The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, April 03, 1880, Image 3

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nd .I'aUftteno of u , absent. visiting hat fri >pd oe lot of frenb. <-rungoa, • qt> h.I Ooeo.imits ,»t Z. H. flnngk WATCHES, CLOCKS and mmn Groi man W ro. 3 nulley from T->xm, )f this place iiFuour ntr. Ilayiim be a disappointed not getting our typ , Ac., fn New York, we had to dol'd>1 Messrs. L. A., and A. ,13. Jeinigar. of Gainesville, FI willfto. Opt thank.- for valuable Florida paper*. Hon. J. W. Kenfroe, State livao- inrer ol Georgia, paid us a pleasant i vifiit last week, ho was looking well, land lbs mail Fiends wet -, glad i.o ■•! Jj‘ of all. r. C. *«..««» to keep a line sole* - K ■•. ovf- which be will sell A .a hi 4 read;,' to take J h biuMographs ‘ in Huberts through our ’’;/ Jem; his Professional ser U.V.e public, as a successful j ,-n>l oluistinn gentleman Te-ceMfldfmco of our oom- l Lli work for anybody tha' [^DiVcls disposed to pay a rea sonable price lor a good job. I] 'ft OVU Tv,l V ‘-v'i VJ1$ REPAIRED BY niRECTORY Jernigun SOOIE TIES. /■ol Lodge A". dtS h. .. (} )r , Second and J’uurth Ah flW }i month. ■rjmt.a-tinvOMf. -w. Main than lie t. Mr. (). \. to tpi.b. n M the first vegetables we Iju-o hud tills eeasoii. Wo like pres^iUs^ RL oi Dr. 11. N. Iialli- ivble and • uocess.ful X’hy ; !oo Well known in middle ! sal 'itij comment. from) -• card in another coin inn. I iAstrRt.s.—On Titur-- ; t thd amateurs of our Call at tut Mercury conco and get ou> of lloytl’s Miniature Batteries, and cure :orno of the ailments bn man flesh ia heir 1 .> .Jernigan, has nice new Jew elry, Clocks, 'and. Sewing j jr ' ■ ’•‘illicit Ac. —- fjt/ c .m tiio Second a Monday flights of each niovh !I’ash i nylon (ohitt;/ Ayrn month. apt- The County '-range, w,ma ,.,d Saturday in hpri'. t Oi k R.ul Road.—The Sarideravuio and To/ubik l\. . .. st 11 moves si! mg, making irieniu ami growing ;\; strength arid increasing in j opulari’ G. L. Ri.INilART 1'i‘opect- fall\ informs tin* citi/eiis oi VVnshingtou find adjoining coun ties, that h lias opened a. Bool and Shoo shop in Sandersvillo, next ilyor io Jr I'pig'u & Ol'i' s timer decorum ima-rot of h Btich as c.aeap bciiif out oi phtcij giviii bad spoiling, printer e:tn fully >r. iiculty of gett ing ont vh non tnoy mail May lie oo tatlUtid at. Ins oifioo oti Haynes f t. in the Masonic Loclgt building from !). A. M. (o 1 J*. M and Vom d to 5 1’. M.; during oth er hours at lbs ''t'nitlonco on Clmrok St, wbon not pi'ofa.saionally on gag- and commonoed work on a on . Yard ju t. hoyond tlm oiu mile p.- or. t.ho ’IA inklli ::ond wl.e-Vf’ ho i ij 1 t 1 '- to (.!(■ an ifr.ok.kuu ;m-ns, an •.••ditulinn groatlyi it'. <k nntid. Tho iocntiMi' of * id Crb* iyard is a good one, tho material • x jcollcut, and was used mu y yean jago by o-;r forefathers for the earn purpi oo. lie J . ,d\> 1‘ I.I , mciit <|i r). r IftjjjHi, Ig'.M, in an ..fin r n hir<n, ' ,i p r ,.’ ijorefi to ftiriii iB portahlo i'lngiiuis, Milk. ‘on I’reaacH, l’lauta- on Corn ami i't-od Mills, Corn and "lour Machinery, and the Mm-.hii • : .!> Mir.', and go t< " 1 Tapper, it wol pay j UH t to" lalli machinery with him an hour or two GO TO JEKBS^GASST i amon O BE RT L. RODGERS, YTTOIt > if V AT L AW, SANi!i:in;vn.i if, ckorgia. NVIf.r, «* IV »■’ sr ' f A1 i ATI » NTIOfc TO A cl nii D, 1T».i r r let’ t»~r!lle«! * For Heirp, b!i' Noloi, »>y Drc «ln, Ronds.; Loffatoea, ufta^.Chccki | Moitjfaj*- • i Crnditors, jndfl, I. nc, I t t. Willy, j AdminittrAturs. I'or Viol ins, AcctAjons Strings, Rosin Boxes^c, (Wkw . unit.- Tho recent coi weather has made but gardeim ami early vegetable:' put on f. ieldy up- ipoiu.uu'o .'.lid ocean;.me i imidi an.', inly l\u tin n.u A "-j the l^arh on e the 6d61in><rnihg:.- have akoinemu- ed greatly tin rusl in v it to an e>. - | tent which i- r« ally ittjurioua to :1 >■ Buy The Improve Woed i \ SEW INC. MACi 1! Yji. oily $ 2 S Ouartlians, Trustfos. llon». IBijr, nr , #r, Of Dkl'DH, it-1 R iMriiffb. THE LATEST GET, \\ITH ALL A TT i C mi ENTS, ST).\E L/CE VET EOT SALmy ,, l i ; -jT: w .-ini'-, i fe liov. < >1 '.'■ d (fat hi - coit! p.11:i"ll I - !-■> it i ! i;• i.nit - r,s bn \va -.;i :i-1 j Hie fnlt'iiukled in hi.- jealous, mind. He forgot that lie had‘ been dUXei'ontjy graded l>y tut-1 •are in the beginnig, and he. be-! igati ensiing about to see how he (•ouul yet ; , en. Ife .inally lriadel up Id mf nd that il wuh theboy’sj !rod (‘tilt which nuui : all the liif-j ei one paints, oi the Drue gua runic jiow rate '•tore. 1 icompour ifu! and l Eii.o lot nl I'uchsias, l ine doe : 1 : e I‘'lowering' (leraniums, • I Hn* lot of (Iloxinias, Fine iot l ube. Roses, 1 loleheo clcria, iubiilora of varied kinds and China Finks, to cents to $1.00. 1’hose fine Photographs and j 'errot . ;/es taker, still at the old stare 1 1 , ( , (.1 d',i\, together g.utli. I ,ur. c Ot enoroiioe-i ompaute.l with the" (.a 1» jy .t cvc"j, day, and tho cuming of “TL ’M’( ra.ury' 1 lmil. ' With .h-ligld- by ci m :nv I'T-r k r!iv tu- will d>b" o fi.-Xt'.-'J. '. fir’, a.i.. Tt'S C : •" D , '".:eiy,*.dW.'r/;ygd ■■ - -i\ ? - •• • , j ; ; -o _ ■ , . yDFkb'Ti.r;:; A TERNIIiki: UAH. ROAD. t>»: t.,td ... - day ike Eanrcnycr oh . ma 1 will run aa j'o’dov:: i>K\ V.- f.'.-)*•.'. TH.o.a (Tiv.-i S^udi rncith; daily 9. - 15 a. in. Tenii tdi daily lb-11 a. vi. '.• ■ • ■ . - ily 8 30 in. ’uir:, Tcnnilli: daily DIO jt, in. iu ;;u- .r di.i]:atch all arUch.’s dcuUr h.u 7i point should ho marled h :mlc.; instead of No. 1!> «# In’W 'arc. !. 1. IRWIN, s u pi. :n>r 3, 13SO. had at his ■- carefully s, bv « rkil rnjxi, fur tho transaction ol m p< tunf husiaeao. l . /cal rur.iion ■ mvit'id to bo present, m l I (!•■«). m’.ti? lh< Teachers-they don ha employed in the .-over,"] wn.iol k’i triotB. TJjin «03»ion l the Boa I will be an important and an iuterc '.VC&ibim ■ i :ibli'r :•■■■up]lose Oil d like to pare! v ; ‘: 111 that oid [latched coat i f you: . word 1 \oil .•’ Ttie ;, j , was up to striny-yiunc:- and ilrilon aecentions, bind he elosec with an oiler to lend tin: \YoK (is eixu for a week if til. \n\wi would guide him to a dm whoi'f three young Poxes conic be. secured. Asf soon as the VVo(f secured# The coat he v,'rapped it around J biiuliad dec.lai') A. tin; truce be- i. ;tv,eij.L dm Wolves and the Boy’s', udnli- ink That had been his' Hitl,hi mot: from the start. Sol i-wei , i:'■ Ms w ar-lio'.vl tin Woii -a.iunonmi Yin friends ley I help m : k •• boli ia. of poor Tons, dbut " ; fim eager brutes came up jtln-y •..•cat for the ted coat and' fh Buy went for a tree. Wolf ha any business; ; weaving a- Boy’s - ; it lit, even ’if] ii, k mid add to his !>■ aid} , and ;d;i- .no was soon clawed into Ihiit‘-sirings and his bom ■- uung oi.. a m T -nine for the wind, to ,cfp' OF TRAINS \T NO. 13, 0. R. :u, Ui:;jc • train arrives 8;5-ip m 'ii “ “ O.-Kia.i/i • " " “ 4.41 a. ?n. “ " “ 1043 p. m. Mna ,’Vfe'.S' an ;,fu <', . t Tmuiday night need lid.- abi. te.ioli and distinguished Elm-utlonRs ’■ givo a Public l.tuiuiing in tho (Jo Ifhaae, ahe will bo assirnad by,. wiiioh i.i composed of ncm;/ id.'.every, nyst ymay P itcfn w’iiu will 'vi ‘V< i ass.irod u.j jtheutsel'vos in ueh a nuiunci j kreiicct credit upon themm-.l .'oe > ilionor upon their toucher Aiiss V arc excellent, their salesmen [oolite and affable and parties purchasing of them fully satisfied with both article and price. ND'HUSYILLE, GA. . ] . V\ . , a painter uiuf'dcsiynor of consider^ le trilent 'LL!VAN, F. M\ .u. Advj-;ktj5EMxnts. ’ter wc will publish all lv i.'rtixr-ments emenating okiemo of our counfv, con FROM AM, ana i So t, H RougHpn’tf for your ■ •:••« •>:..! coffee,, Flom, liama m '■ -'.u'.kiud Roasted Coi'lk. . tine DtFujg «uid at. bottom pace?. v WMM,.' kf ■ weiitlmr in dmigliiful ornmi and « ijr young ladii i“a;. • ••aci- preparingfo-r picnics,] Micy all oilj oy so much; ; ( mber you can; get at IS. F.j ••'-•n’s Drug re all kimU of d Books. .it neatness and dispatch aih n'k wanai-tcd not to cot ini - eye, bind under the arms, r [.inch Van mud t'i;c toes, . lilt.'-v a 1 ,, bloiv ye t-.jtO iMe'.//.., All : i.r- its 1 I,/I’m ««•;«, > itj jt uN »iiit w hen>■■■ '■: .r.hw », While 1 iiu-h.l your W t» and nbones. Gall-at North corner public nare, up stairs, sDn Premium J iiii i & Ii t il celebration the rank among the legal iratermt} he work-, hard Fr his clients, an- when slicee-;s is attainable he wi! always achieve it, hi:-: knovylcdgi oi the Law, coupled wth a gentle maniy demeanor has made lu'n many friends and given him a yr.-i and grow tig practice. us all try. and see ii make it a real nice atiai eiit of our faithful sell - eoh Clideut* and Crackers on r , ir i all the time at Z. H. Roughto-n’s 110 . ' • ‘j "Dm .. ° opened a bar and bilii !< :i h'e-rcl Mark Bonn."-11, wij 1;[ 1L : ,:oi'<M'un;.-'d ■ ,c " ho able to move to his rn ' v j ban J; they hare had ‘Mingy Helms boon the fuM 1 'Uioatiy. ■ :, l ’mild on the new street.j ‘*.j ■ ;use in n-arly 1 comple- ()apt. Henmuin In M m l wo think he will beibilliard aalr-ou .cxroi • ••aatly ciLualed. • back street, al'iT'IVac front put.up, wbic tho looks of our sire. On hand and for Sale SEE OTA (lEES, NOSE CLASSES, &c. won’t last with--! r, and your; ; just, as much right! hum us ydm :utvo| ! ujtroit V-urn Fivss] NO TICE TO TK BS.PASSER t>A-<oKiiMSij.i.-c, (< •, ,'jf--u. .T'th.ic: .Mil p-a-HoiiB ai-o bsrfeby forbidd ll a o-r }>(.•:.-ally o: '.lie law, from hu; iug and ' (’Miuig or. ires passing roam ac ok thd <:!. thou denjigjied: if. N. ivO; l i'.f.D, ! W. H. PARSONS, W At, RAW Id NGS, .. WM. MARTIN. ( i ipr 3, ISbO-'diK • { <r~' -. from Di ’o'. - ox l - i-i-owik col. 1: dug onM Mr. v Jamek A i/iuj H.’.iZs pi; on, i u dd.iy night' last ;ui ;it. a MOi.-ecolored Mule, me a •} dium mzc, Kjboiit 6 yours old; ntntrj ' his shoulder 'wnoro the collar works j (111 hu; uiUiiO II* SIi.U.11 Any ltiforuia R-'ri c tha»fuliv-r<;o'?ived. GF.J'T your prescriptions .filled ill -•- Rougbton’e Bruy Store.. Uny your kehooi books from L<„ I. ubghton. I ALE at: F033, iply tliemseives, oif-wed ‘oy him ;n met with. < iv- 1m wuL tiurpri.v. uejerm m /.. U. Itoughtou’s e •- Con/ectionenc-H. BROWN K A. SULLIVAN, 1\ M. natuey, v.acA.* no «i **M»t JIUHk AW