The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, March 08, 1881, Image 2

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arrive soon Ec *oe’s, a nice tot of Groceries< Dry Goods 9 Hardware THE MEKCUltY. TUESDAY, MAR. 8, 1881 The Fourth of March. On Friday Inst Juntos A. Gnrfiold was nnugnrated ns President of the United States, nu immense crowd was in AVnsli- j t^tatea Senator from tho State THE HEATH Of Matthew 1L. Carpenter. THe Matthew II. Carpi nter Washington on yesterday died in at the Following is President Garfield’s Cabinet. Janies Cl. Pi line, of Maine, to time of his deatli he was a United be Secretary of Slate. Tl.c ington to witness the coreirnni s new Cabinet is still in doubt. The Stale vs. Hen. J. W. Konfroe, hito Treasurer, in the Suprcm. Court. This case before tlie Supreme Court has been decided in favor of < ur hitc State Treasurer tlie Hon. J. W. P.onfroe tho injunction issued by tho Hu; reme Court in Bibb county has been sustain ed, and the proceedings pronounced il legal and unconstitutional, the arrogant proceedings of tlie wisest legislature ever convened in tlie Hli-to in' 8 been set down upon by the highest judicial pow ers and tlie persecution of a worthy faith ful and honest officer has come to naught wo are proud of it and congratulate Mr. llcnfroo in his continued triumphs over hjs enemies. Condition in Ireland. oil William Windom of Minnesota Wisconsin. But thi* was by n° Socretury ot tlie Treasury means his greatest distinction. j Wayne McVcagh, of Pennsylva- Mr. Carpenter was a lawyer oi I n ; ft Attorney General. S. M. NORTHINTOn, JUSTICE Ob THE PEACE, 97TII DISTRICT, WILL give special attention to tho collection of Claims fob 15, liSSl—tf London March 1.—Tho Daily 'telegraphsays Mr. Shaw, home member of parliament lor Colic,who has just returned from Ireland altei a week’s stay in tin; country of Cork, says bo finds that district rapidly settling down to buisiiess and the excitement generally subsiding. the tirst class in ability, learning and brilliancy. Mr. Carpenter, though a standi Republican himself, acted as one of the counsel for the Democrats before the electoral commission in 1877, on which occasion he said: “1 do not appear for Mr. Tildcn, but for ten thousand legal voter: of the State of Lousiaima, who without accusation or proof, in dictment or trial notice or bearing, have been disfranchised by four vil lains incorporated in perpetual successions, whoso official title is the returning board of Louisiana.’ 1 Mr Carpenter made many fa mous speeches, but perhaps none more worthy of remembrance than this- By bis charming personal quali tics, Mr. Carpenter attached to himself a host of admiring friends, who sincerely and deeply laimyit his untimely death.-—N, Y. Sun 25th. Tlios. L. Janies, of New York- Poctmaster General. Samuel J. Kirkwood, of Iowa- Sccretary of the Interior. Robert T. Lincon, of Illinois- Sccreftiry of War. Wm. II. Hunt,of Lousiana- Secretary of the Navy. A’s.i at same time nud place will be sold one tract of land in snid county, adjoin ing lands of It. W. Carr, W - A. Carr and on tho waters of Buffalo creek and Keg creek, Containing four hundred and ninety-live acres more or less, lev ied, on the property of Wm. B’thuno non Res. to satisfy a tax ii fa in favor of W. It. Thigpen, T. 0. and ngsinst Wm. Bethnne non Res. said levy made by Wm. Holmes, Bailiff 100 Db t. and re turned to me. Also at thp time and place will he sold one acre of land with st* r; home t 0 con i t Hebron 98th D-strif t, G. U« adjoining lands of S. W. Buck, 1 ’vi *d on ns the property of II. P. Bnrkesdnle, Agt r 0 , wife to satisfy a tax fi fa in fa vor i f W. R. Thigpen, T. C. vs II. P. Barkpsdale agent, for wife, snid low made by J. R. Achord, Constable and returned to me. y 01 . the Farmers, Don’t waste any Also nt thesnme timeaml place will ’ o gblcs you have, from a beef hide down sold one tract of land in said county,nd-L 0 ft Opossum. Bring them to ,me and f John Flukor. Aslily|g e t money for ED.C.M. Summerlin, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Saxpkrsviu.e, Georgia. All calls for professional service prompt ly responded to. Office at his residence on Harris street, opposite the car shed. MONEY SAVED GEORGIA—'Washington County. Whereas, IFin. Roland applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Tom Rowland, decensed, This is therefore, to notijjr all concern • od to show came if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why snid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 20th of January, 1881. M. NEWMAN, jan 27-30d Ordinary. DYEING! F OR the benefit of inq u i rerg and those wishing t Q hay Dresses, Coats, Papta vests k ** dyed; below will be fo\ipd tt g( !}3 mo ot prices. Thankful f or joining lands of The Land Hill. London, March i.—The World this evening says the leaders of the Conservative party in the House ot Commons have decided to multo a desperate attempt to defeat the Irish land bill in conjunction with • the Homo Rulers and disaffected Radicals, . — *♦»»» ■ ■ — A Rebel Outrage dy Visiting Yankees.—In New Orleans on Saturday the Charlestown ‘(Mass) Cadets went to Greenwood ceme tery and foryiod a line in front ol the Confederate monument, tiicin tho»bust of Gem Lee. Arms were We publish the following letter for the benillt of all concerned. Several mem bers of the County Agricultmol Society, liavo prepared ponds for the German Carp and Instructed their Secretary to address the lion. A. H. Stephens on the ubject who replies ns follows: To read the glowing letters written to Southern papers by New York correspondents one would think that Wall Street capi talists arc about to lacc and inter lace the inner tracks of their rail road lines all over our State. It is queer, however that every enter prise of the sort must have its mon ey-end in New York, and as long as that is the case no one need be surprised that nothing points to our own sea points with a view of building them up. Everything point to New York and every New Yorker is alive to tlie importance of keeping up that system—and they only place tlicir money in systems that will keep it up. All of which shows the lamentable fact that there is but little importance in the South, not-withstanding its its boasted income of wealth.—Co lumbus Times. Winn and G. Young, containing five hundred acres more or Icfs, levied on as the property of tlm estate of H. 'I', ltnl - (ton to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of W. R. Thigpen, 'J'. C. vs W. G- llohs' v , adm’r ('state II T Robson, l’ropc t jointed out W G Robson, ndm’r and cvy made by N (1 Durden, Gonstah’e 1315th Dist G M and returned to me.. Also at. the same time and place will sold one t\Met of laud containing 400a< res more orh ss,ndj in’ng lands c f IT n r. E B Smith, G G Moye and G B Ting pen, levied on to satisfy a tax fi fa in fa vor of W R Tl'V'pen, 1' G vs Jesse Brown, said laud levied on ns the prop erty of Jesse Brown, 1 >,vied by J M Bry an, Constable 1253d district, ai d return ed to mo. O. A. HOUGHTON. mar 8, 1881, SheriffW'C. them, also Rees Wax. ARTHUR ROBERTS, feb 15, 1881—it SanT.orsville, Ga. GEORGIA*—Washington County. Whereas, M. Newman and Ella E. Salter, ndrn’rs of tho estate of A. T Wig gins, deceased, apply to me for letters ot dismission from said administration. This is therefore to notify all concern ed to show cause, if any they have, with in tho time prescribed by law, why said letters should not bo granted. OiveH under my hand at office iu San- dersvillo, this January 12t.h 1881. O. G Brown, Ord’y. ,Jan. 13 Sm thvovs 1 solicit a coutiu,uaue<f a !i the same: * Coats,.. •1.00 to 12 on. Pants, ....... v ,,,. I 00.“ ljj Vests,..,....... 5,0 “ Letter of Hon ! E Stephens. National Hotel, Washington, D. C., 24th Feb., 1881, IIon. II. N. IIollifikld, Sec’ty. Agricultural Society, SaDtlersville, Ga. My Dear Sir—Yours of 24lh presented, and around the bustlinst. received this morning. I re- was, placed a shield of artificial grot to say that the prospect ol Pity The Motherless. SHERIFFS NOTICE. OFFICIAL. I HEREBY NOTIFY T1IK PUBLIC THAT ALL LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS,emanating from my Office as Sheriff’of Wash ington County, on and after thir ty days will ho PUBLISHED in the "MERCURY;’ Sandersvillc, Ga., Jan. 26th 1831 O. A. ROUGIITON, Sheriff, W. C. flowers as a tribute of respect from the citizen soldiers of Boston. The soldiers formed in column aifa marched tlireo times around tho monument to the rolling of the drum. Tho song ‘‘Nearer my God to Thee,” was sung. The ceremony was a surpriso to the lo cal military, and froze tho blood of the, loyal people of New Or leans.—Til. & Mes. W A MISTAKE COBRECTED. The Constitution says. “The vcjndticcs of tho suproino court oi Georgia were yesterday very much surprised to find that their decision upon the Renfro case recently pub- - fished in tho Constitution, an unin tentional injustice has been done to Governor Colquit, which they cheer fully correct in the text of the do cision itself. The statement is made ■ in the decision that the securities 1 { Mr. Renfro, on the bond of 1877, taken by Governor Colquitt, had not made oath that they were worth over and above tlieir debts, liabili- A. ties and exemptions of all kinds, not leps than tho specified sums for which I10 was hound. An exami nation of the bond shows that the securities were required to and did tnake such oath. “The mistake by the court was duo to the fact that the oath of the securities was incorporated in the body of the bond, and was not Attached in separate affidavits, and was thus overlooked. The matter docs not affect the substantial prin' ciples of tho decision nor change tho ruling. It was oneof theminor cireumstancos of the ease, not de cision of tho result. Butitisnone the less’a matter of justice to the . governor to make this correction. Some of the papers have published and commented upon this matter, .and it will be a proper act of justice ’ to the executive to correct the mis- • 'v4ake and call attention to it,” The oldest living student ot the ' UmvGrsity of North Carolina is the Hon. Mark Alexander, of Mecklenburg county, Virginia, who matriculated in 1808, and is jiow in his gighty-ninth year 01 life. lie is the only survivor, ex cept one,of the Congress of 1819, and the only survivor hut one ol the celebrated Virginia convention of 1829 and i830, of which Prcs- ident Madison,{President Monroe, and Chief-Justice Marshall were . inembers. getting German carp for our Geor gia lisli ponds from U. S. Fish Comis’r in this city, during the ensuing spring and summer, is ul most hopeless. Prof. Spencer F. Baird of the Smithsonian Institute us you perhaps know, is U. S Comis’r on Fish and Fisheries. 1 havo recently made application to him for quite a number of friends in Georgia for a supply of Ger man carp, and he informs me that in consequence of the injury done to ponds hero by the late freshet in tho Potomac, it was out of his power to comply with the request, and lie fears he would not be able to fill any more orders until next full. He said in one of his letters that the best chance was to apply to Dr. Cary, State Fish Commis’r at LaGrange, Georgia. IIe bad just before the freshet here furnish ed him with a very large supply of German carp, and Dr. Cary had perhaps not disposed of all lie received. Now as this Congress will come to a eloso very soon (4th March,) I would advise you to write direct ly to Frof, Spencer F. Baird, and let him know what you want, tho number of ponds, and the number of individuals you desire to sup ply, &c. lie has certain printed regulations which must bo com plied with iu all cases where fish are scut put. Each of these blanks which are furnished must set forth the name of tho applicant, charac ter of the pond, soil and other tilings. He must he recommen ded also by a member of Congress. All this you will see when you get the regulations to which I re-- i'er, and which Prof. Baird will send you. When you get these regulations and havo them properly filled out and send them to mo, I will cheer fully endorse any application you may recommend to me, I11 this way, by taking time by tho fore lock, I think all tho ponds in Washington county may be sup plied early in the fall. I do not see much hope of securing this object before. Youra truly, Alexanlkii II. Stephens. Sitting in the school-room I ov erheard a conversation between 1 sister and brother. Tho little boy complained of insults and wrongs recioved from another little hoy. Ilia face was flushed with anger, fho sister listened awhile, and then, turning away, she answered, “I do not want to hear another word; Willie has no mother.” The broth ers lips were silent; the rebuke came homo to him. and, stealing away hemut'erd, “I never thought of that.” He thought of his own mother, and tho loneliness ol “Willie” compared with his own happy lot. “He has no mother. ’ Do we think of it when want comes to the orphan, and rude words as sail him? Has the little wanderer no mother to listen Jo his little sor rows? Speak gently to him then. —Good News. Administratrix’s Sale. By virtu re of an order from the Conrl of Ordinary of Jefferson County, will lv iold on the first Tuesday’Ll April, 1881, at the J/ni-kct House, in tho 'Town ol Louisville, Jefferson County, between 1I10 legal sale hours, that tract of land belonging to the ei t ite of Samuel E. llothwell deceased,. situated, lying find being in the county of Washington, ad joining lands of A/i-s. M. H, Tucker, F, LI Jordan, S. M. Gilmore ami others ontuining three hundred and fifty acre.- more or less and known an tho Forbes Place. Terms Cash. A. J. liOTHWELL, Adm’x of S. E UOTWELL deceased. Febuary, 25th, 1881. Glffl AND FURNITURE REPAIR GEORGIA—Washington county Mrs. Sarali E. Brown lias applied for Exemption of personality, nnd setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and l will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, on Thursday, 17th day of March, 1881 at iny offieo. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary Washington county. February 23d, 1881.—2t. Hair-Gutting, Shaving, thampoouing Day and Night. Slmii under the Han- dersville Hotel, feb 8th 1881. My Barber shop at Tennille will be open on Wedi.o day’s, Saturday's mu’. Sunday’s. O TICE! ~ ORDINARY'S OFFICII, GEORGIA—Washington County. /?// the Ordinal','/ of Haul Count!/. All PERSONS are hereby notified that on Tuesday, the 22d day of March next, the following named Road will hi niido public if no good cause is sltoWt to tho contrary; tlm same having been recommended by theOommissionerscom* formality to law. t ‘'Commencing on the Long Brulg< Rond opposite Mr. Benjamin F. Mur phy’s Douse, running, nearly north dong the old private road, through the .antis of Cullen Murphy, James Barron, the Barron sisters, A. W.,Jackson, tin old Mills place, Richard Mills, J. M Vinst n, Patscy Milos II. N . llollifield Xowtou Renfroe, Nancy Walker, Join Walker, Thcophilus Yates, James Vin son, estate of Andy Duggan, J‘ J. Gar ner, and William Archer, intersecting with the Sparta Road. Given under my hand and official signature, at S n lersvjlo, tho 14th day of February, 1881.. M. NEWMAN, Fob. 17te-4t Ordinary W.O. I havo just fitted up my Gun Shop with a good set of 'Tools for Repairing Guns, JJPistols, Hewing Machines nnd Furniture, and anything else in my lint of business. I have in my employ Air. Wm. McQuivy and Air. Holsenhuke, two of the best workmen in the State. All work done in first class order ai d warranted. I make a specialty of Re- pairingkFurihture. W. D. S. MINTON, mar 8, 1881—tf Proprietor Ordinary’s Office, Washington Co., Oa Sanders villi:, January 19, 1881. To the Cithern of Washington County Iu Assuming the duties of this office, I return my grutful acknow ledgement to you for electing me to it; and nt the same time I pledge myself to discharge its duties to the best of my ability. To enable me to do it more in telligently I would respectfully re quest: tst.—All those having claiim against tho County, audited 01 unaudited, to please present them to mo at as early a day as praeti- ablo, so I can ascertain the exact limmnciul status of tho county. 2d.—Citizens residing in the neighborhood of bridges out of or der will please notify me by wri ting or vorbaly of such bridges, so 1 can examine them myself, or by someone whom I may appoint, md if necessary have them repair- d as soon as pos-sible. 3:—All who are in possession of hooks, papers or furniture belon- ing to any of the offices in the Court-House, will please return them at once. 4th.—Citizens residing in Dis tricts where no election for Justice f the Peace was held on tb- first Saturday in January, 1881, will please notify me otsuch vnean t ics when I will receive sugges dons, and make appointments un der the provisions of the Code. 5th.—1 will lie at my office dai ly, except Sunday, from 8 to I2. and from 2 to 5 o’clock. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary W,C. Ladies* Dresses.... U50 “ Childrens’ “ .... 75 u Shawls, silk 1.00 “ “ wool....... 50 «« Cloaks, waterproof. 1.50 •< Sacques 25 “ Mittens. , 10“ Feathers. 10 «• Silk Ties. Kid Gloves, black. . Stockings, 8 pairs.. Ribbon per yd...... Hnndkerebiefk,’ silk Dying left at either the Mercury office or nt Mrs, Bayne’s Millinery store, with instructionstucolof will bo attended to. ' MRS. O. C. SCARBOROUGH nuy 18,1880. 2.00, 1.00 1.50, 75 2.00- 50, fit $ fit 25 25 fit 10 fill won It Instill-*, From the MisiwiT ments, 14 Store or JERNIGAN. On hand and for sale at all time* Violin Strings, Violins, Boxes, Bows, Rosin, Harmonicas, Ac, eordoons, Bridges, Bogs Ae. Portrait Gallery of Georgia lb Ministers. Tin? CmiKsTiAN Indkx PubliiUiuf Gtuapauy havo undcrtakaii tlm gntn! work of collecting into a gallery, tlie pur- rttito of the tlistiugaishoil miiii«ten •( tho Buptis deuominaUou in Georgia, .•noli portrait ucoompnuieil by a hiogn^ phical sketch. This splendid work of ngraver's art is of great eixe. 33 iaaktt ,y 47 iuchos. The biographies are to to published iu Tub Indkx, from tomato time’ nud then yeruianuutly ia beek form. Every Baptist in tlio South will to glad to have this precious art-work It ii beautifully eugrnved, in thro colon, md is well worth twoutyttvo dollar* a •,opy. But iu order to increase tho cir culation of the excellent paper, the puW. fishers will scud Tiib Index toanbaorb fiers, for one year, and a copy of tkia ,'rnud Portrait Gallery, for three dol. Iars. Tint isni-lX »f it« t-mlK-r lilt coulala** portruIlH ul i'll,Invlit (H'cvit.cil nilnUnri, an* «, •|M-dmciai ot Iho'- (lalltiry,- llirjr an- ru|H-n|. Tub iNOttX, In all r».is-i-t», la ..ur ul lit,, ibltit ad lust n-IlKluiis family 'papt-rs intu* I slt.i tutus. Ht-iul C'l.oo lo This CiiitisTt.ts Isnr* At. Mill,. (In .1*. tl llox Hi. Ilia ps|wrfar»t* ami the " 1‘orlrati oallvry. 1 * GEORGIA—Washington county. Whereas, W111. Rowland applies tt me for Letters of Guardianship to tin persons nnd property of Sherman and Mary Leo Rowland, orphaned children of Tom Rowland, deceased. Thosejiit therefore to cite and ndmonish all iiuer- sted to he and appear at my office, on Iho first Monday in April next to show cause why said Letters of Guardianship should not Lo grunted. Given under my hand officially, this 21st day of February, 1881. M. NEWMAN. Ordinary. SnndnrsviUe, Feb. 24---30.1 Sheriff Sales. Will bo sold before the Court House door in Haudersville on tlie tirst Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale tlie following property, to-w it: One lot of land in the incorporate lim its of the city of Sandcrsvillo contain ing two acres more or less, bounded on the north by public road leading from Sandersvillc to Fenn’s Bridge, east and south by lands of S. R. Julies, west by Smith street. Levied on to satisfy a Superior Court ti fa issued from tlie Su perior Court of said county in favor of Woods &. Go., vs D. II. Tucker, said hu di levied on as the property of D. H Tucker and pointed out by Pluintiff’i Attorney, and legal notice given lie fendaut in porS 1 ssion. Also at the same time and place will ho sold oue tract or parcel of land situated in Washington county, containing sixty acres move or less, bounded on the north by lands of Ed Brooks, on the east by lands of G. R. lVmgle, on the west by lands of J. F. Tompkins and on the south by lands of Wyley Durden, levied on nspropt r y of James M. Ton.! kins defendant in li fa to satisfy a Superior Court ti fa in favor of F. G. Rawlings, Trustee vs James M. Tompkins, princi pal and John A. Bullard, Executor of Lewis Bidlard, said John A. Bullard now controlling said fi fa, levy made by A. M. Mayo, former Sheriff, and legal notice given James M. Tompkins in posses sion, piopedy pointed out by pluiutiffs attorney. * Also at same time and place will be sold three mules named as follows, one Nellie, one Julia, one Beck, also four thousand pounds of seed cotton more or less, levied on to satisfy a Superior Court fi fu in favor of Green Leo and against Marshal Durden, snid property pointed out by I’lajntffs Attorney and levied on by J . M. Mayo, Deputy Sheriff' and re turned to me. Also at the same time and place will Blount Ararat, on which tlie be sold one Jot of laud containing 4 bun- Bitle 80ys N„al/ B ark foundling. tt place, is 17,112 foot high, and ltOAl) COMMISSIONERS. 88th Dist. S. T. McAffee, M. G. Wood, Jr., C. A. Moye. 89th Dist. C. Medders, Z. T. Hart, Andrew Smith. 90th Dist. Jus. II. Palmer, N. M Jordan, W. II. Avant. 91st Dist, Robt. L. Stephens, I. L. Smith, II. Renl'roc, 92c! C. W. Salter, W. P. Smith, W. Welch. 93d S KittreB, II. K. Newsome. I. L. Adams. 94th Turner L. Brown, John Jordan, Jesse B. Newsome. 95th). II. May, Jas Ca’o R> V, B. May 96th Z. Culver, A‘ C. Harrison J. L. Walker 97th E. W. Rawlings, Wm. Martin K. J. N. Walden. 98th M. B. Cox, II. C. Hodges G. W. Prince. 99th John I. Giles, L. Gladclin Berry Salter. lOOdtli Jas. Pitman, J. D. Boone M. L. Duggan 136th B G. Harris B- F. Mur phy. W. II. Godfrey. 1253 Lewis Davis, Jas M. Mi nar Sol. Brett. 1315 Wiley Harris J. F. Brooks Ordinary’s Ollire, WASUING'1 ON COUNTY, GA. Sandhrsvim.k, February 9th, 1881. Will he let out to tho lowest bidder, before the Court Houso door, in San- dorsville, on Saturday, the 12th of March next, the building of a three-room houst at tho “Home for the poor;” of the fol lowing dimensions; 2 rooms, tOxlli ith a chimney in the middle, nnd one room, 10x25. The flooring in the lirbt in jutioi ed two rooms, nnd ALL the door and window casings to be dressed. Ii will require 4 doors and 10 windows. Terms will bo one-half cash during tin progress of the work, and the other half at its completion. Tue plan and specifications are now ady for inspection at my office. .VO TICE! ORDINARY’!-'-OFFICE, J EO RG1A—Wash ington Cou nty ALL Persons nra hereby notified tlmton the 25th day of Febi'uury§ next, tho following road will he made publit d uo good eausojis shown to the contra ry, the same- having been roccominenih d is of tmblio utility and marked out by ;ho llimd Commissioners conformably to law ommenoing at Itiddlcvillo running ilia northerly direction through lauds >f P. G. Pope, J as. Horton place, James Pate and others to the Ball’s Ferry It >atl, at the Jack Moye old place. Given under my hand nud official signature at Sandersville, 22nd of Jauua. ry, 1881 jan 27 5t M. NEWMAN, Ordiuury, IT. C. JS’OTICE. IIOW TO SAVE §20.00. You can do it by buying a first class SEWING yACIIINE. from Jcrnigan and pay the cash for it. is covered perpetually by ice and snow. It is of a volcanic nature, though ^not often in an eruptive state. of Wm, Frost, ltolet Whitfield, James Han-old and others; levied on as the property of W. P. 8mitii to satisfy a tax fi fa iu favor of W. It. Thigpen, Tax Collector vs W. P. Smith, levy made by J. B. Smith, Constable 92d Dist. G. M. and returned to me. WILL be lot out at the same time the tin roughrepairingof May’s Bridge, over lie Ogoechee. Terms will be cash at the completion of the work. MAIN BRIDGE. Length of Bridge, lilt) feet; width, 12 ft. Pih'-g required tor 5 bends of 20 feet h; an. Piles to bo sawed off with the sur face of the water. A capsill to rest on these piles, upon which the posts of the bridge urc to rest. These posts are to lie braced au per diagram (which can be seen at this < iliac). The two shore spans—piles, caps, strii-girs, pi; nk end haul tor-rails are 1 hen , ana can b ' used as fur as sound, but tho piles will have to he driven in anc w. Tub Lake Bridge. Length is about 140 feet, width is 12 feet, and have to he reset the entire length, all tilt) materials are there, except- for one betid, which will Imre to he fur nished anew. A few stringers and 4 posts are needed anew. Mudsills to bo need in this bridge. I11 both instances, contractors will ht required to give hind-t in double tin- amount of their bids with two good and solvent securities for the faithful per formance of the contract, and to indem nify tlie county for any damages occa sioned by a failure to perform fhe same within the prescribed lime. Parties intending to p it in bids nrere- fered to “Acts of the Legislature of 1878 and 1879’ —No. 172: Page 159 and ICO- M. NEW MAN, ft b 10-4t Ordinary VY, C. A Rare Companion. Ordinary's Okkioe, Washington County, Ga. Sundersville., January 20,1881, The beneficiaries of this county, who have hitherto received from this office, monthly script for their support, qri hereby notified that no more Script will lie issued to them after the expiration ot this month; but that they will ho x< - reived at the “Homo for the Poor,” which has been established for their benefit, about 2 1-2 miles from tho resi dence of Jnrdge Youngblood. Those beneficiaries who have no friends that can or will convey them there, will ho called for at their present places of residence by Mr. Francis Orr, Super intendent upon leaving notice or send ing it, to my office. M. NEWMAN, jnn 27-2t Ordinary W, C, Tue Detroit Fuke Purs*, Famed throughout the world u* a now*, paper of the rarest and most enjoysbl* ilsas, is oommeuded to tlie readsr ss 1 sure to please, interest anil satisfy. Its contents are ever fresh, vivseiom pleausiug, t . Every iissuo oontaiues niuoh origan) matter, peculiarly readable aud iastrue- five, us well as articles currtnl with the day iu vurious departments at literature. In its delightful columuB wilt be fouto a world of anecdote, paragraph anil spicy comment; wit, humor, sketch storyjcliei*, puzzles, correspondence, sprightly edit orials; travels, fashion—everything tint can gratify tho most exacting render, and which those whose taste and ouluri- leinaud originality aud merit will e»|*. .daily appreciate. “The Household,” a weekly supple ment, ooutainiug contributions by lady correspondents, resident iu all quarters of the country, relating to topic* w interest to the ladies especially, sad » publication that 1ms met with uiaoli favor, is furnished gratis to every ink- soriber to The Fuke Press. No other journal furnishes so muti tending matter, so varied and so excelMi for so little money. THE WEEKLY FREE PRESS AND THE HOUSEHOLD” TOGETHER ARE EURNIRHED AT *2 A YEAA CLUBS OF FIVE, *1 75 EACH; LIBERAL COMMISSIONS ALLOW ED LOCAL AGENTS. Specimen oopies sent freo. Adress THE DETROIT FREE PRE^s Detroit, Mica «i Job Press For Sale. A S TAR JOB PRESS, in good order prints a form 10x15 cost $50j)0, will sell for $35.00 cash. Only reason for sell ing is I wuut to buy a power press, A J JERNIGAN, Proprietor, Of The Mercury. a-** 1 * ORDINARY’S OFFICE, GEORGIA—Washington County W. T. Rea has applied for exemption of personalty, nnd setting apart and vaL nation of homestead, and 1 will pass up on the same at 10 o’clock, n,m„ on Monday the 14tli of February, 1881, at my office. M. NEWMAN. Sundersville, Jan. 31. Orninary. a H-pc-k in your own towu. $ > Outfit free No rink. Jt utter, if you n-unt a busiuossat tvliieh peruont of either Bex cau make great pay all the time they work, write for par. ticulara to H. IIALLStt & (Jo.. Portlum! Muluc. July ia, 1S80—ly Desirable Property for Sale. 716 Acres more or less of land with good buildings, well watered, 8 12 miles from iS’andersville. For par tioulars apply at this office, nov 9, 1880—2m Flower Plants fox Sale. Fine lot of Fuchsias Fine dou ble Flowering Geraniums, Fine lot of Gloxinias, Fine lot Tube Roses, Dolcheo deria Tubjflora of varied kinds and China Pinks of all the different varieties. Prices from 10 cents to $1.00 Those fine Photographs and Ferrotypes taken still at the old stand. T. C. GLEN. MORNING NEWS SERIAL^.. A ('harming Nkw Stout. VASb’O, or UNTIL HKATM By M. Timmerman,of Lake If* 4 Florida. THE WEEKLY NEWS, OK SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 18HL Will contain tho opening chapter* «(•' interesting stqry with the above D l J*t written expressly for its column* Jr by Mrs. B, M. ZIMMERMAN.of W* Irma, Florida, . . . We are unwilling to anticipato pleasure “which the admirer* « *.J wrought and elegantly written fin 1 must derive from the perus'd oi j above charmihg story, by even bin • to them in advance tlip intensely i“ esting and strikingly romantic P, which the talented autliorlia* with such eonsumate skill. to sny ,tlmt V ASCO ;or U NT1L « is a charming and exceedingly ' written story, abounding wiw •* i incideiits and situation* ot Ihrm'** , j. el interest. The story nt the. South; the character* are and vividly delineated, while th* ^ est of the wdil-chosen plot 1* * u8 * itliout aontemeni 10 me The story will run through »om«^ eight numbers of the WEEKb* . jj new subscribers who desire to ^ entire 6liould send in their ^ once. Subscriptions $2 a ye» r < L ^ six months. Money can b« Money Order, Registered Letter press at our risk. ^ ESTlMl Savannihi u* MR. E. A. SULUVABj SondcrBTiH«#'^*‘