The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, October 11, 1877, Image 2

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THE JOURNAL. J. D. HOYL, F.DITOR. dTw!*om, m:oi(GM: THURSDAY liuk.MNG, Oct 11, ’77 AriuunuiU' Meeting. The Democratic Executive Commit tee of Terrell county is requested to meet at the Couit House in Daw sen, on Thursday the 25 - h inst., at 11 o'elock, a. m. The democratic party i, also, requested to meet with the committee at the same time and place. It is to be hoped that the meeting will be full Business of importance wi 1 be considered. The term of office of the Executive Committee will have expired, and a re> rgai.ization will be necessary. It will bo time for action in reference to the approaching elec tion, arid a snitalne time, perhaps, tor the selection of delegates to attend our senatorial ct nventiou to be held early in November. Come out, ind act your part in this meeting, and let us have harmony, success and good feeling, L. C. Horn, Cb’rn'n Ex. Corn. The Albany Advertiser claims to have positive confirmation of the ru mor that the Brunswick and Albany Ifailroad has been Bold to and English company, and is to he completed to Eufaula. It has this coati ruction from Mr. Le Baron Drury B.itish Consul at Brunswick, who arrived in Albany, fiom a tr ip to England and New York, a lew day* ago, and says that he read tLe c< ntract, a ieady signed by the German bondholders aad English capitalists. A Mr. Wheeler is president of the new com pany, and says that the contract stipu lates that the line is to he immediate ly extended to Eufaula, which, he t.tiuks, can be easily done by tht fi st oi next June. We have receiled a proposition from Messrs. Bradley and Cos., claim ing to be baukers at No., 40 Wall Street N. Y., to ongage with them in speoulatious in stocks etc., etc., in that market. We would like to make some of the irmnpn6e profits they speak of, but, as we aro saving all our surplus earnings to build a 20.000 spindle cotton factory, in Dawson, we can not invest with them at present. If we dou’t save enough to build the factory we want, at least, to be able to go to 'he next circus that cornea ulong. S Accident to a Citizen of Ter rell Contiiy. Some time ego Mr. J. J. of this county, and son-in-law of Mr. Win E Sessions, leaving his family hei®, s' at tod on a pruspi cling visit to some point in Texas. Expecting to get an “enii(_rant ticket” thtough, at reduced rates, he with only money enough to make the trip on that plan. Failing to get a ticket at reduced rates, his money gave ou* at Mablsvsle, near Little Reck, Arkan sas, He stopped and hired himself to a farmer, to get money to take him to his destination. While there en gaged he met with the accident detail ed below—copied •from an Arkansas paper. Mr. Durham ha 6 many friends and relatives in this couuty who are much grieved to hear of his misfor tune. By a private letter from the gentle man by wtiorn he was employed, and wiib whom he is now staging, Mr. Sessions teams he is rapidly re ceveung. Mableyale, Akk., Sppt.,*2l, 1877. Editor \Qa%ette-. On ti e Bth ins*., Mr. J- J. Durham whs riding a blind horse near the railroad tia< k, when the animal became frightenel and dash and into the 'rain, sniking next to the tear car. Mr. Durham’s leg was broken above the ankle, and his right aroi dislocated. The horse died in a lew boms. I pulled the arm back, and sent for Dr. Harrison; ho arriv ed in a short time, examined Mr. Durham’s leg, and tol l him it had better be amputated. Mr. Duiham refused positively. Dr. Harrison then decided to call in another 6UTgeon, and consult as to the possibility of sav ing the limb. At his request I sent for Dr. Easley, of Little Rock. Dr. E. agreed with Dr. H. that the leg should he cut off Mr. Durham re fused still. Dr. Easley started back home at 4 p. in. Dr. Hurti-on then prepared to dress the wounded leg Mr. Durham ws placed so that he could see tho operatiur, and upon see i g fully the extent of his injury deci ded to have the limb amputated. Dr. Ha. risen requested me to send a run ner for Dr. Easley, that he might have his assistance. Dr. Earley was over taken two miles from here and re turned, and they amputated the leg seven inches below the knee. Since the operation Dr. Harrison has bet a in constant attendance upon Mr. Dur ham, and there is eveiy prospect of his speedy lecoveiy. He sat up about four hours this morning, and is loud it* his piHises ol Drs. Harrison and Easley. This is h true statement of the case, as any one in our neighbor hood will certity. Mr. Durham came hue on the bth in?!., out of money, with no friends, and Dr. Harrison has attended him closely without hope of remuneration. Very respectfu'ly, J F. lit rst.ns. ' Call l ira Democratic Heeling. J The chaiiman of the democratic ex ecutive committee has cal'od a meet ing of the committee to be held at the Court-house on 'he 25 th instant. The term of office of the present | committee will then have expired, and 1 it will be necessary to elect anew one. For this and other purposes, all dem ocrats in the county are urgently re quested to meet with the committee at the shine time and place. We prosume thot, at this meeting, some action will be takeu iu regard to the’ nomination of a candidate to repre sent the county in the lower house of Uto next General Assembly; perhaps tha candidate will theD be nominated. It will, also, be necessary to piuvide f,r a representation of the county in a convention to he held to select a car. didate for the Senate frem this district. We understand that there is a good deal of talk iu the couuty in favor of what is called a “scrub race” for coun ty representative,*, e. for the party to make no nomination, but alii w eve ry one to run that chooses to do so. Now, this would ha glorious fun, and if we could, consistently with what wo conceive to he our duty to the party, we wuud like to advocate such a course; but, we fear, the fun would cost mo much in the long run There is danger that such a course would disorganize and demoralize the party, break up the white people into cliques and factious, an J, ultimately, dehver them ever into the hands of negroes and white radicals. Radical- ism is not yet dead iu this country, but is only held in check by the bold, united and determined front presen ted by the democracy. Georgia wres tfd heiself from the power of radical plunderers unly by the united and har monious action of all her good people and, in our opinion, it is yet too early for them to disband r.nd relax their vigilance with safety, Terrell county, we believe, l as nev er yet fed the blighting aud blasting effects ol radical rule, directly, in her local government. We have had some experience ot the effects of such iu!e,in another county, and can as sure the good people of Terrell, that, if ever, by a combination of the lowest class of negroes with the lowest class of white people, their local govern ment goes into the hands of an igno rant unscrupulous and irresponsible party, there will be “weeping, wailng and knashir g of teeth.” They will then, when too late, bitterly, repent the folly that permitted such a thing, lo prevent this, we advise a firm aud stiick adherenco to the party that has saved us, so far, and is our only leti auce for safety in the future—a unioD of good men to protect themselves and keep themselves out of the power of bad men. The ladicals, in Georgia at least, have yet earned no other ti tle than that of bad men, and this is why we so designate them. We have heard the names of half a dozen > r more very good men mentioned in connection with the race for representative. The coun ty hao plenty of such, but we fear, that, if even two respectable de mocrats are in the race, defeat to the party will be the result, and some negro or white rad'eal, if there be one in the coumy, will win the seat. For these reasons, we hope that all the democrats of the county, of both col ors, will attend the meeting on the 25th, and, laying aside all personal and private differences, unite unani mously and harmoniously upon some good arid honest man to lepresent ns in tho next General Assembly, if they choose then and there to make the nomination. Our fighting editor says if the news papers don: take more interest iu, and pay more attention to, the “manly art” of defending y> us sell and puneniug your adveisary. he will he darned if he don’t resign his position and go as a delegate to the uext “Peace congr. ss.” Only a few days ago there was a col umn of warlike correspondence be tween two Georgia editois, and wtdl nigh a copious flow’ of blood and cor ruption, yet, scarcely a pap *r noticed it, exes; t the Atlanta Constitution in which the correrpondence vvus pub lished. We lee.rn from tho Albany Adver tiser, that n negro, named Ben Bell, was shot and killed, by Mr. J. 1,. Acree, living four miles oust of that place, on 1 st Thursday evening. Acree had taken some hogs fioin Ben Bell to tat ten ‘.'on the shares.” By agreement, he was to keep them until the Ist of De: ember, but on the evening men tioned, ti e negro went to Acree’s house and demanded the bogs. Or being retused, he declared he would have the hogs or Actee’s life, and ad vanced on him with a stick. Mr. Acree procured his shot gun and shot the negro dead. lie then wiote to the Sheriff proposing to give himself up. The officer visited the scene, hut did net think it necressary to make an arrest, Mr A. then went to Abany and demanded air investigation. It is supposed the grand jury, now in session, will investigate the matter. Callioun. Department, G. S. SIMMONS, : J. A. GLADDEN, EDITORS. There is a good deal of sickness throughout this section. Our department is rather meagre ibis week, hut we promise our read ers to do better next week Wo hear it rum ted that after next Sunday, daily trains will tie run over tha Southwestern extension to Arling ton. Everybody is invited to attend the Baptist association which convenes at Mount Carmel church, in Baker coun ty, next Friday, the 12th inst. A little negro about 4 years old, living on the plant* inn of Mr Harri son Bxily, in B ikor county, fell ir. a well one day last week, aud was drowned. We notice the bridge at Monroe’s Mills, near Morgan has been compe ted, and by the way, it seems to he a light urood pi, ce of work and presents a handsome appearance. People may now pass over the creek in perfect safety. Wo understand there is a man in this county whose father used to own a shot gun with which he could kill catsquirells at the distanceof two hun dred yards “every pop.” Such a gun uow would be worth picking up iu the road. Come, boys, run oat with more snakes. That Bhick. — l have never heard of “Calhoun’s ’ remedy before. Guess it is one of his own manufacture. He has been trying it on hirnselt by way of experiment, though with no mark ed effect, which can’t be wondered at when we Know how utterly impossible it i- to brighten a green gourd. A light rubbing with a nice clean brick over my head might brighten me up a little if pioperly applied. If the work must be done by a nig 1 know of no one better buited for the business than that little sandy haired one who waits about the <ourt house and in Dr. Mitchell’s office on rainy days, povidtd he can get rid ol that af ricau way of smiling and can beg the Doctor out of a suit of old clothes. J CN ICS. Convention at A Islington. — We notice that Baker and Eatly counties have gone abend and appointed their delegates to meet in Arlington for the purpose of choosing a candidate for the Sonate in this, the 9th Senatorial district. The time first appointed for this convention was the 12th, but it has since been postponed til! the 19th inst. There have Leon no steps taken in this coming election. We think we ought to oe represented in the said convention at Arlington on the 19th, and suggest tl at the Chairman of the Democratic Executive Commit tee oi Calhoun, call a meeting of said committee ns early us practicable for the purpose of selecting delegates to represent our county in the senatorial convention. Now, we don’t propose just here to mention any one as our choice. We only hiq e that tho delegates in this connection may have, at heart, the in terest of the people and the demo cratic party, aid that they may choose a man who can be relied on as a thorough and stenuuh democrat. Tan Ohio Election —An election wap held in Old", on last Tuesday, for Governor, Legislators, eta., etc. The meagre returns by yesterday’s mail indicate a democratic victory by about 15,000 majority. Bishop was the democratic, and West the republican candidate for governor. It will be r< memi>ered hyourreadets that Hayes eariied Ohio last Fall ty five or six thousand votes. Yellow fever is still prevailing with ab. ut its usual virulence at Fernandi na. It has, a'so, made its appeal ance at Port Royal, a small place on the coast of South Carolina. \ good Chance to Hake Some* l Sling. As it is getting lashionable for newspapers to offer premiums to sub set ibers we make to the readers and friends of iho Jueunal the following offers: For 90 Subscribers with 8180.00, cash, we will give a Sewing Machine made, by tho White Sewing Machine Go , Cleveland Ohio, the manufacture's price oi which is $65 00. For 05 Subscribers and 8130.00, cash, we will give a Sowing Machine, made by the same company, worth, at the factory 850.00. For 35 Subscribers and $70,00, cash, tve will give a Bicktnrd Kniting Ma chine worth 830.00. Only one of this last on hand. Specimens of these Machines may be seen in Dawson, but we will older them if the premiums are taken niiect bom the factoiy. They are tire best and handsomest Mach lies made. We will ullow you to count all old subscribers who aie in arrears whom jou wi.i induce to come up to the of fice, pay all back dues and one year in advance, and plaoe their names on youi list, each old subscriber that does so to count as one new one If you try for a premium and fail to get enough subscribers to take the one you want you can make up the amount in cash,each subscriber count ing seventy-five cents iu payment for the premium. This oiler to remain open until Ist January uext. You can seud in names at any time aud have them placed to yonr credit. We have more than enough old subscribers who get their papers at the Dawson poet office, ulone, to take ail the above premiums. And more than enough who get them from the carrier to take the highest one. 1 I Mo Cxnio for any one Brin# out of Employ men i. Our attention has been called to J some new und useful cooking utensils, recantly invented which make baking j and cooking a plecsure, instead of a dreaded necessity. One ot which, the Patent Centennial Cake and Bread Pan, made of Russia iron, is so con ; structed that your can remove your cake when baked, instantly froir the | pan, without breaking or injuring it, and you can remove the tube, and convert it into a plain bottom pan, for baking jelly or plain cakes, bread, etc. Another the Kitchen Gem—a plated wire boiler or steamer to hang inside of an ordinary iron pot, lor boiling or steaming Vtgetab'es, etc., which when done, can tie removed perfectly dry, w'thi lit lifting the heavy sooty iron pot off of the stove, avoiding the dan ger of burning the hands with the 6team in pouring off the hot water, and the vegetables C"ii not possibly burn if the water hoi s dry, as the steamei does not touch the bottom of the pot. These goods are sold exclusive y through agents to families, aud every housekeeper si ou and by all means huve them. A splendid opportunity is of fered to some reliable lady ir gentle man canvasser of this county to secure the agency lor a pleasant and profita ble business. For *erms, tei ri'ory, ere., write to L E. Brown & Cos.. Nos., 214and216 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 4t l Ntenisluing miccck*. —lt is the duty ot ejffii prison ho has used Bcs chess Gasman Strop io let its woudertu! qualities be known to meir niends io curing consumption, severe C"Ughs, cioup, asthma, pneumonia, and in fact all throat and tut g disras. s. No person can use it without im mediate rt'lief. Three (Rises will telievo anv ease, and we consider it the dut of all Dru.'gis's to recommend it to the poor dyiog consumptive, at least to trj otn- bottle, as 40,000 and. z.'u bottles were sold last year, and no one case where it failed was repot ted. Such a medicine as the German Su'upcin not be two widely kuowti. Ask tour Dmg gist about it Sample Bottles to trv sold at >0 ceuts. Regular size 75 cents. For sale bv Dr. J. R Janf.s, Dawson, Ga. ME £> ICAL < J All D DR. JNO, aTgLADDEN, MORGAN, ; GEORGIA, OFFERS his profession al services to the people of Callioun. All calls promptly attended to. Office East side of the public square. Sept 20, t SAILLEE 500 BU. RUST-PROOF OATS at 75c 200 ” SEED RYE at $1.50 A Small lot of Seed Wheat and Barley By F. M. M. McKENNEY, -■lt store ot J. A. flcGKIlGOi^. 527,4 t LEARY , GA. f t Dillinim County. \ J APPLICATION will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Calhoun c untv, Ga , at the first regular term after the expiration o! 30 davs from this notice, f or leave to sell land lot No. 187, in the 3rd district of said c.ountv, belongi'g to the estate of JNO B I3LEK, late ol said county, deceased, for the benefit of the beirr and creditors of said deceased THOSFvRROW, Sept. 27, 30 and Administrator. I • EOR • I I, f'aliioriit Comity. B vtapplication wi’i be made to tb° court of ordinary of Calhoua county, Ga.; a' the first rrgular tetm after the expiration of 30 days from this police, for 1 a ve to sell Lot ot land No. 54 in the 626th District of said county, being apart of the teal estate of Nancy Bus-v, minor, .or the benefit of(he creditors of said miror T I. EUBANKS, Guardian. Oct., l3t 1877. PEOKGM, ' alitoilJt County. VT Whereas, W. J. Keel, Administrator of W. J. Collins, of said county, applies to me for letters dtsmrssory from said . Estate: Therefore, all persons concet tied are hereby required to show c mse, if any they have, why said administrator, or> the first Monday in Not. mher next, should not be discharged. Given under mv hand and official signature, this October Ist, 1817. B. 0. MITCHELL, OrcKnary, /I KOUOI l, Calhoun County. If Whereas, J.rmes Mil s(ct>l.)ha. filed his petition to me, praving lor letters of afdmin istiation upon the Esiate ol William John son (colored), late of said count,v, deceased : This is to cite all persons interested, to be and appear at. the next Noven ber term ot the court ot Odinarv of sard-county, aud shows cau-e, if any they have, why letters of administration should not be granted to the said James Miles (liven uaoer mv hand and official signature, this, t'ne Ist day of Oetoter, 1877. B. 0. MUCH; Lb, Ordinary. <1 DMKtil t, Ca lltoiiH County. UT Whereas, estate ot Martin Eubanks, late of siri<l county, deceased, is u< t repre sented ; This is to cite all persons inter ested to be and appear at the next Novem ber term of the court of Ordinary of said county and show cau'e, if any they have, why letters ot administration rhould not be vested in tbe Clerk of t.,e .Superior Court or some other suitable person. Given under mv band and official signature this, ihe Ist day October, 1877. B. C. MI TCHELL, Ord’y.' hull. A: s( or\i;i 3 and FNERAL COMMISSION' MSECHANTS, No. 346 North Water St, PHILADELPHIA. and wholesale -dealers in But'er, Oheee, Ltrd, Tallow, Eggs, Poultry, Game, .Stock] i o’atoes, Ape!* a. Grain, Floor, Fur, Wool RTTTTFI? ’ R: , ’t Tobacco] 44 U 1 J lJ lb Peanuts, Broom corn. Dried fruit, It ty, Hup , Fore'gn and D on tic Frui s, and in fact we -ell any aud every thing at the highest market ori,e; make p- mpt returns, f\ [] tt fx yJ IX an d lAh eral ( .IS li xJ 11 lx JL Ola . _ V lifts made on all shipments except pc** i-hable Htti. les. To show that we do an ex . tensive busiuess, any game dealer in Phila delphia will teli you we handled more game Us* season than all other Ileuses in Phila delphia put together. Pf'lTTf 111 |) TANARUS) Sod (nr price Lis’,_L U U |J I IV JL .Ste* cil, &c , &c. Heft rente (\ts ff, or we reier you to any responsible House tn our City. Eggs. Game. P EORUI t, ( iiniotiu Comity. \ T Appl cation will be maile lo llie Oourt of Ordinary ol Calhoun county Georgia, at the first regular term after the expiration of thirty days from 11 is notice, for leave to dell Land lots No*. 207 and 214, in the 4th district of sai l county, and the reversion interest, of the wido -’a dower, the entire rea .estite of WM. J. BROWN, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and c. editors of said deceased. DANIEL A. INGRAM, Adm’r. August 3D, i877. 6,4 1, / 1 EOKGI l, Terrell County. * I To all whom i may concern : I have this day made applicanen to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the Land belonging to the estate of MRS. R. CULPEPPER, deceased, late of said county. The application will be heard on the Ist Monday in October next. J. 0. F. CLARK, Adin'r de bonis non Sept. 3, 1877, 6,41 A.LBANY, - GEORGIA, Wholesale and Reiai! Healers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc.., \y OULD RESPECTFULLY i-vee the attention of the trading public of TERRELL v t and surrounding counties Cos their large and varied a J sor roent of DRY HOODS. HATS. (’ATS, BOOT SHOES, DRESS HOODS. NOTIONS * groceries, plantation supplies Wagons, Buggies, etc., etc. OUR ( icilitfes in purchasing and handling goods re nnsnrpasped hj those af any ?mr— lar establishment in ou'h West Gf*ogi, while the superior jid vantages enjoyed by our city in cheap transportation, insure® to onr patrons advantages no f to b** ob'ained iu anv other market. Not o-nlv do w* sell goods a* the Shortest Margin of Proffit \ but we pay the highest prices for Cotton am] o<her proonce, ot any interior rowa in the b,ate > . E-pedal attention is called to our Large stock of Buggies and Wagons, Wtrch we ofbr prices LOWER TH N BEFORE THE WAR. Be su-e to call on ns before purchasing elsewhere. > P t 13, OF ALBANY, - GEORGIA, TTAldcrivcd i!s iittnut from <li> grtmf rupldifv in whicli good, J-A are turned over. While t:io s ; *e ot ihe house is not so gnat us some oift i Houses it becomes necessary to Replenish the Stock From day to div. Hence the and pser by wiM at once discover Continual Trade and Hu.stle • In fact, there is no day in the ssison but. that the Dtpot receive & many boxes of Bf@W tt Fresh U (mls, And thug MORRIS MAYES gain 9 the following advantages over other houses : Ist. haviDg at till times, Goods of the latest styles aud most modern fabrics. • 2nd. Mot baying so man; clerks and expensive hon -e rents expenses are ntueh less, and thin bouse is enabled o sell good- cheaper than any other. 3rd. turning money o*tr most raj ndly, the house enjoys the benefits < I rnteri st or discount. Allot which bent fits Morris Mayer’s patrons realixed last year, heme the enormous business of the year, MR. MORRIS MAYER Is dow in JCew \ork, Jin'! Goods of all kinds will arrive in a FEW DAYS ! - —* Aii Enormous Rusiness Thanki"g customers fbr* rnou' ratronln-e "T b *T’* ,he ‘he will be caretuliy guarded aow and * ’ iu CreSt Morris Mayer’s Depot Announces Used ready for the business season. g,.. S. \\. GUNNISON. ' rQ.MfLES FRANK. GUNNISON & FRANK, Healers in ha n ii -w an e , AL BAN 5iT, - GEORGIA. ,}} " E Iron N ligand l’j’iiier‘B I""'!-'' '' loww '" e . Ax,i> - Hoe ''. Warden Impiemer s. Sugar Mils, and Plated Ware i* "complete urd magnifficem stock of Cuderv Street ‘ kU 1 tow .* n *.Fi*'urr. Next door to Sterne’s Corner, Broad TAX NOTICE. I will 'attend at the follqwing times and places to"collect the taxes of Terrell county to" the year 1877 : alt th 12th district Court Ground, Mon days, the Bth and 22nd of October and 6th ol November. At the 11th district Court Ground, Tues days, the SKh and 23rd of October and 6th of Novrmber. At Dover on Wednesdays, the 10th and 24th of October aud 7th of November. alt Chickasaw’atchie on Thursdays, tiie 11th and 25th of October and Bth Nov. At Brown Station on Fridays, the 12th and 26th of October and 9th of November. At Gravel! Hill on Saturday 24h October. At Dawson on 13'h and 27th of Oc’ober I and 10th of November, and duting two ! weeks of the Full Court,commencing the 26th of November. At the end of that lime the books will clove. W T. CAMPBELL. T. C. T. C. Hard Times ROUTED by ALLISON 8l SIMPSON, CutlibQrt Georgia Prices for this Issue of the Journal Randolph County Seed Rye. Randolph county Rust Proof Oats C R Bacon, 9 C R buik sidoa, 8J Bacon shou'ders, 7f Bulk Shoulders GJ In lots,for less thantheabovenries, Canvass hams, 123 to 13* P S ‘ Lard, best leaf, 12.V' to 13 A Sugar, 13 to 13} Ex C Sugar, 123 to 13 0 Sugar 113 to 12} Coffee, best Rio, 24 to 25 Coffee, medium, 22 to 23 Bagginy. 14} to 15, Aleai, 80c " bite corn, sacked 800 XX L.m y flour, per bb,JGSO XXX family flour, per bbi, £8.50 Cheek & V\ hiteiock’s choice 89.75 Salt, Liverpool, 81 65 0 81 75 halt Virginia, 82.10t0 82 35 Bran, in SUO tb lots, SO; in less qua „. titles. 81 1 Syrup, 75 to 90 New mackerel, per kit, 81.25 to 81 75 New white fish, per kit 81.15 0,8150 Nails, 20 to 25 lbs to (he dollar Nails by the keg, No 10, 83.50 New buckwheat Tobacco, from 50 to 75 cts c. a- , ’ , , . P Hr Putin^ Snuff, be-t by the jar 75 cents Powder, best Orange rifle, by , he kag 31 cents " Sliot, 82 GO to 82.75 per sack Avery's plow stocks and extra n| ow points, 84 50 to |5 1 Caiman's plow stocks and extra nlow points, 83 to 83 25 P Allison & Simpson's celebrated pow stock, 83 v Cook Stoves from 812 to 850 Office s’oves fmiu 88 to 815 Best axes 81 Best trace chains 6{, 10,2, 75 ecus* I low hames S(J to 75 cents per pair Piow lines 20 to 25 cents per pa , P.ow hoes iu abundance trom 35 ctj o 81 Heei pins 12} to 1G cents. Plow rods 25 cents ■'ingle trees, well ironed, GO cts "ingle tree irons 45 cts pr sett Iron wedges, 50 cts Andirons trom 81 to 83 per pah ‘" a 'l irons, all sizes, 8 ets per pound. Hollow ware of all descriptions, pots ovens, spiders, etc., etc. Painted 2 hoop buckets, good, 20 to 25 cen's Good well buckets 65 t 75 cents Well chain", all sizes lubs of all sizes and desciiptions Iron —plow, tire, round and oval, from 4} to 5 cent- 1 . steel— all Sizes, fio a 7} to Scents. And numerous oiler Goods in the Hardware Line too numerous tuneii ion. All we ask s foi those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our immense stock belore purchasing elsewhere \V e will dup icate any Bid in onr Line •within two hundred miles of this jdace, freight added, and in many instances save you the freight and ex| euse of going and returning, hotel bills, etc. Call and examine, and you will be welcomed and greeted by r. host cf the utos accomodating young gentle men this side of anvwh ,a. Will jiay cash foi meal nr corn 75* per bushel Messrs. Brown, Hay, Gamble nd Toombs, coidtally invite their friends to call and see them at the well known store of ALLISON & SI .PaON. Aov. 2nd 6m FOR SALE OR LEASE! A Itarr' li;inee lo buy a Valua ble Plantation Iwra little than ) ! f j 'BE Y ALI7ABI.E AND WELL Improved 1 fartn of the late >l. in, R. and Terrell County, containing about Filter!) hundred acres, more or less. The place is weil improved, and conveniently situated.— W aier in every field on the place. Fine and commodious dwelling; ail necessary out building.-, fencing, etc.. y in good ivpair f about seven miles iroiu Dawson, county 8i f e ol Teriell, on 'oad leading trom CuMibeitto -Albany, Ga., within eue mile of school and churches, both B.ipiist and Metbodis' r can be conveniently divided into tbitegcod farms. if not sold by December Ist, wil. iease to a good tenant fo r a number ol W ill sell, it desired, with the place, bom, Fodder, Cotton seed,. Mules, Hogi, Ct e WagOD< y etc. For tuithcr information apply on the to VV. D. Barclay, who will take pleasure m showing nd giving all information, aud tor particulars apply to DR. J. K JaNE". dug 23, 3ti Dawson, Ga. I3TJ-KIA.JL CASES! A full assorment and sizes of \\oo-ia--* Motalic Bu'ial Cases alwavs on hand. / IRDKRrf by teiegrapti with good re.if— U piotnp'lv fitted. _ 4 . Baldwin A Cos., ■July 19, lv. Dawson^ Lost notes 4 r.h persons are hereby forP * jrfl , to Ato iradc lor a promissory note , . me bv J. B CRIM, dated in March! las-, ana due or ihe -Olh d*l ‘ T) o u,r., 1877, for Two Hundred and >lil - , 0 ' ()P , as Ihe same is ’out or inislam ‘ |,i note (>B Mr-. Moreen Pool, Kive’ l j s,„i. , ( .boot March I -or Ten due October Ist, 1877, hem? or mislaid. fiARAII M. LAIh I’. 1 ’. Sept St>, 1877, At Ti ll) Fi