The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, March 28, 1878, Image 2

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TilK .lori.XAl- J. D. HOYL, F.DITOR. DAWSON, : U . mm i <— THURSDAY Mi RS'ING, MawV-V 7B s —rr=:=rait-U.wsr -- -- •| li, Albmif Fair. p>j,d the lag -advertisement of th** fljst Spring fair or tlio Southwest Ga Industrial Association to be held at Albany oh tho —lth and -2nd of May nest. yon will see that the pe*p! of Terrell county are ur st 6<uue-tly invi ted to attend, and take articles far ezibition- We have no doubt bu this fair will be one of the best that has ever been bold n Georgia; the rn ‘fingers are working ip a way to uiftke u so. We advise all our people that can ii 30 to alien 1. It is to their intti es'. to do so. Thise big fi-s will a'- tract attention to our country and c’oate a demand tor our i(il lands and our farm products. An entetpri-e the kind succeasfuh’y conducted at .Albany wifi Peaefit-our county aliuos As much a? it will their our iutereet to encourage it, for while Albany and Dougherty county 6| end jnost of the money and do most of Die work, we w\l} p ieop a ’>&rg e of tho benefi t. Wo have decidedly the best eud of the bagnio, sc iets “whoop ’em up.” Terrell lies finer horses hogs, cows, hulls, and calvi e thau any countv in south Oa , if she ouly knew it. White nut by any uieaiig neglecting our can Inn, let us go (town to Albany an I astonish tiie natives with a hig di-jiay. Hurry up youi voik, lat'uter.', so as to have a couple of days to spire, hitch up your teams, lay in two hr three day’s rations hiiJ tskd your fatuities clown to the fair. And doiii fa get to take something for exibitirr.; take your fine stock, vegetables, and fl iwer-*. We know we can have plenty of such ilrmg-i t ma tea tine shew. We wi i wage* out hard earned reputation for veiaci ly that tbore is better and more prom ising whsat n-uv giowing in Terrel, coin yiV.i. any where else in the >-o - tel estates, abeit, tliev say that thi ir not a wliefll coimf y. Let.® have a big fai* our3i?’ves, and t ben go down aud show Albany l ew it is douo. , Tlic iilimlien in llic El. The lat*t dispatches from Europe weetn to indicate that a war between England wad Russia is highly proba ble if uot inevitable. I: is Maid that Russia hxa dauiauded that the Brit tiab fleet shall it the sea oi Mataio ra immediately. The presence of the first in that position ie claimed .to bea wialatioD of interoatioßal law. Both mgfnna are making active [repara tion* for an encounter. While war is a creel end wicked tiling, atid to be deplored under any, uircnmst inces, we do not believe that the one e.‘ present apptchwudei would have the depressing effect upon our t u>mediate interests sad tc<J usuries that some people seven to fear. England lias a much more puwotful nary thn Kuisid ; in faav suQM one has aai'l that a war between tbe two powers would belike V fight between a dog and a full, ttto one on land and the other in the water. It would be p*. haps impossible (or Bassia to trans port an aiiny to *nj part of the liri lish possessions, hot an easy mau * f tcrT6r EbgfUnd to rsaeh Butatmo ter ritory. Ike war would consequently b<* fought fnainly in oouthem Buseia, far away from the cotton spinning countries, of Eu'opAy aod-aa fscto<y operatives are principally woman and children, wa4 ot suppoaa tba threat ened war woulddiojinisli (he derated .. tor e<>*u>i*. l# „ „ , Ttw uaaio article,of eoutmarce With w hich Husain competes with lira red world, we believe, ia wheat. Tbe tlijgipished production and inoressed r ooeumption and waste consequent on a war would probable increase the pr co of that article. This ib tbe only nay-in which we can see that our southern interest Wuhld Le much af fected • 1 1 •** , Wo am in formed by a private latter from Mr. J. D Western, of the Alba ny Newt, that the subject oi cleaning cut Flint Eitra*. so at to make it nav igable five ihot ('see to it* mouth, is receiving much attention in t'uat ct*y. Hon. W. E Sairii, it will be nstrem horeJ, suooedwd m Having ar appro Vtintion made for commencing tbe work. We hope the siatar -nay be puhcw ’p u ♦'jeeerai’y’ en jciuMen. a* rim op swig u{ that live? wjukl be of hoarfit to iill doo|*ie2 r t% as i 11 oui i us sutriisf .o rnar k”*- „nJ •> rhsp" a r.*m *oer, i ; Poor Hayes. Tlio nllta radicals ill QutigMiss ere ■•ill fodnb rino our dear, gid b*ld ulynt President without mercy; or •nioderutit n. On last ivrCinl -.y, Buna tor Timothy O. 11lw, ol Wtacnooitr in a speech seven hours long, handled the de facto w ith tough nnd bauds. Flo charged him with -bout every sto rn the political decab gue, nnd fiuug mud on the ptior fellow with the skill and precki >n of a first class dredging mch : ,:e. He said that Hayes, while avowing himself still a Republican and the friend of equal citizens',dp, had o£T*n led both repub licanism and equal citizenship es Sam uel J. Tiiden never wunld have done. The ram( ar t end bate Senator poured copious stream* of vitriol over everythin g about the Wlute House except Key. Although Key a democrat, Mr. Howe had implicit con fidence in the up deration of li e opin ions, in the justness of his sentiments and the integrity of his character. Altogether, Mr. Howe’s seven hours speech was the rankest and hottest onslatigt on our deaily beloved chief magistrate that we have yet had, and it is supposed that it will provoke a fietce and lutiou* fight in tbe re puntican household, in which it is said the democrats will not interfere, hut stand off at a safe distance and enjoy the fun. “By Iliarei* ? it is a splendid sight to see. l*or one who hath no friend, no brother there. Their rival of mix’d enabroidt ry. Their various arms that glitter in the sir f’ A young nun in Ouinnett coni'ty recent y married a girl sixteen years old. As soon as the ceremony was over the father of the girl, who was opposed to the match, t- i k posession of his daughter. The young man then appealed to the courts to re stoie to him t' e possess.on of his wile. The court decided that, al though the marii ge was legal, 'he la.i er whs entitled to tl e cu tody of his daughter until she i-2l years old, B.i tho young man has to wait five yeais tor hin wife. Moial: marry an old maid or a "voider” A great walking ma'ci, < pen to the win Id, i ecentiv came < if in Hindi.n, England. The lest was to se whit could walk the greatest number id miles in six days O’Lcaty, au Amer ican, won the match. lie walked £2O miles in the time specified. We think the Atlanta Constitution had belter post up a little in leg rd to the probabilities of tbe next eongiess acna! race in Ocnrgi; .before it speaks 'gain on that sul-j> ct I> miss'd the mark badly as to thj 2nd district. The General Confinenc* df the Mr-liiodist E Chuich Soutli meet* in Atlanta it. May It will elect two or three B shops, piesiden' Hay-good, ot Emory college, is prominently spo keu ui as a prol.ublo onnot them. i / An English war vessi!, tbe Enry dice, sunk near ti e I*Je of Wight, a lew days ago. Ovet 300 p* isons were drowned!. Wo are again nnder obligations to be Hon. Wm. E. Smith for valued favors.- Honorary Cnniiuissioiior to Fari*. Editor Albany A deer titer :—lt with much pleasure that we -aw a communication issiio.l t.y Hi- Ettell •scy, Govern i A. H. G<>H]utt to our risirg young toweinan and popular journalist, Mr. .le-se D. VVeaton, as honorary commissionm to the Paris Exposition. Mr. We-t.ut’n graphic pen would do much towßrdn giving us, who are compelled to remain rtf home, a true account of events, and portray the p'eaing objects of Paris with accurate precision. We trust that this Splendid opportunity will not be lost l>y Mr. Weston for visiting the ‘O and World,” for the benefits that must accrue from such a trip to an obaervaut mind are permanently in calculable. Albaniau. The many friends of Mr. J. I) Wee ten, in this seetien, will be glad t learn from the ftlxive that be baa beets so honored hy our Governor. Jeeaa is a first rate letter writer, and we Wokld be glad to see the exposition done up in his way style. By-tbe way, it is said that Georgia will be well repretented at said fair. Gen. P. M. B. Young i* g neral commissioner for the South, apl be and bis assistant, Mr. 6. W. Small, of the Atlanta Con- M ■'4 -* 1 ' ttilution, who has already gone (o Franc?, succeeded in getting up quite a creditable collection of Georgia pro ducts tor tbe exhibition. A little girloiOiwishohoeken. Conn., was playing with a ear, ouoduy r*e-nV ly. when she mas slightly by tbe eniinal. ller brother win ill with ecerlei fever and she took the disease. Instead of the eruption end ing out naturally, it sooiuel to settle is the trifling w mod which the cat had icflietwl. Gar,green set in. 'and ’.ha little one sufb-rwi gw'.igr and 'was fics'ly reliuTod by Jesuit. . i Tl Wm Virgin iff Honor j Too Wheeling, W. V-, Registers spjeials from Liflnten, W. Y*.< *-f thm the testiuioiiy in the case of GSbrge and John. Waltxfco, charged with the minder ot thr-e persons o the H)th ins*., makes their gut t al nmii (‘A kin It he. pis the* Jbhti 'V a! I hop induced his sister-fn 'law ( 'Via. C+wge Wirifnce, tn route to hie house, saying Aiu wife was< sick;, and then made improper advances to her. Hie'ed to escape, and ran near ly bwilnmile, bu* .was overt rkm and killed with a hammer. GcoVge Wal* lace, abas Wwmge Brkei,-eay it ws.i John who'did the deed, and told the jmy where the hair, no r couid 1 e found with which /<hn killed the wo* man and child. T w.s f< ued, cover ed wil • blood, w lrere lie said i' was. Biood was also found on John Wal lace’s clothes, whi- h lie ad tried te wash off. John cune It* Ike town and gave tiie aim ufiei the iinudet. Eich-brother.chaiges tiie mliei iih having ccmniiteA the crime. Both men w-re airea'edaiel place ! in jail under ah. avy gu ad Hundre.ta of people havi flocked to the vicini'y of the scene of lie* liorro', and one ol the hromeis will broh*'ilyt*o lyocb and ! belore tnoiu'ng. B-nh men nave been told *o make their peace with God anl iiretraie for death,wild vhj thing is lit readiness tor their exeetl i liou. It seems ihal the murderer took the three oion'hs old child by the feet and dashsd its bra.ns out against a tree. Mrs Hey A wiiter in the Cincinnati Gs.zefte says: Mrs. Key is the most elegantly' 4 graceful woman'iu her movemnnts it ha- almost evei been mygo. and lot tore to meet. M.e Is 'nil and finely form' ed, wfiot Joe Gaigeiy would temi “a fine tigger of a woman,” an>l she cros ses a r.e in with ike easy undulating, niovenient td' an Aucelusisn. Her lace is perfectly immobile, pleasant and kindly in expression, but lacking fire. I have never seen i' lii Up with a flash of spirit *>r merriment. Her hair is dark, and worn wi’h its natur al waves drawn back fin hi he> face Him s' tikes ill * as a tiifle • ffid n*. Mis. Key die-s-'S with hltir- st Q ak>T like simp iciiv, her nidi..ary cdting Cnstnine lining a coint-ina’i n ol olive grpen silk end i!J*l“l’* lon ct >th, with Isinnel o: vel.e - to, en'er* and leaves a ca.iiag - mme eleg.ilitiy than any woman I ever m‘*t. Ace ding to the Q. and man Fre- Press , a very exr'ellent fiiiui"r living in tne Mo veil <h t’ict undertook a few everti gs ago to cure his hogs ot vet mill by rghhing no rn witli coal oil. He provider! himself with a far Ih’hf uianf for h Htnl Coditheticed work' Un unarlv. just as he had gotten ‘.hi in w* II greased, h simi k from tiis torcli fell on tne hack "I one, and in an in “lairi he was in a light blaz:. The fljlnes cornlrilnicated to the otlieis, and in f>w rn'.men's the rrove wer running wild, fi eing with ligfiKi ti!,; speed, .nd ppearing in the uaiknes like fir. fiends. The Hex* day tire fi:r mer found his bacon not only 'cuif'l, bu: dono up hfowri. Tift’ <S ftlal*. \Vbat think you would be re sult if ti e chi th sh"idd stop spuming around the tun ? Were you pvei near a large and intii“ste machine when one of its wheels became clog ged or broken—near ei|ough to hear tl e (rraftihg. jirnrig cTAth', the suddii<m deafening c>Hh ? Aetlotiotners awUle us that preci-ely similar effects, onry oh ,air inconceivably grander scale, would he produced it our eanh —one cf tiie w eels in th*- universe machine —should suddenly ceano its I'evolu tion., it* oilier vroitJs, there would la* a general clash ami crash of sstelli , toe, planets, and systems W hat we leitii financial crises are due to simi lar cause*. Owe ufr the wheels in the finance-machine become*elogged, per haps alia terfd. The rervihie Wall atreet ‘‘crash” which follows is cmn ! utuoioated to every part of tiie finan ciul u echanism of the country. But analogies do not stop here. There is that oth> r mechanism, the .port intri cate of all—sometimes called an organ ism because it generates its own for es—the human machine. hen one ot its members fails to peifirtn its office, the whole system ia thrown its* to Disorder. Members before con sidered Unassailable, break down un der the naturarpressure. The Short: cones, and utter prostration is thf*ra* suit. Keparajion can only be effected by tbe restoration of tbe impaired parts and the te-adjuetmenf of its levers,—the physical forces, Tfiero is owe part of the machine autre lia ble to disorder than any ether,—the liver, -the great balance-wheel of tbe ; machine. , The liver the gTVat depurat ing or lkwd-deaoig organ, o|r the system, aet it at work, tbe /ou’' corruptionswlfiehgender in the blood,; and rot ont, as it were* the machltvery of life, are gradually expelled from the system. For ibis purpose , J>r. Pierce a Goldyo, Al< dical Discovery, used daily, and Dr. Pieros'* Pleasant Purgative Pefidts. taken in very small doaee, ire preeminently the articles needed. They cureevery kind of humor from tbe moral scrofula to tbe the common pimple, blotch, or ertaption. Great ulcera_kindly heal un der tne:y mighty curative influence. ‘-HrilUßf’lflofKl poisons that lurk la ihe'system a.e by them robbed of thv'ir terrors, and by tneir ,pßrsevei io> aud somewhat prutra’tcd use tKe TOrtat tainted systems may by co tuple te -4y renovated dud built up , new i En largcd glntida, tumors end swellings dwindle ft way and disappear under fhelt of tbego groat ru’solv aet a Gckbt: ‘Why wid nvu smoke com men tobacco. *ben they f-ati bnv Mar burg Brat. ‘Sreil rtf North Vrrrtffni* at the sine price f?‘ Ottos se,rd. manufacture i be goiigngamaiilrot! ii.'lwtry In thoS u'h. Ti ers are iOw -even 'Stge fuills in JC. iv Ofrle i-8, aind of****!* st Hit n Ro|ige,. BbreVelHtll. NtftdifZ. \ l-ks toi'g D.dlqa. Her’ phw. Js’ahhviJ.*, Mobile, Montgomery, and even St. Louis and Chicago. A ton of sed pmeur a nirefoV gallops uf nflJ jkfr^ l 83 fiu while the reluse cslte, worth s2ff per ton, is Tahinbln ns feed tnr domestic animaiH and fr>v /ei tilwng, land. tj and Three negroes were hanged in Ah-, beviile. Anibauia. last Friday for kill ing a M*s, in 18*6 . — The Friretic tliigrf.lsc The April number of the Eclectic Magazine, is rem lrkalile, both for then hi; Is average excelciiceof it* contents and for the number of sprdal papers which scpeiaiely challenge attention. There ar- n* less than sixteen arti le* leslp be.-ho t> ur editorial del urTulect ; and iteiy taste will find something to gr..tily >t “T'a March of an En glish G noratieii through ljlfe” is a highly interesting and profoiin lly eug gestive resume -t Engli'h vi*s! statis tics ; ‘ The New Brr which JP .dad j into f'tar-M st” is m* of Mr P nctei’sj always instructive s udies in popular tisfromoiny; and Prrf. Goldwin Bni', th’s |>aper on “The Propo-ed Bub*-tit te for R-rligiim” deals with a r-u ject of exhaust'hle in’ere-t. Apro pos, of war, tliere are two notahlcgoml dt'scrip’rve papers—one entitled Over the Bdkms si‘h General Gomk",” “C* nstannopte,” ry J-itues Biyce. The latter has already become famous in Englstnl. o‘her nolewol thy ur' aie, lire f.eginning if s seti y Tnii-e >n “F ance hefcoe'he Outbfrak ol 'he Revo U' *iii a limnlv 1 biygrspliKjii 1 t-kweb of ‘Count Cvor “Probssof Hn. 'yoii tfie Degeneracy of Modern Opintbh“Keats’ Love. Letters;” uiol a thril l g uaiiat’.ve of “A Ride rot Lite.” A -ke cli (with steel potrait) of Prolessoi Maish ; three or foil* poems; adrii'ional chap twa of Mr BiackV stmy, “Macleort of ])me am' wo lfi led editorial de p' tno iits coninlete a liiin.bct of ex popMonal v-iriety and lnterfAt. Putt* lisi e bv F. If, Peiton, £5 B-nd .Street Ne. Ymk 85 pcryai ; single cop *-s 45 cent Tiial s'lbaciiption for three iiioiiths, 81. The IL>t Yk* —T B. Peters, n & Ban !>• > , Phi telelphia, P*., i*re now piiM'shing s new edi'ion ot Ch.irles Dir keris’ i oct-is, win. h f beauiv and cheapness iar surpasses any evoi tiefoie is-oicd. It is culled '‘Pi te'sntis Ati.eiica Eiiti'n, M printed on fine whre ptpet, from b.lge c*ai type, leaded, uiihsonio >t th-* original i lus'ratielis as rcieeted by \fi. Dickeli* and iles'gte and by Phiz, hiukstmnk. Hrowiie, M el se *u ftlict tM>!. an >i imund Very grog ou-ly in red vellum, gold and block w i'b the cover fi-led wi’h rhs anil oi’s ptirtipal cba r acteis, which tie lias made u wurhl fann us Tiicre in one corner is In- l ini'rta Pio wick, in another tiie we 1 k own Miciiwber, ti e learn ed Oapt Cuttic,po.‘ 1 tie Olive' Twist, the mhguided Gran-l lother, the mean, hypociitital Pi-cksml, the mer l eii i y Sq leer* Bouts The Bead % etc., and all of-hi- for fhe srnailsuiii of 81 25 'ibis edition will f'ebo.nd tor rale,. a; all B"ok Stores. News Stan<|s. anion all Rail Road Trims, or unv per-nu -ending tin- Pufdisheis $12.90 wil! teeetve tile fi-st twelve volumes as last *s published, by ruail, ptMsge, paiiL and at this low pi : ce everv one ttiar i* Fond of t and-om fmok * light to wibscrit-e. Addre-ai all ord*rs to T. B. Petwrsoii &- Brut tier. N j*. 806 Ches’nu' Btr-‘et, PbiLd- lplii:i; Pa FARMERS, * w f f .* } . . , i -‘ . I.)'!#- i.s H<li .• *• rt, •/ . p-.n *i . -ii * , j i{‘nn siit] y,f i . ■ . . t kl(4* j look: to I-- • a i ¥OUlt nTKiR!VT! 1- |i*-l ’B , v:. •i, *'■ lit v but . il , - • • •’ n ■ ,-wt . •: ’‘ ' m-9 w: alive* aotntqsnu MO V* it 4 . |‘*L-V( .eft ITD f 1 and *! r-i'9 - .it thi. h.i , .4-d i;J I. So 1 870, t e:U lit i "sn. i ft.ii T'- ■ noidj ( * IAS offering for this Ssason the woll koowc Slid relisblc KtiVsn (}ano for parable in nrirldtfng eetMn at .l'fto = per pound, well baled and deliver and t Jone i A Doziers Warehouse, Dtweon, 6a . or f54 oO in monej, Ko #ex'. Also, the K.iwo Diesel Ted Boar, 29 to 3t> j per eSnt., (■ #67y00„ With cotton opt ton at j i Sets per pound, cass middling, well baled 1 1 and.detirered at. Jones A Dojiers i Dawson, 'Gs , by the frst of Nov. next, o •ft# 00 in mbneV, the freight. t be pd bv ■- the purchaser when tbs (remno is delivered. !; I have bess in Sod tfeUtog /be above j t Guano for several years, and know them to be good, and I hooesll? believe' that the . Dissolved Bone manipulated With cotton i ( or barn lot tnannre is the cheepesg for- | -viliwer that a Armer sau use. } tpeah from experience This Ouauo is asld aceordipg to i per ceutage above indicated, Sold by ' j J. B, CRIM, Dawson, Ga. 1 vi • rr|{u, 84 ?• -.J flfll ,*■% 6sat chance to malts IVlirif mone . v - It ton caa - l get wl W !■ BW | gold you can get green ba.-ks. Wi need a person in every town to take eobScAfttionV tor th largest, cheapest and best 1 dual ruled family publication in the woridk .Any one can become a successful agent. The moat eiagant wtpkaol't.rt gireD free to subscriber*, yhe price is so low thar I alttioe*. everybody sub-eribes. Guo igen< reports making over fiao tea week. A ladt agent report*taking over 406 aabeerifwrs hi ten day* .All who 'cgagl make moner fast ji ou can is vote all roue time So tbu buel or only rcur spare time, Thu need Cot be awat from Iteib* *wr night You ran do it as well as ortwrr. fail parWculais, dirtttions and terms ffse. Elegant and ex pensive Outfit frte. If you want protitab’e wf rk rend iy> year address u ocee. It costs' nothing to try the business. No one wbo eftjprre* feihifo mabw it rdr. Addrev* “Tbs people’s Jeureol,** Poriiaa i.dUina augts KAVO'UTE .^PUBLICATIONS Frail Comer Th'K beau'-ftai petloriieef, the beet Am-ilo Family PrTei>3, has When the succePhfuf rival of af ,b* weekly journals for the past ihirlou. v.-ars. ft gained a pi ce in the mind* and heart* rf oOr pm pie, and now the name ol ilirpA'rord ie ta'jrbw'. ' * ' 1 Th e <-*r the fjhimcev Corner seems to be bel'erihan rpr, Brii| glories are of th> imvt Jabsor long a ad lire!* character, l gvea’ power, lr„e lo life and ton of merit, taking a wide range' of snbf'eis te please every •member ttf.tjic hou-ehnld—the donetn ator'y for the moiher, the charming lore tab tor tlte daughter*, the moie d'aniaie foi tin young men, tha s* lid rovyl lor older readr r nd then we h .Tr Shirring advent are lor the born and fc*it talcs for the children, V , ilaliberion, Howsrd, Robinson, D Forest, B-nedle*, 6, Annie Frost, Anaisi Thomas, ,KjitW Pierce, and oik f eminent writers, nlWts regular contributors. The subj -cts treated ol are, werv Tha (lustra tions are profuse and they are all beautiful. Slinfl srovi-e eiiremely to'eresf+eg are com pleted in each uuiubc’, while Biographies-, Adventures. 'Essays, Fun, T' avals, Naiuraj -l.stoiy, Legend*. Anecdotes, Science, etc , ! nn-ke this puhlicaiinn 01 e of the mo.-l on eifaming in eaigtence. Exquisite steel engravinge are fr-quiatly ! given away to its suhsciib< is ; The Chimney Cono r, *lx*eet. page", with j eight pages of illustrations, printed on fine j p- per, IS published every Monday, price oniv ! 11l cents; animal subset iplion, $4, postpaid. .Andress ymir orders to Frank Leslie's Pub lishing House, 6*fl Pearl Slree', New Turk. FianV LeJie's Lady s Journal, 16 pages, isued weekly, contains excellent Pictures and full descr prions of ihe very latest si vies ol L-idie*' and Children's Wew; u eful in to. m"ion on F Topics; Select St 'ries; B auti ul lflustr.'lons of Home and For eign Suijuc'e; Poe'ry; Fashion.title Intelli gence; Pe-sonal Oiiii Oha'; Amusing Car toons on the Fillies and Foioles o the Dsv; Fpaiks of ddirth, etc., etc. Frank Leslie's Lidy's ,/ouiDal is the n os> beautiful of all the ladies* pipers. It phould be found on he iable of every ladv in the land. Price 10 cents a cop;; annual subscription, $4, poripuid. Ftank Leslie’s Popular Mon'hly has made riip and strides as the rival of many aspirants o ptibfc favor. Is contributors are some of 'he best living writers. Every department of literature is represented in its columns The amount of instruction, entertain men! and amusement aff tided by the articles, easavs, siories, and general miscellanv con tamed in tha lzß quarto pages of each ni.muur of ihits pubheitiou has been well appieciaied. Every copy of the Popular Monthly is embellished with over 100 beau i fnl iilnsi ratines. B. i g the cheapest, petio.l ic*l oi the krud in existence, aud at the same time one'rf the most select and oniversally " Icon.', it must continue to tscretse in public favor, an,; ratak wiib the publishers Siird rv Magagine—ihe highest among ail our g|ineiiuan monthlies. /(. is publi-hed ou the ld'ii oi tacn month. Pi,ice 25 cents a nunibe ; Subscription, 5-3 post paid, per vej . alditiess ynur orders to Frank Leslie, 537. Peaii Street, New York. F-snk Le-lii-’- Sunday Mag*sins is a beau tiiui w.-rk. 1' will interest educated and oul rvaied minds as well as the most ordinary reader. It is tire oolv Sunday magawne pub b-hed in ihi- coun'rv. Every number has 128 pages fi f'd wiih the most sehet and f scinating It erature, rung i g I'oui the Setmoil by the editor (Or. 0. F. If. erne, paaro. of the Church of the 8 rangers), iq -i e Stirling Tub s g- ncral Tnpxs and Essays Poetry, Wu-dc, Fuu, Mence- il-torv, etc., in great vni -'v, rsch Co(iv el ibis A/igmine has lot) exquisite engravings of toe mos interesting character. I' has tCache i a cir culation and pro-peiity sueh 9 make it Otu ol ihi-mmvels of pe.iodi-'a) literature. I> is n.di ed a beauiilnl work. Buy it, and se> for tour-elves. Single eapie* ouly ‘26 cent-, -no annual subscription p-ic ■ oniv jB, po pairi. Address r-rders r.o FRANK LESLIES PUB. HOUSE, 837 Pearl Street, New York. / a CORGI \, Terrell * oiiui; VJ K. F SIMMONS, Adniinisinor do yoni* non o' es'ateot Jame Johnston, deceased,, ha* appli and for dismission All persons terested are hereby notified to show cause, If any 'her cn, why Letters Bisinissoi should no' be granted lo him at the Jon Term, 1878, of Terrell Court of Ordinary W ■'ne'S my hand ofßciatlv, this Febrilet 18, 1878. ti. 8. BELL, Ordinary. F. b 21. 3in ' C> HOKUI %, 'IV ire 11 County I OkSINARV'h OFWCIC,.JdiI. 28, 18*7^ Whereas, L. <1 UoYL, Et‘r of am W.<it deceased, 'laa applte 1 for letters of Disniit sion, ill persons interested are he’ebv not' fied to show cause, !f any they can, h u<• manner prescribed by Uw, w h y said letter, should ■ •>' be gtaoted at the next Way tern of thi> 6’rurt. H. 8. HELL, Feb 7, 3fn f o.dinary. Mni^GTON ATtAiriCD AT LAST! U v/ill I.\G‘JRE IT6 POPVLAIUTY •asraliiiiiifflw, 1 1 iKkarfpßeo u>ert win retain He \ , t jpi.rce forever. yrt pzcsASfoi i^smss. SuVar olcl-fn*inoned, cuntborfionim, ruaok*nu to n. *k.d xv< win r.ilo\ryou I*s l*r it, 1 as pari psij mout /or ouo c/uir*. IT 1$ CELEBRATED F r ? 177 AfcVmGES, IN THAT IT OtECf T re LAPGEST STWIVO jCChOTS HANLj'AC ADAPTED ALIKE to this • ~s m rr; r/,n.r on the work shop. IT Hft w •t* •_ SHUTTLE. WITH A BOBBIN THAT HOLES AIMOST A SPOOL OF I THREAD. I TH€ HI)TTU Tthm.l IS ADJUSTABLE -uSeiSw 102 siiymt from the IS 30 CONSTRUCTED 1 HAT THE POWPTf 13 APPLIED DIRECTLY OVER THE NEEDLE, THUS ENABLING IT TO SEW THE HEAVIEST MATERIAL WITH UN EASE. |T IS VERY SIMPLE IN ITS C3NSI-4HJCTRSN, DURABLE AS IRON ANO Sift mjsimwft.'iwi*®? VWfiFMSPSSSWKfJWS JS7 TtfUQ I.H Warranting Every Machine for 3 Year* JITJUt LIGHTEST AND tASW ST-RUNVIN XS*%7SSrSSMISf4ftH. i rni§tl i'ri VE COWTB(M - 0F territory wvu fera cEK,Ti *£# SEND FOR CIRCULARS ANO TERMS TO * fHt.SnailfadiaiChi ‘ v ' J-tocUd Avenue, rr'SStj CLEVELAND, 0. SPEIGHT BALDWIN, NORTH sids of tha rail road, DAWSON, ’ .. . OPQ^OIA. • The public are requested to note that I have aFi t Claaa stock oi rancy Family Groceries , INCIaUDINa m i an net! Ooodls Pickles iisamg, FSonr, < offer UGAR, BACON, LARD, ETC. A FULL UNE OF TOB-CuO ft CIGARS. r> r -5r good si; In Ihi - Une I will keen oohst-utlv on hand a comnlete stock ofOnabur>" Shwwiina. ol ings Ifi-rsevs, BUtiPelA, PRINT- of •IhR-'serfutfona nod a luge lot o' R-adv M tde Pi’ h"*' whicb will be sold at prices to suit.the rimes. Also, ao l eek of B iota „-! r **' on bond. I shall keep no ‘shoddy goods,” but every King will bo faithtullv - . * purchasers. sg'owitjea to ■ ~r, ,!.,t i.a.i * "°‘ * ' >vi ■ "*'■ he* . W AREHOU Hjar In oonnoctioo wiMi wtv fore, I have • commoelous and well arnngsd warehnu*. a- D’epared -o Store. S/ll or S tip 0 tton, oo easy terms, .i t to the bv*. sdv.nta*,. ’ Tour patronage respectfully solicited. 1 SPRI || T 8%1,D '|q 187a isS THE Dawson Weekiy Journal, vVO fCI % V & <l3ll J. D- HOYL & CO., Proprietor 3 -1 TiltttS, la.OO A tEAR lf ADVARCI* ■: r.v vi i -iii - (d in)' '8 ods 1 MTOTKDTO i ■ ‘.m • . t.i ; at ad > I 7t f >• News, Literature, Agriculture and especially to ftMtAftT: AWTAIMM* * T.jq.r.Hj Ht ,<■ i(i jfM ;*|>| 5 ! ’ ' . - r- ■ —■♦*- T- f , !* Ii *, lid / . - I Ji i- nun ,11 iuixir jfr.ow eii] f I Democratic in Political IIS .H'O • • •till 7’7'T w 'j |g k .r 1 '/ I ” r ‘I A Itift t • , 4', 1 *• 1 *" T ■ .'• •qui-fm*'** f .if ,*.M .•> . t trt ' 1 ” ’ i 00 hits elnAteq eiH .fmtftiw b e :e c ‘\ . • ><.♦•> I The pmjjrietors will, *pre no pßina ts (he Joum*! I '“ t | e,B jl ralnabln to its pataon#. Th*y try to maVa il s lire sodApnght y p J notliiiigiinrtD'iia eoiunVCg that it dull, flat nrd oomnmnp aw- , ;ive speoial attai Hon to the Local Newß~**S4TSii“#Wi time*, w * c | ntereats Ot its euhscribsrg. t *-• ,• , fiiM* The Journal is now ifi the thirteenth yesrol its existence, * D ieimaftnt. p oApertw* sod profisahie In *l* ' . ' _ n r cifß •ihere is n<> |ioh word at fail.” Jt a l ar ß* * constantly >® e II ulrtiou is five or six ol the best J * ' f Agricultural Countit* s I S of ths StntM of Georgia, and is, consrqnently, an exes*!® ADVERTISING MEDIU^ for :t.. 10 wi-hiojj to raarh a large numher of intsllijr ent t®'* nd letsil Moichnte. Its rate* for adverticing Hr# low, t° * u • <• •>! saw qvMtj s'smo ft 3 edi k IfNv’l ft',l e- * ,0 r f F H Oifa ,H,'LT <!<■■< r n ?•! *-- .1 lilt .e, vlh T ‘ -a -- • -yu^'^ j CD IB ® | | 11 ' • fn chtmectiSw w Wl’tW a well appMated f* 1 e ittt si lot ot wear nwHariel, nh4 prepared to do •ndinsiy Jo M&, and LE TTEB HJvALd, A NOTE HEADS. ENVELOPES, mi all Mwts tf Leal and Cog min at ej a 1 Priplmg, * M J 0 i I LOW BATT’HiJ,. ?—infT : tM Can Be Done In Th e I Cell and examine our work I'd pri'fs he furs sM>*'*f •***