The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, May 16, 1878, Image 3

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Xhe Journal. fTc A iTde p a r t m e n t j- j wE S TON, Local Editor. T own StAiou.ona it authouied to receive aid receipt for all monies due ut in that S(C l lofl' BREVITIES. Farms ar*> in fin* condition. Chickon thieves are “on the go” Buy vour field peas from Melton <fc Brother. Small plums with large worm* at ttched, are m marke*. Good Stoves from $lO and upward, at A- J- Baldwin & Co.’s. O U r physicians report but very lit tle sickness in the county Jodtfp Harrison Rogers cun “out leogh” ar y man in Dawson, Mis* Annie White of Araericus, i* on visit to friends in Dawson. A. number from town went down to Cordrsy’s mill fishing last Tuesday Shoes a specialty—new arrival at Johnson & Hill’s Brown Station, Ga. The Court-house square is now the (srorite resort on Sunday afternoon. Some of the w heat in this imn.edi me eection is re ady “for the cradle.” The net proceeds ol the festival g ven hy the ladie ’ mite society, las* \>ek were $33.50. Thore will be at least 1000 bushels, ( f wheat and ears made within *he (Otporftte limits ol Dawson. There is a dcncu g sclio.-l in scttv (Miration in Dawson, Ttie class numbers about twenty-five. Johnson Jc Hill, at Brown Station, have just received a car load of corn. This year, we trust, ocr termers villlfirn that it takes the hist of jtuj to “raise a mortgage.” Found-a buncti of.k-vs. The ( suer can tret the same tv calling at ll isoffico and ptoVe prriperry. The Dawson Riffasare lequasted to Beet at tlie Court-house, prompt,y, on to-morrow evening nt 4 £ o’clock. I will pay the highest market price for beeswax, hides and tallow, in ex change for goods. It. J. Anthony. Married. —ln this county, on t'e 9th inst., by Rev Jno. M. Potter, Mr. Jno. M. Durr and Miss Ella J. Gregg. Wo learc that Mr. Joha A. Hit HF, (J this city, will have new‘hmneNpuo’ liscuit for breakfast next Sond.y morning. Mrs. Truss, the accomplished wife f>i Mr. C. C. Truss, lute of Dawo.., but now ot Helena, A ,is visiting friends in this city We am glad to see that Mr. J. E, Lee, who has been c ofi-.ed to a tick tied for several weeks past, is able to be out again. An exchange informs us that the Lest way to keep ham* free from ►kippers through the summer, is to tat the hams early in The spring. Just received a good assortment of general merchandise from New York, which will be sold cheap for cash, by Johnson & Hill, Brown Station. Lost —A ladies’ Mek scarf nt the Court-house square last Finisv. The tinder will he rewarded In leaving it t the clßo of J. G. Parks, Esq., or here. Beloved fiiende, yon in the country, hWe send us, for publication, all ttema of interest occurring it. vour tteighborhoods. We will consider it on “encrmoi.s” favor Messrs. Tbos J. Mills and J*s C. Bishop, Loth formerly of Dawson, but now good-looking telegraph operators (torn Alabama, arecn a visit to friends Bud relatives in this county. W anted.—One Thousand pounds Beeswax at Melton & Bro's. fhere are plenty of men who boast proudly 'hat they “made themselves.” but there arc many others who, if they told the truth, must confes* that they have unmade themselves. llror!- “The boys” toll us that Mr. M. L. M ggan says he baa seven hundred head id cabbage as big as a B ! ind stone— 18 inches in diameter! late Jones and Tom Mauiid are the Touchers. e 'J Baldwin & Cos., have the ■nest lot of embroidery in the city. B if said that he cool night" and tnuruiugs (if | awt week were benefi cial to tiie wheat crop, hut, in some portion* of ;ho county, we learn, the r<) P>* tuo !ar gone for a cool May to “ 1 11 truth good. Br. VV. C. Kendrick, of Webster county, dropped in to see ns on last onday. The lector reports crops 1D section as being tip-top, and SB - 9 ! he farmers, generally, are well U P with thir work. CfurpuHESTAtiTr.— Weie* n that our townsman, J. G. Parks, E*q., has *.' en "elected to deliver a literary ad ,re * at the approaching commence ment of Furlow Masonic Fen. ale Cul- e R6 iu Americus We congratulate “ Q 011 l he honor conferred. great many of us are like the old w ho said that he began the ' ‘ Wlt * l ’"'thing, and byhsrdwork ,lS succeeded in holding his own 'sr since. Wo knuw a few men in "action who have managed to °‘d their own” aud other people’s ihe omnibus built by Mr. T J. '*tt, of Dawion, for Messrs, Barn 1 & , hri oy, of Albany, is now ready for j '•urery. This piece ef workmanship j o** credit, n>t only to Dawrou, but i i 4 * l, *‘ ro Sou'h We want every j- this omnibus was made at j , 05 * carriage works io Daw- Masonic.— In consequence cifa rc ccn, change made in the By-Laws of • • Schley Lodge No. 229, F. A. M. ‘ ®7 gUlar nie€,in gß of said Lodge will hereafter be held at 2 o’clock p M ‘ ° U t thc Saturday in each month. The ct,ange has been made Zl r accomi 'ioda,i 0 n of members who live in the country. I.lCell(,||| Si riuoil. 1 he discourse of Rev. R. W. Dixon on last Sabbath morning was truly a most noble and splendid effort and specimen of pulpit eloquence. His theme was this: “Keep thyself pure,” Ist Tim. sth ch. 22nd v. His disquisition >o n the necessity, ' the advantage, and the elements of a good character, abounded in beauti ful and appropriate truths and strikr- 1 ing similes and metaphors His v aru-' est appeal to young men ought and will do great good. \\’ e think our people and churches are indeed for tunate in securing two such men as R- \\ . Dixon and J. A. Ivey as their pastors. \\e confidently expect gieat and good results from their ministrations. Tiligrl Practice. The members of our military com pany engaged in a target shooting on last Friday evening. The cun pa y was former! in order under the command of Lieutenant Guerry and marched to thc gr-ive below the cem etery where the target had been erected. Each member of the com pany was allowed three shots, and the man scoring the highest number was to receive the highest prize, and th ■ poorest shot was to be presented with a tin cup by Lt. J. G. Parks.— At the conclusion of the last round, the judges announced that Lt. J. 11. Guerry had scored the hig est num ber and would get the premium; an 1 the tin cup was unanimously awarded to Private Will Critn. The best part of the evening’s fun was th enjoying of the lemonade pre sented io the company by Lt. P. W. Jones. He and Lt. Guerry bad agreed that whichever of them made th' | joorest shot should treat the members of the coi. pany to iced lemonade; and as Lt Guerry won th fiist prize, our friend Jones had to “come to time” with Irs lemonade. The “boys” drank his health in the pure lemonade, and gave three cheers and a tiger for Lt. P. W. Jones. We really believe the Dawson Rid s are on rising grAtnd, and are bound to succeed. Let every nieiu be lie at the Court-house to morrow afternoon at o’clock to attend an important nice’ing. We return t: auk* to the Albany Bo'-Ul Dancing club, for an invitation to their hop ririrn g the coining fair at that place. A glanceat the committee of ariangemeiits i# a sufficient guar antee of its suiceos, ami if the “old gentleman” leturns Iroru his j aunt to N nth Ga. in time, the writer will cer tainly he on hand ; he does not, how ever, “tip the light fantastic,” etc Wide Awoke Knees There will several races on the fai- grounds at Americus, on Wed nesday, May 29th, the day following the Sumter county Horticultural Fair, Uandsoire premiums are ot tered tor the tastest horse mule, man or hoy. A good premium is, also, offered tor the slowest mule. Atnpla accommodations will be made lor all ctock. See advertisement in this is sue. Ilo! for Hie Fair. A large number of our citizeus, b( ttefrotn town and country, will at tend the fair at Albany on the 21st and 22nd iustanf. The managers of the affair are working iu a way to uiako their fiist Spring exposition a complete success. Lot all go down who can. We feel assured that you will he pleased with your trip. Cany something wit.. you for exhibition, and show those Dougherty folks what old Terrell can do in the way of fiue stock and farm products. Fires W ill Occur. We see from the Atlanta Cmtlitu tion that the Court house of Decatur rounty was destioyed by fire on the Cth tilt., which is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. W e notice in toms of our exchanges, a few w.eks ago, an account of the burning of the Court-house in anoth er county in this section of the State- Would it not be weil for our Court house to be irsured for some at least, so that iu ca.e of a burn we might be able to rebuild? We think | so; especially in view of the low rates, of insurance now prevailing. We call the attention of the county au thorities and next Grand Jury to the •abject. DAY. j Last Friday dawned bright and fair and was a propitious day for the Sabbath School festivals. The chil dren, and older heads, too, were in a happy mood for the enjoyment of such an occasion, which was intensi tied by reason of the disappointment on the Saturday before, the day of the ; Spring fair. At the appointed hour, the mem bers of the two schools and their friends assemhld at the Baptist church, where the programme, as published in our last issue, was carried out.— 1 The singing of the schools was most excellent, and inspiredall hearts with joy and gladness. The addresses of the two Pastors of the churches here were both in their most felici tous style and were replete with sound, wholesome and timely admo nition to the audience, and abounded in bright, sparkling gems of thought. Rev. J. A.lvey advanced some splen did truths as to the successful and effective work of the Sabbath School; and Rev. R. W. Dixon impressed the members of the schools with the great necessity and advantage of “Usefulness.” At the conclusion of the services at (he church, the schools formed a procession, under the management and guidance of Messrs. R. L. Mel ton and S. R. Christie, marshals of the day, and proceeded to the scene of the pic-nic, the Court-house square. Here the procession was disbanded, and the happy children were soon scattered over the shaded and pleas ant square. That excellent gentle man, our worthy Ordinary, 11. S. Bell, had made the grounds more attractive by the construction of a number of permanent seats and a couple of swings tor the little che rubs. About noon the well filled lunch baskets were brought out, and their contents were distributed under the shade of the oaks; and the excellent appetites of the little and larger folks were thoroughly sated with good t ings. After dinner, the young people once more began their search for pleasure in numerous games and strolls, and all seemed blithe, gay and happy. The day’s enjoyment was enhanced by good music rendered in the Court house where an organ, (kindly loaned by Mrs. It. F. Sim mons) had been brought. It was not till day was deepening into twilight that the happy throng dispersed, all in the best of spirits, and highly satisfied will the day’s enjoyment. Asa fitting finale to the day’s festivities, a social party was given to tee juveniles (and older hearts and heads, to ,) at the hospit able mansion of Judge J. M. Sim mons ; and he and his excellent lady are entitled to a vote of thanks from all present for the evening’s pleasure and entertainment. We hope the pupils and members of our Sabbath Schools will attest their appreciation of thc kind efforts of parents and loved ones to contri bute to their happiness, by renewed energy to attend promptly their schools on each Sunday morning, and by a faithful performance of their duties in the Sabbath schools. If the children, continue prompt and have good lessons, we may venture to promise them another jubilee about next Christmas. New Arrivals. —J. B. Crim has in store and is still receiving good assortment of goods, such as figured lawns, piques, linen, embroidery, kuickerbocker, cassiiner, and numer ous other articles, all of which he will sell cheap for cash. Pic-Ikic Voit'. Wear all your jewelry and your finest shoes. Don’t take any spoons. Everybody does that, you know. If there are ten in your set carry four knives and three cups. White goods are best to wear at a pic-nic, being the most popular. It is not necessary to carry vinegar, peppier, or butter. They can be bor rowed from other parties. Be sure to take plenty of cake and pastry. People at picnics rarely have anv apjietite. and thus need something of a tempting nature. In packing a basket it is best to put the custard, pie and rice pudding at the bottom, with a pack age of salt next. It matters not so j much about the location of tt c other articles. As soon aa yon reach the grounds, pick out a desirable companion and stroll off by yourselves. Someone will set the tables, and do the neces sary lugging. There is a providence that looks after this specialty. Qlert: —“Why will men smoke common tobacco, when they can buy Marburg Bros l 8eo!af fimih Carolina,' lit the saujg prkfli” A Bugle Bla*l From the 8. W. Kabrond. Albany, Ga., May the 9th 1878. Editort Albany JSewt lain authori zed hy the Superintendent of the 8- W, R. R. to announce that visitors to the Albany Fair, from all points on the 8. W, Railroad will be camad ard returned at one fare. Agents at all station* will he noti fied to sell ticket! on 20th, 2lst and 22nd, stamped good to return until 23d. All articles sent for exhibition will be returned free, provided they are returned to the same patties, and to the same places from whence re ceived. The train on the Extension will be run specs! on the 21st and 22nd Mav. Leaving Arlington <.nd aniving at Albany on th' present regular sched ule, and leavi' g Albauny a - 5 r. x. each of those dyes. JNO. A DAVIS, Agent. The Anlecedriils of Disease. Among the antecedents of disease nre inertness in the circulation of the blood, en unnaturally attenuated con dition of the physique, indicating that the life current is deficient in nutritive properties, a wan, haggard look, ina bility to digest Mie food, logs of appe tite, sleep Bnd strength, and sensa'ion of unnatural languor. All these mtiy be regarded bs among the indicia of approaching disease, which will event ually attack the sys'tin and overwhelm it, if it is not ui>t up and fortified in advance. Invigorate, then, without loss of time, making clioise of the gratest vitalizing agent extant, Hns 'eiter’s Stomach Bitters, an tlixir w hie) lias given health and vigor to myriads of the sick and de!ihated, which is avouched fy physicians and ana ysis to he pure as well as affective which is immensely popu’ar in this country, and exten-ively used abroad and v liich has been for vear* past one of the lea tug medicinal staples of America. ni9, irn - - Ah Aslniiiishiiig F >rl. A large proportion of the Anieric n people are to-day dying from the ef fects of Dyspepsia or disordeied liver. The result ot these ftjscases upon the mi sses of intelligen and va'unM peo ple is most ivarming, making ife aoti aly a burden instead nt a pfaas ..nt existence of enjoyment and usiul ni-ssas it ought tote Theie is no good reason for this it you on v thmw a-ide prejudice and skepticism take ihe advice of Druggist ind your friend*, and try one bottle ot Green’s Auguei Flower. Your speedy relief f- certain. Millions of tLl* medicine have been given away to try its vr ioi*s wirti satisfactory results in eveiy case You can huy h sample ho t e ho 10 cents to try. Three doses wdl iel eve tne worst case. Positively sold t,v all L> ugists on the Western Con t nellt wide Awake FA lit GItOVKDS A mefifus, Georgia, Wednesday, May 291 h, DAY FOLLOWING Sumter County Horticultural Fair. WIDE AWAKE FIRE COMPANY Offer the following Purses, viz: For Fastest Trotting Iloise open to the world SIOO F i Second Fastest Trotting Horse, open to the world.. En. Fees F r Faste-t Turning Hmse tin t has not beat 3 minutes SSO For 2nd Fas est Trotting horsethat ha* not beat 3minutes En. Fees For Fastest Trotting Muie, open to the world $ 20 For 2nd Fa-test Trotting Mule • open to the w-nd...Entrance Fee# ENTRANCE FEES 10 PER CENT. Gf Pi.rses. ONE MILE HEATS. BEST TWO Out of Thtee. SWEEP STAKES* For Fastest Running Mule, half mile heat En tie nee Fees Entrance Fee for this contest $1 00. For the Fastest Pair of Har ness Horses, owned and u-ed as such, 1 uiile heat SIO.OO F< r Slowest Mule, $5; Entrance lees. FOE THE FASTEST MAN or BOY, around the half mbs race track,ss. N > w> Iking over the track allowed the Piemium. ADMISSION FEE 50. 0111LDKEN 25c. Ample accommodation on grounds for horses onteimg fir prom'ums. PIANOS. ORGANS. New, 7 Oct. 1185 l New, 9 Stop, *67 New,7* Oct. $145 | New, 12 Stop,*7B “Magtiffioeut'* “bran sow“ “lowest pr* cee ever gifen." Oh how thia “crnel war" raeee, bot l.uddcu St Bales *tttl hold the firlc and ram hot. .hot into the bej ns ni iMi'icturtr. who deeaiVe (He public with Hun i ng ( l ra;if Offer; on ihoiUty Instro nier.r® Send for Oftr* and rireu ?*r trporing fraud* f Ftao and Organ Trad* t.liddrti At Bales, Wholesale rauo end Oagan Dealers, ?atunah 7 6a. New MILLINERY Store AT DAWSON, GEORGIA. MISS A. B. SMITH \V7 00LD Respectfully announce to the Ladies of Dawson and surrounding ccmotry that v V she has recently established a first class Millinery Store at No. 3 Rogers 4 Janes Block, Dawson, Ga., where she will be pleased to have then cail, EXAMINE & PKICE GOODS. On hand and to arrive a fine and carefully selected stock of General Millinery Goods, adapter! to the season, and of the latest and most approved style , consisting in part of Fine Hats, B >nneta, Hosiery, Gloves, Cuffs, Scarfs, Ties, Ruffa, Uankerchiefe, Corsets, Hamburg Edgings, Trimmings, and other articles too numerous to mention in this adver* tieniem. I -hull keen no shoddy good*, but propose to keep a good assortment of the YER Y BEST OOODS, and sell at tbs Lowest Possible Prices. Remember that al* who call are not eipected to purchase, unless they are pe'fecily sui ted in puce and quality. My business is to show goods, and 1 shall take especial pleasure iD performing that dutv. I cordially invite all to call nu me, and by fair dealings and low prices, 1 hope to merit and r ceivo a share of your patronage. apri!4.Sm Most Resprc'fullv, M 193 A. B. SMITH. NEW SPRING Millinery! MRS. M. M. ANTHONY INFORMS the Ladies of D.wonn and surrounding country that she haejut received a Beautiful lot ol SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. Among the ptettv styles for Sun Htr may be nouord the May Belle, TalUade, Ku“ l ic, May Queen, eto. I a,so keep a full line of Notions and White Goods. Anew lot of Ties, Bows Ladies* Fudcv Lace Setts, Faticv Back Combs, Hamburg Em broider v, Cas*> Rn broidery. Dress Tiitnmings, Dress Furnishings, etc., etc. Vl-nv thanks to those who fyu-ed me w"h th ir patronage the past season. I hope, bv PAIR DEALINGS and LOW PRICES, a continuance of the same, and also, to ad i to my list many new customers. iDiß a-. I" 'he DRESS-MAKING Departmen’ I have secured iheeffi ie.t servxes of MRS. J M. POTTER We cordially invite the ladies generally to bring in their spring goods and have them made on in 'he Ittest. .tv’es, at reasonable prices. DAWSON CARRIAGE WORKS! T. J. HART, Proprietor. Manufactures Good Material Us®it f AND ALL WORK WARRANTED. FARM AND M%GON REPAIRING. HOikSi: MIORIX; A SPECIALTY. ,S9SJoq omi sy Giioaoj SNOOYAt pun ‘BttiDDXia: dOi-oN ‘Hiiit)ona dox REPAIRIITG WILL BE WELL ASD PROMPTLY DOSE by skillful and reliable workmen who hav ■ been in his • inploy tor a number of yenrs. C#*Oal) andeiaiuine his stock of vehicle?, as announced above. D'2slf fie Fair! 2* A H ID ®Hf To MANUFACTURER OF Tin and £heet Iron-Ware, DEALER IN Stoves, Hollow-Ware, Cutlery, Crockery, Glass-ware, VODKR-INE, HOUSE-fURMISHiNfi GOODS, Etc, <■ n..iQ.. „■* KEROSENE OIL ANI LAMPS A SPECIALTY. I! .1 ias!lg I X Ul* me a call and be aotwlaucA B J- ASTIIOS '*, i ISlew A.dvertisprn^nt REVOLVER FREEIH^H J. Btown & Son, 186 & 188 Wood Street, Pittsburg, Pa. |Qj CkSoldiers and Widows can now got I 0 J /w Pensions bv writing to John Kirk patrick, Cambridge, Ohio. Magistrals* wan ted as agents /Y TANARUS) Y 1 4 A T O Highest, honors at ail UlluA |S lN World’s " Exhibitions.— Latest Catalogues and Oculars, with nsw atvles, reduced pric-s snd much information, sent free. MASON 4 HAMLIN ORGAN CO , Boston, New Yotk or Chicago. PIANO VfSFift&T ORGAN War with monopolists renewed. See Beat— tv’s latest Newspaper for full reply sent free. Before buying PI AND or GROAN read my latest circular. Beatty’s celebrated Piano, and Organs, beautiful Instruments! Chal lenge comparison! Rivals are jealous of my success! Most ,-uocessful house io America! Commenced a few yenrs ugo without a doK lar, sales now nearlv |2,000,0<X) annually. Loues* prices ever given, elegant Rmuwoed Pianos $136, 16 stop Church O.gane sll, tremendous b.rgains now ready. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. ATlfc Fur Chwul t'alarrh VAI Briuit sanford3 radical CURE for Catarrh will not is stantly relieve and speedily cute References, Henry Wells, Esq., Wells, Fargo 4 Cos., Aurora, NY; Wm Bo wen, Esq., JfcMattun, Groat A Bowen, St. Louis. Teati .. _ menials and treatise bv mall. Price, with improved Inhaler, Sold Everywhere. Week* A Potter, Prop>s, Boston. PIANOS' & ORGANS AT FACTORY PRICES. Great reduction to close out present, stock of So© new and Second hand iuurumens of five first close makers, fultv warranted and at pr<ces'’tbal defy competition for this class of lustra* tnerns Apents wsn'ed for WATERS’ Sie ptrior ORGANS and PIANOS, l&mraw ted Catalogues mailed. Horace* Waters k Sons, .Miuulacuters and Dealers, 40 East 14tk Street, New York. .Alan General A gents fou Sroningers Celebrated Pcrail tm Organ a. VEGETINE. DOCTOR’SIRE^ORT. H. R. StsvkM, Esq : Dear Sir: We have been soiling year valuable Vegetine for three years, and w# find that its gives) perfect satisfaotlotv W* believe it to lie the best blood'purifisr nsyr sold. Very resp-ct!ully, Dr J. E. BROWN 4 CO., Druggists. Dnlontown, Kt BENSON’S CAPCINE was invented to overcome the great otjec* tion ever found to the old stylo of porona plasters that of slow action in bringing re lief. Benson’s Oapcine Porous Plaster re lieves pun at once and onres quickly. It. Imparls a sensation of gentle and stimuli* ling warmth, and biinge rail and comfort ,to the sufferer. Benson’s P.trous Plastf r received thebigit* est slid onlv medal awarded to plasters Price, 25 cents. Each genuine Bauson’* Capeine Plaster h"S ltf> word Capcioc cut through the plaster. Take no other. Tax Notice 1 I WILL attend at the following times sod places to Receive the Tat Returns of Terrell County for the year 1878 : On Mondays the 16th and Mlb of April ar.d lStlt of May a* the lfith District Court Grouud. On Tuesdays the 16th end SQth of April ,n,i May 14th at llth District Court Ground On W ednesdays 17th of April aud May Ist and 15'h at Dover. 0 i Tl ti's lavs th# 18th of April and May 2nd and 16 h at Chickaawhtchic. On Fridays 19 h of Anr'd and A?SJ 3rd and 17th al Brown Station. On Ba*Hrdnvs I6t.h of April and MJ 4'll and and 18 h at Dawson On Saturday 25th of Afiy atGravui iliii. At Dawson two weeks during the Fprlag Term of Court, c mfiiencing on Monday, the 27th of Jfiv next. Ou the last day of Court the hooks will be plosed. W T. CAMPBELL, T. E.T. L. April 8, 1878, tf / 1 EORGIA, TERRELL COUNTY, 'I April 20th, i 878 I forewarn all persons for trading on my account, from I will uot pay any debts made only t'V mvaelt WASHINGTON WOOLBRIGHT. USTABLISHEO ISI. USE HARRISON'S WRITING INKS AND MUCILAGE. HKST l.r thf n~onLt. Jot Black School Ink A S|>*cia ? ty. L ot .Talc by all Leading Stationers and lIA Kit ISO* IAU CO., • vinrrxf At., H. T. DR. RICE 7 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY, A ntultrt, Iwally ,m 0134 jhr*lao MtSi Bet toccMful, u bis preMfcs win proas. Owns tlianM chrooio Jrf ii . EpenantM. rhea and Impotoncy. *tlsreeaitsfadr obu*in youth, Mxual eMesf-iln matoror years, or M*r nonwM. nl producing tome o f ihu. Jwvowlng tNUjpiw •eu. Srralaol FmUeV'uh, PUunrt* of 91gkL iHfIN Mo wr PhvicoU>co7,Fimvroo ou Foec, A%enieaHPNMf** Female*, Co&fo*toa of Idea*, Loo* o f ftexu* 1 rwer**. re d<riog marriage Improper or oehoprj. *K i ri .yy o 4 permaaentlj cored. SYPIItLIS JfSfeK ow-liootod frvw 0e v UON" ORRHEA, Gleet, Stricture, PlWal^wrß#- nwl 4AMf quickly cured. FeUeoto trailed W **^_°V*** C*-. Cocauiutios fro* ood leytted, lLaijm* iimmiM 1 corroopondo&oo strictly cooMeotieL A PRIVATE COUNSELOR ®g:&3.&SF3gS£& PRESCRIPTION FREE! For Tbsspe'ly Cure of Somlnal Wm.>'SSS. Lmit Manhood and alt disorders brought on by indla rrrtlon or excess. Any Druefl-t bja She lns-n --/cuts. Dr. W. , L aT*W West Sixth Slrsct, OacUuistl, *< DR. BUTTS NO. 12 N. Eighth St. St. Louis, M. Woo list had (roster wmrtsor* to the •nnf> •f th sesoal troubiv. wfboth mate *ud ten-.tie than any steyaw.a ; In the West first tbs rriultt of his lons and miwfl. ! practice ia bia tnsas* w*t,)m<pshiiahsd. alt Its* The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISED Book* that srt resllr Cos Wee mad Setf-I ■iisoMme to eH rvx: ter* kaertolr'ng t£ ■■■Stood and Womoaßood. —4 wontioog *4t. Tko7 ore WvUfon? fSl*i-hiod,Bd top e's Jsi vro*e. eonlj WkdarotoeC Ike two book* EHMi fdfr poyt, OPd CQPtAim i*t—ile ifroaaH&* fbf tufoMHtlfirV HMILViUI •DlkllOeMtlßlirOTMßMtl l> MMllMtoM RMd*hM*komjMMnN7: > TVkae*Wd|wartil tn Ur. Butts' BOV work* i* in oo way Of MMMOM Shp f oc*rr, Bat I* *oiMbngr <o*t -aryeo* 4mH|m T*o Teotii. Um r sAdm of early >odLl*crrt*oc ; Utv Im, otMrVi/ ! firefly Withy —ykmVtit with waning - got to tospruny i f*' ML. i-ul IW Wgmgmm- l MkurtflMlßW^T* ; afe jSs£3m?o SnMtj