The Dawson journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1878-18??, October 24, 1878, Image 3

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The Journal. (BSTSSSSSS '"'J'A. AVESTON, E<litor * 24, 1878. Market Report. Dawson, Ga., Oct. IC. r. m. f our raa rket has declined steadily fiufC o i,r last report until to day ad \it6 comes more favorable and our 'r'ket closes with belter feeling. Re- Jp, g about -15,00 bales. We quote Good Middlings J middlings : Good ordinary ‘t " SMALL-SI IOT. Bed your potatoes. Where's that overcoat ? Get ready to grind that cane. Chickens scarce and prices high. 7be boys say opossums are ripe. The state fair begins next Monday. All of the candidates are “hopeful.” Send in your orders for Job Print ing Cook Stoves at from $lO to $25 at II S. Lee’s. \ew suits were worn to church Sun day. Can false curls be considered dead locks? Mens’ wool hats from 50c up at A. . J. Baldwin & Go’s. Several drunken negroes were in town Saturday. Kerosene oil, 25 cents a gallon, at R. J. Anthony ’s. A hard ease — the man who won’t pay for his paper. Go to 0. L Mize to buy apples and confectioneries. How to raise turnips—take hold of the top and pull. Cheap furniture can be had by calling on 11. S. Lee. The duty of the hour is to help make better times. Mens’ brogan boots $2.50 per pair at A J. Baldwin & Co’s These cool nights and mornings are decidedly pleasant. Cotton is coming in slowly. Price too low. We are unde* 1 obligations to Mr. J. X. Smith for late Memphis papers. Fashionable Dress-making a speci alty at Mrs. C. L. Mizes’s. lie sure to pay your subscription to this paper Go to N. B Barnes to buy your Clocks and Spectacles che tp It is predicted by some that we will lave a cold winter. Brogan shoes from 65c per pair up, at A. J. Baldwin Co’s A large sweet potato crop has been made in this section. It is time, for those who have them, to put down carpets. A large lot of edgings and inser tings at A. J. Baldwin & Co’s At present Terrell county has only bo jail birds. The best assortment of Cigar3 in the city, at C. L. Mize’s. harly risers report a good frost here m Sunday morning, R date ads at from $2.25 to 40.00 A J Baldwins & Co's Programmes for the State fair have bon posted around town. Nice lot of good jewelry, for sale [ cheap, V,v A. J. Baldwin A Cos. Sermon by Dr. Hinton in the Alctho ®t church to-night. Come. The ladies will wear their new hats dresses to church next Sunday. Chairs at from $4.00 to $20.00 per A. .1. Baldwin & Co’s, be don’t intend to go to more than tty-seven cane grindings this season. Carpeting at from 25c to SI.OO per J ard a; A. J. Baldwin & Co's. 1 etton-pickihg time will soon be over, 'market ie Lro P ' 8 a l rcad y ' n Childrens' copper-tip shoes at 50c Pbpair at A. J. Baldwin & Co’s. The milliners are doing a good bus here now. All the ladies want hats. L.idics, if you want good and fasli lonaole jewelry, go to J. H. Crim’s. iu cannot dream yourself into a araoter; you must hammer and force J°<>r*lf one. Th e new Davis sewing machine, § Lee f U 1 * or Side by H. W^ e . rP i WaS au a d-day singing and Sunday lnner at a^em Church last Koods of every description gj* daily, at A. J. Baldwin & Ml .‘j , ,^ 011 fellows who want county Li.." 81 1,11 better come up and annonuce aa,ues . A V will put you through. k£^p" owned cha,ter ° ak a,,d ]> T ' 1 , '■ f-ee cook stove for sale by ’ ■ Anthony. Th • J itielv °, m ® tr * ,non *al market is distress- J„' . * n Dawson. If old Mrs. weot/' 1 " 18 corr ect, it will revive in a CK w two. k^ht 1,C T of 1; " Ues ’ corscts ovcr A i°r. !? I,a wson, just received at Ba ldwin & Co’s. La? boy hunts the hickory nut, W lCkor - v tree: aud the mother biekorv ° Smad boy up, then hunts the [near k° man and * negro came very h*MuV ' ast Saturday, but they ,*,! ■ ‘l ui te make it out, and we lost 5 iU item. Religious Notice. Rev. J, W. Hinton, D. 1)., w ;n preach in the Methodist church to-night. Service will begin at 71 o’clock. Nice lot of black alpacas and i‘ t andfo * cheap by A, J. Baldwin & Cos. Sickness in and Around Morgan. A friend who was in Calhoun county last week, informs us that there is a great deal of Sickness in, and around Morgan. ♦•e- . J. B. Grim is still receiving his large stock -of goods from New loik, which he offers cheap for cash. The State Fair At Macon promises to be a grand suc cess, and will be largely attended.— There will bo three races each day of the fair. A good many from this place will go up. Oranges, Lemons, Cocoanuts, Ap ples, Candies, Nuts, Crackers, etc., at C. L. Mize’s. One Preacher. i Rev. P. C. Harris was the only .preacher from Friday night to Monday morn, at the Morgan Camp meeting, which closed last week. We would say that preacher had his hands full. Melton & Bro., have just received a large stock of gentleman’s fine and cheap clothing, fine beaver overcoats, etc Large-Pea Vine. We were shown, last week, by Mr. E. Bellflower, a pea vine which he said eovered an area of thirty feet, and from which he gathered a gallon of peas.— The pea is black and the variety un known. Mr. B. will send the vine to the state fair. A good assortment of clocks for sale at from $1.25 to sls 0G by A. J. Baldwin & Cos. — —. Narrow Escape. Master M illie Hart, an industrious little boy, who goes with one of the drays, was caught under a falling bale of cotton last week, and for awhile, could not walk. The injuries received were painful, though not dangerous. It was, indeed, a narrow escape. - A fine assortment of Ladies’ Hats, Bonnets and new Millinery at Airs. C. L. Mize’s. Announcement* We are authorized and requested to annouuce the name of Judge S J. Thomas a candidate for the Presidency of these United States—election in 1880. Votes respectfully solicited.— We do not charge the Judge for this announcement. If elected, we are to have an important office in his cabinet. Messrs. A. ,J. Baldwin & Cos., will have a nice line of ladies’ dress goods in a few days, of which notice will be given through our columns. Rat on His Back. A gentleman of our county, who owns a water gin and mill near town, was ginning last week, and suddenly cried, “Stop the gin—for Heaven's sake stop and run here.” Of course the em ployees ran to him expecting to find one of his arms badly lacerated, but it was not that. A large rat had jump ped into his shirt and was making a hiding place in the lower extremities of it. The animal was soon murdered, and that gentleman declares that rats arcome pumpkins in a shirt as well as in a bag of ground peas. Now, if you want a bargain in a suit of clothes, walk right up to Mel ton it Bro., and you will be sure to get it. The farmers are rather dissatisfied with the price of cotton. Those who sell at the present prices say they are losing money. Everybody is respectfully request ed to examine my stock of goods before purchasing. Quick sales and short protfis is my motto. J. B. Crini. Election day.—November sth will soon be here. ‘Don’t ferget it. Let s give Mr. Smith a large vote in Terrell. 11 is rumored that a Republican candi date will be in the field. The man who gave utterance to the sentiment that “summer has taken its departure and the ‘melancholy days’ are upon us” should be immediately scooped up with an aligator's tooth. An assortment of Patterns for la dies’ and childrens’ garments just received and for sale at New York prices, at Mrs. Anthony’s. On Tuesday evening the r c was a con siderable change in the weather. A stiff wind blew all that night and Wednesday. While in Albany last week, our senior had some photographs of himself taken. Our mischievious little devil wants the agency of the pictures, as he thinks they arc good to keep rats out ot the sugar barrel. J. Baldwin & Cos., pay cash for their goods and are thereby enabled to sell them cheaper than those who do not pay cash. Two negroes got drunk last Satur day, and at the request of Doe Melton, were allowed to sleep in one of our cot ton yards. Imagine Doc’s looks when the clever warehouseman presented a bill to him for storing two drunken ne groes, , Fine Horses. Mr. N. G- Prince, the live and clev er liverystableman of Amerieus, is in the city with a lot of fine horses which he is offering for sale cheap for cash. Mr. Prince has just returned from Kentucky where he selected his horses in person. Those of our read ers who want good and fine stock are advised to call on him at Far num’s livery stable. I Personal. Elbe Cheatham, who has been on a i visit here, returned to his home in Sa j vanriah, on Sunday. Air. T. J. Alills returned to his homo at Bowling, Ala., last Thursday, with health much improved. Mr. W. G. Aven and his little son, Johnnie Edgar, whose right arm was amputated in Atlanta last week, re-i turned home on Saturday. We are glad to learn that the little boy is do ing well, and that hopes of h’s recovery j are entertained. M e acknowledge a very pleasant call, on Saturday last, from Rev. J. A. Ivey the beloved pastor of our Baptist Church, and Dr. W. AI. Wharton, of Albany. The Doctor was here in the j interest of the Theological Siminary of ■ Louisville, Ky., and preached a most excellent sermon to a large and appre ciative audience on Sunday. New Arrivals—Mibinery. Airs. Anthony has just received her fourth lot of hats for this season, which she is selling rapidly and at low prices. She has in stock a nice assortment of flue hats for Ladies and Misses; also, cheaper grades. She earnestly solicits the patronage of the ladies generally. Another Negro Fight. On last Saturday night Charles Reed, a colored man living about two miles from town, gave a supper and dance. Several of the “town negroes” were in vited. They went, of couse, —some of them drunk. The immortal George Whitaker was there and cursed out the whole crowd and broke up the dance. Rush Troutman, at the request of his host, tried to put George out of the room, when all the “town negroes” jumped upon him and, as one of the witnesses at the trial said, Rush “flog ged out the whole crowd.” In the fight, one Wilson Zackary, who was “peddling apples, candies, egg-nog, and sich like,” received a severe stab, for which Rush was arrested and brought before, his Honor, J. M. Simmons. A number of witnesses appeared upon the stand and swore like “forked lightning” against Rush. The case was argued by Janes & McDonald for the State, and Jas. G. Parks, Esq., for the de fense. The jury took the evidence to consider, and, in a few moments, re turned a verdict of “not guilty.” Correspondence. Powers, Ga., Oct. 23, 1878. Dear Journal: A sad accident oc curred on the plantation of Mrs. Eliza Evans, near Wilburn’s Bridge, last Thurday. While Air. .J T. Cochran was feeding the gin and Hallie Evans driving the mules, the braces of the gin-house gave way and the house came down with a terrible crash, catching Hallie and the mules under the dilapi dated structure. Miraculous as it may appear, the only damage done was the killing of (ne mule. Hallie’s life was saved by the king post holding the falling timbers from his body till he could be released from his unpleasant imprisonment by cutting and removing the timbers above him. Air. Cochran was saved in like manner by the frame Work of the gin. Respectfully, Peter. I>iedV We regret to learn of the death' of the wife of our former towns man, Mr. A. S. F. Mcßride which oc- ; curved at their home in Weston on last Monday morning. Mrs. Mcßride was sick but a short while and died of a congestive chill. We extend our con dolence to the grief stricken liusband and family of the deceased. Mr. Mcßride recently removed from our midst to his present home at Weston. We also learn that he has been and is yet quite ill. Hope his illness may not prove fatal. Mr. John I. McWilliams, a highly respected citizen of this county, died at his home in Dover, on the 19th instant } of pneumonia. The remains were de posited in the Primitive Baptist ceme tery on the day following his death. On last Monday morning Little Luna, eldest son of Mr. Taylor Tate died of diptheria. The remains of this sprigli ly little boy were buried in the city cemetery on Monday. We heartily sympathise with the parents in their great loss. — Jefferson Davis, Jr., the only surviv ing son of Ex-President Davis, died of yellow fever, near Memphis, a few days ago. He was twenty-one years old. An Undeniable Truth. You deserve to suffer, and if v u lead n miserable, unsatisfactory life iu tbis bcaul fu! world, it is entirely your on-n fault and there is only one excuse lor vou, —yoet un< reatonable predjuaice and skepticism, which has killed thousands. Personal kuo ledge and common souse reasoning will soon show vou that Green's August Flower will euro you of Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as sick head uche, palpitation of the heart, soar stomach, habitual costiveness, dizziness of the head, nervous prostration, low spirits, Ac. Its sales now r-ach everv town on the Western Continent and not a Druggist but. will tell vou of its wonderful cures. You can buy a Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Throe doses will relieve you. For sale by Dr. J. K. Janus, Dawson, Ga. Oood Digestion. “Give us ths day our daily bread’’ and good medicine to digest it, is both j reverent and human. The human stomach and liver are fruitful sources !of life’s comforts; or, disordered and diseased, they tirgle misery along every nerve and through veiy nrtery. The man or woman whtigood dig Mt i<m seer beauty as they walk, and overcome obstacles they meet in the rotine of > life, where the dyspeptic sees only gloom and stumHos and gtowls at every imaginary object. The world still needs two or three new kinds of m dicine before death ran be perfect ly abolished ; but that many lives have been prolonged, end many sufferers from Liver disease, Dispepsia and ReadaAie, have been cured MekrELl’s Hepatine, is no longer a doubt. It cures Headache in twenty minutes, and there is no question hut what it is the most wonderful discovery yet made in medical science. Those afflicted with Biliousness and Liver Complaint should use Mekhkli.’s IJepatine. It can be had at Dn. J. R Janes THE TIMES DEMAND •srTHAT YOU m Should buy your Type and Material from us, and then reduce your price on printing. Send stamp for catalogue, and compare prices. NATIONAL TYPE CO., 58 South Third Street, Philadelphia. State you saw adv. in this paper. x^nnounoemeiitf!. For Sheriff'. We are authorised and requested to an nounce the name of 8- R. CHRI.hTIE as a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Terrell county, subject to the action of a Democratic nomination, if one is held. For Sheri ft. We are authorised and requested to an nounce the name of J. H. KELLY as a candidate for Sheriff ofTetreli county — election in January. For Tax Receiver ami Collector. We are authorized and requested to an nounce the name of W. T. CAMPBELL as a candidate tor re-election to the office of Tax Receiver and Collector, subject to the action ol a democratic nomination, if one is held. For Tax Receiver and Collector. To the Citizens of Terrell County. I announce myself a candidate for Tax Receiver and Collector, subject to a nomin ation It elected I will dilfcliarge the buties of the office to the best of my ability W. K BALDWIN. For Tax Receiver and Collector. We are authorized and requested to an nounce the name f Wra. E. •'ESSIqJISas a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver and Collector, subj-ct to a democratic nom inatioo. Citizens ol Terrell County. 1 come before you as a candidate for Tax Receiver and Collector, subject to a Demo cratic nomination. My pecuniary cond'ilon forces me to do So, to enable me to pay tor the place on whicti I live. I gave up all of my property to my credito sand did not see my borne. It Is humiliating to my feelings to have this to do; hope fbu will give me the office. Respectfully, Ne Pl 12, 1878 E B. LOYI.E3S. Cl EOKUI %, Terrasll County f Shepherd Clowers, Cu o-ed, has applied for Homestead Exemption of Personalty; and 1 will pass on his application on Tuesday Nov. 12, 1878, at in o’clock, a. m., tray office. H.S. BELL, Oidiuaty. Oct 21, 1878 2t p r.oßCal %. Torrttll Ciinniy. \JI No'ice is hereby given that a tor the expira io i of thirty d.ys from 'his dite, ap plication for leave ro se'l the la id belonging to the es'a'e of J -mes Parrott, late of said eon a i v , denea-el, wil no mad- io the Court of Ordinary of -aid coun'y, bv H.i'rieit Pur'O", admo is: - itiix of sai I estate, lor the b-nefit of the heir- ot said d-ceased. H. S BELL, Ordinary. Oco >er 21, 1878. 4> Tax Notice! IWiLL attend at the following dines and, places lo ihe purpose of Collecting the . I'm sot IVt-rell Cotintv for the year 1878: I 12th Dis', Mondays, Oct. 14'h and 28 h, and Nov. 1 ir b i llti> Dist, Tuesdays, Oct. 15-h and 29th, and | Nov. 12th | Dover, Wednesdays, Oct. 16th and 3oth, and , Nov. 13 h. Chickasawh tchie Thursdays, Oct. 17th and 21st, and Nov. 14tli. Brown Staiion, Fridays, Oct, 18ih, Nov. Ist and 15th Dawson, Saturdays, Oct. 19th and Nov. 2ud and 16th. Saturday, Nov. 23rd at Gravel Hill, and at Datyson the two first weeks of Court. On the last day of the second week, the books will be closed. oct 17 W. T. CAMPBELLjJ, 0. T. C. / a LO 14 AI %, Terrell County. VX To whom it may concern! Whereas, J. W. Clark having in proper form applied tor lettera ol administration on the estate of L. W. Clark, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next, of kin of said ceceased, to show cause, if any they can, iu the manner prescribed by law, why said letters should nol be g-auted. Witness my hand otficialiv, this the 16tb day of October, 1878. H. S. BELL,! 0ct17,4t Ordinary. Adm inistrator’s Sale. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinaiy of Terrell County, will be sold to the highest bidder, before the Court House door in Dawson, on the first Tuesday in December neat, Within the legal hours of sale, Lot of laud No. 1, east naif of lot No, 2, and est half of lot A’o. 32, in the 3rd District of said county, in all about 414 acres, belonging to the estate of Mrs. U. L. Hnckaby, dte’d. .Sold for distribution.— Terms cash. WM. MORELAND, 0ct17,4t A jministrutor. THE FaLL campaign IS NOW OPEN AT JANES & SON’S DRUG STORE! FOR CHEMICALS , PURE I>R VOS, I’nintß, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuff, ■Snuff, Tobacco, Segars, Pepper, opice, and Fire Test Kerosene, ‘2se gallon, go to JANES"* SON’S Blue S'one a Specisltv, 10 ■ per pound. notice to debtor? & Creditors. GEORGIA, ) Notice is hereby giren Terrell County. J to all per-ons having demands against the estate of Mr- U. 1,. Buckabv, late of said couuty, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, sj as to show their char acter and amount. All persons indebted to raid deceased are hereby required to make immediate pay sent. WM. MORELAND, 0ct17,6t -Administrator ! tT E01.4.V4, Terrell Comity. I To ftViom if in nu Concern The estate of Geo W. Mount, deceased, is in an unrepresented condition, and demands the services of an administrator. The creditors and neit ot kin of said deceased are therefore hereby notified to appear aud show cause, if any they can, within the time prescribed bv law, whv said letters of ad ministration, de bonis non or said estate should not be granted to J. C. F. Clark, Clerk of the Superior Oour , or gome o'her competent person. Wittes mv hand officially, this Tib day of October, 1878. H. 3. BULL, oct!o,4t Ordioary. Admiiiisti’iitor’s Sale BY virtue of an an order from the Court of Ordinary of Terrell County, will be sold before the Court-house door in Dawson within the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday io {fovetnber. next, Lot of land No. 111, in the 12th district of Terrell county, belonging to the estate of Laac O, Edwards, deceased. SJd for distribution. Terms each. GEO. C. EDWARDS, Adm'r of Isaac O, Edwards. Holier lo Debtors A. Creditor* GEORGIA, Terrell County. Notice is hereby given to all persons Hav ing demands against Henry Atkinson, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show th ir char acter and amount. All persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment. O. O. NELSON, Sept. 17,’78. Ot Adm'r of H. Atkinson. COMMISSIONER’S SALE. GEORGIA, TERRELL COUNTS’: By vi-tue of and in obedience to an order and decree had at the May Term, 1878, of the Superior Court of said County in the case of J. M. Simmons as the assignee in Bankmptcy of Leroy Brow vs J. P. Shirp, er. al., Bijl for Partition, Decree, etc., the undersigned acting an Commissioners ap pointed by said Court, will sell at public sale on the first Tuesday in November next, be tween the legal hours of sale, and before the Court-house door in said County, the follow ing Real Property situated in the city of Dawson, in said county, to-wit; City lot number 224, known as the ' Duck er lot,“ City lot cumber 97, known us the “fluff lo>;** Store house and lot, being in the 3outh-esat corner of city lot No. 93, ou Main street, and known as the “Ross & Har den store;'* and a small house and lot situa ted north of city lot No. 0, and near the livery stables. Sold for the purpose of effecting partition of the proceeds of Sale between Complain ant and Respondeat. Terms Cash. Titles executed by said commissioner'. A. J. Baldwin, J. L. Janes, J. H. Cannon, Commissioners. Dawson, Ga., Sept, 26, 1878. Terrell Sheriff Sales. ¥ ’ ILL be sold before ibe Court Eeuse * door, in Dawson, Terrell County, ou the first Tuesday in November next, be tween the legal hours -f sale, the following property to-witS Lot of land No. 244 and the east half of lot No. 237, in the 18th district of T. r re!! county. Levied on as the property ol W H. Crawford to satisfy two fi fas from the 811 district G. W., in favor of J.mes, Drzier & Lowrey vs W. H. Craw'nrd Lvv made and returned to me bv T. W. P, wrll L. C. 6. R. CHP.I&TIE, Sheiitf. RES TAURTvNT. '¥*/’E HAVE recently fitted tip, at our v Bar, a First-class Restaurant. Meals at all hours, and tables suppled with Fresh Fish nd uystors, and everything else that goes to make up a “sqr?e“ meal. Give us a call Jones & Sharp. Dawson, Ga , Sept. 25, 1878. 2in. Rew York Office, Robt W Paterson, 164 Front Street. Special Partner. E. E. CHEATHAM, WITH H. FRASER GRANT, Cojppn (Aefchajit, 124 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, - • GEORGIA. Cotton—liice—-Naval —Stores. I iberal advances made on Consignments. Particular attention given to all business. HAMP COOK ■las gone into tlie PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE. ALBANY, Ga. And he wants to sue his old and new friends eoxe; come from Lee, Terrell, Calhoun, Ba ker. Miller, Mitchell, Colquitt, Worth and Doolevj come aud throw vour off your bales of Cotton, like we are goitg to vote for Tote Smith, aud your will get the full mu ket price; and bring your families The mer chants hrve fine and cheap goods, and will sell cheap for cash, and will wait on you as politely as it is possible for gentlemen to do. Pack your cotton with six yards bagging, and sew up the heads, and bring it in drv if you can. septl9,2m nTinmnn A limited number of ft* ft 111 1 Kll act ' Te > enrergetic canvass ■V ill* A dill ers to engage iu a peasant and profitable business. Good men will find this a rare chance <o make money, guch will please answer this advertisement by letter, enclosing stamp for reply, stating what business they have been engaged in. None bu’ those who mean business need ap ply. Address Fim.xt, Hahvit &Cos , oc 3,1 y Atlanta, Ga. A. J. BALDWIN & CO., DEALERS XIST General Merchandise, DAWSON, - f GEORGIA, Our Fall and Winter Stock of General Merchandise is being received, and will consist of everything needed, by the people of this section. We pay cash for oar goods and can afford to sell them cheaper than ever before offered in Dawson. A. J. BALDWIN if .CO. JOHN L. GRIFFIN, LOYLESS BLOCK, MAIN STREET, DAIWSOJST, - GEORGIA. A large lot of Fashionable GOODS being received and mast be sold cheap I DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, JEANS, TOWELS, LINEN, * DAMASK, NAPKINS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Clothing, Hats, Domestics AND A NICE LINE OF FALL PRINTS! Traders iD search of bat gains should price my goods September 19, 1878. 8m JOHN L. GRIFFIN. J M SIMMONS. W M PEEPLES. Planters’ warehouse, MAIN STREET, - DAWSON, CA. :o: WJ E TAKE THIS METHOD OF INFORMING THE PUNTERS OF TERRELL AND V V adjoining counties that we are back in the Old. Planters’ Warehouse> Ocetipied last season by Mr. W. M. Peoples, and will take pleasure in Weighing, Storing, Selling or Shipping: your cotton tlin season, and from an experience of ten years handling cotton, either as weighers and sellets, or buyers, we hope to he able to give vou satisfaction £®“We have a good lot for stock and good sleeping room for our customers. BAGGIN G and TIES Always on hand at the lowest muiket pi ice. We pledge our strict personal attention, aud solicit your patronage. SIMMONS & PEEPLES. CENTRAL mom. Dozier Stevens, WAREHOUSECOMMISSION MERCHANTS AH) DEALERS f * STANDARD FERTILIZER S, DA WSON, - G EGRGIA. O. B. STEVEMM having purchased th Warehouse Interest of Cap*. T. M. Jones, a copartnership his been fbriued under the firm name of DOZIER & .STEVENS, for the purpose of carrying on a WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS. We hereby tender individual thanks to our miny friends and customers for past favor*. Having given special attention to the Cotton ousiness for years, we think we cau hrndla it to the Wry Best All Vmi til St!, and now offer our services to the planter* >f Terrell and adjourning counties, in the Storage and Sale of Cotton, at tlieold stand of f anes At Dozier. We propose faithfully to represent the interest of the Planter, aud by b dug diligent in all business intrusted to us, and keeping fully posted in the Cotton Market, we hope to merit and receive a liberal share of your patronage. ADVANCES MADE i Citton in Store, when desired. We have comfortable Sleeping.rooms' for ctisfomr*'. id S'alls ao4 Li's for Stock, —ali free of charge BAGGING and TIES always ou hand at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE. Come, Come, Come to Central Warehouse I DOZIER & STJCVENS. RAILROAD WAREHOUSE, N. & A. F. Tift & Cos., COTTON FACTORS, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCH’TS Albany, Georgia, We take pleasure in again offering our services >o the Planters of Southwest Geflrg'-a Iu the Sale and Storage of Cotton. After an experience ot minv rears in the binev % w are confident of giving satisfaction to all. Our faciliries for Shipping C,tt> are ftusar passed. Liberal Advances made on Cot'on in store. We kiep cons'astly ,a faaad a lul supply of best brands of Bagging, Ties, Belting aud Lice Leather. Ala# BACOH, con*, FLOP K, TIBI 1,, TOBACCO, BTC* which we offer at lowest prices. Free Wagon Y' ird, with good boos# aaU wsl #f water for use of custoinei a. Mr. J M Mercer will be with us as Sealeensan. N. & A. F. TIFT * GO. East Alabama Eair, 1878! ' : 'L At Eufaula, Alabama. —To Commence— Tuesday , November 12 th, And continue five days, mder the atspiiee of the Eufaula District Grange. LIBERAL PREMIUMS. For all classes of Industry, works of Art, Machinery and sto#k. Speed 1 a inpr Attractions equal to any i* ths Seath. The Great Trio Uf Statw—Alabama, Georgia tad Florida, to exhibit aud compete on equal terms in every Department. List of Premiums, Rules aud Regulation#, mailed, postage paid, on application to the Secretary. , H. HAWKINS, Pree’t, I JNO. M. McK LEROY, Bec’y, J. M SPURLOCK, Gen. Sup’t.