The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, March 15, 1881, Image 2

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On hand 4* to arrive soon at 12. Jlj. o € S (rttc li'i 1 ?# Goods, THE MEUCU11Y. TUESDAY, MAR. 15,1881. Now Is UiCTime. For our Merchants nnd Mnclmnicg and all others who wish to put.their buisness before the, people, to advertise iu the “Mercury.” We have got a large sub scription list, nnd if is increasing daily, nnd wo are going to keep on adding new names until the Mercury will become familiar name in every house-hold. ~ FOUND. In my otllce, an nhm st. new umbrella which the owner can 1 nve by jprovin property nnd Paying for this notice. M. NEWMAN, Ord’y. Snndt rsville March 12 1881. Those Exercises—Our Row Post Master, Etc. My Dear Mo.—Well I was sor ry lust night you were not around at the caning of Rev. Mr. C. Rut upon inquiry, as to your wherea bouts, I was informed that you were usually in bed at 7 1-2 o’clock. Me. you ought to havo had a sten ographer thtfro to take down my speech. I made somo very good points. 1 cfulic very near getting caned the (jfher night myself by my affect iomite ivife. I eamo liome the other night at a late hour, and found the front door locked. I eo' - eluded 1 would slide up the win dow and slip in. Mrs. Franklin made out she thought 1 was a bur glar and the lirst thing J know she was making for me wi.h an old grizzly hickory-fire stick. It was by no means a gold headed ebony. You ought to have heard mo giv ing the countersign and you ought to have heard the lecture that fol lowed. She did’ut deal in many high flown rhetorical phrases, but a good many figures of sp, oeh. There was several of that crowd there last night, that wanted to ho in Brother C’s place. Well may be our timo will come around after a while Me. to be presented with ‘a rope if not’ a stick. Did you know we were having the nienshs in our fumily, and they arc neither tho french, black, nor little red variety, but knowwas tho Toombs- boro measles. They arc imported. Expecting tho mumps every day. Wnats become of the Health com mittee? Me I don’t believe this city dog law is constitutional, 1 wish you would write nil editorial on this new departure* Have you heard anything of our new Post master recently. We’ll havo n merry time when ho begins to han dle tho nihil. I’ll bet ho semis letters directed to Warlhen by the way of Liverpool. Wo suppose lie luisnot the remotest idea where Lickskillet er Panhandle are situated. Home folks arc grieving and lamenting mightily over bhipton’s world ending proph esy, but as for my part, 1 think we are getting in ship shape lor that big blaze./* Me I havo tho greatest respect for tho Bundursvillu & T. R. It. It is managed by the clev erest sort of officials. They have •the cleverest Conductor in Ga. But there is one tiling they are be hind the times in. Every R. It. in Ga. and some even in Florida have given we Legislators free passes for the whole year. But you bet GEORGIA, Washington Co. get on our own county li. R. and we have to shell out a quarter. 1 think it is only necessary to re mind them of this fact. We shall see.’’ I dont’ believo our names were mentioned by the Grand Jury presentments. This is as it should he. Yours, Randall Franklin. Bandei’sville, March ii, ’Hi. NOT QUITE REPUBLICAN. New York Timet, It is stated that Mrs. Garfield, the the morher of James A., said in Washington on Friday, “I don’t the Ordinary la the Ordinary’s office, we were pro- Wo respectfully n <• immend that Geo. sunted by M. Newman, Ordinary, with I). Wnrthen, 11. N. H'dliiiehl mid T. E. the following evidences of indebtedness Brown to continue to report on tho stnt- wliicli had been taken up by bis predo- ns of the c< unt.v finances at next 8>.li censor, lion ('. brown, late Ordinary, jteinber Term of Superior Court. 'which we examined, counted and burn ed in the presence of each “ ~~ 1 : know that it’s right to have this fuss about James* It don’t seem to be quite republican.” 11 this is true, and the old lady has any influence with the administra tion, the approaching empire rccieved a decided set back. a )j l’anper scrip. Jury Scrip ... Wo comir,c al to the people of Wash other nmljington county the aide and administration of Justh" of their Ifmi- . $1606 C5i 01 ' s Judges Car. w 'll nnd Snead, and r - g!) 0<)dur>i our thanks for their kindness to r -this body. Our thanks are also due to Total. .81072 05 Grant! Jury Presentments. The Grand Jury for tho March Term, 1881, of Superior Court, Washington County, beg leave to make the following General Presentments: Wo Imvo examined the records in the different offices of the county and find them neatly kept. We find all the dockets of the Justices >f the Peace nnd Notaries Public that Imvo been presented to us for examina tion kept by law. 'I’lic Justice of the Peace in the 88th District, and the Justices of tho Peace and Notaries Public in the 00th and lOOth Imvo not presented to us their dockets for examination The Notary Public in tho HP.11 Dis trict 1ms failed to sign his judgments and to itemize liis.bill of costs. PUBLIC ROADS. It is gratifying to us to lie able to rc- poit that the public loads in the county are in good condition. BRIDGES. The bridges, considering the number of freshets we Imvo bad the past winter, are in lair condition. Some of them in c l immediate attention ; most nota bly the bridge known as “Thompson’s Bridge,” over Buffalo Creek. We roa- ommend that May’s and Lake Bridge, no rebuilt. PUBLIC BUILDINGS* 'The jail and court-house are needing some repairs, and we authorize the Or- linury to make such repairs as lie may deem urgent and necessary. EDUCATION. Tho number of schools in tho county, tho past year, was 81, of which 58 were white and 23 colored. There were entered 973 white males, and 875 white females ; total, 1,845. Ami thero were 923 colored males, and 841 colored females ; total, 1,773. Making a grand total of white and colored pupils entered in the schools of 3,918; and tho averngo daily attendance was 2,152. The average cost of tuition per pupil is $1.03 per month. Tho amount of tuis monthly cost of tuition paid by the ,-tato was 72 0-10 cents per month, There was received from poll tax $2580 08 From tho State Fund 2304 05 A careful examination of affairs lead |us to the conclusion that duriflg the en suing year the county will require : has For Court, expenses nnd Jury . fees g 3000 00 For paupers nnd pauper home. 2400 00 For interest. on indebtedness.. 5 )0 00 For Jail fees (iOO 00 For Bridgf es 1000 00 For advertising and printing. 200 00 For Public, buildings 500 00 Miscellaneous expenses 300 00 For Salaries 1750 00 J. T. !. A. 1 , Mu nil'll. At M. Solicit! r-G.'ncrnl Gsmblc for Ids valua ble nr,si,s ,'ineo and advice. The editors of the two papers publish, cd in this place having agreed that they] will publish those presentments atlinUj (be rates usually* clung! d, v,e request I that these presentments be. published in .11. 1’altner, N. MM \vant. bt. L. Stephens, I.j 0 | P. Smith, apers upon ,.$10250 00 . 48*2 00 .$15002 00 For estimated expenses... For present indeetednoss.. Total Then there will lie an insolvent lbt,nt least as great as thatof the present year, but we think a slight reduction in taxes of last year will raise sufficient funds to meet the demands of the county. We therefore recommend to your body that the taxes for county purposes be 05c. on the $100, instead of 75c. as beietnfore. Our Tax Collector. \V. R. Thigpen, Esq., is an honest ami a faithful olhenr, prompt in the discharge of bis etllcial duties, and lias, wo fed confident, made every t Hurt possible to present to us a full nnd complete return, lie is unable at this time l<> make such a showing a; lie desires, but for what lie lias done, be certainly deserves the thunks of his fel low-citizens, for bo has certainly been faithful to his trust. We Hud the amount of tux due the county for 1880, to Im. .$21010 87 Of this amount he has collec t- ed amt paid over to the Treasurer $19335 91 Leaving uncollected a bid mice of $ 710 05 Total received $4878 33 Amount paid out 4920 84 Amount overpaid $ 38 01 Number of pupils studying orthogra phy, 3007, Reading 2507, writing, En glish Grunt mar, 908; Geography, 892; arithmetic, 1480. We have examined the books, papers, nnd vouchers of the county school com missioner and find them correctly kept, reflecting credit on tho incubont. FINANCE! In our investigation of this depart incut of our county affairs wo have been greatly aided by ttie committee of turtle gentlemen appointed by the Grand Juiy ol laBi November term of Court. Tins committee has reported to us tho result of its investigations, and we have seen proper to adopt and approve tins report, and herewith append the same as a por tion of these general presentments, Tho report is as follows: IN MEMORIAL. Sarah Duggan, sister to the v.ncrable Asa Duggan lute deceased, was born in Edgefield, North Carolina, February 14, 1801, inariiod at the age of 24 years to Vmcent Tanner, joined Sisters Baptist church about 1835, baptised at Brantley’s old mill and died at her residence near S indersvillc January 2d, 1881. During her latter years she could not meet nt the House ot God from Provi-p. dential causes. A pleasure missed up- S reciated alone by those who have seen er countenance glow as she related some reminiscence of joy and bappine. i, experienced at the church. On the 27tli day of August, 1770 she was stricken by paralysis and for four years and four months she was confined to her one of To the Grand Jury of the Superior Court of Washington County ; sebet- vd, chosen -.and sworn for the first week of the March Term, 1881 .* Gentlemen :—Tho under, igned com niittoo, appointed by the last Grand Jury to examine into the financial condition of tho county, and tho books, account:, nud vouchers of tho officers of the coun ty, take, pleasure in submitting to you the following report : We find all the books of the several officers of the couuty neatly and cor rectly kept, nud all tilings appertaining to tluir respective positions in good or der, A careful examination of tho books of the Ordinary show that there was ex pended during the last ten mouths : For support of paupers $2490 25 For purchase of land for homo for t lie pour 1402 02 >'or building, provisioning, and furnishing poor house Amount paid Coroner Amount p ad for lunatics For priming For Court expenses rialary of Ordinary id out on roads Tins balance includes the tax c rec tor’s commission, Errors in Digest, In solvent tax li-4, etc., etc., and Mime tax es which will lie collected by the officers wiio have, in hand the executions wlii*h have, been levied ; also the Dixon tax, which cannot he collected it being paid in Hancock c lunty. Tho Errors in l)i- ;ost are numerous nud are generally caused by parties giving in for others a practice which should be stopped, it being contrary to the spirit of tho law, although it has been the custom, nud is often the cause of much trouble. Our able and efficient Ordinary hm bis office in in excellent order, and it it a model of neatness, system pervading every portion. Ho has been of great service to thin committee, and aided litem very much in the discharge of tlieii duties, and to him we, return our thanks for his courtesy and kindness. Respectfully submitted, Horatio N. lloi.uriF.i.n, Gkorok I). Waiitiien, Thomas E. Brown, Committee, In accordance with tho suggestion in the. above report, we recommend the tlio Ordinary be authorized to levy ovei and above the 50 per cent, which by law lie is authorized to do on the S'nte tax, the additional tax of of 47 each $100, or in oilier words a total of 05 cents oil the SU)0 for county purposes This is a reduction of 10 cents on each $100 from what it Inn been for a num ber of years. It would have been grat ifying topis to make a still greater re duction but the court expenses and cure of the poor require a large expenditure which cannot Le safely reduced: PAUPERS. Through a eommitteo wo have exam ined the Pauper Home, recently estab lislu'd. Some buildings for the acecm modatioii of t ie counties’ be.iieficiurb ■ have been erected, and others nr. now in process of erection, under the super vision of tho Ordinary, and doubtless within next, few mouths such accommo dations wi'l bo provided, nud such sys tem and method will |,o adopted as will reflect civdimbly upon the charitable elegantly for the enabled her to soi consequences of her prostrate condition having already lived her three score and ten years; she exhibited i.i her confine ment and suffering a clici rtulness and submission that could only have been done by another who could say “thy will bo done.” We could record many culogiums up on the triumphs of her virtues, Luther monument that speaks for In r purity of life has already been erected. Many of her children and grand chil dren members with us, honored and lov ed, say more for her memory in attci 11- tiou of her piety and prayers than the most eloquent words of praise would in the arehievesof our church. And whereas God who ordereth all tilings and for the best lias called her hence, Be it therefore Reserved, 1st, That in the life of sibter Tanner we fully believe that it was marked with many evidences consistent with a pure faith in Christ and feel assured of her acceptance in lleavcn. 2d, That this ruemoriutu be spread 284 17 70 00 202 00 212 10 1391 16 242 50 25 00 00 00 r bed. Her iutelUgeuco (wltich\vas!{’fj?‘j c J i *^ 00 . u8 exi ’ eUBCS JJJJ if the graces that qualified her so jvl tt g? ntly for the work she accomplished) . f ‘ p*! 1 , n 0S i'' Vv,' f.. “ . ‘ led her tp see cb—ily the inevitable aid foi i ublic buiklthgs 01b lo Paid for J:ul expenses. 15 514 49 $8031 70 both tho county above named. Isaac L Smith, Foreman Fail Culver, 1V L Ore, At (he! ] teach, Octree Gilmore, Samp: on Daniel, S II li Ma sc//, IFm // Hall, Sahara IF. Hull, \V L Taylor, L II Kt'iidrieb, ■louse II lira ivell J‘ II Shejinrd, F S Strange, Geo J) Warlhen. It T Foun ts, It F Jli/num, IF M Fnylish, John Tun!nr ROAD COM. 1 08lit DLL S G. Wood, Jr., C 89th Dirt. C. Hart, Andrew DOth Dint. Jt Jordan, W. II. 91st Diet, R L. Smith, li. ]{<: 02d G. W. Salt J. YV. Welch. 93d S Kittr . I. L. Adams. 94th Turner L. Brown, Jordan, Jesse 1’. Newsome. 95th J. II. May, Jas Cato R* \ , B. May 96th* Z. Culver, A* C. Harrison. J. L. Walk 97th E. Martin K. 98th M. GEORGIA—Washington County. IFhereos, t Fin. Roland applies to mo for 'letters of administration on [lie estate of Tom Rowland, il. ■ : d, This is therefore, to notify all concern • cd to show cause if any they have, within no prescrib'd lw law, why said should ;,<it bo grant 'd, n under lmml at ( ■ this 20th mm v, 18Si. M. NEWMAN, (j: II. 1 : . Newsome Jo!m Abraham )'■ unyhlood. Berry Salter W. Rawlings, Wm. r. N. Walden. B. Cox, II. C. Ilodges G. W. Prince. 99th John I. Giles, L. Gladdin S G Jordan Jose/ h IF Han't T J (Idmore. Pitman, J. D. Boone gg'*; 1 C. ii arris B. F. Ri'!)i)EAi!v,t.v:ii,;inm')it5 AVicrtJJ Cities. Will bo soi l before the Court House loor in rimnlcrsville on t-m tu-ht Tuesday n April 1 ext, within the legal huurs <’f >alo tlie, fii'lowing properly, tu-\\it: One lot of land in the. i : rporate lim its ' f the city of SnndorsviD<*. enuTaki- ing two acres mote or less, linumL-d on file north by public load leaiting from 11 h rsvil'e to Penn's Bridge, east ami I south by lands ot 8. li. Jones, we 1 by jii’.illi street. Loviod on to sati ty ji Superior < 'oiirt ii fa issu' d from tlie riu- peiinr Court of mid county in favor of Woods & Go., vs I). 1!. 'L’ucker, said iitiuls 1>. \ i d on ns the. properly of 1). F . Fucker and pointed out by Plaintiff r Utoruey, and legal notice given I),- tclld.lllt ill pi H !.. lull. Also at the same titn ■ nnd will he sold one tract or pan el of laud situated i’’ Washington county, containing sixty icies mote or lesn, bounded on the north by lands of Ed Brooks, on the east by lands ol C, R. Pringle, on the west by lauds ol J . I*’. 'j\ ni],kins and cti the. ion!li by lauds of Wyley Durden, levied mi asprop r y of Jt.n.cs M. 'Jon j kii.t lefcnduut in ti fa to satisfy a Huperim Gourt 11 fa in favor of F. <J. Rawlings, i'rusteo vs James At. Tompkins, pruici mil and John A, Bullard, Executor ol Lewis Bullard, said John A. Bullard now .•untrolling said li fa, levy made by A. M. Mayo, former Sheriff, and legal notice riven James M. Tompkins in posses sion, propedy pointed out by plaintiff attorney. Also at sanio time and place will Ik *'“It three mules named an follows, out N\ liie, one Julia, one fleck, also fou tliouHiind I’ouuds of seed cotton more or h ss, I vied on to b-itisfy a Superior G’ouit ii In i:i favor ot Green Leo and r.gaitis. Alarsbal lte.rd' n, w id propeity pointi < out by Plaintffs Attorney and I vied on liy J . M. Mayo, Diputy Sheriff and io- turued *0 mo. Also at the same timo and place will lie sold one lot of land containing 4 hun dred and fifty acres, mole or less, R ing in Washington County, adjoining Linus of Win. !• lost, ltelet Whitfield, .Janie.- ilarrold and others; hvieuoii as tie property ot \V. P. Smith to mtisfy a tax li fa in favor ( ,f Nr . R, Thigpen, 'fa* Gollector vs \V. P. Sinilli, levy mud:: |.j J. B. Smith,^’iiUsialJe <;2d I ] 6l , (). y, and returned to me. Airtuit name 9me and place Vl ih bo soldi ■uc tract of land in snnl enmity, adjoin ing lands of R. \V. Garr, NV* A. Gurr hd cti the waters of Buffalo er« • k and Keg err ok, eoiitaining four hundred an 1 ninety-five acres more or less, h v i ‘d on the property of Wm, B. thum i"n Res. to satisfy a tax ti Ta in favor of W. II. Tliiftpen, 'F. G. „. ,1 against Win betlmmi non Re::, raid lcvv made lr> n »)• Holiirs, Baibff 100 Di.-t. ami re turned to mo. Also at tho timo and plcen v.ill li.-j old one nco. of land with sb ro bom ei f c con i t Hebron 08fh ll'stricl, G. At idjoinitig lands of 8. W. Buck, lOOdth M. L.I | 136th : jphy, WE li. Godfrey. I'J.'f-; Lewis Davis, Jas nar Sol. Brett. 1316 Wiley Harris .J. I GJP )RG E\ M. Mi- Brooks Washington county. Whereas, NYm. Rowland applies to me for Letters of Guardianship to tin I persons and property of Sherman and ■ Mary Lee Rowland, orphaned children f T un Rowland, deceased. These art therefore to file and admonish all inter- : sled to I o and appear at my cilice, on I die first M mday in April 11- xt t:* show eause why raid Letters of Guaidiaiihhip imild not I e granted. Given under in,v hand ffiicinlly, thin 1st day of February, I vi|. M. NEWMAN. . Ordinary. Siiulersvide. 1'eb. 24---30 1 ME! A — Wushinrctoii County. £ M. maud Ella E. . adm'rs of i hoc state of A. T Wig- ! ' i - .l.apply to me for letters of ■ri'.-afi'.an said ndininistration. . is therefore io notify all concern- -•imvc.'it.s . d' any l’.icy have, xvitli- f : me prescribed by law, why said ■ should not be granted. gum, dianii Tbi ed to in the letteri Given tthdermy hand at office in San- dersville, tide. January 12th 1881. G. G, Brown, Ord’y. ORDINARY'S OFFICE, GIE)RGiA - AVns !ii 11 ;lon County NY. T. Ilea has applied for exemption >f per, uiahy, and setting apart and val- uation of boniest end, and ! will pass up on the same at 10 o'clock, 11.m.. on Monday ll.o 14i.h of February, 1881, id my odd 0. M. NEWMAN. Sand: rav’ille, Jan. I (Iniinnrj • HOW TO SAVE 820.00. You mu Jo it by liuviu;; 11 fiiv-tj us.; SEWING yAClIINE, I'fotn j Jeniiouu tut I |>ay the < sisl 1 for it. .'.Aa, fN [fp W i , J'.'- 4 y U; - - - . ; '.yrfJTM ~n fOll RAILROAD AND EXPRESS COMPANIES. estimates and drawings furwshed POUirvJO CORNER ; FIRE ^BbRGLAR “RA SECURE LOCKS GENERAL AGENT FOR DIEB0LD SAFE? LOCK CO. l^OK the benefit of inquirers •JL and those wishing to hrivo Dresses, Coats, Pants Vests, & c dyed; below will he found a soiled’ ule of prices. Thankful for past solicit 11 continuance 0 f tuvors the same: Coats, 1 ’ants Vests, . Ladies’ Dresses..., Childrens’ “ .... Shawls, silk “ wool Cloaks, waterproof, Saeques Mittens ll’catliers Silk Ties Kid Gloves, Idaek. Stockings, 8 pairs. Ribbon per yd.... Handkerchiefs, silk $1.00 to ?2.0Q 00 50 “ 1.50 “ 75 “ 1.00 “ 50 “ 1.50 •« 25 “ 10 “ 10 “ 1.50 75 2.00 1.00 1.50 75. 2.00 50 15 0% 10 25 25 10 10 I tying left at either Iho Mercury ofliee or at Mrs. Bayne’s Millinery store, with instructions ns to color will he attended to. * MRS. C. C. SCARBOROUGH may 18, 1880. DllVVIt f Qr2^^MUSICAL’ f»sj r u raeuts, From this Store of JERNI3AN. On hand and for sale at all times Violin Strings, Violins, Boxes 1 1 11 • . * lows, Itostn, dordeons, Brid iiannonicaa v ges, Pegs &c. Borirail Gallery of Georgia tls Ministers. Ac* link ■L ti-' Vr us. Plants fo.r Sab. Fine l it of F'uchsias Fine dou ble Flowering Geraniums, bine lot of Gloxinias, Fine lot Tube Rqses, Dolcheo- dcria Tubillora of varied kinds and China Pinks of all the different varieties. 1 Vices from 10 cents to $1.00. Those fine Photographs and Ferrotypes taken still at the old itand. T. C. G' fm '.an CiniKKTiAN Indrx PnbliHliing Company have undertaken the grand work of collecting into agallery, tliepur- 1 r.iitn of tho distinguiahod ministers of lie Bnptis denomiimUon in Ouorgis j'tinh 1'ovtniit aooompnuioil by a biogrol bieal sketeli. This splendid work of the , 'ligraver’H art is of great vixe. 33 inshes i iy 17 inches. The biographies im> to bo : published in Tub Indi.x, from time to : ime’ and then yermaneutly in book form. Every Baptist, in tho South -will lm 'lad to Imvo tliio precious art-work It it KMutifully engraved, in thro colors, • ud is well worth twentyilvo dollars a lopy. But in order to iuoreaso tho air- ■illation of the excellent paper, the pub- ishers will send Tim Iniikx to subscri- oers, for ono year, and a copy of this P'.md Portrait Gallery, for threo doL 1 nrs. Till.-, index of dc"pnit»«*r 4tb contalui tw»*|r* p’HtruItH uf unili f’.it t.ic^UHvd tnluLtvit, arid *|.t* inuMid of thiv* Gulk*ry,*‘ thfy im* bupvrq. T he ndivN, in all roiippct?*, In «.nr oi th». ablwii^ • Ml I t*8t i t li),H* iih family ’pu^mru In Imp l uitfiV **tiit»*♦.. Fi nd to The Ciiuofuan Indf.a. At> Mill, f’ti 1*. t» Itox 21. atm K*t tlio p.ipwr for uuo tn.’ tin vl tho rurlralt liuiloiy.** ... -. n- 1 , ciuif.itnt'K as the properly of If. I*. Barkota bile sp:ril of our imo:. 0. .1 u lmt hr ml 01 rjAgt "o • wife to satisfy a tax || f, in f„ Ordinary in tho dtsolu.rgo ot l.n dime. . in this im] orttuit nmtior, wo authorize Hair-Gutting, ] I Jay and N iglit. le.r ville Hotel, ft My Barber she sl aving, Fluunponiii'i' iSli"ii under jbo San b 81I11881. ,» at Ti iinille. will la Last year at this timo tho indoblod noss of tits county was cstiinntod at cl0,200, and it was thongbt that at this timo the county would ho free from such burden. Such, however, wo 1 egret to'at night, without obtaining tho permit: the Ordinary Utzons sol and advise with him in relation to Iho tlie pauper., in their rospaetivo districts, nud tr such rules and regulations »s the Ordinary may doom proper to In tho interest of goud order and sys tem in the maiiugotnont of tho Paupers’ Homo, wo have adopted a set of rules, which wo desire published ni b these presentments: Suits by which the Inmates of the Washington County Homo for the Four arc to be governed: 1st. Every inmate is expected to bo at their meals regularly unless sick, in which ettau tho superintendent is expect ed to look after their comfort, to that ex tent that their case demands. 2. Every inmate is required to keep him or her self in a neat and cleanly manner. 3d. Every inmate is prohibited from using profane or obceuo language on tlie farm. 4th. Every inmato is expected to con duct him or burst tf in a respectful man ner to all parties living on tho farm, or who may visit the farm. 5tli. Visiting the Home for the Poor by disinterested purtic", is not allowed vor rf \V. R. Thigpen, ']’! 1 lb rkesilalo agent for wif G. •inen <" Sun hi. \Vo,l..c day’s, Saturday’s and dinary to appoint three discreet undo bv J . IL Achord, Gom m uaeli nnliti.i diatviut to com * ivturnetl to me. nilvimt vvilSi Itiiii ill ri' init hi ll.o *H If. 1>. id lev" 'stable nnd Also at the same time mal place will In ■add one tract of land in said county,ad- joiiiing binds of John ('’Inker, A; lily IVinn and (I, i’. V oung, containing five s. LnJ 11 1 OhiHEH’y’.s onirc, WASHING'] ON COUNTY, GA | [l , 1 . . t> 111 »1 l ■ 1 t \<l l'l|i i.iivp; nuud e.l acres more or leas, levmd on a- l!lc , (Jcurt House door, the picpoit,V of the OKtale (If I T. Rob. dersville, on S Uur b y, the 12)1 son t,i satisfy a tax ti fa ,n favor of W. iu , ;t| ,| K . bud ling of a three n , "FI'‘ .X s , '"• G. hobs in, at, tiie “Home for the poor;” ( " i ,s -l . u ,,, ,, ou , } loperty i (fw intc dimensions; 2 room say, is not the ease. The debt lues been very much reduced, and the estimated indebtedness fit this time does not ex ceed §4,812. The Treasurer’s booka show that at the last report be had on hand 8 29 0o lie lias received during tli year 17751 52 Making a total of §17781 50 And lie lias paid out as shown by proper vouchers 17560 22 Leaving in his liands at tho Time of our examination... § 221 2S ion of tiia Superintendent. 6th. No outside parly or parties al lowed to remain on the form without ob taining tho permission of the Ordinary or the Superintendent. 7th. The Superintendent is required to report any annoying irregularities of the inmates, to the Ordinary, who is ex pected to reprimand or expel, as he deems tho case demands. • 8th. It is the duty of the-Superinten dent to report to the Ordinary any in mate who refuses to comply with' the above rules. 9th. We respectfully recommend to pointed out \\’ G Robson, ndni’r and levy ma le by NG Durden, Gonstabe 1315th Dist G M and returned to in (> . Also at tlie same time and place will sold one. Tact of land coi:t«ining400 acres morn or] "sx,adjoining lands of I Tunm r E B Smith, G G Moye and G ii 'l’big pen, lev I - d on to satisfy a lax ft i’u in fa vor of W l! TiiDpen, r F G vs Jesse Brown, said land levied on as the prop erty of Jesse Bnnvn, levied by J M Bry an, Goiistablc Fij.'J'l district, and il lum ed to mo. O. A. HOUGHTON, mar 8, 1881, Sheriff W* Cl. M it P; <3 a it !G 51s 6 i if* j? <0 OFFI1HA 3.1. THEREBY NOTIFY TUI PUBLIC THAT AfjL LEGAI AD V EllTTriEiMENTS.oinanaliii" from my Office ns Site*rifUof WaTil'oe hr inn'ton County, cm niul nftci* thir ty d:iva will be PUBLISHED ii tlie “MERCURY.” SiiiukTsville, Ga., Jan. 2fifli 1881 O. A. ROUGIiTON, Sheri ii’, W. C. -AN'DKl*.-VII.t.K, February 9!li, 1881. W111 be b t out to the lowest bidder. 1 Sun ii of March room li-Hisr of tho fol- 16x16 with a chimney in the middle, and one mom, 16x25. The flooring in tin first urmtioned two rooms, and ALL the door and v.iudow etidug.i to bo dresird. J: will require 4 doors and 10 windows, forms will be one-half cash dining the progress of the work, and the other ball at its completion. Tee plan and specifications are non ready for in portion at my office. \V 1 LTj be let out nt the same time tli thorough re pairing of May’s Bridge, ovm die. Ogeecliee. Terms will be cash :rt tlie eoinplodou .if the worlc. MAIN BRIDGE. Length of Bridge, l(K) feet; width, In ft. Piling required tor 5 bends of 20 feei span. Piles to be sawed oil’ with the sur face of the water. A capsid to rest on these piles, upon which the p.i.ti of tin ridge are to r st. These posts are. ti ii as per diagiam (which can l.r een at this dike). 'Phe two shore span—pi ■ s, caps, stringers, pi; nk •here, and can b but tlie piles vvii. e.ut w. nnd b«i used ps h.’IYC t*J 1 t in' be driven ij PAINT. SAVES KE-SIIIHGLING. FIRE AND WATEll-PltOOP. CONTAINS NO TAiJ. MIXED READY FOR USE. ANYBODY CAN APPLY IT. With this Paint old shingles can bo made to look 1 letter and last longer than new shinglc3 for ouo.third tho cost of rc-shlngllng. Equally good for tin or iron; nud for porous brick walls is unequalled. It is elastic—will expand or contract withkeat or cold. This is nn indispens able quality in a durable Roofing Paint. It will not crack, peel or scale; being slate, willnpt rust or corrode. It has a heavy horly—ono coat being equal to three of any other. It is sold at a prico that enables ovoryoiio to havo a well-painted roof. Four handsome shades—Uoof-Slato, Brown, Red and Bright Red. Prico In barrels of 45 lo 50 gallons, only 60 cents per gallon. “After a most thorough use of this print, wo most •ordially ro- commend it, nnd nro satisfied that if once used it will be ordered n second and third time.”—[II, C. Bowen, in tlie Independent, Sept. 30, 1830.] Send for circular nnd samples, nnd mention tills paper. jsr.*u. PAXKT& OIL CO., 7 INDIA ST., BOSTON, MASS. Selling Agents for Bertram’s Oil Po lish for Brass, Copper,Composition, &c, £ h r : upon our iniiiutis, a copy be furnished, . - the. relatives of the dee used, and al«oi er » anc f °I V ,e Gruiuary aud Treasurer,irequired to place I bet request that it be published iu the Sau-M 10 following evidcmceu of indebted- inmates can hav. t.ess: Jury Scrip •? 800 00 Election Certificates 96 00 Pauper Scrip 2577 75 |the iiouorablo ((Ordinary that lie furnish I j J( (> ]., (T .q B j belonging te In tho Treasurer’s office we counted|tlie Sucprintandent a copy oi‘ the nbo.. and burned in the presence of each otb-irules, and that tho Supcrintonilcn'. be Com dersvillo papers J E WHirum, St.-nlkv KvmtEi.i P A Watkins Done in Conference March 5th, 1881. T J BECK, Moderator Stanley KrmgaL. Clerk. ) rules win re. the to them. MiriO ELLANEOUS. We recommend that our representa tive in the Legislature introduce u i.ill more < r ! jut the next session of tlie General A;,- jseiubly to draw one Grand Jury for eaclij ... , „. _. term of the Superior Court for this) 1 re isurer s office $3501 10 W uuty ! Length is about 11-0 feet, v.ilth is ]" jhet, and have to Im r it the entir |l« ngth, sill tlie materials are thure,icx> opt for one bond, which will have lo be f fi nished anew. A few sUiugers and 4 post* are needed anew; Mudsills to be used in this bridge. In both iiiitaucos, contractors will be required to give bonis in double tin if their bids with two good and 'fiu'iiie; for tiio faithful pm- ntract, and to indem . . . any- damages ocea Gilniore an.l others,isioued by a ; dure to perform the hundred and fifty _acres within ti e prescribed time. l’artiintending to p it n bids are fered to “Acts of the L Administratrix's Sals. By virtu re of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Jefferson County, will b<* sold on the first Tuesday in April, 1881, at tho A/nrket House, in the Town of Louisville, Jefferson County, between hours, that tract of land tho e: t :to of Samuel E. amount Bothwell deceased, situated, lying and am;vent being in the county of Washington, nd- furmnneo of tin. joining lands of Mrs. M. li. Tucker, E.jnify the. couuty II .Jordan, id. containing tlm and known as .urns Gash- the Forbes Total amount burned in tho A. J. BOTHWELL, Adm’j.pmd 187!)”—No. 177: V of ri. E HOT WELL deceased. Febuary, 25tli, 1881, fob 10-It M. MEWMA Ordinary V/, G ORDINARY'S OFFICE, G EOilOl IA- — '‘Ytu-1 ti no-ton County. Jb th' Ordinary of Said (Jaunty. All l*l,Bri: t % >*'. arc. hereby notified nnd, that on Tut Jay, the 22d day of March <!, the folk wing named Hoad will l o dc public ii in* good cause i", slunvn tho contrary; the same having been I'jjreeotmiK'udod liy the Commissi, mers com- formably to law. “Cotutu, nciiig on tho Long’s Bridge Road opposite Mr. Benjamin F. Mur phy's home, running, nearly north, along the old private road, through the lands of Cullen Murphy, James Barron, the Barron sisters, A. W. Jackson, the old Mills place, Richard Mills, J. M„ Vim ui, Pai.-ey Miles li. lioiliflekl, -;Newton l.'cufroo, Nancy Walker, John ett)"! WiJker, ’l'lionpliilus 1 ates, James Vin- ee:i- son, estate of Andy Durban, J* J. Gur- nneqiei*, nud AVilliunt Archer, intersecting jwith the Sparta Read. Given under my hand and official dure of 187.-. signature, at Sundersville, the 14th day 150 and 160. jof February, 1881. M. NEWMAN, '• 1/tc-lt Ordinary W. O. A Rare Companion, file M Delightful Of Sawjjipari Tun Dimtorr Fmcn Pheu, '’limed tlmmgliout the world os a news paper of the rarest and most enjoyable dsns, is commended to tlie render on a lire to please, interest and satisfy. Its (Miiteiiis uro ever Utah, vivacious demising. Every issue coutaines mtioii origiuul natter, peculiarly readable and inatrac- ive, us well iu; artietes current villi tho day in various departments of iterntmv. In its d( lightful columns will be found i world of anecdote, paragraph and spicy ,'i'inuivnt; wit, humor, sketch story; chess, piizides. eorrespondenoo, sprightly edit- I'ials; travels, iauhion—everything that )ati gratify tho most exacting reader, uid widen those whose taste andoulurc- omaiKl originality and merit will oepi - •hilly appreciate. ‘‘Tho Household,” a weekly supple- uent, e mtaining contributions by lady 'orrvspuialents, resident in all quarters if tile country, relating to topics of oitorest to tho ladies especially, and a publication that lias met with much favor, is furnished gratis to evory sub scriber to The Ekee 1’hess. No other journal furnishes so much leading matter, so variedundso excellent, for b i little money, T IE WEEKL Y FREE FREES AND “THE HOUSEHOLD” TOGETHER ARE EURN!.RUED AT #2 A YEAR CLUBS OF FIVE, $1 75 EACH; LIBERAL COMMISSIONS ALLOW ED LOCAL AGENTS. Specimen copies sent free. Ailress THE DETROIT FREE PRESS. Detuoit, Mich. s i'an da it i>~w mourn Wheat 60 pounds. Shelled corn 56 “ Corn in the car 7O “ Teas (>0 u Live ,.56 “ Oats 32 “ Barley 47 “ Irish Potatoes 60 “ S’weet Potatoes ••••55 “ White Beans .,..60 “ Cl over Seed CO “ Timothy Seed ,.56 “ Flax Seed 56 Hemp Seed 4-! 1 Cotton Seed. 3O “ Buckwheat 62 “ Blue Grass Seed 14 “ I fried Peaches (unpealcd)33 “ Dried Peaches (peaLed)..,38 “ Dried Apples 24 “ Onions Stone Coal Unslacked Lime.. Turnips Corn Meal Wheat Bran.... Ground Teas Plasteriner Hair. .,.57 ..80 ...80 ...55 ..48 ,. .20 ..25 ..58 a v, vek In your own town. $5 Outfit fr*'o Kori’.k. ltrndor. if you wimtu bmlneM M !. rumoau of oiluer i-cx can m»W ray all the timo Itiey work, wrlto tori'“‘ ticulars to li. llALUSn* * °, r ‘“ Maine. juiy 13, 1«80—ly