The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, January 04, 1881, Image 3

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m m One dose of H, H. P. will cure that Headach e'J.. ;QiIk> jgj Wo have bought out Ho wop Ar- . illfr vto shoot a few rounds for tho Mercury tbi« vouk, anti introduce it Jo nD w subscriber", there is no mis- take about it wo nro looming. A liappv now yo u 1 to nil, is tho J. of your f.mml, theMurenry. w».ru ah ‘ho go in tho oily lost WcIhomIh^ Suii'lerdVillo can beat any place it, Color In the Cabinet Although but little ha.-, said during the past few relation to tho dor ored Republicans Generai Garfield’s mcr , has been no diminution of lbel'wl on thosubj eef There has also been a good deal of work nor formed inn quiet way, for the im pose of raising the necesearr amount of pressure. J All the objections urged by Ro- republican Btatcmen mid politicans have been promptly and ably met lhe demand of the back Republi cans is based (inequity. They show that to their iealty General Gar- lickl owns his election. They show that the Gcrmnn Republicans have been distinctly and conspic uously recognized in the disposal ot patronage. They call for equal ly *'»!r treat ment, and tney threat en to use the balance of power in Uieii possession for the destruclion oi the party if they aro denied their request. The matter will soon be Grand Jury drawn to nerve 1st icnek . d.«a after Christmas Sold by B. E. Houghton. A CARD t,i iia size, f>»r pretty women. I’ 1 !/ Bofoi° General Garfield by a the stuto, Uh »i-<» 1 3 ’jdcfiegntion of the leading colored I men of Ins party, and ho will bo announce- compelled to make the responsi bility ol deciding it. donjr Robison's elephant “Chief lies n very uncertain temper. Last lull lie killed a man in North Car ol inn,'aud the other day atOincin- n. ti lie wound his trunk around loin bullivniij one of the circus employ,,. anil »,„■« l,i,i 1 ™di«“ h r “ a 'f l ?;' ,e . rt V", th f "W 1'oiviTlul acumrao ,13 to reiulor il _o, d , k 'nJ'T-lduajsi, who , necessary to send Sullivan to the hospital. “O’iiot ’ ought to bo shot on spot us an example. Roudsll tho cam In is to nl ,„t»in tbo pa.ur this week ami M jO a* clia-cc. If yail wa,’it> a pt'ei t.y set of Jewel* ryo,- iinylbing in that line you ean get it at Jurnigiii. 3 jp. 13 ,011 niyii if ho i* elected lie will givo olio third 'j his salary to tlio public school. S,..n ,1 ia curd in another column, fitly your Spectacles, Gioek.-;, Jew- olry, etc. at Joruigau's, everything 'wurraniait. Editor Mercury.—I’ieauo state it, ynnr |mp«r tlml I ain not a cundid- iitofur Coroner of Washington coun ty. BEN BROOKINS. The fair at Howell’s Artillery 11*11 i»troe, ami everybody that w nt:- to luTo 11 good time bo sure to go. ami those that don’t want to, go to h i;, out tbo rest. The Mercury is not as good thi, week us wo Weiild like !o have il jnit tho weather in bo col l and ciut- (lidates nru ho thick ami calling for tickets, it is as much us wo can do to got it out. Whore diii yon get that pretty sewing machine ? At Jarnigun’t; jVhut iK it called ? Tho latest style )iewimproveJ Weed. l)oos it tun light. Very li hi; Ja if, an goon j-'Urpbis gold is actually needless so far as*ny oilier ? V*; and ho iu.H I 11 * amibeauty arc concerned. In prerogative of eminent domai 1 /,’ Jlrarwi //, / E South, 1! /’ S.mpard, im > -/ Ben Wilson, L' S Strange, W L Orr, possesses tile right to regulate andldbc Youngblood, Siivanu - Pride ’, h control all the r ailroads within jpj'/'fmo/s, 7, P Bynum, S G Jordan, II M English, J It Go r, John JGiles, ,S' B Mills, Z ivh t-alvee, Joseph Har rison, John Taylor B R Smith, T J Gilmore, Geo D Wart hen. 2nd 'week, Dr Gluts J Da-vis, B F Murphy, Allen J, Alford G\ Harrison, E M Smith J T <Vhepjmrd. WE Marlin, S M Kolhinyton, M T tiivint, WE Clarke, Samuel J Smith, II' P Snath, 11 L Orr, Jno 1) !'tanner, If D Ghivers, 1!' B Adams, N 11’ Jordan, Jl VB Aliy, Green B Harri son, Stanley Kittrell, J l Irwin, J I, Garner, W A Smith, Jn > 11 May, 11 J Sinqujield, G JK Bateman, II G Dodges, S 11 Kelley T' 0 Wicker, M M Mathis. limits. I\ e extract a specimen paragraph from the Sav. News.— Macon Telegraph, Jurdgc 1flack’s ultra position on tin’s subject is equally as manifest ly unwise as it is unjust. Men do not, as a rule, give to States, or in- clividuals, actual ornrtilicials. mill- ions of dollars for the mere honor or pleasure of so doing. Every in vestment made by the capitolist is usually made witli the hope and expectation of at least a fair return \\ hat, then will bo the ultimate !r“ cct of the ad iption of J udge Slack’s views? Nothing more nor less than a complete killing one of all railway construction unless by the States themselves, and in Georgia that is impossible, for it is prohibited by the State constitu tion. individuals will no longer take their money and place it in railways when, they know that the moment they do so and the roads me completed, the Slate will step in and, telling them to step out, place the controll and management jor their property in the hands of To Tim ClrriZTWs of Washington, Jokvson, Lauumns, Jefff.rson, HaNOOON, BALT) W1 N AND Al>- joinio Counties. Having just opened a general stock of Stoves, Crockery, Glassware, IKooden- wnro, Hardware, etc., in facta good ns- soitmont of HOUSE FURNTSIIINC4 GOODS. Which we propose to (sol 1 at figures never otfeml in this market before, sell ing stoves at, Hie following low prices. Iron King, No. 7, $25.00 Iron King, No. 8, $31.00 Excelsior, No. 8, $31.00 Excelsior, No. 7, $20.00 Star Queen, No. 7, $23,000 Elmo, No. 7, $20.00 New Jasper, No. 8, $30.00 Carroll Cook,No. 8, $28.00 Heat step Stoves, No. 7, $17.00 All with a more complete list of Slavo Furniture than is given by any house in this section, (about G5 pieces with each Hat top stove.) Wo would cordially and respectfully invito you whenever in Sun- dersvilio to givo us a call and, examine '/’/> I I-/’per TT'oxr nr, ,,,, , r ^.our stock nml prices, assuring you that l nA \ ELSE JL nl DBAII ,V LOB it will be nplessuro to show you through our si, ok. Wo lire nut afraid for our prices <0 seo tlio light of day. We sol icit a eoinpoi'isou of oar prices with oth ers in our line. Competition is the life of trade mul wo invito it. Como and ico usiuid you will leavo us s itiuli d that lining all boast r.nd bragadoc aside we liavo eomo down to tho ilAHD GEORGIA—Washington County. (Khorens, Mys. T. w. Strange and F. .T. Pearson, adm’rs of tho estate of II. 13. Strange, do’d apply to mo for letters of dismission from said mlmiuislrntion. This is therefore to notify all concern ed to show cause, if any they have, with in the time prescribed by law, why snid letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand at oilicotluid 80th November, 1880. <J. C, Brown, Ord’y. dee 2-m3m THE FIRST WEEK. Brook St abbs, IK ,1 Smelting, Ayles bury Webster, Thos J Jackson, Geo W Wehsler, JHbert Fowler, GJ Trunset, -/ H Newsome,Jas 11 Bully,Bold Young, David G Gumming,L I. Adams, Jacob II Davis, A J Garter, J M Bryant, „ kvr , ... . . ,/ 7< s /-,■,»/; lg /' PAN, and are offering goods at juiees .. .. " L J>. /''V'*-hmver before approached in thin market, Smith, Jas P Dawkins, Il 11 Horton, Jno E lira swell, .J J Shurling, IK // May, EE Dailey, J A Brantley, JK O Garner, Phot J Tanner, Jus IK llivklin, David Hew, Win Jones, THA VERSE JURY 2d WEEK. A moment’s work on clay tells more than ah hour’s labor on brick. So work on hearts should be doqe before they burden. During the hist six or eight -years of child life mothers have chief sway, und this is the time to make the deepest mid most enduriug impressions on lhe youthful mind. I’ D .1 Badgers, Beninl B Smith, Silas pci*.] h' Hunt, 1/ E Robison, Rhodes G l’oge, anally have not a dollar of tlioirl'. 7 , tellers, own at stake and who may nol /. ‘ . 1 L folluwiugprioeB will sjieokfor thomselveB care a straw whether those who! VV' 'r V’llr L I UJor.i, H Gordon Smith, Jas W Welch, We do not udvo»tiso nt a spocifled pric* and then refuse,to sell at that price,you will always liiul 11s ready to soil you goods just as they aro priced on our price lists. We arc manufacturing Tinware moro extensively than any house in this sec tion, have a more complete and costly set of tools than any tin house in Geor gia and can and do consequently sell tin at prices which defy competition, tlio have receive a cent of remuneration Qallen Hartley, Thos M Lord, C IK Snell, Z T Hart, Sol G Prince, David S Burns, Jas T Ghambers, Sr, IKm Jucksou, IK T Vrm buck, Jno A Bober- s in Thus If Norris, Solomon Tanner, J J 1 Valker, Ebeneta 11 Smith, IK M Bohi ?'<jpn. for the use of their money’ or are even thrown into bankruptcy. ‘MY V. N ItVeTuT)VkIHTSE.” In a recent issue of tlio Now York SuimNu List wo find the lollowing 011 tliu merohants who never advertise: “There is a dun# of business men. or rather men in business—for there is a distinction with a difference—who persis tently refuse to advertise in 11 pa- Whon such pool ’ BTOSTO F OR the benefit of inquirers and tlioBe wishing to have Dresses, Coats, Pants Vests, Ac., Whoever looks for a friend witli- uiL imperfections will never find per. When sudi people are ap- jdyed; below will bo found asdied* what he. seeks. Wo love ournolvenlpi’oachod for un advertiiomenl,! :| ' 10 nf’’ pricea. Thankful for past willi all our faults, «nd wo oughl j which may return its cost ten or I i’avors 1 solicit a continuauco ol to love our friends in a like man-a hundred fold they have a stereo-! 1 bo same: ner. I Sow Watches aro Made. Il will he apparent to any one, who ' ill examine n Solid Gold Watch, that aside Irum the necessary thickness for engraving and polishing a large propor tion of the precious metal used, is ueo- led only tostilfcn and hold thu engrav- •d portions in place, und supply the necessary solidily und strength. The dumper. Wl.a< did it cost ? lj$2ti witii all tlio attadimenfs. On- James Boss’ 1'atust Gold Watch Lust W’e.lilChd.-iy was looked upon Gases, thjs waste of precious motal is overcome, and the same solidity and s'rengih produced at from one-third to one-hull of tlio usual cost of solid eases, by our old i Lens ns tho coldest « enih-j This process is of the most simple nn- • nve liava Inn! intlus eotiulv lor 2a j 1 lire, ns follows: A pinto of niclrie vuirs, we iunlerst ml ih ,1 the 11,... mom-!’ 1 io " >» l! "d, espenially ndiqited ...... bn the purnuse, Ims two plates of solid ■ ' gold soldered ou i ueh side. I he three H'fi.c ut lour o 1 In, k i:i the m ip -Jure then passed hetweeu polished steel nq. Ills ground was cover-d with j rollers, anil l!:e result is a strip of heavy mow mul iec. p!at< d composition, from which the eases, line!;.-, cent its, bezels, Ac., are hull and s.uqicd . y suitahle dies and for-1;3t!it«5K if given prouiiuence t liners. The gold in these cases is siif-'relative to (.'o.nnv'rce, 11s w, •.iillv tliick to admit of all kinds of; U joultaro, Alechanieal, nud typed reply, ‘vVu never advertise,. |Goatc, mir business it largo enough, an lj I ’ants, wc don’t care about extending,’ Y’ests, $1.00 to S2.00 tlicse very Biimo men, Ladies’ Dresses, 1 UO 50 1.50 And yet whenever their interests arch Lildivns’ threatened or attacked by injuri-l'-iawln, siik... on s legislation, are foremost in ho- “ wool.... lieting tlio aid of tho ]iress, and!G'loaks, waterproof. 1.50“ imploring its influence in denting j Vieques the obnoxious measures. It never Mittens possibly occurs to them that thc|E'oather8 luflucnoo tvhiohean avert or e!i.uuc s i!k Ties LOO 60 10 10 ;{'iuilinl.V8 J tho M-ih 111, ;: ohiir (ifIbis city duHiro to ro urn t!n«n.. ,n »ho ludi, s of fi ndu-vilic. and I 5»r.(Alan. 1‘. Gl..l:o /, r -v.Uimbio uh lAtanco joialcr-d at ti o ( ntc.rtain i,ioi,tCbiisl.)mir l';v«-, A’.s • for it lih. r d (loiist ,,n from J W. H ie- & Co,, bio well know, nii.l l'r Oools house of M.’.cou, Gh. Lei. 3d 18si. ESRSUNAIv. Ml* Miliiiiu Guo.-o 1 of Bartow, is f'S.tiug Jir. „ 11( ] Mis v > Tj 0rr . Miss Julia Ilo-lg- s and Mrs. Clarke after a long yiMt to -Stivan- lmh ' bavo Tolu rood to itm city. k-v. Owen C. from Texas, fuitiKsly of |Ids county was visiting .iti\ea AUf] IviomSs in t!:iu county ^ few (1ft* R ftp*^. • - •- *»-» . the BCfiUi iHii SNOVT Tins over welcome visitor although “ "wt 11 string, v v s led 1:8 on hcmIhj’ last aud laid a beautiful car- Pdofubile over the whole fnco of r'Miiiu varied only by tbo main lu d.s of tho trees and tho detp (-■ceil, forever noblo forest pines, we legislation is not less power!ul 111 diroetiag the currents of trade to those lniuses most deserving of it by their superior enterprise intel ligence and liberality.” Tim Savannah MORNING NEWS. This reliable newspaper combines ovr ry foaturo ealoulatc.l to make it POPULAR WITH ALL GLASSES. It, is indejM-ndent of cliques, but ex tends an earnest support to the Nath.-nd Djin-icratio party. Published at the priuoiplti Honpurt of tho South Atlantic Jl Matter-! as to the r;r-if;.ctar. J .60 75 ,2.00 1.00 1.50 75 2.00 60 16 to o- i\id (- lovea, black. . Stockings, 8 pairs. . 25 Ribbon per yd 10 Handkerchiefs, silk 10 Dying left at either tho Mercury ofitco or at Mra. .Bayne’s Millinery store, with instructions ns to color, will be attended to. MRS. C. C. SCARBOROUGH. may 18, 1880. chasing, engraving and enameling ; the. 1 - 1 # mt' r* ,.t ol tins bantu, engraved cases huvo heou carried until * |H Loo- worn perfectly smooth by time and use without removing (he gold. This is the only case made with two plates of Solid Gobi and warranted by special certificate. For sale l.y all Jewelers. Ask for il- .nsirated Catalogue, and to see warrant. july 13, ’;.0—ly A Force Pjup.—One of these novel and useful articles has been placed in the well at the Hotel, by Mr. iSiunuel Lang, who is tlio agent, it lms great power, a contin uous stream of water is without any trouble or difficulty thrown over the stables or ou the Hotel, it is equal to some fire engines we have seen and will do more etfeet- i v: service than the Wild Cat. Go and see it. tbo news of tin patches up to the hour of going to proas, Agricultural Interns,'Original Burials, etc. Only $2 a years; $1 lor six months. SOUTHERN EARMER3 MOTIILY. A Illustrated Journal, containing Origi ns’ and S.-looted Agrioultur il Matter, mitable for tbo Farm and Fire-rid'-. Al so au Illustrated Fashion Department For tbo Ladies Price $2 a year; $1 fot (i muuutks, ■T. H. ESTTLL, BAVANNXH, GA. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I rospcctfu’ly announce myself as n look u l'on it ns the forcruuor of a pood crop the coming year. A PAINFUL A (JCI DENT. D r. II. N. Holligeld met with a 1111 al accident last Thursday, the in^ SDow ’ "Idle ho was cross- <1 1 JC court house yard ho stepped 81 ^Lort plunk which cauaed s oot to slip and sprain his ankle, 16 getting on very well at thiu is not able to be ont yofc. M c are proud to stato that while ^eiuany good things were passing c ^ u ’’ i,ttnas , the editor Ml! \y T°rgoUon. Our kind friend a m - Mayo furnished us with could dinner; all that heart C f \ a,ul prepared to suit tho Sol “c 8 n 1lous Mrs. Mayo patktliu hdi m ° 3t , ldndho arted sym- u ‘av Vo-,,! , j 8 wo I aow - Dear friend the m° i [! ible ever be loaded with bright cj. 1 , n (> 8 ot This world the we1 )0 bles 8 t with 3 ' 8 b ° y ° UrS aud - raay Goto II. O. Rough ton’s to get your corned beef and fresh mackerel. If you want tho host roasted Coffoo in town go to H. C. lloughton s. BATTERIES ! BATTERIES ! A fresh supply of Boyd’s Minia- turo Batteries just received, and tor sale at tho Mercury office by G. G. Scarborough. for 3fc&rs to come* you as a neighbor HOW TO SAVE $20.00. You can do it by buying B first class SEWING ACHINE, from Jcrnigan and pay the cash for 1 * 'botTcF f\m THIS. i ts Btato, General, Local, and Mark; t departments arc ucknowh dgod to b-- ii;. best in this section, wiiileits Tciegraphie Reports 0/ the lie-vs of the d iy are i'i ill aud comprehensive. Price ui Daily .-;U) a year; $3 for six months. Savannah Wuekuy News, Flower Plants fo,r Sals, Bine lot of Fuchsias Fine dou ble Flowering Geraniums, Fine lot of Gloxinias, Fine lot Tube Roses, Dolchco- deria Tubiflora of varied kinds and China Pinks of all tho different varieties. Prices from 10 cents to $ 1.00. Those fine Photographs and p.,,e.,o. H';ulnig^iaUei^uiipi,|mg^u: T.' cn - 0 {.yp C3 take il still at the old presents at Gallahcr’s stand. T. C. GLEN. Subscribe for Tho Illustrated Fanqily Horaid A 21 nago Monthly paper published by True A.Co., Augusta, Maine, at $1 per annual. Tlio Herald is tilled with good reading for old and young, with pic- lures illustrating almost everything in general. Each number contains many ,;li,-rt storied anil sketches, n Uhildrcn’s Department, a department devoted to Farm, and Household; n [department to Sunday Reading, a department devoted to the droll doings and sayings, and the witty thing;; of tho day, and also a de partment devoted to IhejLndies, in which COFFEE POTS, I qt., lOcts., lj qt., 15cts., 2 qt., 20ets., 3qt., 25cts., 1 gal., 30ets., KEROSENE CANS, 1 qt., 15ots., 2 qt.., 25ots., 4 qt., 40cta., WASH PANS, 10, 15. 25 cents, 2qt., Covered Dinner Buckets, 12 J cents. Tin Dippers, 5 10cts. Cocoa Dippers, 25ots. Milk Pans, from 5 to 30 coutu. Milk Buckets, from 20ots up. And olhor Tinware at correspondingly low ilgures. Lamps aud Fixtures ut tho -lota from up. cheapoat prloes. Lamps oomplot- 25 cents up. Chimnios from 5ctB. In coholuBion lot us reason together, if you wish to cave money in buyingany- thiug iu this lino come aud see in and we will satisfy you that thisis no empty talk, but facts, hard, stubborn facts, that iviil not bo overcome, that will pon- iliv-Jy save you money. Euquireia by mail promptly attended to. Respectfully, j. c. Race & co. 2nd floor from comer, facing pub lic square, in Watkin’s buil liug. Sandernvillo, (. ! a, Tho beat oro;uu Gliocsa nt II C. Ronghton’a. Roasted coflfeo, Soaps, candles, Match es, Starch at II. j,C'. Rough ton’s *choap Storo. seiit 28,1830, REST STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS IN BANDEUSYTLLE AT GALL AUER’S. May it please your Honor, to show thu respectability of the wit ness, it is an evidence that lie was once a member of the Legislature. “The Court has its doubts «s whether that strengthens his .’char acter very materially.” But your Washington SukrikUs Sale. Will bo sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before tho Court house door, in Baudcraville, within tlio legal hours of sale, ono half interest in a t ract of land containing COO nerrs moro or leas oq Keg creek in Washington county, ad joining lands of R O Harris, A H Tra- wiok and others, levied on as the prop erty of trust estate of Louisa II. Smith in tho possession of Green Brantley, Tnisteo of Louisa [II. (Smith, and tho other iu favor of 8 J Smith fit Hon vs said Tiustfo; Property pointed out in il’fa and sold under deeroo of tho Supe rior court. Notice of levy given to B. R. Smith, tenant in possession. A. M. MAYO, Sh'tV. deo 2—t<ls A Ears Companion. G EORGIA—Wasbington County ’Whereas, Ivy W. Iiitffgan, tiiluvr -1-- l-onla non oil tl-u i -tiiti- of John Wnlla.-r,iU-ci>ss.t(, mnlu-s npi-lioatlon f- lnu- to »,.|| Ua- Imali I> ;l<ni(*l--1; l.i wild luio for thui nv.M nt I duho, amt for illsu-t- button thohotrs: I Id-1», th-rorori-. to nollfy nil conoorned tosliow caiiru, If nny tl-ey l-av.; wltLIu inn timo iiri-sarlli- d l-y law ;wliy louvo -honl-l not bo irrm.iod to ( Given under my hand nt offieo iu Saudersville, this Nov 2 1880. G. G. BROWN, Ord’y. GEORGIA—Washington County, \\ harass, W. J. Taylor, adm’r of the estate ol \Y. U. Taylor, deceased, up- plies to mo for letters of dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all persons concerned, to bi and appear at my office within the time prescribed hy law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand nt office, iu Saudersville, this Nov 4th, 1880. G. G. BROWN, Ord. nov 4, 1830 -3m Tnn Detroit Free Press, Famed throughout the world as a news paper of the rarest and most enjoyable ifmo, in commended (:o the reader ns ono lire to please, interest and satisfy. Its contents aro ever fresh, vivacious plenasing. Every isouo containcs much original matter, peculiarly readable and instruc tive, as well na articles current with tho day iu various departments of literature. In its delightful columns will bo found a world of anecdote, paragraph and spicy oomnu ntjwit, humor, sketch story; chess, pnz/.len. correspondence, sprightly edit orials; travels, fashion—everything that ean gratify the most exacting reader, and which thouo wliose taste and eultur, demand originality and merit will espe cially appreciate. “Tj o Household,” a weekly supple ment’, containing contributions by lady correspondents, resident in all quarters of the country, rotating to topics of interest to the Indies especially, ami a publication that has met with much favor, is furnished gratis to every mib- uoribor to The Fixes Press. No other journal furnishes so much tending matter, so varied and so excellent, for so little money.’ THE WEEKLY FREE TRESS AND “THE HOUSEHOLD” TOGETHER ARE EUBNIR1IED AT $2 A YEAR. OLU1W OF FIVE, $1 75 EACH; LIBERAL COMMISSIONS ALLOW ED LOCAL AGENTS. Opooimon c ipies sout froo. Adross THE DETROIT FREE TRESS- Detroit, Mhui. PiiMic School Teachers. The Board of Education of tho city of SixmlorsTille will moot iu tlio Council Chamber on Thuraduy eve ning Doe. 23rd nt 7 o’clock for the pnrposo of electing (5) five white and (2) two colored Tontihers to take charge of tlio Public Schools _c»f the city for tho coining year. IT Tcachois xvill bo of (ho several grades from tho highest lo the low est. Tiioso desiring situations must flic their applications with some mem ber of tho Board before the meeting if tho 28 insf. M. Newman, Pres. Sandei’bvillo Board Education. II. N. IIolj.jfield, Soo. List or Mkmukuh of tub Board of Education. J. N. Gilmoro, G. W. II. Whitaker, M. Ilanp, C. It. Tringlo, Dr. A. Mathis, P. It. TulialbiTO, I. Hermann, REINHART & SANDERS, reapecffully inform tho citizens of Washington and adjoining counties that they liavo oiieiieda Boot and Shoe shop in Sanders- ville,next, door to Pringle &Orrs store on Hayne street,where they respectfully solicits the patron age of the ladies and gentlemen All work done in the best style and of the best material, july ,0—tf 11. T. liawliugs, 3, B. Jones, B. D. Evans, T. M. Harris, E. A. Sullivan, Dr. J. B. Roberta, dee 14, 1830—2t C' WHY IS IT THE Store Honor, ho has invariably boughti r , , 0 his Christmas goods from GaTla- If, cvcr crow . decl , '. Vllh , customers? her. H old, enough, that settles , 1 . h « ans ' Vcr 18 P ,ain ; there you wul it, tbo Court is entirely satisfied.” ,!llt 1 lc aI ^ cs ^ H l nc ' ,c *° sl -‘Uct fiom Elegant Albums for Christmas a week In ymirown town. *.1 Outfit froo - Mo l ink. It nilcr, If you waul n ImnlimMint Iwhlcli purtioiMof olllior kv* von iiitiki* oront j l-ii) nil Urn (Inn limy work, wrltu for linr- ’tlculnrs to. li. 11 AU.KTT f<, Co.. FurttouJ Alutuo. July IS, 1SSO—ly ARE NOW OPENING A A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OR DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, Carefully selected by our Junior, in New York. Onr Stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES, GOLD & SILVER consisting of a great variety oi novelties, never before seen in this market, is exceedingly handsome. We make no display of sensation al advertisements, but will con vince onr friends when they hon or us with their patronage, that our goods are good solid goods, of the freshest and newest good:; and our prices as reasonable as tho and bargains not to bc2 surpassed Ivy any dealer in their line. In simple words hear us, wc will not be undersold and wc will lead the prices at all hazards. Wc will match samples from any source in Georgia and give one inch more to the yard as proof Vc lead. wm. a. McCarty & co. <1 , . SANTA CLAU8B Candidates for county officers are juite numerous, we think prece dence would ‘iiggest a general jp- . agreement of the people before the ET* election ub to whom to vote for. P-Jp; * iKSir candidate’for re-election to tho ofltl.-e Fashions are di,scn;;scd find iliust • . £ n i . .1. ./'iii* ... /< , f il,,. i„l.,.i . g,i . , e... ri Just as they have done in regard,- . to the purchase of their Holiday ^1 goo In, they have hy universal con-j \ sent decided to go to Galluher’s as (Jll ^.t-*- thoy 1 a vo done iu tho past and so- S A N T A CL A U S. Q ls> most exacting can expect., NEWMAN & SON sept 14, 1880—tf iicc of Clork of the Superior Court of Washington county. Having for nearly ten years in suc tions given of the latest styles, &o. The above paper with 12 beautiful Oluonios will be given to all who Ruboorilio now, gr, ,'i , - ... ^ . fo 15 months for only $1. Tho ngfjit CG3Hiqu filled that position to toe sat-1,.. ;n 0ftll on AU fi ving in tho 0 ” U1 . isfactiou oi tho xlou. Ju tuo i j.y can RpecLmou copy of paper and various G rand Juries, under whose Ohromos at the Mercury offieo. review niv books, acts aud doings, rr : :—: :—:—™ have frequently passed, I bust that GEORGIA—Washington Couny you will hojior mo with your sulira-j Whereas, Mors. Louisa Tanner, excc- -•gs at tho ooming election in Janua-pitrix of the will of william Tanner, Hr., n-. Very Respectfully, -le icasod, represents to the court in her H. M. Nothinotom. I petitici duly lile.1 and entered on reoord, 'that oho has fully executed her trai t ac cording to tho will of Haid deceased; This is therefore, to cito all persons concerned, thobcirs and creditors of said estate, to allow causo, if any they can, why said executrix should not be dis charged from her hunt us r-aid oxeeutrix, and receive letters of diaminnion on tho first Monday in January. 1881. oct 14-3in O. G. Brown, Ord’y GEORGIA—Washington County By C. C. Brown, Ordinary. Whereas W. L. Johnson and Wilson STOLEN. STOLEN! STOLEN!—AU parties arc hereby warned not to trade for tho fol lowing Notes & Duo Bills, payable to tho undersigned or order or bearer. One note for $200.00; dated on or be fore tho 12th day of Janurry 1880, with interest at 8 ots, given by Priugle & Orr, think it is due on or before 1st January after date, ono duo bill for $200,00; da ted on the 10th of December 1880, with interest at 8 cts, given by Prmglo & a..«™;»(m- <01 00 (riven sonn et their Toys, Fruits and confec tioneries. Our eldest Hopeful is now in Savannah for lip) purpose of buying fruits. Heavy shipments expected to-day and Thursday noxt. If you are not already supplied go to G Halier, and buv a Mous- taclio for christmus. Hello, hello, Well what is it, Hey, Oh, of course wo moan tho boys, Good-bye. A tine lino’of fresh crackers at If. G- P.ougkton’fl, call and examine’ them. H. C. Rough ton keeps a line lot of fi uits on hand. NEW COUNTY ADVERTISEMENTS Election for County Officers. WAGONS, CARRIAGES, CUTS, VASES, GATS. Jl’ISTOLS, from ono cent to fifteen. Will also keep on hand Zephyrs, Hosiery, Machine Oil, Needles, afld Tarts, and a nice lot of GANDY. Givo her a call. nov U, 18S0. AYANTA GLAUS knowing Mrs. JERNIGAN is very fond of chil dren made up his mind to stop at her storo this Christinas, therefore save your coppers and nickels nnd give her a call. Dolls from ono cent to two dollars. Clocks, Watches aud Jewelry Mr sale at Jornigun’s. ■AffENTUOT Tho greatest Fair of tho ScnEon wil bo had at tho Armory of newel’s Bat tery for tho benefit of that outorprisig CorpB, on tho first week of January next. Contributions steadily coming To Oustamers. DEAR SIR—Tn presenting this my lall price list, Idoaire to thank my many friends and customers for their patron age so liberally bestowed upon me in the past, and would solicit a continuance of tho same. Witli increased facilities, I am now better prepared to meet the wants of my customers: I am noyv sowing the best stick ('Audios train Hi to 20 cents per il)., fuic.y candy 20 to 85c, Flori da Oranges 30 and 40 cents per dozen. Extra (J white Sugars \pj. 11 is4c per lb. Light brown 10 3- 4 Coffee 13, 20 and 25c per lb. Flour $7.50 to §8 60 per barrel. Hardware (dieaper than any ,bo- t'ore sold in this market. Ap<, jib's 1.) and 25 cent per dozen. Canned goods almost given away The largest lot of Crackers ever brought to this market, price from 8 to 36 cents per lb. Just received 2000 lbs stick candy, 5OO lbs Fancy Candy, 35 boxes Crackers, 2000 Florida Oranges, Christmas goods are still rolling in, Bananas, Grapes, Oranges, Apples, Coeoanuts, Nuts of all kinds, Toys, Toilet Sets, Vases, &c. Z. IL ROUGHTON. biMlncuH now l>«forotli« publlo. Voucui nmke money faster at work for us limn ut anything else. Capitol not required. We will xtitrt you. $1^ u day and up- , , . „ wards made at home hy the Iu 1 dustnous. Plan, women, boys ‘and girls wonted everywhere to work'/or ne. Now is the time. You can devote your whole lime to the work, or only your spare momenta. No other Imalucaa will pav fur unI., mill for raffle nr,. J! 0 ’ 1 .. nolr b'Weil. No one Wlllllld to work can ter Hale aim lot ratlio are [fail,to tuuke enormous pay hy enKitgintf at ono: mention iu this BllOl tlFway Outlitand terms fl ee. A great opporlnnlty suppov will bo li.-vl ’ or lllu k: j| g money o.ially unddiunnrubly. Address ::riip:il ’ey law George Wiggiur.. jth *y ii.ivo, w — be granted. fund allow cause, if any ourv^-ur ui County’ y said letters should net Georgia, under the same laws, rules land regulations governing elections and thereby save our surplus cur BTATI0 NKRy ! STATIONERY ! , < Hven umlov my hand nt office in San ;f or mo j u ber« oi' the Lcgiskl lire A11<1 tllC }} ‘ «. '/ho writing Tap ,- r,, VioU.4 Inka, one .lercTrilc thm«’tobeyr^.O ^ j 0 . C. BROWN. roncy and lessen our taxt will vote for Boone and free school. J- H r iaxc». ” | tvnuug *>, v. • ,, ami help the h'oncilH, fine‘Box otntioumy fo- »>.*e ut D BOJN. , if C. lloughton h. I oot 25—3m C. C. BROWN, Ord’y Nov gOth ’30. d Ordinary. W. C ie week and will b every attuihuit may himself, tho00m- erpriso coinpoaed of T. M. Harris, Major M., 8orgt YY. E. AYatiuns, Capt G. W. Peucok, Lt. J. W. Robison, If. M. E. A. Sullivan, Dr. H. X. Hollifwld, Tkuk Si (Jo., Augusta, Maiuu. H. C. Rougliton lias a fine lot of fresh Basins. Call and seo him. You will find tlio best nickel Cigars iu town at H. G. Roughton’B. If you want to get 1 good burgia in Clocks, Watcheg r o ry, Sp''a Holes and Sot?’ •, l £ -pb.i ;i k fron zxxiiics,. ■ ■ ■; U Y-