The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, January 31, 1878, Image 2

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THE JOUItNAL. J. D. HOYL, F.DITOR DW*o\, GDORfil -%T ————————— THURSDAY fIUuKNING, Jin,. 31. 78 Th** Ni'gro Fxodil*. A great many negroos have left tome plantations in S.u/h we*r Geor gia this winter, generally forth. West. Burnfer county has got rid of seve>al hundred in this way. A great many from other por’ions of the Sou h, es pecially from a trout Se'n.a, Alabama, aie trying to make their way to Li* e tia. There aro several hundred Ala bama negroes n; w at Charlston, South Carolina, vain ! y waiting for a ship to take, them to Africa. They have been imposed upon * y emigrant agents, agents in the pay of railroads, andiigentsof various northern so-called philanthropic societies who, with sanc timonious faces and pretenses,- have been swindling the fruedman ever since the war. Tu counteract the efforts ol these swindlers, one Turner, a negro repre sentative of the United States in Liberia, has writen a letter to ‘•ecre tary Evarts warning the negroes against being deceived into emigr t ing to Africa. He states that the soil on the coast is fertile, but in a very rude and unsatisfactory state of culti vation, while the climate is so sickly that none hut native* can endure it Provisions are very srarce and h'gh whl.e labor is cheap, He states that it is impossible to move fat the interioi where it is healthy, f,.r the want of toads througn alniosl impen etrable forests and the hostility of na tive tribes In short, be advi-s 1 American negroes to stay wheie they a re. Refreshing. After having spent nearly all their lives in bitter abuse of the Sou h, the “down-east’ yankees, a:e beginning to turn their verom upon themselves. Blaine, of Maine, made a mo*' hitter and cruel onslaught on the state of Massachusetts, in the U. 8. Senate last week, He tore oper. uhL a rough hand old wounds and made Meed afresh. lie charged and prov-d that Massachusetts was disloyal to the lederal government in the war of 1812, and pushed her di-loyalty to the very vergo of treason. He was feebly replied to by H-mr and D ms of Massachustts, but repeated his charges with more of the same sort added to them. These aro all repub licans ol the daikest hue, and ski*i fil wavers of the “bloody shirt”.— 8i me of tho democrats thonght'it was good fun. We say Let ’er roll. South Georgia I gri<Hl'in-it. We hart neglected heretofore to notice the “South Georgia Agricultur ist," s monthlyl magazine devoted 'to agricultural, literary and scientific knowledge, published LyL. C. Brvan, at Thomasvilb, Ga. This is some thing new and, we think, much need eJ in Southwest Go. Thomas is one of the foremost agricultural counties in the state and a maprnvine of tho kind eciinating from that place, we have no douht will prove bmeficia! whenever circulated. Terms. 82 a year. Addiees L. C vide Ga. Started at Last. r ihe Atlanta cotton factory of which H. I. Kimball is president, and which that city Las been worrying over for ycara, was started on last Monday morning. The Atlat.fen are jubilant over tire start. The factory will give employment to 600 or 700 hands, and it is hoped will add much to the pros perity of the c’tjr. The resolution ot Stanley Mathews, declaring that it would net be a vi.da ♦ioß of cm tract to pay the bonds ot the government in silver, passed the Sen a,e, the other day, by a large niajnii ty, lacking one of twr thirds. . Sen ator Hid practically voted in *h neg ative, he being paired with a Senator who would have voted in the affirma tive. This amounts only to an opin ion of the Senate, but shoe.s how (he membersstand, on the silver question. t-utbhert has a t>o;ess. She ha* written of the -Death and K,surrec-, ti'-n of Andrew Female College.”— Her linns are fully equal to those of the “Sweet Singer of Michigan” at the fo'lowing vrr.e wol testify. ‘‘Old An 'tew'* up and doing well. Acd b:ds fair now to quite out swell All others in the Empire State V\ bo tail tlieuifelvcs by names that's t grer.t” . . I ihowti, of the Brew: House, nat on, ifie-l last ween. iU oiity Question In It Inula The controversy on the money question i* raging high in At aula.--- The hard money men, bi-hl a meeting in that city a lew nights ago which *o have been broken up by t|he giet uOrtckei s ljetfer* w*re sail f’ tun Hill and Gaudier ii opposition t the Bland si vet hil*. an lin favor of re sumption. Di. Miller arid Judge Mc- Kiy made speeches Ex. Gov Brown was invited to be present, i ut instead of attendin ’, sent in*a let er which seemed to 'eon he other side, and (he chairman would not a o it to he read; this bioke up the meeting in conf’ sion. It Be-ms that a large m jority of those :n attendance were gieenhackers. Ir is cl limed that there are not one huiidrrd men in At lanta who will endorse 11 ll and t'an d er ou the money question. The members of the old rudical re turning board ol Lonisnna aie about to be tried for fraud and false swear ing in the nuite’ of couhting the stae fur Hays, last fa!!. A New Yo k paper says that the firm of Dr Rcheuck & Son have fail ed, hut their parefc' pills still operate if takeu iu large doses. of the papers i re claiming ha’ Speaket Randall petpet a’e.l a grim joke when he made ou> littie Alex Stephens chairman of the com mittee on weights and measures. ’1 he eastern war seems to be about drawing to a close The Turks a-e defeated on nil sides, and the Russi ans are pushing tl eir way towards Constantinople. An a>-i ist'ce is prob ably agreed upon by this time which wid lead to peace. A licb, widower, ratted Lad, aged 83 years, teeenly married a da-lung widow of some forty odd yeais ol ag6. It was, at first, thought that she married him for hi* money, but it now turns out that -lie is inde pendently rich herself, an I Ac is or.t >bly :lie ine that iuurri‘*l tor fjthy luce —- Two stores, a hotel and other hnild > g- were dest oyad by n it cein’i try firo in Stylesboro, last week. A Ibtle negro t oy was ki'led by die running gear of Crittenden’s gin n* r Waid's Station last week. Rev. Dr. O L Suii h, piofeesor of L’tiriand Greek, in Etnvy Cilh-ge, Oxford, G., died ast we<-k. Mr. Thomas A exm der, a promi nent ci'izen of A'lanta, of lie firm ol Grant, Alexander & Cos , died, sudden y, last Mond y. \ inae in Columbus w s recently fi ed SSOO for keeping his bar room open on Sunday. H went *o jii fm awhile finally [laid tb money The wife nf Mr. C .y M Iton of Randolph county, wa* burned ti ileatll ast week She was m t e field where her husband was burning brush, and her clothe* e.,ugh* fi A negro hoy wa* k eke ! to death by a Hiuris o’ Untv . a I which he was att’ tnp’ing to tide on Sunday atiei noon and last week. The hoy got astraddle of the yearling which s'a - fed Ctl at full speed, an with a vio lent plunge, threw die rider, at the -aiue rime planting its hoof jus’ over die right eye. Trie hoy died from ’he ■•fleets of the blow t >e next day IVkal il foslri Vlcgroen to JLivi* It has been a matter of wonder to mat y pm.pie to know how so in any idle negt-es subsist about this citv. a burn n old negro Ulan win* visits our pro., i-e- once a week and does a srn.ll j 'b for which we pay him a quarter. Wo had ti e cutiosity to meiview him tin-other day as to In* finance lid subsistence "How are you getting on Uno'e A tek?” we asked. “Ah thank God I make out to get 'nuffto eat,” said Aleck. Some day* I innke a quarter, sooie ilays moreories* in d *oDi days nuffitt. But induriu ns week 1 gets ’miff o luy visions I'.r me end ihe oie’oman.” ‘ - e Uncle Aleck, hew much pre visions do you buy? Tell me exactly I wut to make a;.leu mi ion.” Aleck then gave the to lowing state ment as bis weekly purchases lor him se f and wife; Cents One-half peck of meal 10 One and one-half pounds ot meat... 15 One p ut of molasses 121 Ous p, und id sugar 1 !i One-halt pound of butt-r 15 Cotree 16 h T0ta1.... 814 I asked bin if he had plenty ‘Oh la, yes, masse; my wife is a good cook. She used to cook for old miss in slavery 'tine, and we has a good table. I tell, you sah, we lives as well as most color ed people I know of; as good—well as der tiack-drivers. We have greens’ from our garden, and som. times I eats the giavy, and leaves ail the meat for the old ’omen. And tfiis is the way the darkies live —by doing little odd jobs. A small amount of cheap meat and bread wilj .tubsist them— many times ume of them iiave I toad alone. Mnuy idle men, who do little jobs or fo 1 iw poli ties, aro.auppoited mainly by their wives at tne wash-tubs. It wold astorisli any | one to count up the mot ey paid out overy week for washing. Washing, cooking, and mrsing babies would support a large portiou of tho negro pit pulation of tulrna. This chet p liviug makes the cheapest labor in tho 'Jailed States but nut the best citizenship. —&// (./ ; <*) Timet, 1 Sad and Fatal Rcnntof Gtinie ol Iliac sall- Kent M L : n, a youg smj of S.jß MttLin, formerly of’F*r rida, died in dtis phice on Sun *av rtt’h’ faWn fire etf-ct of injuries rcceieved during a gone of *>a-e tiall on Fn lav afternoon. the 18*h inst. A nnrdh-r isf lovs were plnffr g a game of ba*e hall arid voung McL’ti at iT ano’hpr man named Dudley w ere irfn ’lrr> same *ide McLin claim dthat it was )d h mu to go ’o the bar and Dud'ev' said ir was his, and walked no r. Mi Lin and took the hat from him McLm b-carua iugry and struck Dud'ev in the stomach with Iris fi* f . Dud'ev jumperi hack nd seeing Mc- Lin s'ill opprrw’ hing as if to strike again, ii /Dudley) commenced waiv ing the hat rapid'y in front of his hoily and walkin'*- backwards. McT in continued te approach trying t<> >un in near enough to strike, holding his hea forwaid and down In this po sition he r n up ‘oo near to Dudley and the hat struck him on the temple ju-t above flie ear, frac'Uring the skull. D’’ H'lice onerated on Ills head, removing 'in* frsc'ur<’d portion, and relieving die suff.rer, hut 'he wound w s *.e ! ievod from the first *o he fatal Y”ting Dudley was in no win to ham ‘as to* was doing a' ! I o could to avoid anv rhffieul v. The deceased wa* a v’y bright, id-ver and in'e' ! igent boy and all his com panions moll n his uptime V end Thomatvil'e En 'trpritte. Babyturwl f r Jn- nary, A fine noble number, fu I of lirr, Cbiis’mas Str.iie* ami li.veiy C'Ti-t --nin* Pic’ii eg, p I j-- tin* print, on paper, just rre magazine to teach hal-ies to Teail. It is only fit a cents a year I). Lothrop & Cos., pub lishers, Boston, Mass. One of our exchanges says: “I‘- D. Lo’iirop & Cos., of Boston, pub i-hers and Baby and, could have seen the joy m N Vemtiep number earned to the “hole mati’ w o has lie privilege of ’raking’ tli copy that Comes to <his • ffice, hey wmi’d doubt less have tel their m ig z ne tor j”ve- - ite readers is tli- ;>u‘ lica”on of ail pu lira ions fo tittle eyes and ears Il is an ‘institution’ ill families where there ate smalt i Inld en.” Foiiring 'triiili. Titis from the Georgia Grange : “\ir Jas. C. Ciarke, ’he general manager of the line of railroad leading fion. N-w 0- eans o Chicago, says Ihe lido ot luwnigra ■ ion t ri, ’tie i* s -t --ting in, ill real ear lies’. H-> bin s II tl mils Will eat hollies 111 fe S ’I ’1 1 1- mg I: l V i ■ But in wp le t nos - _ Hi fact, tho isai I* ol ii i cuz ns, ••.*[) - einliy G align ns. a*e stifle. In with he “eniiuigrntion finer.” ami a’e giving up ilieir nl h< n.este id■ and association*, to seek pew home* m Texas ami *he g’eat West Tne.i places aie fi ed >y tto-se ,*rr ng-ts coming lioin the W.-gt, wh app’*ci ate the suiierio' a.lvautiges <4 set.i*- merit in ttie Soul Our peop-e a■. laboring und r a strange h llucina tinii Tim New Y rk Wo Id *e * of iha no-l ii dm unaie tiaree m w ex’an , He wa* going • hsi from fu* home at For<smou h, one day las wees, and •ne tram stß'ted ofl’very i.ddeniv whi e *ie wa- ta'king with Ui* fri ml* H grabbed holt <>• woman, einioUed her on the Ham. jumm and aftei he u.d way they went, filly u.fes an fuoi , with hi* wile shiiekim* and tea-nitj her hairon he pi itlorm, and wnmari e never saw nefine going into h gh P essure hystelic* ill >he r 11, c dling t.uii a monster an ‘ yelling ‘Bav me!” By a terrib[e mistake lie ad t ot lout ■ t 'he wrong w unan, *nd rh* ; onductoi tefused to listen o his explunat o- , kicked him out of the car, rha brake nan chucked him into h and tcli, the sheriL Diet him before he w na t wav *>ack to town and puihandci fls u htu and When, at .MS*, 11* (I home, he s. w ins business par ier holding los w e on his up and telling Imr tliat ther* were no nin the world woo luve he much bettei H a h*’ lai’ le-- u- an ! ever dd. He mi Me n-xt Pine lie iraV“is he wi i walk. The Wrtshi-igto , Wiikws county. Gazette learns that •. teir b e and re markable Ci td.’iuic "t li vdroptMihin tiH, brokenout amongst th and g- o Br ad river, and extending t leiigti ilia por tion of V\ ilkes and Liu.-o • .ij i-ent, ihim-gh Ei'-ert county an ! Aboevi.le county, 8. C. It is sanl tint tie wo.ds and old field* are tided with them, arid it is dangeious to go unarmed A number of other animats have tieeu bitten and are suffering f mn tin* in d ady Only one person, a lilt e n-gro giil,has been bitten, though a number have been attacked and made narrow escapes, amongst th mDr I ter, a well known and pinminent p .y*i iau of Elbert. Seven y-five dugs are re ported to have been already slain whi-li were suffering from the terribl Dense No doubt the report* are exaggerated as is always the case, but enough must be true to give cause fur genui e and serious apprehensions. Vigorous steps suould be at once taken by the people to arrest the trouble and all dogs in that section should be slain or kop ■p so as not to endanger the lives ot the people. Ail dogs found roaming about should bo killed by any who meet up with them. There will be four bdipse this year —two of tho sun and two of tho moon. The first is an annual eclipse of the Sun, February I, visible on a part of the American continent. Second—A partial eclipse of the moon, February 17th, visible too early in tho morning fir u L e p'e. third—A total eclipse oi the suu July the 2U'h commencing about 4 o’clock, visible over the whole of North America the central hue lying west of the Missiiis'p;'i river. Fourth—A pattial eclipse of tiro moon August tho 19. h. Filth—A transit of mercury over tho sun’s disc May 5.h. ‘ Brnddeiin’,” said an elderly co.ored preaclier iu Hie course of of a luoerft. • 3rmun over’he remains "f one of his fl.ick whose head had been caved in by the uiml f et ot a mule, ‘hrudder in ,’i’ am pnw’*ui strange dab alter tno’n a liundred years of sastrnus Vpi’riment, a cullud pusson shud pus si.-tin proactpii a mule from de r ar. Tli Old Capital says: “The fan tastic name foi suicide is euthanasia. G ■ fisit, Mother tiaiu, the Latin word i.- ewhanasia, hut it does no‘ mean suicide. Hard Times ItOFTCD BY L-ISON &. SIMPSON, urhhiM t (Teortji ' Prices for t is Issue of the Journal Ran ohifi County See Rye. Ran udplt -county Rust Pr>cf Oats C R lai k i(to.*, bj (! R Bulk, 7c B ik shou'ders, 5Jc O K lent L.rd. 12-1 m 13 ClllV.,*.- hill!.*. It* to I^£ Plain 11 *ius, Tin L- ll la *i, l(*i o 121 r or. * iv.-r.... 81 37 Osi 40 o Vogiui-i, #2 I*> ■ niie >.|’ ,*a k ,83 i 85u 75 i. 9 1 *.- XX F-on v F ui, |>er id’ , $725 XXX " ” ” ” $8 00 Chic Fmi y Fmur, (>■ r f.hi sh7s 0 mi hiamls ot fi ..,r $7 50 o $8 <>o 3 Dl I e ve*Mt oowdeis. 3’) C s per |>> Bug..r- A, Ili to 12 ” Ex O. ll a 111 ” 0, H) .. Ki Cofl e, 21} to 25 ■ yi up. N O, 57 to 9 ; * ” C iun v, 55 b 75 roh ic •, lion* 45 015 ci L ilia d’- si.utt, 72 >< $1 por ili Best cea u Cio-ose, 16J to 18 Gl edgt. on er, 37 040 C S per ib Soda crackers 6 to 8 Cream c.ackers. 10J C ’udy, 16 mi 25 Po’asb, 12. - —box and ball Etgle.moP ce ux tarns, $1 pei hunch Biiggin . Ij2 ctsp ’ yard I le- $2.3’) pe’ tiuild e Hem tck so e leather 3-* o 3 c per ih Siov * Coin ;e sl2 t" s2** I* w- ’ i!v in ••*. 311 1 1 7 > *1 .8 .1 IjrJ nents 1 ‘ 10 s2 ‘ o 25 c*nts Ilrtiman’s plow stocks $3 0>) Plow (lames 5d to 75 Cents per pair Plow line* 20 lo 25 ceuts pei pa r P-ow lines in ahui dance tmin 35 erg o $1 ingle trees, well ironed, 60 cts ingle tree iron* 45 cts pr sett Iron ..n l Steel in g’eat variety a’ 4y to 7 Ci* 111 * pur po ind Biun in s't’i ih lot*, 90; in less 0 ao rities $1 Ne a mtckerel, pet kit. $125 to $1 75 New white fi-1> pet kir, $1.15 osl s** Ntils, 25 ir>s to ’he doildr Nuls by ih- keg No iO $3 00 New I. ck wheat Po vm i, ‘jest Ora’ ge rifl by tlie keg, 31 cents 81... , $2 6U |o $2 75 fx-i sack Av*. y - [il w s ’’Us and extra jilow points $4 50 to $.) Allison v Simp*. n‘s celebrated [> ow stock, $3 Best axe $1 Best trace chains 6J. 10, 2, 75 coats Iron we ge*. 50 cts Andirons irom $1 to $3 per pair ad irons, all sizes, 8 ct- per pound Hollow ware of all descriptions, pots ovens, sp dors, et etc. Painted 2 hoop buckets, good, 20 to 25 cen’s Good well buckets 65 to 75 cents Well cuain all sizes Tibs of all sizes: and descriptions A id numetous o her Goods in the Haidware Line too numer us t’> men ion. Ail ve ask a foi those wishirig to [xirchase, to call and examine our immense s'oek be*ore purchasing elsewhere and e will dup iente any Bill in our Ijme within two hundred mile* ot this (dace, freight added, and in many in 'ances save you the freight and ex ense of going and returning, hotel bills, etc. o*ll ami examine, and you will be welcomed and greeted by & host of the hi os accomodating young gentle men this side o' anywhere. Our clerks, one end all, are paia gons if politeness, and if they don’t sell you goods it will be your fault Ken ucky Sorghum or Cane Mill, manufactured by Brennan & Cos., L-u svii e Ky. This mill possesses every advauiage, an.i eupp es a long fe t n>*“d among farmers. It is sim p*. dura.-, e und cheap,and warranted ..gamst all breakages resuming from tuanilost defects 'a the materials or workmanship. For sale by ALUaON & SIMPSON. „ Cuthbert, Ga. Aov. 15th ftin BURIAL CiASESJ A full assortment and sizes of Wool ard ttatalic Burial Cases always on hand. idRDERS bv telegraph with good reference V/ piomptly filled. A J. Baldwin St Cos., Julj 19, ly. Dawson, o*. Crampton's Imperial Soap] IHM BEST! j Oniupton'K Imperial Hoap i&the Best. CramiUouS Soap i# the.Bi'il. <'racnpo; S Imperial §oap is ibc Beat. Crumpton's Imperial Soap in the Ber. C’ampton‘a Imperial Soap is the B-st Crumpton's lumetisl Soap is the Best. Crampton's lmp*> ini Soap is the Cramptou** Imp-rial Soap i* the B>-> r |' , Uls .-OAP 18 manufactured trim pun 1 material*; and as il contains a lailgvtiei ceotage of VKiine 0 l, is wairrante. full,- equal to the iiupor ed Castile Soap, and a the same time contains all 'he wa-hiug no cleusing properties of the celebrated Uoiiim' and Fireeh Lauudri Soaps. Il is he.efore recnm- P.en ( and for nse in the Laundry, Ki'chcu & Ba h Room, at-d lor general household puipote ; al-o foe Printers, Painters, Ei ameers, ad Vachniis s, as il wilt remove spots of ink t.reasc, Tsr, () l, Prim, e'e , troni the hnda. The Huntingdon Monitor of April 6", J 877, pr-uounoes ihie Sop rhe best in tin* 111- I ket, as follows : R d>'!, wr don't warn von to suppose i.ha' this is fto .advertisement, and pass it - vet* unheeded. It ad't We want io direct .. in ~it, iru-n in ice advt r'isemenl of o' ’r .iiipu n‘s Impe ial Soap.'* Hiving used ic .nr r.ffi • ■ Io- h past vear, we can re i-oiiiui nd It as ice he-* quality ot sjap in n-e. l*ii rare thing o get a Soap ihat win t* oroilgh'v don-e priming ink irom the iiaiids, as also from linen; but Crumpton* I-updi v soap will do it, and we kuow where* 111 We peak. It is espi-citrllv adapted for printers, p-mie's, engineers and machinists, a- it will remove g.eage f all descriptions irom h* hand- as well as clothes, with little tabor. For general householc purposes il c nno be excelled Manufactured only ly CHAMPrON B .OTHERS, Nos. 2,4, 6,8, and 10, Rutgers Pl.ce, and Ni. 8.8 and 85 J* ffer-oo Street, Pew Fork, or -ah* b j b citm, - it. IS, tf D • Silo. 14a ~Tid l'l 19?. KKH 1 OKk. 1975. A- *>i •mm MpiMOich*B for the renewal of -iib-ei ip i- Thb Son would remind i* liietj'ip hi and w-1 wiitieis everywhere, that il i-; mor ii , t ea ;dnife t*>r toeir consileraiion -ii 1 sin * r U on itp teeord hr the t, ' t* -hes i• r• comipu nc.* of the . , • t. r *reiieou. co-op ra'ion r * hee*' ex ended to il from v q t. •he U iou. a 11. YUNi* * four page-*! e* of 28 rn til, prt* Daid. 55 Cenlß tjj 50 r n* oi The Sun is n tight* .*>s t* ■ IC* giVICg l.’.C l.r-WS >; ij * 11-- n !•••.■• M'"ollilt tii dm ■oil i a'!**r-tecial . . *.. hr Sennay Sit* has iii w ■ >** i *n i .-s Pci oaid $ .20 a v. ( The Weekly Mm. Who does o k he Weekly Son *— ft enrol-i-s Mirougbnii'. the Untied Slates, • h ‘!,icartas, no, i od. Ninetr thousand t,m h s g • i- welenm Pag. - weekly, and reguiit i' in me iigh of guide, counsellor and lii* ud. I-n, w , rdi idal, sgrieultural ucd 'i e arv rtep r m* fits m ke it essentially aj mi 11 a tor in -mill and the fire-id . Te ms: v’lie Hollar a year, post paid fi.i- n or, quli - consul"led. maK*s i; ih• ehoapes tn wsp-pe'S published F r clubs of ten, wilt $lO Cash, we will send an extra cop tree. A ilics- PUBLItiUrR 0* THE-UN, Nov 8. 8- New York City. PERFECTION ATTAINED AT LAST! ~??t*.L wlii INSURE ITS POPWWARITY EVERYWHERE. nn ms mum, When omee ucd will retain Its plsee forever. WE EXCHANGE MACHINES. Rend your old-fashioned, cumbersome, heavy-running, woman-killinr machine to ns, and we will allow yon *25 for It, as part payment for one of ours. IT IS CELEBRATED FOR ITS ADVANTAGES. IN THAT IT IS ONE OF THE LARGEST SEWING MACHINES MANUFACTURED.-ADAPTED ALIKE TO THE USE OF THE FAMILY OR THE WORK SHOP. IT HAL THE LARGEST SHUTTLE. WITH A BOBBIN THAT HOLDS ALMOST A SPOOL OF THREAD. 4 THE SHUTTLE TENSION IS ADJUSTABLE WITHOUT REMOVING THE SHUTTLE FROM THE MACHINE. THIS MACHINE IS SO CONSTRUCTED THAT THE POWER IS APPLIED DIRECTLY OVER THE NEEDLE. THUS ENABLING IT TO SEW THE HEAVIEST MATERIAL WITH UN EQUALED EASE. IT IS VERY SIMPLE IN ITS CONSTRUCTION, DURABLE AS IRON AND STEEL CAN MAKE IT, ALL ITS WEARING PARTS CASE-HARDENED OR STEEL, AND INGENIOUSLY PROVIDED WITH MEANS FOR TAKING UP LOST MOTION, SO WE ARE JUS TIFIED IN Warranting Every Machine fer 3 Years. IT IS THE LIGHTEST AND EASIEST-RUNNING MACHINEIN THEMARKET. IT IS, ALSO, THE MOST ELABORATELY ORNAMENTED ANO PRETTIEST MACHINE EVER PRODUCED. WITH ALL THESE ADVANTAGES, IT IS SOLD ACHINES LESS ™* N OTH " FIRSI to E a X gents VE cortrol of TERRITORY given R A ORDINARY INDUCEMENTS OFFERED FOR CASH OR ON CREDIT. SEND FOR CIRCULARS AND TERMS TO VUtO Sewing Mine Cos., 358 Euclid Avenue, V/ANTFD.} CLEVELAND, 0. PIMPLES. I trill raiil (Free) 'he recipe for preparino a simple Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples and Blotches, leav in. the skin soft, clear snd beautiful ; also inst[UC'ioug for producing a luxuriant growth of hair ou a bald heart or smooth face. Ad dres Ben. Vandelf 4 Cos., Box 5121, No. 5 Wooster St., N. Y $lO2 $25 1 f," ’ urpm,,debT txasniiiimi— clhng Chromns, Cravona and K watuTMoito, Scripture Tex', Trans narenf, picture aid Ohr'omo Carda It,t) Samples, worth sl, eer.t post paid for Tie Illustrated Catalogue free J. B. BUFFORD’S SONS, Boston. 1 speight Baldwin; NdRtH SIDE OF THE RAIL rqad, DAWSON, - OEOugxa. The puhlic are requested to note that I have a Fi st Class stock of iancy Family Groceries , INCLUDING Canned (roods. Pickle*, Hams, Flour, Coffee SUGAR, BACON, LARD, ETC. A FULL LINE OF TOBACCO & CIGARS, DKY goods. 11l 15-1 i- line I will k-en ennstuntlv on hsml s complete stock ol Osuabures qv„ .* lig- KerseVS. Flannels, PRINT- of all descriminns and a la**ge lot, of R adv v'V'p'i’ Sli;r ’' which will he sold at prices to suit the tin es. Also, a full a-ock of Boots and S| C ° "It hand. 1 shall keep no 'shoddy good.-,’’ but everything will be laithiullv ren ° JS " *“ V9 ourchasers, p>esente<i io WA REHOUSE! In conneciinn with mv tore, I have a commnaioua and well arranged wareh a-n n-epared >0 "flore. Sell or Snip C tion, on easy terms, -nH to lh best sdvant 101 Y-ur patronage respectfully solicited. SPIII *Hr || \ | I)**-' | y 18787 1878. THE Dawson Weekly Journal, 9 J. r>. IIOYL & CO., Proprietor?* TERRS, $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE* DEVOTED TO - I l ♦ News, literature, Agriculture and especially to XiOOAIa AMPAIBS. j Democratic in Politics! The proprietors will spare no pains to make the Journal interesting 9n j valuable tu its patsons. They iry to make it a live and spiightly papb nutting nothing into iis columns that is dull, flat ard commonplace. H* l give spr-cial attei to n to the Local News, and be, at all time*, watchful of t |e interests of its subscribers. . . i liie Journal is now in die thirteenth year ol its existence, and is 8 ,f !, permanent, p oeperous and profitable institution. In its “bright “there is no such word as fail.” It bas a large and constantly increasing; u ' culetiou ip five or six ot the best Agricultural Counties of the IState of Georgia, and is, consequently, an excellent ADVERTISING- MEDIUM For those wishing to reach a large number of intelligent Farmer?, flan and retail Meicbsnts. Its rates for advertising are low, to suit the l ® el <© IB <D ® IP H ® B® In connection with the paper, is a well appointed Job Office, jp st with a lot of new material, and prepared to do oidinary Job Printing) BILL and LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, ortgages. lkns,^ and all sorts <f Local and Cogmuiercial Printing, in as good stylo* LOW RAT as it Can Be Bone In The Ste^ Cell and examine our weik and prices before sending e!eewb cre-