The Dawson journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1878-18??, October 31, 1878, Image 3

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The Journal. pTcAi department! WKSTOX, Editor. Oil.. Ootobor :u, 187 H. ' Cotton Market Report. Dawson, Ga., Oct. 30. I*. sr. On account of continued unf.avor ab]e advices from Liverpool, New York and Savannah, our market con tinues to" decline. Receipts to date about 5,000 bales. We quote Good Middlings 7i Middlings j io \v middlings 7 Good ordinary Of J SMALL-SHOT. Vote for Tete Smith. No deaths this week. Prayer-meeting to-night. Cotton low and trade is dull. Take good care of the old cows No fights iu town since last issue. Heavy rain here Tuesday evening. Trade dollars are not very popular. Fashion says the finger nails must be long. The question now is, “who 11 marry next ?” Send in your orders for Job Print ing. Bad colds and sore eyes are fashion able. Cook Stoves at from $lO to $25 at II S. Lee’s. See call of Chairman Deni. Ex. Com mittee. To-morrow is the first day of No vember. * 0, Mens’ wool hats front oOc up at A. J. Baldwin k Co’s. We hear of a good many chills in the country. Kerosene oil, 25 cents a gallon, at K. ,1. Anthony’s, Umbrellas were in demand Tuesday evening. Go to V. L Mize to buy apples and confectioneries. A commodious residence for s„lc or rent. See notice. Cheap furniture can be had by calling on 11. S. Lee. S. W. Ga. will be largely represent ed at the State fair. Mens’ brogan boots $2.50 per pair at A .1. Baldwin & Co’s Charlie Holliday is learning to play on a musical instrument. Fashionable Dress-making a sueci ialtj at Mrs. 0. L. Mizes’s. Partridges and squirrels are said to be plentiful this season. Brogan sh>>. s from 65c per pair up, at A. .1 Baldwin A Co’s Fanners, prepare your land for a large crop of small grain. A large lot of edgings and inser tings at A. .1. Baldwin tfc Co’s Mr. Platt, the artist, has pitched his tent on the burnt district. The best assortment of Cigars in the city, at C. L. Mize’s. The stentorian voice of the auctioneer is again heard in the land. Bedsteads at from $2.25 to 40.00 each, at A. J Baldwins & Co's Of late it is no uncommon sight to see drunken men on our streets. If you want an office, send in your announcement accompanied with a V. Nice lot of good jewelry, tor sale cheap, by A. J. Baldwin ifc Cos. Only five candidates for tax receiver and collector Boom for a few more. Chairs at from $4.00 to $20.00 per set at A. J. Baldwin & Co's. “You can’t do that again,” said the pig to the boy who had cut off his tail. Carpeting at from 25c to SI.OO per , va ‘d at A. J. Baldwin A Co’s. ' v t Tuesday is sale day. More wild laud will be sold on that day. Childrens’ copper-tip shoes at 50c per pair at A. J. Baldwin & Co’s. Ludden & Bates, the old reliable nmsic dealers of Savannah, have a no bee in this paper. Bead it. Ladies, it you want good and fash ionable jewelry, go to J. B. Crim’s. Head advertisement of the New York *M/n. It is an excellent democratic paper. ake up, democrats. Badical in the held. Bemember the election conies off °n next Tuesday. The new Davis sewing machine, die best in the world, for sale by II “• Lee. M ill not the young people inaugurate weekly sociables ? Something must be oid to enliven our town. *ew goods of every description arriving daily, at A. J. Baldwin & Co’s I 'arson Anthony went to the Atlanta Glr last week, and returned marked right side up with care.” Ihe renowned Charter Oak and Robert E. Lee cook stove for sale by F J Anthony. . A large number of our citizens are ln attendance upon the state fair this week. ilest line of ladies’ corsets ever 'fought to Dawson, just received at A - Baldwin & Co's. If any of our subscribers fail to re ‘ eu . c the Journal regularly, they will i favor by reporting to us at lot of blaek alpacas and ** just received and for sale cheap '• '> J- Baldwin & Cos. BeoasKmally we hear a fellow squeal ' lt , J 1 Lord!” We run to the window “ n 'l that its only a tooth being ex- ( all for Meeting of the Dcm. Ex. Committee. The members of the Democratic Executive Committee of Terrell County are hereby requested to meet at the Court House, in Dawson, on Friday, the St 1 i day of November, at 11 o clock, a. m. Business of im portance will be before the body, and it is hoped that every member will be in attendance. J. H. Gi kkuy, Ch’m’n. “Uncle Billy” Parker is a candidate for Tax Receiver and Collector, and if elected will make a good and faithful officer. See announcement. J. B. Crim is still receiving his large stook of goods from 'New! T ork, which lie offers cheap for cash. I Cotton-picking time will soon be over. The little town negroes are already re turning from the country and are quite numerous on the streets* Oranges, Lemons, Cocoanuts, Ap- 1 pies, Candies, Nuts, Crackers, etc., at C. L. Mize’s. ’Opossums and 'taters are in order.— The trouble with us is, we have no good dog and can’t get the ’opossums. We have the “taters. Melton & Bro., have just received a large stock ot gentleman’s fine and cheap clothing, tine beaver overcoats, etc A great number of the farmers have housed their potatoes this week, and the yield, as a general thing, is said to be unusually fine. A good assortment of clocks for sale at from $1 .go to sls Oi) by A. J. Baldwin & Cos. A few of our county subscribers have not yet paid their subscription to the Journal. They are earnestly request ed to come up and do so. A fine assortment of Ladies’ Hats, Bonnets and new Millinery at Mrs. C. L. Mize’s. There will be a large crop of small grain sown in Terrell county this fall. Wheat and oats do well here, and our farmers have learned the fact. Now, if you want a bargain in a suit of clothes, walk right up to Mel ton & Pro., and you will be sure to get it. Science says it took millions of years to evolve man from the oyster. Obser vation shows that it takes less than a minute to transfer the oyster to the man, A. Baldwin it Cos., pay cash for their goods and are thereby enabled to sell them cheaper than those who do not pay cash. Flleetion tickets are required by law of Congress to be perfectly plain and that they be printed on white paper alone. Everybody is respectfully request ed to examine my stock of goods before purchasing. Quick sales and short protfis is my motto. .J. B. Crim. An exchange gives this good advice: “Trust not a mule s heel, nor a dog’s tooth, neither a man who says he 11 pay you Saturday.” An assortment of Patterns for la dies’ and childrens’ garments just received and for sale at New York prices, at Mrs. Anthony’s. Personal. —Mr. L. W. Peeples, one of Dawson’s boys, has gone to Eufaula, and is book-keeper and salesman for Mr. K. Levy, one of the largest mer chants of that place. Lucius is an industrious young gentleman and will do well. Religious.—We have been request ed to announce that there will be no services at the Baptist Church next Sunday morning. There will be preach ing at night. Regular services at the Methodist Church on that day. Election Day. —Democrats, every one of you, . ust come to the polls on Tuesday, the sth day of November, and vote for the Hon. \Vm. E. Smith for Congress. Wc have no fear that the republican candidate can accomplish much, but then, it is well enough to be on the safe side. Don’t forget the day —November bth. A Short Trip.— Last week we traveled through a portion of Terrell, Sumpter and Webster counties. On the route we noticed but little cotton in the field to be gathered. The “top crop” will not amount to much. The farmers seemed to be busy making syrup, housing potatoes and preparing their laud for small grain, of which a large area will be sown. Improving. —We are glad to state that Mr. A. S. F. Mcßride, formerly of Dawson, now of Weston, Ga., who was, in our last issue reported quite ill, is much improved and hopes are enter tained of his early recovery. Our townsman, Col. J. 11. Goerry, who has been quite ill at his father’s in Georgetown, returned home on Mon day, and is improved, though yet quite feeble. We hope soon to see him in usual good health. Married. On the morning of the 23rd instant, at the residence of the bride s father, in Westen, Ga., by the Rev. J. M. Potter, Mr. J. A. Crymes and Miss Eola J. Saunders, eldest daughter of Z. F. Saunders, Esq. Marriage of Dr. W. B. Cheat ham. Tuesday morning last was frought with an eventful and joyous episode in the career of Dr. Walter B. Cheatham, son of Dr. C. A. Cheatham, a worthy and excellent young physician of our city. On that morning the marriage rites were solemenized between himself and the “idol of his heart,’’ Miss Sallie, the estimable and accomplished daugh ter of Dr. G. W. Farrar. The happy' event had been eagerly anticipated by the confidential friends of the gallant groom; and on the auspicious morning a tew special friends and relatives as sembled at the residence of yhe bride’s father to witness the joining of the sil ver bands. Rev. R. W. Dixon, pasto r of the M. E. Church here, was the off' dating minister who uttered the magical words which bound two hearts and lives together and made of “the twain one flesh.” We have seldom heard a more lmpresssive or appropriate marriage cer emony. At the conclusion, the Rev. gentleman offered up an earnest prayer to the Great Author of marriage, be seeching His richest blessings on the happy coujde, imploring His divine guidance to lead them gently down the vale of life, and t£ direct their footsteps into the paths of peace. Many and sin cere were the congratulations extended Dr. Cheatham and his fond jbride—we say fond bride because we believed that he had found a treasure and won a jewel of great price; while she had wedded a deserving gentleman and a fond and true and devoted husband to chcerish and protect her. After the Gordian knot was tied, and the congratulations were spoken, the bride and groom repaired to the depot, accompanied by a few friends, and took the 11 o’clock train for Macon. They will return on to-morrow and occupy the splendid residence recently vacated by Mr. D. C. Adams. Messrs. A. ,T. Baldwin & Cos., will have a nice line of ladies’ dress goods in a few days, of which notice will he given through our columns. Knights of Honor. W e learn that a Lodge of Knights of Honor was organized in Dawson on last Friday night by M. A. Mc- Nulty, Deputy Grand Dictator of Georgia, who came over from Cuth bert, accompanied by seven of the Sir Knights of the Lodge of that city. The organization of the Lodge here was effected, with about eighteen or twenty charter members, including some of the best citizens of our town and county. The followinglist of offi cers for the present term has been hand ed us, the same being the result of an election held immediately after the organization: Past Dictator—W. 11. Allen. Dictator—W. W. Farnum. Vice Dictator—A. J. Baldwin. Ass’t Dictator—S. R. Christie. Chaplain—R. W. Dixon. Guide—B. 11. Brown. Reporter—H. S. Bell. Finance Reporter—H. S. Bell. Treasurer—ll S. Bell. Guardian—J. .VI Simmons. Sentinel—-T. H. Pickett. Surgeon—K. M. llari*. This order, we understand, had its origin in Kentucky about four years ago, the'charterof th-‘ Supreme Lodge being granted by the Legislature of that State. It is rapidly spreading into other states, there being now over thirty Lodges in Georgia. We are told that the order is formed upon principles of Free Masonry, Odd Fellowship and Insurance, and has for its objects the fraternal union of all acceptable white men of every profession, business and occupation to give all possible and material aid in its power to its members, and those depending on its members by encour aging each other in business, and by assisting each other to obtain employ ment, and affording relief to (be sick. Upon the death of a member in good standing, the sum of $2 000 is prompt-; ly paid to his family, his heirs or as signs. The order is destined to be come very popular in this country. m • -4mm— New Arrivals—Mil.inerj. Mrs. Anthony has just received her fourth lot of hats for this season, which she is selling rapidly and at low prices. She has in stock a nice assortment of fine hats for Ladies and Misses; also, cheaper grades. She earnestly solicits the patronage of the ladies generally. Just before going to press we learn through the Lampasas (Texas) Dispatch, of the death of Sarah Rebecca Ruling, wife of W. N. Ruling, and daughter of S. W and Angelina Mellon, which oc curred at her home in that place ‘after an illness of six days. Just received from New' York the cheapest line of ladies dress goods ever brought to this market, consist ing of cashmers, delaines, silks and plaid goods, at J. B. Crim’s. Correspondence. Home, Oct. 28, 1878. Editors Dawson Journa; — Gents: I wrote out a short article last week for your esteemed loeal, but was too late for that issue. The object of my letter is to caution the farmers against the danger of tire. There has never, in my recollection, been such a crop of grass as is this year. I fear much damage will be done. W. C. Thomas has al ready been burned out, —loosing over half of his fencing, and the fire still ra ging. Yours, B. A. It is well enough for our farmers to, heed the warning of R. A. We notice in our exchanges that fencing and other property arc being burned all over the state. —Eds. Just receiveiUOO Ladies’ and Miss is’ Hats of the most fashionable shapes Also a fine assortment of Trimmings, Silks, Velvets, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Ruching, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Kid Gloves, etc., etc. Please call anil see my goods before purchasing elsewhere. Mrs. 0. L. Mize. ♦ mmm Wright’s Bridge, Oct. 29, 1878.1 Dear Journal: A few lines from this part of the country may interest a few of your many readers. The farmers have all made excellent crops this year, and if our cotton would bring its real worth, we would be in a “healthy condition” for another year. The seasons have been all that we could wish. Mr. J. W. Wilker.son has gathered fifty-five bales of cotton from a five mule farm, besides, corn, peas, potatoes, cane, etc., in sufficient to run the place another year. Our esteemed and valued citizen, Dr. A. L Holiday, has sold his excellent plantation, and will leave us about Christmas. The Doctor is an excellent gentleman, a good farmer, and we all regret to loose him. lie has done well in our county. The present year he has made 12 bales of cotton to the mule weighing 500 lbs each ; 2(55 bush els of corn to the plow; 3 barrels syrup to the mule, and peas, potatoes, etc., in large quantities. The Doctor also made 600 bushels of oats and 33 bush els of wheat on his farm, and the best of all, he has raised enough meat to do his entire place another year. Messrs. Editors, we call Dr. A. L. Holiday an excellent farmer. We are solid for Tete Smith up here. The radical candidate is scarcely known' Yours truly, Wright’s Bridge. Macon. Ga., Oct. 29, 1878. Editors Dawson Journal —Gents : I left your quiet and pleasant little city Sunday morning last and arrived in the “Central City” at 6 p. m., same day. Visited the fair grounds yesterday. Found the Park j in good condition and the natural I scenery grand and picturesque. I - the fair will be a failure. The ' agricultural aud horticultural depart-1 mehts are very poorely represented. Floral hall is the fullest and best ar ranged of any. The farming com munity seemed to take but very little interest in ihe fair. Most of the stock is in bad plight, except fine running and trotting horses. The racing seems to be the principal attractions. That and the exhibition of fine goods by the city merchants. As yet I have seen no distinguished visitors, except tne celebrated marksman, Dr. Carver. He has not yet given an exhibition of his skill, though he is expected to do so during the week The Grand Lodge of Masonry will meet to-day at 11 o’clock. Delegateshave arrived, paid their dues and got receipts lor same W. C. K. Fxtra Liability to Malarial In* lections. P croons who?" b oon is thin, digestion wreak and liver sluggish, are extra-liable to the a-talks ol malarial disease. The most (rifling exposure mar, under sueh enndi ion infect a svstem which, if healthy, would re sist the maUsroadc taint. The on I v wr io secure immunity from malaria in localities where it is nrerailent, is to tone and regu late 'be system by improving weakened di gestion, enritebing the blood and giving a wholesome impetus to biliarv secretion.— These results are accomplish by nothing so effectively as Hostetler's Stomac Bitte s, j wiiich long experience has proved to be i the most reliable safeguard against lever ] and ague at.d kindred disorders, as well as i the best remedy for them. The Bitters are, moreover, an eqoelent. iuviaorantof the or- , gsos of urinaution, and an active depnrent elimination from the blood those acred im puiities which originates rheumatic ail ments. — ■ Liver is King. The Liver is tb ■ imperial organ of tbs whole human system, as it controls the life, i breath and happiness of mao. Wi eu it is j disturbed in its proper actioo, all kinds of 1 ailments are the natural result. The diges tion ol food, the movements of the *eart and blood, the action of the brain and nerv ous system, are all immed'ately connected with the working of the Liver. It has been successfully proved that Green’s August Flower is unequalled in curing all persons afflicted with Ltispepsia or .Liver Complaint, and all the uumerous symptoms that result fiom an unhealthy condition of the Liver and Stomach. Sample bottles to try, 10 cents. Positively sold in all towns on the Western Contineut. Three doses will prove | that it is just what you want. THETIMES DEMAND! **THAT YOU m Should buy your Type and Material from us, and then reduce your price on printing. Send stamp for catalogue, and compare prices. NATIONAL TYPE CO., 58 South Th*rd St root, Philadelphia. State you saw adv. in this paper. Albany JS'nl's : Last night B. kA. Mail brought us information of the find ing of the remains of some unknown man, ten miles south of Ty Ty, by Mr. W. E. Williams. No particulars ac companied the news. Our correspon dent stated that “he had been dead so long that his bones were literally scat tered over a quarter of an acre of ground, and were bleached and whiten ed by the rains and sun.” Scattered about over a considerable space were found a valise, violin, some dock-mak ers’ implements, and various papers. His identity could not be traced on any of them. The papers were old and dim, and the lettering obliterated by exposure to the weather. A firm in Columbus received on Sat urday last the following order : “ Messrs. (1) won Koon Dog—the very Best to Be had in your market. Pick out a good tree dog if you Kan, and oblige.” Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from pacMce, * having had placed in his hands bv an Hast India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy, for the speedy and per manent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung nf- ' fectioas, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debilitv and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, felt it hi a duty to make it known to his suffering fel- ; lows. Actuated by this motive, and a de- j si-e to relieve human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this re* cipe, with full directions for preparing and using, in German, French, or Jfogltse. .Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. Shetar, 149 Powers, Block, Rochester, New York 4w. Qceby:—‘‘Why wi’l men smoko common tobacco, when they cau buy Marburg Bros 'Seal of North 'Carolina at the same price. Pianos aiil Organ* at Factory It a tea. Grand Introduction Sale, com mencing Nov. 1. 1,000 Magnificent Instru ments from best makers to be placed, for introduction and advertisement, in Southern homes at itgeill'l Wholesale Rales Ftegaut 7 Oct Piauos only 11 'if* Magnificent Square Orrnd, catalogue price SI,OOO, only $259. Handsome 9 Stop Or gans, $57; 13 Stops, s7l; Mirror Top, 13 Stops, SB6. Choice instruments at lowest prices ever known. 6 years written guaran tee 15 days test trial. Write for Introduc tion Sale circular. Address LUDDEN St B ATE-T Southern Music House, Sava.inih, Ga. The Great Wholesale Piano and Or can Depot of the South. FOR SALE OR RENT, j A COMMODIOUS RESIDENCE in the most desurablo portion of the city. Apply at this office, or to Melton & Brother. Dawson, Ga., Oet. 31, 1878. lm. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Sheriff. We are authorized and requested to an nounce thp name of S. R. CHRI->TIF. as a candidate for -e eiection to the office of Sheriff of Terrell county, subj -ct to the action ol a Democratic Domination, if one is held. For Sheriff. We are authorized and requested to an nounce the name of J. U. KELLY as a eandid"te for Sheriff of Terrell county— election in January. For Tax Receiver and Collector. Wc are authorized and requested to an nounce the name of W. J. PARKER as a candidate for Tax Receiver and Collector ol Terrell County, subject to a Demociatic nom ination. Election in January. For Tax Receiver and Collector. We are authorized and requested to an nounce the name of W T. CAMPBELL as candidate tor re-election to the office of Tax Receiver and Collector, aubjrc' to the action ol a demncra'ic nomination, if one is held. For Tax Receiver and Collector. To the Citizen* of Terrell County. I announce invself a candidate for Tax Receiver and Collector, subject to a nomin ation It elected T will discharge ihe duties of the office to the best of mv abilitv W. R BALDWIN For Tax Receiver and Collector. We are authorized and requested o an nounce the name f Wm. E. SESSIoNS as a candidate for the office ofTiX Receiver and Collector, subject to a democratii nom ination. Citizens ol Terrell CiMiuiy. 1 come before you as a candidate for Tax Receirer and Collector, su'j vt. to a Demo cratic nomination. My pecuniary cond : 'ion forces me to do so, to enable mo to pav tor the place oo whicn I live. I gave up all of my prop? ty to mv crediio sand did not ga'e my home. It Is humiliating to mv feelings to have this to do; hope you will give me the office. Respectfully, Seo, 12, 1878 E B. LOYt ESS THE ML CAMPAIGN IS NOW OPEN AT JANES & SON’S DRUB STORE! FOE CHEMICALS , PURE DRUGS , Paints, Oil*, Varnishes, Dye Stuff, Snuff, Tobacco, Segars, Pepper, Spice, and Fire Test Kerosene, 25c gallon, go to JANES & SON’S Blue Stone a Specialty, 10c per pound. R E S T AURA NT. NSTE HAVE recentlv fitted up, at our v v Bar, a Pirst-cla** Restaurant. Meals at all hour-, and tables supplied with Fresh Fisb xnd oyster*, aud evernhing else that goes to make up a “sqare“ meal. Give us a call. Jones & Sharp. ! Dawson, Ga , Sept. 25, 1878. 2m. New York Office, Kobt Vf l*atf*on, 154 Front Street. Special /*artucr. E. E. CHEATHAM, WITH H. FRASER GRANT, Ijeperal Cojnpiipn (Aefchapt, 124 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, ■ • GEORGIA. Cotton—-Itice Naval—Stores. Liberal advances made on Consignments. Pirticulai attention given to all business. A. J. BALDWIN & CO., DEALERS INT General Merchandise, DAWSON, - GEORGIA. Our Fall and Winter Stuck of (lateral Merchandise is being received, ami trill consist of everything needed' by the people of this section. We pay cash for our goods and can afford to Sell them cheaper than ever before offered' in Date son. A. J. BALDWIN S' VO. JOHN L. GRIFFIN, LOYLESS BLOCK, MAIN STREET, DAWSON, - GEORGIA. A large lot of Fashionable GOODS being received and mast be fctold cheap! DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, JEANS, TOWELS, LINEN, DAMASK, NAPKINS. HANDKERCHIEFS, Clothing, Shoes*, Hats, Domestics AND * NICE LINE OF FALL PRINTB! Traders in search of bat gains should price my goods Septembar 19, 1878. 8m .JOHN 1.. GRIFFIN. 1 1 "U*> - - [• J M SIMMONS. W M PEEPLES. Planters’ warehouse, MAIN STREET, DAWSON, CA. \ATK TANK THIS METHOD OF INFORMING THE PLANTERS OF TERRELL AND v T adjoining counties that we arc b.tck in the Old. Planters’ Warehouse? Occupied last season by Mr. W. M. Pe3ples, and will take pleasure in Weighing, Storing, Selling or Shipping your cotton this season, and from an experience cf teu years handling cotton, either as weighers and sellers, or hovers, we hope to be able to give you satisfaction have a good lot for stock and good sleeping room for our customers. BAGGING and TIES Always on hand at the lowest market pi ice.-■ We pledge our s'rict personal attention, and solicit your patronage. SIMMONS & PEEPLES. ennij iiiiiim Dozier & Stevens, WAREHOUSE l COMMON MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN STANDARD FERTILIZER ■?, DAWSON, - GEORGIA. O. B. STEVENS having purchased the Warehouse .ntof-st 0 f Cap*. T. M. Jones, a copartnership has been formed under the Arm name of DOZIER & STEVENS, for 'he purpose of carrring ou a WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS. We hereby tender individual thanks to our many fronds and customers for past favors. Having given special attention to the Cotton ousiness for years, we think we can h mdle it to the Very Beat Advantage, and now offer our services to the plaotera ol Terrell and adj ourning counties, in the Storage and Sale of Cotton, at the old stand of Jones A Dozier. We propose faithfully to represent the iulerest of the Planter, aud by b ung diligent in all business intrusted to us, and keeping fully posted In the Colton Market, *e hope to merit and receive a liberal ahare of your patronage. ADVANCES MADE i Oittoi in Store, when deaired. We have comfortable Sleeping rooms’for enrtomre'a id S'ails and Loot for Stock, —all free of charge *!*-*. HA GOING and TIES always on hand at the LOWEST MARK RT PRICE. Come, Come, Come to Central Warehouse I DOZIER & STKVENS. lUILROAD WAREHOUSE. N. & A. F. Tift & Cos., COTTON FACTORS, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCH’TS Albany, Georgia. We take pleasure in again offering our services 'o the Planters of Southwest M'.rgh, in the Sale and Storage of Co’lon. After an experience ot munv veam in the basiness, we are confident of giving satisfaction to .all. Our facilities tor Stopping Carton are uafHT passed. Liberal Advance made ou Cotton in store We keep constantly eu hied a lat supply of best brands of Bugging, Ties, Belting andLuce Leather. Aha BACON, COHN, FLOCK, HEAL, TOBACCO, ETC., which we offer atlcwest price-, free Wagon Y ird, with good hou-e and well #f water fur use of custoutei i. Mr. J M Mercer will be with us as Scalestsan. N. A A. F. TIFT 4 —. East Alabama Eair, 1878! At Eufaula, Alabama. —To Commence— Tuesday , November VMfi, And continue fire days, under the anapieee of tka Eufaula District Grange. LIBERAL PREMIUMS. For all classes of Industry, works of Art, Machinery and stooi. Speed 1 insr Attractions equal to any in the South. 'X'ho Great Trio Gf States — Alabama, Georgia and Florid-, Cos exhibit aud compete oo equal terms in every Department. TAst of Premiums, Rules and Regnlation#, mailed, foatig* Laid, on application to the Secretary. H. HAWKINS, Prea’r, JNO. M. McKLEROY, Seo’y, J. M. SPURLOCK, Gen. Su/t.