The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, April 18, 1878, Image 1

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by J. I). HUYL & CO. iijiusoii Unuiiwl resusH*)? bvshv thpbsdai f flit.MS — Strictly in • ltH^nee. ft | \ # S V k ® \ T%ri’*nontUß,. ji >.- * W ftji months * One tear ; 2 o<l i advertisers .•—The monev foi yu Teitisins considered Gu- altei trpi nso r . I '°^’] Tert Jernehts r nae rtfe dat intervals to be „h ar ed uew each insertion. An additional charge of 10 per rent will pgmade on advertisements ordered to he in. sertad sn a pantoular page i 7e 4ii99ikktii flnder the head of cia Tiotices’ 1 "TO be insrrt'ed for 15 cents "1* |: oe , or the first tnnertion, and 10 cent er 'ine'for eatib subsequent insertion- in the “ Local Column willbe inserted at 25 cooLt per line ‘or -he first, and 20 cent, per line for each subse quent insertion. All communications or letters on bustm-fif ntended for this office rhegld he addressed 1 “ Tin: Dawson .Toor'nai. " “ LKUAC ADVKRTISING RtTES Sheriff sales, per lew ol 1 square... ® 4 < <• Mortgage sales, P pr lov y R Tax sales, per lew 4 Ml Citations for Letters of 4 dn.infill ration 4 Application for Letters of su-rdia ship .... .. • • 6 On Application for Dismission from ministration .... • 0 < '0 Application • for Dismissfom bom Guardianship B 1111 Application for leevp 'o srl! Lsnd— >ne eq $5, each additional square.,.. 4 0,1',, A pplic I (ion for Homestead...! .... 8 eft I Notice to debtors and creoiiors ... 6'" hand Si(les, per qaa>e jjoch) 4 no j daleol Perishable proner' v, per sq 8 0(1 Estrav Notices, sixty days .8 00 Soiice to perfect service i. oo Rule Nisi, per square.... ' 4 <' J Rules to establish lost papers per pq 400 Rules compelling titles, per‘quare.. 4 of Rules to perfect service in Divorce cases 10 OO The above are the minimum rater of I. gal advertising now charged bv the Pres- o* ' Georgia, and which We shall strict!' adhere to in the future. We her-bv give final no- j lice that no advertisement of this class wit j be published in the Journal wi'hnut the fee I paiJ in adnance. only in cases where we have special arrangements to the contrary j I. H OOritnT, JAB, O PAItKS GUERRY & PARKS, jHtunmys and Colijiselors at Lai#, DAWSON, - GEORGIA. —:o: 1 PRACTICE in the Sto® nnri Federal t’oiirts. Collections m tde a speeiaitv.— Promptness and dispatch guarantied anil insured. Nov ltf R. F. SIMMONS, jltt’( at Lain & deal Ljtate jlg’t, Dawson, Terrell County, 6a OPE IAL a tention given io coUeclions, tVonver tnciiig and investigating titles te Red E-itate. Oct. 18, if T. HrPIckSTT, Att’y V Counselor a< Law, OFFICE w : th Ordinary in Couri House. All bn*on S-* pnf uted fc hia care will ret ive prnixipr and attention. BUCK, Attorney at Law, nrcih Calhoun X'nniHy, Ga. Will practice in t,he Alba; Circuit and else where in the State, by Contract. Prompt at .entioo yiven to all business entrusted to his care. Collections a specialty. Will also in vestieatetitlesand buv or sell real Estate in Oalliauu, linker and Aarly Counties, march 21—tf L. G CA RTLEDGE, Attorney at Law 10KGAS, - - GEORGIA. tII.L give close attention to all busi ■ ' ness entrusted to his cate in Albauy Circuit, 4-Iv ~TTI IC) VI .• Attorney at l_aw* Dawson, Georgia. r. I, JAN SB. c. A. MCDONALD. Janes & McDonald, Attorneys at -Law. DAJTSOV, - GEORGIA. Office at he C. urt Houae. ”ian.' 7 Ol'ft CATALOGUE fo>' ISTS ollOOpigfS, printed on tinted pape l containing Two Ele; r iiiil C*>lo**d S* t:a t's and illustrated with a gieat nut' ter ot en£rving9, giving prices, description and ciiltivitlon of plants, flower and vegeta ble seeds, bulbs, trees, shrubs, etc., will be mailed for 10 cents, which we will deduo' from first order. Mailed free to our regular cuttotrers. Dealers price list-free, Address MANZ k NEUNKR, oulsvi 1. K-. AH nsrvons, eihausting, and painful die e “* speedily vield to 'ha mrative influence* °f the Pnlveriuachcr’a Electiic Belts aye Bands. They are safe, simple, and effective KQ d can he eesliv applied by the patient biraself. Book, with full particulars, mailed free. Address Puivet teacher Galvanic C’o., Cincinnati, Ohio. \V ANTED —To make a permanent ' ’ engagement with a clergyman havine leisure, or a Bible Reader, to introduce it ■ Trail Oon my, The C labrated New C#' teunial Edition of the Holy Bible, Fm 'trscriptinn, notice editorial in last week’- t.-sue of this paper: Address at once „ . F. L. HOTON ft 00.. "uo:isbers ft Bookbiudsis, 80 E Market St. ladianapolis, lud. - - -12-<— wmmmm ——g-.- 1 ■ i—,,, .aarvr -n- ,rfi -- - ■s- ■ - ■—— . -si •’M * - - - ''Ww *’.ewr ' illl- DAWSON WEEKLY JOilidy U. H. H. Stevens, Esq Easton. Kw • - .B<s. Ik’ar .S'?r,—during the paat five y.-.-irs I have had ample opportunity to judge or Ur- merit ot Vec.k 01NE. Aly w ife has used it tor conip roms u(i ndin a lady of delicate health, with mor- i ei.em ial result* than anything else which she -vcr tried. 1 iwav* Kiven it to my children under i, i every circum atunce attending large lam..-., and always with marked benefit. 1 have taken it n.,.eli with such kieat benefit that 1 cannot find worus to express my unqua.’.Ccd appreciation oi it< £iioun<-6.5. Whita performing my duties *- a Police Officer in thui city, itties been in. lotto it 11 in uiih a eiant “eaiot sickness. I mihesiuting j mii.nui.eml \ kg- F.tine, anil I knew ot a a..* wlipm u did prove all that was claimed loi it. Particulars in caaea of a debilitated or impoverished state or the blood its eno< ts are really v.ooderful. end lor nil complaints arising from an impure state ol the blood tt Mj-pears to work like a chaim, anl 1 do not believe theie are any circumstance# under which Vegetine can Ire used with injurious results, and it will always alit.rd me pleasure to give any further *■> u wiut I know About VXu>/fi.\E. WM. Q. HILL, I'olice station L CANNOT BE EXCELLED. t , _ _ _ Cbarj estowk, M*m. H. R. Stet P*. s • Pear Sir,—This i certify that 1 have used your “ blood ” in my family lor several years, and think thAt tor hcroi ula or Cankerous Humors or Rheumatic aifectionti it cannot be excelled , and as a blood purifier and spring medicine it io the be i thing I have ever used, and 1 have used almot-t fevwiy tiling. 1 can cheerfully recommend it to any one in need of such a medicine. Yours respectfully, * Mrs. A. A. DIJiboitJ.KL, 19 Ru*s2l Street. VECETINE red by 11. It. STEVENS, Boston,Mass. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. Crampton’s Imperial >oap IS THE BEJCT! Cfampton’s Imperial Soap is the Best. Cramptso's Imperial Soap is the Best. Crumpton's Imperi.-.l Soap is the Best. Cromptons Imperial Soup is tfce Best. Ciampton‘B Imperial Soap is the Best. Ciampton‘B Imperial Soap is the Beal. Crompton's impetial Soap is the Bell. Crainpton's Imperial Soap is the Beet. , '|' , Hlß .-GAP is manufactured from pure I materials; and as it contain* u large per cenlage of Vegetine Oil, is warrantee fully ■ to the impor ed Castile Soap, and at ihe same time contains el! the washing and cleaning properties of the celebrated Gentian and French Laundry Soaps. It is therefore recom mended for ue in the Lausdrv, Kitchen & Bath Routk aad lor general household pmpo-e-; also for Printers, Painters, Engineers, and Machinists, as it will remove spots of ink Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc , from the bail tie. The Huntingdon Monitor of April sth, 1 877, pronounces tbie rioap the best in the market, as follows: Reudet, we don't want vou to suppose that this is an advertisement, and pass it over unheeded. Read it. We want to direct vottr attention to the advertisement of “('rarapton's Impeiial Soap." Raving used it ill cur office tor the past year, we can re commend it as the best quality of top in •ise. It is a rare thing to get a Soap that wi'i thoroughly dense printing iuk Irom the hands, as also from linen; but Cratnuton 1 alundry sosp will do it, and we know where of we speak. It is especially sdip'ed for printers, painters, engineers and machinists, is it will remove gtease f all descriptions • rnm the hands as well ss clothes, with Mule labor. For eeneral household ptypWcs it ciunot be excelled. Manufactured only by CRAMPTON BROTHERS, Nos. 2,4, 6,8, and 10, Rutgers Place, and So. S3 and 35 Jefferson Street, Yoik. Kor sale by J B . CKITI, mg *3, tf Paason.Utt * i/\ C <T f) £ a day sure made bv Agents Ghronios, Crayons "jSTim, Scripture Text, Trans latent, picture and Chromo Cards D'® Simples, worth $4, sent post paid for < ac. Illustrated Cstalog'ie free. J. H. BOFFORD’S SONS, Boston. ”7 xT ' ■''O should send ‘26 ctß. Y(tl liriN 1 O to H. W. Oiidor of York Pa , for a s .m/le copy of his beauti tul Photograph Memorial Rcoord This ii anew mention and will fiLd many inxious purchaser* in everv neighborhood Write for terms to apents ot the e r *nd picture entitled "The Illustrated Lord s Prater. H. M. CRIDER, Pub., York, Pa. VE6ETINE Purifies the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates the Whole System. ITS MEDICAL PROPERTIES ARE Alterative, Tonic, Solvent, and Diuretic. Irrf m madc 'rom th.juicM of UrZlfl barka ‘ ro ° tß n(i herbs, and so M oaj, concoatrated that it will eSvctur.:,-., sdicato !T" taintotSerofuio, Scioiu lj t umors, ( Hlircr, ( . nerrona Ihi “m’ Er>S,: Nvph"! IIUC Diseases, Canker, Faintness „ t the from impurs ood. Sciatica, Inflammatory ami Chronic Rnsduintisni, Neuralgia, Gout, r.nd Spinal tbs'biood' 111 *, ““ b * eS<,ctu “ l: > c “d through Sbm C i eerS ,‘ nd Erut ' ,ivp Owenses of tha Skin, Pastilles, ri.upies, BWt. ~t s , Boils, Ti. ter, tscaldlicaii, and Riuv,, -Veit-tine never faded to e fleet api manuut . i e . For Pairt, I„ lhe Baek, Kit: . r C om. pla.n!s } Bl'cpty, Female Wesiltiie. a, con turn, arming from intern*! ulceration, snd nterinediseases and General Debility, Veobt TISE acts directly upon the causes of tiiese com. plaints. It invigorates end strengthens the whole system, acts upon the secretive organs, allays iuflam tnaticn, cures ulceration and regulates tha bowels For Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Hablrm.l Cos tiveiiesa. Pulpit n tion of the Ip-nri. I loud, ache, Plied, Nervousness, and General Prostration of the Nervous Kvsirui, no medicine has ever given such perfect satis action as tite Vegetike. It purifies the Wood, clear.esail of tha organs, and pea eases a eontrciling power ovor tha cervous system. Ihe remarkable cores effected by Veofttne have induced many physicians and apothecaries wimm we know, to prescribe end uee it in their own In Xatct, the best remady yet o cov ered for the above d.seasee, and is the only is .übl UNQUALIFIED APPRECIATION. DAWSON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY. APRIL 18 1878. Z>vivl"g Hats *4way irifhotil B*oi&on. We know of three methods Firs*, the old French plnn. This is follow ed, chi* fly it Faiis, by uien who make it a special business. They take a deep tub, with water on the I ottoui and a little elevation in the middle like an Island, on wliich is only ft place lor just uue rat to sit on. This tr p is covered, and has a laipe-vulve opening flown ward. On ihe middle of this valve a piece ol fiied poik or cheese is placed, and when the rat walks on it *o get the cheese the vaT ve goes down, drops the rat into the water, r.ntl moves Lack in position. A road is made from the rat-hole to the tup of the tuh by means of pieces of hoaid luhfied with cheese, so as to ! make the waik more attractive for the rats. In the coutse of the night sotne *en, twenty, or even more rats may go down, and ift e island was not there they would he found most all alive in the morning, quietly swimming atouod; but the provision of the little island eaves the ti.ouble ofkilling them, hecause their egotistic instinct of preservation causes them to fight for the exclusive possession of the is! <nd, on wliich in tl.o morn in,. the strongest rat is found in soli tary possession, all the others leing killed t.rid drowned around him. Sec ond, the N' w Yo' k p an, iuvei.tod by one of the Friends. TI o floor near the rat-hole is covered with a thin layet of a most caustic potassa. When the rats walk on this it makes their fe<*t sorej fhosn they lick wilh their tongues, which makes tlmir mouth sore, and the resui* is that they shunn the locality,'not alone, hut appear to tell all the rats in the neighborhood about it, and eventually the house is entirely abandoned by thpm, not withstanding the houses around ate lull of rats. Third,the Du ch meth od. This is said to he u-ed success fully in Holland. We have, howevet, never tried it. A number of rats left to themselves in a very large trap or ooge, with no lood whatever, their c,avii g hunger will c n use them to fight, and the weakest will be eaten hv the strongest. After a short tint the fight is renewed, and the next weakest is the victim, and so it goes on till one strong rat is left. When this one has eaten the last remaius of {he others it is set loose. The ant mai has now acquired such a taste for rat flush that he is the terror of all ratrlo'.i, goiug about seeking ha rat h.e may devour In an incredibly short time the premises are abandon ed by all other iats, which will not come l ack before the canuibal rat lias left or died.— Exchange. .1 State On JFtre, Pundiy, Mt-rch 24, 187S, will long be remem* erod iu South Carolina for the wideapiead confiigations which enveloped the forest and many of the farcies in all portions of the State. Tlo re had beeu a long drought, the withered leaves of whiter blill clung ta many of the trees ? w oods, fence-, an 1 many Inidges were like so much tinder ready to he kindled by asp irk; the March winds blew steadily and fi-rcelv; and the hush incident to clearing new grounds and the rep rehensible custom of setting fi r e to the woods and old fields in order to clear the way for fresh grass for cattle furnished the spsrks; and, in conse quence, from every county of tho State some accounts ot forests swept l y the flames, valuable tencing des troyed, and residences and barns with fodder, cotton and other valuable farm produce, lalliug a to thedevouring element. Prclty mil Thank Tou, “Why, how d’y’dn, Mrs. Careful —* are all your folks t re'ty well V” asked one neighbor of another, whom she met in Heirpstcau a few days ago.— “Oh, yes, pretty well, thank you— that is, about as well as usual. Fa ther hasn’t been qnite well since he banked up’the cellar last fall, and overworked himself;thioks he hurthis eido. And mother has got the rheu matism so trad she hasn’t been ablo to get down stairs far a week? Mstil dy Ann has a slight touch of the diphtheria, so the doctor says; Jimmie can’t speak above a whisper, for a sore throat; Susie is just getting another rising in her ear, and the baby has had two more spells of croup. My husband can hardly do any work on account of his sore eyes, and I thought I’d die lar.t night with neuralgia in my head —tort we re all about as common. How’s your folks?” a Ttjtun MU t'lght .7 J 'fxa* Hull Hi teil •laalnyf a Lioness t-ore her to f>r< e * ~ J | 1 4 ft . t D ■ A San Antonio, Texas, Apail B.—The first of a seties ol hull fights took place in this town Saturday. Thous ands ot people were in aitendance from points distanisome twenty miles on each side of the river. The novo!- 1 ty consi-ted in the advertised pon'est of an African lioness with a Texan bull. At 4 o'clock in' th° ufrernodk a hands. >me, well-built TVx m bolJ, with stout, short horns was turned into a large iron cage prepared for thp occa sion. Shortly after 4 o’clock a lioness was let into the c g with the bull-- She was full grown but evidently old uud emaciated? Several yegis ago she killed her keeper and by her ap pearance one would imagine she had been c< ntiunaliy punished ver since. Ou entering the csga she sprang upon the bull, almost leaping over him.— This was evidently in play, us sho did not attempt to bite or scratch him The animals then sepaiated ands um terod off in opposite direction:*, After a few minutes of quiet play the hull : began to wa cti the antics of his op ponent a3 site rushed mound th cage, and he charged at bet furiously m*v tirnes. iSbe managed to escape hiu eajh time, however, for about five minutes. At length the bull'made tin extraoidinary charge, and catching file lioness on his liDins tossed her about six leet ir. the air, then inclin ing his head a little he caught her again ou his horns as she came down, twirled her about in the air and flung her some twen y feet from him. The lioness fell to the ground iik a log i and was motionless lor perb ps half a minute. Wi en she r covered she gianced hastily at the bull an the n dashed against the cage as if she wished to escape. The ' nil, do-bous of completing his viernry, again charged the uiifo tuna'e queen, to-s-'d hor hig er tio.n before, and as she fell gored her almost to death. She wa hors du combat , and the bull not 1 having received a sera eh was let out of the arena The lioness will die, — This afternoon “Old George” the linn will attact the bull, and as ho nearly broke out of hie chage to g r at the victorious native of vesterday it is probable the fight will be long and fierce, dflark Twain' Tight Hoots . I had on new shoes. They were number sevens when 1 started, bui were no more than five* tftnv and still diminishing I walked two hours iri those shoes after that before we reach ed home. Doubtless I cot’ld hi ve 'he realm’s sympathy for the asking. Manv people have never had tho headache or thp toothache, end I am one of those rnysolf but everybody has worn tight shoes for two or three hours, and known the luxury of tak ing them off in a retired place and seeing his feet swell up and obscure the firmament. Few of us will ever forget the exquisite hour we were married. Once whan I was n cahow, ba.-b'ul cub, I took a plain, unsenti mental country girl to a comedy one n g't. I bad known her a day; she seen t> 1 divine; I wore my new boots, A thee and of 'be firs' half hour she said; ‘Why do you fidget so with your said I : 'Did 1?’ Then I pur my | attention there .nd kept st’.ll. At the lend of another hulfshe said : ‘ ’A hy do you any,‘Yes, oh, yes,’and Tlet ah, ho, certainty, very true !’ to everything I say, when half the time they are entiiely irrelevant answers?’ I blush ed and explained that I bad been a little absent minded. At the en i oi another half hour she said. ‘Ptease wtiy do you grin so steadfastly at va cancy and y-1 look so sad? I explain ed that I always did when I sat re flecting. An hour passed and then she turned and contemp'ateci me with her earnest eyes and 6aid;'Why do you cry all the time?’ I explained that very iunny comedies always made me cty. At last human nature surrender ed and I secretly slipped my boots iff. That was a mistake; I wan not able to get them on any more It wss a lainy night, there weie no ornnibuv ses going r.ur way, and as i walked home burning up with shame, with the girl on one arm and my boots under the other, I was an object worthy of some compassion, especial ly in those moments of martyrdom when I had to pass through the glare that fail upon the pavements from street lamps. Finally this child of the forest said; ‘Where are your boots ?’and bsing taken unprepared I put a fitting finish to the follies oi the evening with the stupid remark : ‘The higher classes do not wear them jo the theater.’— Atlantic Monthly. 'i he Great Hanger‘ I ' The great danger that threatens the political character of the next liousq ol llepiesentailves is f ofn the South, where the cry of the sham Independ ent and the bogus R-*h>rmpr ,'si.lteady heard. The South after the ravages of a long war, is naturally disorgan ized. Her men of wealth were re duced l i pentiry ; her men of authori ty and culture lound thamselvea sub ject to the rule of the most ignorant and depraved. Their occupation and property departed hand ir, bund. For ‘ a time, when the possibility of relief dawned upon them, they Lauded to-1 gnther in the' name of Democracy | against threatened negro and car get bag -uprcmicy, and with hut lillte effort threw it' ff Toe danger .being removed, and with it a good deal ol , the sound sense for which the South \ was famous. Democrats aie begin i iog to plot against their follow Dam ! ■ orate not for the gobd ol their le-j spective Common wo tlilis, but for per- ' poo *I gieed *nd pelsousl aggrandize- | rnent. The result wil Go that in scores of Congressional districts, where tLe Democratic vote is three u> | one, the certainty of a l)'m icratic ; Reoresontat've may ho seriously threate ed. In the meantime tho Radical patty in the North an 1 West 10-a*s no chance of seoiing a uuuitier I in the hope of bein. able to offset t ie i inevitable loss in the Semite by a gain oi the House nrga.niz.itiou o not need to waste words with our lrien is til support of a proposition so l plain as this. The salva tion oi the p irfy depends upon ihe institution of a strict patty discipline in ihe SouTietn Stare and the ul*or dination of individual ambition. Au Indeperid nt t' candidate ill the South is an idly of the ILolidil party io tt e North. Ho tiny not mean it and p-seibly lUsy not tnink he tueuus it, but up efforts aia as B'iroly auxiliary to those oi the Chan dlers, Hotve, Ccnkhtig, Blame and ; Butler us though li were subsidized by them fin the e act purpo es lie has in view Wasmyton Post. • •I Hime Slatir A most remaiknbre oaeutenco is re ported as having taken place last Thursday in the neighborhood ol Eleventh and O’FsUon streets. A Mrs. McCann, mauling at 1, 134 O - Fallob street has a little daughtei nauiei Emma, years of ag j , wii to all appearance, is a healthy, lively creature, and regularlv attends fcclußs'. Last Fi iday the child was taken sud denly sick at the stomach and com menced vomiting, and in a moment •t! rew up a silver dime. The mother was naturally asKnisheti, bufj as h r daughter seemed to rc.covor ahe'thungh very tittle of the n.atter Within a ci iip.e of Siours '!io child was agsiu seized with a vomiting spell and threw up eight more dimes. The dimes wete all of a somewhat brownish col. or, and had the appearence of h ivii g been corroded with strong arid. Tb now thoroughly alarmed lm titer sent for her family physician, but before he arrived four more and ans and one nickle Were ejected from tho child's stomach. The nickle was partly des if eaten with some corrosive drug. Tho docter administered an o piate, and the girl sank into u profound sleep. The next morning site awoke and was all Well, and out phyinu with other children. Next day the sickness again attacked her. Occa sionally sue would vomit vicleut! , she threw up four dimes two glass b-ads, and a taccy glove botton. — ■ Alter a few hours she recovered, and has been perfectly well sauce. She attends schooll as usual, and there seems* to be no change whatever in her health. The astonished and horrified mother remembers now that al out four months ago she missed from the bureau drawer a package of dimes, and she supposes that herebild must have swallowed them, f-r their mysterious dis-ppearanea could never be accounted tor. The mother said ttat her little j daughter was possessed with an irro=- . is'ible impulse for swallowing metal lic substances. Pins and other things, she never seemed to suf for any from it. Mrs- McCann alleges that within tbe past year Lor , daughter had swallowed at hast twenty pi"B without injury. The i j The girl is now as bright and healthy aa ever.— St, Lewis Evening Post. vltfuekeJ by a Large tingle. 1- A .laigeeagW*, TliedftHring s/ven foot, from tip to -tip, was caught on tho H'>wb’s Ferry road, just beyimd ll.iwell’sinills* near Atlanta last week. Ti.o-fciiTUinstonces attendin the capt ure are rather sonhtional, and are thus given in full in the Atl.mlu Con stituHon: ‘ L re iu the Rliernoon an ' I old negro t*y the name of Norton Simmons, ami his wife were walking along tha Howell’s i’erry road ou their way home, Norton having a *m> ll negro naby. When Uiry had arriv,(J near Mr . Carr Coxe’s laiui, a large eagle cauta dowu from overhead i and mails a swoop st the child in the I urmes uf its lather. Although coai plotly 'being taken by suipiiio, the h * ther warded off the assault aimed at j ins wit,li a well directed biow.— j This only made the bird more furious and ho letururkl to the attact with ie newed vigor. Siunmuts kicked ■ r;d fougiit the bird witir all his strength and courage, while his wile nederc-d valuable assistance by ciyiug and W'hoopit g for help, w liich came in the person of Mi Carr (’ox. who fortunate ly was in lie field rear at home, and ran to the assistance ot fho parties cullii g’for help, carrying in his hand an axe with wliich tie had boen ohsp-j pDg wood. Mr. Cox took in the si - ! Ultimo at a gUn-e, and with a well di rected blow with his axe laid the sav* ( ! ago bird senseless übiin the ground. In ttie melee the child was lucky I enough not to .receive a scratch, but its lather was ifl Cted with m iny slight wounds made t y the claws of the bird. The eagle during its attact tore ihe entite flipper of a brogan shoe from the foot of Simmons with h;s b"Hk, having taken hi It while being kkke nt by the pluckey neqro.— Upon investigation it was found that the bird was on y stunned or disabled, lie was then taken to the oaru of Mr Cox’s plantation, wliero ho tiow te mains in captivity, having recovered almost entttely from the tongii, but timely blow of the axe. Since the capture his majesty has received quits a laige jiumbyn of vi-itors” /nccdolt ofOeitsral i Lee. It was in the summer, of 18G4, while tiie armies of th 3 United States and Coo federate States were couli oo t jug each other on tlie St. Jamtro, be low Richmond. On a certain day a Fed ■■ran attack, which was thought to l e a decoy, was tr.adu on the south side ot the Lv rp ml. Wo thought we aw evidences of a real attack on our side. Occasionally the whole picket line would open the The gur. boats at a Deep Bottom wou.d send 300 pounds crashing through the tim bers In ‘.he rear of what h>d been Lib’ y,s re-idei ;e, but was then Gen eral Lvo’s lieao quarters. At about 2 o’clock p. m. tin urqilo'y opened ou our left. A few minutes afterwayt} we beenl ’lie unmistakable roar of 'infantry firing. W" then knew that the lines of battle wero engaged on nur left Tho pickets opened aud kept up a rapid firing in ot.r front, tho gonbofitssetviing their infernal ma chines more treqtu ntlj, V\ e, the Rockbridge battery, were ordered to duublequick into position on Libby’s Hill On our way upeverything look ed a# though we were on the eve of a teri ihle conflict —the roar ct aitilhry aud infantry, the rapid movement of troops into line, and the solemnity til"! seetneil to have impregnated the whole atmosphere. Aa we passed t l '© Lib'y hou-e W' saw Gen. L-e in the yard. He was standing just uudei hi low fee, wi’.-h one arm extend, a- if j reaching for something on the limb. | A- w>- get nearer to hi®, we could see what he was engaged in doing at such a time A little bird, whose motl or was just '©aching it to use its wings, had in iti-fir-t effort fallen to the ground. Its dumb mother.regardless 0 f the death aid caruage that intelli ent man was de rlin g to his iellow, was ui'ering pitiful cries for her fallen off-spring. General L©e reache down and picked up laislittle creature aud when we pA'sed, was in tt e act i of placing it where it" mother could , care for it — l ounce Journal . Qo. Joe Brown, ot Georgia, has made a contract with that State by which he has hited the peni.emiary couvicts for twenty years tor 8-5,000 per auunui. Teunessee does much bettor; she receives for her penitentia ry lease over 882,000 per year--870,- 000 tor tental and about Slt'.OOO tor expense of transportation of convicts fro® place ot conviction to the pi’.sou. Nushcilh Ameruan, VOL. XIV.—-NO 9 Crop Hrospt eta in Southern i Geetrgia TliS Thoaiitoyiile tn/Oi The present epring, so f.r, has beea qui'e favorable for farm operations. Just enough rain has fallen to furn ish sufficient moisture uud the pre vailing open and warm weather has J. lapid geruimuation sod i vigorous growth. Most of the corn is up and in some iuatances has beeu “sided out.” Tho stand is universal ly good. Many of the farmers are putting in cotton with ail possible speed. This is probably wisdom on the part of those who bavo plenty of seed and intend iu plaut largely, bat, as cool nights and heavy packing rains in April may come, we think j the small planters aurl these witU | whom Need in scarce would be prudent jto wait till near the middle of the mouth. Cotton being auu plant, is easily given a backset by cool ueathei and rarely recovers from such injury. The bite rain has greatly benefited the oat crop, and the fields now look groeu uud flourishing. With any thing hke favorable se,.soa iu tha future we see no reason why a good crop should not crown the efforts of the tiller of the soil the pre-ent year. VVe are afraid, however, that the acreage cl cotton is too large. Larg** cotton fluids means heavy guano bills, and with a certainty of low prices ov en n large crop of cotton will leave the producer no profit for hia labor. Terrel County f air. Our fiisnds of Terrell are in deep and sober earnest aboU' their forth coming Fair, on Saturday the 4th of May. Preparations have been going on some time for the event- Krott the JotuNiL we judge there is going to be a happy, joyful time of it, anS an entire success of the exhibition.— Old Yan Winkle wont have much of a showing, tor progress in ail its ram ifications and live, git-up and git way-, will control things. The live stock display Arid be good, luftn pro ducts will be exhibited iu great vari ety; the ladies’ department will be attr mtivo and beautiful, and as a whole, tho Fair promises complete success. A cordial aud eainest invi tation is extended to the people of Dougherty aud surrounding counties to attsud; aud everything will be done to enhance their p easnre. Car ry along something for exhibition; take away the blue ribbon if possi ble, eutcr cheeifuHy and willingly into a spirit ol true rivalry, ant? then insist i pon all coming to the Fair Of die Southwest Gcoigia Industrial As sucatioii, ju the 21st and 22nd, Among the promiuent features fot the enjoyment ot the occasion will bo a grand Tournament, aud Ball ai uight, which will attract a g od array of chivaliy and beauty. Splendid prizes are ofiered in the Tournament, and we would like to see some of our Knights come in for a share of thorn, — Albany Govf.uvou Hampton's House.—— The Governor arrived at home yesterday after noon on the Greenville train. The in ignifloeot horse presented to him by the citiz-us of Audersou also arrived in a frsight car attached to the mail train. The beautiful animal’s head aud mane had been tastefully deeor nted with ribbons aud flowers by the* adi ‘9 of Anderson, and he seemed to feel his importance as he stepped proudly off the car on to the platform and walked along the street of his future horn©. He is a magnificent dark bay Hambiehmian. fiv© years of a; • and was purchased in Kentucky by M . J"hn E. Lewie, of Oconee, when two years old, for nine bund real ! dollars, and u as afterward sold to Mr. John B. Adger, of Anderson, ami must ha at present worth fully five hundred dollars. While the Governor was in Anderson, tho other day, the guest of a friend, kite citizen hastify made up a purse, none being allowed to contribute more than one dollar. and calling the Governor out, pre seated him with the beautilul steed Columbia (S- €■) Register. Men’ instead of women, will ho employed in the dining room < f Stewart’s Hotel for women, on tarn ground that women do not like t>> wait on each other and will, r>t take orders with as much philosv/y i.y a? men.