The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, June 01, 1880, Image 2

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Till] MERCURY, P i! in, i s ii i: i) E v i x y T v r. spa jgiilf* /W 6omnnim<:oli/>ns intended for (his •paper must he areovtpanted with f he full name <>f the writer, not neres- earili/ for ptdtHvalion, Inti as a guaran tee of good faith. We are in no tray respmxihlefu)' the vineg or tyti/tion of ygrrespondent*. aid's own state Jiad the company;vigor to capture a tine tdring,lnot such defeasances as would oon- f sixteen from Georgia, two each_wliiel* we did, and a royal break-j^itute it a mortgage which could be fast was enjoyed, atone o'clock we started for home, after four hours there from Louisiana, Maryland and| fi North Carolina, four from Virgin ia and one from Texas, making in all thirtv-three. On the secondipleasant ride we reached ballot, wlix'ii the changes werejsafe and the fun was over with, being made in every quarter, all hut tho four Virginia votes went over to Tilden. Delewaro eviden tly presents its candidate with dif ferent feelings this time, and the certainty that he will not only go into the convention with a de cidedly greater following than he had tour years ago, but with at j least an average chance that lie |will be made the leader ofthedem- jocratic hosts in the important bat- ! tie of the year. Lucky Fisherman. MARRIED. By Rev. ,1. M. Smith on 13th inst. Mr. L. J. Hart, and Miss S. A. Y’ick- ns, all of Washington county. For President. Hon. T.F. Bayard, OK DKI.EWAKE. fyr Governor. !}o». |l. €% TMfrv, OF CHATHAM (’OI’inTY. ‘‘Democratic Convention.” Wo are authorized by tho Demo cratic Executive committee of the county to call a convention of the Party on tho lirst Tuesday in June next, at jLO o’clock a, tho .Court House, for the purpose of selecting delegates to reprosept the county in the convention in Atlanta, to send representatives to the Cincinnati con vention, to nominate a candidate for Prcsjdent of tho United States. Delegates to tho Gubernatorial con- yention will also bo chosen at the samq time. Let there ho a full at tendance and a free expression of opinion. To Days convention. From iippcimineos our people pro taking si lively interest in this meeting of t lie Denmeratie Party in old Washington county, every /listriet will lie fully represented, pjj<! the voice of tile people will be beard. All the candidates in the held liave their special and ac tive partisans; the canvass will be a warm one, and we believe will Result in the election of a Lester Delegation to the Gubernatorial eoijyentiqn and th * endorsement of Jfayard ns the Presidential cau date. OUR FISHING TRIP. OBjrtJARY Miss Ki.i/.a Lui.a Hodges. Daughter of Dr. II. (’. and Eliza R. Ilodgcs, on the morning of the lfttli of May, after some six days of intense siilforing was kindly released from pain and sorrow forevermore. She was born on tlie bill of May 1857, and lienee was at her death 23 rears and six (lavs old. foreclosed an law. 2. The money to secure which the deed was executed having been bor rowed by the debtor to purchase the very land thereby conveyed, there was certainly abundant equity in the bill. Tho debtor cannot retain both the money and the land. Judgement affirmed. Coston vs. Dudley, executor et al. Motion from Washington. 1. A decree in equity cannot be set aside on motion; but the object ion to tho remedy may be waived; and if a motion made to set aside a decree be argued without objection and granted, it is then too late to raise the question ns to the propriety of the remedy by motion. 2. A final decree cannot be en tered oil a bill as confessed until the complainant, or bis solicitor in his fniili One of the gayest parties ever on | 1UI four wheels left our quiet little city ou Thursday morning lust with hearts overflowing with joy, singing songs tlmjt made the iuock-|ret<i(lcn< ing bird seek the back woods, ami two fast steeds in front furnished by Rawlings Bros, bound for Wal kers mill, fourteen miles distant, our team glided along the road like a sail boat on smooth waters, not withstanding tho ups and downs l 1 " 81 ale that aim st capsized our promi nent man, Mr. J. 13. had he not last look at her culm, sweet face, clung to the seat like grim death, shrouded in a beautiful,rich costume, while the seat in the rear wasgrac- wl)ieh b1u *. 1 1 ,u1 uia,1 , e u ,few days bc- WTieu 1<> years <>l ago she confessed absence, shall have sworn that the Christ and was born lagain of water and of the spiiit, being 'buried wiili the Lord in baptism. I From Sniiirdny until Monday morning |her remains lay in state at her father's On ila 1 morning of the 17th Monday, the largo circle of friends and relatives began to congregate, and continued In come unlit all of the rooms of the Doctor’s house as well as the yard and surrounding premises were crowd'd by those who had learn ed to love this precious young lady, in days gone by. A few minutes >ven, the beautiful coffin con- Itnining her body was opened that the " relatives nijd friends might take tin ed with three prominent bright taped individuals, the two on the ends J. D. and L. M. were enter taining the crowd about a bottle of snake bite medicine tlmt was lost, mysteriously on the road, but it was the opinion of the majority of tho crowd that a snuko must have made its appearance when all got out mdl.Y halted about half a mile fr facts charged me hue, or iccoiding to his information and belief, must have been admitted to be tnie In tho dcfendei t, is an honest answer. Code JiL2.'.8. J i d- ment affirmed. Bi own. i dmiuistratix,vs. Groovei* Stubbs Sc Co. Uh ga ily, from Washington. 1. A case was tiied at the March term, ]87!>, ( I Washington Snporioi Court. At the same li im d( fendant mndo a mol lion for a new tiiul, which was lib (1 and Mined. A brief of evidence vr.s also till el sol j■ c-1 to the revision and approval ut the the court. Subsequently pluutifi’s counsel took it into liis posseion foi the purpose of examining the same, but was then asked to agree to it, and never promised to do so- Court was adjourned until the sec. oml Monday m June, lint the ad journed term was not held, on ac- foro her sickness, she lay like an an gel wrapt in sweep repose. When all present had taken their turns in looking at her sleeping dust, the remains were gently carried to n waiting carriage to ho conveyed tojeount of the sickness of tho judge her last resting place on earth. A At tho next regular term the bnel long lino of carriages filled with! was submitted for the revision and people ns well ns many on horseback Approval of the court, still not agreed and on foot followed iu the rear oi j upon by council. Tho court indor- tho slowly moving corpse. All li-jsod on the brief that it hud lor the THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR (; u 0 w 1 I ;V‘'A\’, ,l ' ;hi, ' Bt ,T’ ,?5 u "l y * „ ^ \\ neroas. Colcumu K. Pringle, Guardian, applies Tlijs, the best, the most reliable and most popular of southern agri cultural journals is issued from the printing establishment of The Con stitution. It is still edited by Mr. W. L. Jones, and is devoted to the best interests of tho fanners of the south. It is sent at reduced rates with the Weekly edition of Tho Con stitution. TEltMS OF SUBQORIPTION Daily Constitution $10 00 a year. “ ....GOO six months. “ .... 2 50 three months Weekly Constitution .... 1 50 a year. "... 1 00 six months. " "Clubs of 10, 12 50 a year. “ "Clubs of 20, 20 00 “ Southern Cultivator 1 50 " “ “ Clubs of 10, 12 50 “ " Clubs of 20, 20 00 “ Weekly Constitution and Cultivator to same address... .2 50 for one year. Address THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. for letters of Dismission from (lie (Imirdlunslilpof Amin V. Roberson, minor orphan of Robert Rob- crsOn, deceased. These nro therefore to cite and admonish ult and singular (lio kindred and creditors of said deceased to lie and appear at my office within the time prel scribed by law mid show enuso if any they have, why -aid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Snnderivllle, (his April 1st, IS80. C. C. BROWN, Ord'y. Washington Sheriff’s Sale. Will be sold before the court House door in the City of Snmlorsvllle Washington County, (In., with in the cgnl hours of sale, outlie first Tuesday in •lit no nest, tho follow lug property to-wltt: One lull f interest In twenty-four acres nfland ly. tug In Washington County t»a.. In nml near the vilageof Ulddlevtlle,bounded by the land of I. J. I’eler, on the north, Jesse Ilruwn on the east, Mrs Davis on the south, nnd Taylor street on the west, being half interest purchased of J. E. K'lilghum by w. C. Pulghum ou thellUth of Dec. IBS'". Levied onus the property of w. C. Fulghuin to satisfy one Justice Court h fus from tile IBM Dlst. (». Sf, two in favor nr s. S. Smith hearer, w. S. Tndnck transferree and one In favor of Holuoiuh, Hull fc co w.S. Trulnek, trnnsferfe, n-nlnst w. t'.l'ulglium. Property pointed out tiy trans.errce and legal noe dee given defendant 111 possession.—l.evles mad- nud returned bv C. It. Dudley, constable. A Me. MAYO npr -9th 1SS0. Sheriff w.C Get your Segars and Tobacco from A. Mathis. A nice lot of fresh Oranges, Lem ons and Cocoanuts at Z. H. Rough- ton’s. Have your prescriptions filled at . E. Houghton’s Drug Store. Go to Z. H. ltougton’s for tho best fancy candy 35c per lb. ' THE Telegraph & Messenger [Macon, Georgia,] for 1880-188I The present year is pregnant with stirring nnd important events. Gen eral elections are to be held for Na tional, State, and county offices, and the interest and excitement envolved by the contest will bo intense. Meas ures of the most vital character, also, WEEKLY Courier Journal. Representative Newspaper of the SOUTH. A Good Paper for all Sections. THE WEEK LEY COURIER-JOURNAL will bo sent one year, postage free, Two Dollars, which amount will include 1 a hntiHoiiH* premium lit the shape of a book or a knife, or vurious articles of use and beauty, as may be selected from oar printed list.**. A sample copy of the Weekly Cour* ier-.lonrnul and a circular containing the full linti of premiums will be *ent on application. isosr;:, !to the future ? t the country, such as mil. established in JKJ0; the Courier in 1M ?;uml Democrat in lsvtf. Its reputati n Is nutional, well as itn circiilalio •, an I it is proiioiinced one ''"'the modifications sought to be inaug- !!ii h m ated in our system of tinance, the tin- ablest and host ur ranged papsrs in I tin world : I m-niected revision of flip turiff nnr Its 11111II1T being i"<i (i iniIvml 11 ]iti'il to tin' Merchant.| V,J.,, V181UU 01 1,10 Girin, OW tin-1* 11 m 11■ v nmt ih ■ 1 iiniTiy cii U:. I nditn policy, etc., are to be discussed I before the people,aud every intelli gent, person should take a newspaper. The proprietors of tho Telegraph and Messenger to take on water at a cool and re freshing spring, and ns little Pat the Doctor’s lit use at tho old family burying groud. There in that sacred spot, besides We place to-day op); columns the at the bead of name, of Hon. Thomas A. Bayard of Delaware as our choice for President. Knowing him to be an honest mfvn and a pure Democrat, of the old Jeffersonian school, and we foci assured that should be be nominated by the Cincinnati eon- veptiqn be will be elected by the people in November next. For Governor we hoist the immo of lion. Rufus K. Lester one of Georgiqs favorite sons, a man of acknowledged ability, honest and brave, capable, and worthy, lie lias the e >nfaience of the people, and they will we hope honor him with the nomination fpt; lie will if elected make an ex cellent. governor. His firmness will give dignity to the position, and bis determination and expo enable him to discharge all the duties of chief magistrate of our glorious old commonwealth in such a manner as will merit and receive the commendation of all and while we express our preler- epptjs for Bayard and lor Lester we make war on no one—we are willing and desirous to do justice |o pH, and will cordially support to the best of our humble abil ity the nominees of the Demo cratic,party, let them be who they jnuy; we are wedded to its princi ples and wish them success. Utile Delaware Slears Business said, (who was engineering on the the slumbering dust, of YV. T. and T front sent with the driver) he! 1 *; fhjdgcH. fathevand mother of Dr. thought it was lost in a “rye field,’ where 1 lie spring was situated, we were soon aboard, beginning anew with a song by the quartette, YV. S., B. B., J. i)., L. M., and II. G., at 12 G o’clock we reached our des tination, met and cordially welcom ed by our big hearted friends, M. L. Duggan and Gharlos Walker, the latter being the young nnd ef ficient engineer of tho mill, who did all in their power to give en joyment to the party, the boys all repaired to the house cooled off and began work with the hooks lines and shot guns, everything wo/ked fine and all perched quietly on tho banks of tho pond, when suddenly tiro crowds attention was aroused by J. B’s. screams who was successful in hookiim a terrapin G. H, Hedges, we snwan open gravt ready to receive the sainted dust oi Sister Lulu. Aud us wo nil tried to sing,through choking siupathy: ••f’UtiT tliou want mild and lovely, Cienflo uh tin miiminer brir/j', Vlfunant as tlir air of evtnjiiiy When it floatm among the trruH. IVhitIuI Ik* thy silent Hlumhcr — I’f.icrlul in tin* ^rav<» rolow : Thou no more wilt Join cur imnihcr; Thou no more nurntmijs shall know. Yet again we lioju* to nn 11 tin o, when the day of life is ihd. Then in Heaved with Joy to grout tin t*, wilt ro no farewell tear Is shed.” As we sung this there were no dry eyes in the vast congregation. YVe thought unload how this great, mulli- lude loved her. In Iihv death the community has lost one of its bright ost gems, her family a deni sister and dutiful and conjidinj. child, and the church of Christ, al at Poplar Springs one of its most be loved members. Deilr sister now that thou art gone it well nigh breaks our hearts to tell tlieo “good-bye," time been submitted to him, uiiet i• t lmt, six months having elapsed, he suimIio comk'r-Jimruiii, #-.'u, imst .Hi' n was mmhle to certify wheth. r it waJ- x " «*;«V> l,1 « ™™vU>y«i h t,„;-.mivr (’hJcu iVoin Mtiuahud I t> k» of tin* lime, and a' rholct* Mi'h't'li**u "! Hit* haul nint'azincs or ilhistrn» tod iJurlotlirulM • t* tlu* « a.v lurnishc l iu ( <>nihina* tiou with tin* \VtM*kly fo a inuri? jiittiimv in adtll* ih n to tin* i»ri o of tlu* ( ourh r-Jonrniil ulom*. During; the iftnalnpi' of IS7lhliid through 1»(). tin* wi*« k'y Ut.urii'r'.lournil witljoiU nmnluniH, will It, sent to rluhf* of tlvu l)r uioropiT.-■huh lit $1.M» uach. al*U I’CfSoJved to fulfill ftll the juiiI lt»r rvrrx dhih «>! llvn tin* cluh niinn will In* rn-... a # i* n,,. « 1 . ments of their position by keeping joimml Company, but u llbcrul uisli vinniiilKsiuu nr I,,- nceiltl cable coi net or not, though he recognized!!"" 1 ' 1 * premiums win be Ktyen t.. person y .... ’’ . , r n a? * known to III* « oinniun ty they rt**hlu in who will lUK S OI t JlO COUlltrV* I.D6 COiT’UCtllUUS ul portions Oi it. ant as local agent*. Any onn whodt*.«in*H tonel and | iat in i xtiMit ing the ( imtlittion of n pin ity w hirh il may hr grurrully iratl. will, upon api Ii tlon la* Hipplird with an .'Lrunt’s out tit freu «>t' cl:urge T’or ►pieiincn ropic?*, clrruhtiH. etc , add it* Ho dismissed the motion for new trial, bicatiso no brief of evidence had beiu iiJed under the approval ,nut revision oi the court,as required by law: Held, that tho indorsement of the judge did not amount to an approv al of the brief of evidence. .i. s Jar,S, ttst AHew Piper tor Soys ini Girls i- world as fast as it can ho transmitted or the telegraphic They will also pure no pains to advance the inter- OplCM, YV. N IIALDK.YIAN, i’ri'sitlciit Ct urli'i'iJourmil < <>., Louisville, Ivv. en Slava# i;.STINT, & Ikstuctivk! Tin* vlcloiiH Htcruturc the day D runlng I lie children ot*nur country. As then* Ih nn h*gal means of checking the* lh»w of thin j olMtuoua loan tala, c\ cry ‘What and not knowing what it was, yel- but we would not call thee back t( ! ndnre the pains and sorrows of led out, boys, help ! help ! Come unhook him. By golly its a four legged fish,all was soon quieted, when another cry was heard down ihe branch, and thinking someone was pulling out trout, two or three of us were promptly on the spot, and found little Pat perched on a log, informing us at the top of his voice that he lmd a big bite, nevertheless Pat and bis standby (YV. 8.) were manipulating the book and line to perfection, as the tisli were captuied they were ban ded over to our cook, Anthony, who we kept busy cleaning and| Ml .'/y Vosloy TlllllK>r iU)(l grandson preparing tin; hi.-h for dinner, at one o’clock the command “come sorrows this life agiiin. So farewell thou friend of God, farewell thou friend of tho Bible, rest thee till tho last trump shall wake thy sleeping dust, then we will join thee in that, land where "Everlasting spring abides and never withering flowers” and will mingle our voices with thine iu God,s everlasting praise. J. M. Ammons Jr. May 2-1th 1880. DIED. Nathan Durden, aged eight years, apprenticed to Dr. II. C. 1 lodges, died on the — ult. YVillis Clayton, infant son of Ly ul ihe judge to tijq rove the hricl ul evidence liHUllii.y Hum thehichib uf tho muvuui in nut presenting ii ( Outlet' fur ii| ptovtil. Judgment uliiiimd. Go to Z. H. Rougiiton's for your i nice Confectioneries. A fine lot of pickles and canned goods such as Salmon, Lobster, Beaches, Pineapples, Potted Hams, Catsup, Pepper sauce, JAistard, Tomatoes, nnd Lunch Tongue, at Z. H. Houghton’s. Atlanta Constitution. During the coming year—a year that will witness the progress 11118 culmination of the most interesting political contest that has ever taken place in this country—every citizen uid every thoughtful person will he . •(impelled to rely upon the liewspa-juiKi ti.o<-iin-r tsin eihvaud s. im.i is cnit j of Air. \V. 1 itlie l(5th ult. Sliurling, died on lo dinner,’’ was given, and prompt aption ensued. Words could not! DEdSIGNS of SUPREME COURT PlI ILADELPHIA TIM ES. Little Delaware let all her en thusiasm loose yesterday when the democrats held their state conven tion an 1 unanimously presented Bavard for the presidential nomi nation. There is apparently no difference of opinion on this sub ject in Deleware. That state had the name of Bayard on its banners when it went to St. Louis four years ago, and it stood by its fav orite sou as long as there was any reason in doing so. v. n the first ballot the six delegates from Bay describe how well it was enjoyed, for desert we bad a discussion ns which was tho laziest man in (crowd, it was finally drawn down between two men, after which it was difficult lo decide, after our appetite had been settled everything was lovely. Our two rack shots II. G., and W. 8., took the boat and plowed the water in pursuit of game, and came back with a ci une that measmed six l'eet from tip to tip, and other rendered may 11th, 1880. the!{A^ridged/nr the. Telegraph Sc Meesen- ger by Hill Sc Harris, Attorneys at Law, Macon, Ga.) ' _i peciiilly in which it, so largely circu lates, anil v.bile advocating, with all die zi'id and ability they possess, tho principles of tho Democratic party, vill yet ] ui’sue a conservative anil moderate course upon all questions. A new dress, just purchased, will mako all of the editions handsomer than ever. Guv mammoth weekly eontid s sixty-four columns, ami is one of th.e best and cheapest publica tions bout.h of Baltimore. It will be made oven move interesting to far mers by the addition of an A(! U1C ULTUKAL DEPARTMENT d„.- .^4. lt 1 1 r' r ditad l>y General Win. M. Browne. artnt > Educatoi anil Guardian Th oles ir of History and Agriculture 111 the University of Georgia. iho terms of the Telegraph and Messenger remain unchanged, und are ns follows, payable iu advance: $10.00 Daily, six months 6.00 “G G L J) E N D A Y .8” L^ail.y, three months 2.50 will .iHitfiii it." 0110 A 0 !*'' 8-00 .« p(»nij) usk liim elf flic i|ii(*Kti;.ii is tlu* iH’Ht nidiiih of checking flio i*vil *'” Tho lies! tint Hole for hud leading in good reading CHID RUN WILL READ Aiiil*llii' duty of those linvhiK them iu clinrjje Is to, .... t'in-iii-li tlieiii with Wholesouie, on I :•>■( ni ui ux and 'Dilllv, OllOycar. Iiisti'iietive reU'ltiiK. such us will be given Iu number of "Ooi.ui.s Days.’, t'ndeivtund.s childhood. . J'O'MIK M'ieiids wiili shelclH * of ndvi linin', I ii.-lilviit- ! Sell I i- Weekly, bi.X lllOlitllH 1.50 of travel, w on ers of knowledge, humorous ar iele.- 1 linzzles.un i everything that Imys and n rls like. I f will not teaeli ehltdrcii to h come ruiiuwavs, thieves, hli'hwuymeii, Inirydurs, uml uutlaws, ’J'lie lirst Humber of “GOIjDEN DAYS” t'oiitaiiis the hegluuliigif two s|)lendtd stories. I he first is tty UAKUY CASTLEMON. Weekly, one year 2.00 Weekly, six months 1.00 Mo respectfully ask for a continua tion of the present generous patron age of the public. GLISBY & JONES* tied, -l'litH. snow And wAtkhj on, Lukin Tiir I.oxk Land. ’ 'GOLDEN DAYS’ will lu* catf i fully i‘diti*d, and will do ith utmost at axsint a 1 who have the intt rests of our youth in. heart; we iuviu* all to examine each number with | uuHpuiriLi^ criticism. Tsumber line is furnished! . - 7 . . a KiatuitoiiHly to all. lor sale In all News Agents. YV IlDlVllS, It IS THDOrtCcl to IUG bv Price Six Cents * * J JAM ES ELVEKSO.Y. VnhUsher, l'hlludeliihla, T F I! II S : .Supseript ioiis to "iloldeu Days” $;!.00 per annum | Bateman et al. vs. Archer. Equity, ! from Washington. 1. Where a debtor executed to his creditor an absolute deed to land, taking from liim nn agreement in writing to relinquish all claim thereto on the payment at a speci fied time time a certain sum of mon ey, nnd this agreement was cancel- celeil and renewed from year to year at each time the pers for information. Why not get the best ? Abroad The Constitution is recognized, referred to and quoted from as the leading southern journal as the organ and vehicle of tho best southern thought and opinion—and it home its columns are consulted for the latest news, the freshest comment aud for all matters of special and cur rent interest. The Constitution con tains more and later telegraphic news than any other Georgia paper, and this particular feature will be largely added to during the coming year. All its facilities for gathering the latest news from all parts of the country will he enlarged and supplemented. The Constitution is both chronicler commentator. Its editorial opinions its contributions to the drift of cur rent discussion, its humorous and satirical paragraphs, are copied from one end of the country to the other, it aims always to be the brightest and best—newsy, original and piq uant. It aims particularly to givi the news impartialy and fully, anil to keep its readers informed of the drift of current discussion by liberal but concise quotations from all its contemporaries. Ic aims, in short,: A to more than eyer deserve to be' known as “tho loading southern I newspaper,” Bill Arp will continueq ( i ) “{’ llllirklll,lml 1,1111 L ' mliu,1 ' s deceased. Fresh Cheese and Crackers on and ail the time atZ. H. Rougiiton’s Executive Department, State'of Ma, Atlanta,Ga.. April 14,1880®— the state treasurer that there is (now in treasury at least two hundred and fifty thousand dol- .. , 1 are more thtin will be required puyalilii in miviinri'. , ti.mi !'("• four months,„ii1 10 p. ly the principal and interest >i*tbonded debt of the state Ol charge. II nmiibir of Specimen conies of th- pa 1 j beCOIlIlUg’ UllC dlllTIlff the Clir- per, so that, with them, you can give your neighbor- 1 ■ n - buud a good canvassing. OUU (M R RATES. * ( > r £ W we will send four copies for one year to one luldrcHs, or cii 'li copy to a separate addreps. l'<>r ijejOwe will send eight copies to one audrebs, ’ an h cpy t«i ►eparute addresses. Tlie party who sends ns for a club of eight c pies (allsent at one time) will be entitled to a copy f|**ie. (iotters-up of clubs of eight copies can afterward add Mingle copies at jjri.30 each. .Money should be send to us eigthor by Dost Office Order or Uegifttcml Letter, so as to provide ub far as possible ugaiast its loss by mail. j rent year, and all annual chari ges against the treasury; and, YVliereas, Said sum can be ad* vantiigenusly applied to the re* ‘^dciuptioii of the outstanding four per cent bonds of the state, and perhaps, of bonds bearing a higher rate of interest; and believ ing it to be for the best interest of the state that such disposition should be made of the surplus in the treasury, it is ORDERED, that the treasur er be and lie is hereby authoriz ed to redeem to tlie extent of said sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars the out«anding Remember you can get at B. E. Rougbtou’s Drug 8torc all kmd$ of .School Books. GEORGIA—YY"ashington County By C. C. Brown, Ordinary. .Sullivan iipplies for letters of ad- 111 iiiiritrntion on the estate ul Lydia M. Sullivuii, lute of sul . county, deceased. r nre therefore iu cite and admonish all lUidjlOlir percent bonds and SUCll OtnCf valid bonds of the state, not due,as J ... it" ue uml appear lit my olllce witliin the lime pre- ’ ui im, aLiiLU, iiu to contribute Ills uuique letters, leribeil by law und show cause if any they have, ivhy'rnn he r f >rlpK>mK.rl n t mr which prow in savor v bun or week b\ saitl ivttvr ^ "lmnRl > 10t te granted. ' * icuetmeu at par. ^ , o-f V ? ' (liven under my baud m office iu SaiicUrsville. AlFRFI) H Coi week. "Gld Si ’ will add his quaint this May s, isso r> , , .1 .... ... Mill' t'.tli It fy I' ilUAmxi / 111!........ I H \ r I •. GOO l*t1 I* liV , . .. . — payment should game, too numerous to mention. bave bceu ma de. by the debtor, a Night was falling on us fast, butjbill in equity by the creditor, recog- onr bright tire gave the same ap- sizing the deed as an equitable pearance as day.igU, at 12 o'doc, t ^ Z Jill decided to letiie to tlieii viitU"^nioiiiit due, tbiit Lis equity of re- ous couches, (cotton seed,) after nldemption lie forever barred and few hours pleasant repose we werejGredosed, was not demurrable up- uowo w >VCCJV uuu WJiUllim awakened bv L M and J. B. If" t gr ° U ,' ,d tbat the complainant best aud fres hest matter lo be found awakened in B. iu ana o. u. f hftn nmple common law remedy.| in anv othfil . W( ,„ h1v w ^, lv fmTn „ still discussing the lazy question. The contracts to reliuquiuquish bj M. L. 1). aroused the boys at 3 u. d* 0 creditor, being executed at dif- ! a C. C. UHOwN, Oilimiry i'uuto tlie collection of 'good things, and "Uncle Remus has in prepara-L K0K( . u _ Wttsl|ing ’; n Coilnty> tiou a series ot negroes myth legends! whmusj. t. Tuutun, Uuurdiun, npplies t<-> me illustrating the folk-lore of the old f, ' om thc ° r i Tlmse are therefore tn cite nml admonish all cou- |t'ernt-il. tfi be ami appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause if any they can, why said letters should not Lo grunted.’ Given under my bund ut office in Sandcrsville, this April 1. 1SS0. C. 1. BROWN. Orrty. plantation. Iu every respect The Constitution for 1880 will be better than ever. The YVeekly Constitution is a car- fally edited compendium of the news of the week and contains the in any other weekly weekly from b .) j daily office. Its news and miscelln- h-■ mucous contents are the freshest and i, and all started out with renewed Gjent times from the deed, were'.its market reports the latest GIN UtUIA—WuKUington Comity. Wliercns, M. G. \voniL Sen., Adiu’r on estate of Johnson, tleeVl applies to me for letters of Dis- COLQUIT. By the Governor, G'ovenror. J. YV. Warren, Sec. Ex Depart- men . NOTICE TO .BONDHOLDERS, State of Georgia, Tres’r Deparment, Atlanta, Ga., April 14 v 1880.—P® r * sons holding four per cent or otb«r bonds of the state ‘ of Georgia, not due, can have them redeemed at pat on presentation at the treasury, or ft* the National Park bank, New Yorki n mission from said estate. These are therefore'to cite and admonish all p sons concerned, to. be mul aii) (farat my office wiiii-lu, fl lo omrmnf of ft9.P0 fiflfl in tlm time prescribed bylaw, and show cause, it; me any they have, why said letters should not he grun- t d. (liven under my huudut offi. e in Sandcrsville tlii- .March la, l>fO. v O. (J. ltmJw.N, Ord’y. ' J. YY'. Renfroe, treasurer, ipr 27, i860—tf