The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, March 07, 1878, Image 2

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THE JOURNAL. J. D. HOYL, E.DITOR. dawsoiv, THURSDAY MuJiNING, March, 7, ’7B 1 uSiiifini Court, Superior Court commences at Mor gan, Calhoun county,on Monday next 1,. 0. Hovl, one of the proprietors of the JoUunal, will be in attendance ami receive and nceipt for alldueseitherjfiir subscription or advertising. We have several subscribers in that conn tv who ateoneaud twoye&rs behind in their BllbfcriptioD, and several parties are due us for a Iver'isint. We hope they will all pay up during court week- News papers, .'ike all other enterpris es, must be conducted or. business principles, and these r<quite occasion al collections, at lea-t. We hope aii our deb ors in that county will go to coutt prepared to set tie up. The Sliver Hill The president \elrd the silver hid, but th bouse and senate passed it agmo over the veto with hut lit la debate and no respect for '.he opitiieu of the presideut. Mr. fid), who w-s adeem when the hill passed the first time, voted for it ou its final passage. It is said to ho the first tin e in the history of the country that a bill has passed over a veto by the executive with moro than its original majority, thus showing the entire lack of ii ilu eueoof Mr. Hayes withei'her party.-- The niims are preparing to go to work, and wo presume we wiil soon see seme of the effects cd the hi! 1 . Some of the papers have noted an.l commented on the fact that the the vote of neither of Georgia’s two distinguished Senators was recorded on an important measure recently a bill for the restoration of the frank ing privilege. D.idgiug an important issue, either by absenteeism or the very objectionable habit of pairing, we be lieve, is not considered very manly, in Georgia. It is reported that a treaty of peace has teen signed iy Euebia arid Tur key. ATbany offers 6200 for the best drill ed military, compauy at her spring fair, ♦ ■ - A VntoisiA Shouting Match. —A few days ago iwo youg men named Wilcox and Walker of Charles C.'j county, Va., who had some diffio -Ity met on the county road—whether by accident or design is not known—and opened a brisk pistol flic upon one an other. After a few shots had be u n ex changed, without any effect, Wi cox suddenly called out, “Hold on ; my pistol is out of order and wont fire;”! to which Walker very chivalrously replied, ‘‘Aii right ; I’m not in a hurry nnJ I’ll wait.” Wicox then read justed Li■* pistol an<l the fire began again. It is nof stated how long the combat lusted. The r-suit was man elest when young Walker fell shot through the face uni exhausted front the loss of b'ood while his antagonist escaped with a slight wound m the utm- . Mississippi's Tax ox Drisks —ln Mississippi a patent has been obtains 1 for a method of C' Heeling taxes upon drinks, which is far hotter than Mni fet 01 Ciark register. Buoksof coupon'’ are sold by the State Auditor to all liquor dealers. When a drink is sold the consumer teeeives a coup at, which entitles him to tocoive from the rotate, in payment of his taxes, one con*. If two drinks are to be paid for, fie receives an orange colored coupon good for two cents. If fi.e driukj, a blue paper good for five cents. Not only noes the State enjoy an income from the tax on driuks, but the con sumer has a reasonable chanceol pay ing (IT his taxes with the oraage and blue coupons. The saloons are crowd ed af all times with men making out their tax?*- Does the end justify the means ? Exchanjt. We are i-.fomed that Mr. Anderson who is still Acting Collector of the Port of New Orleans goes from the jail to the Custom House in the cus tody of the Sheriff every day, and is arfowed to remain one hour, iu order to transact the business of the United States. This leads us to remark that perhaps the gim.t work of Civil Service Reform would be pro moted by making a great many othir Federal office-holders transact the business of the United Status in the pretence of a Sheriff and keeping them in jail the rest of the time. We venture to say that Acting Collector Anderson is not oig tiring any rings to plunder the Government just at this time.— Tl'ashing/on Post. Boknid to Diirir—\ few days ago a litt'e negro child about four v°ars old, on a th plantation of Mr J. It. M. Ssundets, was burned to death. Tiie mother left tint child at the house while she went to tie spring to wash, wh* nit enught fire and was burned to death before she returned. Tha next day while most of the fam iT of Mr. J \V . Saunders was at church a negro house cn the p'einiseg took lit**,and with ihe house on infant uegro Was hurned betore assistance touiij bo rendered.- Ctdhbnrt l f- i he -■ |?> trig S'uir. To the Cit'iiens of Terr.'! Court ‘>j : At the regular matting of the Ter rell Cos. niy Agricultural ntul Ilorti cuituial Society held iu February last, I was r ques'ed, as president of the Society, to call (tie attention oi the iatmers and friend* of agriculiute throughout the couri y,to the fatt t'-at there will he, in Dawson, on the -Ith day of May next, a Sprii.g Fur, in which all the citizens of the county, both ladies and gentlemen, are equal ly interested, at which time we hope to ii. ve on exhibition article* from all the varied branches of industrial pur suits. The Society is very desirous that ail the citizens should interest themselves and ta k part in the exhi bition, so that it may he mad a suc ees . All the frieu s trf the various de) artments of industry throughout the coui'ty, and adjacent Counties, are tordittby invited to a’lend and bring articles for exhibition without enhance fee to individual, or artici s on exhi hftiou. It is need’ess for me to ad duce arguments'to show the good re sult to our farming interes's and irr (lu.-trial pursu ts geneially,fry ke pir g up in our county annual exhibitions of ‘lie fruits of our labor, and the produdh- of the soil. Our observation 1 and experience in the past t aches us that those sections of country where thesd annual exhibitions are kept r.p, are int te pinsperoug and the citizens genera Iy more cheerful and buoyant Tire ri gular monthly meetings of our Society have already done good, with increasing interest. Questions ot importance relating to the general good of this section are being discuss ed, confidence is being restored to a great extent in every br neh of icdus try, and if ail our citizens would but encoutage and utilize the means and talents in their possession, the whole country would soon attain this desira bly end, and there would he a deci ded change in the financia , as well as the social statusof society. Our home* and firesides would have charms so endearing and society local attach ments so strong that they would con tinually hind us to i,ur own loved Georgia. This may he effected by the mutual co-rspmation of the votaries of the different industrial pursuit*. — These aio all dependent one upon the other and should move together in sweetest harmony,each guarding with sacred fi I elity the interest of the oth- er. W bile we concede that theeedif. ferent pii’Miits are wisely adapted to the prosperity and building up of *oci cty generally, yet we cannot ignore the fact that the agricobuial interest ol this country is the source from which eminates our prosperity at h jtue as well as abroad. Should we not thfn as citizens, true to ourselves, do what we cac to prom rte the growth and prosperity of our own section? Should we not, as good citizen* of the noble old c-.unty of Terrell, rally to her interests, and determine to aid in building up the waste places of socie ty? Let us all as iniatory to these measures resolvo at once that we wil have some article on exhibition at our approaching May Fair, at.d do all in our power to promote the general good of our section. Let us look to our Agricultuial and and Horticultur al departments. Let the ladies look to the gardens, flower yards and cul inary departments; the mechanic to his machine, and let us endeavor to have every br.neli of industry tepre sentod on the occasion of our Spring Fair- Let us come together and hsve a grand in frying to build up the social and financial prosperity of our county. A suitable programme will he published at the proper time, with the appointmeut of committeee, etc., etc., so that all may act advisably in the premises. 0. R Moobis, Pres. A Beactiftl Thief Pleads Gciltt. Miss Emma DiVenpoiq an attrac- ; tire yjuug Virginia lady, was recent- 1 lv tried in tlie United States Court at J i Richmond, Va. She was charged with abstracting a valuable silk dress and two valuable puckagesof jewelry from tire mail, while acting as Deputy post master at Goocblaud last Christmas. I Sho is of good family, and very pretty, f and much sympathy was manifested j by the crowd assembled iu the court ■ room. Her lover was in tho court ! room, aud was armed with a pistol, j with which to blow out his brains should the sentence tie the Albany ; penitentiary. But when theCietk said, j “What say you, guilty or not guilty V tho fair prisoner replied, with a tremu lous voice, “Guilty !” Then tlmie was j a scene- With the word guilty Miss Davenport shrieked, threw up her ] hands, aud leli back into the ai ms of i her stalwart betrothed. The jury were; moved to teats, and the Judge hid j his face iu his h mdkotcWfef It was half an hour before the lady rev ved, j The court imposed a fine of 8100, ! then she fainted again,and the court ( atj.turned. Miss Davenport and her lover returned to Goochland the etuoe j evening, where they were immediately j maifioi.— Baltimore Sv.ti. Claycn’i Veto MUtssage. Alter a very careful con-idetati-m ■ oi House hill No l,fil’d, (iii it e-i "An act to authorize the co nngo of ■hej wambird si ver dollar, and to restore, its legal-tender character , f f**el com-j pelted o let urn it to the lloti-e of. Hepre*entu ive*. nr which it oiiginit-, ed, with my nl jeo'ions to its pn*s ige. i Holding he opinion, which 1 ex pressed in my annual message, neither fire interests ol tire Govern ment nor those ol the peopie ol the Uni tod "tii'es, would he trromoted l-y disparaging silver as one o* the two precious nie'nls w rich furnish tire c in go f the world; and that legisla tion which harks to <>.am fa ruing t'e vninn of intrinsic money to as lull a rueasup of both metals as rherr relo ive cummer (ial Values will pm ini' would he neither unjust nor inexpnii en ,’, it has been my earnest desire to cncur with Onugies* .11 th- adop tion of such 11 esstirt-s to increase ti e *i'ver coinage of fie country a* Would jyn impair ThP obligation el cm'r-cs. either public or private, nor n.jution-- y ffect the public credit. It is only he convi lion that this ’oil does ii t niee - these . ssential ipqu.remen's that I fee! it my duty t.• withhold final it my appre val. My present official dn'y as to tin* bid permits on ly atteution to the spec fin objec tion- to its passage wfrich s em to me so important i.s to jotiiy me in a-k --ing irom the wisdom and duty of Gon gress that hi fl. r eor shieia ion of ‘he I, ill for winch the Gotisu ution nas itr such oases provided. Tfte hi!) | rov des for the coinag" ot 1 silver dollars of the weigh' of TI —-i grains each, of standard silver, to fie - legal tender, at their > omitoi! vAm for ail debt* and dues, public anil private, exc a p* wheie otherwise >-x prs-sly stipul'ed itr the C'linart. It is w> 1 known that th-a market value of that number o grains ol 'tandari silver during the pi*r verr hr- be 11 from ninety to ninety-two cents. as com pute-! with the standard god <lol it. Thus the silver dollar all Aio.'iz (1 by this liill is worth 8 to 10 per cent, less fl an it purports ‘o he wic'h, an 1 i-. made a legal tender for debts .011 traeied wlien the law id out • ecogn Z -uclr c lins a* lawful mooes, lire right in pay duties in silver <-r n Certificates of silver r e osi s will, whi n I hey are issued Ofl lifßcien amount to citcul .t“, put an end to the receipt ot revenue in go and, and thus compel payment of *ilv.-r fur both tire p'incipal and impest of r 1 ■ l)Uhire debt. Eh ven Inindre and foi y-three ini ion, four and nitlty- hree thousand- foul’ hundred dollars of the ■ ond. and debt rn w oui standing was is-ued prior toF i r 'ary, 1873, when the 1 iiver dollar Was Ull It .own in circulation in ibis o, nirt.y, and was only a convenient form o| silver bullion for exportation. Five hundred anil eighty-three million, lour hundred and forty thousand, t ree hundred and fifty dol ars of tire funded debt ha* been i*su>*d since February, 1873, when gold alone was the cum fur w ich the bonds were sold, and gdd alone was the coin in which 'mill parses to the c ntraci t.nder-to and that 'he bonds w mid he paid. Thesehond-fenter' and into tlremar kets ol 'he world. They were paid lor in god whet; silver had greatly depreeia'ed and woen no out- would have bought them if i had been un derstood '.hat 1 hey would tr- paid in silvet. The suru of 6--5,000,000 of these bonds has been old during niy administration, for g ild coin, and tno United State* received the bemfit of these'sales try a reduction ot the rn'e of interest to four per cent. During the progress of these sales a doltht was suggested as to t 1 e coin In which p'vment of these ' onds wou and he made The public announcement was thereupon authorized that it was not to be anticipated that any further legislation of Congress, or any action of any department of the Government, would sanction or toleratethe redemp tion of the principal of these bonds, or the payment ot the intmest thereon, in coin of less value than the com authorized by law at the ;mw of the issue of the bonds, be ng ti e con ex ac ed by the Government in exchange for the name In view of tneae facts, it will he justly regalded as a grave breach ot the public faith to under take to pay these bonds, principal or interest, in silver coin worth in the market less than the coin received tor them. It is said that the silver dollar made a legal tender by this bill, will under its operation be equivalent iu value to the gold do’lnr. Many mi ppm tors of the bill believe this and would not justify an attempt to pay debts either public or private in coin of inferior value to the money of the aoild.— The capital defect of the bill is, that it contains no provisions protecting from its operation preexisting debts in i ase tlie coinage which it creates shall coat'r.ue to be of loss va ue than that which was tha sole legal tender when they were contracted. It it is 1 now proposed for the purposo oi taking advantage of tho depieciation of silver in the payment of debts to coin and make a iegal tender a silvei dollar of less commercial value than nnv dollar, whether of gold or paper which is now lawful rnouey in this country, such a measute it will hardly be questioned, will in the judgment of mankind be an act of bad faith.— As to all debts heretofore contracted the silver dollar should not be changed without the consent of both parties to the contract. National j remises' should he kept with unflinching fide - iiy. There is no power to compel a nation to pay its just del ts Its credit depends on ite honor. The nation owes what i*. has lod or allowed | its creditors to expect. I cannot approve a bill which in J my judgment uihori*es tho violation I of sacred obligations. The obligation i of the public faith traocCeirl* all] questions of profit or public advaii-] tage. Its unquestionable maintenance' is the dictate as well of tbe highest’ expediency as of the most necessary do y, and should over ho carefully gur.rded by the Executive try Cot'gress and by the people. It is my firm conviction tost if lire country is ; 0 he benefited by a silver coin ig it can he dune only by the issue ot silver d'dlats of full va uc, which will defraud no man A cur rstrey worth ess than it import* to he wmth wilt, in the end, defraud not onlv creditors blit ad who are engaged in egitiina'o business, and in>u>* noire surely than those who are dependent on their daily laho: tor ‘.heir daily hiead (•signed.) R. 15- Hairs. Executive Maksison, F b. *lB, 1878 Nakki.w Escape. —From the Lump kin JiMie/htideni if last week, we learn tiiat Dr. Isaac W. Btckes narrowly es caped a very seiirus 'njury and per haps death, lie wl* standing near the 'r..nt wheel ill his wagon when his horsi ionk bight and ran. Die Doctor was caught between ‘he shaft ari l tire front wheel and was so tightly wedged in that position that the wheel was locked He seized hold of tire shaft mid tier being dragged sums forty yards or mure managed b> extricate hlm*e f from the wheel. He then dr.. l ped under the wagmi and escap ed H r escaped withou mjuty save a few sight bruises and he rr-C'U e ~| two ribs on t e right s de. The hors ran some distance Hlter ‘he Doctor tell Mini stopped of Ills OW'U accord without broken any thi- g about the wagon. A fire in F irsy'h, M .nri e county, a few days eg ~ destroyed h to re anil six simes. L ■** a 1 ou 1 $50,000; pari ty insure .Til. V>'xiivitl<i Should an eruption occur in thi* Volcano and cause 'he destruction of on.-had of roe mb.hi ant- ivlmluri. in trie vici itv 'he 1* in iii de. w o r arely escap -d \. itlr then >ve* would min - diatlv move ' ack up. n the 1 alt-i-. oierl lav 1 and t'lrere '.ice in foils'ant fen t another erin Iron hm isb v taiicyr. g that the only ten 'iitatde portion ol he earth. Best* w tllltl 1 e -lial-'W .1 rhegr-ai vulcar o. This fairly i lu-i --trates ttie force <d r-atdt am) r e pm s stenev w'i'ti wiricri people c ing to oienions when once t' lme F>r ex mnpie t'r. Prerci, G > rl-ir Medical Discov rv cures tticipieti coiisuiii)i;inn Coughs, cohls, arid all affection* .if th iVor aid t,|ood yet Aoin still depends 11)1101 prrv iciail* ■ml remedies hat h ve I,anght hut rep A ted failure- ■' ir ich they cii ref r And altho gh Dr. Pierce’s F’ vori e Pr s rrption is und r a positive guarantee to cure tlrosse weiiknes-HS [reculiar to wninan, and notwirhstan’ing that thousands of women heir testimony toi s• ffi acv and the truth of ull Statements made concerning it many yet gu' to tr.e use 0 lUstic and the knife. Again Dr Pierce’s Pieusant Purgative Pallets, no larger than mustard seeds, wil cute e. n-tipation wtiere it is soil dependent upon dy-pepsin or torpid liver; yet some sri I depend for relief tijii.n the ‘‘hlne )>ib” or huge ll)8Ph O f*( 1 tastic ca' ha> tic luadiciun lir the f cent such lact , can W“ wonder at the blindness of the poor Italians? VIA e can change a fit y dollar hill if you want a bottle of Globe Flower Gough iSyrup, the gr eatest Cough and Lung Rutiie I v in the w n id ; 01 if you want to I yit first and if what the. Hon. Alx H. Stepens Ex Gnv >mith, Ex-G'V. Brown and Hon Huh. ert Toombs of Georgia, say about it is true, you 3un get a Sample Buttle tor teu cents at Dr. Jr. Jane’s I)i tig Store, that refievos an ordinary cold. The Glohe Flower Gough Syrup never had an equal f >r Goughs, Colds and Lung Affections It positively cures Cunsump tion when all other boas ed remedies fail. Samp Bottles, ten cents. Regu lar size, fifty noses, 61.00- (Jovscmptmn C.IK2D.—An old phys iciau retired from practice, having had placed iu his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simp's vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure of consumption, bronchitis, catarrh asthma and all throat affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous (let jlity and all neivous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has felt it his du'y to niake ii known to his suffering fel ows. Actuated by this motive,and a de.-ire to lelieve human suffering, I will send free of eha ge, to all who desireit, thi- iccipe in German. French or English, wi h full directions for preparing and usir.g. Sent by mail tiy addressing with stamp,nan mg this paper, W. W, Shearar, 126 Powers’ Riock, Rochester, N- Y. 4w. Sewing .tliicliiiic for Sale. A fine Sewing Machine manufac tured by tie White Sewing Machine Company of Cleveland, Ohio. These are tho finest, cheapest and best Ma chines made. Thero are three of them in use now in Dawson, and tfmy aie conceeded to be an improvement orer all machines. Call at this office, seethe raaohii e,and getreferenco to parlies now using them. Only one on hand, at present. tf. A tieiltle Hint.—ln our style of climate, with its sudden changes of temper ature, lain, wind and sunshine often inter mingled iu a single day,—it is no wouder our children, tiiends aud relatives are so frtquently taken from us by i.eglteted cold-, hall the deaths resulting direcdy from this cause. A bottle of Boscbee’s German Syrup kept about your home for immediate use will 1 prevent serious sickness, a large dodo's bill, and perhaps death, by the use of three , or four dorse*. For curing Consumption, ■ Bem-rhages, Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup nr any disease of the Throat or Lungs its success is simply wood rful, as jour druggist will tell you. German Syrup is now sold iu everv town and village on this con- i tinent. Stinpl# bottles for tiial, 10c.; Keg ular size, 75c. Qcekkt: —‘‘Why will men sinokoctiiii uioii t"baeci>, when they cun buy Mar- j buiffliios. ‘Seal of North Caalino’ at th- sir.ift price?” Crampton’s Imperial Soap T IIE BEST ! (T. nipfon 1 :* Imperial So.p is the B*st. Cianm'ouN Impoii *. 1 S j<tp i the Be^t. < r tmpto. \ Imperial ir ibe Best. Oran pion Imperial S.ap ia the B?st. O ainD/ih‘ Imperial Soap is the Best. Oi >mton‘P Im mi*) Soap te the .Beef. (’rump'oi.S Son pis the Best. Cramptoi. 4 * Imperial Soap i* the Best. r | HIS OAP is manufactured fr< m pure 1m te ia ih; and a.- it c<*i:’i"B a laige pe~ rentage of Veeetifie O I, i warrant**' fully o the iinpor e.i Oastih* Soap, and a' •hp .same time contain-* all itie washing and denying properties of celebrated German and French Lftunnrv Soaps. It is therefore recom men led for np in 'he Laundry, K'tcht u & B.uh Room, and tor general household purpose ; r! o for Printers, Painters, Engmeere, and Machinr*-. as it will remove j pots of it k oM iiSt', Tai, Oil, Paint, etc , from the hands. The Huntingdon Monitor of April s’h, 1877, pr liounees ‘>is s the best in the market, • m follows : Re del, *!* dm : wan- von to nuppjse ha' thi- i* a m advert!s.*m' ir, and mass it i v<-r uuheedtd. R and ■ We w*nt o ditrci tr r n ■ o B e adv* oi •M - Impe i) S<>ap.“ Raving used • *iit • tli to )u oast r#r, w.- can re e rid ;• i.~ ti-r* be-1 quulrv of •*-•*. 1 . • rare thins? .O p a Soap 'hat wid •■'nigh elei -r prin ii£j p-k rom the h . is. * t\ u, lin.-p; hut OraiiiDion* ind‘ v p v :.j ir and we know were -1 r,-,\ I t *o*-c ? • 1! v ud pied for pi p • , • gin* 1 , rs and machinists, m:-v g t all desoiiptions T h #n'i •' we i a* .•!'? h*B, with li-fie y re* i *'u- nol purposes it k ‘ t'XC,. ) T Manufactured only by t ,ibe i t ID lv *rc;>- Terrell Super tor Court Nov. Term. 1877 \V H FJ< jr* ir- 1 I.itml 11• r Divoice VS > Rule to Perfect N- Ilii- Ro_-er> ) Neivice. Irt got 1 • ip •v• > e remrn of h S ff ■ f) ‘ ndanf do * not • t-.*• de nr i it ; .. fu r her appear— i.i*.r * : h* * *<oes • his State, if t*j x on *r,o*i *e m. \ said D f o-e •• . ■ • w at the r.< xt f* ■ i P i , • "pi* *e he con -i ii and >:j •' ti * I . if h P ‘ ; -n iff allowed ■o prtc \ \ and i >- fii •. • ordered, f h..t thi rule b on M-' niin h- D w n Journal once a m n h h)i fou moo he. WVf. ft. EIDHOO. J. S. C P. 0. \ fine ranseripi tmm the m m e* of Ter re’l Superior Oour , r 6 h, 1^77 J *- *•'. <' .jA RK, D clSnani4ni Clerk S. 0. T. C. CBAMPTOM BROTHERS, V *. 2, 4 ft, S •and In R P*, and N T • S3 and 35 J Ife -Of- S reef, Few Yoik. &, or Bale by J b cum, mg 23, tf Onwunn, G * Vfl *:gf 1846. USE HARRISON’S WRITING .INK" AND MUCILAGE. hest f.r Tilr would Jet Bleck School Ink A Specia'ty. FoiS-l- b all b .ding Siation.ra ami II tKROh.I MU CO.. 9 Tltirray IV. Y. PERFECTION ATTAINED AT LAST! A TRIAL will INSURE ITS POPULARITY EVERYWHERE. iiliai When once used Trill retain its place forever. WE EXCHANGE MACHINES. Sand your old-fa*liion*d f cumbersome, heavy-running, woman-killing machine to us, and we w ill allow you #25 for it, a. part payment for oue of curl. IT IS CELEBRATED FOR ITS ADVANTAGES. IN THAT IT IS ONE OF THE LARGEST SEWING MACHINES MANUFACTURED.—ADAPTED ALIKE TO THE USE OF THE FAMILY OR THE WORK SHOP. IT HAi THE LARGEST SHUTTLE, WITH A BOBBIN THAT HOLDS ALMOST A SPOOL OF THREAD. <f THE SHUTTLE TENSION IS ADJUSTABLE WITHOUT REMOVING THE SHUTTLE FROM THE InnCHINE. THIS MACHINE IS SO CONSTRUCTED THAT THE POWER IS APPLIED DIRECTLY OVER THE NEEDLE, THUS ENABLING IT TO SEW THE HEAVIEST MATERIAL WITH UN EQUALEO EASE. IT IS VERY SIMPLE IN ITS CONSTRUCTION, DURABLE A3 IRON AND STFEL CAN MAKE IT, ALL ITS WEARING PARTS CASE-HARDENED OR STEEL, AND INGENIOUSLY PROVIDED WITH MEANS FOR TAKING UP LO3T MOTION, SO WE ARE JUS TIFIED IN Warranting Every Machine for 3 Years. IT iS THE LIGHTEST AND EASIEST-RUNNING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. IT IS. ALSO,THE MOST ELABORATELY ORNAMENTED AND PRETTIEST MACHINE EVER PRODUCED. WITH ALL THESE ADVANTAGES. IT IS SOLD FROM sls TO $25 LESS 1 HAN OTHER FIRST CLASS MACHINES. EXCLUSIVE CONTROL OF TERRITORY GIVEN TO AGENTS. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS OFFERER FOR CASH OR ON CREDIT. SEND FOR CIRCULARS AND TERMS TO Es Sreifi* Cs., 35S Euclid Avenue, | JETS.} CLEVELAND, 0. SPEIGHT BALDWIN, NORTH SIDS OF THE RAIL ROAD, DAWSON, - GEOtiGIA. The public are requested to note that I hare a Pi st Class stock of iancy Family Groceries, IIVCEUDINH 4 assssetS foods Pickfes flaum. Idosir, Coffee SUGAR, BACON, LARD, ETC. A FOIL LIHE OFT6BAGGG 6 CSSARS. DBY GOODS. In thb line I will k eo cnnsiaatlr on hand a complete stork ol Osnaburje, Slieeline. ss ins* Kersevs, I’Unnetp, PRINT , ot all desoriolionu and a luge lot n i ibadv M tde C!o h which will be sold at prices to suit the times Also, a full s'oek of B iots aud Shses | on band. I shall keep uo 'shoddy good*,” but everything will be laitb ully repieS’r**e"/!’ purchasejg. K '" ea 10 W REHOUSE! 11l connection with mr tore, I hive 3 commouiou* and well arranged warehouse E J a-w p epared o Store, S.-Il or Snip C tton, o easy terms, sod to the best advantage ’ *** Y-ur patronage reaped fully solicited. tePfl.ll .i||f U.lLCfl 7 |> 1878. 1.87a T H E Dawson Weekly Journal, 4 4 rJ• TANARUS). Ti< )YL & CIO., Proprietor^* T- HTIS, $25.00 A mil Ilf ADVANCE* DEVOTED TO News, literature, Agriculture and especially to IaQVAIa apfaibs. Democratic in Politics! Tits proprietors will spare no pains to make tbs Journal interesting I valuable to its patsona. They try lo rna'-'e i' a lire and sprightly pap**, *'• | misting nothing into iis columns that is du 1, flat and comuionp **• 1,1 1 give special atiei non to the Local Nows, and be, t all times, wat.hful t>! 110 ; interests of its subscribers. . - , The Journal is now in the thirteenth year oi its exist.non, and i a permanent, prosperous and profitable institution. In its “bright Ip 111,11 ; “(here is no such word as fail.” it has a large and constantly iucroa;ii'S ri. i culetiou in five or six oi the best Agricultural Counties of the “tate of Georgia, and is, consequently, an cxoellost ADVEETIBINGr MEDIUM For these wi.-bing to roach a large number of mte'ligODt Farmers, I ,nn aud letail Mcichants. Its rates for advertising are lew, to suit the i|Bels - >4 - Q (D Hi <© IF ® a © la corinectisn with the paper, is a well appointed Job Office, just 4U I with a lot ct sew material, nnd prepared to ilo oidinaiy Job Printing, *“ c BILL and LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, ORTGAGES. LIENS. and all sort* if Lecal and Cogmuieriml Piinting, in as goeJ *'?'**" LOW RAI'SS as it Can Pc Done In The State* Cell and examine our w.ik tr.d pri • btfure ecndirg elia’tbcr*-