The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, February 15, 1881, Image 2

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THE MERCURY. TUESDAY, FEB. 15. 1881 Thirty-six People Injure! THE ACCIDENT ON THE CINCINNATI SOUTH ERN TURNS OUT ONE OF THE BIGGEST THAT HAS pCCURREQ ANYWHERE. Careful inquiries among rail road men have failed to elicit, any tiling caueermug the accident of last Friday on the Cincinnati Southern. It is very evident that an effort was being made to keep it out of the press. But particu lars gradually come to hand and we land system.- CATE. -Ciuustian Anvo- Bilgbt's Disease and lee Water, J.imitim Medical Jo uniat. The idea has recently been ad vanced that Bright’s disease, is attributable to the immoderate use of ice water and cold drinks, the fact being cited that the peo ple of this country use ninety per llow the Senate Wi\\ Stand. The eleotian of Mr. Jackson from Tennessee assures the Dem ocrats the control of the Senate, unless Senator Mahone votes with the Republicans as has been claimed, though upon no good au thority, Assuming that a Ke- imblioQn will be elected from Pennsylvania, the Senate will Stand 39 Democrats—including Mah°ue and Davis— and 37 Re publicans, ff Hahone should vote With the Republicans, which we do not consider at all probable, and Davis with tile Democrats, the division would be Democrats 38, with the Vice President casting the odd vote in favor of the Re publicans, of course. Should both Davis and Mahone vote with the Repuhlioana, they would have it majority without the Vico Presi dent. Thus it will be seen that either Mahone or Davis can change the political complexion of the Senate by voting with the Repub- cans, but both must vote with tlm Democrats foy them to retain it. It is a great deal moro probable, . , . ... . .. however, that they will both vote a,, d as the tram was running ut jp, ft brass lamp where there was no VVI l ,U) 1,1 x ' with the Democrats thau that ' 1 ‘ ” cither will vote with the Republi cans, Th° control qf tl\o qoiq- in it tees and the retention q| the Democratic officers aye the impor tant things at stake.—Augusta Evening News. of men. And it a sparrow can not fall without his notice how can an empire rise without his aid.” Tice for February. Sheriff Sales. GEORGIA—Washington County. IFherons, IFm. Roland applies to me tor Will 1)0 sold before the Court House letters of administration on the estate of door in Sandei-Rville on the first Tuesday in March next, within the legal hours of DYEING! Sale, the life estate of Sarah' F. Hooks iu and to nil the tract of land contain- I’n.f, Tice lays out the following | in B B, ' vw . 1 humlml ami fifty-nine acyes ■’ • • . 5? |more or less, lying on the North prong no-rnimno for the won tool' m reb- ,,f Williamson’swamp, in said c-o.uuty, adjoining lands of 'P. Wnrthcui & Co' programme for the weather Ft-b ruary First, clear oy fair, 2fl toTtb, clouding threatening weather,, T. Wartheu, lb II. Wicker and others, known As the Hopewell Hooks planta tion, whereon said defendant, Sarah T. llooks now resides; to satisfy one Su- Qourt fi fa in favor of If. A. Hooks for the use of P. llapp & Son, vs- Sa rah F. Hooks. Property pointed out by plaintiff and legal notice given,, Also at the time atnl place will, be sold seven tenths undivided interest in remainder after the termination of the Salter, odm’rs of the estate of A. T Wig-1 ('hihlrens “ gins, deceased,apply to me for letters of(Shawls, silk. ... dismission from said administration. r \vo () l This is therefore to notify all concern-' ,. . ■ ' ' ' ' ' ' ', ed to show cause, if any they luu;e, with- \ ll W sS ), \\ uterpt'ool in the time prescribed by law, why said Saeqtieq. letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at oflioe in San- eent more ice iu their drinks than with heav-y atuim.s, Sth and tho pooplo of any other ™imtty-!' loar ol ' tair i 10th '»>•• clo, ' d "' g tho illhnbjtnnta of Gicoulaml noli 11 "'™ 1 cni “K. will > ™" »■' •»”»! are quite sure that it was one of I excepted and that we l.ave sev- \ 13th and 14th, clear or fair: ljtli the worst accidents that hits hap- ! c . Iltv _jj V0 p 0] . cent moro 0 f jj r ight*s to clouding, threatening, with pened for years. IIow it was pos- Jiacasc. The wipu-driiikitigeoun- la ’ n 01 s ®°" > 13th and 20th, that , of Mrs.Sarah F. Hooks in nml to Given unuormy luuni at ottiee in !fia 8iblc for such an accident to result|^ r j CM () j 13i*oupomv s^id tu ho coni-'^V hiiv; 21at to 24tli, clouding, Lii tlia,t $r<wt of land containing sev>en|^ e W^ 0 » dninmry l-M* Ihsi . without a great slaughter ofUumnn ! parntivcl y free from the malady .'threatening, with heavy rain iJSS^i^h Si tSJSSrth T\Vi°- J,m 'V» 3,11 ' im * u ’° n y beings is a mystery. Tho Augus- wb j lu America the progress of snow storms; 25th and 26th, clear li^flsw^svwnp in mid coutdy, adjoin- ta Evening No\\‘s gives tho follow-jj.] l0 ( ii 3eaS0j q asserted, has kept ! or Fair, and quite cold, if heavy >ag hinds of T*. vyartliou & Co., T. ing particulars; pace with the increased rausump- stor,ns ,ulVd occurred; 2(ith to 28th, A disgstroas aoeident oe-efirrod Uj oa 0 f j ( , 0 lelouding, threatenin to tho southern hound juissenger! — — — * — - • snowstorm. Comparatively- eold- truin on tho Southern at Nicholas-Sad Death U’oaitl Slight Causa. t .j. about the 1st', 7th, 13th, 19th ville, about sixty-fivo miles from! Mrietta Jourmd jtmd 2t)tli. Kaythqmvkea, in eartli- Oincinnati last Friday. A brokeni (.n OR tli hiYks in everv flower/’! ( l uil ke countries about 4tli,8th,l()tb l TT , ° 11 11,0 bonolit of inquirer* Lm. Howland, deceased UP and those wisldnv to lnv, Hus is iheroforo, to notify ftll ooiiDorn• .. n ed to show cause if any they hav(>, within i * M’esses, Gouts, 1 ants \ ests, Ae, tho time prescribed by law, why said dyed; below will be found u, soiled letters should not ho granted. ‘ ule of prices. Thankful for in Given under ravhand atoffleo this 20tli ( ' avol . s j R( ,j- U; ; t of January, 1881. M. NEWMAN, P 1 , 10 Siinie ' jan 2f-30d Ordinary, i t <)als 4 1‘auto, GEORGIA—Wa,sIi|i:n,gtoHOouufy.|^ cals, Whereas, M. Newman and Ella EjFu.d'^es Dresse.v. ( Mil 111 1‘ialio’ At for pa..t, a eoiitinuanee' ... $1,00 to £2.00 S Kith and 24th. As aipovas will rail throw the smoking ear, ladleu itj8 8n;a 1)yt ono wouK , lmrdl car and one sleeper from the truckL po>0 thllt tk .ath wa- concealed ^ th f ° '""l™ 0 . tl ‘» ^ and as the train was running nt| iu u brM& llMinMV h ero there was u 0 | vvi, l probably bo visible about the tlio rate of forty five miles an exl , loBion# ]hl[ KH oh was the case le< > 7tll > Fitb,!^ 1 and 2oth hour, an cnon.-ous amount °f recently at Roswell, in this county damage was the result. I he, 1W we learn from a correspondent smoking car rolled over two or \f l . t James Muhuffey, u well known|d 0W n B hcej citizen, had cut one of hi-. fingers. three titqe^ qqd landed bottom up permost. Tho ladios car stopped Hero Money for Goorgie. The Hon. Persons is seldom heard front except in connection with somogood work l|c is doing for his State and people. Ilis eyes are not confined to tho things im- mediately about him, either, but he coats them back into the “way long agq" to get frq.n the vasty «lcep qf thlqgs wpU niglf forgotton, whatever of money thojio may be In Uuclo Sam’s pocket belonging to Gcorgiu. A case of this sort is now gp, fpr in the proceedings uf Congrqss qq Tuesday it is sta ted that ‘Hho Hqqso committee on Indian aftqjfs qgfpqd to-day tp re- port favorably to the House of Representatives Mr, Persons (Georgia) bill appropriating $27, l>00 to pay to tho Statu of Geor gia money advancod by her ior the defence of her frontier against the Indians, and not heretofore reported.” Oqj; Stfitp wants all those little remnants Qf doiits qojleefed up gnd papt. Persoqs pnq cpmo us pear getting thpm all in as “any Pther map. =tCq)umbus Times. Sad case ol insanity. 9ISULT OF WRAPpTnG A SNAKE AROUND A UTTj,E SINUS NECK Bloomington tycclal to tho Cincinnati Commercial, About sad a ca>p as has late ly fallen um)pr your correspond ent’s notice occurred in this (Mon- foe) county, ana fjliQilUl be writ ten up as a warning vicious bays, if that class ap supposed to ever hepd warnings. A. j. Payne, of Salt Creek Toiynship, has bright and pretty little daughter of seven years, ivho attended the district school in tl}e neighbor hood of hsr farther’s farm. On a pleasant morning about f'qqr years ago, while on her way to sohflol the girl was met by a vicious neighbor boy, three or four years older than herself, and who had a dead snake, which he carried on a stick. He thrust the dead snake into the girl’s f'gcp, and she was so terrified she noufd >>pt run way. Then he took the snake and wrapped it around fifty-four passengers on board none were killed,but many were serious ly injured. Ihirty-six in all were hurt. Tb«-j a8 k should have been, and the road master was badly hurt and l uu J cankered, and some of YYarthou, It. H. Wiokormul others, be ing the emo tenth undivided interest in with rain or remainder of each of the several defen dants; Lucimla Hooks. Olivia Hooks, Winfred Hooks, Mary Harris, formely Mary Hooks, Martha Hooks, Nancy Jordon, formely Nancy Hooks and «•, GahrielS. Hooks, whereon Sarah F-° ” Honks, life tenant now resides as the property of Lmeinda Hooks Oliyi.vHanks iVinfred 1 looks, Mary Harryi, Martlia Hooks, Nancy Jordan, and Gabriel H. Hooks, to satisfy one Superior (Ami t ff. la in favor of Bennett A. Rooks who.sues for use of 1’.llapp * Son vs. said Lnein- Ordinnry’s Oilice, Wfisliiiigton (’<>., (ia Mittvna. Kcithee- l 01) 5,0 “ l.rtO “ 7') “ 1.0(1 “ f»0 <•( 1.50 “ L’. r ) ‘ 1(1 <« U) v. l.ftii Kid (1 loves, blank. . Slo.ekiugs, 3 pairs. Ribbon por t'd..... 11 aii|dkeivlifels, s#l k living left at ciilier flic 2.00 1.00 1.5(1 2.011 5(J. 15 In Ll „ , . .... . .tplligeiuly I would ivsneefl'nlly no da Hooks, (llivia Hooks,Winfred Books, noest- Miry Harris,Martha Hooks,Nanny Jor-! 1 ', ,IA>> I 1...A.I U 11 I- -. I > i.. I ISl* Mt'Wjy S A N p 1'/It 8 \' l i.V.V’x January 10, 1881. Olliev or al Mrs. Bay lie’s Miflincrv To Uic Citizen* <>/'• \\\i*hiiii/toH Coimli/ slon. 1 , With inslruvt'miisns Iu color-, In, A ss uming tip! duties of this " lb b J-‘ allemlcd In. tee, ( vvtm’u mv gratliil ackumv- MUS. (’. i .. SGA KBi )|;o| (; 11. ledgeinont to. you for electing me to it; and at the saiqe time I pledge myself to discharge its duties to the best of u\y ability, To enable me to do it ipore in- A. M- Bowman, of Augusta'M '■aunty V... Inis just ,okl 06 South- HH down slice]> u.t 818 per lieuel. to Haruli l 1 ’; Rooks iu po.iBe&Hmu, unaudited, fst,——AU those having chums The gash gave him no trouble, and S. M. NORTlllNTOn. 187 feet from tho track, Ot ^ ll 'iho handled articles as well as us-’ JUbllCE Gl’ i III*- ^ l’,AUE, uni. A few nights ago lie was hold-1 97 1II DISIRK/1, i»gal*»to l ,. Tim iom,, hadLSSStS’oiSSj - ,0 “"’ not been kept as clean externally feb 15, li881-tf ,, .. , , ,to me at as earlv a dnv as liraeti- Alao at same tune nud place will be sold I..,.i,| (1 so r ...... ,i. ‘ into uereo( laud with iinprovinents there- e,,, ’ H . 0 , 1 ‘ n “ , . ,ht ' ,U " lla ; tNlu 1 on, hounded on the north-east and south aiiauaeial stutus of the county, by laud of Joseph Joiner, wost by pub- 2d.—Citizens residing iu the lie road from Hun Hill to Hall’s ferry' neighborhood of bridges opt of or-. Levied on as the property of Kate Wa- dor will plegso Uotify l»m‘ bv wri-i T M. D. C. M. Summerlin, H. D. tin? oil from tin? lamp bocnino mix- I’llYSICIAN AND SUIIGKON. oil with the canker and tho com- Sasukusviu.k, bitmtion created a green poisonous matter. Some of tins matter got into tlie flesh cqt on Mr. Mahalley.s finger. The virus penetrated his his skull was fractured; one of the conductor's logs was broken ; six Englishmen were on board and five wero hurt, aqd the newsboy sustained some iqjuries. One old man fell through a window and wqs dragged some distance and shor'tiy aftor hialingers, severely injured. hand and arm became inflamed Tho fhermomoter stood «tL |J( j ?wolleu> and much feverish ttyenty degrees below zero and nj Ju cn8Uod) Medicid attention grpq^ nmoupt of suffering resul- W08 giyc but ll0 nMt ;tloto was M* !9 diea )V«-o h " rt - ^ llL ' sufficient to .counteract the deadly wquqdgd quit piipngers were oigo ' m([ ho di ^ ^ agonizing placed ip the baggage ear qnd ear-| (U , ath riod to I H e\ii]g(,qn, Ky. It is may IS, 1 MSyi. BITYY017R fG'Jjfc#»MI SITAi I nsl ru-<g?.(^g»-mciiF;. I'UOM *1*1 IIC NU'Sq&gT S'l’OKK OK JERNIGAH. On hand and for salt; at alt times County, audited o.rAjnl'in Strings, Violins, Boxes, to p.ease present them Rows, ltosili, 1 Iarnionieas, Ac- eordeons, Bridges, B BuihraK. Guilt r,v of Georgia (Is MinislriS- ' had Groucu. All calls for professional service prompt !y rospouilcd to. Oilice at his residence on Harris street, opposite the car shed. MONEY SAVED For tlm Farmers. Don’t waste any FU les you have, from a beef bide d°Wn to a Opossum. Bring thum to me and gut money for them, also lPes Wax, ARTHUR HUBERTS, fob 15, 1881—It Samlersvillo, Ga. ters nnp John Waters tosatisfy a Justice Court ti fa in favor of A. J. Jones, bearer, vs. Kate Waters, and John Waters. Property pointed out> by plaintiff in fi fa and legal notice given to defendant in «> .*» »!!■ «* I'i-WWi. me. . . v- , -ill'/ OilllKSTI.tN Ixdkx PubliBhhlg, titlg qr vei haly of Stie-h bridges,I Company have undertaken the gran t thought that five or six will die. Ice in Long- Island Sound. From the shore at Whitcstoi.c yesterday, says the Sun of the 5th, there was not a break to be seen in the field ofico that stretch ed fropi Sand’s Point to Hiker’s Island. Between these two points THE OTHER HIDE* Also at the same time and place will be sold two lots of land lying in Wash ington County mio fit containing four hundred ai\d eighty-five a eves moro or leas, adjoiniug lands of Brooks, Retli- uuo, Tucker and uthprs; also one lot oi land contains two hundred and fifty acres, uiqvo or less adjoining llall, li -thnue, i’lU'kcv mid Gilmore,all L \ i id on to sat- isfy n8ii{ orior Court fi fa in favor of 1'. J. Gilmore, Agt for F. II, C irum vs W* A. and It. W. Caw; lauds levied her neck and shoulders and ran off If the cold woatliOf' pqntitHjcs this leaving her thus environed. She shook thn reptile oft’hastened on to school, The f4}ild was greatly agitated during fjie entire fore noon, and whan she returned home her parents, greahdy ajayiued, ur ged her to tell them wliat had oc- ourred, for hpr .conduct wns wild #vnd strange. Sjie gave t)tu story in a disjointed manner, shrieking .out frequently, “Take the snake mwayj ’ By night her reason was A wreck, and has so remained eyer since. For four years she has recog nixed no one, but daily sat with flier little slate on her lap, mark ing out the same figures she had i»een giren as a lesson at school on the fateful day on which the vi nous boy pieced the dead snak< About her, and this monotony was ppjs broken at times when she jw.ould cfy o^it, flake the snake jUway,!’’ Hoping that medical jscience plight possibly do some jliing for the relief of his daugh- ijker. Mr, Paype ,too]f h ei * t° the 8lpte Asylpm at Jp.(J.uipa^ons a fvw weejlis pgo. Tie physicians .of the iustifutioi) last week vyrote ^iim tliere was only a faint hope J>r his beautiful child, and she will frobpbly end her days ap occupant "M the Asylum for the Incurable NOTICE. Ordinary’s Olllrc, WASHING’! ON COUNTY, GA. S\nhriwyii.i,k, V'ebrnnry oth, 1881 "Will he let on} to the lowest bidder, The critical voting lady has nlhefove the Court House door, in San habit?of saying that she will never, never marry until site can bestow herself upon a man who is vastly her superior. She says: “I want some one so tnuch^better than my self that I can look up to him:’ If she is an old maid, she says: ‘1 so I will examine them, mvself, orA”}'’* ofeolh etiug into ngallery, thepi..,.- hy sume one whom i may apjioint,' l ;V ,1 . l : lu “ dmtingumimd mmisU is ( ,t • , v r . J I 1 “ , 1 lie B.iptis UiMiommatiou in G s>rgia, and U necessary have them repair- .portrait nwi impauied by a biogra- hdiicul skotal\This splendid work of tie, 8:— All wlp) are ill possession Oi 1 'USraver’s art is of groat "ixe. Ml inch.-s i i ov-17 inches. Tin* luograp'iies ata to 1m books, papeiA cr iuri turn lmlou- \ MMmX in Tm , i s -,„ !X , from Hm,.t , ini( to liny tlu* OtlluuH in .imo* uml tliun 3'urmnuuiitly iu bpuk Court-House, will ji|o.i>: them at once, 4th.—Citizens residin'* m i/.o-i .... .. , . - , . . ■ , . ‘ 1 . ! KmutiluUv ei»gw,W'l, m rla-e odors, tl'iets \\ lieio no q.eetion lor Justice md is well worth iw.nifytWe il iHurs return form. ! Every Baptist in the South will ha • j 'lad t > have this precious art-' .york It. is "i * . rt " ! ■mautifullv elig)hw<l, nr Tlire e di of the iirst 8atu.nlay iu villplcusy ies when peai'C was held on tlv I ’ >py. Bat in or.l >r t) iuer >ase the cir- 18 ll I'lahitiou of thu excellent paper, the pub- 11 ... '.;r,,, .1 . ' f 'Itishers will s aul Tan tsnax t i hiIhuU 'll! plClWtnotify me ot such vaean- - - - 11 ui: try, , .1, d siK ll \ >101111-1 K . rH , for one year, abd a copy of (hi 1 will receive stlgges-; {nnul Portrait (lal'.-'ry, .for tlir:e dol- , , ... tious, and make appointments un-jlor*- oa os propeny of the defendants, legal J er t | 10 provisions U ( the Code, notice given. Property pointed out r.i, i , -m , . , ... , . by pltiintifi’iu fi fn, qth. .1 will lit at m\ office dm ly, except 8uiul:iy, from 8 to 12 am] from 2 to 5 o’clock, M. NKWMAN, Uniiimry \V,C. the steamboats have found their could have married a hall-dozen next, the bud ling of n three-room house at tho “ilotue for the poor;” of the fol lowing dimensions | 2 rooms, 10x10, with a chimney In the middle, and one mom, 10x25, Th° fl mring in the first mentioned two rooms, and ALL the door and window casings t» be dressed.' It will require 4 doors and ]Q windows. L’crms will be one-half oash during the progress of tbo work, and the other hall it its completion. The plan and specifications are now ready for inspection at my oilice. most Qorioug trouble fur the past men, but J will never marry nidi! few days. The Hibernian who I eatt bo asked by one who is very lives pi)‘flip Whjtestono shore greatly my superior.” Now, "’e of said: sometimes think that nothing, pei'-].j, 0 Ogeachce. The specifications for ‘Dq you soo a narrow strip out haps, could he superior to the l;iir|diesmn«wiil bo ready at my olli 'e diu- there?’' pointing to a line of bro- Indy who says ajl that; and again ( , olni ,| ken ioe about middle way between I wo mentally ask, “Why should a Li both the shores. “Well, that is the man want a wife so very much his' 1 11,1,1 c Also at the same time and place will be sold one tractor parcel of land situated! in YYaslij^gtan county, bounded nortbl t»y lands of John Afiirris, ca?} by Cen tral Unih“(ad, West by public road lead ing from 8nudersYil|o io Dublin, con taining seventy njsrcji more 1 r less, levied (>U to satisfy a ,Superior. Court li fa ill favor of E. S. LtlHoUiado ap l II. D, D* Twiggs vs. Jno D. Kenedy, prop- -*rty levied 011 as property of .Tim PKeu- ‘dyiiud pointed out by plaintiff's ip li fa and legal notice given tenant iu posses sion . . JTO TICE! ORDINARY'S OFFICE, REORGIA—W.ishin^tcm County ALL Bersotis are hereby notified that on the ^5th day of February next I’ll 'INDEX Of (li* fUiIltV l;1» co’lftth^ pOI'lruitH of ClIlil’ODt l!|H‘' lli*l’ll I*”I*'l ■* iiiK'iiH iif tlu**'(iiiUcry,*’ they tin* Mij^’ni. I llK iMRS, Id all r«»i4jM*ct.- f H * no o tin* uMu-t * ud I i’»t ttM l'miiiVy In tin* 1 niD l Slllt***(. FlMlil s? mp» to Thk (Tiiiir ri \ s Is in: \. Ai* ■ntii. (i» l’ (» llov 21. ti to jf. t t!ii* |i.t 4 u*r for mi'* •»ur mid the ** I’oi'lnili (uillci’y .** A Rare Companion • X *■ 'Tun Dwtuoit Fj:kh Phi ip, Fumed througlioqt the world an a news- nper of the rarest and most cnjoVubl'! reader "'on a tliaton the goMi day of I'ehru»ry next. '. lwlH j» eommende.d to th" ividbr 'bi ie ollnniug 1 aul Miff be made public: ;11V( . to pb'.iHi*, interest and satidv. duo good causers shown to tfioc.ontr.i-! j fK ,.. M1 tents .p-e ever tre/.i, vivaei channel way. By tlio frequent running ot bouts a through fare has been cut through tlio ice jus! wide enough for two steamboats to pass. This morning the Con tinental, hound for Now Haven, made a dash through, followed by tho City of Now York tor New London), and tbo Metropolitan. At tlio same time the propellor Neptune, bound tor New York, eqn}0 flown frqni tlio eastward, followed by the City of Boston, tfic Niin'fl/gaijsett, and the Gran ite Stptp. So qarrow was the channel way tliqt tho passing boats put out feqdors to save t hei r guards. ■/amount oftficir bids with two good and ;Strange, et al, heirs of Jno. J. Strange, inferior i” l-iolvent sccuntias for tlio faithful per- Jec’d and one iu favor of Mrs. Emma ■'ormauce of the contract, and tq itldem-! Ainsworth, adm’x of Daniel Ains- .****’ nify the county for auy damages ucoa- Aviirth, dec’ll and against E. ILSirangc. l)jes tllO Bible touch l’olltiCS 1 sinned by a failure tp pt if .nil the same property levied on as property of E. R. j within tne, prescribed time. “* 1 ~ ' * ’ -* 1 ’ *’‘ 1 ' We glean the following thoughts! Baltics intending to put in bids ni-ore- ° . ] tcred to Acts ot the Legislature ot 1878 iroiii tm article winch appeared ro-! :llll i ihP)”—No. 172• Page 151) and let). contly iu thy Delaware Signal: j „ , M. NEWMAN, , J ! fab: 10-It Ordinary W, C. In these days wh *n many run Also at same ti„,emid place will be|ry,tlm^ame hiding ^cn'roccumnieml'd! aZJu™ “ vur Ir ‘ ,ss ‘’ V1V ‘ UMO " H so d one tract or paveel of laud inks of publici utility „m| nuuk.'d m« by Everv issue aa t taii much origin,fl Washington County uintaming two bun- the ltuafl Umiuuis s)u nem cunfotimibly natmi-; peculiarly readable and i.mtriKc dred acres more or less adjoining lands to law • ‘ .....iB' ,. s current of T. J Gilmore, It. L. Rodgers and Oommcncing at Riddluvi’.L running ill a tlm day iu various d. partincuU of others, known ns tho old Gideon htrangc northerly direction through bunt, |literature liomestead, on public, road being tlie. of P. G. B-'pe, J,as. Horton place, Janies! In its delightful columns will be found Widows portion ot tlieedato ot ,III,.,| l’ate and others to the Rub’s Fyny la world.,( nnecdot.*, paragraph and spicy 1 ; \yit. humor, sketch story; ofi'u#", U iVrespomlcuee, spriglitiv edit ; travels, i'asliion--everytliing that gratify flio most exacting ivudei, wliioli tli (j, 1 whose taste and cubin' ! te.nand originality and luerif will t sj)e- ei.illy appreciate. « will be ready at my oilu.e dur- ]. Strange,said property levied on to Road, at the Jack Moye olfl jijnc-ts, *; twek. Terms will bo cash at j satisfy two Superior (A.urtfi fns, one in! Given under my figml find official pu/,/, les. h, ploxiou of tho work. |favor of Louisa Woods ct al for thcisiguatitroqt Sandnrliville, ‘J2mlof Jamia- ..rials; trie tli instances, contractors will be use of Muuiva Gilmore nud JS,illicit alg- ry, 1881 jan g" 5t 51. KlAVfij AN, Uxui gn.lin 1 to give bonds in double tlm .ors and against Davis Strange, Mrs. E. R. Ordinary, |K. ('. Lud which Strange and Pointed out by plaintiff in fi fas apfl legal notice given defen dant in possession. (). A. ItouamroN, jail 20’8), Sheriff W • (J. channel-way will be completely] , ,, frozen lip for all classes? of ydsscls ”j'’ UC J aS L ‘ The ice is in sonic plipius two, feet thick opposite Whitcstonc. I., , to and Iro and knowledge is in creased, may we not ask, docs the Bible teach politics? On this question we unhesitatingly take tlio affirmative, ami that no true political action is to be liad, only tlmt which is agreeable to and foun ded upon divine revelation, Un der the Jewish theooiv.oy the com mand was given, choqsc ye out from among llie people able men, ir God ; men of truth,| [bating covetousness, and appoint! as rulers. And tojliis agrees 1 jtlie Jangpgc of the psalmist, “lie that rujeth over man must be jusl,i mil jug in the fear ot God.” And to this \ye litre! the same language! in the writings of Paul, Romans i3, on the ice yesterday morning and watched the great steamboats cut their way. The entire hay is blocked with ‘‘‘ '’““"n"'* ”’! Hair-Cutting, Shaving, SliampooUingAifB'fT, Tr ,, v nn (II/ . 7 • , , , 3, hFor nflers are not a terror to Day and Night. Shop under flm 8;pi- lltA 1 DRA F ^ v FOJt ;,ee. through which vessels have] , / . Alul : d J vi Hn Rmel. feb 8tt! 1881. THE FIRST WEEK. Grand Jura drawn to serve 1st wa l of the next Sujierior (Jour 1 . IF L Taylor, Hah urn IF. J la! I, Hr. /hu I leach, Hopewell 4dams, Georae Gil more. Sampson Daniel, S 11 J'i 4/qx- ('(/, IF 11 Hall, Lt jj lyeildI’id,:, d*s*i JS'OTICE. Or.DiN.uiv’sOi.Kio;:, Wakiiisoton Cointv, < I a . Simdersville., .January 2(5,1.131, The beneficiaries of this county, who have hitherto received from this office, monthly script for their support, nr. hereby notified that no more Script wil be issued to them after tho expiration of this mouth; bpt tl)qt they will im re- 11 liras well, / It Smith, ll 1‘ Shepard, joeived at thp “Rome for the Poor," J lien Wifxun, t' S Strange, IF A Orr, which has been estaliffylied for tlieir risun, John Taylor II {{ Smith, T J (lilnu re, Geo 1) |Varlher\. 2nd west, Dr Uhas J Danis, Jj j' Murphy, Allen d Burnett, Alford (i Harrison, E M Smith J T Sheppard, IF E Martin, S M No hiildoii, ,1/ f Swinl, IF E G/arte, Samuel J Smith, II I‘ Smith, 11 L Orr, Jno 1) 'tanner, Ik H Uhieers, IF 11 Adams, !\ r It’ Jordan, It V11 May, Green Jj Jfarvi- son, Stanley Kitlrelt, J / Irwin, J L Garner, IF A Smith, Jno ll May, IF A Simpijield, G IF Hat unun, ll G Hod yes, S It Kelly T U Wider, M M Mat h is out of the harbor. Tljc steamship Pomona, which arrived yesterday from Montego B.y, n ports tljat she encountered ice fields near Cape M :l y extending fifteen miles of «h ( H' c - My Unrber shop at TenuiUe wil) be i T«. . ,'a'ood works but to the evil.” And Be much difficulty in going in and' 10 / , some of our most learned jurists. () p Cn on WedneMny’", Saturday’s nud have taken thp same groun l Oh irlesa^unday’s. Summers once said, “Polities is the! ‘ 1 t . , . 4 . .. , iOIUHNARY’S OFFICE, application ot niqrajs to public at- Ik .. Po| :| a * OBG ' A -w**^ Wo* io (to* or*- of OHM* The ri .useiiold," a weekly snpplr- im lit, containing ooutributiuus by ■ Italy j.ioavspmideuts, resident in all quarters lot' t.m (o.iutry, relating to tuples of I interest to tin* ladies especially ;;nd a piiblieatiou ll) it lias met with e.iuch favor, is fiirniafieil gratis to every sufi- seriber to Tin-: Fit UK Fuksk. >, r o oth *r 'oarmd furnishes so mueh leading matter, so varied and so e^pellpifl, for so little money. THE WEEKLY FREE PRESS AND “THE .HOUSEHOLD” TOOE L’llER ARE EURNLUHEi) AT t»2 A YEAR. GLU.HS OF FIVE, $1. 75 I'iAOll; .L HIE UAL COMMISSIONS ALLOW ED LOCAL AGENTS. Specimen copies sent free. Adless THE DETROIT FREE PRESS. Dktisoit, Micir'. MORNIXU NJ' l'F'V.S SERIALS.. A ('ii.tu.Mi.vii Xkw Sronv. VASCO, or UNTIL DF.VTil Ry .\frs. I). M. ^'inii|-.*,riiKii),()f Lake jntu Blui'ifla. THE WEEKLY NEWS, ok HA'rititnAV, i'i:mir.u:v 5, 1881. . TAiwmin, • , W'ill contain tho opening chapters "fan A b 1 Alt,J<)R I ltL-j,-., in good ordprintereding s'ory with the above Ijt.lj), columns by .of Lake present, places of residence by Ifli'i 1'mnois fpr, Super intendent upon leaving notice o)* send ing it, to mv office. M. NEWMAN, jan 27-.f|t Ordinary AV, (!. . / Job Press For Sale, -— ; — s ory wall me aim prints a form 10x15 cost .fSO'OQ. will sell written expressly for its colli fqr $‘,]h,0(( cash. Only reason for sel|E;by Mr* R. M. ZlMMEUMAN, nig is I want to buy a power press A J J B-RN IO AN, Proprietor, Of The Mercurv. _ for tlie protection and improvement :nation of homestead, and I will p»ss up-'.J/ay, E E Dudley J 4 JJraiUleu W the °(’ morals.” . i5^X»SS. *lfe isctjSBingi Dr. Kranklin, when viewing ti|uj»'J«»«"'• M. NEWMAX. I '^DEltSE^nmy'it'wilEK. Brook Stubbs, ll A Sucllintj, Ayles bury Webster, 77/o.s J Jackson, Geo \\ Webster, Elbert Fowler, (j j Trussei, 1 Desirable P» Qwerty for Sale J H Newsome,da* Jj Dully,Hobt Youny, 1 " ' David G Gumming, L L Adams, Jacob H Davis, A J Garter, J M Bryant JasS Brady, IF F Webster, Lopez Smith, Jas E Haw/fins, 11 ll Horton Jno E Braswell, ,J J Shu ding, W 11 —Ever since its reopeifin Parliament lias been discussing tlie state of Ireland, and there isjdestinies ot nations, and hendin meager hope of a,i) early solqtiou louder the weight of more than 1 of the irritating question. Raflir tour score years, when he was de cals urge tho necessity iff energetic liyering that sublime, and I almost Handersville, Jan. 31. Orninary. ^ ^ -4 Badgers, Bennet lj Smith, Silas coercive measures, and Conserva tives wish to deal with the troubles a p wof»k it» ymirown town. $•’) Outfit fm: 1 No risk, y ailtT, if yon want u Ijttwiuo Iwhluli \»(‘jhouk of eitln»r fex cun jiHiku' emit! ,<• w 1 J pay all tlju timo they work, write ior par-1 uCD'fXCr, 011)11)80)1 ? ticular.s tv il. 1J.U.M2TT & Co.. Dortl ’ ’ Mulne. juty 13, l«80-ly _ ; F Hunt, L E liobison, Jtliodes G Hope, **(•! f T F Diets, J If Morgan, Win Hellers’ “[ L Dudley, Chas 4 Wall, JAney ! (rnmp.y Strtununn W . lir ii said inspired, speech before the! convention that framed tho 'Uni- in a generous spirit, while both tLejed States constitution, said;j EngUsh au l the Irish Liberals aye|.-I have lived long, mid the longer I j You oail (lo it b buving a first dissatisfied at tae mcompletenes3.|[ ve qu* more convincing proofs I [e]ass SEWING yACIIINE from nffiifl nmiuMAil ehan<rea in theL„-. n„j m i . . .. ti. e A.. •. S Waterx, , ^'urthmd; Odom, W Gordon Smith, 3as IF Welch Cullen Hartley, Thos IU Lord,'C IF ‘"'ell, A 1 Hart, Sol G Prince, Dadd S Hums, Jas T Chambers, Hr, HV . I n f(* *v/i 'ii I ^ ’,111 .J,..t . ti i IIOW TO SAVE §20.00. \S Jack-son, IF T Truebuct, Jno A Bohe- son Thos W Norris, Solomon Tanner J J Walker, Ebeneza'B Smith, IF M Irma, Florida. We are unwilling to anticipate the pleasure .which the. admirers of vadl wrought and elegantly written fiction must derive from the pen s d of the above charming story, by even hinting to them jn advance the intensely jiilj,' 71C Acres moro or lessof land with '“fTp strikingly romantic pint good buildjugs, well watered, 8 12 miles from AhpdorsVille, For par ticulurs apply at this office, nov 9, 1880—2 m Flower Plants for Sale, Fine lot of Fuchsias Fine dou ble Flowering' Geraniums, Fine lot of Gloxinias, wjijch the talented author has developed with suufi consuiium; skill. Sulliec it tosayjli.aty ASOOjorl’NTIL DEATH is a charming and exceedingly i/ph- written story, al)t)ni|ding with scenes, incidents and situations pf thrilling and novel ijUprpst. 'L'he story is lociupfl in dip Hpqtlj; the diameters are faitldully and vividly delineated, while the i[jr° r ' cst of the wellrchoson plot is sust;»non without abatement to the close. The story wifi rt(ii through some s' x ‘it)'eight ijumbefs of the WEEKLY news. Wall, [Alien Fine lot Tube Ro«os f ) n ]„]. n .. New subscribers wlio desire to have it V F Her T,dhnrrT^ i° 1 f 0 ':- 1 .- send mUieir (tames deria Tubiflora of variatl kinds and China Pinks of ^ _ all the different varieties. Prices froqi to cents to $i.oo. Those fine Photographs and Ferrotypes taken still at the old jotice. 8ubscriptions tf2 u year, 81 f” 1 ^ ■•>ix months. Money can b: sent by Money Order, Registered Letter or p x " pre ss at our risk. .,.. J. H. E3T1LL, 8avannul}, La : MR. F, A. SULLIVAN agent,