The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, October 18, 1877, Image 2

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THE JOURNAL. J. D. HOYL, E.DITOR. THURSDAY JVUkNING, Oct. 18. 77. a . --.'."i *“ '1 lie la pi la I Discussion. The roost amusing tiling on ll*o boAids, at present, i* the rougli, tank and ridiculous way in which some of the newspapers are each other on the capital question. Thoir ‘•dander is up,” and they rush tound in a way to make the judicious grieva and the, Ijght-heai t< and laugh. The Macon Te'egraph, ordinarily of very quiet and, quakerish habits, is especially hot, and consequently, un reasonable and rediculous. It tushes madly foiwaid, with a icutl bell w and an elevated and rigid Caudal appendage, every time the matadore el the Atlanta Constitution shakes the led ting at it. We have ntver read the history of the ndcuMable bat fictitious Spauiaid’s wariate upton wind mills, but iuia gine it was pitch like the present tuuquigu. The mischievous imp ot the 4'ofiltituifon sets his little flutter u.ib ag' ing and then hacks off to a safe distance to see the luu. It was fun, for a while, but is getting state “ ll(1 monotonous. W e hope the imp, afuie taid, will ritgdowu the tut lain and “give us a test We shall vote foi Atlanta, for the simple reason that we tniLk that the capital esglil to beat the most piomi sent, conspicuous aud acttseible pioint in tbe state. Besides, we do nut see any good reason tor iucutiing tbe ex- j yieuse of removal, especially to get out ample und commodious quaiteis in to nawow and contiacted ouc-s. Even should Atlanta nut tuiid anew liou-e lor the state as si e prepares to do, if made the capital, we cau’t, .or the life of us, see how anything is tob< saved ty going back to Milledgevilie. A ! new capital, when the people choose to build one, will cost just ub rnueh ot Milledgevilie as at Atlanta, nnd will be needed just as soon, at tbe lormer place, as at Atlanta. Ad this gush and stuff and high-rearing dogmatic gasconade about it’s costing the state “millions” more to terjain in Atlanta than to go back to Milledgevilie, i tbe vety wotst sort of nonsense, too thin even to blind fools. The oppo nents of Atlanta would do bbtter to Lush it up andbtick to blubbering sen timent. fsome of tbe sntfflbrs fur the “halls of our fathers” me already squatting and quaking for fear that Atlanta is to g ow up into a great political eentie that is to overshadow and throw into '.he shade till out of doors,. Why, Loid bless yon, dear cafatrhal and semi-prone friends, At lanta bka hardly had a real citizen in a prominent office of the State since the creation of the world. All the prominent plunderers that to->k part in the Bullock carnnal of corruption be longed elaewheie. Guv. Colqui’.t, we believe, moved near Atlanta a few years before be was made Governor. N. G. Hammond held a $2 000 place under Go*. Smith, and one of the Judges of the Supreme Couit resided in Ailauta at the liras of bis appoint inent, but, we uuderstand,he was rais" ed, kaie-iboted, in the coin aud cotton fluids near the “haliii of our fathers.” N. L. Angter was lieasurer, under radical rule, and was the little salt that saved the concern lrom complete cor luption. If Atlanta is going to grab all the t dices and rule the state, she lias the whole work yet to do, she has made no start on that line yet, home of tbe mad editors, aforesaid, cbaige that the people ot Atlanta are even now ci.culatiog documents on the fair gtouuds, by the thousand,ad vocating.that place for the capital.— Wed, this tnmti-dctu argument demands rime for further thought and more se rious consideration. Congress met lust Monday. Ran dal!, Democrat, was re-elected Speak er, beating Garfield, Republican, 17 votes. The old Clerk, wus, also, re elected. 'lhis ia an extraordinary stssion, called by the President to make provisions for the support of die United States army, the last House failing to make the usua' ap propriation for that purpose, because the army wax, at that time,being used by the Republicans for its own par tisan purposes, in efforts to bulldoxn and intimidate the southern people. '1 lie army havit g now beer withdrawn from that uso, tho llou6e is wiling to ifue the usuai rations. We pierutn? that this is about all "that will be dv.tie at this meeting. The regular session tuee's iu December. We bear jr'good deal of talk about the fair at Americas, and guess a g-eat many of our people will attend. We have not yet lieatu whether we are to have a special train to A met i ous 03 tl at occasion or not, but, lame, we will. Calhoun Department. CS. SIMMONS, : J. A. GLADDEN, E D I T O R S. In disposition prevented our attend ing the “eoon p< nd” association, last Sunday, so wu sent a reporter. Another youthful roupleeli ped and got married, in Baker county, ast wpek. All parties have become reccri ciled. Tbe Beat vites will etjny the first bop of tbe reason to night, at Boyd’s Ila l. Good music and lots of pretty girls on hand. Either of the Editors of this depart ment is authorized to receive and re ceipt for subscription to the Jguiinax in Calhoun,— remember this. Personal. — Miss Alice Farnum, ot Di fon, is spending the pref**nt k in our mid**, the gi es of Mrs. At e NeUon, thu /).iWßou contribute-8 mo* her fair one 10 enhance the / lea: u e it Calhoun ;o e /. We regret to say that the rumor afloat totfie effect that daily tiains would run over tbe south western ex tension, was without foundation. They run the same old schedule. 1 We felt real soriy for those fellows that weie so anxious to gu to the “coon pond” association lest Sunday, and | could’nt either beg, 1 orn w, buy, or steal a conveyance: we suggest lha:, r.exttiuie, they “make up a crowd and walk.” “Which we wish to remark and our language is plain,” wonder if the officials who tnani| ulate the affairs of the central rail road, wont feel ot ough interest in the Blakely ex tension to, at least, favor us with a daily train, when wotkcommences cn the B. & A. load. We aie sorely in need of a daily, just now, ntteily itn posible to carry the cotton off es fast as it comes in the markets. Mei ohants and farineis both, along tbe line aie beginning to complain, al ready. That Chiil Since onr last issue, we have experienced a regular sensa tion; a cooling sensation, yet, it was by no uiouns a r freshing one It happened thus!;: About 2 o’clock,on tbe evening of tbe 11th ins'., -voile engaged lu pursuing our accustomed duties tbeirrepresiblehand offategent ly laid his icy fingers upon our ro bust (?) constitution, causing our lips to quiver and tum a putpie hue, our bones to ache, our teeth to clatter, and a cooling sensation to extend from our pedal extremities to tbe eer vical portion of our stalely personage (?) We began to soliloquize; what had we done, to thus be subjected fo such duel treatment i exposure? no, we’vs been very pi u. eut, ah ? happy thought, that unremovable chill bad tackled the wrong leiltiw, evidently, Bill Pi ice was 'be roan be was looking for, as he’s accustom to such, but mnUeis grew more and we sought our “little bed,” and all the spare blankets, hot bricks, mustaid etc, wp.e brought into requsidon, but to no client, we continued to shike, and tight keie, we will leave the gen le leader to judge the balm ce, for it is better imagined than diseribed ; es pecially, by those who have “he<n there” and “know how it is them 8t Ives. Upon a ruote thorough investigation c-f atfuiis, we have ar rived at tiie conclusion that the cause of t ur “ai ment” was partly in conse quence of a few pouu grauates we de voured during the previous day. Said pomegranates were tendered us by an • stirnati u .ady <>f Baker, and no doubt through a opiut of generosty and ne ghborly g.-od feeling, but, under the circumstance, we unhesitatingly pronounce it a gross injustice. How ever, we don’t know that we have the right to attach any hiatus to the good madam for, albeit, we have an rrresis tiblo penchant for “etch things,” yet, we have lips to pereniptori y decline such offerings, and this, we pcoiose to do, hereafter. We are most happy to state that we have about legatucd our salubri ous equilibrium, so to speak, but, sigh for the return of ou> once car mine (?) complexion, and, worse than all, our pocket-nook nmuineth the loss of a lew shin plasters which now rejoice the heait of our vcneral le friend, Dr, Paul, and eauseth the doj tor to take h's (beer) meals regular end dabareth us the privilege ef en joying (cigai r) act tain luxuries. But, sich is life. Ditn.—We deeply regret to an nounce the death ol Mrs Liura Hors ley, consort of Prof. \V. J. Horsley, which occurred at their hou e, *2 miles north of Leary, on Saturday night last, after a short illness. She bud been in rather delicate health for some time, and, on Friday evening, was taken with malarial fever which resulted in her death in lessthsn thir ty-six hours. Mrs. H. was the daughter ot Judge John Colley,of this county, and had 6caicely entered the prime of life. The funeral services took place at the family buiial gre und, at four o’clock on Sunday attorn on, a laige concourse being present to do honor to the rematnsof the universal.y esteemed and be oved ladv. Tn|'he husband and three little ch.ldren she leaves, wo tender our heartfelt sytnpath.ea in their sore bereavment. Ti e followii g tribute was Lauded os for publication. lieareet lam, thou art sleeping Beneath the lonely sod. Hut thy soul’s in Jesus’keeping. Thy home is with thy God Tlion srt gone to a home above In a celestial place to dwell, Upward bornee on wings ot love With the ransomed throng to swell Wl lie our s lent steps are straying I.onely through life’s decp’niiig shade, . Glory ? brightest teams sre playing , Kouud thy happy head. . Farewell, I ’ear Laura? deep and lonely, r heat thee on tliv bed of clay, had we gave the to the number 1-aid in yonder’a icy And above thy peaceful slumber Many shower 9f sorrow fatle. Communicated. At lint Ass relation. Editors Calhoun D.'par'mpnt Dav soi> JtciiNAL: Although lain so situ ated lloit, us a geio-ral thing, I miss the m st of the pleasures < f the day, still occasionally I am permitted to enjoy the luxiliies of this life as they ais passing by. East Bund*y was one of the brig test and utosi beautiful days of the season, and no doubt hun (iieds of anxious hearts were made happy at the sight of such a ovely morning. At about nine o’clock, when the luxurious sun beams were spread ing over the wide extended fi-ddi ot the South, and the aatnninal breezes were paying gently through 'he houghs of the cuk and pine, I i> tght have been seen, in company with a friend, from Milford, making my way ihrough the piney woods down to Mount Ca mol church, >n Baker coun ty, lo he present, at least one day, during the ti uch talked id Baptist Asst datum. My w hole thoughts were upon the Association, and I was per fectly delighted with the idba, since 1 had never before had an oppo-tuni ty of at'endiiig anything of lire kind in this country . We arrived at the church at ten and a half, and found on the grounds, as I expected, an imim i se concourse of pec pi*, tuid on looking r- und over th vast multitude, and seeing so many peisons from a distance, the thought struck me at ouce, what a power tb >es toe word “Association” carry with it, especially, when it contains in the minds of some people the very same idea a* that which is expressed by the words “pork and greens!” Having only a few hours to stay, and being anxious to see and learn all I could in that time, I immediately went into the church ami seated myself for the purpose of listening to the morning address, hut, unfortuuat-dy, i was on ly in time to hear the closing reoiaiks of the said arldr ss, as delivered by the Rev. Mr. Irvin, whose place of residence 1 hive frrgotton. All who heard it pronounced it to be an able effort on the part of the speaker. At eleven, the people assembled at an arbor, one hundred yards from the church, for the purpose of listening to a sermon on the subject of Missions, to he presented by the Rhv Joshua Martin. Mr. vf ar tin commenced his discourse by rending a part of the 16, chapter of Mark, in order, as he said, to propeily biing his subject ! elore the minds of his hearers. His text was chosen from ttie 30th verse of the 19th chapte of John. “It is fin is ed.” Mr Martin preached an ex cellent sermon, and every line who heard him came off satisfied that ho was the right man in the right piece, and that lie had fudy mastered Ilia subject. V\ hen the eleven o’clock services veie over, a long table wus then immediately spread with the cl.nicest ea'Bbles w! ich the gord peo plo ol Baker county had so sumptu ously prepared for their friends from a distance, and all weio invited to l partake. 1 felt like a stranger in a stiange land, and at first 1 was rather at a loss Jcknow what move h> make. In the mean time, tin ugh, I kept a close watch on the table, endeavoring to find what pait was most honntifoi ly supp ied with “good victuals,” for I was really hungry This was a criti cal moment,but, fortunately, I fell in to the huuds of one of our Oaihoun ladles and Mrs, Knock Jones of Ba ker. 1 was very well acquainted with M rs. Jones lefote her marriage, but years had elapsed since that time, and I had almost grown out of her knowledge. But thi.- was one of ho times I wanted to be renrem ered by all uiy old fi tends, so I made myself known to her, aud spoke in such a manner as was veiy indicative of hun ger. Hie aud Mrs. Sasser then filled both my hauds with enuugli pork aad other nice things to l-st a small man two days. )t would have looked like a big job tor a sick man, but l fait well ami fully rkle to stand to .he task, so I munched a way until the last crunvb was devoured. Foi the first time linn I thought of my friend Cook . nd se' about to hunt him up. I ani fully sat isfied hat Ham made out his dinner, lor, when I found him, hr was fa ring a hundred pound barbecued hog, andeatiug bia -uita like hiowing brick bats tfo.vjv an old well. I would like to notice some others before closing, hut this communication ie already to long The uumber of persons on this oc casion is estimated at fifteen hundred, aud I venture to say there were none that failed to get p enty to eat, at din ner- The Suker eounty people under stand getting up good dinuers, and 1 tael indebted to them for one good square meal. Would say something about the young ladies, but being a married man, am afraid I con Id not do theui justice. VS itti special thanks to the ladies who took care of me at the table, t will “hit-h up” and go home, leaving my readers at the church Jeifivs. Its a little remarkable, but we have h ard of uo one, as yet, who is willing to sacrifice himself upon the “patriotic altar,” by aspiring to the position of lepresentative, from Caihoun to tire next general assembly of Ga. Ke tieucnuient works bonders. In the Ohio electiou, last week, the democrats carried the state for gover m r by about *25 000 majority, and elected am ij r ; ty in the legislature ot about 40 I'll is will secure a demo cratic U. S. Senator. This is Hayes, own state. It don’t look like stealiug the presidency is going o prolong the life of the republican party very much. There seem-, to be considerable feel ing in many parts of the S'ate in favor ot “scrub” races, iu th December elect ion. We will subscribe some thing to make up a purse for the foremost horse in Terrell county, if such a race is run bore. I Wo ■ iHM’ lor any ohm *** out of fc*HHojmil. Our attention has been called. to ! some now and useful ci king utensils, j recently invented which make baking and cooking a pleasure, instead of a ; dreaded necessity. One ot which, the Patent Centennial Cake and Bread Pan, made of Russia iron, is so c<>n -B‘iucteil that your can remove your cake when baked, instantly frou the pup, without breaking or injuring it, and you can remove the tube, ami convert it into a plain bottom pan, for baking jelly or plain cakes, {trend, etc. Another the Kitchen Gem — B plated wire boiler or steamer to hang in-idw of un ordinary iron pot, for hoi iug or steaming v. getaftles, etc., which when done, can fie removed peifeetly dry, w'thout lifting the heavy sooty iron pot off of the stove, avoiding the dan ger of burning the hands with the steam in pouting off the hot water, and the vegetables Ci-n not possibly burn if the waer hoi s dry, as the steamer does no' touch the bottom of the pot. These goods are sold exclusive'; tlnough agents to families, aDd eveiy housekeeper si ou and by all menus have them A splendid opportunity is of fered to some reliable lady r gentle mail canvasser of this county to secure the a ency for a pleasant and profita ble business. For 'erois, teiri’ory, etc., write to L E. Brown & Cos.. Nos., kl 4 and 216 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 4t Kl oil foiling *arc'*.-It is ihe dmy ol ever* ;>e -on „ho has used Bos cuke s German Syrup >o fei in wonderful qualities be known to tneir uiend* in cuiing enusumption, severe c-ughs, croup, a.-thina, pneumonia, and in fact all throat and lucg disexs s. No pets in can use it wiihoui lin— tteoiate relief. Three doses will ieliev an* case, and we consider it tbe dutv ot all Druygis's to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive, st least to trt n-- bottle, as 40,000 dnxeti bottles were sold last ye’, and no one case where it tailed was repot ted Such a medicine as the German Su up e tn noi be two widely known. Ask your Drug gist about it Sample Bottles to irv stdd at. JO cents. Hegul r sire 75 cents. For sale bv Dr. J. H Janks, Dawson, Ga. MEDICAL CARD DR. JNO, aTgLADDEN, MORGAN, ; GEORGIA , OFFERS bis professional services to the people of Gah nun All calls prompt!* ■’tended 10. Office East side of the public square. & pi 20, t I^CDIS 500 BU. RUST-PROOF OATS at 75c 200 ” SEED RYE at $1.50 A Small lot of Seed Wlmat and Barley By F. M. M. McKENNEY, A store ol J. A. yit'GK* <>. 27,4 LEAHY GA. i i HoitGi %, c'llillollii 4 . Hilly. \ I APPLIOA ION jwiil be made o h Court of Ordinary of Calhoun c uni*. Gi . at the fii-si regular term after the expiration ot 80 days from ihis notice, <or leave to tell land lot No 187, in the 3rd district of. said r.nuet.y, bebmgi g to the estaie of JXO B ISLER late ot said conn'v, deceased, lor the benefit of the he,r-. and creditors of said deceased THOS F ‘ RROW, <Sept, 27, 30d Adfninistrator. | EOK • I 4, ('allioirn Conuly. tl A ppplication win be made to ih* court of ordinary ol Calhoua county, Ga., at the fjtst regalar term afler the expiration of 3!) days from this nofire foe 1 e to sell hot ot land No. 5-f in the ti? 6 h Di-crict ot said county, being a part ot the real estate of Nadcv Bas-y, minor, or the benefit of the creditors of said mirnr T L KCBANK3. Guardian, Oct., Ist 1877. Georgia, ''aihoim Conmy. Whereas, W. J. Keel, Administrator of W. J. Collins, of said county, applies to me for le'teis dismissory from said Estate: Therefore, all persons coneei ned are here*** required to show c use, if any they have, why sa'd adminis'ra'or, on the first Monday in Nov mber oe*t, should nor. be discharged. Giv*-n undi r mi baud'and official signature, this October Ist, 1877. B. C. MITCHELL, Ordinary. n COItGI 1, CalfuoMu 4 •Hilly. ll Wlier.-as, James Mil s (col.) ha filed hie pdition to me, praying tor letter* of Admin istration upon the Estate of William John son (colored), late of said county, deceased : This is to cite all persons interested, to be and appear at the next November term of tie court of Odinary of said-ccunty, and shows cau-e, if any they have, why lettetsof administration should not be granted to the said Janies Miles Given uuner my hand and official signature, this, the Ist day ot Oototer, 1877. B. C. MUCH LL, Ordinary. /fliOKGbt, Cal lio mi Comity. W Whereas, tbe estate ot Marlin Eubanks, late of said county, deceased, is n l repre sented : This is to cite all persons inter ested to be and appear at the next Novem ber term wf the court of Ordinary of said couutv and show cau*e, if any they have, why leweis of admrnistraiiun thoulo not- be vested hi the Cletk of t e Superior Couit or some other suitable person. Given under mv hand and official signatu-e this, the 1.-t day October, 1877. B. C. MITCHELL, Ord’y. HULL A SCOTNUY, GFNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 346 North Water St., PHILADELPHIA. and wholesale dsaters in But’er, Cheese, Lard, Tallow, Eggs, Poultry, Game, Sock, / J o’aToe, A poles, Grain, Flour, Fur, Wool, "D TT r jr r r E , l> ®h xo ‘-v *', Tobacco, DU 1 J Fi IV Peanuts, Broom corn, Dried fruit, Hay, Hop-*, Foreign and Dorn s tic Frui's, and in faet we sell any and every thing at the highest market price; mke pr- mpr returns, ft l 7 L >,n d JLfb rral C.iSH Vll Ef £iO L #*- l’..lff* made on all shipments except per ishable articles. To show '.hat we do an ex tensive business, any game deafer in Phila delphia will teli you we handled more game l*st season than all other Houses in Phila delphia pm together. T)/'kTT , rjl nt; S--i,d for price Ust.X U U it 1 It i Sr. til, Ac , Ac. Hefertntt C*ISU. or we reler you to any responsible House in O'tr City. Eggs. Game. n roitf.l l, ( allioim County, V T Application will be Wade to th# Bourt of Ordinary of Calhoun county Georgia, at the fir?t regular term after the expiration of thirty days from t i* .jotior. tor irate to aell Land lots Nos. 207 anti 2114, it/tne 4tli district of Said county, and ih-* reversion interest of the wid *■* do'#rr, the emh*e rea est te of W.M f BHd'Vliy late sahi count\-y deje iaed,-,fr t* e te*• ft' of bftlrs and C < di'urs ol f* id defeat' and D*N’ftl. % INOHyvt, vcitn’r. Augti* S, SH77, 6.4? / a E<*K<l \ f ifrrtll < <ttny, \ I To all wl. mi ouy *•<!.• rn : I fhie oav in de xpplii* on *r he Cou**i of Ordinary ot e.onnt- h>t U* ve o> sf!l he Ij and h he w ta' • * MRS. R tfLPEPPER, <lw**ed, It, ,i ai*l conn \. Th* on *ill hr Ifi and n >h*- l*r Mitridif !•■ /Voh rr* x*. J. C. F t'l,\RK Adwr dehonixnoii Sep* 8, I 87?, * 4 1 S. Ulll & HMBEB. ALBANY, - GKORGIA, W!ioliilc and Retail Dealer* in Dry Goods , Groceries*, Etc., U- rULD RKsPEOTFULLY i vite the aiieniinn of the trading public of TERRELS/ and ut rounding of. uni let- to heir lure* nd varifM-tn*Bor mom of DRY COODS II.ATS (’ \P^ B 0 T SHOE', , DRESS COOl).s. NOTION^ GROCERIES. ~ ■ _ PLANTATION StiHP'LIES, Wagons, Buggies, etc., etc. OUR f.tciliiie 4 in porcha Dg and '• ‘tid 1 Dg soods ire i D®urpa*pd by those of so? sinii— lai establishment in uu n Wes* (i *i ,w 1* .he -up. -or advantages enj.yd by our city in cheap tmusportaCion, login s lo our p.irons advance** o‘ *o be oh am. and in any other market. Not only do we sell goods at be Snor'es 1 Margin of Proffit , bu‘ we pay the highe*. prices for Cotton and O’her produce, of anv iuteiior iow.i in the S.ate. Especial aeniioo is called to our l.rge -took of Buggies and Wagons, Winch w off- r ait. prices LOWER TH W BEFORE THE WAR. Be Duie to call on ne before pn-ebasing elehere Sept 13, 4ro. fEeDcpot OF Horns flayer! ALBANY, - GEORGIA, HAS dcrired M iiiime from • grrat aapdilv in Cilicia guild. are mr rd over. While t;ie size of ibe House is noi so gr at „8 -ouie ib r nou-cs, if becomes u.Cessar.T to Replenish the Stock Emm day to day. Hence the stranger and passer by will a< once discover Continual 'Trade and Bustle! In Let, there is no day in the season but that the receive & many boxes of And thus MORRIS MA TER gains the followicg advantages over other houses : let. By bavi g at all times Goods of the lufesf styles aud most moderh tali- ice. 2nd. Not h.>v'ng so man; clerks awrl expensive hou ! e rents expenses are mu.-h less, itnd this house iff enabled 10 sell good-, cheaper than anv other. 3r<l. I umi rig money over moat ra) idly, the house enjoys the benefits if inter-st or discount. Allot which benefits Morris Mayei’s pan one realized hist year, hence the enormous business ol the year, MB- MO Ll{lfc> M AYKB I> now in New York, an! Goods of all kinds will arrive ib a* FXSW DATS th people of P this Sec.ion wii; be m Mubljrtmw "(tallj** ' e ° o ° mj ' An Enormous Business Carried on with nrf Kf U •_ , . Morris Mayer’s Depot Announces itee.f resrfv for the business e*soo 8. W. GCNNISOtC -OB* FRANK. GUNNISON & EIiANK, Dealers in HABB-WABE, -A.L,BA.lsr ST, - GEORGIA.. Yl’® constantly on hand Stores , _ T> hold ana Kitchen Furnishing Good.V*... .*?■ H * rd " r *. House, lures fc-erosioe Oil, Wood and Wrioa wa!,? TT h "r ' * ,laßswar ''’ Um P * nd Fit- Iron, Nails ami Fa.mer'. Implement. *!d I’ * n, P ,enicctß . Su * ar M: ‘K and Plated Ware, an - ’ om l v, ' ,e VT * rd "*?•>•cent atock of Cullers Street, mure*. Nest door u Sterne’t Corner, Broad * ■ ~ *v >, if- TAX NOTICE. I Will attend at the folldwing times and to colicc’ the taxes ol Terrell Count , fo- the year 1877 ; _ A the. 12'h dist'ict Court GrouLd, Mons diyj, the S'h and S2'd of 4Mobe and ffth ot At the 11th district, Court Ground, Tiles and tvs the 9lt and t'H and o' (fetober rnd 6 h of November. A Dove on VY Ifie.ffrva. the Tilth and 24 hof October aid 7 i of November. Al O' iekaaaw a'chie on Tharsdivs, toe 1t h am) 2?sih ot Oetoher and Bth Nov. ti B owe Station on Fridays, the 12ih aid 23 hof Oetober and 9th of Novembe A Gravel! Rill on Saturday 24_ h Oe'ober. \t D’laffon o i lS'li and 27th ot and imh ot Novembe , and during to ae, ka of the Fan 6our'/efrnmencing the 26'h oi November. At the end ot that liftte the books will clove. W T. CAMPBELL T C. t C Hard Times OU TED BY AILfSON 81 SIMPSON, Cuthbert Georgir,. Prices for this Issue of the Jouriai TSandolph County Seed Eye. Randolph eoufity Rust Piunl Oafa C R Bacon, 9 C R bnik sides, 8J Bacon shofi ders, 7| Bulk Shtfa'ders 6J In l"ts,ftl less tliuu the i(f>ute pribef f’anvnas hams, 12J lu 13j Lard, beat leal, 12J to 13i A Sugar 13 to j K* C Sugar, 12J to 13 j € Sugar 11J to 12$ ! Coffee, best Rio, 24 to 25 i Cotb e, medium. 22 to 23 i Bagginv, 14$ to 15. j Meai, 30c j W htte corn, sacketl 80c ! XX tain y flour, pei- t.h .|6f.50 | XXX family flour, per bl i, J 8 50 | Cheek & n hue ock's choice $9.75 Salt, Liverpool, gl 65 o $| 75 'alt Virginia, S2.ID to $2 35 Bran in sg( lb lots,. 90- in los n U a n tities. $1 a t"yrup, 75 to 90 '• New mackerel/ per kit, $1.25 to $1 75 New white fish, per kit $1.15 „fti cm Nail j, 30 to 25 Hw to .he doll*, Nails by the Keg, No tO, $3.50 New buckwheat Tobacco, from 50 to 75 ct-. per pound Snuff/ best by the jar 75 cents Powder/ best Orange rifle, bf the ksot 1 3l cents ■ | Shot, $2 60' 'o $2.75 per satk A'verys plow stocks and extra nlovt prxiSits, $4 50 to $5 H Haimart's plow stocks and extra plot* points. $3 to $3 25 r Allison & Simpson's celebra-M * stock, $3 Cook Stove* itorta sl2 to IfjO l Ofl&ce roves from $8 to sls Best axes M Best trace cftffius 6|, 10',. 2,7 o cent? Plow Lames 50 to 75 cents per pair Plow lines 20 to 25 certts per pa r Piow hoes irt ahunda'iice from 35 t\g to $1 Heel pins 12$ to 16 cents. Plow rods 25 cents j ingle trees, well ironed, 60 cfs ingle tree irons 45 cts per se tt Iron we 'tree, 50 cts Andirons irom $1 to $3 per paj, .'ad irons, all sizes, 8 cts per pound Hollow wars .4 H acsyriptians/ p,,te ovens, sp ders, etc., etc/ Painted 2 buep buckets, good, 3$ t 25 cents Good well buckets 65 tw 75 tents Well chain o ,” all sizes Tubs of all sizee aud descriptions Iron - plow, tire, round aud oval, hue 4$ to 5 cent-. fttee) all sixes, t' o 7$ to 8 cents. Ad onrmr'ou'v uh. 1 Good. •; and Haitlwan Lire- too line ei 1 . r. it.- ion. All e a.'k slot t'.hos. ■*; 1/ to pint'll se, to call ami car I immense stock bdoie purcliasiug : elsewtiere We will dup icafe any Bill in mir : Line within two hundred mile, ui this ! place, freight added, and in man; j inrtaaces save you the freight and 6X| eiise of going and returning hind bills,, etc. Call and* affitf yotk eill be weiooaied and greeted by a host el the ui os accomodating young grßtlh ruen this side of anywhere. Wrtl pay cas+y lot meal or corn 75* per busliel Messrs. Brown, Hay, Gamble nd Tot/mbs, cordially invite thr.r friends to call and see them at the well knows store of ALLISON & 't hP.sON. -Vov.- 2ad m for sale or lease! I /# l(iite Cfttiitre lH bit) si Malifct IHe PAinMlloii hf a IMH "I HE VALUABLE ..NO WEtf. lVproT>d Ali r of- the *>.k Jno. K. jnei, o* Terieli Count), eontailuDg about Fiiteen liundred acres, more or !v=oa; The plane is well improved, and convenient!/ suii.'eli.— iu ever) hold on llie place. Fine and' commodious dwelbng-r--.l nteeasiey out building., fencing,-• t.. i ! in good tepetr,- about seven miles (rom Dison, C"Uutv sue ot Terrell, ou <o.i leading trow t'u tv 1 1 * H.baity, (ia., within on. mile o* juodseboo and churches, both Baptist; and de-bodily oau be conveniri.llv divided into tire? jpwjj farms. H i.tit sold by Deur other le'.vl lease to a good tenant lot a uumoev ol >*!*■ Will sell,, it de-ir. and, wi h the place. '■ Fodder, C’ uon seed,. JFulee, Hogs, t* Wagon-,.etc. For fuither inlorirtatiod apply on the ?** to W D. Barclay, who Will take pV .sure m showing nd giving all informatt-n.. and l" r ptilicultrs apply to UK J. R JaNE'. a,g 23, 3-n Da-Bct), BU Hi A L- tAf-E' l A lull assormrnt and sizes oi Wood 1 Mwtalic Bu ill Cases <!•-' - * , ’ ,r ORDERS hi e.g with good reErs’ c “' ptompilv filled. . A.*. B- July It, lr LOST NOT ICS ALL persons are hereby •® re * <rP . J/i* to .ta-de lor a promissory no eg ,[ me b, J. B CRIV, dat. and in ® ber . last, and doe o= the *stb day o D 1877. tor Two Hundred aid F it' e|( as the same is los* or BtisUid. _ £)|ft riot* on Mrs. Moreen Pool, gtwi _ , n .j Spring (about March) for Ten D far irjssr '*tsr**‘ Sept 2f>, 15177, 4t