The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, March 29, 1881, Image 2

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On hand 4' to arrive soon at E. li' Benfroe’s. a nfee lot of Groeerlet^Dry Goods, Hard nary 4’r. T1IE MEHCUHY. TUESDAY, MAR. 29,1881. WONDER IF If MAS! We lmve not received n c< P.V of the Sandereville JlRROiiHvin about a m< nth. Wonder if it has suspended ?—Louisville Courier. From the above Bro. Giles wondersJCCturcd if the Mercury 1ms suspended, not by any means, it is doing ti o well to suspend at this time. Our reasons for not Bend ing [the pnp r to eomo exchanges was our subscription list increased so fast we had to stop sending awhile to All the new subscribers demand for the paper. If Bro. G. would take a peep into our office and see the new type, new machine ry, etc., and see our suboription list he would not think there was any likely- hood of the Afercury suspending yet. Gkokgians at Washington.— A Washington letter in the At- lnnta Constitution reports as fol lows on the above subject: Senators Hill and Brown will have more influence with the ad ministration than they had with the last. Mr. Hill is bo longer a stranger at the White Horse, lie calls often. lie and the presi dent admire each other charmingly Governor Brown likes thonew man too. A. II. Stephens may not ho potent for the next four years as he was under Hayes hut ho will r ,e " serve a powerful influence. Ik every 7 A merican boy could see that one of the greatest honors that could ever ho conferred upon him and one of the gravest responsibil ities that could ever devolve upon him, was the bulot, we should set a wonderful improvement in the pu rity of our government and the hap piness of our people. Speckled Pcils—Prof. Carswell ties that bind us to our native It is one of the mysteries of life, which the infidel as well as tin Christian is concerned to explain that many wealthy and prosper ous people never bavo a thought Ol God’s goodness; and that many bedridden, pain-racked invalids are overwhelmed with a sense ol the Divine tenderness and love and aro moved constantly to speak of it-'CHRRCU & 1I0MK A story comes from Boston that a woman who brought her pail to lie filled at the soup house in that city was asked how many she had iu her family, nnd replied: “Six —ray husband, myself, twoi ^ogs and two cuts, nnd please don’t pul so much pepper iu the soup, the dogs don’t like it 1 ” Cripples in the Church. the over Some never Some are without arms; have never helped any one the rugged places in life, are without foot; they have gone an inch out of their own way to serve others. Some aro voice less; they have never, evon by word, encouraged any one who was cast down. Some aro deaf; they have never listened to the voice of the suffering. Some are without hearts; they do not know wlmt sympi.t’iy and generous feelings are. What an appearance a pro cession of such characters would make if they could ho seen as they are on the streets! —ex. Dear Me.—Could you met me yesterday away down among the long grass and thickly populated pine forest within n halt' mile of the Johnson line, you would have been at a loss to have eon- my errand. Had you come across mo down thorn last. October you would have of coursti said to yourself, Well, that follow electionering. Well I was elee- tionoring yestereny not for votes, but for speckled peas. I rode 30 miles and got 4 bushels, and paid $1,50 a bushel at that. Do you know of anybody Me, that has any seed peas for sale, 1 want about 25 bushels nnd will give mighty ood collateral until next fall. Well Me what did you think of that Canadian Temperance Loci li fer? I thought I would go around and hear him the other night, hut understood they were going to take up collections,-and then*, oiii baby got on a tare, and the old lady said so long as she lived ,«hc lidn’t think it would ho Necessary for a mah to eomo clean frinh Can ada to keep me straight, and then was a mighty cool night to risk setting up long without it little stimulants nnd everything seemed to conspire to keep me away. I’ll bet that man Carswell is a clever man and kind to his wife and chtl- lren, you hardly ever see a man ith side whiskers but what will do to take pa t ern after, I bet lie has seen the time when ho could tell good liquor from “skimmings.” Did you ever find out what that other fellow’s business was that was along with him,. I met up with uu old Primitive Baptist the other day and wus teling him about those temperance tramps, yes says he, “they urn going to keep ding donging at spirits until’ 'they Thin this country. He continued, drink my dram whenever I please, and whenever they stop selling it, I'm going where a man does have a'little liberty, that's me.” I Wanl lilic Stephens to pass his law Me allowing every man to do his own •‘stealing,” and then I wan’t the exclusive State right to 8cll“stecls,’ [ wouldn’t go 30 miles for speckled ptRs then. Well 'Me the measols have about played py t^ii quf’ fajm- ily they (lidn’t scorn to ho conta gious. You sposo we’U luivo any more cold ,-weathr., I haven’t heard the cranes pass over yet I heard a half preacher say the other day wo would have fros the 18th day of May. That rabbit that eat up Mrs. Franklin’s peas is dead. Yours, Randali. Franklin. Sandcrsville, March 24th 1881 P. S. Have you had any late tid ings from our newly commissioned post master ? I expect his trij looking for bondsman will be like mine looking for peas, don’t you. R, it N. B.—If hc’should fail toujake the trip Mo please inform him that [’ve got a mighty pretty’; opening for a mill dam architect R. F. have 'country, to our peculiar modes of life, to our loved ones,and to readi ly accommodate ourselves to new surroundings, in short when the change is brought about ami new comers realize the situation they fall into line and commence to flourish, l’cxns is a great state, she is the banner state of the un ion, a country whose resources are scirccly in a shape for develop ment. Now as regards the health of the country I will say it will compare favorably to that of your country, of course people die every where, and till new comers become climatizcd they may expect to he more susccptahle to the diseases of this climate, as regards society it is hero as in all other now coun tries, very few established rules in society. The man who works and proves himself to be a gentleman is the gentleman, what const itut s a gentleman here is not fine clothes and a mew buggy, but honesty and a ill to work for an honest living. Well Mr, editor I did not pro pose a leifgHliy comtmmicafri'dfl but thought I would give you a few dots, having spent most of my life in your town and being acquain ted with the people of old Wash ington I naturally rend your paper with great interest', will be glad to have it come regularly, should your readers desiro I will try to tell them what I know of Texas Adieu for this time, " v MEDICUS. TAX NOTICE. I will attend the following named places oq the days specified for the pur pose of receiving the Tax Returns for the State nud county Taxes for the year 1881: Monday April Tuesday “ Wednesday “ Thursday “ Friday “ Monday “ Tuesday “ Wednesday “ Thursday “ Fridny “ Monday may Tuesday “ Wednesday" Tanner’s Duvisboro Cato’s Giles’ l ’lays’s Robison's McBride’s Wnmiuock's Lamb’s Biddlcville Hebron Prosser’s Peacock’s Wnrtheu’s mill Thurdny Tabernacle Friday “ *’ In S mdersvillo every Saturday until the books are closed.' f mar. 29, / R. J. MOYE, T. R. County Board oilducation. A regular meeting of flic Board will be held in the Court House at 11 o’clock j a. in. on Tuesday April 5th, 1881: mem bers of tho Board and Local Trustees ro invited to bo present. By order of the Board. II. N. HOLLlPlELD, mar 22 Pub. School Com’r. GEO HG1 A—Washington County IFlierens, H’m. ltoland applies to me fo j letters of administration on the estate o" Tom Rowland, deceased, This is therefore, to notify all concern • ed to show cauHoif any they have, within o the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 26th of Jiumary, 1881. M. NEWMAN. GEORGIA—Washington County, Whereas, M. Newman and Ella E . Salter, adm’rs of tho estate of A. T Wig origins, deceased,apply to mo for letters ot dismission from said administration. This is therefore to notify all ooncern ed to show cause, if any they have, with- it in tho time prescribed by law, why said ° | letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in San- dcrsville, this January 12th 1881. C. C. Brown, Ord’y. DIABOLICAL ATTEMPT AT RAPE NEAR SPARTA. My reader, you may he a temp crate drinker; if so, you do not ex pect to he a drunkard, and per haps you may never become one You may he able to control your appetite, hut how is it with your thoughtless hoy? He sees his father drink, and your example may give him confidence in his own strength that his tempera ment, so different from yours, will not justify. lie sees you drink with impunity, and believes that he may, until too late, when stan ding on the verge of the precipice and death, agonizing voice he cries to you, "Father, your example has led me thus far. Oh, save me from theconsequcneeof your teach ing and the ruin that threatens me! Whereyou have stood I thought I might stand with safety. You did'good field hands is from 20 to COMMUNICATED. Mart, McLellan Co., Texas. March 15th 1881. Dear Editor:—Your paper comes duly to hand and as I prom ised will write you a shor.t com muhication from this portion. I am located in central Texas 20 miles from one of the most beau tiful and flourishing cities, Waeo. This portion of Texas is well adap ted to tho farming interests, corn makes from 50 to 70 bushels per acre and cotton from one to two bales. As yet this is a great cat tie country but as tho country be comes settled up the cow men move further towards tho frontier To those young men who have no homes but a good muscle with a will to uso it, my advice is come to Texas. Labor per month for 25 The Would-re UavisheuCaught and Hanged to a Tree—His Body Riddled with Bullets and His Head Cur Off. Wo learn from Macon parties who urrivtd from S; a. ta last night that tho usual pcaco of that city is greatly disturbed, and the peo ple in wild excitement over an heinous oilenso attempted to he committed near Sparta. Tho par ticulars as we learn them, arc about as follpws: A negro mnn named Barnes, wno wa? some twenty odd years ol age, nnd'Who ihore >a reputation for insolence, passed on tho road ihout ton miles from Sparta, Hancock \ycjueaday a young Indy about seventeen yearij of ngQ, ot beauty, fine phyiquo and accomplishments, well known that section and highly respected whoso name for these reasons w w«j deem proper to withold from publication. Tho devil seemed to take possession ot tho negro,and domon-llke, ho retraced his steps and oVrtnking the younglady made a violent assault op her,with at tempt to , rape. lie threw lie down, and beat .her (unmercifully and in the struggle tore her clothes t -iVibly; lAitithe lady being of ro bust frame, frantically and success fully resisted his efforts Just as her powers and strength were well nigh exhausted, and tho infuriated negro would have ac complished his.purpose, tho cries of the young lady were heard, and some gentlemen who were passing by camo to tier rescue and savod her from the diabolical clutches of the fiend. The negro took to flight on the appearance of the rescuers, but he was promptly pursued and captur ed, and being brought before the young lady was instantly identi fied, anddhe negro thereon made full coufesiou of the whole matter. He appeared clam and highly in different to the whole matter, and being asked why he attempted such a deed, replied, ‘‘Don't know ; supposo the devil got into me.” Yesterday morning, early pas sers along the Sparta road discov ered a dead negro man hanging to tree near tho spot where the Sheriff Sides. Will be sold before the Court House dopr-in SoJifiorsville uu the first Tuesday ill April next, within the -legal hours ofj .ale the following property, to-uit: Qni} lotef land in the incorporate lim its of tlio’city of HandersvilUi contain ing two acres more or less, bounded on .lie north by public road leading from Smidersville to Fcuii’h Bridge, east and south by lands of S. B. Jones, west by Subtly street. Levied on to satisfy Superior Court ti fa issued from the Su perior Court of said county in favor ol Woods it Co., vs 1). II. T ueker, said lands levied oil as the property of D. H. Tucker nml pointed out l>y Plaintiff's Attorney, and legal notice given lie fendaut io pors ssion. Also at the same time nnd place will bo sold one tract or parcel of land situated in Washington county, containing sixty acres more or less, bounded on the iioith by lands of Ed Brooks, on the east h> lambs of C. It. Pringle, on the west by lands of J. F. Tompkins and on tin south by lands of Wyley Durden, levied in as property of 51. Ti nq kim U fenuant in ti fa to satisfy a Superioi Court tt fa in favor of F. 0. Rawlings. Trustee vs James 51. Tompkins, priuci nil nnd John A. Bullard, Executor of icwis Bullard, said John A. Bullard now •ntrolling said ti fa, levy niaijo by A. 51. Mayo, former Sheriff, and .legal notice given James M. Tompkins in posses sion, propedy pointed out by pluiutiifr attorney. Also at same time nnd place will hi sold three mules limned as follows, om Nellie, one Julia, one Beck, also foil thousand pounds of seed cotton more o’ ss, levied oil to satisfy a Superior (J»u ti fa in favor of Green Lee and ngniuri Marshal Durden, said property point"' out by Plniutffs Attorney nnd levied o' y J. M. 510X0, Deputy Sheritf and re turned to me. , Also nt tho same time and place wil lib sold out} lot of laud containing 4 lum dred ami fifty acres, more or less, 1> iiu n Washington County, adjoining Intuit >f Win. Frost, Bolet Whitfield, Janie finrrolj.,and others; levied on as th property of W. P. Smith io satisfy it ta> li fa in favor of W. It. Thigpen, T; Collector vs W. P. Smith, levy made I J. B. Smith, Constable D2d Diat. G. 5 nnd returned to mo. Also at the tirno and place will he sold olio acre of land with stcro In u th Croon r.t Hebron 08th District, G. 51 adjoining lands of S. W. Buck, 1 on ns tlm property of II. P. Barkefdnle Agt for wife to satisfy a tax ti fa in fa vor of W. It. Thigpen, T. G. vs li. I Btirkcsdale agent for wife, said lev .undo by J. It. Achord, Const ibio nnd r urned to mo. Also nt the same time nnd place will sold one tract of land containing400acres more orles8,ndj"ining lands of I Tanner, E B Smith, G U Moyo and G B Ting pen, levied on to satisfy a tax li fa in fa vor of W R Thigpen, T G vs Jessi Brown, said land levied on ns the prop erty of Jesse Brown, levied by .1 51 Bry an, Constuhlo 1253d district, and return ed to me. 0. A. ItOUGHTON. itinr 8, 1881, Sheriff W • C. SUTLER'S Waters’New Favorite Organs aro tho most BEAUTIFUL In STv» v,„ PERFECT in TONE ever rndd ". Th^!*? 8 every Improvement ncccs.nrv forZ OU«A.\, ineluiliiut our Cclclwnted oS?®.!*** STOP, which Is n Fine Iiniiutlon or ti???* man Voice. WATERS' 11A UMOV li ■ ORCIIESTRAL»CllORA 1.E nmlIIli! L UANS.ln unique French case" c ciafff T , 0 *- combine PURITYof VOICING whi!* WATERS’ PIANOS, C^JAUE nn'l fPWtOTtT,iirctln* HEST RTA1)R For QUALITY ofTONK, t»EA UTY of FINISH nnd Great durability th, ycannot hi _ EXCELLED. Price, with stool. tWr old Bouoi end Shipped, only S10O, Upwnrd. Every PIANO nud OHHAN WAHRANlS ED for SIX YEARS, to itivr Entire SntlBfnctlon. Price* Extremely Low. Monthly ■—— m«ot* received. Illustrotcd CntnloKiie Free. AO ENTS WANTED. 7 w MO*»^CKWAT E^R S&CO. a mi [j*.£ r YgpPo.^1®-*’ ■ U EO 1!U i A—Washington county Whereas, Win. Rowland apple's t< mo for Letters of Guardianship to tin lersons and property of Sherman and Mary Lee. Rowland, orphaned children •f Tom Rowland, deceased. These an liei-fore to cite nnd ndmonish all inter sted to be and nppear at tny office, o ho first Monday in April next to show ause why said Letters of Guardianship -liould not he granted. Given tinder my hand officially, fib list day of February, 1881. M. NEWMAN. Ordinary. S inder-e'dlo, Feb. 24—301 FOR RAILROAD AND EXPRESS COMPANIES ESTIMATES AND QRAWINGS FURNISHED POUND CORNER ' PROOF_ [SAFES extra secure LOCKS GENERAL aOENT rOR D1EB0LD SAFEflOCK CO] t 3,530.) Slate" Roofing not warn me of the danger, but you encouraged ip# to follow in a fath er's steps—the ambition of many a son who loves his father and looks to him for guidance in the pathway of life.”—Richmond. In Greenland, beef, mutton, pork, and fowls are preserved for any length of time by merely freezing them. When usedthiy are thaw ed in cold water, and when cooked taste cxaclly as if recently killed. dollars per month and cannot lie had at that, I lmve known a great many laborers to make, picking cotton, as much ns 100 dollars per month, cotton picking per hun dred being as high as $1.25. To those who are comfortably situa ted with a home and family I would not advise come to Texas. 5Ios‘t whp come here are very badly dis appointed at first, it would be so iftheywereto go elsewhere. It is no small matter to sever the SHERIFFS NOTICE. OFFICIAL. I HEREBY NOTIFY THE PUBLIC THAT ALL LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS,emanating from'-my Office as Sheriff of Wash ingtoii County, on and after thir ty davs wilf. lie PUBLISHED in the “MERCURY.” Sandcrsville.’Ga., Jan. 26th 1881 ! O. A. HOUGHTON, Sheriff, W. C. •M ping, Shaving, Slinmpooning ‘ the San- F or and Hnir-t. Day and Night. Simp under Icrsvillo Hotel, fob 8th 1881. My Barber simp at Tenuille will be ■pen bn Wedi.e .day’s, Saturday's and Sunday’s. BTJE1E3'©! the benefit of inquiic s — those wishing to have Dresses, Coats, Pants Vests, &e., dyed; below will ho found a^'sched ule of prices. Thankful for past favors I solicit a continuance of the same: Coats, $1.00 to $2.00 Pants, 1 dO “ Vests, 50 “ Ladies’ Dresses.... 1.50 “ Childrens’ “ .... 75 “ Bhaw-ls, silk 1.00 “ above recorded crime was attempt ed. Investigation revealed him to bo Barnes, the would beravisher. He was suspended from a tree- dead—dead—dead — his body com pletely riddled with bullets and head hanging by a bare inemtirance ot skin, being nearly cut in two from the body. —Tel. & 5Ios. Methodism is.. 141’years old and has over 5,000,COO members en- roled. Four-fifths of the ribbons worn in this country are of American manufacture, and the hats are nearly all made here. Administratrix’s Sale. By virture of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Jefferson County, will b< sold on the first Tuesday iu April, 188i, at the Market House, in tho Town of Louisville, Jefferson County, between die legal sale hours, that tract of land belonging to the estate of Samuel E. Bothwell deceased, situated, lying and being in the county of Washington, ad joining lands of J/rs. M. II Tucker, E. H Jordan, S. M. Gilmore and others, containing-three hundred and fifty acres more or less and known ns the Forbes Place. Terms Cash. A. J. BOTIIWELL, Adm’x of S. E BOTWELL deceased. Febuary,5tli, 2 1881. “ wool 50 “ Cloaks, waterproof. 1.50 “ Sacques 25 “ Mittens 10 “ Feathers. 10 “ Silk Ties Kid Gloves, black.. Stockings, 3 pairs.. Ribbon . per yd Handkerchiefs, silk 1 lying left at either the Mercury office or at Mrs. Bayne’s Millinery store, with instructions as to color will be attended to. MRS. C. C. SCARBOROUGH, may 18, 1880. 1.50 75 2.00 1.00 1.50 75 2.00 50 15 25 10 25 25 10 10 .ro TICE! ORDINARY’S OFFICE, GEORGIA—-Washington County By the Ordinary of Said County. Whereas, Cudjo Hall applies to me for letters of Cfunrdiauship of his grand children, Cudjo Adkins, 51ary Gordon, Abe Higgins, and 5Iary Johnson, ille gitimate children' bf his daughter. These arc therefore to cite and admon ish a 1 interested to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in May next, PAINT. SAVES RE-SHINGLING. FIRE AND WATER PROOF. CONTAINS NO TAR. MIXED READY FOR USE. ANYBODY CAN APPLY IT. With this Paint old shingles can bo made to look better and lost longer than new shingles for ofio-third the cost of re-slilngling. Equally good for tin or iron; and for porous brick walls Is unequalled. It is elastic—will expand ot contract with heat or cold. Thla is an Indispens able quality in a durable Rooting Paint. It will not crack, peel or scale; being slate, will not rust or corrode. It lias a heavy body—one coat being equal to three of any other. It is sold nt a prico that enables everyone to have a well-painted roof. Four handsomo shades—Roof-Slate, Brown, Red and Bright Red. Price in barrels of 45 to 00 gallons, only 60 cents per gallon. After a most thorough use of this paint, we most cordially re commend It. and are satisfied that If once used It will be ordered n second and third time.”— [H, C. Bowen, in the Independent, Sept. 80, 1880.] Bend for circular and samples, and mention this paper. N.'E. PAINT 4c OIL CO., 7 INDIA 8T., BOSTON, MA3S. Selling Agents for Bertram’s Oil Po lish for Brass,Copper,Composition, Kobinson Wagon Co. Manufacturers of SPRING wagons: Buggies & Phaetons. 1 Bond for «1c.*fi[[iiB »u».I prices to ROBINSON WAGON CO., CINCINNATI, O. fHEllOESE & A NEW BOOK on tho Hons. Hi* liislary, structure, uit. mul treatment. Also giving n lew of the most Important and. Effoctivo Eomodlet for the cure of the diseases of the horse. Valuable to every owner nml lover of th. horse. Published by the SOHlilSOlT T7AQ01I CO., Otaeta- rati, 0., and sent, postage paid, to any address, on receipt of tiirkk3-crn r stamps. 7S®. Three sheets, lOjRI, heavy plate raper, contafa Ing elevations, plans and details for the above house: also hook of V0 pages, pivinRsj*ccilic:tlM»«s, itemized estimate and form of contract—invaluable to every carpenter or party proposing building, as a guide I* making bids or drawing contracts. Trice $3.00. Sent l>y mail, postpaid, on receipt of price. n. E. WALTON, 330 W. Ninth St., Cincinnati,. O. HITCIIELL, LEWIS A. CO., Racine, Manufacturers of I'II.It a .XII FMIEI GUT Wli., i;m ti o.rx. NOTICE. Ordinary's Office, Washington County, Ga. Road Commissioners are hereby noti fieri that by calling at my office, they will be furnished with a copy of the Road Laws, which at the expiration of their term of office, must be turned over to their successors. M. NEWMAN, mar 12,1SS1—lfc Ord’y W. C Best business now be fore the public. \ ou oau make monoy faster ut work for us than ut any thing else. Capitol not required. We will Sturt you. *12 u day and up - . T „ ^ ,, . wards niudoat home by the in> h° p Sh , 0 » W t C .A" SC Why 8aid Ictterssliould UOt O^ywbe'rc to workyS'n"\ ^owTstlfc'umT’YoU ue gtaiuea. - cun devote your whole time to the work, or’ Given under my hand and official si<r.:.' 0ui '»pure moments. No other business wil. ...... at «;‘>K^vUle, this 15th day of ostly Outfit and terms free. A great opportunity for making money easily and honorably. Address Tru: k Oi. ,Augusta KUa*. J/arcli, 1881. mar 17,-4t THE MITCHEI.L STANDARD PLATFORM SPRING WAGON, Also Three-Spring and Four-Spring Wagons, and Side-Spring Buggies. TheMITC” ’ • -Spring and Four-Spring Wagons, and Side-Spring 1 HELL WAGON Monarch of the Uoad; only the very best utock used in it* con- r.trtiction and made by the best wa*on mechanics in the world. The Spring Wagon nnd Bugfnr De partment is entirely separate from the Farm Wacon shops. And for the manufacture of this clas” or work we have facilities unsurpassed. Send for Catalogue and Illustrated Price List. IbiaTCHELL, LEWIS & CO., Etaclno, Win. J. ESTEM COMPANY ./ BRATTLEBeR®, WT* Largest Manufacturers of Reed Organs in the World I ESTEY ORGANS ARE WARRANTED, and the MANUFACTUHEBS ahe responsible. Be sure to Send for Illustrated Catalogue before Pnrcliasiiig. Gold Great cbaiieo to mukc monoy. " 11 need a poraon in every town to take aubacrlptlons for tile lar gest, cheapest and Illustrated family publication In the world. Any one can become a success ful agent. 81 x etcguut works of art given free to subscriber,. The price is-ao low that almost every body subscribes. One agent reports tukmg lao subscribers In a day. A lady agent reports making over MOO clear profit In ten days. All who engage make money fast. You cun devote all vour time to the business, or only your spare tin,-. You need not be away from home over night. You ran do It as well as others. Full directions and teitns free Elegant and expensive onttit free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It osts nothing to try the business. No one who iigugos fails to make great pay. Address George Stinson ft Co.. Portland, Maine. M. NEWMAN, Ord’y. » a week inyourbwn town. $5 Outfit free Kodak. Rader, if you want a business ai which persons of either sex can make great pay ull the time they work, write for par t cuhirs to H. Haluctt & Co.. Portland- July 13, 1880-ly I REINHART & SANDERS, reSpecffully inform the citizens ot Washington and adjoining counties that they have open e Boot and Shoe shop jn " ville,next door to Pringle&U store on Hayne street,where tl J respectfully solicits the P a ^ age of the ladies and gentle All work done in the best s J and of the beet material, july (i—tf