The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, October 26, 1880, Image 2

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National DriJimisMc Ticket. E-x«cu-! The Atlanta Fair. Editor Mercury.—In the special car IMPORTANT. The Stale Democratic tive Committee request every Dem- i p rov - ( j e( j b y Hon. E. 1 J . Howell ocrat paper in Georgia to print the u f Atlanta, for the members of the following Electoral Ticket, as it is Battery bearing his name, under FUR PRESIDENT, Gen. Winfield S. Hancock, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, Wc H. ENGLISH the correct one; For President of the United States WINFIELD H. HANCOCK For Vice-Pret-id -nt, WILLIAM H. ENGLISH. For Electors for President and Vice- President of the United States, JAMES C. C. BLACK. RICHARD E. KENNON, SAMUEL D. hr ad well, J.W1LLIAM HAUmSON, CUISTOPHEU C SMITH, LAVENDER It. RAY, JOHN I. HALL. REUBEN B. NISBET, THOMAS W. AKIN, SEABO N,RF.ESE, WILLI AM*E. SIMMONS. the command of C«pt. Hermann, your correspondent took his seat with the ‘‘boys in gray, "on last Mon day afternoon to accompany them to Atlanta to participate in the general jollification gotten up by that crack company, of that city, the Gate Cit\ Guards, and to unite with them "to shake hands across the bloody chasm '' with ‘‘the boys in blue, that wore ex pected” from various quarters of our gallorious Union. Very little noteworthy occurred on the journey. Good feeling expressed m song and jest appeared dotuinani until about the midnight hour, when our venerable looking friend Bob T. from the Tabernacle district, gave OF INDIANA. Foh Con’urkss—Eighth Dipt. fan. jl. ffkpto, Political- S'lum the rec 'lit elections in Ohio un i Indiana, and their iv- FulugberoiniiiK known all ovei the country, a singular calm has pervaded tin* whole political hor izon and foretells the approach" ing storm. Both parties are marshaling their forces for the tight, understanding lull well from recent developments that the final struggle on Tuesday next will be a mighty one, every doubtful Stab- will be strongly contested utid victory will be with them who work tin* hardest, who never sleep, but early and late battle with the hosts of the enemy. “Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty," let inj re member it and get not weary but keep striving for the right ami become the Metropolitan city of the South. Occassional. Oct. 22d 1880. At the residence of Mr, II. D. Adams, on Thursday morning last the .21st. by Rev. Geo. C. Clarke, II. C. Ito-ghtou keepsn fine let of Mr Charles M. Adams aucj Miss fruits on hang, _j Belle G. Wells. .NORWOOD and RANDAL A REVOLUTION franklin My Dear Mo—Have you heard any thing right lately from our old friend 2rsrfi„." ; s'Jt’SKi a- i*** «* «;■' i never saw n horse run as slow in all my Rom n .> qu irter and g v.- ore .« horn existence. Homebody said they be-more to the yard. o7 inches to i lieved it was a Jockey race, that was the yard at McCarty’s understanding for Tom to get heat. You read all the papers Me, have you Been McCarty’s empty Dry Hoods t.-oxew would pave the road from Bauders- ville to Teunille. anything that leads you to think thnt Tom sold out to that Colquitt Atlanta Auoubta Stoue. Coconuts at Z. H. Roughton’s. Icvident signs of distress, ^ho having $G,000 t per month The participated to a generous exteut of Store and McCarty still restless, come t bo jrood cheer provided by the con- n. vemcntly located hostelry under the , ., „ . i it it ..... .. t ear shod in Mucon. Groans issued AtblrchS to Indiana Democrats. from Lia manly broft8t> imtil AnMy Indianapolis October 15.--Tin he exclaimed that the cur was too Democratic Executi.Committed"" 111 h , 0 ‘ d h '®* lik « “ ie boJ > , . . ,, servant ot the Black Crook ‘ho \yun- have issued the following address;\ { fo go home) - but be rfidu’t. To the Democratic and Itulependen At an uarly hour on Tuesday morn- Voters of Iudiania: The rcsiijtof tln 'ing we arrived iu Atlanta whereC'apt election of last Tuesday is a deep re-1Liowell ruceived the company vvarm- . , . . e ,i ly and escorted them to the camp ret to us all, The extent of the * ^ for tboro at the head o. sucess which tho Republican pai ty peach-tree street, a memorable spot has ncheived in this State is as much of tiie sanginuary days of ’04. Break- i surprise to tho H publicans as i‘, isjfast over tho boys scattered ull over to the Democrats, amlJ proves that rejuvenated city until at 9 o’clock . . . , „ loot even a corporals guard could be the maj inty of tho K publican 1 iou„cl in their touts, where your cor- ty woro as ignorant of tho means|respondent and Judge JJ. of out Central Committee? Somebody said that, if Tom would have lmd 3 more weeks to If you wish any Desiccated Cocon- tix up and limbered his joints that he send to Z. H. Ronghton’s. would have heat Alpli all hollow. Well L dil hope so. Well Me there is Wanted some one to build a turn one thing I do know and that is,,pike road from Sundersville to Ten- a follow whose name begins with uille, McCarty will contribute his In the Dry Goods Market, Just receiveda CONSIGNMENT of GOODS which iuUBt be sold. *M*iJS'DE8T E TIE Bargains ever offered in Sundersville in that line. Calicoes 41-2 to 5c. per yd. Dress Goods for 7 1-2 cents and upward, Irish Poplins best qualities 20c per yds. Other goods in proportion. My Stock of Clothing cannot be surpassed in any Market for stylo, selaction and price, and Ladies furnishing goods at reduced rates. Gent* •mpty Dry Goods boxes to make it. the prefix, conjunctive “Nor,” need’lit to sidle up to Alpli Col quitt and try to run with him. That tiling has been demonstrated, f the Soutlli twice in my own knowledge, —__— Have you beard bow Crawford J Republicans and Democrat s When yon want fresh Flour go to Z. H. Roughton’s and call for Cream county went yet? I expect though sdidute and support MeCurl) in ins ' * ‘ jr cavil Colquitt is ‘Low price cash syst.f in.” which their corrupt loaders were em ploying as wo were. Tho temporary loss of our 8late is a calamity which time will enable us to retrieve, but the injury which our free institu 1 ions will nmtuin re sulting from the frauds and corrup tion practiced by the Republican lea, ders to secure their triumph, iH ii cal culable. Tho cause which enabled the Republican party to succeed in the beyond doubt or Governor, You reckon completely “vindicated he feel 1 mean! Thk Auuijsta Stoiik. Don’t forget you can get the lies Mr. Colquitt. But Me Mr. Nor-'^|j ee80 Z. H. Houghton’s. we feel confident that Democrat" e'action, are n >w plainly the parti d id Principle will prevail, that the frjends of our honest govern ment will succeed in their efforts to do away with sectional strife, find that Hancock and English the candidates of tho National Democracy will he triumphant ly elected and on the fourth oT March next jituid the shouts of millions of American freemen b inaugurated as the Chief Magis trates of the American Union. Hon- John N. Gilmore, Can didate for Judgeship. The many friends of the Hon J. N. Gilmore of our city, were gratified to learn last week that lie will be a candidate for tin Judgeship of the Middle circuit at the mooting of the next Legis lature. Col. Gilmore who l;a represented the 20th senatorial district in the Legislature, foi four years so veiy acceptably as well as efficiently, and who as Mayor of our c.ty for the past seven years (re-elected every year,) lias elicited eiicomiumsl from all of our citizens success of tlu}r uohcino to African ize our Htnlo for political purpoFf, 1 ), tho corrupt use of money for tho pur pose of obtaining votes; the imports* Mon and use of repeaters protected by deputy marshals, and tho aid de rived by them from the mo of the Federal machinery of election, nn der the pretense of supervising the lection of members of Congress. Ii the presidential election wo will not have t) encounter these forces to the same extent in our Stu'o. The cor ruption fund willjluivo to ho divided among many States. Their repnit- rs willfho all at home,] and|tho*e?of t iciii who were discharged from the arrest of d puty marshals on straw bail will not bo likely to Jmqbo thcln appearance in our State soon again Wo shall have no Fed. ml marshals or Federal machinery to contend igaiaut.. We are thoroughly united in our counsels. Whatever our ad- .’oi'Hiirius may h ly to the poqtrary is untrue. Wo therefore],:.ill upon] jon not to relax any of your efforts. Put some new life and energy into youi <:t uaty and township orgauiz itions md take ulPmeaMiroH in your pow- , 'ur Induing out you. 1 full strength ti regard- „ ‘ * , , , . tho polls, less of race, color or previous' 1 The samo vole polled by us in county lmutod for them. At about 11 o’clock I made my way uu tho street car for the Fail grounds about 3 miles from the city where I expected to see a great dis play uf the agricultural, mechanical ami industrial produeti ms of the great Stale of Georgia ut the Stale Fair oi tho Georgia Agricultural Society. But what a distipp >intniem met me on entering Agriounnru. ilall, a lev turnips, fewer radishes, a Oox ul' sweet potalues and a box ut large ears of corn, willi a few s.alks ol' cotton, was the extent uf the dis play. It this collection was intend ed as a burlesque uu the Agricultu ral Department of the Fair Assueiii' lion, it wiih a grand success, bu it was a stupendous fail ure. Industrial Hall fared uo better, while the musical iustrumoutp, sew ing pniehines and spool thread oxhi- uuiou was creditable, every thing else .vus iq tally a failure, with the agri cultural part of it. An enterprising ■>unp manufacturer had reared a sol id comma of turpentine soap, reseur ohng tue UoelisX iu New York, ii minature, and unequally enterprising ruggist exhibited a half dozen good sized glass jars of pills of variou- euiors, apparently sufficient to drug the whole populutiuu of Georgia for the next twelve months, In Mechanic Hall u few western wagons eastern buggies and Louis vine mule plows, were the ixteut of ln.t department. ' I began to moral ize on Inn mi-nomer of tho Associa ion. We hear so much of tho Geor gia Agricultural Society, established tor the fostering of Georgia Agricul lure and Modi nie Arts, and ut he> . xhibitio.i, isseuiho little evidence < its liuitr.Tuore is something radically .vfoiiy jq all tiiis. The itrowd op i'liesday on tho Is was m crowd at all, perhaps twenty livi mimlrcd or tln-ee thousand persons presont. At about *2 o’clock tho Ai- i.nta military organizations with iheir miliary guests from variour parts of the Union marched into the circle of the nice course, where they wood Legislators have got a lick ut Alfred yet. If he dont ask ‘we’ Norwood hoys to the first table at his inaugural supper and don’t hoot lick us with plenty of good old Bourbon and good sugars. We are going to prefer articles of im peachment against him and of course Tom being next will come in. Well Me talking about run ning did you ever see a fellow just quit, the earth and fiy like 1 did. »Vell Mo that was the first time I ever was a candidate before in my life, and just think in the year 4880 I received 1,880 votes. Me that’s a sign of something sure as you lire horn. That thing ne\\ or Happened before Duo the world was made, l got tin jump on cm m the lUjd, out cf 17!) i got 171! Those 8 that l failed to get was three electioneering against me from other parts, mid they like to tavo voted tor me, over at ltiddle- villo and Josey’s \V. 1*. and 1 run icck and neck, they said we look ed like two steers running away through a pea field, Down at Da- visboro I got up and left W. I’, up to Smidorsvillo we fiy and it? nip and tuck. Uqt to Peacock’s and Robison’s X Roads 1 and Judge “Y” kinder hold l>aek to blow |V little, and Cnpt. R. and Squire W. I*, get down to their knitting, hut we strike out into Wammoek's (may the good Lord bless every woman, man mid child with good cane, corn and cotton crops for the next 99 years in good old Wummoisk) out of 9i votes, the nominees get 91; back to Oconee, mid we are 200 to4o. Up to Hebron, around to Tabcinaele, through Tiger, into Clays. At Catos, we nominees sorter stop to sponge, but wc are now making down the home stretch, at Giles six o’clock and the great race is won. Lexington an I’arolo have won tiie Washington Hurdle llm.r dicup. One man won olbs tatuly Jibs ginger sehnaps, 2 harmoni cas, 4yds ribbon, on my letidin tho race. 1 lost a $0 hat, but was perfectly w i ling to pay up, Til secrect of my riming so outrag- MoCarty the rattler, has hustled high prices from our midst. Shoes and Boots At prices that will astonish everybody. A full line of Mats lower than >r offered in this market. I keep on hand a full line of NOTIONS Piece Goods, such as Cassimeres. NYqter Proofs and Jeans at very low figures. Examine my stock and convince yourselves. Call at J „ct 6,—3m Greenwoods Store. See Sign of JVew Cheap Store, 5o pr yd Elegant Cjill^oos, McCnRy’H. 5c pr yd 3-4 heavy shirting, Tho Au gusta Hhqre. (i 3-4o pr yd 4-4 heavy sheeting, Mc Carty’s. 3c each linen Embroidered collars, The Augusta Store. 1800 Neck Ties every hue, McCarty’s, 11)00 prs Hosiery good 5u., Tho Angus- a Store. 2c each 10,000 papers Bins, McCarty’: lc per pack 10,000 l’ueks It i n. , I'in Augusta Store. 500 Yds good spool Thrual fur 5c. McCartys. 10,000 Yds Embroidered Friugs 2c ii i .50, The Augusta Store. U .oil cloqks $2.50 (it McOarty'B. tmmoiise, 2700 yds ribbons, The An justa Store. lc each Neck Rutiles at McOirtys. 2 car loads boots and shqes, The All gustu Store. 1500 Ladies’ Trimmed Hats Fashion- d»le 37c to 5.00, MeG’irty's. 10,000 Hem'd llau'kfs huge .izu 4c ■jooli, L’lie Augusta Store. 10 liales Plaid Homespuns 8e per vd M •o.rty's. Shoes of the Ia st grade'. solid leather every pair vuirrniileit and money reinn ied for those tlint break. Everything » md people pi'utecteit against High pace, by Mc’cakty’s Auuusra Sron; oct 1‘j, 1880—3m Where Was Moses TO BURN? tutt-T wo will prncued'with the A R GROt 'Eiri .'and VARIETY As this isn’t a votv inmoitaut m.- tiet-' Tliar at SPARKS pol'l !. STORE, you will litui prices t< deft com petit tot'.. Bacon, Flour, Lord Moil, Gti-I, Syrup, Muluses. Sugar, : ofii*. Rice, t ic t i-vyButter. Teas, Spice, Hams, C’nmuil goods ot all kinds, Mackcrul, Onions, fotatou. Apples, Confections, Peanuts, Drugs, &c. FURNITURE Consisting of Room suits. Bureaus. Safes, Bcmlstoaels and Chairs, 1 have also added to my s in k a uomplcto line of Staves i xtmi'tg Ul i kc» sure and examine them it you waul p on hand a full lino of good. iously last,was every tioic I would pass a corner the bud hoys, would Oriing. s, Oranges, Quangos at Y, ti ilougiltoii’b. You can get fish by the 1.2 barrel l 4 barred or KilsulZ. 11. Roughton’t All kinds of Canned goods ut Z II. R.aighton's. FOR SHERIFF, We are luilliuilzcd to announoc tin mime of GEORGE W. PRINCE as 1 candidate for the office of Sheriff o, H asliington county, at tho ensuing elec tion in January next. te FOIL SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as n eamli- lato for Sheriff of Washington county, thu ensuing election in January next. Should I be elected I shall discharge tin duties of the office with fidelity. A. H. TRAWICK. condition, possesses unusual, . F „ . . M , , _ „ . ... . ».,-a /• 'Ovjtubur nollutl hi iv>vemboi \\i»* i .v^ro reviewed by Gov. Colquitt tuui administrative abilities loi ou,J L ecm . e to U3 the state. Tho average Lieu. Hunt, of tho U. 8. army. The,- . . of his years and is well qualified | ;ii - i)rit} , a „ |lillHt lu llt tbo i, lto 0 | c0 . | .mlitury made a Bplendid appearauce,| sll »g ulto old Nimrod wit.) u great for the position lie is aspiring to. liou wi (j n ° t t ^ Cttw i 54 000, and iun\ l M l HfC “ ,1 J r tll0l ‘ lUl . ru P ! ialan . x ' wLo . in which wewish him all success We in common with tho people of Washington county take givat pleasure in recommending him and his claims to the mem bers of our next General Assem bly. |>vure tho old Coiitineutul uniform, of fall below that figure, luis limjoi ily |velvet knee breeches, yellow top can, and, in oar opinion, will bo ov-juoots, buff ves's, largo shirt frills, oreoiue in the presidential election, long tailed blue coats, with facing, t change of three votes in each pre cinct will accomplish it. Remember you have a leader in his contest who never sounds a n - Judjre R. L. Rodgers AVc stated in our last issue that our former estcc.ncd fellow citizen Judge R. L. Rodgers, of Atlanta, would be an ffpplicqnt tor the office of Principal Keeper of the State Penitentiary. Since then wc have learned fhal he would apply for the office of State Librarian, ipstead of the former office. We trust he may receive the appointment. He is in eveiy respect well qualified to discharge the duties of the impor tant trust, and we feel no hesitancy in saying that the Governor could select no better man for the place His friends in this county would be gratified to hear of his appoint ment and we hope such may be the case. uuU the customary cocked lint with various colored plumes ju them, Mnjor Brown of that command told your correspondent that the oldest member pi'iueut was 74 years treat, and who^commauds an artnv jau l tho youngest over thirty. 1 A company from Detroit Mich. thr O' gued] -over surrenders, W. II. English, T. A. Hendricks, J.gE.^McDouul 1, Frauklyn Laiidpm, Win. F.fining, J. M. Cropsey, O. O Slentloy, Exeunt j u C iiurnittoe. James II. Rice, Secretary. lug buggy trace. As Judge Youngblood, would observe *“i never was us far ahead in my life before.’’ Yours Norwoodisbly Randal Franklin. Sun Hill, Oct., 10th, 1880. FOR SHERIFF. 1 Hereby utmoiicc tlmt I ni)i it cun fiiiliite for (lie office of Sheriff of Wusl ingtou comity, unit respect filly solicii the suite rage of the voters of .-11 id comi ty ut the next election. I am still in race, any stutemenis or repoi is te the contrary not withstanding. O. A. Roimhton. Hollow-UITar© Tinware, Hollow, ware, Tinware, Crockery aud Glassware, TOBACCO, CIGARS &, SNUFF. Chewing and Smoking T Imcco, Cigars, Pijica, Snuff &c, HARDWARE, Plows. Plow gear, Spun Yarns, etc. The above iitiined goods are kept Constantly on hand and my stod kept up by daily receipts of fresh goods, Cull aud examine for yoe selves and he convinced that these are solid facts. ON EAST SIDE BRgAD ST. Sept. 28. 1880, Sin A. S. SPARKS, SAN DERSV1 LLE,G A. S. Fannie Jernigan hti opened a JYotion Store next /< JEliJVIGAJX ? S JEWELS The most beuutnu. collection ol Ladies’ Clouks, Shawls, Dress Goods and Fancy goods ever exhibited be tween Savannah and Macon ut MoGauiy’s Auuubta Store. uid one from Washington City elici ted unbounded ivppluuse from the spectators on account of their spleu-j idnl ilrill and m trehiug. 1 Horse racing f dlowed tho review STORE ROO,V| FOR bALE. trill be sold on the first j J J A Tuesday in December next 111 Cf A good Store house 21 feet wide, and 30 feet iu length land as I take no stock in that sport I wan u lot book of it 2(5 feet iu width il returned to the c.ty 011 the steam laud 49 feet long. Also a vacant lot ad- cars, which rail oveiy 15 minutes toji 0 iuiug sui.l house ou the west, 24 feet I ... 1 V.-mn 11,.. ..t 1 Wide and 87 feet length. The vacant lot unl fiom hue y. krill do to build a geo l store home on, \\ edttusd'iy seems to have ucon|«itnn,fc e d 0 u the north side of the Public considered, by general consent, as Square. 'the gulladav of the occasion. The! ROUGHi'ON & SMITH. ■ oet 20, 1880-td" Factory Sheetings and Shirtings huge number of strangers cumin, on consignment at, McCarty’s, wo will imo the eity ou every train, from sell at maker’s prices and would In Jiffereut sections, j pleased to supply the throughout tho county, same figures t piece. merchant? I 10 county. \' e qnotsijj 0 j- a pleasant afterno to consumers by the . J The Augusta Store. | where people jostle each other Jtures illustrating almost everything in re ot tue day at jgfcuc-ra). Knell number ooutuins many where jterhaps 18000[short stories and sketches, a Children’s appearance of New York on tlu Tttoon, SHE WILL KEEP OX HAND ALL THE TLVE ZEPHYR, HOSIERY, NEEDLES, ZEPHYR NEEDLES, TOW® HA N KERCH I EES CO MltS, HUTTONS, PINS, SOAPS, CANVAS^ ZEPHMl WORE DOLLS, TOYS, MARULES, RALLS, FINE it COi MON CANDY, SL\ TES, PENCIL, PENS, HAMBURG EDGING, h For Tux Receiver. We announce the naino of Mr. M. Arnau for Tax Receiver for Wash ington county ut the ensuing electioi m Jau. next. Friexdb. FOlt TAX RECEIVER. I respectfully announce myself to the voters of Washington county as a caudi date for the office of Tax Receiver at the ensuing election in January next. BEN. (PHIDDON. Fans, and Gloves, COME AND SEE HOW CHEAP I WILL SELL Boot and Shoe ifw IIOW TO SAVE $20.1 You can do it by buving# 1 ’ 1 class. SEWING MAClt IN K, 6> Jernigan and pay the cash f |irl1 If yon want good Sugar ami REIN MA RT rc a r.cciJ fce g° toZ - H - Bougliton’s. FOR TAX RECEIVER. We are authorized to announce (he name of HENRY P. BA UK. DE- DALE as a worthy candidate for the (|fi. of Tax Receiver >.i Washington county, at tiie ensuing deed u in January next. every step. The featun Stihsuribo for The guve^Atlantfi, tlu- |(|ustrated Family Herald A 21 page Monthly paper published by True 1S1 Go., Augusta, Maine, at $1 at I per annum. The Herald is tilled with good reading for old and young, with pic Nkw Youk, October 15.—The following was received last night at the headqnrters of the Demo cratic National Committee; Indianapolis, October 14.—To Hon. Wm. H. Barnum: In this contest we have encountered the resources of the whole Republican party of the United States, and suffered a temporary defeat. In November we shall encounter only the Republican party of Indiana, without the machinery of United States deputy matshals, and con fidently expect to carry the State. [Signed] Wm. II. Enulisit. Mtrr.meut devoted to TJie Dend l 4 ettop Office. Washington, Oct t5.—There Fair ground were 3,353,651 letters and packa-jpeople wore assembled was a sham-1Department, ges received at the lice the last fiscal number, 2,700,000 ^ __ _ i local post-offices because nacltumedjjand hungry, looking around for & 290,000 held for postage; ‘202,000 good position to view Utc processiou| llbove j, U j, er -with 12 beautiful Ghromos were mi-directed tious [ftddre&ses were not addressed 974 letters were contained drafts,|portunity of witnessing this rare ch of ed money FOR TAX RECEIVER. The Iriends of J. P. Kiddle an nounce him as a suitable jutsmu to fjU the office of Tax Receive- id Wash ittglon county at the ensuing January election. _ ,, • 1 i'ii ,“1 t u„ 1 • 1 D.stributorB of theLnngleyGrau- iccks, notes, etc., of a face value parade, which represented the |u»a tolvil j aud Enterprise Factory pro- r®l 526 217- and 26,264 contain- tur y H the crusaders 111 twelve I )il ( ls :duct8 same price as at the office. , ’ ’ .. . ao AQ8 Space forbids to give an extended Wm. A McCarty & Co. I money amounting to 49,438.1 11Q . Atlnntn . Best buniiiesff now befoiflli Yon evil iimkf tuouvy work for iik il uu »t CaRitol not rcquiietl G. A. fully informs tlv- citizens’ ol Washington and adjoining conn- t,i, that he Inis opened tt Boot and StioH shop in Sandcrsviiic, next door to Pringle & Orr’Si^Xre to wirkifS?m’f store oil 11 1 V llo's Vii-.r u h.-i.. li,.; c (i ,1 t , l‘‘ v oti-boiir whole time toglic '' or *'.j POSpiM-tfully solicits the patr(>ll-('y ,,u neu-lv b« well. No one w lllnr l« ,i.„ 1. ,ji„ _ i , 1 full to matte cmirmoun p»y by cngn(?i n s _ ag 1 of the Id dies !t rid gentlemen, to-tly Outiil and ternm free. A great tart you. $12 « warilh nii,du ut Lome All work done in the best stylei fur “ u “« and of the beet material. ! - . '-77, ju'y 6 tf ! Flower Plantsfo.r 5aJ ‘ ed Don’t f.irget that his moved t.i one ytuiv.s next lu Greet '•van w uevn For Tax ttcrclvor. The friends of K. J. N. Walde.n 1 announce him as a suitable ctiudi- dule for Tux Ueciver at, tin- oiisuing election in January next. Many Votekb. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce that I urn a oandi- Gold Great chance to mak money. nt**-U a jn rsoii in* ••v.try U’ tul;• -ut jpMniio t >r tin* Inf p; i it-- lihistratfii Li.- i!Y :•!•)-;i. GiuD iu I ho woj ].L \ny uffr < :tu Iltkiic a nucctt^s- »u! ulg ; r. six ••leKunr works oi’urr ^iwn iree i>* i-ui>seribor«. 1 hu i>«h*c •»» l> \v Hut • i»• *.*i crerv- bouly Buhscnbud. ' «k* reporta 120 Kubncribefs in a day. A lady agent reports in .kin over %2(X) clear prolit in ten days. All who engage make money fast. Y^»U‘ ttn devote all your tinn to the linkin'or onlyyobr spare time. You need not be away rom borne over night You can do it as well as others. Full directions and toruis free. Klegnnt and expensive Outfit free If you want i * r m , profitabl'A \yoik send uh your address at onee. date for tne omce of Tax Receiver aud costs nothing ‘ * “ * 1 to try the business. No one who respectfully ask the support of my friends T»K a 8<x fait» t»» make- limit pay. Address and the miblic at the ensuine- Uk ‘*' u1e ST,!isoJi & Co - ‘’ortland, Maine. turned to its owners. description ot this part of Atlanta’s' sw ’ Iter Most of the property has been re-| Rrandegt attraction, provided for Candies received every day at Z. and the public nt the ensuing election,to beheld on the first Wednesday in Janu- _ ury next. If eleoted I will endeavor to disclinrge faithfully the duties of the of fice. Respectfully, 1 JNO. C. PACE. Sundersville, Oa., sept 14. /. H. iWht.J |; ‘ uc l°t°f Fuchsias Fine 1 ble Flowering Geranium Fine lot of Gloxinias, Fine lot Tube Roses, Dole ( deria i ubiilora ol van kinds arul China Finks o all tiie different varieties.^ Prices from ia cents to * 1 Those fine Photograph* Ferrotypes taken still at UJf stand. T.C.O0 •••"'*', " « a week In ynura\<;n tu,vu - ,, uii^ rl«r It mb-r. tf vou waut» cb persona of ‘.we V You will finil the boat nickel Cigars in. town nt H, V, Roughton’B, ;llv0 vibi.trs I concuircd with|H. Roughton’s 20 to 35 ctsper lb many visitors, that Atlauta progressive city is fti jq ct Roughtou has a fine lot of fresh destined tO'Rasins, Call and see him, McCarty of The AugUbta Store, says he will beat the prices of the makers in ready made clothing, Irish Potatoes at Z. H. Houghton's- Immense, McCarty’s stock for the Fall, The Auoubta Store — : Mct’artv adds tif« 1 feet to his store and requires still mote. Go to H. C, Roughton’s to get_ your corned beef and fresh mackerel. which persons of eiiuw’"J r jte pay all the time they work. . If you want to save J 0 * 1 d trouble of going aroun ^ goods to see where you c » cheapest go to Z. II- once for he sells ConfeM 10 Family Groceries cheaper., house in town, So say 8