1 shall not have any fee or perquisite in any e.vies arising after the adoption of this Constitution; but the provisoti of this section shall uot affect the salaries of those now :n office. Par. 2. The General assembly may, at any time, by u two-'birds vote of each biiuicli, piesciibe other and dif ferent salmi*# of any, or all, of the above c ffioen, but no such change shall aliect the ufliceis thou iu com missi.u. SECItoX XIV. Par. 1. No lieisou shall he Judgeof ■ lie Supreme Court, or Attorney Gen er 1, unless at the time ol his election iia shall have attained the age of thir >y years, and shall have been acitizeo ot the Stare three yeirs, and have practiced law for seven years; and no person shall hereafter he elected Bo iciior General un'ess at the time of his e'etiion ho shali have attained twenty-five yours iff age, shall have boon a citiie ii of the State for throe yeais, and shall have practiced law for three yoarj next preceodiug his elec tion. SK.TIOKXV. Pur, 1. No total divorce, shall be grouted, except in the coneturent ver dicts of Itvo juries, at dilferenl torms of tho court. l’ur 2. When a divorce is granted ihejiny rendering the final, verdict shall determine the rights aud diaa- Lilties of thejpartiea. sF.criuN xvi. Par. 1. Divorce cases shall he brought in the couu'v where the da -I'*ndant resides, if h resident of thi# 8 a'.* ; if the defendant he not a resi dent of this State, then in the county in which 'he plainliff resides. I’a r 2. Cases repseseuting’titlas to land shall be tiiod in tho county where tho land lies, except where a single tract is divided by a county inn, in which case the Supecior Court of either eoun'y shall huve jurisdiction. Per. 3. Kqui yiases shallfbe tried in the county whore a defendant re sides against whom substantial relief is prayer’. 4. Suits against joint obligors, joint pro Illinois, copartners, or join l : 11 expanse! s, residing in different coun ties. may be tried in either county. Par. 5. Fu'ts agaist the maker and endorser of promissory notes, or draw er, acceptor and endorser of foreign or inland bilis ot exchange, or like in strunn nls, residing in different coun ties, shall bo brought iu tho oouuty where the maker or acceptor resides. Par G All other civil cases shall he triad in the county where the de fendant tesides, aud all criminal cases shall he tried in t; e county where the crime was committed, except case* in [ the Bupeiior Courts where the Judge is satisfied that no impartial jury can not be obtained in such county. f KCTIO.S.XVU, Pur. 1. The power to change tha. venue in civil and criminal cases shall he vested in the Superior Courts, to lio exeuised in as has tern, or shall he, provided by law. To hi Continued. Setting aclinic for Sale. A. fine Fcwing Mat-hints tnanufae tured by the White Sewing Machine Company of Cleveland, Ohio. These aro tho finest, cheapest and best Ma chines made. There are three of them in use now in Dawson, and they me cor.eceded to Le an improvement over all machines. Cull at this office, i —seethe wachit e,and getroference to paries now using thee;. Only oho , ' n hand, a*, present. tl- t itnii>liiiig SSrccM.-It ia ,to \ dmy ol ofiv person who baa used Hos’- Ichkk s (items Bnr; to let its woudtrtu" qualities be known to tneir friends ia cum.g consumption, severe e-ughe, croup, wsthma, I pn. umoui.i, and in fact all, throat ' diaeiia No pet am can -its it without,- . relief. Three doses will relieve sue ease, and we consider it the duty ot '! Druggists to recommend it to the poor dyin^ | consumptive, at lean to trj one bottle, • 1 411,0(10 and. *eu bottles were sold last year, j and no one esse where it failed was repot te<i. Such a medicine as the German Surup cn noi be two widely known. Ask your Drip, - gist about it. Sample Bo'lies to try sold •*t ID cents. lo gul.r size 73 cants. Kor e*,** by Dk J. ft. Janks, Dawson, Ga.