The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, December 27, 1877, Image 2

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HIE JOURNAL. J. D. HOYL.F.DITOR. mu>ov *i;ok<*i a : i— • -<■- • THURSDAY MUKNING, Ike- ’77 ■ ; Tin: nor’i* Proclumulioii On IhM Saturday, tlie 221 inst., Guv. Colquitt is: ned his protlaruafiou to the juojile and Gtoigia declaring lhat the i tw cut stitution ha3 boeu ratified by 11re people, and is new the organic }>■ tv of the Onto; also, that the now homestead ha 9 been adopted, and At lanta is the capital. Tim official, vote declared bj the Gov ernor is ns follows. Ratification 110.442 Against Ratification 40 947 Majority for Ratification 69 495 For Atlanta 99.147 For Miiledgeville 66 201 Miijmiiy for Atlanta .... 43 9IG For New Homestead 91722 For Old Homestead 52 000 Mfjoiity for Now Homestead 4-722 There has been a great deal of com. motion during the past tear among tie fire and lito insurance companies of the country. Many prominent ones havo failed, and their policy hol ders have suffered. Investigation of rhtir. has disclosed an astonishing amount of rascality in their manage ment. The president of a prominent company, in New York, has just been found guilty of perjury, and is in jail awaiting sentence. We advise all persons having their lives or property insured to look we 1 to the character and standing of the j companies they patronize. A desperate Lgfit took place be tween'the whites and blacks Satur day afternoon at Muscle Shoals, a small town on the Tennessee river, about thirty miles northeast of Tus combiti. The fight originated be tween a white man and a colored bar ber. The friends of each rushing in assist, caused the fighu to become general. Revolvers and knives were used freolj - . Tire negroes were driven out of town, exc pt three, who were nearly beaten to death. After the mob returned they set fire to the bar ber shop and burned it to the ground with all ita contents. One negro was killed and a number wounded. Three whites wore terribly cut and sho', but none killed. A great deal of excite ment prevailed tliere and there wero fears of a further outbreak heforo inornii g. There is much excite-' ment in tl e place iver it. Several children weie feeding a jios bear with corn at Austin, Texas. An c'( r was dropped out of the reach of the bo: r, and a little girl handed it to hitr. Ti e bear sportively pulled le r to him, when a home dog, believing the child in danger, sp rang upon t'in boa'. Biu>n then carried the child to the turtl er part of the hrgt head in which he slept and returned to fight tli6 dog, under the impression that the deg would hutt the chid. A party of daikies tried to protect the child from her other pio'ectore, but the lit tle odo did m t escape until her moth er had killed both bear and dog with a musket. The Competroiler Oeueral baa sold about all the fi fas issued egainst wi'd lands f r taxes, generally to parries who rre not owners of the land. The holders of the fi fas can, at ny time, advertise the lands in the counties where they lie and have them sold ly the Sheriff. Ti e owners have twelve months to redeem them by paying taxes, costs ai.c ”0 per rbnt. a edition al. Many mistakes have been made in the matter and there aro fi fas out against many lots that are not “wild” and upon which the owners have paid fax for years. If you own any wild lied 01 land of any kind, you had tet ter watch the papor of the county where it lies, or it may be sold and bought and you know nothing of it until it is too iate to redeem. Much trouble will grow out of tt e n.aitei. Thera seems to tie a marrying epi demic raging throughout the comfy. We never before heard of so many weddings as are now being reported by our exchanges W e do not understand the cause and reason of it, unless it fi that young men who have been wait ing for limes to get better have con cluded that thing is not going to hup - per, and have deteimined to make the vopture anyway. i negro applied for admission to th* bur in Atinr.ta a few days ago. A comniitteeof lawyers was appoio'ed to examine him. After a most thor ough examination they reported him qualified and recommended his admis -8i u, only one deseentirg. The Effect of l.iqmtr. Thomas T. Dorough, a*, one time, a prominent citizen of North Georgia, J was ar.d killed hy a train of ‘ cars on the Northeastern railroad, in November last. He was buried, but his friends not being satisfied, and ! suspecting foul play, had his body exhumed, a few days ago, and an in quest held. The following is the ver dict r f the jury; “We, the jurv, after a post mortem examination of the body of T. T. Dorough, deceased, by Dr. L, G. Hardeman, find that he, the deceased, cone to his death on the night of ttio 34 of November last hy being intox t icated and taring on the 'rack of tho ! Northeastern Railroad one a ball miles above Harmony Grove, in Jmk sin county, when the down train, about 10 o'clock at night, ran over him and iut his head from his body, i with ninny other bruises, nml caused his immediate death. This Deoern ; her 14th, 1877.” There has been considerable exci'e. merit of late on the line between Mex ico and the United States, Raids from either side havo been crossing the line nn.l com in i tting depradations. These has been much moving of troops and talk of war, but tlie'most serious trouble seems to have bean about the possession of son.e stilt licks between citizens of the American side. There has been some fighting and a few killed. There is considerable taik of our Senator the Hon, Jno. T. Clarke, as president of the next , Senate. He would make an able pre.-ident. Les ter of Savannah, is, also, mentioned for re-election. Ex-Speaker Bacon, of Bibb, and Nat_ Hammond, of Fulton are promi. nent for the speakership ofths House. No Place Like Home. —He had stayed till the clock hands hung to gether at eleven, anil that valuable recorder of time was menacing a strike. She had yawned till her mouth felt largo enough for a horse cellar, and yet the young man evinced nosymtom of speedy departure. ‘ I’ve been working on r. motto to-day,” she finally said, r.s she held her eyes open with her fingers; “don’t you want to see it?” He said fie did. She broug 1 1 out the artie’e and passed it to him for nisjeCion. 110 held it up to the light and real the ehenfu; sentence: '“There’s no place like home.” The young man guessed he’d be going. All the Gforgia congressmen are at home spending the holidays. New York has had two or three l aby shows, and now has a cat show. Many citizens of North and Mid dle Georgia are moving to Texas. Warren Aiken, a prominent North Geo'giti lawyer, died last week. The s'eiimer, Huntsville, on its way from S-iVHuuah to New Y'ork, was burned a lew days ago. All on board escaped. P. A. McGriff, a prominent citizen of Decatur county, was accidentally shot w lnle on a camp hunt in Florida. He died frrm the dfectsof thewound. Farley, demociat, has been elected to the U. IS. Senate tosucceed Sargent” republican, whose time expires on the 4th of March, 1877. The At’anta Comtitution pays that there will he a change, either in the c ffieeiM or in the polity of the Central Haiti uad company. A coon was found in tt well in Bue na Vista. He had fallen in two weeks before, w. s taken '■•ut well hut in duced in flesh. Belonged to Mr. Authur Hyland r. The Governor offers a reward of two hundred dol ! ars for the appre hension of the murderer of E. F. Sweat., at Tebeauville, No. 1) Atlantic and Gulf Hailroud. There is another fig scare at Atlam ”n about the supposed msecuii'y of itm capitol building. One of the end walls is said to be bulging. The Su preme Court has moved to the other 6nd of the building, and the library has been removed to the ground flour. A boiler exph de.l under the walls of an immense Prick building in New York, a few days ag'. The building was partly blown down and s* t on fire. Many girls and boy* employed in the building were killed. The store house of Mr. G. M. Stokes, at Leesbuig, ws turned last Fiidoy night It caught from an adjoining building which was filed by an in jet.- diary. He savtid most of his goods aud was fully insured. As to the next Piesident, Wendell Phillips, at an intervene, said; ‘ I can tell you I think he will be a Demo crat. It will not he Tilden It may lie Geoigo B McClellan. The V'-ce President will he from the South. I’ will bo Wade Hampton or something like him. I hardly think the South will have the impudence and assurance to claim the fiist place at once, but r may be.” Daniel Wpt.ster once affi imd in company that to wonan ever wrote a let or without a postscript. “My next letter shall refute you, “said a ladv of his ncnuairitance. The “Great Ex pounder" soon afti r received u letter from his fair disputant, where ul'er her signature, stood: “P. sj. Who is right now, you or I?” IIASGMUIK CTJTIIBEKT. CtiTHBKKT, Ga , Deo. 19, 1877. To-day Allred Marsha', eo'ored was executed f.r the murder of Mr. S. A White. THE CHIME. On the night of the slh nf May las', Alfred Marshall esrne into Cutlrhert with a lew dozen eggs, ol which he sold an amount sufficient >o buy a quart of whisky After imbibing treolv, he came to where Mr. White was sitting. Whi e asked him what he had in his bask-t. Marshall told him he did have eggs, hut had sold them, and stated the p ice, White replied that he would have given more. Marshall replied, ‘ You are a liar. ’ \N bite said, “You must not cal! me a liar. Mar shall stepped hack n few paces, aurl said “D —n you, I will kill you,” and fired, the hall striking Mr. hite in the body from which wound lie died in a few minutes afterward. Marshall then threw away Ids pistol and mil, followed hy Officer Kirksey. who soon captured him and lodged him in the county jail. He was tried duting the May term of tho court, and found gui ty of murder. His case was carried to tho supreme rouit an i tho Judgment of tiro superior c urt here affirmed ; and at the November term, h* n tho remitter was received, Judge Kiddoo sentenced him to hang cu to-day. Through the kindness of Sheriff Smith wo were permitted to visit the doomed man a few hours be fore his execution. Wo informed Al fred that he had but a few hours to live, and if ho had anything to say we wru'd for glad to record il for the En quirer Sun. Ills STATEMENT. He stated that on that fatal night ho was intoxicated, and did not reeo!- 1 ct seeiDg Mr. v 'lrite; that hebrought with him a pistol which would not re volve. Ho added :“1 do not recollect whether it was fixed or not; never had any ill feeling against Mr. White, and have no recollection when I shot him, arid I was surprised at myself when they told me what I had done the night before. This is a 1 1 know, an I*l am now ready to go and meet my God! my glorious Redeemer. I am thirty-nine years of age and have a wife arid five living children. I lost my arm during the war, and my dear master, Wain all, both white and black, that whisky has brought me to this solemn end. Oh, my God !my God!” THE EXECUTION. About.9i o’clock, Judge Kiddoo sent an.order to Sheriff Smith, that if the condemned man had any state ment to make, it it ust be done in his cell He declined to do so, and as he went down the stairs (the ga lows was erected immediateI}’ 1 }’ under the s'air way) tie commenced, and did sing the old sacred song, ‘ Just as I am, with out one plea,” etc . and continued to do so until lie mounted the scaffold, when he commenced the song, “Ct me, follow me to Jesus.” Duiirg this time his wife with her five children wept and shouted, j initig him in his fare well song, witnessing his march to the f-.tal instrument of and -nth. While Marshal E. Bidgway was adjusting the noose, Alfred admonished ail to beware nf that cusre of all curses “rum,” bid fitrevveil to all and hoped that all in hits hearing would meet him in heaven, that he did not fear death and was ready to go. While he was admonishing all and in the midst of a sentence, Marshal Ridway c:.t the re| e and Alfred Marshall wa3 launch ed into eternity. His neck was r.nt broken and he died from strangulation. A most horrible scens was witnessed, when, for seven or eight minutes, he actually breathed. Being very near, with Dr. McLester duting the time, the breathing was perci ptrhlo. About thee hundred negroes were pieser.t, principally women and chil dren. His body was turned over to his w ife, A 1 passed off quietly. — Cos lumbus Enquirer. Sim While in France, Gen. Toombs met President Thiers, and they became quite we I known to each other. Thiers learned nifrch of American politi's by cnuveisatiou with Gcd. ioombs, and took considerable interest in the ma - ters that no one could explain better than ’loombs. S noe his return homo the General has frequently correspon ded with Thiers, and during the late Constitutional Convention Gen Toomb-* sent Thiers a copy of one of his speeches against the encroach ments of corporations uD'in th inalio nable righs of the people. President Thiers seems to have attentively con sidered the speech, for he wrote Gen. Toombs a most complimentary letter in return. Mr. Gad stone, ot Er.glad, lateSPrime Minister, did the same. — It is said th*it Mr Gladstone lias \ery gieat personal respect for Gen. Toombs, and admiration for his splen did statesmanship Two young men of Burke county wanted to spill goro on last Saturday night, and, in fact, a chalenge to mor tal combat passed between them Af ti r reflection, however, the challenge was withdrawn and an old fashioned fisticuff wi.s adopted When each find fought to his bean’s content and triad : “Hold, enough !” both wete in a deplorable plight. One of the ears of one had been chewed almost to min e-meat an i the othei’s face hung out signals ct di.-tresy - Savannah Xeu>. Admi iers of Hessian literature wi ! be pleased with this sera prof penny wi itten by Alexis upon fits departure Itom N> w York: ‘‘Own,a j• >1 irimiv ad Bir.ei tuoklevov mioidad ! Owata n.srrii ovive bin— Ivespenta nwlul pilovtin ! Dsmsnti; toieviini tow. But lanigoshen jingo vow, The'ur kishwar mustavastop Gotcle grapihituS topnp “ Try the Impenal Soap. It is guaranteed to be the beatinus.e. For sale by J. B. Orim, On Friday, as Mr. Thomas Vessel, of Fay. tte louuty was busy at his gin, a lntle child of four years that had been playing about tho gin house strayed near and was caught in tho inachineiy, ami heforo the futhor could go to its relief its hand and arm was lacerated in such a frightful man ner as to render amputation necsssay. Nowassd Thou -I is only now mid .'it-ii th.u i uuli men as linn. Alex. FI. Steph ens, Ex-Ojv. Smith and Ex Bov. Brown of io, endorse a medicine lor the throat and hinge, and when (hev do it e pretty good evidence that the remedy mud be good tor die cure of coughs, eolds and lung a feci sous. Thev recommend the Ul‘ he Flower ‘ louoii >YKUP, and their testimonials are to be seen round the ten ci lit sample bodies of the Globe Flower Cough Svrup, for sate by Urt. J. R Janes, Diwson, lia A sample bottle elirves the wors cough and will cure sore rhroat. Regular size b leu fifty doses, si. U’ AVB ;f> -To make a permanent engagement with a clergyman having ebure, or a Bible R-ader, (o introduce i.i, The C lab ate.d N. Ceu 'ennial Edition of die Holy - r description, notice editorial in 1..... r week’s i-sue of this paper. Addres at onee F. [,. HO! ON’ & CO.. Publishers & Bookbinder*, ISO F. Market B*. Indianapolis Ind. Is the most sreuial balsam or- used by sufferers from pulmonary <- * • * It is composed of lorl;;i! prod Dots, t havo a specific oi'Vct on il*o throat aii.l lung's; detaches from ilm nil* c Ds all ir ritating matter; (tiurph it to he ercpecto rated, and at once hecks the inflammation which produces the coutfli. A siiijflo doso relieves the most distressing;: paroxysm# soothes nervousness, and ena , the suf ferer to enjoy quiet rest at Beintc a pleasant cordial* it tones tlm weak tom r.h, and is specially iccoizuncudoil tor children. £ What others say about Tutt’s Expectorant, Had Asthma Thirty Y§ars, 15 HATvnru, February 3. 18-*. Iv I l ave bad Asthma thirty years, a .1 neverfound a medicine that had such a hanpv tJ{ * W. F. KCGAN, Char Sos Ci. A Child’s Idea of Merit, K:-. w G;:i lans, November n, 1^76. 1 ‘ Tut t's Expert ora ntis a fair ili; 1r n ■ me in m y lion c. My wife thinks it tho beat medirim: i 1 the work!, r.nd the children S”V it is V: ' 1 r t'.-n meins— 1 candy.”' NOAH WOODWARD, i:! N. Poytiraj SI. “Sis, and all Croupy.” "lain the mother of six children ; a’! of them have been croupy. \Y ilhout Tult s Expect- rant, I don t think they could have survived some ci altuch.. It is a mother's bl'-ssine - .’’ MARY STEVEN', Fran'-iVt, V;. A Doctor’s Advice,^ “ In my practice, I advise allfamiiies to keep Tut'.’ Expectorant, in sudden emergencies, ior cough.-, croup, diphtheria, etc.” T. P. ELLIS, M.D., Newark, N. V £o?il l'J all (1 ru 7.7 is?*. JL ’ii re $.. O >. Ojjicx. 35 Murray /Street, l\ r > w 1 or-c. “THE TREE IS iIHQ'A I BY ITS FRUIT.” “ Tutt*sPiH< are worth their w ’ght in C’o]d. 1 * *l REV. t • R. Slh:•'3C/N, Lc.ui.vuiO) “Tutt-s Pi'l; nr-a spccuTl hsescin<r c.f the nine teenth century.’’—l'h.V. OSGOOD, New York. “I have used Tail’s* Jthiis ior torpor of the liver. They are superb r to any medicine ior b.liary dis order:; ever •' : I. P. CARR, Lew, Aunueta, Ga. *• T have r.sod Tutt’ • I’iiis Rvc *yi :t-3 m my family. They are unequalcd f rcoFtivenessaud b ess.” F. R. Gacrgelown, Texas. 4 T have used Tuff’s 7 ledicme’wb h f t bem f.t.’* VV. W. MAH ? “L Editor Mobilo "Wc sell fi r tv liox*sTut?3 PiiU fo five of all others.’*—SAYßE Cl CO., G^. “Tutt’s Pills have only to be tried to establish their merits. They work like mnyic.” W. H. BARRON. SR Summer Sf., Coston. “ There is no medicine so well adapted to the cure of bilious dborders ns 'Puff's Pills.” JOS. BftUiVIMEL, Richmond, Virginia- ARD A THOUS7>*KD El ORE. Sold by druggists, 25 cents a bo-r. Office 35 Murray Street, Neio York, PITS HAIR fill I TOQHSIS. 1 HIGH TESTIMONY. B FROM THE PACIFIC JOURNAL. E B . A GREAT INVENTION S has been made by 1)11. rt'TT, of New York, B M which re-tores youthful beauty to the hair. B ‘M That eminent chemist has succeeded in B B producing a Hair Dye which imitates ft ■ nature to perfection. Old bachelors may B I Price SI.OO. Office 35 Murray St., B B New York. Sold by all druggists. ; TOOF’S STANDARD RUFFLE*, For ALL Sewing Machines. The beet to use and moet perfectly constructed. Address • E. J. TOOF, “Domestic "Building, New York, or New Haven, Ct. DOMESTIC THE LICHTEST RUNNING, THE SIMPLEST, THE MOST DURABLE, THE MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINES. Fopressin? all Ibo latent and most desirable Improvements. It is easily nndcrstcod, makes the double thread lark •stitch, has celf-v* uniat in* ten sions end tuke-up, and will do the whole range of family work without chance. The •• DOMESTIC ’* is made in the most dur able manner, with conical steel bearings and compensating journals throughout. Agents for the Dt MKSfH ’’ Sewine 'ls chine and the *• POMIVTIC ” Ptfper Fashions wanted iu all unoccupied territory. Addicts DOMESTIC 8 Sewfctj Haciiso Ceamay, iTsrr York. Hard Times ROUTED BY ALLISON &. SIMPSON, Cntlibert Georgia. Prices for t is Issue of the Journal Randolph County See ! Ryp. county Rust Proof Oats. <J R hulk sides, 7* 10 7* Bulk shoulders, 6o O K leaf Lard, 12J to 13 Canvass hams, 11 to 13c Leaf laid, 10i o 12Ao Salt, Liverpool, SI 37 to 81.40 Salt Virginia, 82.10 Corn 81 Meac, 81 Check’s choice 11 'Ur 88.75 per bbl K.miiasaw flour, per Lbi,§B 25 Mhiiet'a flour, 7.75 Oilier biauds of flour 87 50 to 88 00 3 Din a yesst powders, 30 cts per lb Sugars A, 11 J to 12 ” Ex O, 11 to 11J ” C, 10 lo lot Oofb e, 21 i to 25 Syiup, N O, 57 to 90 ” Country, 55 to 75 Tobaoco, from 45 075 eta Loriilard’s snuff, 72 to 81 per lb Best cream cneese, 161 to 18 Gilt edge butter, 37 to 40 cts per lb Soda crackers 6 to 8 Cream cc ackers, 104 C 'inly, 10 to 25 Potash, and ball Eagle miu PWR iix tarns, 81 per bunch Bagging. 131 to 14 cts per yard New anow ties 2.50 to 2.65 pel' bundle Hemlock sole leather 30 to 35c per lb Stoves complete 812 to 820 Plo\V3 ready made 30 to 75 Heel pins, 8 to 12i cents. Plow rods 20 to 25 cents Haiman‘s plow stocks $3 00 Piow’ harries 50 to 75 cents per pair Plow lines 20 to 25 cents per pa r Piow hoes in abundance from 35 cts to 81 Single trees, well ironed, 60 cts Single tree irons 45 cts per sett Iron und Steel in great variety at 4£ to 7 cents per pound Bran, in SoU lb lots, 90; in less tj- an tities, 81 New mackerel, per kit, 81-25 to $1 75 New white fish, per kit 81-15 to 81 50 Nails, 25 lbs to the dollar. Nails, by the keg, No i O, 83.00 New buckwheat Powder, best Orange rifle, by the keg, 31 ennts Shot, 82 60 to §2.75 j>er sack. Avery's plow stocks and extra plow jioints, §4 50 to 85 Allison & Simpson's celebrated p'ow stock, $3 Best axes 81 Best trace chains 61, 10, 2, 75 cents Iron wedges, 50 cts Andirons from 81 to 83 per pair Sad irons, all sizes, 8 cts per pound Hollow ware of all descriptions, pots ovens, spiders, etc., etc. Painted 2 hoop buckets, good, 20 to 25 cents Good well buckets 65 to 75 cents Well cl all sizes Tubs of all sizes and descriptions And numerous o her Goods in the Hardware Lino too numerous t‘> men tion. All e ask s foi those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our immense stock before jiurchasing elsewhere. We will dup icafe any Bill in our Line within two hundred miles of this place, height added, and in many instances save you the freight and ex; euse u'. going and returning, hoiel bills, etc. Call and examine, and you will be welcomed and greeted by & host ef the mos’ accomodating young gentle men this side of anywhere. Our clerks, oneand all, are pain gons of politeness, and if they don’t soil you goods it will he your fault Kentucky Sorghum or Cano Mil 1 , manufactured by Biennait & Cos, L’U svil e Ky. This mill possesses every advantage, and sujtp’es a long feit need among farmers. It is sim ple. durable and cheap, end warranted against all bteakage- resuming from manifest defects in the materials or workmanship. For sale by ALLISON & SIMPSON. Cutbberr, Ga. Xov. 15th Ctn €XB€FS I • 1J M/g|m SWIFTEST Oil THE ROAD! r rHfi undersigned takes great Measure in A announcing to che citizens of Dawson nd surrounding conn trv. that he ha? rented tbe K go aro vomm.idinui smbles receniW occupied bv the Messrs. P inre, and .hat in .he future he prop,,-, to kt p Fi.s- cl a Liverf, pale ajid feed jtabls. Fne Ht -s es , Carriages, B*oggijs, etc to let on no n,ot reasonable -e-nm Dr a „„ P a -ptci. a. Auple ccco®modi.i : on. eaausolome.; nence D.oe. s willfiudit to their it terett to call on me. Nov l,tf 4. S. F. McBIiIDE. ; Land Lor Sale ! j ''I'HE undersign?d offers for sale his raln i 1 able plantation, (9) nine miles north of Dawson, near Bear creek, containing about ! 750 acres—3so elcaied and under cultiva tion— the balance well timbeied. Good dwelling, gin ho u se, and all necessary out btrldmgs. For terms, etc., addiess r.ovlS, 1 tn J. W. RAG IN, Dawson, Ga. Land Lor M ale. 4 CO Veres I (mil, 5 miles from Daw son . n the Di v, i hr,i Chickssawhiitcbie road part of tin- Mi Kellar place Abou* one third newly denied nnd under cultivation, balance <II timbered, ripply lo J. R. t-t HOKIF.LD, Macon, Ga., or JAS. G. PARKS, Dawson, Ga. S. MATER & GLAUBER A.LBANY, - GEORGIA, Wholesale and Re tail Dealers in Dry Goods , Groceries , Etc., W CULD RESPECTFULLY irvf'e the attenlion # of the trading public of TEftßin r V and surrounding counties to iheir large and varied as-orment of DRY GOODS. IIATS (’APS, BOOT •, SHOES, DRESS GOODS. NOTIOV" GROCERIES. PLANTATION supplies, Wagosn, Buggies, etc., etc. / \UR facilities in purchasing and handling goods are unsurpassed by those ot snv • \ / lar establishment in ''ouih West Geoigii, while the superior advaiiMges enl, aT our city in che.p transportation, insures lo our patrons advan'ages no' '-o be nksined i* anv other mirket. Not only do we sell goods at the Shortest Margin of Profit ha' ,'v piv 'hr highest prices lor Colton and oiher produce, of any inienor 'own tn the s'’ ,n. "* E-pecial a lemion is called to our large stock of Buggies and Wagons, Which we offer at prices LOWER TH N 3 SFOftS THE Be sure ro call on ns before purchasing elsewhere. g ep , )s 4ra Tlie Dept OL lirrisJlawr! ALBANY, - GKCItGIA. IT ! < " < l 'ls tutmtt fi ’ tn (lit- great rapidity in which s*>*d* 1 lln fc ov “ r * fi i*e l;jo s:z' ot lie nou> i-* do? so gr hi ag .-ou *■ o' b becomes n*cessirv to * Replenish the Stock from dav lo dtv. Hence the stranger and passer by will at once dsoevc Continual Trade and I3ustle ! ' c ' rh r H f-) d.-.y i;: 'hc-e-vs v hut tin tV Depot re-j- ’Yev ratnrboi ( 'flof W©w M 6coadi# Aid ius I.ORRI.S MAYEH gains he 5 Bowing advantages over other houses; Li. Bv l aving at ul trios Goods of the latest nyles ml nm*t medefii laicics. ] 2nd No t ' iivng so many clerks and expensive boo-e n nts expenenare mm ti ’ess, and this house is enabled o sell goods cheaper than anv "th er I 3rd. 1 urnmg money over most rat idly, the bouse enjoys the benefits ‘ or discount. Allot which benefits Morris Mayei’a patrons re-bard he- veao ii • |hs eavnM"" biißiuess ol the year, Mr?. MOBHIb MAYER I ow iii Nr* Y,'k Goods of .;!! kinds filial rive in ft FEW DATS Ait Enormous Business benefke ThanlTb!! °° expense, espec n l!y when ther become the lecipientsef ’ "ill be carelull, guarded Tn “ Morris Mayer s Depot Announces itself ready for the bnsiness season. THE MERCHANTS & MECHANICS INS- G&i Of RiCfIMOND, Va: C.ISU C.iPITvtE. £250,000. 7 ( ,#SH JSSITS ,5 ————— fff §25,000 in r. *. Iloiids l)>poci{<>4 j H |f M . Treasury * Ocorgi* I l'!{ 5 IJI.Si t:rariijf Policies.' THIS well known Cowpstn has paid its Thouad* f Dollar* to I l? ”, *‘rf will its tveU-e*-met v# pi -’or or *fcu ' „ mm - iu-t dealing. Ittrellin&s, Starts .tierthu <**• - Houses i(H(f fOnfcHtS) Insured alUir rates. Jfgf at at* -lie P in the State, to whom apply, or to „ „, nn ftF JAMES G. PAEKS, W***> TAX Xo t x c.EJ, places to collect the t*xeg°o? Tefrilu “ lo- the year 1877 ; e Cou nty , Al 12 f h dißt,iot Court Ground Via aays, the Sib and 22ud of Ootcbe „’„a et November. ' acd ®tb At the 11th district Court Ground TANARUS„ SttEr 1 ™ -J"' At Dover on Wednesdays, the lath ol HoVniS aoi At Chickasaw atohie on Thursdays , 11th and 25th of October and Bth No v ' 6 aL B u° W r n „ St " tiOU on todays, the'lo.K and ibi.h of October and 9th of Noyemi, d Ai Gravell Hill on Saturday 24'h At Dawsou on 13th and 27 ih ofOemiT‘ and loth ol Novembe.’, and duiini, Jef - r l, of ,l F,ll f.„, W.T. CAMPBELL, T. C. T. C