The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, January 10, 1878, Image 2

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THE .T< UJIiNAL. J. D. HOYL, f.OITOR. UKOKUIA: n— m THURSDAY MukNINO, Jan,. 10, 78 v ru ■■■■ — r-r— : • Thins* al Watliiiiglou. We do not intend giving much time ■jjftce or attention to nation l l affairs, prelering to (liient our teeblo cffirts tw things nearer homo. But, to give our many renders who do not take cy other paper nn idea of the drift ot things bb we get it from our ex changes, we will state, in a general way, thnt our chiel magistrate, presi dent Hayes, docs not seem to he test ing veiy comfortably in his exalted seat. In carrying out ’the bargains he, through hts henchmen, Stanley Math ews and ctheis, made with some southern senators anil representative*, in order to seeute the office to which he was not elected, he has offended and alienated almost the entire rcpu b iican party. There is a seemingly irrepressible oonflict between the white house and the renate. Conkling, B'aine, Edmunds, Hoar and other tepuhlican leaders are fighting the unhappy president bitter ly and cruelly with the avowed in tention of forcing him to surrender unconditionally or seek refuge in the democratic fold. Besides their ether causes of grievance, their gorge rise? particularly high and bitter against acme of the president’s cabinet. They don’* like K y, of course, nor Evarts nor that Dutchman, whoes name wo do aot know how to spell, but behove they pronounce it Shirts .— If Rutherford B would r.gioe to throw these overboard and take such as the opposition junta might name in their stead, they would perhaps cease their war upon him, bat, in that case, he would be, thenceforth, only a figure head, —a Sampson shorn of his locks. The Lord, only, knows how the conflict will end, hut the tide seems to set in favor of the senate. At last accounts, Mr. Hayes was in a rather humiliating attitude: his tail was be tween bis hind legs, and he was feeb ly whining that he was still a repub lica . To those who, like the little boy when his daddy and mamma were fighting, “glory in a fuss” there is n rich treat in store upon the re-aasem. Llrng of congress. W e are particularly averse to slang, but, in this connection, we don’t see how we can well avoid exclaiming in the much quoted language of the vrliesl-of-fortune man, “Let Yr roll! !■ • The “Georgia Grange" has changed its name to “Southern I’lan'er and Grange,” und is enlarged to double its former size. It has anew engraved head, one of tl e handsomest we ever saw. It is much improved in every way, and now. more than ever, de serves encouragement and support. A Snl Aeriilcnt. We are pained to learn that on Thurs day last, Willi* Marhewsabout 18 veers old, son of J. J. Malhewsef rhiseonnty. was seriously injured by‘be *ceid*tral discharge of a gun, from which lie died •nd was hu ied in the Western Cem etery on Rut.dav evening last. From the best information that we could "b --tain, ir seems that, young Mathews, in cnnipmv with some fiends. went out bunting, and when the party had scat tered,young Mathews fired at his game, and was looking lorn second shot, his gun went off 1 icking him in tne right aide just below the ribs, inflicting a wound that caused his death. In comn endation of Wilie’s virtues, lan guage is wanting to express nut views; he was beloved by all who knew hi** , •nd the whole eu.mur.ity mou 1 us "Hi the family at his sad departure — Cuth httri Messenger. The Burntt Vis's A'gm says; “Mr Ij. B Story, of Mat ion m nty, ifltho father of ft ur childror.-ill bnvs. Ojo ■* botn Fifthly, August, ISC7; ono Saturday,September, 1870; ono Sun day, October, 1873;ono Monday, No vember, 1870. From thi* it will ho seen that they were torn consecutively on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Mood <y —and in the months of August, Sep tember, October and November conse cutively—and from the tears it will he seen that there is three years’ dfie.- •nc in th' ir ages." Sotmihitig >cu. In order to in'roducte onr Rig Sod Spring Wheat, The Wheal of. J'..o* in your locality- single grains measuring 1 £ inch in length I propose to send ur m \ pie of the wheat free of rhrrge, to efoiy subscriber to 'fits | a{K-v wro will s'ate j the name of the newopkper and si pd a ' 3 ecu' stamp to pny postage. Agon’s war.tad m cveiy county to ae 1 this new wheat - Address 1< Ij OSMEN'I. Tenn. j ■ i Kx-Gor-, R B.Bullock wae'riod in* tin S..|oiir rolirt ot Fulton c uuty j lart with, tor “larceny a er trust, delegated” end acquitted.. Calhoun Department. CS. SIMMONS, : J. A-GLADDEN ■■■,. —. ... —— ■ -- 1 a..? The Cutertuiium-ul. In ncco dunce with the j übiished announcement, the “Amateur Club’ of Morgan gave their first dramatic entertainment at the Court-house or* Th mad ay evening of las' week, ami it,affords us much pleasure to say that the occasion was, in every pi ticulir, x success, and one if much n.irth and. general pleasure. It was our good fortune to ba in attendance, and, in common w th a l present, we unhesitatingly exp>ess oar entite eat iactiou with the performance, and pronounce the motives prompting the originators of tnis creditable enter tainment as eminently worthy of the highest commendation. Tne doors we,e opened at7i o’clock and despite the inclemency ot the weather, the occasion was greeted with a large and respectable audience, all of whom seemed fully prepared to enjoy tho | (ensures of the evening. Not only weie the yjutli and beauty of the community present, hut s’ern momentous papas and man mas relaxed .in this occasion and turned out and added their mite, as well as their presence, to encourage the “Amateurs’ in the prosecution of their noble un dertaking. One good a u d noticeable feature was that the audience was unani mously appreciative end accorded the “Amateuis” that respect and attention that should always characterize on such occasii ns. It is too often the case in public amusements that some enthusiastic youths, actuated more from a desire to make them>eiveß conspicuous than from any pleasure derived from witnessing the ertaiu aient, render themselves painfully redLulous —or some older persons un der .‘bo influence of iutoxicatHg li quors, become boistrous, much to the annoyance of the aetcis and tho dis gust of the better class of audience, yet we are most happy to sta'e that nothing of the kind marked this oc casion and everybody seenrif and to enjoy the evening to the fullest extent. The stage was elegantly arranged, havmg convenient entrances and exits, and the sceneiy presented ti fleeted superior tast* on the part of the man agers. In fact, nothing was left un dine that wou'd add to irsattibcii ns, aud between the acts, the audience was regaled with delicious strains ot music dispensed by an exeolleutstiing band, engaged especially for the evening. We were not there alto gether as a ciitic, — failed to obtain a programme, besides Doing u: acquain ted with ttie different chaiacters, pre rents our elaborating with the enter tainment as fully as we desire, so our readers wi.l liav' to be content with only a brief synt psis. A temperance drama entitled, “Finits ot tho wiu>*- eup—Drunkard’s warning,” was the first and principal play pi evented, and it was admirably rendered. Each and every character sustaiu-d his or her pmt in n highly creditable rna, nor, and we are pleased to say that seme of them evinred considerable dramat ic talent. In this pay the evi sot iuteuiperenee weiu. tully and foreihly and wo earnestly liustthat if there were auy present who are noic od to drunkeduesi that they have profited by ttie experience taught in | this lesson. N-xt canto the rendition of the larce entiled, “The Reconstructed Man,” in which the w rthy Mayor ol that town appeared in iho character •t “Col. Simpkins,” and in essaying ■to “reconstruct” the household affairs of “Madam Simpkins” was himself reconstructed vi et armu at the instance of that good Madam, ahly assiste t by the servant girl. Without intending any disparagement whatever to the worthy Mayor, wo will light here state that if the above farce (so far as his ever being the head of a family) should ever become a reality, we ar“ inclined to the opinion that he will have to he totally reconstructed and taught from his infancy to respect the truo nohiaty of woman, and to look upon her ttmuy virtues with that ad miration which, we fear he has, as yet, mver experienced. So much for he ing a bachelor. Miss Nannie Shutes in the ro'e of of “Madam Simpkins,” as perfectly splendid, an 1 evoked considerable laughter and applause from tl o au dience. A ce.-tair; widower who sat convPi.l-Dtly near, seemed ic manifest a di i“ded Interest In flow particular character, and rt KVhrty vaf as'occasion rcquifeA '* *•' ofdi’i* cahtt drenia, forces, oft - ..'d1l wor?Ti f , (Hft 1 for tT.e loar'otf sft wH f*have^ to fori e ir. The enti it rinment closed about 12 o’clock, having furn'Bhed uo little amount of pleasure to those who attended, and a handsome sum of money, winch will be exj ended ir. ri paiiing tho much dilapidated cordi t ion of tho two churches, ui din furn ishing the libriy of tho bundaa schools of that place inr FINALE. After the dramatic outertni’ merit was ever, the young people pios-mt, accompan ed by a sufficient number of the married ladies and gentlemen to see that everything was conducted properly, repaired to tho grind jury room, up otairs, where tio*y engaged in dancing until after 2 o’clock, when, by Common commit, tin* liail was va cated nri an veiling ot r* ui enjoy ment brought to a terminus. The pica tries ot that occasion wil by some, never be forgotten, but on t e cotilrary, will constitute an oasis in the (laser of life, around which memory wiii ever linger. A Delightful Dance. —One of the most pleasant social gathering- it was our gi od fortune to attend duiing ;he holidays just pas', w-.s the hop giveu on the evening of the Stb of D • em ber, at the spaci us and • ospitable residence ot our c over fiien J. 1 I’. Daniel)*, 4 miles n tth of Leary. Mr, D, i? a gentlemen of me highest type an 1 Older, and has a host of waim persouai fiieid“, a'l of whom were espe billy invited to be present, and, notwit standing 'he inclement voiuli ton of the weather the occasion was g'eeted with the hugest number of both old and young people that we ever ri member to have witnessed at private house. The music w.s inspiring, and the dancing was entered into with Consid erable zea’, making the evening a most enjoyable one • which others thin dancers gave emphatic ex pression. J t was he r e tha 1 our worthy repre sentative distinguished himseif in the Terpsiohoiiuu art, ai.d the eprighliy noss and grace exhibited by the ven erable Dr. in “triping 'lie light fan taaiic ioh” was as surprising as it was pleasing to Iris friends. The young ladies weie exceedingly graceful aud interesting, and the young gentlemen gallant and (It voted. Notnirsg occuned to mar the pleasurt sof any or e pres ent, and eve.ivthjrg went “merry as a man iago bell” Indeed,it was 'ruly a “feast of reiisou aud a fl iw of sou” and the king of day had com menced to shed her effu gent rays of light over the eastern hotrizon before the meuy dancers Cuukl b induced abandon'he scene of pYasuie, aud bring to a teiuon usone of the most ei joyable uflairs of the season We were informed that tbeMoigau “Ama’eur Club” will give another o! tfimr . eiiglitful enter'. •• uments on to-morrow (Friday), evening io which the public general yis invited, there vrili he *n entirely tew change ol pn gianre, scenery, and we cm safely predict tor those who attend u raft dramatical’treat,and an evening ot unalftyed pleasu r e New year’ca Is were not altnpethoi in order in our town Mcflid y w • The "Innocent Club,” u wevei,{ ceived,” that is *o say, several id the uiomhers received very pressing ot toands iiein their, washerwoman o -ettle up for the old year. It- uem less to say tliev anlied. The Misses Mi tiiti hea , a c upb* <1 interesting young ladies from Oreo,- vtlle, A abuma, and neic sof J ndge •Ii hn Coiiav, t'uvo he' u creating quite ft si usation iu society circ les, tl e past few weeks. Alias Addison, a chaioiii g young lady In m Ameritus, is, also, visitb g in the community. A party ot Morgan gentlemen, con sisting of 2 merchants, 2 Lawyeis, 1 'Tteriil, 1 Tax Collector, a receiver of iax retains, ti clerk of couit and a county Judge all went down to Al bany, lost Tuesday, to purchase one littlo mule Judge Monroe chaperoned the crowd. Out clever yeuug fiiend, Joe Greer, has heci me a res'dent of onr town and engaged with Mr. J. A McGng or in the mercantile business. Master Tom Clay ten did the ap plauding f.r the Morgau “Amateurs” the other night. W e are told that a circus will ex hibit at Miiford, on tiro 10th. Mars’ Muons. When the t legrupb announced the disquvory by Bio*. liall that our neighboring planet fiad two satellites, and the disj itch was read the iio.v. morning at ten rtflihsind American breakfast thk yoi wus tlMfr.yllrCt tiso tOUMetsf £(.|no ul; l< quy similar to the follow ing w islsu .i to’ 'occur: “Mars has two moons, hey: Bass me the mi k, kitty. Strange,’ if, that aslronomers nevor saw them before. Another chop pease I won der whit they’ll discover next? i liese corn cakes are excellent. what,s the latest fri m Europe’:'” We have become so accustomed to startling di-cowiles and announcements, that we rake them as a matter ol course. Even trntli must appe u in flaming colors to make her-clf feen. The virtries ot Dr. — Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery aud Peasant Purgative Pellets have been tested in t3n thousand household, whose inmates wi I tell you that they consider the discovery and introduction of fi ese remedies of tar u;re itor importance to he world than the moon? of Mars SHIPMAN, 111. June 13,1876. D-. 11 V. Pi BUCK, Buffalo, N. Y. Hear .Sir--Last fad our daughter— aged 18 —was fas* sinking wi ll con sumption, Ihff-rent physicians bad pronounced h*r cse incurable. 1 ob tained 'ti -half dozen bottles of your Ga llon Me ical Discovery Slut corn tin need improving at once, and ie now a hardy as a pine knot. Yours respectfully, Rev. I-AAO N. AUGUSTINE. E*;av tViitcheH arc* dltusc*. I 1 will he •tpparem, lo anv one, who will ex. inline a Solid Gold W atch, ibat aside Horn h ecssiiv rhicKiiess for enp'.ivinz -ini p lisle g ltio large p-opor.ioi' ot ihe precious n'Hal used, is needed oolv roe; 1 ff<*:i a* and hold I h>* e. graved p oMona in place, and snpplv •he Mci-saary snlidiiv aid sing". The a plus gold is acu-illv needless so far as UTIIITT ad'v ae cio c-rned It. .1 *, K- HtfSs’ P, c. s,.iff",i,-d Gold VVaich *’ - , ’t.i. w - e of ureci us m-l li is ove* come', il l ihe same s. Inter and s'reng'h p < ituv 1 • born on? tlord o "i.o hib ot •' ■* u-u >I Cos t f solid c ses 7 is p ones-, in ol 'll loos -impl "Ur", as follows : A pi, ■ c " j S' a,' me a , speeidl.v adapted o nn pi- ,li - wn. p ices of solid gold go:dei"d o on each aid" The ih*e a e ihell p'Sc'd n w e poli- ed s eel rollers, til l " and ' S -ip of hcivilv pirn- 0 niri'i" i . I Woe > ! e C'Se- te\- k-, c r. s, z! , . ■" cm - aped by -u able die- nu f. inn is !’* e g Id in ihese Ci?'o is Si.ffi i-ii'ly ihick to adnin ‘I all kinds of ci. isi g engi .vu gan enamelling; ari ) ci gi'AV-d cases have beeu cairi and u . i 1 worn pel fee ly smooth bv time and use winioui, rein vug ff gld Arse cases nr for sale bv all j welerg, niid a*e guir nteed bv Sueeinl Ci'inficde io we i for ;>ij yar- If cm' j we! is e I,* m ■■ and o HaGST Z & lel P>, I. e H ' , P and pm v, fo ii lus i ! g i \\ T A's’K I -lo mi.k" " (*€-* m neat V ? e. giigemeill WOP i c , 111- viog lei "ire, O' I Bit. ■ It and , o !' "luce IU Terrell Gounii, ! lie G i b n-d N '“ Geo •lennia! Kdition ot the Holy 3<(>i<r. For desciiption, noiice cdiueial in i.,.- week’s i sue of 'his paper. Addr-s ,t ice F. b. 110 i ON & GO. Publisher-'& Bookbinders, an fc Mark— S . Is.iiHi apubs, led. JILL At (i FN IiRAL ( OwMM I-SIO N MERCHANr?®, No. 346 North Water St, PHXLADBIiPHXA. find in But*****, I Tallow, Poultry, (iime, fScouk, no t, Anpl* 4 *. G' iiL, F!od, Fnr, Woo', nTT Coma- , R-pf, Toh-moo, i) u ? ! Vi 11/ Phv-un*3, Broofo coni Dri* and t ui', H v, U *p , Foipign -an<J Dorn ■- rio Fni’H, -.nd in f>cf wp t*ll anv and evrv. ’bin" at the market price; m k. p rfid• n tnrnp, j] [? O and SAh erai t II lil jO ii V >l 4 f9 m *de on td shipments xccpi . i • Mr- hi j. It s. To w ‘hat wc do an ex *. Tiftiw- hn*i‘oe4, anv giirne denier in P'liia drip'- i t will vmi wp h *<i 1* and more 2 inn it' • on h:in ali o Mr in Phil J::: , r;.r;,::r'';'...POU Tin S' C", &",&;• Btef\ rente w n-1r i ou lo juj responsible Jluum in our City. Egqs. Game. TOOF’S STANDARD RUFFIER, For ALL s.-rem Ma hincs. # The best to use and most perfectly constructed. Address E. J. TOOF, “Domestic ” Building, New York, or New llavbn, Ct. I T¥ T Ikyß L I I . - m i- THE LICHTEST RUNNING, THE SIMPLEST, THE MOST DURABLE, THE MOST POPULAR or SEWING MACHINES. rossessinor a!l the latest and most desirable improvements. It is easily nndsrstood, makes tho doable thread lerk-atitrh, baa setf-regatarlmr tea slows and tsle-iip. and will do the whole ranyo of family work without chance. The •• DOMESTIC” is made in the most dnr rb!e manner, with conical steel bearings and compensating iournai* throughout. Agents for tho *• IKIHbSTII ” Sowtna 3*. ebins and tha •• pr.3t'-TIC ” P-per I aslilons wanted in aa cnoeCUi'ied territory. Address POMESfiiS Ej-dag Kaetfas Ctopstry, Yfc Hard Times 1 It OUT ED B 1 ALLISON &. SIMPSON, Outhbert Georgia. I __ Prices for t is Issue of the Journal . Ran ’olpli County Seed Rye. Randolph county Rust Proof Gate. 0 R i)tt;k sides, 71 to 71 Bulk shoulders, Cc 0 K leaf Lard, 12J to 13 Canvass liams, 11 to 13u L-af lard, 10J to 12}o Halt, Liverpool, $1.37 to $1.40 Salt Virginia, $-.10 Corn $1 Meat, $1 Cheek's choice flour $8.75 per bfel Kennasaw flour, per bbi, $8 25 Marietta flour, 7.75 Other brands of flour $7 50 to $8 00 3 Diu.e yeast powders, 30 cts per lb Sugars A, lli to 12 ” Ex O, 11 to lli ” 0, 10 to lot Coflee, 21 i to 25 .-yi up, N O, 57 to 90 ” Country, 55 to 75 Tohuc <>, from 45 o 75 cts Ijoriiiurd’s snufl, 72 to $1 per lb Best cream cneese, 16i to 18 Gil' edge butter, 37 to 40 cts per lb Soda crackers 6 to 8 Cream ct ackers, 10i C only, 16 to 25 Potash, 12J —and ball E tgle and P (Btnx tarns, $1 per bunch Baggie . loi to 14 cts per yard New arrow ties 2.50 co 2.65 per bundle Hem ock sole leather 3d to 35u per lb Stoves Complete sl2 to S2O Pimvs ready made 30 to 75 lleei pins, 8 to 12i cents. Prow roes 20 to 25 cents llaiman‘s plow stocks $3 00 Plow hatnes 50 to 75 cents per pair Plow lines 20 to 25 cents per pa r Plow hoes iu abundance from 35 cts o $1 Single trees, well ironed, 60 cts Single tree irons 45 cts per sett Iron and Steel in gt eat variety at 4i to 7 cents per pound Bran, in sud lb lota, 90; in less Q an titles, $1 New mackerel, per kit, $1 25 to $1 75 New white fish, per kit $1.15 to $1 50 Nails, 25 ibs to ’he dollar Nails by the keg, No 10, $3.00 New buckwheat Powder, best Orange rifle, by the keg, 31 cents Shot, $2 60 to $2.75 per sack Avery’s plow stocks and extra piow points, $4 50 to $5 Allison & Simpson's celebrated pow stock, $3 Best axes 81 Best trace chains 6J, 10, 2, 75 ceuts Iron wedges, 50 cts Andirons from $1 to $3 per pair -ad irons, alt sizes, 8 cts per pound Hollow ware of ail descriptions, pots ovens, sp ders, etu., etc. Painted 2 hoop buckets, good, 20 to 25 cen's Good well buckets 65 tw 75 cents Well chain . alt sizes Tube of all sizes and descriptions And numerous o her Goods in the Hardware Lino too numer. us t'* men ion. All we ask s foi those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our immense stock before purchasing elsewhere e will dup icate any Bill in our Line within two hundred mile ot this place, freight added, and in many instances save you the ireight and extense of going and returning, hotel bills, etc. Call and examine, and you will be welcomed and greeted by f. host cf the mo.s accoftiodating young gtntle nien this side of anywhara. Our clerks, one uud all, are paia gons of politeness, and if they don’t sell you goods i' will he your fault Kentucky Sorghum v< Cat e Mil , manufucured by Brennan & (Jo, L 'tt sviie Ey. I * * possesses every advan ago, an.l ujtp es a ieng le t need among latun't.. It is sim ple, dumb e and cheap,“ml wamat ’ed rtgainst all lueok .ge. resu ting from mmoles' delects in the materials or workmanship For sals by ALLI&ON & SIMPSON. Cuthbert, Ga. A’ov. 15th fim emeus i SWIFTEST 01 THE ROAD! r PaE undersigned takes great pleasure in I 1 announcing to the citixens of Dawson ; and eurrouoding countrv, that he h*F rented the laige ana commndiou- stables recently orcupied by the Messrs. Prime, and that in the future te proposes to kt p a First class LiVs/y, ?a)e and M stable. Fu;e TTtrses, Carriages, Pnggies, e -e., to I rin rt-.t most reasonable ti rms. p„ „„ ■ rpteis’ny. Ample accotumt adon% if, aT e,si_ 15 I torses . hence D.oiets willti dit to thrir t. teres o call ou me Not - 1 . 11 4. s. f. Mcßride, Land Fol* Sale! Ml K "undersign and offers for sale big v.rtu -1 able planlatiop, (tl) nine miles north of Dawson, near Bear creek, containing about 750 acres—Bso cleared and under cultiva tion—the balance wrd! timbered. Good ho-se, and all uccet-sury out— Buddings. For terms, etc , address i’-ovls, iru J. YV. RAGAN, Dawson, tin. Land For Sale. 4CO Acres l.aiiri, 5 miles from D w. son . ti the Dover end Ohickasawhatchie road pan of lie McKellar place Ahnu< one lliird newly cleared and order cultivation, balance nef! timbered, ripply to J. It. SCHOFIELD. M *con, (5a. f or JAB.G. PARKS, Dawson,Ga. I MATES £ GLAUBER, ALBANY, - GEORGIA, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc., 1\ T CULD RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the trading public of TYRRELL v v and surrounding counties to their large and varied assortment of DRY GOODS HATS. GAPS, ROUT w SHOES, DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS GROCERIES, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Wagosn, Buggies, etc., etc. OUR facilities in purchasing and handling goods are unsurpassed hy those of any simi lar establishment in South Wcst Geoigii, while the superior advantages enjoyed by our cit y in cheap transportation, insures to our patrons advantages no' to be obtained in any other market. Not only do we self goods at, 'he Shortest Margin of Profit, bat we pty the highest prices torGotroo and other produce, of anv interior town in the S’.ate. E-peci i) a'tention is called to our large -rock of Buggies and Wagons, Whch we offer at prices LOWER TH N BEFORE THE WAR Be sire ,o eall on us before purchasing elsewhere. Sept 18 4m TbeDipt OF Morris Wafer! ALIIAK Y, - Ci EORGIAt f t Htt isatine from the grctrl rapidity in which g#*(!s Xi are lured oter. While .:ie iz nt tie It,.use t rat st .;r at as tooie Other hOMM, It become lieCesParv to Replenish tlie Stock From day to dav. Uenc© the stranger and by will at. one© dipoover ( ’ontiimnl Trade and Bustle * Irt fact, there is no d.-y in the season but that the Depot re " many boxes of Hew Wve&h CfOOdty Aid thus 1. ORRIS M A fER gains the follow leg ad vantages over other houses: Ist. Bv I avit gat til ns, Goods of the latest styles and most moilsro lab it e. 2t tl. N’ot H.v ng so msnv clerks and expensive nnu e rtnts expstii 4 ’ ar<> n,l: ' ' ess, and ti is t.ouso is enabled ro sell goods eiteape 1 ' than Hny other. 3rd. turning money ovtr most raj idly, the house enjttvs the benefits c ntur- st op discount. a.ll ot which benefits Morris Mayer’s patrons realized last year, heace the business of the year. MR. MOBRIb MAYER I' now in New York, and Goods of all kinds will arrive in a FEW DATS V\ ti!e h© p opJe of Grorria are ranch Inclined to peoc’ice rerr n nrrent and the people ot this section will be gladdened to see an establishment no * g Alt Enormous Business tpn fi r!ed T? n , willl 1,0 litl,e CJt o* > ose, espcc a l!v when they become the teepi o’"I hem fit-. Thtinki-tg customers for past patronage, and assuring them th " 11 be csretully guarded sow and in the future, Morris Mayer’s Depot> 1 I Announces itse,f ready for 'he htts’neas season. - i THE MERCHANTS & M OH KIGS WS-S^-i Of RICHMOND, Va. VvISIE VvIPITvEL, $850,000. - til SEE vfSSI'T" %85,000 ■*i U, S. BiukN P< p,i cd iti ilitr Ti'i'ti'iffS FI Si i ULii fCuritjK of . , £l r I''III3 well known Con,panv has paid its Thousnuih n f Dollars to .' 1 since the •, and will maintain its wells*, md tepuuiion prompt, just dealing. Htcflilnys , Storm, *ierc nj-.iie' 1 P' ‘ EM Uses and COUttHts, In-urtd at fair tabs. \BF Agents at*h ln J4Mg q ftm TAX NotT£e. fo- the year 1877 : ltrre “ county At tha 12th dlstiict Court Grourrt u tr ':%,%•• *•* - * .'Ja D r°X° r We<i nesdays. the TOth a „j 24th of October and 7tu of November * At Gliiekasaw atohie on Thursdays ti,. llh and ‘2ith of October and Bth Nov* Ai Rtown Station on Fridays the pul and ‘ifi'b of October and 9th of NnvembV? At Graven Bill on Saturday 24th S ' At Dawson on 13th and 27 th of Oc'ober and 10th of Novemhe , and duiin"- , ‘ weeks of the Fall Court, commencing , h “ •2° no. November. At the end of that tbl books will close. W . T. CAMPBELL, 7. C. T. C.