The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, February 22, 1881, Image 2

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THE MERCURY. TUESDAY, FEB. 22, 1881. Sarah Bernhardt the French pctre.88 has been tq Atlanta, and left with $4000, and the Atlantecs are very quiet about her. The papers puffed her very hi,i'll be- |2p^c she came, but they don’t say pinch since she left. Hacox, Qa., Feb. 18th 1881. Mr. Editor:—Being at leisure this afternoon I thought perhaps J v'ould employ it in writing to yjost estinmblo paper, believ ing that your readers would like to hear from the Central city. As Ts'hiy first experience as news paper correspondent, I am at a y-jnss to know what would interest fenders of the Mkroury. As iyrule, the letters of correspon- ig..|lent8 are usually dry, or at least, j-ponsidored so; and are generally v;A*skippcd" by the majority of the WHERE HAS 1880 GONE. By Liutuana Moui/ton, Wliere do you s’pose 1880 is? Where do you tliink it lias pone? These questions puzzles me sorely, T’ve thought of it night nndmorn; And very often I’ve wondered, Little folks wonder, you see, If eighteen hundred and eighty that’s gone, Would ever come back to me. So to-day I asked my tencher, Where the dear old yearoould bo, For I thought slic’d sure explain All about such tilings to me; But she only shook her head, saying, “Thats a query very broad:” query very broad;” Then she sadly smiled and answered, “Eighteen-eighty’s gone to God." Gone to God] Then of course it can Nevermore conic hack again; How I wish I’d been more careful, And not sent God so much pain| Oli, there are many heedless words Wicked thoughts and unkind deeds That the Lord will find against me, JFlieu eightecn-ciglity he roads, And now let each one of ps try, And make their new year so glad, That when it shall go back to God, The record won’t make him sad. For it may be when oighty-ono Shall have down with its record true, It may bo. when it goes to God’s throno, That wo shall have gone there, too. WHAT IS WHISKEY. Whiskey is frequently recommend ed as a tonic. This is a mistake, it is an alterative; it alters dollars to cents,home to hell, virtue to crime, clothes to rags, happiness to misery, iuen to brutes, and life to death. 8. M. NOttTHINTOn, JUSTICE Ob THE PEACE, 97TII DISTRICT, WILL givo special attention to the collection of Churns fell 15, h881-tf No liquor licenses have been granted in Potter county, Penn sylvania, since 1*860, and here are the grand effects: “At a recent term of the court, the District At torney informed the court that he had no indictments to present to the grand jury; the sheriff also sta ted that he had no criminals in the prison; the directors of the poor re ported that th«y had no one to keep at the county’s charge. 1 ’ All call* foravofcBsionnl service prompt ly responded tq. Office at his residence on Harris street, opposite the ear shed. * For the Farmers. Don’t waste any Hides you have, from a b.ief hide down to a Opossum. Bring them to me and get money for thorn, also IDps Wax. ARTHUR ROBERTS, fob 15, 1881—4t Sandorsville, Ga. u wMncon is the centre of business ;! |u tills stale, supporting seven or ' 0ig]ij, wholesale stores besides the manufactories and other industrial enterprises, which crowd tho city The locality is healthy and a fit f jdacc for the city of colleges. Ah ‘ you are aware, I am attending Mer- , cor University, and in this my first f letter, I will confine myself mostly ! *• to this grand old institution, Wash- ’ Jngton county is well represented ’ i in the classic halls of Mercer, Mcss- v ri Eddie T, May and Richard Ilar- fia represent old Washington in the Jnnior class; while Messrs L. . E fV Brown and R, D. Evans, Jr., wre in tho Senior class and will graduate this summer. Mercer is jn a floitrisning condition having about a hundred and ten eudents, and bids fair to continue its pros perity. The trustees of Bethlehem church of your county were indeed fortu nate in securing the services of so ftbjjB (i divine as Rev. J. J. Brantly Erofessor of Bellos Lettros in Mercer. Dr. Brantly is one of .tjio best logicians of tho country, ay^tho peoplo may expect much in hearing him preach. Your correspondent mot this morning Dr. Rodgers of Snnders- ville, at the R. It. dopot on his way to Atlanta to visit his son, Jlon. K. L. Rodgers, n former res- '■ ident of your town, the doctor was looking well, and in excellent spirits. ... j^Briefness should always he oh*, perved in letters, therefore 1 will not violate tho rule by writing a long epistle. More Anon, J}. 1). Evans, Jr. Out of every 100 inhabitants in tlio United States 16 live in cit ies. Tho Methodist Church of Canada gives at tho rate of$1.50 a member for missions. Lands in tho cotton-growing re gion of Alabama have almost doub led in price within a few years. Leeds, England, claims to have solved the difficulty of disposing of sewerage by burning in a lurnaee constructed for the purpose. Items of Interest Insanity, whisky and pistols are the great causes of all murders in our county. Whisky inflames the murderous passion, tho terrible pistol crushes the leaden ball through the brain, ajid insauity saves the life of the monster who did the killing, another victim fills a grave, and Ins sou! sent, perhaps, ili unatoned before Him, the great Judge. Another widow; more fatherless children are thrown on tho cold charities of tho world.— Carters ville Free Press. A playful scufilo by two gam blers ntBodie, Cal., ended in their winding themselves about each other and shooting until both were dead. borne rats gnawed loose tho fast enings of a trap door at Venango mills, Franklin, Pa., and M»0 bushels of corn fell into the crock below and were lost. Two San Francisco policemen mistook each other for burglars fired six whoots apiece, and woun ded a small boy, before discovering their error. Tho original socket pear tree, lDO years old, still stands on the shore of the Delaware. The tree was produced fVom a seed that was washed on shore. Summoned to preach a funeral, sermon, a Port Jervos dominie found instead of a corpse a coupl dressed in bridal robes, to be joined in marriage, and pocketed bis fee all the same. A man named Sterling way hanged in Youngstown, Ohio, in l877, for the murder of a young girl, lie was convicted on the evidence of a huckster, who a few days ago, on his doathb6tf, con fessed that lie was the murderer. •*»> The Constitution says; ‘<If ten years ago, when Boss Tweed was ut the height of his lawless power, anybody had told him that he jAvould uio poor and friendless and prison, and that his elegant Fifth-avenue residence would be come the property of a Hall coun ty, Georgia, boy, be would scarce., ily have received the intelligence as strictly true. Yet such Is the case, ^J,'he.J3o8S died deserted by all his "Id- followers and favorites, and Mr, Ritchard T. Wilson has pur- ■ebased his famous residence at the cpin'er of Fifth avenue and Forty- third street. Mr. Wilson paid $185,000 for the Jproperiy. It •♦eost the “Boss” perhaps twice that gum.” An exchange says: A man died iiKentucky last week, aged 90, who never saw a locomotive or en tered a steamboat.” This may in a measure account for his longlife.— JSl. XL Picayune. * He was making considerable ‘ ‘ifioise.rehearsing bis part in Othello, yt'bwpadog silenced him by its bowling. Thus th e star actor be came a cur-hushed tragedian. Whitehall Times. * ’ 1 Desire for rsvenge is always ■v*b n f lar k of an ignoble spirit. -„ L „Lif.eshould not be measured by yca’rs.but by worthy-deeds. ■j CHANGED. ‘Worn will see by the notice of Mr. O. A- Rougton Sheriff, that tho Minority .is ii(iw the official organ of the county Jor ( the Sheriff’s advertisements. All •’bills to be introduced in the Legislature • will Iiave to be published in the paper (that does the Sheriff’s advertising, for ’;?0 Jays before the laeetingof that body. . Jf they .ate not, they will be null and void. Every one should take their coun- •ty'Paper, it only cost Si-50 per year. v Dome right along now and help ns by jt Ascribing at once. A new feature in some of the LIKE SEED, JAKE HARVEST. “The old man always takes his horn before breakfast, and his punch in the evening, 1 guess if it’s good for him it won’t hurt me.” The rude speech and boisterous manner of the youth who uttered these words bore unmistakable tes timony to the fact that he had al ready been putting his theory to a practical test, with a fair chance of ending in utter ruin. If fathers will sow to the wind, they must expect to reap the whirl wind. There is a lesson well worth pondering in the appeal of the lit tle lad: “Be careful, father, where you tread, I’m following in your steps.”—Church & Home. Drink and Crime. M.D.C.M. Summerlin, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. S.vwiKRSvii.t.n, (1 RojiniA. HONEY SAVED Sheriff Sales. # AN’ill be sold before the Court House loor iu Saudersville on the first Tuesday in March next, within the lognl hours of sale, the life estate of ,Sarah F. Hooks in and to all the tract of land contain ing seven hundred and fifty-nine acres more or less, lying on the North prong of Williamson' swamp, in said county, adjoining lands of 'I'. Wnrthcn & Co,, T. Wartlien, R. II. Wicker and others, known as the Hopewell i looks planta tion, whereon said defendant, Barah T. Hooks now resides; to satisfy ono Su- Court li fa in favor of B. A. Hooks for the use of 1*. Happ & Son, vs - Su rah F. Hooks. Ihopeity pointed out by plaintiff and legal notice given. GEORGIA—Washington County. IFhoreas, I I’m. Roland applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Tom Rowland, deceased, This is therefore, to notify all concern ed to show cause if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 2Qtli of January, 1881. M. NEWMAN, jail 27-80(1 Ordinary. Also at the time and place will bo sold seven tenths undivided interest iu remainder after the termination of the estate of Mrs. Sarah F. Hooks, in uiul to all that tract of land containing seven hundred and fifiy-nino acres more or loss, lying on the North prong of Wil liamson's swamp in said county, adjoin ing lands of T- Wartlien & Go., T. Wartlien, R. II. Wicker and others, be ing the one tenth undivided interest in remainder of , ach of the several defen dants; Lucinda Hooks, Olivia Hooks, Winfred Hooks Mary Harris, formely Mary Hooks, Martha Hooks, Nancy Jordan, formely Nancy llooks and Gabrj . S. Hooks, whereon S. r di F- Hooks, life tenant now resides as the property of Lucinda Hooks Olivia Hooks Winfred Hooks, Mary Harris, Martha Hooks, Nancy Jordan, and Gabriel 8. Hooks, to satisfy one superior Court 11. la in fnvorot Bennett A. Hooks wliosues for use of A’. Hupp &S >n vs. sujd Lucin da llooks, Olivia Hooks,Winfred Hooks, Miry Harris,Martha Hooks, Nmioy Jor dan, and Gabriel 8.1 looks,Property poin ti d out by plantin'and o .al notice given to 8 dull F, llooks in possession. GEORGIA—Washington County. Igiiereas, M. Newman and Ella K. Salter, udm’rs of the estate of A. T Wig gins, deceased,apply to me for letters of disiuissioufrom said administration, This is therefore to notify all ponoorn- ed to show cause, if any they have, with in the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand nt offioo in San, dcrsville, this January 12th 1881. C. C. Brown, Ord’y. Jan. 13 3m Hair-Gutting, Shaving, Shnmpoouiug Day and Night. Shop under tho Sau- dcrsvillo IJotel. fob 8tli 1881. My Barbershop at T- nnille will be open on Wodupsday's, Saturday's and Suuday’s. Also nt same tinio and place will be sold one acre of land with improvmentsthore- on, bounded on die north-cast and south by land ol'Joseph Joiner, west by pub lic road from Sun Hill to Ball’s ferry' Levied on as the property of Knto Wa ters imp John Waters to satisfy a Justice Court li fain favor of A. J .Jones,bearer, vs. Knto Waters, and John WutOl's. Property pointed ouLby plaintiff iu ti fa and legal notice givou to defendant in possession, • Levy made byJ.T. Gurry constable, 93d districtG, M., and return to me. i a week In yotirown town, $'» Outfit free 1 No rule. It udtT, if vcm want a IjuhIhohb At l\vlilt’ll i-4* rMoiiH of efViicr Hex can inula* gmit j i*uy all tlio titno they work, write for pur- to II. ll.W.LKTT & Co.. IVmluud MuL.e, July 13, 18.30—ly JV O TICE! Sir matthow I laic, ono of tlio oldest, chief justices of England, some years ago gave tliu following testimony against, strong drink: “The place of judicature which I have long held in this kingdom hns given me an opp irtunitty t> observe tho original cause of most of the enormities that have been commuted for tlio space of twenty years, and by due observation I have found that if the murders and manslaughters, tho burglaries and robberies, the riots and tumults, the adulteries’ fornications, rapes, and other enormities that have happened in that time, wore divid ed in five parts, four of them have boon the issues and products of ex cessive drinking, of tavern or ale house drinking.” ORDINARY’S OFFICE, GEORGIA—-Washi ugton County. Jli/ the Ordinary of Sail County. All PERSONS nro hereby notified that on Tuesday, tho 22(1 day of March next, the following named Road will b made public if no good cause is shown to tho contrary; the same having been re oinmeuded by the Com inis done's . o n formally to law. “Commencing on tho L.ingti Bridge Rond opposite Mr. Benjamin F. Mur phy’s house, running, nearly north, along the old private road, through tho lands of Cullen Murphy, .JamesBarron, the Barron sisters, A. W. Jackson, tin old Mills place, Richard Mills, .1. M- Vinson, l’atsey Miles H. N. llollilield, Newton Uonfroc, Nancy Walker, John Walker, Thcophilus Yates, James Vin son, estate of Andy Duggan, J’ J. Gar ner, and William Arclmr, intcrsoctiu with the Sparta Road. Given under my hand and official signature, at Bnndorsville, the 14th day of February, 1881 A general war .seams to be or- 'anizing against intemperance leading schools of New Jersey placing daily and local newspapers til the highest department for the use of the pupils. The students aro required to givo an occasional abstract of the news of the day as gleaned from their columns. A resident of Gloucester, Mass., has bought*half npock of peanuts every {Saturday night for eight years past for his grand-children. A few Saturdays ago he started for Boston, forgetting (lie peanuts, and telegraphed back from that city to a dealer in Gloucester to de liver the customary half-peek. At Stuttgart a student in love with a very pretty girl had repeat edly written to tho parents for their consent to a marriage. Re ceiving no reply, he poisoned him self at the girl’s lodgings. Next day came a letter with the parents’ consent. At tho funeral the gib swallowed poison,J rj) 1 fell lilele. into the arms ol one of tho ebons tors singing over the grave. Feb. 17te-4t M. NEWM AN, Ordinary W. C. Gum arabic dissolved in whis ky will keop tho hair curled in damp weather.—Ex. A little sugar dissolved in it has the samo effect on the legs.—John B. Gough. “If you would catch fish,my boy,’’ remarked an old salt, to nn in ex perieuced, “you must yank the lino just a quarter of a necond before you feel a bite.” IIon Fernando Wood, the well known Democratic member of Congress from tlio city of New York, died at Ilot Springs, Ar kansas, on Sunday, uig'lit Mr. Wood has long been a leading member of Congress, and his loss will be seyoie'y felt in that body. State Legislatures tire passing laws to check it. Congress is asked to prohibit the manufacture of intox icating fluids in tho United Sta tes, and churches arc vigorously moving to break lip drinking among (their members. King Aleohol may prepare for some sharp work. These nro all good moves, with wise modifications, but our faith is strongest in the work of tho churches. If these great powers of influencing the minds and hearts of the masses of the people should take hold of the subject and light it only as chur ches can light it, by attacking it in every household, and convin cing the judgement and appealing to the feelings of individuals, then some good results may be looked for. The inefficiency of legislative enactments is too well known .when the sympathies and habits of those relied on to execute them are in in active accord with offenders. Churches, however, work different ly They approach the question with admonition and with per-- suasion, and not with laws and punishment. They give aid, comtort and strcnglit to the weak and fortify the resolution of the strong.—Each individual is an intereRing factor in their progress, and the weakest is the most inter esting. The wisdom and power of an earnest church cannot be equalled in reclaiming the intem perate and in waging war against evils like intemperance. # The Baptist chum! in South Carolina is working in thi6 field with zeal and effect. South Carolina Bau- tiat want the law to‘ aid them m their work and not to do it for them. That is the way to ad vance Ordinary’s Oillre, WASHING] ON COUNTY, GA. tS.ixnEitsvii.i.i-:, February 9th, 1881. Will h« h t ont to the lowest bidder, lie fore the Court Houso door, in Ban- dersville, on Saturday, tlio 12tii of March next, the building of a three room house at the "Home for the poor;” of the fol lowing dimensions; 2 rooms, 10x10 with a chimney in the middle, and one room, 10x2.5. 'Hi j fl i iriu.: in tho first mentioned two rooms, uni ALL the door and window casings to bo dressed. It will require 4 doors an 1 10 windows Terms will ho one-half cash during the progress of tho work, and tho other half at its completion, Tho plan and specifications are now ready tor inspection at iny office. “The triumphing ol the wicked is short.” Sometimes a half hour overturns them. And a few thous. and years is pretty sure to do them scrverc damage. “God’s mills Immigrants from Georgia, th North and Northwest, are arrivingigrind slowly,” it seems sometimes, at Starke every week and looking but no quartz like iniquity has ever around for suitable homes. Brad- yet been able to block their motion. ford county and eventually dustrious classes. offers wealth health, to all iu- And what arc a thousand years be. side the great hereafter?—Church & Home. A!*> at tlio same time and place will be sold i wo lots of landR ing in Wash ington C mnty ono lot containing four hundred and eighty-five acres mote or oss, adjoining lands of Brooks, Beth- une, Tucker and others; also one lot oi land containg two hundredand fifty acres, more or less adjoining llali, jh thune, Tucker and Gilmoropill levied on tosat- isfy a Superior Cuirt fi fa in favor o 1’. J. Gilnioru, Agt for F. II. C iriim vs VY’A.amlR. W. Carr; lands levied mi as property ol the defendants, legal notice given. Property ponm-fi out by plaintiff in 11 fa. Ordinary’s Oi'iicc, Washington Co., Also at tlic same time nipl place will he sold one tract or parcel of land situated in Washington county, hounded north by lands of John Morris, on. t Ly Gen ual Railroad, West by pabl.crond loafi ng from Baudersvillo to Dublin, con fining seventy acres naira < r less, levied on to satisfy a Superior. Court fi la iu favor of E, S. Laugmado npd H. O. D- Twiggs vs. .Tno D.Kciicily. prop erty levied nil as property of Jnu D Rea dy and pointed out by plaintiffs in fi l'a aid legal notice given tenant in posses sion . , Ga. Sandersvjllk, January 19, 1B81. To the. Citizen* of Washington County lu Assuming the duties of this office, I return my gi'atl’ul acknow ledgement to you for electing me to it; mid ut the same time I pledge myself to discharge its duties to the best of my ability. To enable me to do it more in telligently I would respectfully ro piest: 1st.—All those having claims against the* County, audited or unaudited, to please present them to me at tia early a day ns prnetL cable, so I can ascertain tho exact fimimiehd status of the county. 2d.—Citizens residing in the neighborhood of bridges out of or der will please notify me by wri ting or vorbuly of stieji bridges, so i can examine them myself, or by someone whom I may appoint, and if necessary have them repair ed as soon as pos-sible. J;—All who aro in possession ol books, papers or i'urnitui’O Moil ing to any of the offices in the Court-House, will please return t hem at once, •Itb.—Citizens residing iu Dis tricts where no election lor Justice of the l’eaeo was held on the first Saturday in January, 18SI, will please notify me of such vacan cies when J will receive sugges tions, and make appointments un der thd provisions of thy Code. 5th —l will he at my office dai ly, e.yiept Sunday, from 8 to 12. and from 2 to 5 o’clock. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary W,C. dyeing: F25 > and those wishing to 1, Dresses, Coats, Pants V egts ? v ° dyed; below will he found atA ole of prices. Thankful » lavors I solicit a Continuances the samo: v Coats, Pants, Vests, Ladies’ Dresses.... Childrens’ “ .... Shawls, silk “ wool Cloaks, waterproof. Saoquos Mittens Feathers Silk Ties Kid Gloves, black., Stockings, 3 pairs., Ribbon per yd Jlandkcrebicfs, silk $1.00 to W • l0 »“ U • 50 ‘ is • :: *8 '• S 50 «< 1.50 “ 25 “ 10 << 10 « 2.0ff 50 15 Iff to 25 10 10 Dying left at either the MercuJI ^•e or at Mrs. Bayne’s Millinery store, with instructions ns to oolnr e attended to. r ’ will lie MRS. C. (’, SCARBOROUGH may 18, 1880. BUlYttUR Instru^^^^-mei, Sto Instill From tiie JERNIGAN. On bund and for sale at all time* Viol-in Strings, Violins, Boxes Bows, Rosin, Harmonicas, Ac- iHirdeons, Bridges, Pegs Ac. Tjrr. Ghmcstiax Ihdkx PulilialiinR. Company liavo undertaken tho grand work of collecting into a gallery, the per-' ■r (ita of the (listing lisliafi minister* of tlio Baptis denoumiation in Oeorgit euoli portrait i^;e,)Uipiuiiufi l>y.a kiugrt pbicnl sketch. This splendid work of tk* .■ngrnvor’H art is of great eixo. 33 indie* JTO TICE! Also at samo time and place wifi be sold one tract or parcel of laud in Washington County containing two hun dred acres more or lc.-t, adjoining lands if T. J. Gilmoro, It. L. Rodgers and others, known as the old Gideon Strange homestead, on public road being the! Widow’s portion of thoe..tato of Jim.I J. Strange,said property levied on to satisfy two Superior Court fi fas, ono in favor of Louisa Woods et at for tin uso of Maniv.i Gilmore and Bat ieRodg- ors and again-,t Davis .Strange, Mrs.E, B. otrango, et al, heirs of Jno, J. Strange, dee’d and one in favor of Mrs. Fni na Ainsworth, adm’x of Daniel Ains worth, (lee il and against E. B.Strange, Property levied on as property of K. B. Strange and pointed out by plaintiff, in fi fas and legal notice given defen dant ill possession, (). A. Roimuton, jail 2ti ’81, Sheriff W • C. WILL ho let out at the same time the thorough ropniringof May’s Bridge, over the Ogeeslue, The specifieati ms for the.same will bo ready ut my office dur ing next week, 'JV.rms will bo easli at the complexion of the work. In both instances, contractors will bo. required to givo bonds in double the amount of their bids with two good and solvent securities for tiro faithful per formance of the contract, and to indem nify the. county for any damages occa sioned by a failure to pi rf inn the same within the proscribed time. Parties intending to put in bids arero- fered to “Acts of (lie Legislature of 1873 and 1879”—No. 172: Page 159 and 100. M. NEWMAN, feb 10-4t Urdinary W, C. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, GEORGIA—Washington County W. T. Rea has applied for exemption of personalty, uud setting apart nnd vnl- muion of homestead, nml I will pass up on the same, nt 10 o’clock, n,m„ on Monday the 14th of February, 1881, nt my office. M. NEWMAN. Saudersville, Jan. 31. Orninary, OFFICIAL. I HEREBY NOTIFY PUB AD VK fr< THE Grand Jury drawn to servo Id wed iff Ike mud Superior Goar'.. IVL Taylor, lUhurn IF. Hall,Dr. Asa /teach, llopewell Adams, Georye Gil more, Sampson Daniel, S 11 li Mas sey, W11 Hall, L It Kendrick, Jesst It Braswell, 1 L Smith, 111‘ Shepard J lien Wilson, T S Strange, IF L Urr, Afte Youngblood, Silvan us ■ l'rince, ll T Bonds, J{ T Bynum, S G Jordan, IV M Eiglish, J li Cow, John J Giles, S It Mills, Each Culver, Joseph Har rison, John Taylor It It Smith, T J Gilmore, Geo D War It wax. '2nd week, Hr Chds if Hhi vis, Jl F Murphy, Allen J It hr nett, Alford G Harrison, E M Sindh J T Sheppard, WE Marlin, S M Ho hifiylon, M T Swint, IFE Clarke, Samuel J Smith, II P Smith, H E Urr, Jno D tanner, W H Chturns. IF 11 Adams, iV IF Jor lan, It V B May, Green B Harii son, Stanley Kittreil, J I Irwin, J L Garner, IF 4 Smith, Jn > H May, IF -1 Singufieul, G IF BaUman, H G Hodges, S It Kell, y T U Wmbr, M M Mai'"is. Tit A VERSE JUR Y ERA IVN FOR THE FIRST WEEK It rook Siu'ibs, IF A Smiling, Ayles bury Webster, Thos J Jackson, Geo \\ Webster, Elbert Fowler, (J j Trussel, 111 Newsome,Jas H PulhjJlobl Youva tinn /• „■ r i , , J David G Gumming,L L Adams, Jacob 11 Davis, A J Carter, J M Bryant, JasS Brady, IF F Webster, Lopez Smith, Jas F Hawkins, II 11 Horton. Jno E Braswell, J J Shading, W 11 May, E E Dudley, J A Brantley, W G Garner, Thoj J Tanner, J as IF Hicklin, David New, IFm Jones. TRAVERSE JURY Ml WEEK, li O A Rodgers, Rennet 11 Smith. Sila, ington County, on and - after t-hir- OAmbb Gordon Smilk, Jas IF Welch, Hartley, Thos M Lord, O IF ty clays will bo PUBLISHED in tiie “MERCURY”.” Sandcrsvillo, Ga., Jan. 20th 1881. O. A. HOUGHTON, Sheriff, W. C. Snell, Z T liarl, Sol G Prince, David S Burns, Jas T Chambers, Sr, Wr Jackson, W T Tntcbuck, Jno A Robe- 1 son Thos II Norris, Solomon Tanner J J Walker, Eboneza 11 Smith, W HI Roberson. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, GEORGIA—Washington County ALL Persons rro hereby notified button the 2,5th day of February; ne^t, the following road will ho made public d no good causojis shown to the contra ry, tho same having beet) roccpnini'anl d is of pnlilie utility anfi marked out by J |U Road C.ami|isshmers eouformahly to law • Commencing at Riddlevilla running in a northcily direction through lands .it L’. (t. Pipe, Jas. Horton place, Janu Pate and others to the .Ball’s Ferry It aid, at t|m Jack Moyo old place, • Given under my hand and ojftcitv signature at Saudersville, 22nd of Jaoua. ry, 1381 jail 27 5t M. NEWMAN, Ordinary, it', c. Portrait Gallery of Georgia Us Ministorg. Jl«u by 47 inches. Tlio biographies nro to b pid-bsheil iu Tail I.niucx, fr , fri m timely imo’ and then ycrmaneutly iu book form. Every Baptist in the South will Im glad to have Lliis precious art-work Iti* beautifully engraved, iu tlire color*, •nifl is well Worth twentyfive dollsr* * copy. But in order to iuuruitso tlio cir-. filiation of tho exaollent paper, tiiepnk. lishorB will send Thk Lnijhx tosnb*cri- liers, for one year, and a copy of this, grand Pint nut Gallery, for three dol lars. T||k iniikx Qf <|o- oniln-r Itli co'it*|ni twcltt, liortrniu ol' i‘iiilni'iit licoouxst iMliilnU-rt, »n* ti qiei iliuoiit of the*- «l»llt*ry,*• they ary .(ipcr*. rnk Isniix, In *11 ruKiwct*, 1* ut III* *W(U i-iul tc»i r.'lt^rl. ti* f.imily >‘l 1,, r» liitu* l »lt»* Soils*. HCIlil t 1.00 Id TlIK nil(l.H'l.\S IXIIBA. At. • ulu. on . I', 11 Itox Ut. tniii ({*i tlio n»r*rfiir nt isr mill (In* “ I’ml roll oallcry.'* A Rare Companion. Tim DuritoiT Fkek Press, JS'OTICE. Ordinary's Oiticr, Washinutox CorxTJf, C.\. iSandersville., January 26,1881, Tho beneficiaries of tlfis oounty, wlio have hitherto received from this office, monthly script for their support, are hereby notified that u'> more Be ipt will be issued to them after tho expiration of this month; but that they will lie ceived nt tlio “Home for the Ron which hits be m established for their benefit, about 2 1-2 miles from tlio lence of Jtmlge Youngblood. Those beneficiaries who havg no friends that can or will co ivey them there, will be called for at their present places of residence by Mr. Francis (hr, Super intendent upon leaving notice or send mg it, tinny office. M. NEWMAN, jffii 27-2t O.dinury XV, C. Famed tlirougliout tho world as a now*. ,paper of li ■ ruiest and most enjoyable ( Isas, is Ci in minded to the reader ou % sure to please, interest and satisfy. Its ounti life are ever fresh, vivnofuuk l pleiMising, Every issue c-mtitines much original tiuffter, peculiarly readable and iustpic. five, as well an articles, current with the day iu various department* of literature. In its delightful columns will lie founff a world of iiucodoto, paragraph and spicy comment; wit, humor, ski teh story;clie*», puzzles, c irrespondenee, sprightly edit* orials; travels, tiiuliion—everything tLut, can gratify tiie most exacting remleq and wliich tli' H-; wtiosu tuste (ludculnre.. loiiminl originality and merit will espr- (’i dly appreciate. “The H nisoholil," a weekly supple-, nent, ooutaining contributions by holy <!orr(:spo]uleut8, resiileut iu all quartern, of t'ne country, relating to topics of interest to the- ladies especially, uml » publication th it lias met. with much favor, is furnished gratis to every acriber to The Fbee 1’ltBSS. No other-journal furnishes so much i ending matter, so varied and so excellent, for so little money. THE WEE .CL Y FREE PRESS AND “THE HOUSEHOLD” TOGETHER ARE BURN J URE J AT 82 A YEAR, 'ess For Side. A B FAR JOB TRESS, in good order prints a form 10x15 cost ig50*Q(), will ft el! for §35.00 cash, Only reason for sell- mg is i want to buy a power press, A J JERNIGAN, Proprietor, Of The Mercury Desirable Property for Sale. 716 Acres moro or less of land with good buildings, well watered. 8 1 2 miles from (S’undersville. For par ticulars apply at this office, nov 9, 1880- -2in Flower Plants fox Sale, 1’ine lot of Fuchsias Fine dou ble Flowering Geraniums, I’ine lot ol Gloxinias, Fine lot Tube Roses, Dolcheo- deria 1 ubillora of variy^l kinds and China Pinks of all the different varieties. Prices from io cents to $1.00. I hose fine Photographs and Ferrotypes taken still at the old stand. T. C GLEN. ’ CLUBS OF FIVE, 81 75 EACH; JBERAL COMM I.BBiONB ALLOW-. LIBERAL COMMISSION^ ED LOCAL AGENTS. Speeimeu copies sent free. Adross THE DETROIT FREE FRESfi,, Dbtboit, Mich. MORNING KEWS BERIALB,. A (Ja,ytiijXii .Nhfi.'SroBlf.'fi^" VAHOO, pr UNTIL Db’.VTH Uy Mrs. 11. M. Z’inin'orinan,of Lake Irma Florida. THE WEEKLY NEWS, H OP PAliUKIlAY, FK.IiHUAItY 5, 188}.’ Will contain the opening chapters ofafi interesting story with the above title* written expressly for its column* bf Ly Mrs. R, M. ZIMMERMAN,of Lake Irma, Florida. W o'nro unwilling to anticipate the pleasure jjwhich the admirers of Vril wrought and elegantly written fiction must derive from tlio pernsil of above charming, story, by even hint®# to them in advance tlio intensely, wt® 11 esting and strikingly romantic pW which tho talented author has deyoloP^J with siteli consumate skill* isuffio* ! to say, tlmt VASCO ;or UNTIL UFA Iff is a charming and exceedingly IVW’ written story,■ abounding with > scpWfc incidents and situations of thrilling (H® novel interest. 'J’lie story is located .® lli<» Kmifli • flui oli ri i«n otneo <irA fllltllfWDw iiiiYui in lit u^l • j lie siory j» iu ^, y7 iiy the South; the characters are faitlifuiy 1 vividly delineated, wliilo the mtf, - —.of the wrfil-chosen plot is-BUstw®* 0 without abatement to the close. / T’lie story will run through some si qr eight numbers of the WEEKLY n® • New subscribers wlio desire to have entire sliould send in their I,ftl !?. c9 / or once. Subscriptions 82 a year, v* , six months. Money can be sen G . Money Order, Registered Letter or E press at our risk. J. H. E3TILL. Savapnahi MR. E, A. SULLIVAN AGENT, Sandersvillc, «»•