The Dawson journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1878-18??, October 21, 1886, Image 1

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CORRESPONDENCE. TRE S C(,rrt:cp(md?l\cc confaining itéms of @ rrent jocal ‘news, briefly told, is éarnest v solicited from’all s¢cians of the county. * The columns of tlie Jour~yan will be al way & cpen to a frée disnssion'of ‘dny sub. jt'f'i tsuching the genel wellfare of our pibple or courtry. AL dé&cbunts arelpayable on demand. ST i . , , ‘ : BRONWOOD'S BOOM! —Not Over— ; 4 / & HILL & SIMPSON Are now prepared to sell any and all goods needed by the trade cheaper than the cheapest. We have added to oru GENERAL - STOCK, as heretofore kept, the follow NEW LINES WHICH WE PROPOSE TO SELL CHEAFPER THAN ANY ONE TO ESTABLISH OUR TRADE IN THOSE LINES: Saddles and Harness, Stoves and Guns, Clothing, Patent Cotton Baskets, ' BESIDES OUR GENERAL STOCK OF Boots, Shoes, Jeans, Groceries, HARDWARE And everything else the trade can desire, at low prices, “The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring!” Have nothing to do with the | R Y Q) T TEiv( N FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE —OF | 9 w J. R. Janes' Son. i . . + | DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, Paints, Perfumery, Stationery, X.' 1 . o Faney - and - Toilet - Articles, Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, lite. NO OLD STOCK ™Y YT : o ! - . X & 7‘ Everything New, Neat and Fresh. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. T G, £ST TS ST IYT ) P T M SR ST R R L e S SRR | : e R i Removal--Hard Times Made Easy! B. ¥F. WIGGINS, Successor to B. I'. Wiggins & Co., !'l‘lH-Z Low Price. merchant of Bronwoad, hes moved his Stock ot Gene Merchar - chandise to the NE W BUILDING comner of Ist and Geise streets, and is now pre pared to offer the public genuine bargains in FALL. AND WINTER GOODS. Dry Goods and Grocery Departments . Complete in every particular, Goods fresh and new. T make of speciaty of FINE BSHMOES AND BOOTS. ’l‘lll’. price of cotton is low, and some think moncy will be scarce, but I propose to sel goods at such low prices there will ke no cause to conmiplain, Orders Taken for Ready-made Clothing. A fit guaeanteed, Call and see me. [ mean business and g going to dispose of 1y goods mutwithstanding the hard times, : B. F. Wiggins, Bronwood, Ga. SIS SN e - : 5 ,vy DOGOO .L'A'_A_ 'A",'A'A’&'A'A:A vAo‘vAvx,AgAyA Av‘g ‘-vA»vA' ]D4 A OALO AA QLY LU 3 1 : J 1836/ SWIFT'S SPECIFIC.|||IBB6 f ‘4 T 3TT,TN I G YDA OIAL S SO SXAL AT oAWPR TP 55 ! e e e -~ "'——'l A BEMEDY NOT FOR A DAY, BUT FORJ==—F— ISIS'S pe HALF A OENTURY wn 1 QIQ'S *: RELIEVING SUFTERING HUMANITY! § I : |S|sis| =sp=mp=ag Sls S| |sisls| || N R Rl (55 s | 3De W ; 1 SISS| Dbl [S|S|S O 3 . : : %2 k: o ; : :3 AN INTERESTING TfiEATI ON BLODAND SKIN DISEASES SENT E: ‘q FREE TO ALL APPLICANTS. 1T SHOWLD B& READ BY EVERYBODY. S X ADDRESS THE SWIFT SPECIFiC £O., ATLANTA, GA. © Y N . . Farm For Sale! 'l‘“() hundred and twenty-seven acres of Te land sitnated in the 12th district of ]" rrell county and known as the Daniel \";H_'ly place. Three-horse farm cleared ;'"." h good state-of cultivation with good ”' nces - l.mhmt e is well tihbered. ~ Good fm qu.lxhngu and water. For further in ormation apply to .“ G. WIPARS, . une'224d, 'B6 Gm. Bronwood !Q. . . BUY -08 A PIEPER BREECH ANy LOADI» ¢ i "-;L‘;g‘. o\“s g T ar o ISR T M e %o X RS Yo TieMOST gus pvte,, d forthe ieast oy o rw‘_:nr ofr. .~e'¢ to the pum{':f v N Ale by all n At rsteclass Gun Deolers 80":0‘61'4“10 omly by (send for l.!atuiogre). g ggum, ‘DALY & GALES, - % 56 Chambere Bt., New York. ALL FOR 2t GENTS, LL FOR 21 GENTS. threa 3t teduco our stock in - the nexy the f nm"”v and for 30 Days offer all ‘kh“”‘:‘ Q\\l:l'_f for 24 centss 10 pieces finely p “Wand Pepular M wje, full sige, T .fnlrrl?xlml; 200 elegant de signs in Out. | late ang I’,"’“”I'”'! and Embroidery: 109 gema gy, opular Nones, including all u.[-‘ “Diroem o the MIKADO, as weligs 1 “‘\fli“.[l]lulr “l'zu‘vs." “Love, Love, Lave,™ ‘ new Ri“'il ete., cle., a I:U'j_"fi collection of T ““.";).f'n :u'nl ('nnunlh'ul.,,\‘ over 2H6, I 250 Mo H"'.z for pienic and sociul parties, Tricks i':'\l‘ Cracs, just sideaplitters, 77 Pogular Gy 48, 100 Puzzles, qll kinds, 26 Asising, I“Ilm' A Secret Alphnbet, 200 Picturae ‘” ‘hlvumllug ad - Misibrious tle,, dia '\‘\.&'"‘{‘f game of Fartunes sokl Me paakac « Wil Bend all the above in for 94 (?.A."f' 1o any address, all prepaid, for 1)) m‘,:,:, “} Postuge Stamps; 8 packages A rgeyg (0 ydiekiges for 81, Address 122 \‘»“;;’ VoL myg o, BUStreet, o Yorl:. THE DAWSON JOURNAL YOIL. 22. SEUSESERITERT. VUNRESE N RNI TR 1B BB BRI GAR RIS DR. J. H. HAMMOND, Physician and Surgeon, . SASSER, GA. dronpt attention givep t- i ; : ol Iy ‘ 1 intrusis Lo me, & Vaathios —— Frlad % ‘% " M‘; A 4 I @ G i Smmamhsy - N sy o pe - RN 3 g i) AT RE FE == :.}‘g s X Si""‘ & g o 3 7 B NI, o B e Y 7 RPN Rl - PR Blost of tho diseases whicl flflirt makind are origin ally cnused by a disordered cyndition of the LIV ER. For al] compiaints of thie kind, sugh as Torpidity of the favar, Biliousuess, & arvous Byspepsia, Indigess tion, Ir-egudarity of the owns, Sopstipation, Matu loney, Eruesations and Burnipg of the Stomach (sometimes callad Heartburr), MKiamma, Malaria, Blondy ¥yx, Ghills and Fever, Jreakbone Fever, Exkrasgdon befae or pfter Fovess, {'hronic Diar shoe, Loss of Appetits, #lendaetiy, Joml Breath, Irreglaritiog inoidontal to Pemalgs, Bearing-down Pains, Back- ’ 7 iy STADIGER'S AURZATY % invaluabla. Itiynota pansceator n.).!:;;s.\;;, o all Jiseasoas of she LI . J."Il @_E.E STUMACH i BOWELS, { clisugos the complexion Jow o waxy, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color, §i antirly removes low, gloamy spirits, 1t is ong of phe BEST AL~ TERATIVES and PURIFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and is A VALUABLE TONIC, ‘ - STADICER'S AURANTH ox salo Ly all Dyuggiots, Trico £1,60 por hattla O WA Ak C. F.ETADICER, Proprictor, “Q 0. FRONT ST., Philadelnhia, P Dawson, Ga., Thursday, October 2[st., 1886. A SPALDING county man has a calf with six legs and is entirely happy. Ir takes some young ladies five or six years to get over being six teen years old. . AUTUMN does not turn over a new leaf, but she is beginning to give ‘the flop to several old ones. Ture Americus Recorder wants a law to restrain noisy echurch members from annoying the pub lic. A woxaXN in Boston stole a cork leg from a erippled soldier. She was beund to have something new to put on her bonnet. A FASHIONABLE item says: “The bustle is rapidly approaching the' front.” Well, all we have to say is that it will look mighty queer when it gets there. ‘ ‘Tue chesnut bell has been su perceded in Daffalo by the liar card. When the story teller be cames too enthusiastic in his exag geration the listener hands hinr a card on whichis printed: “I am somewhat of a liar myself.” . SoME years ago Mr. Ceeil Gab bett was asked by a friend what lie was doing. “Olh, I'm just ‘wind ing up the business’ of the Wes tovn Railroad of Alahama.” He was brakeman then of a freight train, and now he is general man ager of the same road. A Mre. Tavror, of near Apa lachicola, Fla., recently clubbed a bear to death. It is safe to as sume that when Mrs. Taylo tells her hasband to be in the house before ten o'clock, he's in, no mat fer Low interesting the political discuss’on down at the corner gro cery may be.—Quitman Press. AMy to Mamie (on street car) ~—Did you see that great, horrid, mean wopan next me vefuse to move up to let me sit down? I just took to standing on her toes and she managed to find a pl- O, Mamie, spread wour skirts out quick or that ugly man will sit down there and ecrowd us to death. A PYirrrrsoN Justice after ra peating the formula of an oath to a young woman ended as usual by saying, “Kiss the Book.” “I will not,” was the unexpected reply. “J'he last witness that was sworn was ehewing tobacco, and the one before him had fever blisters on his lips.” She was permitted to aflirm. Ax old tinplater in Loundon, named Goodman, saturated his clothing and hair with benzolize oil. Having obtained a box of matches, and a rope, with which he tied his legs together, he placed kimself in a kneeling posi tion, filled his mouth with oil, lighted ¢ne of the lucifers and went off in a magniticent blaze. i A Kexrvcky planter was so ' well plessed with the acting of a little girl in a play at Louisville that the next day he gert 4 P large doll ‘to “ar i nse 5 wl; ok uob at 652 “hont o T is s the [r’afly M 3 veceived: “Kind friend; ave just received your note and package containing the doll; thanks very mueh., The doll is very handsome. I showed it to my husband, and we think it will be great gmusement for me,” 17 is said that Harry and Geo. Wright, inventors of that infer nal yuyisance, the chesnut bell, have made $25.000 from its sale, Now that they have bacome well fived, it is to be hoped that they will take compassion on a suffer ing pghblic and gal}l the blamed things in before suicide becomes an epidemic. 4lready four sui ciacs have tgkey place on thejr account, and the igsgpe asylums are becowing glarmiggly crowd ¢d. I 1 is aonounced that George Hy!chins, a farmer of Blus An chop, New Jersey, has left fon thousgud dollars to Henry (jeorge for Hi, purpose of “spreading the light” contained jn George's book, “Progress and Poverty.” The logacy is the bulk of the dead man's estate, and strange to say, Mrs. Hutehins will not object to the moncy going ss Ji rected in the will, ?iunry Gegrge wis not eequainted wigh the pan who lell bim the wmoney., ™ ™ THE MARRIAGE W&TE: - Judging from the raports .in the papers all over the State,there is to be a perfect epidemic of marriages. Itis true of Colum bus, says the editor of the En quirer, who talks rosily about the subjeet. Thoughtful people do not laugh about marrying. It would be more appropriate to laugh about dying. For one is the putting on, and the other the taking woff the hard rubbing harness of life. And yet there is a beatific musie woven into the woof and warp <. :natri mony which never W a celi bate's ear. People wha marry,“as God’s word doth allow,” like St e o W g raneladion trom the Isle of Patmosg, have some ex. priences which they come back to the world and tell, and they have other experiences, so sweet and so holy, that they are convinced at onze that these are they of which it is said, “It is not lawful for man to wtter.” . ‘ The sublimest compliment one human being can pay another is to extend an offer of marriage. There are fifteen hundred millions of peaple in the world. For two people tc choose each other out of all of these is a wonderful thing, and it ought to be enough to ce ment their souls forever and for ever. A marriageis a thrilling sight. There are only three events in anybody's life. They are to be born, to marry and to die. The birth and the death come in and go out with a cry of pain. They are the dark,shaly valley on either side. ~ But mar riage is the beam-iit 1 |l top car peted with emarald green and domed with ecerulean blue, and over whese path of holv wrritory heaven spreads out its brightest stars, (Choice Specimens. The New York roughs belong ing to the Knights of Labor, who insulted the people of Bichmond, are thus described in a special to the Chicago Fribune: “Last night a peep into Harris’ nndertaking shop, on the secoud floor of which eighteen members of 49 are lodged with their colored brother, Farrell, revealed a sight of true social equality and enjoy ment. One young colored girl was playing on a melodeon, while an other, a member of the choir of John Jasper’s Church, was sing ing a bynin. A small group of the members of 49 sat around en joying the musie, while one of the members waz off in a eorner with a comely mulatto, whose hands he his own as the reporter entered. Just down the ladder which led to the loft the incon graous spectacle of a long row of cheap painted pine coffins re minded the jovial party of the brevity and uncertain: v of life.” Glad He Went. | About ten months a~o Everett; Farmer, anegro from {rwin ¢our ty, wus sent to the l"-i‘:"'.-uti;n-; ot Alb}any, NY *or nagnty. Yes- T Erott made Lis appear ance in Macon, returning a full fledged shoemaker, Laying hoen ‘taught the trade during his im | prisonment, He says he had most eomfortable guarters, more foed than he could eat, a big divuer ev. ery now and then, a theatre, mu sic and other amusements, and above all an opportunity of learn ing a good trade; ond then when the term of sentence hay exlired the convict gets g suit of clothes, five dallars and a ticket home, Ue gives a rosy view of the prison iife, aud says he is glad he went.—Ma con Telegraph. Saved His J,ide. { Mr. D. 1 Wikokson, of Horse Cave, Ky., says he was, for many yeaps,badly afiMeted with Phthisie, also Diabetes; the paivs were al most unbearable and would some times throw him into convulsions. He tried Electric Bittors and got relief from first bottic, ang ppler taking six Lotyce, »as entirely cured apd had gaine. in flesh 18 | Pounds. Says he pasitively be lieves he would have lied, had it not been lor thereligi afforded by Eleectrie Bitters, £.14 at 5 cents, a bottle by Crougl £rothors, Cure f‘br Sick Hoadache For proof fhal Dr. Guun's Liv er Pills cures Sjok Hoadache, nsk youz Druggist for o free trial tmc!&qu. ’éiuly ‘one for a dos», togular gzo hoxes, 25 pants, Sugl by W. U, Kendrick., * *EVOLUTION—DISSORUTION. ‘ Stiay Leaves frem a very Ready Letter Writer: Newport, June 1, 1886. Miss Brown; May I have the pleasure of your company atthe yacht race on Friday next. Very respectfully, Virain O'Doun. Newport, June 10, 1886, My Dear Miss Brown: Qur friend, Miss Jones, gives a garden party Tuesday, I shouwld be more than pleased if yos would consent to ge with me. Hoping that it will he agreaable to yonm, lam very truly yours, Virair O'Dovp. ' Newport, June 20, 1886, Miss Mary: : ; , Please accept the flowers I send you by bearer on this, your birth-; day. My best wishes accompany the flowers. Yours truly, Virain O'Doup. Newpott, July 2, 1886. Dear Miss Mary: : The plan of reading together would be delightful to me. lam | sure we will appreciate Howell's more that way. Yery truly your friend, Yirain O'Doub. Newport, July 13, 1886. Dear Mary: Excuse the informality, but something in your eyes lust even ing told me, or scemegl fo te'l me, a secret. May I not call to-n,Yht and ascertain whether I was mis taken? Yours always, Vimrain O'D. Newport, July 14, 18S6. My Own Darling: I was not mistaken, after all. I cannot tell you how happy I am. I snatel time to write you these few lines, assuring you of my undying affection. Forever thine, ; VIRGIL. Newport, Angust 1, 1886. Dear Mary: Of course you know I respect your mother and all that, but you can hardly expect me to love all your attachments, Yours always, Virain O'D. Newport, August 15, 18S6. Dear Miss Mary: After the cool way you treated ‘me last evening I can hardly be lieve that the same relations exist ‘between us. Will you not write and set my misgivings at rest? : Yery truly your friend, \ Yirain O’ 00, Newport, August 24, 1886- ‘ Miss Mary: l‘ofij(tlel:‘the econe' qpon I fondly THT. WDeTe would be mno more e ote, but the marked prefer ence you showed that £nglish dude, Charles Jenkins, at the hop last night, makes me doybt wheth er you have any vegavd for mo at all. Yours truly, Virein O’Doub. i Newport, August 27, 1886. Dear Miss Browu;: ‘ Youy Jetter received. I shall be governed enlirely by your wishes in the wmatter. ’ Very truly yours, 1 Vingyw £ Doub. Noonort, Scptember 1, 1886, Miss Brown: : Inyitation to your' ma. tiage to Mr Chas. Jcuking peceived. Isn.. D@ delighted to witness {4 ceremo ny. Sorry you will not js here to attend my marriage with Miss Smith, Very respectfully, | Yircin O’ Doup. ~~Walter Kenedy, in Life. Miraculous Escape. W. W. Reed, droggsi, of Win chester, Ind., writes: “One of my eygtomens, Mis. Louisa Pike, Bartonin, Hapduiph eounty, Ind., was a long sufferer with coygump tion, and was giveh 'gip to dio Ly her physicians, She heard of Dr. King's Ney Discovery for Consumption, and began buying itof: me. In six months' time she walked to this eity, a distance of six miles, and is now s 0 much improved she has quit using it, She feels she owes iwr:life to it.” Froe triat bottles at Crouch Bros, Diag Store, « . ‘NO. 23. WHITE AND BLACK. Some Cnriows Tncidents for ‘the Knights of Labor. The Knights of Liabot, nsw in sessfon in Bichmond, are ignoring the eolor line. Situated on Broad street between Sixth and Seventh is the Central hetel, a colored boarding houvse,of whichy ——- Fry ie one of the proprietors. A re porter had oceasion to visit this place, and while there asked, “Have you any delegates to the general assembly. ?” - Fry reglied: “I have only one—a white delegate from Maine, There'is a colored ;,n‘im from the same State stopping here, hut he is not n delegate.” "' #m “AWhat iethe delegate's nawme?” “f will get'you the register.” l .He wentto'a back room and srought ‘out: a blank book in which the )izt of guests is kept; also the colored female-who does the clerical work of the house. She opened the book and pointed to the name registered “Joe Burns, Hallowell, Me.,” as the white delegate, and direetly un !der it was “C. I». Freeman, Au | gusta,Me.,” who, she said, was the colored visitor, " The reporter then asked: “Do tkese men room together?” “Yes, air,” “And sleap in the same bed?” “Yes, air," At Ba. m., James H. Edwards, negro knight quartered at the St. Charles with a Baltimore dele gation, came down from his rocom puffing a cigar, and, walking into the office, he exclaimed to some wirite brethren congregated there: “Maye you fellows been into brea,-fast?’ Some had and some had not, anlso replied. “Well, I believe I will go in and get mine,” he re;’\iu("], and walked into the dining room. The table at whicn he sits is at the further end of the ioom from the door, and in front of 1. is a screen about as long as the tavle. This screen protects him from genera) view, but any one at the first twg §ables on the front side of it gan see him. He is quite a black negro, and the top of his head is slightly inglined t¢ bald ness. He sits at the head of the table, and during meals he chats with his white brethren who eat with bim, Tucsday afternoon four ,white members of the generally assem bly of the Jknights, accompaned by a colored gir), got into a hack in frout of the postoffice and drove dow<, Main street. The same evening three more white knighte and twe colored women —one very blave nd oo’ yellow—got into a carriage o Franklin street and divected the driver to take them up town. They were last reen going up I'ranklin street. Four tons of giant powder,el explodedin awell sunk 35 feet deep ipto the solid granite of Stona Moutain at 4 o’elock Saturday af ternoon. After the powder was stored away into the chambers at the bottom ef the woll, the well was filled up to thesgrface and ig nited by means of eluadzicity. A person at the foot of the moun ‘tain would probably hgve heard 'the explosion, but as a sengation the ‘blast was a failure. Whether it ‘was asnaces in hroaking up the ‘stone it will sake sereral daye t determine. Slight cracks wore discovered bere and there, Quite w 'imber of persons went from At lanta tow, ness the blast. Future Llasts will bo made ne depth of from 14§ to 200 feet, in which from thiriy {o fifty tons will Le em ployed. : Tuomas 4. Cruvggivy, the bO~ ducer and murderer of kiy gonsin, has buen refused a new faiy .hy] the Supreme Court of Virgingy, and will Le hanged December srd. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the would for Cuts, Bruises, Soves, Uleors, Salt | Rheun, Fover Sores, Totter, (], ap- | ped, Hands, Philblaivg, Corns,and amll Skin Eraptions, and pogitively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satinfuction, or woney refanded . Price, 25 conts per box, For sale by Crouah Bros. * ; 5 . Trom the New Dictionary "Dmkes Magazine. e Probibition.—A 14v dompelling a man to enter the backdoor when he wauts a beverage for his“oft in« firmities” and so forth—especisl ly the latter, i A Saccessful Man.~One who by hard work -aud . clese eeonomy arcamnlates a miltion dollars and leaves his money to a couple of spendthrift sons who see more fan in twelve months than the old man did in fifty years. ' An American Beauty.—A woe man whose alleged charms are un ndticed at home and who doesn’t achieve fame as a beauty atil she goes abroad and secures an intro duction to the Prince of ‘Vales. American Humor.—Any face tious remarks made about a mule,. the wmother-in-daw and the goat. A Dead Head.—The raral edi-- tor who gives ten dollars worth of pufls for a fifty cent cirens t'c'et, College ~ Education.—A profi ciency in boating, base #hall, and sometimes in other branches of learning. pmsd st . &, Society Man.—A , youth who deyotes more time to arrangg his necktie than cultivating his mind. Charity Dall.—A schemoto en able the wealthy to spend seyeral hundred thousand dollars” for dia monds and dresses in order to raise a few hundred dollars for the poor. From Death to Lifen Dr. R. O. Ingram pérformed & wonderful eperation on"a negro in Montezuma one day last week. The doctor had been called’td see a negro woman who had a conges tive chill, and he turned to the hus< band of the woman and told hiuz that his wife would ba dead in ton minutes, _at the same time pre pairing a decoction of bran"dy!and aqua ammonia to be given hypo dermically for immediate relief. When hie turned to his patient her pulse had ceased to beat, her heart was motionless and she was dead. In place of inserting the hypodermic syringe in- the arm he inserted it in the body immedi« ately over the heart, and pressed it in slowly until it touched that organ and then discharged a por tion of the brandy and ammonia. In a few seconds the heart made & struggle to perform its functions; and it was not long before the pulse were perceptible. At last aceounts the regro was improving and in a fair way of recovery. Dr. Engram sags his patient would never have recovered but for the means emploged, and he did it i the nature of an experiment. Evesything Goes Wrong In the bodily mechanism when the liver gets out of order. . Con stipetion, dyspepsia,contaminatio of the blood, impel‘fhfit agsimila tiop, are ccrtain to ensue. But it is ensy 'to prevent these -conse quences, and remove taeir cause by a conrse of Electric Stomach Bitters, which stimulates the bili ary v, "an and regulates itzactionse Tl“_, :“y-pct 1.(.."‘11t' ls & dimppefli’- ance of the pains beeath the r:;” and through the snpulder” bls e the nausea, headaches, yéiiowness of the skin, furred look of the tongae, and sour odor of the breath, which chavacterize lvep complaint. Sound digestioh aud a regular habit of body are blees ings also secured by the use ot this colebrated restorative of health, which imparts a degree ' of vigor to the bodi/ whieh is its best gunrantae of safety from mr lanal epidemies. Nerve weak ness and over-tension are relieved by it, and it improves both appe= tite and sleep. * Cure for Piles. Piles are frequently preoede(i Ly # sense of weighi in the back, loins and lower part of the abdo ‘waed, dawidng the pationt to sup ‘poso he hius vome afdction of the kidneys or ;:?‘gthl'wg ‘o"’B."“s'-.- Ay fimes, symptoms of indiges tion are present, tlatulency, unsae siness of the stomach, ete. A ‘moisture-like perspiration, pro “ducing a very disngrecable itch< ing, after geiting waim, 18 & com nmon attendant. DBlind, Bleeding and Tehing Viles yield at ouce to L to the application of Dr. Bosan ko's Pile Remedy, which acts di eetly upon the parts affected, ab so, hing the Pumors, allaying . the inten ‘@ ttehing, and effecting ® porinan "t eure. Price 50 cents 4 ddress we v Bosanko Medi cige Co., Pig " 0. S‘,’.}'d b,y ‘v' C. Koyduek, by wson, % 1T Powgey! what ot 'fraid of ¥ Wha! z,ngw‘ you shake an! shibbery”. * Law chilel ise fid dengue . An got do tropic libber,” * e trepic libber Yumpey P I den't Know what you means: Lut you ecn e your a? 'y thlug ¢ W ITHS BILE BEANS) ‘Two Lits » boite, don't pay more! You'll get dem atde dzfign‘u store.”” Tho most economieal sl remedy for ugug, &0 telds, P 2 bottle. ;