The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, May 16, 1878, Image 4

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MtKGI t, •vrr-ll J R; t SIMMON'S, Admini-ni or <*•- ' on’ POD of satats of Jime JJJ'inx'on, dec-nor baa appli and for dismission. All person* . jpreMtrd arc hereby no'ified to show imii-.' it nv they cm, why L-'b-rs Dismiss- - (hould not He granted to liitn at the Jon Term, 1878, of Terrell Court of Ordinary Witness my band officially, 'hi* Eebrm 18, 1878. H. 8. BELL, Ordinary. Feb 21, 8m / T DUUiil Tcm ll oitn'y Ljf Ordinary's office, Jan. 26 la ► Whereas, L. 0. HOYL, Es'r of am W deceased, has applie 1 for letters ol Diana'- *ion, ill persons intciested are hereby tic jled to show cause, if any they can, in i manner prescribed by LiW, w' y said letter should not be granted at the next May ter' of tbi- Court. H. L. HELL, Jeb7, Sm ©.dinarv. CT liiißi-l t. Terrell l omily. J B. McDonald has applied for -ettir f apart and valuation of Ut mestead slid Ex emp'ionof Personalty, t and I will pass up ->n bis applioat'on at 10 o'elock, am., Mondnv My 27th, 1878, at my o(Re. Given under my hand officidly, Msv 7 h 3878 H. 8. BhLL, Ordinary “Where to Spend THE su MMKR. IF YOU desire to'epend the Summer in a delightful region, amidst piotur. >q < scenery, enjoy the finest summer climate in the wot Id, and secure ;be comforts of a late* roomy, neatly furnished, airy anr. well reg plated Hotel, address io' full p i-oculars national hotel, J Q A LEWIS Pioptie'or, It me, Ga OCEAN^ Tybec Island, Georgia. rpHE OCEAN no USE will be opened n _1 the public od the Ist, of May. It is situated on Tv bee Island 18 miles from Pavannah, and faces the br ad Atlantic The island beach tr aix rules long and a’* most level, affording the finest sea bathing to fYe world Steamers will leave Savanna! DAILY lor the island Telegraph commun ication from the hotel to all par's of tbo trvo'ld, Botrd, per dsv, $2 00; per week, $lO 00. For fu ither particular* address ANGEL U, YBaXLZ, Proprietor, Savannah, Ga nnflfP business you can e. gage in $5 m H \ I to S2O per day made bv any jjjjlj | worker of either sex, right in then own localities. Particular* and sam pie* worth $6 free. ImpTnve vnnr so ,e lime at this bosinesg Address Stim) •* & Cos., Portland. Maine. feb2l,lv. BURIAL CASES ! A full assortment. and Bizes o* Wood at iivialic Burial Cases always ou baud. ORDERS by telegraph with good re*r* nc. piotnptlv filled. A. J. Bit <1 TV in A (~ ’ol) 19, ly. Dawson, G §P|i g ft S g a a"d Mnr. bias bsMira- Hr 5 M rV r '?n^. r t ‘.ft. VI I Ulfl s&l* Tit RfiMd; *r |ks ltik r*<ry. Barham’s Infallible AM PILE CURE. \ J*liEgag9*Y H Manufactured by th \ / B&rbim f~e C-:e C:., Durlaa, K. S. A R It *rer fall* io onro Heuorrbuldi ar s our# le poeelbU. Pr<re 1 ut aad boaa fld * Ikroiakod oa 09 pUsouea 'TOOF’S STANDARD RUFFIER, for AH. ..,1..,.^ Thejtt.t to obc bd<l moat perftx-My ooastmctcd. * Address ~ 4. 100F, “Doaf*MTfc ”Baliding, New York, or New ILaven, Ct. DolvlES UC THE UCHTEST RUNNING, THE SIMPLEST, THE MOST DURABLE, THE MOST POPULAR ' S2WIKG MACHINES. ’Cwrwvjcw sU the latest ard tr>o*t dv*!rab'. apre-sniast,. .“to lastly nidunrfrod, makes tbo dnahl, ;rt-d luek-vtitek, has oit>> eaitiina fsi !*• sec wiii saslt range ef fam*v fc wnrV w.tfcat,* slianc*. She •• DO HiSTIC” is mad* In the most rfrr '- rrmnsW, nltk routes! sisel t.arhi.-i an ' ioants,- ft iwoufcmt. ±£-•■■9 for {’is * W>J)tXT|. Mr '•*% garths “BS ■—TIC ’* P.par i*. i . ' inter, all qjsgccu;'l3d ituTiurry. DOMESTIC fcarw^j * jp* \ '"Vi! m JT FARMERS, LOOK TO vo(iit i vri t *>t j I AM offering for this seasoD the well kunwr. and reliable Etiwait Guano tor $72.0n, partible io middling cotton at 15c e. pound, well baled and deliver and ■' J"tes & Doziers Warehouse, Dwson, Ga , t.r 451 no in mot-ev, payablelt of Nov next. \!*o, tiie E'iw-’P Dissolved Ilt>ne, 29 3" net cent,, fe $57 no, with c' ttou op '<■ el • se'e pet peuno, c'a*s middling. el baled ,ad delivered at Jones A Poz era War* horse Dawson, Ga , bv the fir*' of Nov next, o s4ll ol) in money, the freight to be paid b\ ihe purchaser wheD the is and live* ed I have been using and selling foe abt va Guano lor several yea'S, and know them to he good, and I ho-estlv b-live that the Dissolved Bone manipulated with cotton seed or barn 10l m . time is the cheapest ter ilizer that a farmer can use. I speak from experience. This Ghiatto is sold at cot ding to ne' cenrage above indicated Sold by J B. CRIM, Dawson, Ga. P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL HISTORY®™ WORLC Embracing full and authentic amounts of every nation of ancient and modern times, and including a history ol the rise and fall ~1 the Greek and Homan Empires, the growth of the nations of modern Kuiope, the middle ages, th- crusades, teudal sys era, the refot matioh, the d'neovery and settlement r,f th- New World, etc , etc. It enn -.ins 672 fine historical engravings and 126" targe Double olumu pages, and is the most, compete llistoiy of the World ever published. 1 sells at sight. Send tot specimen . ages and extra terms o Agents, and 8t fcby n sell- taster than am olbt book. Address, Nw'iouai Pubh-bing t'o., Philadelphia, P. week in your own lawn $5 I *n ffi fJpUU ree. No risk. Reaaer, il you want a buslnes at wt.ic' l pi rsons of eitheir sex can mrke great pay all the time tin., v ork, write or particula s io H lIiLLKTT A lit, Po 'lai and. Maine. F. bzl,ly ail i.L A M OTRA . GFWERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT*, No. 34G North Water St, PHILADELPHIA. Uj K wil ! pqv mi krt prie fo II of thfolloinff we will h m 'or on on fi”** ppr rent 'i ; Bu -* , (;*'♦•• Ecg% Poul*r . I.ird 1 How F r.he j. Ptifmoes, AnaV**, G *in, F"u*, F'd Fu, Hf-lpR, W 01, P** po'B. BrooTcoru, Drien fruit, II • v H pR, 4to. Viham) OarH advances mad* on large con* itrnmenffi of Rrple Hriicles. Farmers, and De hfuld write fo* •ff enc-, Price cmrent, etc. When w iling us ntme wherh r oj wih fo slip on . men* or pell, name o artifjetf, n un* o earn an 1 vour very lowest ones f or <afne delivered F. O. B (tr* b *ani Cars) vour rearesi fl ipping point, 'bo, If pf*S'<ihle, Pend simplep b\ m.til, if *oo <ulkv bv freight Address HULL & Gen. Com. and Shipping M* r hanii, 22) nd 846 North Water S Phil’d, P^. The Weekly Telegraph. We desire o ca'l at ention of read- re to j u- wp kK edit'on especially. The Weekly .IcgiHph and Me-senger is a mHrnmnth oc* vo sheet, eairuDg sixty four column* o* Imost wholly reading nit i. It in isMied *v convenient arrangement-, both • arly nd ate ii. each w*ek o a* to meet subscri h* tßh .vin<* ofly one mil a we*k, with the • lest possible news It bis weekly mail •b*vpß Macon in the early part of 'he wppW, ‘ p gcts the earlv edition. It on Thursday, Friday orSaHi T d*y, he ge's the U*e edition, n either case gaining the latest news possi - hie if h weeklv paper. The contents of thi p per form a complete resume of the event -and gos-ip ot ti e pre viiiU'* s ven day a, and ihe tending mnnr of ** ch Hum *er w iuld c DBUtu ? e a large vol ume, giving valuable infoi (nation On all rub jt'C'B. This magniffioenf paper is furnished, pos tage paid, at Only Two Dollars a Y?at. Ihe Semi Weekly Tel graph and ger is lurtiished at tliree dollars a y* ar. The Daily Telegraph and Messenger at Ten Dollars a vesr. cash in all cases. i ♦>ese are among the oldest and be*t es tablished publications in the state of Geor ge, rep- faenring a patronage scarcel' equal ed—cettainly not excelled—.n extent, inteW j ligence and worth in the State. Wo rec* commend them wih confidence that they aid gain new f*ieads wherever introduced. Advertisement* in the Weeklv, one dollar per hquare of ten lines, each puhlica'ion CLISBY, JONES k REE&E VITK L, .VOTIVE* NOTICE. J3T“ If you want Posters, J3F” If you want Envelopes s®* If you want Bill heads, I-1F” Ii you want S*atemeny, tsr [f yon want Box Labels S3F” It you want Note heads JSF” If you want Show Cards 53F" If you want Law Blanks ; SiS?”" If you want Bottle Lahela j If you want Auction Bills, riF* If you want Calling Cards, I £3F""’ If you want Address Cards | It you want Business Cards fif’ If you want Programmes, PUT" If you want Loiter Heads E3F” I you want Bank Checks TSF“ It you want Shipping Tags ! If you want Certificates. tST* If you want Bali Tickets, If you want Invitation Cards, JrSF* If you want Business Circulars, If you want Business Wrappers, If you want Pamphlets Printed, 53F** It yon want Job Printing of any description at as low pricet. as any where else, and done in a most sat isfactory manner, you can satisfy yoitr' wants by patronizing the ptwscy Joyp.KAt, Job Orprrz Libe f r Ojv re - Terrell Supettor Court Nov. T&rm. 1877 WII Rogers I I.iitel ior Divotee vt > Rule ti- Poiiect Nellie Rogers. ) l^eivice. Ir sptie trit g 'o the Gotir bv 'tl'e re-urn of th Bh.-riff ih' the D-leortant do s not reside in this countv;, and it fur hat appear ing 11 at she does not reside in tbi* is, on nuri n o eoundtt, ord< r and that aato Defet’tianl appear and ati-w- t at the t" It ( rm of 11 ia Court, else that the c-se he con sidered in default and th. Ptain'ift allowed to prnc etl. Aud it is luitbet O'derrd, that this rule be t>u lisl.ed in -h* Daws n Journal once a w".-h f t*' fom moi its. WV. D. KIDf'OO. J. 8 c P. 0. Anne transcript trom the m n't es o' Ter rell Sups not four , D* e- nth- t fi'h, 1 877 J F. it , BK, De*-1 Sean 4m ‘ lerkS. < f ‘ 'ihe Weekly (institution. Within the corns of a month we shall begin the p .blication of > story of Southern life and character, entitled “jhe ilopiajice of hockville,” from Lf* ppn of Mr J C. Harris whor of Ui c l** R* R vival Flv.,.n, and 4he mo 8 popular wii’erin, - Pfi;. ;hu and n* * urn or h 1 gr *p ’C d*B*'ri priori 8 <well knf'wii in Gt*ngiH T li now B'**rv wdl be H” mop Hinb>f|oOH ft' r, snd H' V -namudon cbnfileiAiv prf miseßTtß nut on* rr# luprqrv rr**Bf. The storv will pnrß' in ihe W kl' Cpnsfitntion only, *nd w, ll run thro’£rh spve’d ino’ Clubs should be mad** up or single subscriptions nen in w'hou* bv >ill who desire to read hiflßtorv of G oßtia’s f vori'e humor ist. The price of the is $2 ay* ar, postage free Address, THE i ONSTITUTION, Ailn's, Gi. IHE NEEDHAM Musical Cabinet PBIOE, SCO. THIS new and wonderful Instrument , enables any one, whether under standing music or not to play any de sired melody or harmony, sacred or secular, from the most plaintiw dirge to the most lively dance music It posses ses a mechanism of marvelous simpli city, requiring but the intelligence of a child to manipulate, yet capable of repro ducing without limitation, the musical compositions of the past, presen r and FUTURE. The execution is faultless strict in melody, harmony and rhythm, and the instrument is eminently adapted for Sunday Schools prayer and revival meetings, home devotional exercises, and in all cases where good correct music is required, and no musician is at hand to perform. Address. S. P. SffSSWHEAM: & *OST MANUFACTURERS, iii/io K 147 S. 3d St..' i?a- Tfr Piano and Organ Playing m liPtiraeil i > a Day S ‘ H Aii TS, which recently cre at-ed ■ *ueh irflensa'io in Boston ard elsewhere, ill enab any person, of nv age, to Ma ter ih*- Pi-inn or O'gatt in * dav, ever though 'he* ha'e no knowledge of notes etc. The Boston Gi >he s\s: ‘ You can learn to p|*v on the piano or orgtu in a da', even ; f mu rever played e and have no. the slightest knowledge of nee, bv 'he us>' ot Mason’s Chart* A child ten years old ca le rn easily, Thev are endorsed bv he best musical people in Boston, and are the grand culmination of he inventive genius of the nineteenth cen turv. Circulars giving full par'icnlars and ni ipv testimonials will he -ent tree O'* a 'pli cation One set of Mason’s Charts, and a ra.e hook of great va up, entitled “Singing Made Easy,“ bo'h mailed, post, paid, lo any address for onl\ $2 Wo-th moie than SIOO spent on music lessons. ' Address A. o; ' ORTON Geneva! A sent, At ants. G. Agents wanted at once every whpre. Best obHnce erer i.fferr and. Secure territorr before too late. Teims fee. dec 6,tf ■ V >e> . ' - . Mry f ■■ A FOR SAir 1' A. J, BALDWIN & CO U in. make meney taster at work for us han at anything; else. Capital not re quired ; we will-start you. fll per dav a. htis. mad* bv bs indsatriwns kieo, woaaao, bo."S and eirls wanted everywhere to wotk for ns. Sow is the time. .CoaGy otv Sit and terms free. Address Tar* A Cos., A ngnsts, lUiae. * 1878. 1878. • • td i • i ... | r 1 ■ * - - tt-m-’ * ---n ~>} -.j THE Dawson Weekly Journal, •J. J> GOYL & CO., Proprietor®* i T u ns, 82 OO A YKAU IN ADVANCE. 1 * ♦ r| t * DEVOTED TO News, I ilerature, Agriculture and especially to DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS FREE. XOOAXi AFFAIRS* Democratic in Politics! l b- pri.ptip’ora will *()Hre no pHitiß to niake the Journal interesting and v ■" to it* (it*t" 8 !h"V ftV to n>a-e tt h live and spugtitly paper, ad tni ttr g inytl.ii.g into it* colntur.* tbHt ig dud, fl tt Hi and comnionp ce. It wt 1 uivu -|ios * tt-* t tt to 'li L.mtii News, nnd he, t all tint**, wt<:hful of the itiiertgi* ol in *u(tßcrii ein. lii. Jotirn 1 is bow- in tio< thi'teentli year ol is xistence, and is a fixfed pet ut ii-etf, p o*|ier.' * wild piotitibie itis’itutioii. lii its “Lr gut lexicon” “tfo-re t* n-- *mth w rd a* fail ” it lias * lait;e and constantly increasing cir • U t:oti it five or six of the best Agricultural Counties of the >tte of Georgip, and i*, cons'-qaently, an excsilebt ADVFUTISING MEDIUM For "hese wi hing to resell n large number of mte'ligent Farmer*, Planter* and tetatl Meichants. Its rate* l*.r advertising are li,w, to suit the tmeis. d> 2B 0 IP li (0 m* ’tt connection with the paper, is a well appointed Tub Office, just supplied with a lot of new tna’erta!, and pi-pared to do •ndinatv Job Prio ing, such as B LT. and LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS. ENVEI-OPE-*. OR i GAGES. LIENS, and all Mtrts if Lecal and Cognnnercial Printing, in as good style and at as LOW R \T iD as it Can Be Bone In The State. Cr l and examine our work and pn es fief.tre sending e'ewhere. m* MVENTION, ii 3 THE RENOWNED WILSON SEWING MACHINE in workmanship is pqual to a Chronometer Watch, and las elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo sitions- IT SiiWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold in the United States than the combined sales of ail the others. The WILSON ftdENDINC ATTA HMENT for doing aii kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. = I WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 827 & 829 Broadway, Now York; Now Orleans, La.; Cor. State & Madison Sts., Chicago, IBs.; and San Francisco, Cal. lor Sa'c bff oil First-Class Poolers. Cckntr Record ab<! P h 1 * Btf., MACON - , Ordsrs soiisited Tom B. Artope, DEALER IN MARBLE & GRANITE WORK,, nr.otn stores, ■Fox, Vases, Iron Railing, COPINGS, BUILDING TV OREL, Etc. oppf t J. W I t,l. / t> t, KM rl ~, &Of lurar’ GEORGIA. A J BALDWIN, at Dawton. KAVOhITE _PUbLIGATIONS Fritiik l.eilie’i' liitmiey Corner ThU beautiful peiiudical, Hie beat Amt-noun Family Juurnal, • Story Taper aid Home Friend, has been 'be successful rival of all the weekly journals for the pant . hirie.n years. It gained a p! oe in the mtuda and tiw'S nf our pe< pie, aud now the Dame of its patrons in Leeion. 7 b'H year the Chimney Corner seems to be better than irir. 8 ii>l aorl.-a are of the most absoibing aud I velv ehaiaeter, of great power, true 10 life and lull I't roerii, I king a wide range ot subjects in please every HP tube! ot 'be hou-ehnld—ihe donestic story for 'he mother, the charmii g love tale for the daughters, 'he mo'e d'ama to fot the young men, tho solid • nvel lor older renders and 'hen we huv- stirring adventute for the bov- and fairy 'alps lor the children. Hai'ber'nn, Howird, Robtuxo', L) Forest, B“"edici, 8. Annie Float, Annie Thomas, httaW Puree, ' and otb i eminent writers, are its regultr coinribulnrs. The subjects ti rated ot are very varied. The i lustra tions are pro'use and they are all beautiful. Short stoii s extremely interesting are com pleted in each numbei, while bl'igt a ph'cH, Adveti'ures. Essays, Fun, T av. s, Natural HiStotv, . egends. Aneedoies, Science, etc , mnk' 'his puhlicmion ot e ot the rno-t e'n tci'aminc in existence. Exquisite steel engtavings are frequently given awav to its suhsctib re The Chimney Conn i, sixteen pages, with eight pages of illusiiaiions, primed on fine papet, is published evety Monday, pn ■ onlv lit rents; annual subsctipiioi , $4 post oaid Address ynui timers to Frank L'site's Tub lisbtng House, 657 Pearl Street, N- Y. ik. Frank Lr she's Ladv s Journal, 16 pages, ist-u. and weekly, contains exceliet t Ptcuies and full desor ptions of the Verv latest styles Ot Ladies* and Children's Men ; u etui tu fonr-”ionon Topier; Select Stories; Beauti'ul lllustritions ot Home and For eigu Subject*; Toeiry; Fasmo.iable lutelh genee; Tetsonal Ci.i l t-iai; Amusing Cur toorts on the Folder* and Foto es o the Dur; t’paiks ot J/nih, eti.., eic. Frank Leslie's Lady's Journtl is the nos’ beautiful of all the ladies' papers. It should be luumi ou the 'able ot every lad in the land. Price 10 cents a cop ; annual subscription, $4, postpaid. Fiank Leslie’s Popular Monthly has made rapid strides as the rival of many aspirants to publ c fsvor. 1 s conir butois are some of the best living writers. Every depanment ot literature is reprigonteu in us columns The amount of ins'ruo'ion, entertainment and amusement aff tided bv Hie articles, essays, s.ortes, am getirralmiscellany cuf tained in the 128 qu it to t ges ot e.,ch number of ibis public• tion has beep well appreciated Evert copv ot tin Popular Mouthly is embellished with ovet lot) beau i ful illustrations Big me cheap s' pe iod | ical ot the kind it • X's ei ce, nd ai th> game time one of the nios l -elec and universally welcome, it musi con i u- iu taetease in public favor, atm ta k wi h the unlisht rs Sunday Magaxtne—the Itighegi simtng atl ut' Ameiican montitii-s. 7< is pubti h*-d on 'he 16'h ol escti month T i®. 25 cents a numbet; Subs n .non, $8 pest pant, per veal. Adilies* you- old IB t> F.tti k Leslie, 687, Pearl Street, New Ym k. Frank Leslie's Su day Mag su e is a beau titul wotk. I' will in cest e,i .ealed and cul tivated minds as "ell as the most o dinarv reader. It is the otih Zfu day magaxitie p..b lished in this countrt. Eve'y number has !28 pages filled wuh the most selt cl and f sciua'ing literature, rang eg Porn the Sermon by me editor (Dr. F. D eu.s, paste of the Church of me 8 rangers), to the stirring Tales g• feral Top es and Essays Poetry, Music, Fun, A’ience H sto'y. etc., in great variety, t ach copy of this J/.gaxtne has 100 exquisite engravings of toe most interesting character, I has tecbe a ci>- culatiouand prosperity sncli as tnske it one ot the mxtvels ot petiodirsl It. tore. It is Indeed a beauntui work, Bu <t % I see for yourselves. eopie- i !y2>c ms, and animal subscription pic t $3. post paid. Addiess orders to FRANK LESLIES PUB. HttC>K, SS7 Pearl Streei, New Yo k. TO THt PLAM'lsnii O F SOUTH WESTERN GEORGIA OWING to the decline : n the price of Iron we have reduced the price ot S .fIILL s, KETTLES. <f tii.vGiiiitj.rj !■ well as other work in om tine. We will ’ certiriue o eel) at the low price we have egtabliehc until iron advances, or a will ! receive 4 rdrrs for future delivery. Wc manufacture several kinds ot_ COTTON SCREWS. SEASONED, PLANED AID ROUGH LUMBER always on hand. o. 0. NELSON. Proa. Dawson Mf g Cos. JDatveoQ, Ga. July 80. tf. ALBANY IIOFSL', Cor. Pine & Jackson Sts. ALBANY, GA. Hoard per day J 2.60 Table woll snppHed an good, clean sleeping apartments, emoiboj to and from the house. M. BARNES Prej-.rlstor R A IL ROAD-GUIDE Atluiiict aud duff R a „ roJlt GkNEHAL ScriUIKTEHBEST’* OjTICI, Atlantic ani>.dl* Kail Road, > avanoaL, Oa M 14, r ON and after Su day, the lT,h inn ,p„ senger Trains o this R,,ad will rin !. iollows: ‘ NIGOT EXPRESS. Leave Savannah daily at 4:10 p m • A r rive at Jesup 7:lo p. m; Arrive at B bridge 8:10 a. ra; Atrive at Albans 9 50 . m; Arrive at Liv Oak 8:80a. tit; Arrives Ja k'-onTi l i♦* 9:26 a. id; Arri?f a* TilUbdiu see 9:3tt a. m; L ave T.'lahatsee 11 sSo p m !,eav. Jacksonville 8:45 p. m; Leave Lit. Oak 9 411 p. m; Leave Albany 2:80 p m Le ve Bai bridge 8:15 p m; L av jJ, ' 6:45 a. nt; A rive at Savannah 8:40 a.m. * Pullman Sleep ng Cars run hr ugh le Jacksonville from Savannah and from Lou lsvttle, Kv., via Montgomery, A'a., and Al. bariy and Tht.masville, Oa No change >* cars t.eiween Navannah and Jacksonville or Albany. Connect at Albany daily with Passenger trains both va ou Southwestern P.uilroad to and troin Eutaula, Montgomery, New ot. lens, etc. Mail S earner leaves Bairbftdge for An v . lachtcola every Sunday af'en oon, for Col umtiu every Wednesday moruingj. (Tlos oon ection a Jacksonville d,.ilt> (Sun.tavs excepted) for G'een Cave Sprirg Sf. Augustine, Palatka, Mellonvill*, g iu f o ,a an'' Enterpri- Trains on B & A R R le, ve junction go- west, Motiuay, Wednesday and Friday at . 1:14 am. For B insw'ick fuesdav Thursday and S.'uiday at 4;40 p m ACCOMMODATION TRaINb_EABTEP,N DIVISION. L ’ave Savannah, .Sunday exempted, at 7 0() a. n>; A rive at McL tosh 9:fo, am; arrive at Jesup 12; 18 am; arrive at Blackshea, 3;4H nm; a.rive a Dupnn' 7:10 pm. [,a, T , Dtipon 6;(I0 am; leave Blackahear &;14 „. leave Je-up 12;33 pm; Wclmoah 2;4T p m; arrive at Savannah 5;30 p m, WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Dupont at s;Bt'a m; arrive at ViK doata B:2'> am; arrive ar Q litman at ldjjg , m; mir ve at Tn masville at 1; 10 am; r've at ylbui y 6:40, p m Leave Alhanv'at 6:00, am; Thoma-ville ll;im, s v Le V Quitman ai 1;36, p m; Z.-ave Vtl'ditata a. 3: - '2 pm; arrive ai Dupont at';lspm, J. e> t iso*, easier ot Transportation H. S. U AINES, Gen. Supt. Time Card--Eufaula Line. T n Loliijiliille, Cijicipjiati, pelt ftyk, A.VD *4 li. ru tnn EAST AND WIST. 1 eave Dawson, 1:14. T It; Leave Cot Marl, 2 23, r. it; Le.ive Eut ula, 4:t)6, r. ; Arriv* si M.imgoK-ery, 7;65, p. m; Arrive at Null vilb , B:(rtt, p. nt; Airive at I.auisvillf, 5:20, p m; t > rrive at New York, 7:00, p. m. F.nnre train through front Montgomery to Lon sville. No Sunday delays. Train* run itaily. Pasveneer- leaving on West hound train- via Sufnula, from DAWSON, or an* ppin'in Smith West Georgia, take breakfast in N ishville or New Orlesus and dinner in Louisville next dav, and save 12 to 24 hour* time. No other line can make it. Through Sleeping Cars for Virginia Spring! connect with all tr iins via Eutaula Lice — Excursion tickets on ssle via this route only. R. *upcrliilcl<l T P. WELLS, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Motitgonicry, Ala. JOHN W McDANIEL, /Vscnger Ageut, Mon'gomerv, Ala. REAL CAMPBELL, Gen'l Pass't Agent, Montgomery, Ala. Jul- 28 1877, tf THE SUN. ISTB. NEW lORIi. !•’*' As the time approaches for the renewal " subscriptions Tnx Sc* would remind ns friends and wePwiehers everywhere, that it is again a candidate for their consideration and support. Upon it* record fer the past ten vears it relics tor a continuance of t.• hearty sympathy and geuerous co-operation which have hitherto been extended to it ho“> every quarter in the Union. The Daily Scn is a four page-shee' ot - columns, price by m til, post paid, sl> Cl - a month, or §USO per year. The t unrlav edit ton of Tfik Bcs i* nn etg sheet of 86 columns While giving the of the day, it also contains a Urge 9Dl^'1 , of literary and miscellaneous matter stun Iv prepared for it. Ise Pcsdat >rtk met with great success. Post pud. l - i year- Tlie Weekly Sun. Who docs not know Png WkviltF®* "■ It circulates throughout the United - 1 r-. th 9 Canadas, and hevnnd. Ninety thouMO. fam'dies greet its welcont. p-Crf west T> regard it in the light of guide, oun*r . and friend. Ds news, editoiial. and literary departments tn-keit a journal for the family and the nte*. ■ Terms: One Oollnr a year, Po*>P This price, quality considered. tnk f * cheapest newspapers pubhshed ru of ten, with flu cash, we will *eud an * copy free. A 'drea -, tw PUBLISHER OF THESIS. Nov 8. St Kew York CUT. MAI V% Great chance to n k ' Rill M " 10n,,v - 1(,OUOdl e U U LIIb sold you can get S r ‘ ha W e need person jn • * o *" , take auhacriptiors tor th lft *^ B j f t ), 9 and best Illustrated family publics t world. Any one can become a # agent. Thi most elegant works o.a * free to subscrihers. Tite price sSt almoat everybody gubreribes. |a j. reports making over $l6O to a wee ja agent report. Taking over W ten days All who engage make m You can devote all yo*r time *° _ or only your spare C®* . <foa not be away from home oer can do it a* well as offers. Yu P ; ri direction* and fetm* free Eieg nrr ßiat> pensive Outfit free. If Tml Rctut* werk send us four address ai or • wks notbisg to try lha business. -Tb* esgages fails to wake il P‘Y u V ‘ t ojl* people's Joarnsl," Portland, ■