The Dawson journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1878-18??, June 13, 1878, Image 2

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The Journal. | J. !>, HOYL, Editor. —. _ * —■ - DAWSON, GEORGIA, Tliurlay Morning, Juno 13, 7S. ' Meeting'of tlie Democratic Ex-i eeutive t'oniimtioo Secondt'oii gressional District. A meeting of ihc Democratic Exe cutive Committee of tlia Second Coir gressional District, is hereby called to meet in the city‘of Alt any on Satur day, tlie twenty-s cord day of June 1878, foi t'ue purpose of calling aeon renlion ol the party to nominate a candidate for next U. S. Conguss, and 'o dispose of any ot! er business oeure them. B. 0. Lockett Cbm'n Albany, Qa., June 3id, 1878. Tire Fraudulent Flay in tlie Hands of the Potter. The reve’ations made by the Butter committee, during the past week, I t en ;o astounding! bat they bare almost taken the breath away from the whole country. Those who undertook the job of making IlayeH president, de spite the decision o! tbe people to the contrary, dived deeper into the cesspool of cotruption and came up dirtier than tlie tn st vivid imagina tion had ever conceived possible. The first day’s proceedings w-ro like a clap of thunder, and changed forced hi- --titer in tho radical household to ft to’‘weeping and wailing and gnash ing of teith.” Ttiejpi’O’iiiaeiTt parties so far in vo’ved are John Sherman and Sun dry Mathews. These did tlie dirty ork with willing hands, while Hayes stood afar off gloved and anointed but winking an approval whenever lie gut h sly opportunity. John Sherman was rewarded lor his pa l l of tho wtk with the secreta jy-ship el tho Treasury, and Stanley Mathew-, who was Hayes’ factotum end go between, with a seat in tti- IT. S. Senate. Alter getting their places they failed to fulfill their premises to those whose p- ws they had used to pull the chestnuts out of the fire. Hence these revolutions and tbe<e tears. Anderson exhibited a copy of a letter Sherman wrote "j luu>so!f andVv eber, in New Orleans, promiingthm *•- ward for what they were doing. Sherman feebly domed writing such a letter, but bis weak an cautious way of doing so, after all his previous blus ter, ony convinced even thoso who hoped otherwise, that lie did write it It is said there is a photograph c 'I 1 } of tbe letter which will bo produced us well as other proofs of its truthen* ticity; henco the wiley Jehu thj'ight it best to deny cautiously. Mall cw- mis requested to go be fore 'lie committee and explain liis involvement in the ma'tcr, but dccl.- wed, stating 11 1 at n special commitiet ol the Senate had 1 ein appointed b invest ig t ' I ini ; whereupon INn But lar waxed wroth, aiul denounced tin refusal as an insult to the committee. There ig no accounting tor lien. He is at present, like Issachar, — “n strong ass, couching down between two bui dens,” There is no telling which aj he will jump, but when he do<-s jump in our opinion there will bo genre bones crushed, —not democratic ones either ""Judge ijevieee, one of the repub lican electors for Louisiana, swore be fore tbo committee, that his name wi‘ fotgei to tin returns bom that state upon which it was e< tinted by the eight-by-seven cntiitt.isJon 'or Hayes. Who and and thefurpery, is yet to bo pro ven. A sub committee is at work in Flor ida Meantime, some of the r diea! or gans'are still trying to bltrs'er through the matter, tort the more sensible ones of them are beginning to see the sen rusness of the affair, arid are trj ing to devise means to s’ough off the corrupt mass. There are some rich and ranh deveb praents yet to come, nrol there is no tolling what the end tvid be, or who else r. ill redrawn in to the whir lpo* 1 Hayes v.iir likely servo out his tern, but fraud will bo written in iucffaceah’e letters right across tho sky abovo him fjr all tho wrld fo read, and will go before bun like a pillar of clou** l*y day and a pilar of fire by night “ Erring broth:r Kco and projdn-t --of-evil brottar Stephen?, have not yet been frightened l>v a sight or even n sne-ll of blood. The flow has been copious, but it has bran pus instead of blood. Messers bankers <f Macon, failed last w-. h and made an assignment. flu y loi about $45,000 oi other pe. pie's non - ey on Jesposit. Liabilities said fo be very 'arge, and assets very mail. Stcphens will Stand. Mr. Alexander 11. Stephens has nforrned someone in his district that tie will ‘VPnar” tor re-election to Con gress. Tliis is generally construed to mean that he will run whether c.orninntf-d by tlie (bonne, atic patty or not. It he tries tlie independent sebed uV he will have opposition, and will j likely be defeated. His lecent course ! m Congress is not meeting the np ! prova! of the people of tho South, j and he has apparently, not yet learn, j ed that tbe Southern people can not j be leu I y the nose by any man how j ever great. That has been tried by r.b'er leaders than lie, and lies always resulted in coiippicuous and complete failure- We do not think, however, that Mr. .Stephen’s determination to Stand” necessarily implies that ne will rur. whether nominated or not. The “great Commoner,” wo presume, is kept in office mainly through te spect for what he has 'men and has dune. Tin's may be all well enough sc Tung as be dues no harm but wo apprehend that tbe democracy can not aff id to furnish him a st andpoint from which to fight its measures end oppose its progress While >ve will not say that if would gratify us to see him re'ired from pul tic life by tliai voice which he almost seems to des pise, ye: in view of recent events aid Inturo probabilities, we wifi confess that, if our old hat wore new, we would nut throw it very high in tbe air nt the news of bis re-election. In our humble opinion, the exegei c os of the parly and the eoun'ry demand and not'd a bolder, firmer, moie positive arid con' is.cut order cfsiates man-ship than Mr. Stephen’s recent and pre sent course exhibits. A man right acra s iho direct line of whose vis ion the dark specter ot “revolution’* is forever looming and loweting is not the one to plumb th; straight line that F ite is pointing out to tbe dr-iimcnc? In other words-, the horse that shies so terribly at every wave of the old played out bloody shirt, tvo fear, is not a suitable oi;o to ‘stand,”just ai this juncture, in a southern cli mate. Civil Service itofor-i?. The letter ptiblis ed below found its way to this office through tin mail. Some friend doubtless -wished to pe-t us as to what is g"ing on in thecae-p of tie* enemy. The letter is in the form ol a circular. On the j upper left hand corner are the names of the Republican E-ecutivo Commit tee, with Eugene Hal- as Chairman. Itnriyof ourtnadois wish to contrib uto, ns requested, they can send the sponduhx to this office and then exer cise faith ns to us getting to head quarters. It will 1 o seen that Mr. Hayes, notwithstanding what fie has said heretofore, will not obj el to a I ttfe of ilie needful. Shell oubbretli- r*n! tho out-look is getting a little •qii illy: Hr.ATIQITAttTKRS OF TJ7E E KI'UBMCA N I Cong itEssroNA i. Com m mu:, v Washington, I). C., May 27, 1878. j Sir: This Committee, charge ’ with 'aboring for tho success of tho Re publican cause in tliecoining campaign for the election of Members of Con gress, rail with confidence upon yen:, a a Republican, lor such a contribu tion in money as you may feel will ing to make, hoping that it may' not he less than s—The Committoo deem it proper, in thus appealing to Eopub liear s generally, to inform those who happen t > l o in Federal employ that 'here wili be no objection in any of ficial quartor to such voluutary con tribution. The importance of the pending struggle cannot easily bo exaggerat ed. TllPt the Senate is to be Demo cratic after tl.o 4th ot March 1870, is vety nearly a certainty. Tit view of this, the election of a Democratic House of Representatives would pre cipitate upon tho country danger* us agitations, which would inevitably add to present distresses. Foremost among their schemes, tho opcosftion already announce their intention to attempt the revolutionary espusioti I of the President from his office. If, by the presentation of three can didates for tho Presidency in 1880 tho peopio should fail to choose, the House must elo t— e nth Stcto delega tion casting one vote. From-.hat is now known, and with tho growing dissensions in the camp of tiio enemy, the Committee have good reason to enter upon their work with courage. Please mak6 prompt and favorable ! response to this letter, and remit at or co, by draft or postal money order, to “Sidney F. Austin, Esq., Trorsur-j rr, fee,, German American National, Hunk, Waslurgton, I). C-" By order ol tho Committee, Gr.o, C. Ooinui, Secretary. —_ The Marietta Field and Fireside .-ay.' ; ihat“A‘las Daniidl, living near JSury- : ina, ami liailiff of that Oistrict, while turning Ins horse and plow at the et.d j of a fuifow last Friday afternoon,! truck himself in tho uldoitien with tho handle of the pijw, and although medical aid was brought to him, Ills hour had arrive !, and on Sunday I <■ die t- Mr. Daroi II was cue of oui be t rd'xon*. > we chronicle bis death with pain.' j BTATE NEWS ITEMS, fathered From Our Exchanges. Talbot jail is empty. Atlanta has a white jay ford. The Albany fair netted a balance rl 81, *200. The photograph is bring exhibited in Augusta. Baluwiti county lias two citizens who wete boru tu Jt*‘y 4th, 18-4. Southwest <ieorgia i* eating flour from its own u In at. A While county man has an um brella made in 1812. The telegraph office at Leerbuig has been discontinue ;. Fiist cotton 1 looms are generally making theii npf eaiance. Negro tramps an i vagian's aio common in Oglethorpe county. Wool at Albany in the last lew days has declined to 241 to 25ic. Public sell ads in Sumter county open on the Ist Monday in July. The registered vote of Chatham County does not quite roach 2,50 . Houston grand jury has fixed tho salary ot the county judge at $1,240 The mail service from Cuthbert to Lumpkin has ineieased io three times a week. A white women shot another in Macon Tuesday and left town. No names given. A nine and a half feet alligator w> s shot and Killed in Scott’s potid, Stew n t county. Judge John I. Hall, states that ho would or- glad to get tho nomination for Congress. The ladies of Albany realize and 8701 in their'lining ha 1 in tho two days of the Albany fair. Giiffiu has succeeded in compro mising hpr municipal debt at $57,000 and iirranged for the money The passenger train on the M. & B R. R. killed eight cows at one rush last Friday at the .14 ile post. On Sa'urday the residence of Mr. George B. Lumpkin, ol Oglethorpe county, was burned, together with everything in it save die w irdrobe and piano. Tlie S a-e Sunday School Conven tion of Georgia w ill assemble in the ci‘v of LaGiange, on the morning of Angus' 23d, end continue through the 24th and 25th. Tho revival in the Bip’ist church in Macon has resulted thus far in for tv conversions anil the good work goes on. Rev. Dr. Tensdale is assist ing the pastor, l>r. Skinner. I. R. R-spess writes the Buena Vista Argus that the oats in sheaf of one ncie ot his five-acre patch yielded 11,328 pounds, representing a yield ot 113 J bu-hels of seed The net p-.ofit is SOB 50 The other lout acres yield ed 10,000 pounds i/f Oats in the sheaf. Mr. VV. S. Gillis of Stew irt, has exhibit and several stalks of cotton that Measured twenty inches high, well spread anil contains ten to fifteen squi'eseaeh. They aie said to be (air samples of the field at large. The average yield firm a common -heep is three and a half rounds of wool. Mr. D. B. Fitzgerald, of Stew iiit county, took twelve pounds of fine wool from one of I is Merino bucks and eight pnu ds from a doe. The Quitrmfti reporter places the average yield of the wheat crop oi that section the present season, at fifteen bushels per acre—nearly dou ble the average of ih same cereal in New York State. Good ior piuiy woods Georgia. Wesleyan Female College cata logue shows 198 pupils. The annu al commencement exercises extend from the 13th to the 19th. The seni or class numbers 39. Rev. I)r. Irvine, of Augusta, preaches the comtrpnoe ment sermon, wnd Rev. W. W. Dun can, ot Wofford College, S C., will deliver the literary address on the 19th. Americas Republican of Saturday; 1 Mr. Win. 11. H>rp, living in the di rection of 001, T. M. Furlow’s planta tion, reports a heavy hail and wind storm there on Monday, 3d inst, do ing much damage to the growing crops. He lost his entire oat crop by having it pressed down and blown away, and his corn and cotton badly damaged by felling timber, burled irom tho forest in great force. He did riot know the extant of the dam age done by it. On Monday at noon, says the Al bany jY *, Mr. Abram Shiver, son of Mr. John Shiver, of Worth, met hi., death under most peculiar circutn staucis. lie had been complaining lor ' ino time—ever since cutting oats. On Saturday night the family heard screams from the young man, an 1 running to him, found him on | the front porch sulleiing intensely and touring the garments from his person and uttering yells of agony. He was put to bed at orce, and after hours of horrible agony, breathed his la?t. The physicians pronounced tho case overheat and dropsy. Decea od was about twenty years of age. i The negro, Jonas Gresham, who | created such a sensation in Dallas. Paulding county, a- few days ago by an attempt to kill Dr. S. Robinson : and certain members of his family | with a knife, was arrested in Atlauta on Tuesday morning. He was baud culled and taken to thestation house, and closely coofb.od in a cell un'il Wednesday, w inn he was securely tied and taken to. Dallas Ho at first Jeniad his ideotifv, but, t eiiig rooog-' nized, lie afterwards acknowledged it. : n lormcrly ivoO in Atlanta, whore he still has a nemt,. r of relatives re st ling, and it is thong! t be went, to 1 that city to raise from them the means of making his escape firm tho £tuto. 1 Tlie Lightning’s Work. Special totlic Telegraph au 1 Messenger.) Albaky, Ga., July 10:n, 1878. During a thunder stoi m at this place at noun to-day Messrs. Welch and D icon’s warehouse was struck by lightning and took lire. The flames sptead rapidly Tlie house was cov ered witfl fhingles. The file got among the cotton b iles The depart ment turned out tint could not prevent two angles ot the building being burned. The store ir. the corner of warehouse vis sav. and, together with the stock of gc ods. The total loss is estimated at fifteen thousand dollars, flits includes one hundred and t.iity bales of cotton be longing to Mr. John Jackson, which was insured. Messers Welsh and Baci a weie hilly in-urefl. The fiie companies did good work in tiieir cf ot ts to extinguish tho flames. The Atlanta Conslilutio a gives the following account ol the su'd death of two hoyjs by drowning: “Sunday after noon about halt-past six an old ne gro w..s passing by Lynchs rock quarry, whioli is just beyond the gas works, when he saw lying on the hanks ot the pond two piles of clothes which evuleutiy belonged to small h .vs, lie at once suspected the li-at lai tr uth. ami called help. It was evident that two hoys had ’>en drown ed, and at once an active search was iua* l e tor their bodies boon both were recovered and i“cogn z.-d by friends as tlie last remains u . Henry Tucker, aged ten, and A Ired Parn 11, aged thirteen. i’ne tn>ys were cous ins, and young Tut-litr’s mother is a widow. It is said thai neither ot the buys could swim well. They ven tuted into the pond about six o’cloi k, and as its bottom is vety irregular, sinking it. many places iuto deep holes, they lefi ioto one ot these and were lost. The gri f stricken parents uruveu on the scene just as the bodi es were recovered, an t their sufleiing car, otiiy be imagined. The sad tate of these two hoy should ptovo a warning to all those who veniur • in to tlie dangerous ponds and streams around, the city Both the deceased boys were bulled yesterday. Ti ey were bright boys, and then sudden and mournful death is lamented by many iiieads, a-id uio< ined - ost by those who loved them fie-t.” Oregon held un election tor stare officers and a legislature, last week. Oiegnn is about as tar aivay iro n us as any thing in the United iS.ates can be, hut u.ucn interest io tlie whole country to the election from the fact that tho legitlulufe, just elected, wtl choose a United States Senator to succeed the notorious Hip pie Mitchell, a bitter radical. The news is that tire democrats will have a majority of about 12 on joint ballet. If so,of course Mitchell goes up. A democrat,u Congressman was alts elected, and probably a deui oetatia Governor. Natural Selection. Investigators ot natural science have demonstrated beyond controver sy, that throughout, the animal king dom the “suivrvnl of the fi test” is the .only law that vouchsafes tluilt and perpetuity. Does not the same prin ciple govern the commercial prosperi ty ot man l An inferior cannot su persede a snpeiior article Illustrative ol this principle are the family medi cines ol R. V. Pierce, M. D., of Buf falo, N. Y. By reason of superior merit, they have outiivaied all other medicines. Their sale in the United tStetes alone exceeds one million dol lars per anum, while (lie amount ex ploded foots up to several hundred thousand more Nt business could grow to such gigantic proportions and rest upon any other basis than that ol merit. It is safo to say that no medicine or combination of medicines yet discovered equals or can compare with Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis coveiv, for the cure of coughs, colds, and all pulmonary and blood affec tions. If the bowels be constipated and liver sluggish, his Pleasant Pur gative Pellets will give prompt relict; while his Favorite Prescription will positively, perfectly, and permanently, cure those weaknesses and “dragging down” sensations poculiar to lemales. In thePeople’B Common Sense Modi ca! Adviser, an illustrated work, of neatly one thousand ] ages, the Doc tor has fully discussed the principles that underlie health and sickness. Price 51.50, post-paid. Adapted to old and young, single and married. Address R. Y. Pierce, M. D.. Wnrld’s Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel, Buffa lo, N. Y. Good Digestion. “Give us this day our daily bread” and good medicine to digest it, is both reverent anrt human. The human stomach and liver are fruitful sources of life’s comforts; or, disordered and diseased, thoy tingle misery along evd% nerve and throughevery artery. The man or woman withyoo*7 digeHion seen beauty as they walk, and overcome j obstacles they meet in the rotine of 'life, where dyspeptic sees only gloom and stumbles and growls at every imaginary object, The world still needs two or three new kinds of medicine before d n ath can be perfect ly abolished ; but that many lives have been prolonged, mid many sufferers from Liver disease, Dispppsia and Headache, have boon cured Merreu.’s lIr.rATiNK, is no longer a doubt. It cures Headache in twenty minutes, and there is no question but what it is tho most wonderful discovery yet made in medical science. Those afflicted with Biliousness and Liver Complaint should use Mi’krei.t.’s llfi-atine. It can be had at Dr. J. R Janus. A Stroke of lightning. On Tlum-rtnv fV.‘i.injr, > nt ■'■ - down, whilf* son)** imgro i iL. i**rn <■ n Mr Wm, •! Ileird’s |ilniiintion, six unlrs from town, wer* hauling in a load of oats, tU<v worn Oruek t y lightning. Two of ’ lift nfi t 'ro s. .Tale- Taylor and Bryant Hoard wm in stantly killed and’ tlie yoke of nx>>" next to Uio whool. The vok© ot oxen in front, and rlso another ne gro, escaped. I he wagon and load of outs were consumed, the lighten g having s-t them on fire. Thomasville Times. Buena Vista Argus: Mr. .T. F TIM* lis tells us ho has discovered a |ire ventativo t' keep flies ttom horses, and desires us to publish tf to the readers of the Argus : Take tar and kerosene oil, one tahlespoonful each, ar.d mix thoroughly* Then lake *wo tahlespnonfu of lard, and mix wirhthe tar and kerosene. Then anoint th • parts which the flies trouble. Commlssiour’s Sale. / i Ti*i !•<•!! €iuu?y. \ T Bv virtue of md in obcd-Mice o an order granted and had at the May Term. 1878, of he Shin rinr Court. o c aid 'Un , in case of Elizabeth Brown, et I vs J. P. Sharp, Petition or PntiHon and SI, kc %% we will pell, on tlie first Tuesday in .JuW, nex f , between ?he legal hours oi i!f, before the Court House door, in said conn-fv, ♦he following traet u: <1 hotly of lntrd, fO'wit; Lot No 218. North half of lot No, 210, nd West half of ’of No 281 all ring in flie 12 r h i> -Iric f of sai l county, M d e. n- ir iiig4os e s, more or les- and known os he “Bvthel H;vne Pince ,4 ‘ Pold bv vi'Mi. 1 o‘ said ord r ror partition of the pro ceeds of ea and sale Terms Cash Ti'Us cl; a.. A A ’PER, ) T \j. .TONES, > Commissioners. .1 L. JANES. y B.wson, 6a., Wax 3", i873. 4t Terrell Sheriff Sales. \\ T ILL be sold helor* 'h Oourt Ihiure t in D.iWs m, on the first Tuesday m JULY next, between the legil hours of sufe the following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 12, in the 12‘b di.tiictof Terrell eniiiitv. Levied onus the property of N. 0. Greer to satisfy a fi fa issued by W. T Campbell, T 0., for State mil ftount-y Tux for it,e year 1877. strains! V. <1 Gceer. S R. CHRIS 1 IK. ~ , If the Blood, Renovates and invigorates the Whole System. ITS MEDICAL PROPERTIES ARE Alterative, Tonic, Solvent, and Diuretic. Vegetine is inado exclusiv, ’y from the nicea of o&retaily-se’ectcd harks, roots and herbs, nnd fO strongly concentrated that it will effectually eradicate from the system every taint of Scrofula.* Kcrufu* loan (liioior, Tumors, ( ancer, C’nucerous Humor, ICnßijirlar, 2J Khrum, Syphi litic Cunkoi, iuiiilr.cws nt the Htonmc!:, and all diseases that a: ire from impure blood. Sciatica., y and ('Uranic Ilheitumtiaui, Neural - Its, (-out, and .Spinal Complaints, can on!y be effectually cured through the blood. For I,'leers an 1 Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, Pustules, I'iniplcs, Blotekee, Bollb, Tetter, Ncaldiiead, orm, Vogctine has never tailed to effe -i a permanent cure. For Pains in the Buck, Kidney *un plaints, Dropsy, Female \Vccit::e.s, Let:- corrhcc.i, arising from internal* ulcer,.tion, and uterine diseases and (Icjirrni DcLiiit; , VEGE TINE acts directly upoa the cause® of these com* plaints. It invigorates and strengthens the whole system, acts upon the secretive org: ns, alloys inflnm mation, cures ulceration a:. J regulates the bowels. For Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Hr, Hum! Cos tivcncHS, Palpitation of the Heart, Head ache, l’iies, Nervousnc*. , aud C.eueral Prostration of the Nervous (System, no medicine has ever given such perfect satisfaction as the Vege tine. It purities the blood, cleanses all of the organs, end posesscs a controlling power over the nervous system. The remarkable erres efTe trd l>y VEGETINE have induced many phyiicians and apotl.eca.-ies whom we know, to prescribe and use it in their own families. In fact, Vegetine is the best re uadyyet discov ered for t':e above diseases, and is the on’y reliable U LOODI* UItIFIEI2 yet placed before the pub! .c. THE BEST EVIDENCE. Tne following letter from Rev. E. S. Best, P.sfnr of M. K. Church, Nat ick ALibs., will be road with interest by many physicians; also those suffering from the same disease as oftlicted the son of the Rev. K. 3. Best. No person can doubt this testimony, as there is no doubt about the curative powers of Vegetine. Natick, Maps., Jan. 1, 1874. Mn. H. R. Stevens: Dear Sir,—We have good reason for regarding your Vegetine a medicine of the greatest value. We feel assured it has been the menus of saving our son’s life. He is now seventeen years of age. Fur the last two ye ns ho bus suffered from necrosis of his leg. caused by scrofulous affection, and w.:s so far reduced nearly all wh s.i w him thought hi* recovery impossible. A council of able physicians could give us bur the faintest hope of his ever 1 ally ing ; two of the number declaring t bathe was beyond the roach of human remediw, that even amputation could not save him* ns he hud not vigor enough to endure tho operation. Just tli-*n we cminumced giving him Vegetine, ami from that time to rho present he has been continuously improving, lie has lately resumed his studies, thrwn away his crutches and cane, and walks about cheerfully and strong. Though there is still some discharge from the opening where the limb was 1 .need, we have the fullest confidence that in a little time he will be n. r fectly cured. He has taken about three dozen bottles of Vege tine, but lately uses but little, as he declares that he is too well to be taking medicine. Respectfully yours, K. 8. B fvST, Mrs. L. (J. F. BEST. VEGETINE Prepared by 11. li. STEVENS, Boston,Mass, Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. BU RIAL CASES. A fun 9=orn:pnt and size* of Wood and MtiUlic Burial Cases always on hand. j IRDERS by telegraph with good reference. V piomptlv filled. ii ,o ,* J 11 ltdw *" A Cos., July 19, !v ; Dawson, Gu. Oootl Digestion. N T ew A.<3 vertisements l BEVBHEBIE^^ I B'ow Son, loti k 138 Wood Street, Pinghnrff, Prt. ii |) f1 \ \ u Highest honors nr all 1 !>JI vT A Worlds Kxhibitio r, p—- < L -st i’m! cues and < rcularp, with m-w -•vies, ednow! v r? cand much information, PI ♦ fr>* . MASON & HaMLIN ORGAN ■ O , Roq'oti, V* w Yfrk or rhica?'*. ni \ \T Ii V] *67ft Piano SIOOO Ulit On do $250. Elegant rose [ wind pasfP, magnificent 3-ntring upright Pi’ 821“. No risk. Sep before buying. This offer only not where introduced. War ♦ll *dß \t uiK. Trade pouring iu. Agcnia w nied ‘-vor'where. Write for paper, free. THOMAS BROS, Parskill, N Y. llft A T nft Pl/ ! I^;NS " N ’ S • apcink Po ! r-nfl -ft Rrs Plastkrw he best n;vl L uH*■ I\. , i . iu , Jv (ar , c . oa ; . til back, or w* aknesa of ihe baek, ever it ven *••♦ • k own If fjoo’hen, it strength* .s, i nr a , where her pofr*n plaa'ers nd II '!> iinn r ‘ail. Each genuine Ben son’s *’ Dei no Piaster has Hie wor 1 Oapoine •to ♦hronert, v>e T:*k no other. PIA N 0 Sl6ot, only $125 Superb Grand Square. P’anos price $ 1K), nly $255. Elegant UiM't'h; Pi an * s ric* sß**o, on $155. New '' , \lt* Upr ght Pianos sll2 5 > Organs $35. Organs, 12 -*i uh, $72 id. Ohurch Organs, i** -o.; fii i*e s.i9o, nl slls. Elegant $375 VJirror rm Ol' iijs, only $lO5. Buy ic* me is*-* H.t* nome if I am not 'P rep c--t - .R. R. fare paid both ways and Piano or Organ cpv***! free Large illnp’ra el tie wad i per with much information about cost of Pianos and O-gm* sem free. Please add res* DANIEL F. BEATTY, W ishinglon, N. .T. \Pr n < sim* of nian h B ! SANFORD’S RADICAL \_y URE lor C i rrh will not in manHy eueve and speedily cure References, Ilenry Wei's, E>-q. WelL, Fargo k 6’0., Aurrra, NY; VV r m Bo w. ri, K q., d/cH aton, Grant & Bowen, S i. Louis. Tes’i monifls and treatise bv mail. ~Tw' th improved Inhaler, sl. Sold Everywhere. Weeks k Pot‘*r, Prop 's, Boston *.■* 3*ills make \m v Rich Blood, and will completely change * (i e blood in the entire system in three iii’iisths. Anv peipon who will take one pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks mav be re sored to sound health, if such a thing be possible. *■*!* • bv nail for 8 lpfter sbimos. I. S, JOHNSON k ’O.. R w . % *Ji T* ‘W \*fl l> a- ; T“Fkkat A work of Cirea‘ Interest • <-v- . „3- ?>3i* Si4*aii*r and in the L nd. Address for descrioGve rrins and circulars. NELSON k PHILLIPS, Publish, ers, N T '\ 805 Broadway, V w York. /'i EOJAGI Turret! \ B > f) N LSO Nh s in ad * application for totters of uLninisf•ataon u ton the estate of Henry Atkinson, dec’J. All persons inter eared re here v no'ifi *d to show cause, if tnv they . an, why stid letters sirouhl not be granted at th3 next J i le Term of tins 1 oiirt. Wi ness my hand offic : abv. f, Hs vfay 1 1878. H.S T r 1 j 1 4,T~7~ 7T~] * F v. F -SIvIMONS, Adaiinistnor de •.* non o* es'ite of June Johnston, ieceased, has t >r> id for diam'ss’on. All n*raona ij terested ire hereby nonfied to showemse, if anv Hiey can, why Letters should not be granted to him at the June Term, IS7B, of l riel! ‘’ourr. of O-’Jinary Wi'-iess my bmd otfiiiatlv, f hisFebrniry 18‘ 1878. H. S. BELL, Ordinary. F 21 3m Are Yon Going to Painti’ THEN US 10 MILLER BROb Chemical Paint. I) EADY 'for use in Whire nnd over one 1 uvdred different colors, made of strictly pore IV Whire Lend, Zine hrH I irsoed Oil ChimimPv combire’ 1 , warranted much liundsonier and cheaper and rolast Twice m long us any other PH:*t. I has taken the hirst Premi um at Twenty of the State Fairs < f the TTnion, an i on many thousand of t.ho finest hous es in the country. Address, MILT Ell BROTH ERS, 29, 31 &S3 Clair Street, Cleveland, Ohinn. Sample ca-dsepr free ROBERT 11. MAY & CO., Manufacturers arid Dealers in ucgoiss nud *Si> in w;sgNs, St Di) r.ES~ n.llt.Y i: SS , a or. e, IPVESI A Miaritrs* Ltathtr FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF SKINS, J..;icc Lt idEiei’, acd SSareitss Findings MACON, GEORGIA. rfT'Reposi lories, 206 Broad Ptreef, Anffa.ta, G*., and 98 Cherry Street, SUcon, ha. We have also lor sale the IAIPRO VED TENNESSEE WA OON. aprn2o-*.V- N ELSON F- TIFT, DEALER IN Sasli, Blinds, Unildcrs Supplies, Doors, Mantels, XaTT^viESEK., j ALBANY GEORGIA. Tom B. Artop e > ?| ' DEALER IN T 4'Fit, MARBLE & GRANITE WOf^ ,fi.n .wf .rrs. #/#:.//> s'i i>riy Pox Tcmljs, Vases, Iron Rail lll *’ COPINGS, BUILDING WORK, K; ,- Cicter Zeroed srd Pc b!a fts., c j rosite J. W. Euile A < o.>, if" •* l [L r A - geoegia Oders solicited. a. J. BALDWIN, Agent at D t ’ lef JESTABLISULD ISitt, USE HARRISON’S WRITING INKS AND MUCILAGE. best /.r im: i t'oitut. Jet Black School Ink A Specia'ij, Foi Sale by all Leading Stationer? and 11 IRKISON lasi t-0.. 9 71111-ray S|„ >. y, The tlrmedy cT (ha 10ih Century. Barham’s Snfallibla \ rlSLi&s /- v Itfenuftctnred by th * \ / BsthjaPueCaiCo.,SutLia,.5 < I, p " ,r f*; l ' *.... .<■,rLci* or Pih>. when n ture | s potwlbJ cA* —' rlf f hJ 1 Hn ' } bur ‘ft furm*Lod ou application Wno has had greater experience in the treatment nf thl sexual troubles of both mate and female than any physical m the West, gives the results of his long andKXi practice m his two new wurba, just published, entitled iui The PHYSiOLOOY OF The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISES Books that fire really Guides nnd Self-Instructor, in pH 2,7 tera pertaining to Manhood and Womanhood and Si!? o*- 0 * - * aut long felt* They u, Von!h the victim of early Infliction i the n‘'er*ij Lo;a- ny j nlB J } er Kz ifl heii B TjmfiJSj 3 m h Jr" cne V °l Ume * in cloth n n giU, 25 cts extra. Sent under seal, on|9 KB Q ■fc.M receipt of price iu money or stamps. W tV yg PHESCRIPTIOH FREE f For the speedy Cure of Seminal Weakness, Lost Manhood and all disorders brought on by indis cretion or excess. Any Druggist has the inr<.- dients. Dr. W. MqiES dr €’<., Ao. lUi> H eat Sixth Streeb I'incinnati, o. WATCH CASES Are made of two plates of Solid Gold a plato of composition metal in such a manner a/ to pro son t only a gold surface. While costing bi I half the money, they are as showy and elegant ?\ the solid gold, and are WARRANTED KYj SPECIAL CERTIFICATE TO WEAK TWEXi TY YEARS. If you have not seen watches, a.dryonrl jeweler for them. If he docs not keep them,te:l| him he is behind the age, und to send for anubu>l trated Catalogue. HAGSTOZ& THORPE,' Sixth and Chestnut Sts., Pin la dei. rhia, Pa. Air Sold only through Regular Dealers .“W