The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, March 21, 1878, Image 2

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fHE JOURNAL. J. D. HOYL, F.DITOR IMW'Ot, UKOKGU : - - THURSDAY Mi RN’lNG,March.2l,’7B j ■■ r TANARUS“ ■loll c. K. Woolen Mljieaied for Coigross. A e<vrespiindriit "ho baa kindly "lit on up the Calhoun Superior Court lor this i-aue of our paper inc.hlov.taMy mentions the name of Hon. C. B Wooten us a suitable anJ pri per man to represent the 2ud district in lire next Congren*. Wa have iiesrd, as yet tut Imle talk on tii'a subject, but the time is not fat <ff when ilie people oi the nistiict will be called upon to select their until tor that high aud impoi taut position. Should their choice tail upon Moj. Wooten, tiny will have u representative of whom any constitu ency miglu be proud. He is well known, not • niy in the second distiict but throughout the state, as an able arid eloquent lawyer. He resided for a long Uure tu our villago, and has tn >ny fitends in Terrell county who would, we have nj doubt, he glut! to soe his splendid abilides made avail able in tiie councils of the nation. — He represented the 11th 1 iotriet tor four years in the state senate, since which time ho h s been quietly ptac lising his profession, seeking no office, he sewksmonc now, but, as it will, as before said, soon devolve upon the people of the district to se ect a man to represent them in (he next Congress, we biuiply second the sugg stion of our correspondent that the Maj. is eminently fitted 'for the place and solicit the attention of our readers to tho SU’ iect. t>l>i um I'uirs. is iu a blaze oi enthusiasm on tire sulject of agri culture. Agricultural Sucioties.are in active operation in nearly all the coun ties. The last to wheel into line is Han lolph county, which lias a wufe awako society with Col. A H oil ui president. Spiing fai.s a’e to beheld m Bainbridge, Thomasvibe, Albany, Americus, Dawson, and Cuthbert. Thomas county began to bod lun about ten yeurs ago and ha- krq4 them up ever since. By tliis rueai r she advertised herself to ihe world, and as a result, the hotels and piivate houses of Thumasville arefilbd evei* w iuior w i h visitors fioin the Nort , some seeking health and some seekinp homes. The lauds in that and adjoin ing counties are rapidly appreciably in value, and every inteiest soem-t t be ou the Irghway to better film s - is no doubt that many northern people who are seeking a milder c i tuate than tlieir own,have their utten tion'diree'ed to tliis part of tho coun try and will settle among us in 'h next few yeatsif properly encouraged. As we teard one express i, a few days ago, they “want to get away lrou, u country where tiiey cun oil;, work five months in the year, an. have to lio up to keep from freezing the other seven.'' With all the availablo !d<l, properly cultivated, Southwest Gt. would he almost a Paradise. We think the people are, nt last, taking the proper •tops to tnnko the country what it might and should be, and hope they will not waver in the eiiort. IP LL Juno Bot the Macon I'cleyraph A- Messenger, who strongly favored Miiledgniile in the late capital cam pa'gn, hus wiitton an nrticlo or two u tavor of releasing the city of Atlanta from the obligation the voluntarily onteretl iur* to hnild a caj itol for the stnt-e as good as the one nt MiLedge- Tii’o. He favors the atuepTanco o’ the ground < fluted by the ei’y, l ut is in favor of the state building its own fit use, when one is needed. The Const t’Jlion declares that Atlanta is ready fo db-rharge all the obligation* tho entered into in th" premise.* when called up< u by the legislature to doeo, but n rel'ose from the burden would be thankfully accepted This is a mst'er for our representatives to think about through the summer. Judge Leonard, h mem* or of Con gress from Louisiana, died in Cuba a few days ago of yellow fever. It is said that he had gone to Cuba t.) be married tern lady if N-w Orleans. A white man, named Gu* Johnson, was bui g ic Home, Ga. las? week fo kiiiingfa npgro ferryman. Prom al‘': tepor’s Juhr.sco sas a desperate char ter, sod bad coumttteso several mur.l dors besides the oi.e £ot which he was 1 hung. The Nd* Hampshire eie ion wen radical ty a diu.niched nmj ;; y. 'i he .few Dollar The fir>t silver dollars wore coined at tb mint-, last week, under the Bland bill. It is stated th t aliout SBOO,OOO will Cos coined during this, month and, in Ap'il, $3.000,0d0 will • e coined. Quid is offered freely in equal pxerngo for the new dollars, c'•nfuting tiro arguments of the oppo nents oftho bill, who urged that the new ,-ilver money would t'O worth less 1 1.un gold or <*vcn greenbuks. Gen. Toenibs having often teen menioned in connection with the Governorship, the Atlanta Constitution in'ei viewed him on subject, re cently. He tool the Constitution repot ter that l.e would bo 70 years old, il alive n 1880 wlton the next elec tion t.;kes place, and that fie had neither desirp, wi-li or expectation of ever rt - eutoring tho public service in any ca pacity ; that lie was ineligible to .ho office if tho 14rh amendment were law but should the people enliup >n him to do so, he should not hesitate to serve them in any way they might wish despite tho 14:b amenduiont or any thing else. Ampruson Released. —The Supremo Court ot Louisiana has r rdered the verdict of the jury against Anderson of the returning board set aside ant. reverse.: and the prisoner released Haves is add to be much rej iced thereat. Two men, i.allied Jackson and Robirsnn, we.e arrested in Americus tor making and passing cuntr-rfei' nickles. They were taken hefive Connnisaionei Putney at Albany, and aent°'o jail, m detault of SBOO, hail. A nioD they call “Piofessor” some body is trying to walk 500 miles in 500 con.-ecutivc hours, iu Macon. — S mebody ought to get up a society lor the pievention <f cruelty to that once honored title “Professor.” A map in Charleston S C claims to have iovented a machine for picking cotton-fiy which he claims it can t e done for tine d* llai a hale. Great preparations are being nite e thrcugfiout the state for ttie eefehra iton of memorial day the 26th of next month. A Tliill Wfln wna Brar’, We ha".e here in Hart county Ken tucky, a man by toe name of William Bowman wlio was thrown away i the Apa ache mountains,North Cam ion, when an infant and was found '■V an old bear and adopted as a cub. At ttie age oi about ten years tie was captu'od. ted hand and foot, and then bis captors louud that lie could not talk, nor could he fie persuaded to take any food but milk, which lie sucked (torn a bottle, simwing that tie tiad lived solely by the nursing of the '■ear. Bowman is now a farmer neai Otu ga, and any one doubting the truth of this statement can have it letified tiy seeing tiitn. —Hart Coun ty Three Springs. Camels in the American Desert. — F>r . early a year past four camels nave been running at large in the vicinity of Mineral Park three old ones and a young one One of the old ones looks to be qui e ancient’, and i? may he oneofihe onginal stock dint was imported from Asia many yeais ago. These animals are v ry gentle. A few days ago Mi. Knob man wa out hunting stock, and he rauie across these camels, hut his mule nt j-cted to an intimate acquaintance, and commenced hacking. Horses and mules are frightened at the right of tliern. In Nevada and Idaho, and 1 think Montana, thote is a law against using these animals in towns or trav eling . n die roans, as they liightcu stock. Theie see ins to he no o'wuora (or these camels, and in time they may increase aid become numerous. -Arizona Miner. A Guano Sampler.—The Gwinnett Herald tells of a man who recently went to llulord to purchase fertilizers, and while eating a piece of cheese went through die operatiou of testing lie strength of the various brands by ti steing them. He would take a piece of cheese in his mouth and thn te.-t a brand of guano. Out informant told us that he woul I oo willing to take an oath on—an almanac, that tbo morning this young man went to Bu ford be did not. have a sign of a beard, and before the next morning lie had a orofu*e moustache and a most magni ficent sot of whiskers. A Harrow Escape. Mr. Iliram Lewis was riding on horseback uear the Patrick school house, a few miles from this place, on Sunday, the 10th inst , when the high wind that was blowing at the time blew down a pine tree which struck Lewis’ horse on the hack and shoul ders, billing the horse ins'an’ly. Mr. Lewis’ discovered tho falling tree in timo to spring from the saddle to the ne<k of the horse. Truly a narrow escape. — Montezuma Weekly. ——— Mr. and Mrs. Barnes met in San Fran cisco after a separation cf twelve yars. He had been seeking a fortune, with very moderate success, on the Pacfic coast. She had been living in Pennsyl vania. Did they rapturous'y embrace at sight of each other ? No ! She drew a revolver and fiied three times a: him, and he knocked herdown w'?h a cane. It seem* that he had desert ed her, and she had found Lirn after a : g teattli. itJ.FiVc l r- in tliirji'iu. Editor? Joirnai. : An item occas ional y from the scquestceid villa**"' Morgan may inteiest some of th* many readers of y* ureveelleio pap-t. The little, town has been all astir for the present week as I e Superb r Cour for Calhoun county lias hen m session, nod juiors, "presses and liti gants have bm u nipeercus His honor, Judge Wright, • as been at the head ol the bgs) m chinny, and lias dis charged his itii| oi ’.ant duties with universal satisfaction. Solicitor Gen etol, V\'. 0- Fleming, has also me* the aiduous r,quirem-nts of bis position with tisonl ability and vigor. A. I. (Judge) M'.ituoe, till) effiient clerk of the court, has added new laurels to his already well earned reputation, by bis prompt attunt'on an bis uiiifoim <ouite-y to all. Sheriff Colley has served 'ho Court la th fully iid is ma king a good * fib er Too Morgan Hotel, pu-sided over by iis clev.r and worthy boat, P P. Clayton, is still in the lead as the best hotel in S. VV. G Uncle Pli I and li s e-Hmiihle I dy can sate the palate of tip* ni 'SI lastidlous ep.cure, and “Bob,” the old favorite and trusted p. rter, is mdispensu I**. The Elions of the Albany News, Albany Adcertiscr Early County Nnvs ad Dawson Journal have each l e-n present this week looking after the interest of the iespective papeis. The J. urnal cm.tit ues to ke< p pace with any ot ttieui in popularity the good people of Calhoun, aid finds a wdComehy nia y of it- cit zens Moq an. without doubt, pos-esses itoinv attract!" e for tl,e “gentlemen ot ttie hat,” as i- well attested by the large number tha f attend Calhoun cmirf. All of the surrounding coun- ties tiave had able repiesentanves at tliis term of the Court. Dawson has been il'U-trated l.y tim e legal lig’ ta ; Col’s. L C. Hoy I and J G Parks; Cuthbert furnished Col Hood and Ju'g Wotriil; Alhanv contributes Me.-srs. Vason, Stmzier, V\ arreo and Wooten; Judge R. F. Lyon, fioin Macon ; T. If. Lyon and Win Spence, E-q’s, from Camilla; H. C Silo (field, E-q , f'om M.ller; Senator E. C Bower, of Blaklv, and Col. K'-nnon, fn ni Ft Gaines, liave been in aiten clance this we, k op- n ttie cou:t. \\ e take occasion I ere to remark ■hat tt is staten that the many friends of Col L. C. Hoy I are anxious to brtrig bis name before the next I* gis lature as a candidate tor the Judg ship of the Pot n a Circuit. We trust it will be one n 8 w>, feel assured he wouhl honor the judicu 1 eimine, and p.o e hitnself an able chancellor, it he he elected. In this connection it might not fie preiuatute to suggest the name of Major C. B. Wooten as olir next Representative in Congress from this district. V\ hde Congress man Smith has achieved distinction and success, yet as “Juno” ouc tritely replied, “It is n t well to confer all honors upon one.” We feelconfi dent th t Mojnr Wooten would grace the halls ox’ the national assembly, and Ids eloquence and acknowledged talents would teffect the wisdom of ttie electors of the 2nd Congressional District in sending him to the Capitol. Calhoun county is putting forth ail tier effoits and exertions to build up the waste places, and continue pros perous and self-supporting. Abun dant harvests are confidently antici pated this year, as a large uurnher of acres has beeu ec wu in cereals, and the prospect now is flattering. The fatmers are busily engaged in plant ing their crops of corn and preparing their cotton lands- Let us hope that bountiful results may be realized, and that the store houses and granaries of 8. W. Ga. may thi* year be filled to over flowing. More anon, * * * Morgan, Ga., March 15, 1878. Horrible Death of a little Girl j Near llockville last Saturday alter- I noon, Mr Keene, who resides jus! this side of the mill of tho Messrs. Veirs, ■ had set lire to a field pf grass. After warning the children not to go near the fire, the parents returned to their usual avocation Mrs, Keene was startled by the cries of oneof the chil dren and running out of the house discovered her little girl, aged h ur years, enveloped in the flames. The mother, at the risk of her life, drag ged thechild outof the burning grass, | but was unable to ship her of her clothing until she had been fearfully humor’. The child lingered until the following maming, when death re -1 lieved her of her terrible sufferings. Mis. Keeue’s hands were so badly i burned that it is doubtful if she will ever regain the full use of them.— Montgomery AdroeaL’. ■ Dr. Pierce's Goiden Medicu! Dis covery will cure a cough in one-half tho time necessary to cure it with any other medicine; and it d-es it, not by drying it up, but by removing the cause, subduing the irri'ation, and healing the afbxted parts. Sold by druggists. TheCuthbert Messenger has chan ged its name to tho '‘True Southern,” aud_will hereafter let politics alone. Tin* I <|.lU* U sign '/.Dm* The April nunif er of tin- Eclkct c MagaZIMK, i„ lent irkahle, 'oil, for the In h aveiaga ex, elet ceof it- contents ; and for ! tie number • f sp< C l papers' seppia e!y c a'fei g* atieiitl"ii 'l'hi 16 nr, r,o less, sixteen arti le j f e-liies tlio flt i d 11' nia dei KIT no it ;' and iveiy laste sil find H.'inetlnng I !i gr tily it “Toe M noil "t 1" En glish ii nerutlll ♦lnoUg 1 Life ls "] big Illy interest il g and prof.'Ull 111 sll ' gestive resume t En. ii-b vf .1 S, n’is- j ties ; “Toe N,'h Sini which I del nit,, Mhi-.M s'” is i rie of Mi P octei’s always ms'iucti'e s ii'*ies n I’opularj ast>< moil y; and P" f Goldwin fill' til’s paper i.TI ‘ll.e Pi 'po-ed Suli-l.t re lot lt digi in” deals witli a sll'ject of exflaust'lde ill'eie-t. Apio pos of War, there me two tiotab egood descriptive papers —one entitled! Ovai the B dkins v i’li General , Gmuko,” “C tistatinople,” Dy James i B yce. The l,tt<r lias already become; lainous in England. O ber uotewoi tf:y are, th.' beginning if a reii s y Taine no "F atice t'etme the Outfoeak of the Revo u* on ;” a timely liiofrr aph ou I skeicii ot ‘Count Ca vor; “Piot s.-oi Hu'tyou the Degeneruoy of Modern Opinion ;” “Keais LoV-- L-tters;” and a thrii i g nariative of “A Rote ‘or Lite.” A ske'Ch (with steel pot*ait) of Pmiessoi Maisti ; three ot four poems ; adoi'ional chap t is "f Mr B ack’s sto y, “Maoioori of Dale;” and we 1 filled editoiial lie paitiuents (onu lete a mm.tier ot ex feptional vriety and interest. Put'- l'B'ieo f>v E. R, Pelton, 15 Bond tsireet New York ss|eryai ; single ca.pes 45 cent. Trial subsetiption lor three mouths, sl. The Best Yet T B Paterae & Bail 10-l , Phi tide pit'll. P ~ are 11 W publishing anew edi'ion o' C > rles, Dit bens’ l ove s, wfii, h fo f>eauiv; and clioapness tin surpasses any "v-i i lo fore issued. It is ended 'P ter S' ns 1 Arneiica E i inn,” printed on fine: wtil'e pa pel, fiom lalge C car type, leaded, with some ot tho mitinal I-, lustrations as -elected by Mr. Dicken and designed f,y Phiz, hiukshank. Blown**, M -clis* au ■ * thee al'tl-N. and bound v rv grog ou-ly in red vellum, gold and filaek wi'h the cover fi led wtih the author’s principal Clmracteis, which tie lias made -■ world fatuous There in one corner is die i...mortal Pa;' wick, in another the we I known Mio.awber, the learn ed Capt Cutt e,poo* i tie O.ive> Twist, the nii-guide Grand t, ttie-, me mean, hypocritical P,ok“iiii, the inrr- Celia'y 8q leers, Bo its lire Bead e, et,., and all ofthi-for the smadsum ot $1 25 'ibis edidon will he found !*,:• sale ai all Book Srores, Ness Stands, anion all Rail Road Trains, or unv person sending the Pufdishers $12.00 will lei'etve tile fi st lw Ive volumes as fa-t as pu l ‘lislie*l, liv mail, po-tage paid, and nt this low price every one that is fond of a handsome hook • right to s ihserihe. Address all offers to T. B. Peterson & Brother. No 306 Ches'nut Street, Phil-de pfiia, Pa. 'lhe Weekly Constitution. • Wirhiri the cours* of a month we fhll vegin the publication of n story of Southern life and character, entitled “jlie Koptafice of ftockiille,” from the pen of Mr J 0. Harris author of Uncle Remus’s R vival Hvrnn, and the most popular writer in, prr aps, all the South - ilia abu d<nt humor and ic descriptions •ro well known in Georgia. Th® news ory will be hia most ffort, aud the C institution promises is pal ons rire literary treat. The sfory will .ppoar in the Weekly Constitution only, and will run through several mo .fs. Clubs should be made up or single subscriptions sent in wi'hout delay by all who desire to read his story o? G'Or&ia’s fivorite humor* ist. The price of the Weekly is $2 a vtar, postage free. Address, THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. RAIL ROAD-GUIDE Ulanii t and Giiif Kailrout General Superintendent’s Office, Atlantic and <>clf Rah. Road, ) avannah, Ga., February 14, 1878. f ON and after Sand ry, the 17th inst., Pas senger Trains o : this Road will run as follows: NIGIIT EXPRESS. Leave Savannah daily at 4:10 p. m ; Ar rive at .larrup 7:10 p. no; Arrive at Btin bridge 8:10 a. m; Arrive at Albanv 9:50 a m; Arrive at Liv Oak 8:30 a. rr; Arrive ai J i k*onville 9:25 a. nr; Arrive a' Tallahas see 9:30 a. m; Leave Ta'lahafsee 11:20 p. nr. Leave Jacksonville 8:45 p. m; Leave Live Oak 940 p. m; Leave Albany 2:80 p. ni; Le ve Bai bridge 3:15 p. lit; L- are Jesup 5:45 a. m; A’rive at Savannah 8:40 a. m, Pullman Sleep ug Oars run '.hr ogh to Jacksonville from Savannah and from Lou isville, Kv., via Montgomery, A’a., aud Al bany and Thtmasville, Ga No chance of cars between Navannab and Jacksonville or Albany. Connect at Albanv dailv with Passenger trains both wavs on Southwestern Railroat' , to and from Eufaula, Montgomery, New Ot leans, etc. Mail S earner leaves Bainbridge for Apa lachicola everv Sunday afternoon, for Col umbu every Wednesday mornings. Clos con ection a Jacksonville dail (Sundays excepted) for Green Cave Sprirg St. Augustine, Palatka, Mellornille, Sanfort j and Euterpris'. Trains on B A A R R lenTo junction, go ing west, Moudav. Wednesday and Friday at 11:14 am. For Brunswick Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 4;40 p rn. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS—EASTERN DIVISION. Leave Savannah, Sunday excepted, at 7:00 ! a. nt; Arrive at Mclntosh 9:fO, a. m; arrivr at Jesup 12;16 am; arrive at Blacksheat 3;40 p m; arrive at Dupont 7:10 p rn. Leave Dupont 6;00 am; leave BWckshear 9;15 am; leave Jesup 12;3S>p m; leave Mclntosh 2;47 p m; arrive at Savannah 5,30 p in. WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Dupont at s;3oam; arrive at Val dosta 8:20 • m; arrive at Quitman at l(l;28 a tn; strive at Th. tuasville at ];10 am; ar rive at Albany 6:40, p ra. Leave Albany at 5:00, a tn; Leave Thomasville 11:00, a in; Leave Qui:mau at 1;30, pm; />ave Valdosta at p n ; artive at Dupont at f;l3 p m. J. S. Tisjn, Jas'er of Transportation, il. S. HAINES, Ge:t. Sapt. FAVORITE PUBLICATIONS. Frank liiiuury Coru‘ Tn b-HU'ful peiiodieal, fhe hem ArntMic*' Kimilv Journal, S'ory Paper and Horn Fritmd, has been ihe successful lival of hI he weekly journals for be past ihirle. i vears. It gained a pi CO in the minds mi* hea-'s f our pe- pie, and now the name o ns pi'inM is Lesion. i h i vrar i be Chimney Corner seems to •. be' erihin ev. r. S lid stories are of th mo't absotbi' P and I velv chd'acter, rf gn*; rowri, irv.e to life and full of merit, t kin* 4 wile range ot suhj c s t,-* pietiso ever\ m ,„b*r of the household —ihe do nesti s torv t<>r 'he mother, the charming lov< tab tor the Oaugbiers, the nvoe d'uiou'ic fot th y,,U';g men, iho solid ' ovel tor older read* r iirt >hen we h y- siinit g adventure for th* b *v- and f.iry tales for the children. |]-i>her'itrt, llnwird, R -b'lisoe, I) For.-sv B nedi. r, S. Frost, Annie Thom**, Kra W P.* roe, nd nth r emiuent writers, r * its tegultr contributors. The subject treated of are very varied. Ihe i'lustra tions are profuse and they are all beautiful Short sforir*s extremely interesting are coin pleted in each number, while Biographies, Adven<ures, Essays, Fun, Travels, Natural llistot v, l egends, Science, etc., m,ke this publication oi e of the most en r.erta nine in existence. Exq.‘9i f e steel *ngravings are frequently g 1 v* ii avvav to its mbscib 'rs. Tne Chimney Corner, sixteen p j ges, wi f h e : ght p.ges of illustrations, printed on fine p per, is published every Monday, price only lo tren"; annual subscription, $4, post paid Address v ur orders to Frank Leslie's Pub lishmg F auk L- blit's Lady s Journal, 16 pages, is>u and weekly, contains and tub *lt 8 t pi sons of 'he vetv I tea’ srvles ot Lidie.' 4 and Children's Wear; u eful m fmn ion on Topics; Select Stories; B auti ul 1 ilu-tr'iotis *t Home and Fo ( ign Sutjec-s; Poe>rt; Fishio.i *bh lntelb genre; Be -on.l C. i C* at; Amusing Car toons oi. <h“ Flues ai d Fiol o the I)a\; Npoks *>t J/uth, euec Frank L*slieS L dvN ,/u r. ■! s the osr beautiful of 'll j the 1 p i-e s. It shout.i b- found on ! h rthlr of verv lad in the land. Price 10 cel.*s > cop,; •t.nual subscription, $4. P->‘ F 11k L.-sli- ’■ P.u ui> Mon hi? has made r pd stitdes s ; he v-il of many aspirants •r puhl c f vnr 1 * c>on buro.s are some of hr b.-sr, living mif. is. Every department ot liter rure n r**nr sen red in its co'umi a ihe amount of i ■ rue ion, entert .it uieiit and amusemenr ff d**d bv he articles, essivs, stories, ar-ri general miscellany con* rained in tie I'-8 qu mo r of each nnmoer of <h<s nurd c-non has b en well appreciated. Everv copy ol the Popular Monthly is embellished with over lot) beau i ful illustrations. B i g tne cheap si pe ind ical of the kind it • xts ence, ltd at th* same time one t the tno8 ? elect and u- ivers 11 v w.lcome, it must con i* u • to incieaee in public favo , aud rn k wi h the t Üblisheiff Sui day —'lie highest, among ad our Aui'ican mot.ffilms. /• s publi h and on * t. © 16 not each month P ie- 25 cents a u iinbe ; Sub- n non, $3 p"> paid, pet \**- . Aoi'es* y u i p'* s to Fiat k Leslie, 537 Pe .tl St e#*t, N w Y > k F >t k Le-liA- Sin d\ vtag Z" ♦* is a beau litu< w* ik. I "ill in-eiest r eared at and cul t' ed rne ds k* whII ih*- most o>dinar* n- de. it isth* ul S>i lav magazuie .pub h*de*i in tH coun'r . Kv-’V numb r has !*2B p ges fil- and b tie mo*<r sel et end f scuta i: g 1: er iiijie, • jug g f• om Hi* Sel mot! bv m. ediim (I) . ‘ . F. D en.s, p-.s'o of he * torch of • H ranger-*), to Poe iV. VU C Fun, jSi -i ee H -*,• v, etc*., i e eat v• ii ach copy of ihi** J/gaztiu •as 100 exq-lbite engravings of tne urn-* •it renting ch .racier, I t.a* e*che aci - cnlatiou and pro p* j i’> *s mak* it ot ui h‘- nriarve * o p - iodt al li e'-ture. i ia b and eda beau itu wore. Buy i' o-d sc f- i youe-clve*. single e.'t"- only 25 c<m , .n annual sutisc p 'Ot* piC only |3. pm* p .id. Addi ess '■ <e * FRANK LESLIES TUB. IloUSt*, 537 Pearl Slice , New Y • k. liltT/* BMNIIIil) IS4. USE * HARRISON’S WRITING TTsTIC AND V;UCI GF. BEST l.r TttE tl'OtiEl Jet Black School Ink A Foi Sale t)v all I.eadin" Ktationtra and PR iO.. 9 t!lliTiiy S|„ V. : ' ,; t A-r A'-S-I [ J *-—■* •‘S-A $Sk fi &i*li a Efj I id IS / IT-ifMEll AT LAST! v i ' INCURS iTS POPULARITY 2 V E K V V.'KCR Li. 1 j [T-;1 f w ■ : T rr -~Tr|Ea^ * ' ' i' i&mfM I I II k? -|J . w T:.ya .. B : .j :. v • : •_• • 4f*r w v MlclftfiilHAffiil TT/ica tsjjed 'will retain It** forever. TTi i.TCiiA!TSS KAOHIITSS. 1' yon r r’ll-f .- nioiiptl, enmbaweM., lien rr-rn c i :i", v xn-in-kilTiafr machine to u, mrtn• •v. i:i aiiovjou tgi-S lor it, •ni part puytue: t for oao of ourg. IT IS CELEBRATED F'-R STS ADVANTAGES, •H TMAT IT 13 Crn 0? '! :£ LARGEST SEWING Ifc.ACH'XLS XANUP/tL."tTL3,—ADAPTED ALIKE IS THE 1.15.2 C* T."E rA TLY CT V*Z VYCRK SHOP. IT i.At LAMEST S.jUTTLE. WITH A BOAR'- THAT ISOLDS ALMOST A SPOOL Of TKAEAi) C TUS {•:tl.T-L€ TETSIOM IS ADJUSTABLE ” 'THrUf rCMOViLG THE Siit'TriE i iiOii THE THiSV*.*"' >t •? SO CONSTRUCTED THAT THE POWER IS APPL’EO DIRECTLY OVf': THE T.i.rCLE, THUS EHACLi.'IG IT TO I SEW THE HEAVIEST MATERIAL WITH UN- I t*JLtt) FACE. IT IS VERY SIMPLE IN ITS i CONSTRUCTION, DURABLE AS IRON AND steel CAN T AKE IT, ALL ITS WEARING PARIS CASE-HARDENED OR STEEL. AND TIGEN OLSLY PROVIDED WITH MEANS FOR i'Apii \0 UP LOST MOTION, SO Y/E Ar.E JUS i -fiF.D IN V/rr ranting Every fiachise for 3 Years. iTIC THE LIGHTEST AND EASIEST-RUNNING MACHWEIN THE MARKET. IT IS. ALSO,THE ••-ICt-l ELABORATELY ORNAMENTED AND PRETTIEST MACHINE EVER PRODUCED. . |JH ALI. THESE f!-VNTAGE3, IT IS SOLD • p ,M IC TO *SS LLu-J THAN OTHER FIRST LLASS 'Rti'RISEE. EXCLUSIVE CO..7RCL CF TERRITORY GIVEN tcr R 0?FEBEB St t J FDR GIP-CULAiis AND TER VIS TO v,' 51 Af'gir? yaaVina Fn i* ‘ 'l/ tf&Wkj, CitVCiiliid 1(3,, 3 1>5 Eiicf:tl penile, * Cleveland,'o. SPEIGHT BALDWIN, NORTH 3105 OF THE RAIS. ROAD, DAWSON-, - GEOuGIa, Tho public arc rcqn.Bted io note that I hav# a Ki' st Class slock ol hancy Family Groceries, d live* fanned Goods Pickle*, Hams, Flour, (ofl ee SUGAR, BACON, LARD, ETC. A FULL LINE OF T0B&G38 & CtfiARS. DRY G- OOD S. In this line I will keen ronst-Rtlv on hand n complete stock of Osnaburgs, Sheeting’s Shirt intjs Kersevs, Flannels. PHIXT' of all desorintions and a lrc;e lot of Rsadv Made ClV'hi ' which will l>e shld at prices to suit the limes. Also, a full s<ock of B iots and S*ea* a | w "" no 1 shall keep no ‘shoddy goods,” but everythiag will be faitblully reptesetde/u purchasers. " 10 WAREHOXJSEJ In connection with mt -tore, I have a commodious and well arransed warehouse and a- o-epared -o Store, Sell or Snip 0 tton, on easy terms, and to the best, advantage ’ Your psftronage respectfully solicited. SCEI.sHT BILDtVI.^ 1878. 187a THE i Daw son Weekly Journal, ,T. TJ. IdOYL & CiO., Projirietoi-s. TKitns, sa oo a ykak is advance. DLYOTBD TO News, literature, Agriculture and especially to mmA li AEFA.IRB* Democratic in Polities! j ' * The prnprie'ors will apere no pnioa to make the Journal interesting 1 valuable to its patsons. They try to make it a livo anil ap'ightly pl>* >r ’ 1 i mitting nothing into its columns that is dull, Hat art] commonp'ace. I' ,fi 1 ;;ive special attei non to the Local News, und be, at all times, watchful at interest* of its subscribers. _ . . 'i iie Journal is now in the thiitnouth year of its existence, and is a lVfe , l . j p*mnnn<<nt, p tisporou* and profitable institution. In its “bright lex'con ‘there is no such word a* fail.” It lias a large and constantly iucreasthb' cu i uletiou in five or six ot tbo beat Agricultural Counties of tlie State of Georgia, aod is, consequently, an cxcollcut ADVERTISING MEDIUM For those wi hiug to reach a large number of intelligent Farmers, P.rt'', cri and tetail Moichants. J*s rates fjr advertising are low, to suit tho trueis. 1 it it jj m> ® n© a Tn connection with the paper, is a well appointed Job Office, jus! with a lot ot new material, and prepared to do oidina iy Jub l >r * n!in F’ BILT, and LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, ORTGAGES. LIENs, and all sort? <f TiPtal and Cogmtnerciul Printing, iu as good sty ,e a-* LOW RAT L < as it Can He Done In The State . Cr!l and examin# our work .nd pri'es before sending eliewl>® re *