The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, February 28, 1878, Image 2

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THE JOURNAL. J. D. HOYL, f.DITOR j ■ .T3. ' 3< D4WSO*, i:orm : THURSDAY MukNING, Feb. 28, 7. — ' ——. _.i- . k ■■ A Talknu tlacliiiM*. There have been som* won lerful inventions brought to light within the past year cr two. The Telephone, a i-ontriance similar to the tel'-graph, by which the sound of the human voice ia transmitted distinctly for a iong distance, has led to the invention of what is called aPhonograph which i, in reality, a talking machine, a very simple mechanical contrivance by which the voice and words of a speak er with all their inflations and into nations may he reproduced at will at anytime. For instance, the Hon. B. H. Hill or any other man might nnike a speech to day in the U. 8 Senate, and by having one of these Phono graphs so' so as to catch his voice his satire speeoh, word by word, might be repeated a hundred yeats from now. It is claimed that the machiue may he attached to any sort of motive power and made to repeat suoh words and se'ntences as may be desired ; it may, for instance, be attached to a lo comotive and made to call out the names of stations so as to be heard for miles. We .-,hou and not he at all surprised it, in less than a year, we should hoar the rnilroad engines ahriek out “Dawson,” as they ap proach our depot, in a voice that can be heard dial/ way to Dover. A sus picious old codger of a daddy might attach one to his parlor walla and make it repeat all the soft silly noth ings that her sweetheart said to his daughter the night before. Truly, this is a fast age. The House of Representatives has concurred in all the amendments of the Senate to lb silver hill, and it has gone to the president for his eig ne In re. Hon. B. IT. Hill who was at home at \be time the vote wua taken in the senate, now says, it we understand the reports, that he was n->t opposed to the bill as amended, and, if present, he wou'd have voted for if. He stat ed that ho waa pured with Senator Gordon <m the amen linen ts, but the Congressional Record shows that 'Jor don, when present, voted on the amendments and carefully stater" that Mr. Hill, w s paired with Senator Harris, of Tenue-gee, who would hav.* woted against the amendments, and for tho bill. 8o Mr. Hill has anoth er heavy job of explaining on nia hands. When the president approves the l-ul the silver question wdl he fiua'ly dis posed of, aud we shall shake hand with it, aud bid it good bye with the greatest imaginable pleasure. The next heavy work on the docket if the repeal of the resumption act Decatur county >* soon to hav a colony of about thirty Gorman fam.- li# from the north. A party was out, last week with spades in their hands examining the land, and reported it g 00.4. The remainder of the party is expected immediately. ■■ ■— # An Italion cardinal, named Gioa chino Pecci, has been elected succe-sor to the Iste Pope. He iOB years old, and takes the name of Leo XIII. ■ -■■■■,. Anderson, of the Louisiana return iuff board, haa been sentenced to the penitentiary for two years. Common rated. Arrest of Illicit Distiller*. *Atiunk, Ga., Feb. 23d 1878. Editors Joi rmai. : — ln the after noon of to-day, there was considera ble excitement here over the arrest of three illicit distillers, by Capt. Rich,‘lT. S. Marshal. The distillers resisted Rich by shooting at him.— Rich returned the fire, and a contin ual firing ensued for sometime, but, fortunately, no one was hurt. Rich finally succeeded in arresting the scouudrcls and placed them in jail to await their trial. The distillers hail from Towns county. Their wagon, which was laden with a hun dred gallons or more of illicit spirits, was brought here and confiscated to day. Capt. Rich is ever on the al ert for such swindlers, and it is hoped that, he will overtake all such, and punish them to ti e extent of the law. A tiii-max. Dok’t HflilAW JHF I.OXO Row,’’ “1 am tired to death Soytui have said vi iy'often, yet you arosti 1 ajivo and wi ll “I had Dot h wii.k of sleep all 1.1 It!” AnTtTh’. viiur bed fell w h erd-vu enure man . rimes. “I would not do it tor lire world !’’ And vet you hare rive** man*' tiling* fin a penny “Wa were up 'o i.'tr knee* in mud! veiy well that the diit w a i.*isvver,to'ji stairs. 4 Trip Through llirt Country. Mr.ssKs. Editors : I left our quiet little city on last Monday on a brief trip through Lee, Dough or *y and Ba ker comities. Riding alone and iei*- tiroly, I had an opportunity to observe ev-ryt.ung carefully on my roue.— From here to L>-es'tirg, thence to N'-wton, rid Albuny. Some of the fin est terming lands I’ve yet seen are in and Dougheity. The farm* seem to tie in good condition and the plan ters are fuliy up with their prepara tion*. Sou e have already planted corn, and most of them have their land ready for cotton. Driv ng from Leesburg to Albany, 10 or 12 miles through a pretty sharp breeze, I found on arriving at Aib.ny that I had a light chi I or rigor, and thinking I’d warm up a little, called at one of Al bany’s fashionable bar room*. “What’ll you have, sir V” came froii the lips of the very polite young gen tleman with a genteel, hut light suit on, seeming to Mock me with myotil! I asked for Cognac brandy “Cognac’s worth 40c,” be replied. Calculating a little, and fin-ling it would cost me jus’ SIOO per gallon, I J. dined Cogoac and took Corn. I railed at the composing rooms <•£ the A ews, an l saw one devil that I knew and two that I did’ntkn iw, and was introduced to tho junior. I then called on the Local at his sanctum, and found him clever and gauisl s usual. Went out |on the strsets and saw a variety wagon from Worth loaded with chickens, eggs and ’pos sums; thence into one of Albany’* mammoth establishments and called for some tobac o, piocuiing it (poor) at $1 25 a pound. I c died tor a pair of socks. They were handed to me, and I put them in my pocket, and when I asked the price, the reply came as sweetly as from a lady’s lips, “only a dollar.” I gave him said socks for pay, and being ready to leave the growing city ot Albany, I called fo> my horse. The courteous and ccoui- m Mating stableman oha ge t me only a quarter because the “dare-fool negro’’ had f irgotten to feed or wafer th horse, aud I left the city muunering soft y— ‘‘Man wants *>ot little here below, Kor wmta that little lons'.” Foim Newton by way of Duckeo-, Chickasawhatchie and home. In th entire route the lands are good, th fartn-rs are energetic, aud from th way they are resetting and straighten' ing iheir fences, building and r-C'.v eting their tenant houses and dwell ings, one would not suppo 'hey hav. toe Texas fever. And, right here we we ask why -llnuld n-.y body leave Southwest G orgia for the uncertain >iea of be far w-st, when there a<- jusi as good lands right here, and far cheaper, iu a good atatenf oul'ivatim than they can be bought in Louisiana, Mississippi, or Texas. Bv-the-way, I heard but little com yaintot want of labor, soma of tin ■ Armors seeming to have euongh amt mure to spare. Douhtlass many of the colored population have left, but the farmers having increased the aren '□small grata each year,do not roisi thein, except ration-day at the smoke house. Guano is being used as freely a* usual. Fiom all the signs, if e man will travel through the country, keep his eyes open, observe, reflect, an 1 compare, he can but conclude that ou> section has a bright and glorious fu ture just‘ahead, the indices not to b mistaken. On Saturday evening, I found my self driving through our quiet streets hamming, ‘ Home, Bw-et Home Alighting at the first store, I suppliei’ myself with the best tobacco at 81.0!' a pound; six pair of socks for a quar ter ; got a drink through courtesy, ands liveryman took ray horse til' Monday for one dollar, and I find mt self sti'l bumming —“Some, Swml Horn*." Youis truly, Dawson, Fob 26. R G. J. Knli'lde. Mr. A. W. Wilk r.s, n young man nbout2l years of age, committed sui cide by shooting himself in the right temple, Sunday evening, at about 7 o’clock, at his mother’s residence in this city. Ho lived in an unconscious state twenty-four hours after commit ting the act. He was buried Tuesday afternoon in Oak Grove Cemetery. It is notknown what caused him to tom mit the lash act. He leaves an aged mother, several sisters and a brother to mourn his loss.— Su hirr Btpuhlietin. r “Bishops cf the M E- South. ’ & ntel ihngraving of Bishops P:ne, Pierce, Wightiuan, Kavanungh, Daggett, M-Tycre, Marviu, end Ken ner ; sire f.r framing 10x20 inches price $1; ats" soparato engraving of B ali"P Marvin for training 11x14 in dies price 50 cents AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell those portrai's. Send price uamed for sam ple copy of either, or both with terms! to age ts Address Tur. Advocate! Pißi.ui iso Hotss, (Joint Liuis, Mo.| Ucii. Toombs ami sohllrr. In a conversation with Genera- I/ings roet concerning theC infsderat* Generals with whom he was a-w ela ted, he Slit; “I)n yon know General Robert Toombs, ot your B'ate, was one ot the l-ravest and most da bing •do.ldler* that I ever saw on any fin'd V” ‘He was pretty hard to timing-, was hei.i t/” “Yes sir; ai fi.t. H had liteinl-v no idea ef subordination. He was horn to ru ! * and bad een carrying out the purpose* ot h>* 1 irth pretty well up t the lime he en ored lie army It wis hard for tim ‘o give up his lordly ha'>t even then I remember a characteristic instance in which General Toom'-a figured. I een' out his brigade in picket do y once Of cour e the disemtoo of pacing he brigade was in the hands of the proper officer*. Toombs bad been out that .lay dining with a Marylander ntn and Dennis, whit had been one of his colleagues doting h> Congteaionsai career. They had good old wine for dinner, and To. mbs was ti ling home feeling like a lord.— Suddenly ho ran against hi* on picket duty H was very much angered Who put you here/ he shun ed He was answered teat it was the oroer from h adquarter*.— Well by G—d, iuy orders are t at you c. me back to camp. I’m n gmngtohave a 1 the picket duty if the army pot on my brigade. Come along. And sure enough he led them back to tbeir camp. As soon as I I euid "f it i of courseordeied him under arrest As was he custom he was simply ordered to ride in the rear of his bri gade. I thought everyhing was g ang off all light when suddenly an officer came u> me and to and me that we should have a revolt in the army if I did no*, imerlere. lask-d him what he ment, and he told me - hat beneral T-.ombs was riding along in t e rear of his brigade and exhoiting *nc soldiers against the oppres-io . that bad bepn practiced toward them and him. My imformant said tlia- the soldiers were getting e.y ipsT-ss.— lat once ordered General To nubs back to Gordonsville. 1 kept hiu • here a day nr wo when having.received a very hands ime leber from him, I ordered him to the front again. llf came as fast as hia horse could carry him. VV hen he leached Us General Lee and myself were together consult ing shoot the opening of a hatte, which was just then pending. As General Toombs rode up and saluted I stured that I wou.d tak- giest pleasure in sending a courier wuh orders 'Catering him to conn. and.— II- Sjcke lip rnpi-by and said that MB t ch ige was imminent he h uld like to head it and hoped that he might he the heater of thi onlers himself lof course assented In a few mo menta Toombs’ brigade passed us, n-itrying to the charge and room' s living iu Iron 1 like a comet, leading hem to the assault. He was as Ia ing a sold'Cr as ev r went on trie attic fild, ami a haul and impetuous fighier’’ In .lie com so of .. long c.nvergatio , General Ijongstreet <-x --prea-ed l.ia ailmtiation lor General Toombs and commented on 'is daring qun ities. — Atlanta Conslitu 'ion Why llu; Kev Hr. nudge Slop-’ pc.l Hi* Paper. Seme yeaia ago when the writer was a leporter upon an Eastern pa per, it devolved on him to write for the >aine edition an acountof the pri s -ntation of a gold-headed cane to the Rev. Di Mudge the clergymau of the place, and a description of anew nog-killing machine that h and just tieen put in operation t the factory. Now what made the Rev. Dr. Mudge mad was ibis: The lucoiisid-rate ouenaneer v ho made up the form got the two locals mixed in a frtgkt tul inanni r and when we went to press, something like this was the ippalling result: “Some of the Rev. Dr. Mudge’* friends called on him yesterday, and after a brief consultation toe unsus oectiughog was soiled by the hind legs tod slid along the beanr until he leached the hot water tank His tnends explained tin object of their visetand presented him witu a handsome gmd leaded butcher who granted him by .the tail and swung him around, and id less than a minute the care mo was in the water. Thereto ou he came Do ward ana said there were timer when th> feelings overpowered one, and lor that reason he would net do more than attempt to thank tluse around him tor the mannei in which -o huge an animal was cut in frag ments was astonishing. Ttie doctor toncluded his remarks, the mnehine -eized him, and iu less than it take* ro write it, *he hog was cut into frag merits and worked into delicious sau sage, The occasion will tie remem bered by the doctor’* friends as one ol the most delightful of their lives The best pieces can be obtained foi fifteen ceuts per pouud ami we are sure those who sat under his ministry will rejoice to hear that he has been mi handsomely (rested.”- - Indianapolu Timti. A tooth the size ot a small ham and similar in shape, weighing twelve pounds was extracted from tie jaw of a white elephant in Ceylon while that animal was under the influence o' chloroform. The dental operation was performed 'o relieve the beast of great pain caused bv exposure of the nerve owing to the decay of a portion of the hiine- Give the average ex-eonfederate a sing e point, and lie will take a dozen : make him an equal, and h will as suuiesupretne airs and functions invest him with “local self government,” as he understands if, and he will crush all opposition to his swt-ot will- This is what ailed him brfore':be war, and the disease wasn't all whipped outoti him Bislon Tiaieltr- Th* WokdIIHJL ( H XP*KM ! Two id the missii g links ai.ived in j Ns* Y'-rk by steamer -'unday—two ! chimpanzee monkeys tba’ would mako I Mr. Da. win ilsi ce for joy llieir ' ‘nils are abort n* even llorwin him l *dt cort’d desire; their laces a e | more ike a human f ce linn tho e of my other animal ev r h-ought to ! America; their ear* are ex-ct repro ductions of tho h -min -0 Jtheii han- s or fore paw- are human h nd-; tbev : have distin-t human m-se* instead of ! the dog no# nf the common monkey ; they walk entirely up. n "hi ir hind lee', upright '* man, und theii hands, f-e , face, and ears are Void ot hair. Th Va e small but they are onlv about eight, en uiontlir old, and pi >nty ol t tn-- to grow. I' is imposi b; in t-i king at them, not to believe theni cocred ct> l l Jren witli chest and limbs covered with hair. The most smgular thing a'.ou* 'heso creature ia 'bat they can ta-k. They seem tounders-and much of what is said to them, and Can -ay “yea” and “no” anil can -ay several o'her Eow lish word- verv disdnet y. and have quite a vocabulary ot Geinian words. Besides .bis th-y ta-k to each other in their own language. The female has a had cold and fee 'wo are kept in a private room in the aquarium ti'i they sro strong enough alter their voyage for exi lotion. New York Times. Peace iH 1 iimpe. According 'o the latest news from Europe there suems ‘o he some pros pect for peace. Rusg'a and England hav** come to a better unders'anding and it ia thought that their differ ences can h*- setlled wi hout a resort to a. me. So mote it he. We are opposed to so much “ Ing” on gre.t public quest on* in con gress. There is ten much dodging r.f responsible y. When a g ndeman represent* a people in legislation he ought to stand pto his '-esponeihili'y lik-a man ot real gri\ He ought to e in hia p ace and vote and put him Bel f on the record Mgh' and ie a man ner no* to Ire mistaken by his constit uents or any ot’ er man He ought t. do ike old Dr. F.-llon and always be I resen' whe - his name is called on any queotion. \Vher. a man hire* out for a congressman he onghf to put in his whole time and .nest h a responsi bilities the same as if h< had biiedoi't to a for him, -iek ess olbi seif n r fmn ily excep’od,— CartersvilU Express Ipp’- of bald in Pu'lnrc* of wiiv. r. “A wmd fi-ly spoken is like app'es of g Id in trieure* ot silv't.” " hen the hodv f.ecome* diseased,‘he m nd is 'hS ebv necessarilv influenced. National wars, State dissension*, n-ighhorhood broil*, and family dif ferences a e more f’equently than otherwise 'he resu tof di-eaged aid disordered cons itufions. When ‘he body is sufferino, he mind, acting in sympathy, will become irii'ated ad perplexed. Wh°nthe physical sys tem ia in health, the mind perceive* things in Iheir true ligt-t, and 'he di— p.4i'ion assumes a very different phase. Nothin" more direc'ly tend® to des'roy the happy chee'ful disposi tion of a woman, and render her peev ish, nervni-8, and fretful, than a con stant endurance of uterine disorders. The diseases peculiar to woman lake away the ela-ticity and bouvancy of heaUh and reduce her body and mind o a mere wreek- Dr Pie ce’s F vor ite Prescription is a real peacemaker in a family. No woman suff-iiug from uterine disordvrg can afford to he w:th out this remedy The Favorite Pre scrip'ion save* unnecessary doctor hills, prevents divorces, wards off suicides, brings hack buoyant, joyous feeling*, restores the woman to health, and her family to happiness. It is sold by ..11 druggists. If Es We can change s fifty dollar bill if you want a bottle of Globe Flower Cough Syrup, the greatest Cough and Lung Remedy in the world; or if you want to tty it first and if what the. Hon. Alax. H. Stepens Ex Gov- Smith, Ex-G'iv. Brown and Hon Rob. ert Toombs of Georgia, say about it is true, you oan get a Sample Bottle for ten cents at Dr. Jr. Jane’s Drug Btore, that relieves an ordinary cold. The Globe Flower Cough Syrup never had an equal for Coughs, Colds sed Lung Affections It positively cures Consump tion when all other boasted remedies fail. Samp's Bottles, ten onnte. Regu lar size, fifty acres, 81.00- ■low Watches are Hade. It will be apparent lo any one, who Will ex. • mine a Solid Gold Watch, that aside from ih necessary thickness for engraving and polishing the large p’oportion of the precious nu-tal used, is needed only to stiffen and hold the e.igraved pinions in place, and supply the necessary solidity and strength. The surplus gold is actually needless, so far as utility and beauty are concerned. In JAMES BOSS’ Paien; Stiffened Hold Watch Cases, this waste of precious metal is over come, and the name solidity and strength produced at from one third lo one-half of the usual con of solid cases. 7his process is of the most simple nature, as follows : A plate ot composition metal, specially adapted to the pn pose, has two plates of solid gold soldered one on each side. The three ate theu passed between polished steel rollers, and the result is a strip of heavily plated oompo-i ion, f oin which the cases, backs, centres, biz Is, kc , are cat and shaped by suitable dies and formers. The gold in these cases is sufficiently thick to admit of all kiuds of chasbg, engraving and enamelling; and engraved cases have been tarried ud t'l woru perfectly smooth by lime and use without removing the gild. These cases are for sale by all jewelers, and a r e guiranteed bv Special Certffignte to wear for 20 years. If.your j-welerdbaa nor keep them, send to Saostuz A Troum, Ledger BuddiLg, Phila delphia, for illustrated catalogue. Uean make money faster at work for ns than at anything else. Cap ; tal not re quired ; we will start you. *l2 per day at home made by ibe industrious. Men women, boys and girls warned everywhere to work for ns. S’ow is the time. Costly o'l'Cfit and terms free. Address Trp* A Cos. Augusta, Maine. Feb2l,ly Qckhnt : -“Why will men smoko com iiuin f'ihncc“, when thwy cut buy Mar hurgßma. ‘Seal of North Caroline,' at the aim* price ?” - —i ■ • —■■ (;ovkcmpti"H Cflßsu —Am old phys ician relived Imm practice, having ha.l (i need in his hands liy ar. £as* India inissiiMia'y th* formula of a simple vegetHhl** r*m*>dv, tor the speudy and [prinanerit cure of consumption, hroiu'hit , catarrh asthma nnd nil thioat affocti ns, also a positive and ra lical cure for nervous de* ilit\ and all nervous complaints, alter having eted its wi nderiul curative powers in riotu-ands of cases has felt it his du’y to make i' known (o hissuffering fe 1 ows. Actuated hy this mo'ive,and a desire to telieve huniSti suffering, I will send tree of cl.a ge, to all who desire it, this recipe in German. French o> English, wi h lull diieciions for preparing and nsi< g Sent by mail hy addressing with stamp,na'’ tug tfiis papei, VV. VV. Shearar, 126 Powers’ Rlock, Rochester, N - Y. 4w. Gcutlc Ililll.— In our style of cli in at , with it* sudden chmges of temper ature, lain, wind and sunshine often intot mingled in a single day,—if is no wonder our children, friends and relatives are so frequently ■ k-n Ir m n- by t egh cted colds, half the deaths resulting directly from this c n*e. A bottle of Bnschee’s G rman Svrnp kep' about your home for immerlia'e use will p even' serious sickness, , la ge doc to’s hill, and pcrh s desih, by the use of three or four dorses. Ft curing (toneumotlo", Hem-rhnges Puenmonii. Seyere Goughs, '’ronD or ant disease of (he Throat or Lungs its is mpiv won t rtnl, as \ran druggist wif! tell you. GannmSvrun is eo y"ld in cyrtv town and village on this em inent S mole hott'e !'r tidal, pic.; R g uGi s 76 -. Terrell Sheriff Sale. \V ILL be sold before rhr‘ <'ou t Flntigi f ? <i |ft OIW h • f Tpr ~)1 ~s.yj <v ** . b **.?■ b- b j g.l bonr 4 * •'( ♦'!, on ’h fi Tn Hy ' M • rh, x , 1878, The R t rm ■.im £ 4irn'>ie f r lf*r. frd'Mttot) Ot 'h* FI rn***• #■'* < i l?rFi<V Rd *% i(ld .;tdfa>: ; .} in i<l o !o * o f I♦ nd M 5 1 n w M fh 4 , 1 h an- rie of ’rf ;t ii*fty (>f FVr • ,1 L"*i*d or *• and aoM w be prorv r f V t.T \ Rd i and b vir'ii** of ft f om e .fi i' P I'oHr' n he OH dinner, fr M * ♦’ Tor o< O R oVfi- v mud J H'llw t-ds. T fr rrt.i'e dr IK P-* to me hi s fonv V . 8. R f’H RISTfF J n 31, 1878 £''* ff Tibe f r Div io - Terrell Superior Court Nov. Term 1877 W H Rogera 1 I ,ihcl tor Divnc V* > R'llc t< Poflect Nellie Rogers. J Rptvice T .i .r- vo th. r*' ,nr hv hp rpiim of b ff *bir r Kf. D * fondant do • nor •ti> nr* -ntiniv; nfid ir ftlf b#r flppoar iit • • h,. rirx-p r.o io *bi Stnfr*, i f a i mo'i i o ••>nn**l, ordr and th>if Mio D and int, 'onetr im tf > h n.p,p f f b?it ibp c be s?d'rod in ' r frti‘ Rnd *b* Ploinnff 'llowed n nroo 4*d i f fooher ordered. fb rb’s* mb' b on li-Vedin f h** D<w>* n Jotirnß* 'nee i m‘*n b for foil WM. n. KIDDOO. J s r p 0. rrffe rronßcrip’ from the mm i*e o f Ter nJ? Snpefior Conn, Dnc* mb - B*b, T*77 J r r_,ARK, Dec! B nnm4m <’Wk 8. 0. T. C. FbTBMSHKI> 1848. XJSE HARRISON'S WRITHSra INK AND MUCILAGE. BEST !JT THE WOHLO Jet Black Bchm>i Ink A Fot Sale bv all leading Siatiourrs and HARRIS”* UK CO..‘ 9 llnrrajt St., IS. F, PERFECTION ATTAINED AT LAST! TRIAL will INSURE ITS POPULARITY EVERYWHERE. white ffifsm mem Wlifln once need will retain it* plaoe forever. WE EXCHANGE UACEHTES. Rend your old-fashioned cumbersome, hoary-running, woman-killing machine to ns, and wo will allow you (IS fer it, a* part payment for one of ours. IT IS CELEBRATED FOR ITS ADVANTAGES. IN THAT IT IS ONE OF THE LARGEST SEWING MACHINES MANUFACTURED,—ADAPTED ALIKE TO THE USE OF THE FAMILY OR THE WORK. SHOP. IT HAS, THE LARGEST SHUTTLE. WITH A BOBBIN THAT HOLDS ALMOST A SPOOL OP THREAD. * THE SHUTTLE TENSION IS ADJUSTABLE WITHOUT REMOVING THE SHUTTLE FROM THE MACHINE. THIS MACHINE IS SO CONSTRUCTED THAT THE POWER IS APPLIED DIRECTLY OVER THE NEEDLE, THUS ENABLING IT TO SEW THE HEAVIEST MATERIAL WITH UN EQUALED EASE. IT IS VERY SIMPLE IN ITS CONSTRUCTION, DURABLE AS IRON AND STEEL CAN MAKE IT. ALL ITS WEARING PARTS CASE-HARDENED OR STEEL AND INGENIOUSLY PROVIDED WITH MEANS FOR TAKING UP LOST MOTION, SO WE ARE JUS TIFIED IN Warranting Every Machine for 3 Years. IT IS THE LIGHTEST AND EASIEST-RUNNING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. IT IS, ALSO. THE MOST ELABORATELY ORNAMENTED AND PRETTIEST MACHINE EVER PROOUCEO WITH ALL THESE ADVANTAGES, IT IS SOLD CLASS I MACHINES LESS ™ AN OTHE " F,RST ' EXCLUSIVE control of territort given TO ALa ENTS. rnl X J??? R il!" ARY INDUCEMENTS OFFERED FOR CASH OR ON CREDIT. SEND FOR CIRCULARS AND TERMS TO We Sewiag Miae Cos., 358 Euclid Avenue, CLEVELAND, 0. SPEIGHT BALDWIN, NORTH SIDE OF THE RAIL ROAD, DAWSON, - GEOrtGIA. The public are requested to note that I hare a Fi-vt Claes stook of Jbancy Family (h'ocerieß y INCLUDING Canned <*ood, Pickle*, Hams, Flour, €ofl* C e fciUGAR, BACON, LARD, ETC. h FULL LINE OF TOBACCO & CIGARS. dry goods. In this line I will keen cnnstsmly on hand a complete stock of Osnabnrgs Sheetin DL . ings. Kerseys, Flanne's, PRINTS 0 f all descriptions nDd a large lot of ftradv Mad* Pt which will be sold at price* 10 suit the times. Algo, a full stock of Boots and Bha °i *’ on hand. I shall keep no “shoddy goods,” but everything will be faith.ullr ren,Z purchasers. ” easnod to m WAREHOUSE! In connection with my 'tore, I have * commooious and well arranged warehou a-n tvepared to Store, ff-ll or SuiD C tton, ob easy terms, and to the best advant,. * n< * Tour putronage respectfully solicited. BPEKXIT R 11.1 |\ 1878. ' 187a THE Dawson Weekly Journal, *J. T> • TJOYL & CO., Proprietor 9 * Ti HUS, 89.00 A ITKAK Ilf ADVANCE. DETOTED TO / News, Literature, Agriculture and especially to LOCAL AFFAIRS* % Democratic in Politics! Tli* proprietor* trill spare no pains to make the Joarnsl int*reiung * valuable to its patsona. They try lo mate it a live and *pi ightly P a l'® r ' mining nothing into its columns that is dill), flat ard commonp act- * give special attention to the Local News, and be, at all times, watchful ■ interests of its subscribers. . f ,j Tiie Journal is now in the thirteenth year of its existence, and u> pernrannt, prosperous and profitable institution. In its “bright exi “there is no snch word as fail.” It has a large and constantly increasing 1 ■uletiou in five or six ot the best Agricultural Counties of the State of Georgia, and is, consequently, nn excelloct ADVERTISING MEDIUM F r these wi-hing to reach a large number of intelligent Farmers, 11® and tetail Mmclunts. Its rates for advertising are low, to suit the 111 £(DHJ <D a? II © In connection with the paper, is a well appointed Job Office, j n,t a( with a lot ot new materisl, snd prepared to do oidinaiy Job Priming, BILT, and LETTER READS, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, ORTGAGEB. Llß^ nd all sorts if Local and Cogoimercisl Printing, in a* g°ud style® LOW RAT'S*' as it Can He Done In The State. Call and examine our walk end pri es before eenoing els w l> cre