The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, April 05, 1881, Image 2

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4- On hand 4' to arrive soon at £2. 12. Renfvo&s, a nice lot of Groceries, Dry Goods 9 Havdwaic j*c. Waters’ New Favorite Organs The Best Love. Tin: MKlUUIiV. TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1881 Home love ia the best love. The The annual meeting of the Georgia l"vc that you are born to i« the Press Association will be held nt Home,ou .sweetest you Will ever have on Wednesday May the t l 1th. jearth. You* who arc so anxious ATMYlT t0 e8ca I >e ^ rom homo-nest pause _ , ‘ c IvMi.nnwPs tlmt! il moment ami remember this is so. Weseoby some ofourexehnnges timt , , the annual meeting of the Georgia soeie-llt is right that the hour should ty for the prevention |of cruelty to nni- come when you, in your turn, nials will beheld in Atlanta on the Hist of Lhould become a wife and mother, May next The Masonic llftzar ami Fair! mil take place at the Oglethorpe Bar racks, nt Savannah Monday April 18th under the auspices of the Masonic 1‘ra- temity and the lady friends of the order. The Bazar and Fair is for the benefit of Solomon's Lodge No 1, the oldest .1ft son- ioorganizeation in Georgia having been instituted by General Oglethorpe in 17.13, sec notice in another column NEWSPAPER KEH. Atlanta Pott. The ■!•«( «l Family lliblca. The man who knows how to run a newspaper better than any other man is always to be tound at the old stand. But if he would just put his-hand at the huisness he would soon find out that there ai e about a million things more to look after than lie ever dreamed of. Run ning a newspaper is not such a pic nic as some wise people imagine. It requires something else besides heavy standing around and talen ted looking on. Newspaper men may look as if they wore loafers, hut if they are worth a farthing to the paper they can do 18 hours ot work in 12, and feel no more tired that a cast iron Indian, If you don’t believe it, try it. cookingTiahs. and give the best love to] others; but that will be just it.— Nobody not a lover, nor a husband—will ever be so tender or so true as your mother or your father, again, after strangers have broken the beautiful bond, will there he anything so sweet as the littlo’cir- ele of mother futher, and children, where you were cherished, protect ed, and kept from harm. You may not know it now, btftyoq "ill know it some day—Whosoever you may marry, true and good though he may be, will, after the love days are over and tho honey moon has waned, givo you Jonly what you deserve of love or sym- pathy—and usually milch less* never more. You must watch and he wary, leBt you lose that love which came in through tho eye be cause the ono who looked thought you beautiful. But those who boro you, >vho lovod you when you were that dreadful little ot>7 oet, a small baby, and thought you exquisitely beautiful apd won der fully brilliant—-tqey do not care for faces that are fairer and forms that are more graceful than yours,—You arc their very own, and so better to them always than others. The Secretary of the Amertasa Bible So ciety recently remarked that in epite of the greet number Of Biblee annually Bold ia the United Staton, there are not half enough pub lished. Th> re are thouaaada of hornet in our broad land in which not a single copy oi the Sacred Scriptures is to be found. Appreciating this great need, the National Publishing Company ol Philadelphia, Chica go, St. Louis and Atlanta have issued it in the most attractive and superb editions of the Bible ever published, and with the liberality that has ever characterised all their enter- prises have issued it in the most elegant styles of binding, and at piicea which bring it withiu the reach of every family. To the text of the Bible ia lidded a serin ot remarkable and unusually attractive feat ures, which render this edition In vsluabls to every Christian household. Foremoat among these is Dr. Smith's Dictionary ol tha Bible, Never w btch is admitted by ali denominations to bt the taut Bible Dictionary evar published. We have next a series of sqcoinel and care fully prepared acoounta of the varioas relig. ious deuuiuiuui ions ol tbs world, tbbir bis. tory nud teachings. The Ufe of the Saviour nud the livee of the Apostles art brought for ward ptominently, an i in suob a m inner hi. to be ol great uervice to every reader of the New Testament. The wanderings in the Wilderness, and tha iabernuo'e'end Temple are critically and admirably described. A-ee- ries ot Scripture illustrations affords com- prolicnuive explanations of the maunoru ana customs ot the ancients, of Biblical antiqui ties, scenery, Natural History, etc. The city of Jerusalem is also described with great mi nuteness. Then follow a large number ot chronological and other valuable table* de signed to promote and facilitate the study ot me Sacred Scriptures. These tables are so numerous that w« hare not space to name them. The book is magnificently illustrated with superb engraviugs by the great artist, Gus tave Dote, i nd with a largo number of ex- quisite steel eugtavingB. 01 oourue in u ittimly table much depends upon its illustra- inuions, uud me publishers of this volume have embellished their Bible with a taste and liberality that deserve the higheet praise, the additional matter eqntaiva oyer <l,5Ub engravings, executed in the liigh- TAX NOTICE. I will attend the following named places on the dayB specified for the pur pose of receiving the Tax Returns for the State and county Taxes for the year 1881: . .. Monday April Tuesday " Wednesday 11 Thursday " Friday " Monday “ Tuesday " Wednesday “ Thursday “ Friday “ Monday Tuesday Wednesday “ Tanner's Dnvisboro Cato’s Giles' Oloys’s Robisop'^ McBride’s Wammock's Lamb’s Riddleville| Hebron Prosser's Peacock's Warthcn’s mill Thurdny Tabernacle Friday In Sandersville every Saturday until the books ore closed, mar. 29 R. J. MOYE, T. R. style of the art. These engravings urt geuuiuc works of ifrt, and were mads at a dost oi ever iJO.OOO, The great uuinoi-r and nigh ohuriiblef ol those eugrav|ngs make tun the it. oat valuable art publication of'lue don tury Tbe Until The rensou why there many unmarried women tire so in the country—in every community, North and South—in owing to the education they receive. Too much rtress is laid on tho dulce and too little on tho utile. Tho average young man cannot afford to marry a girl who knows no more about household duties, how to prepare n meal, how to economise, how to keep house. &c., than a tnulo docs about astronomy. If mothers from a false pride, or from no pride nt all, permit their daughters to grow up at homo utterly ighorant pf the chief qualifications that con stitute the beauty of a woman in the eyes of a man of sense, then they may expect their girls, how ever pretty or smart in the text books of the schools, to hang on their hands and waste their sweet- jics8 on the desert air, We are glad to seo that the young Indies, us well as their moth ers, aro waking up to n sense of tho impoi tauoe of a revolution in the public opinion formerly strong, that nice young women ought not to soil tlieif. hnpds with sticky flour, the soot of pot?, and other kitchen unpleasantness, and arc organizing ‘'cooking clubs” in many of tho lurgost cities in oui State, and among the very first and best, fiunililes. In AtlantA, the ladies have one in most success ful operation, nnd other cities are organizing, or have done so. This is a long stop in the right direction, nnd will turn out more innrri{ige- ble girls than all the other institu tions put together.—-Union & Re corder. THESORTWIRL TO GET. The true girl has to* bo sought for.. She does not parade herself a show goods. She is not fashionably, Generally she is notrich. But, oh! what a heart she hnswhcn you find her!—SO largo and pure and worn anly. When you*see it you won dcr if those showy things were women. If you gnin her lovo your two thousand are millions. Sho' not ask you for a carriage or a fine house. She’ll wear simple dresses uud turn them when ncccessary with no lofty magnificent to frown up her economy. She’ll keep every thing neat and nice in your sky pur lor, and give you such a welcome when you come jioipc you’ll tliinl tho parlor higher than ever. She entertain true friends od a dollar and astonish you with the thought of how little happiness de pends on money. She'll make you lovo homo (if you dont you’re brute), and teach you how to pity while you scorn a poor, fashionable society that thinks itself rich, and vainly tries to think itself happy Novv, do not, 1 pray you any more. “I can’t afford to marry.” Go find the true women and you can. Throw away that ci gar, burn up that switch cane, he sensible yourself, and seek your wife in a sensible way.—0. VV. Holmes. record and mar logo oertifiontu niriy GEORGIA—Washington County. IFhereas, M. Newrunn ami Ella E. Salter, odin’ra of the estate of A. T Wig gins, deceased, apply to me for letters of listnissionfrom said administration. This is therefore to notify nil concern ed to show cause, if any they have, with in the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in San- dersville, this January 12th 1881. C. C. Brown, Ord’y. CoontT Board ol Education. A regular meeting of tho Board will bo held in the Court House at 11 o’elock a. m. On Tuesday April 5th, 1881; mem bers of the Board and Local Trustees are invited to be present. By order of tbe Board. II. N. H0LL1FIELD, mar 22 Pub. School Coot’r. GEORGIA— Washing ton County. 1 iKuercns, H r m. Roland applies to me for letters of administration op the estate < f Tom Rowland, deceased, This is therefore, to notify all concern ed to show cause if any they have, withiu the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand nt office this 20tli of January, 1881. M. NEWMAN, BUTLER'S r<i bcauiitul specimens ol lithographing, aud ,t the oloau of the volume is u bauueotut photograph album, with room lor sixteen portraits, a vorjr desirable feature in a work mis kind. Every intelligent person knows that tbe excellence of the binding of a book depends ou tut neatness apd durability. A Bible ty be very showily bptftid, and yet put gulher so fltmsiiy that it Will oopitt tu ple few years. Although covered with showy stamps, and sppareiftlg Vftal bound, tho work may be ilofke in such a loose male uer that with ouly ordinary handling the Bt bte will crack and finally ta(i to pieces! Ouly ibo beat materials are used iu us manut ie- lure, aud all the work done by tbe LeBt oi workmen aud the most highly in proved tut ohiuery. Every stage ot tha wo. a ia care fully supervised. It would be impossible to devise a system by which greater cure couiu be given to the manufacture ol a book, or by which the interests of subscribers could ta more guarded. The publista rs ft ulizo tbe filet that a family Bible may bo sub jected to very hard usage, and must he bound ubsiantldliy aa welt us haudsuuioiy. They ire published iu German also. 1 Wo cordially commend this magnificent Bible to our readers. It is a shame that uny ubnsiian household should be without inmily BiUo, and we comm nd this one os the most oompleto and ebeapesl in the mar kct. It ia sold by subscription only, an. Air. E. M. Whitehead, in compuuy with two or three other gcutleuicu, who are the author, ized ngeuls lot this svcttou, ia uow ouuv^as tug fur it. 1)Y WILLIE HiiFierifffSaiex. APRIL AND MAY. Will be. sold befftre tbe Court IIoust door in Snndcrsvillk.Gnj on tilt f rstTues day in mny next, ^within the legal houn> of saletlicjfollowiiig property to wit. ' Otto tract of Land containing 908 acre* more or less, adjoining lands of Robe t Rogers, Mrs M..I. Layton,T. J.G.lmore, Hardy Hartly undiotbers. Lp.vid on to satisfy nSuperior Courtfi fa,;issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of El wood 0. Robison vs ltiiford Hart ly, said lands lovit! on ns tho property ol Raiford Hnrtly nnd point 'd out by de fendant nud lcgnl notice given. O. Roughton ‘ Sheriff IF. C. Will be sold before the Court House door in SaudoruviHe on tho first Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours ( f sale tho following property, to-w it: Cjrtc lot of land in the incorporate lim its of' fl\o city' of Sandontville contain ing two awes more or leas, bounded on tho north by public rond lending from Sandersville to Fenn’s Bridge, cast at d south by lands of 8. B. Jones, west by .Smith street. Levied on to satisfy Superior Court fl fa issued from the 8u potior Court of said county iu fnvor ot Woods &Co., vs D. II. Tucker, salt lands levied on as tho property of D. H Tucker and pointed out by Plniutiff’t Attorney, and legal notice given. De fondant in possession. Also at the same time nnd pluco will bo sold one tract or parcel of land situntei, in Washington county, containing sixty acres move'or leyyl.Kffindodoti the north by lauds of Ed Brooks, on the emit by lands of C.K.'Bringlo, on the west by lands of ,1. F. Tompkins nnd ou tie south bV lands of Wyley Durden, levied on as property of James M. Tonipkim, defendant in fi fa to satisfy a Superioi Court tt fa in favor of F. G. Rawlings. i] WINGS FURNISHED FOR RAILROAD ANffOPRCSS COMPANIES • IS AND OR/ CORNER PROOF. SAFES extra sccurk LOCKS GENERAL AM NT FOR DEBOLD SAFTjLQCK CQ HTOf, which la a Fine ■u Voice. WATKKH* IIAKtlIi)v». tha Bi. OllCHUSTUAI/’C'llOUAl.E «ANS,lo nnlqae r>cn“h r„ P ” P ,^f* c «TOH. Wsss.'S WATERS’ PIANOS S&UABB niut TTPRTnnT,arothe BEST MAD* For QI'AI.ITV nfTONK, Itl'AtITV orVlNlSli anA Kit HAT IIURAIIII.TTY thrr CANNoI xi EXCRIXKIt. Price T ,V " ,ry c * NN »*ta ■oak. Bowed aM Shipped, oalr V18Q, Coward. Ktirj PIANO •n/oBUliuVltSlM! BD for SIX YKARW, to «Itp Kmlre HatUfortlea. Prlrca Kxtrroiely Low. Moothlv ■ootsrocolvrd. IlloBtroird Cololowao Free. AOKNTS WANTED. y “T IRIMMt W' Slate-Roofing PAINT. BATES KE-SHINGLING. FIRE AND WATER-PROOF. CONTAINS NO TAR. MIXED READY FOR USE. ANYBODY CAN APPLY IT. With this Paint old shingles can bo ‘ tlo G^OKGJ A—Washington county Whereas, Win. Rowland applies to no for Letters .of Guardianship to tin persons nnd property of Sherman nnd Mary Lee Rowland, orphaned children »f Torn Rowland, deceased. These art herefore to cite nud udinonisli nil inter o -ted to be nud nppenr at my office, o tho first M »nday in April next to slum cause why said Letters of Guaidinnslii] diould not be granted. Given under my hand officially, tlii> -21st day of February, 1881. M. NEWMAN. Ordiunry. Sander-villo, Feb. 24—801 say Sensible Itonitations, It was all Right. Sny denrpst. mny 1 love thce’j'f And loVe but you, and you hlone; Caress, fondle,nnd pet thee Evert Buy dearest, will you bo my own? The bliss of love would around roe twine Went) I blessed with the love of thee Nothing save the klissipf love divine Could fathom tho love 1 bear for,thce I'd give the rarest goms for some sweet heart Thatsfrec fron care, nnd beautiful sublino. To outer thy brenst, nnd melt thy heart Like thou hast mcltud mine. But your heart is cold, nnd stem, And evory hope (yw boon blighted, And every offering of love you spurn l And every spark of affection slighted > Since lifois (lnrk, nnd fnll of gloom With not a smile to cheer my stay •— Don’t buy a piano for yoqr. daughters while your sons need a plow. Don’t let your horse be stand ing much at the beer saloon; it don’t look right. Don’t give the printer or mer chant a chance to dun you; prompt payment makes independent men. Don’t leave to memory what pliould be written; it rqakcs law suits. Don't become security for him who waits for the sheriff. Decent, substantial clothing for your children makes them think better of themselves and keeps the doctor away. Teach your boys to look up and Detroit Free Press. Soveral people were making pur bases in a Woodward avenue grocery yesterday when an old man with a bundle in one hand and a cane in the other stood in tho door nnd asked: “Did any of you drive up here iq a sleigh ?” “Yes; I did,” replied ono. “Was it an old white hoss ?” “Yes.” “And an old woman in the pat ter ?” “Yes.” “And can she manage the hoss ?” guess she can.” “Thon it’s all right/’ said the man of the cane and the bundle. “The old hoss hfts run away and the old woman is bunging to tho dashboard and yelling murder with all her might; but if she can man age him, there's no use of anybody getting excited over it. Let me inquire wfyat the price of cranber rics is to-day.’ ? Yes! Darling there is n many aslip To check the love that would run smooth And from the nectar of thy pretty lips I’d tako one kiss. and say how d’ye do? Emory Speer. Trustee vs James M. 'Tompkins, princi ml nnd John A. Bullard, Executor ol Lewis Bullard, said John A. Ballard now controlling said fi fa, levy made by A. M. Mayo, former Sheriff, and legal notic* given James M. Tompkins in ppssj^- sion, propedy pointed out by pluintiflt. attorney. Also nt snmo time and place will le sold three mules named us follows, oro Nellie, one Julia, one Beck, also four thousand pounds of seed cotton more or less, levied on to satisfy a Superior Court fi fa in favor of Grepu Lee and ngnbui Marshal Durden, said property pointe out by Plnintffs Attorney and levied i n by J. M. Mayo, Deputy Sheriff and re turned to me. Also at tho same time nnd place will bo sold one lot of land containing 4 hun dred and fifty acres, more or less, 1> ing in Washington County, adjoining lands ofWrn, Frost, ltolct Whitfield, James Harrold nnd others; levied on as tin* property of W. 1 J . Smith to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of W. R. Thigpen, Tax Collector ys W. 1*. Smith, levy made by J, B. Smith, Constable 02d Dist. G. M and returned to me. Also at the time and place will be sold ouo acre of land with store lious thereon at Hebron 98th District, G. M adjoining lands of 8. W. Buck, levied on as tho property of H. 1*. Barkesdnle, Agt for wife to satisfy a tax fi fa in fn vor of W. R. Thigpen, T. C. vs H. P. iBarkcsdnlo agent for wife, snid levy made by J. 11. Achord, Constable and r urnod to me. Also at the same time and place will sold one tract of land containing 400 acres more or joining lands of I Tanner, E B Smith, (3 Q I^oye and G B Tliig pen, lqvleq-cm to satisfy a tax fi fa in fa vor of W U Thigpen, T C vs Jesse made to look'better and last longer than new shingles for one-third the cost of re-shingling. Equally good for tin or Iron; and for porous brick walls is unequalled, It is elastic—will expand dr contract with heat or cold. This is an indisbens. nblo quality in a durable Roofing Faint. It will not crack, peel or scale; being •late, will not rust or corrode. It has a heavy body—one coat being equal to three of any other. It is sold nt a price that enables everyone to hnvo a well-pointed roofT Four handsome shades—Roof-Slate, Drown, Red aud Bright Red. 'Prtco in barrels of 45 to 50 gallons, only GO cents p?r gallon. After a most thorough use of this paint, trh most cordially re- eommeud ft, mid aro satisfied that If once used it will be ordered * second and third tlmo,”—[H, C, Bowen, in tho Independent, Sept. 80, 1880.] Send for circular and samples, and mention this paper. N.'E. PAINT ic OIL CO„ 7 INDIA 8T>, BOSTON, MA83. Selling Agents for Bertram’s Oil Po lish for Brass,Copper,Composition, &c. Robinson Wagon Co. Manufacturers of SPUING WAGONS. Buggies Ac Phaeton* J Bond for tlonlunn uiul prices to ROBINSON WAGON 00., CINCINNATI, O. fSflolsET fli A NEW BOOK on the Moris. HU history, tlruclure, m„ and treatment. AUo giving n (cw of the moil Important and Efl'ecllvo Rc-asdies for the curt of the disease* of tta hone. fW Valuable to every owner and lover cf tU hone. l'uhliahed by tha lOSIllKlT WAGON CC., Hub- till, 0., and lent, pottage paid, lo nny adilrtM. o» receipt of tiib«r3-ccm ar.oirt. orth p. KitcYm. '•rltf. R. Room. iuiug Ilosn II. nail. Three sheet*, 10*C4, heavy plate paper, contain ing elevations, plans and details f* r the above houw: al*o hook of kO paces, civtnRfipecilicatioiiR, itemiit-l estimate s»»d form of contract—invaluable to every carpenter or party proposing building, as a guide making bids or drawing contract*. , Price $2,00. Sent by msil, postpaid, on receipt« prfC<1, H. E. WALTON, 330 W. Ninth St., Cincinnati, 0. IllTCilELL, LEWIS & CO., Buclno, WIs., Manufacturers of M? viR *ET vtJtTD FllEIOMIT tV'olOOATS, llair-Gntting, Shaving, Shampooningj Day nnd Night. Shop under the San dersville Horel. feb 8th 1881. My Barber shop at Tennille will bi open on Wedue‘day's, Saturday's anc. | Sunday’s. THU MITCHEI.L STANDARD PLATFORM SPUING AVAUON. Also Threo-Snrina f.nd Kour-SprineAVncon*, and Sidc-Spr'ms Bugslej. . _ The hllTCHlCU, WAGON is Monarch of the Road: onlv the very best stock uwd In■ 1 “ utmction anil made by the best wagon mechanic, in the world. 1 he SprinK Wagon B n<l ta'ZSV j ^mnent i/e,mrGy scpmnte from the Farm Wauon .hop,. And for the m.nufoc nre of tin* elm d work we have facilities unsurpassed. S?nd for Catalogue and lllu .tratc.l I rice l.w forward, Ucvcr backward. j Meditate lpng, meditate humbly, Cultivate tlu? habjt of giving/on tvhat it is to have a Creator, but never give up. Buy a farm wagon before a fine carriage.—Ex. Navy chaplains receive $2,500 a yt ar, $300 additional for each five years of service, and at sixtyftwo they arc retired with $2 life, and comfort will come nt last. It broad daylight should never be yours on this side of the grave, He will hold your feet in the twilight that they shall not stumble, and at last, with all the more love, and all tho more speed as well, He will will fold you to his bosom who is F. W : ■ Y' 500 for||iimseU the Light Eternal. Faber, Representative; Emory Sp$cr, replying to the questions' asked by the Philadelphia American of Rep resentative Southern men as to the condition of affairs and public sen-* tirueut in the South, says: "The need of tfie South is diversi fied industries, Tho protective tariff is q^tensibly to encourage American industries, and yet, here is the great American industry of cotton mauutneturing at the South paralyzed, in n measure, because a prohibitory duty will not permit a Southern man, who desires to em bark his capital in cotton manufac turing, to buy his machinery where he can get it at its true market val ue. The import tax qn cotton ma chinery is virtually prohibitory. The purchaser can buy the machiu- ory in England toy half the price that he is compelled to pay fqr it in this country, and here, therefore is the spectacle qf great industry capable of the mast perfect and won derful success in ten States of the Union, which must languish that the American Manufacturer of im plements may flourish. This is not protection to American indqstry, and yet measures that tend to the repeal of this tax have had no hearing before a Democratic Con gress, with its party majority, as I have said, from the States which would be restored to opulence by this legislation,” Brown, said land leyicd on as tho prop erty of Jossc Brown,' leviod by J M Bry an, Constable 1253d district, and return od to me. 0. A. ROUGHTON. mar 8, 1881, Sheriff W'C. Administratrix's Sale. By virture of an order front the Court of Ordinary of Jefferson Qouuty, will be sold ou the first Tuesday ’jn April, 1881, at the Market House, in the Town of Louisville, Jefferson County, between tbe legal sale hours, that tract of land belonging to the estate of Samuel E Botbwell deceased, situated, lying and being in the county of Washington, ad joining lands of Mrs- M. H. 'Tucker, E H Jordan, S. Ai. Gilmore and others containing three hundred and fifty acres more or less and known as the Forbes Place. Terms Cosh, A. J.BOTHWELL, Adm’ of S. E BOTWELL deceased. Febuary.Sth, 2 1881. DYEING! F OR the benefit of inquircisl and those wishing to have I Dresses, Coats, I’ants Vests, Ac., dved; below will bo found a sched ule of prices. Thankful for past favors I solicit i\ continuance the same: Coftfs, $1.00 to $2.00 Pants 1 00 “ Vests, 50 « Ladies’ Dresses 1.50 “ Childrens’ « .... 75 “ Shawls, silk LOO “ wool 50 “ Cloaks, waterproof. 1.50 “ Sacques 25 “ Mittens 10 “ Feathers 10 “ Silk Ties Kid Gloves, black,. Stockings,3 pairs,, Ribbon per yd. .,,, Handkerchiefs, silk Dying left at either the Mercury office or at Mrs, Bayne’s Millinery store, with instructions as to color, will be attended fo, MRS. C. C. SCARBOROUGH, may 18, 188Q. niTOUELL, LEWIS & CO., Knclnfl, WU. JYO TICE! J.ESTEY&COMPANY 1.501 75 2.00 1.00 1.50 75 2.00 50 15 25 10 25 25 10 10 No. 6x0. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, GEORGIA—Washington County By the Ordinary of Said County, Whereas, Cudjo Ilall applies to ’ me for lettors of Guardianship of his grand children, Cudjo Adkins, Mary Gordon, Abe Higgins, and Mary Johnson, ille gitimate children of his daughter. These aro therefore to cite and admon ish aU interested to bp and apnearnt my office ' on the first Monday iu May next, JYO TICE. Oudinary’s Office, Washington County, Ga. Road Commissioners are hereby noti fied that by Milling at my office, they will be furnished with a copy of the Road Laws, wliiob at tbe expiration of their term of office, must be turned over to their successors. M. NEWMAN, mar 12,1881—-It Ord’y W. C. BRATTLEBORO, VT. Largest Manufacturers of Reed Organs in the World I ESTEY ORGANS ARE WARRANTED, Airs THB XAXTTFACTUKKBa AKE BXSTOKBXBTjB. ,cr*Be sore to Send for Illnstrated Catalogue before Matin!’ Bold Best Or rat rh*;ii:r to mukc nioury Wc need U'lwBon In every town to take sub*crli)tlon* tor tlirlur. gest, oh rape*! and lllurtruted family publication In the world. Any one it an become a •uccoen- ful agent. Sixct c E an t works of art given Irre U> subgorlbers. The price Is so low that almost every body subscribes. Ono agent reports taking 120 subscribers in s clay. A lady agent reports making over *200 clear profit in ten days. All who engage business now before the public. money _fasK ^Vou can M“J0 iivtbliiit else i u<*. u. i nuu ..... .... u.gin. , ou can do It J yri; will »B well as others. Full dirt clious and teims free. *12 * Jay and un i Klegnnt Bird expensive outfit free. If yon w»nt • ' - •* 1 profitable work send us your address at once. It *— * • No one wko start you office on the first Monday iu May next, .—. . — ~ — wwds ntsUu at home by the i u .i pro.i.ou.j. ««,» uuu rtM »,«l ' , , — i 1 duntrious. Men, women, boys *#nd girls wsnted osts nothing to try tbe business. No or to show cause why said letters should llOti everywhere to workyor ns. NowM* the time. You ng»ges fills to make greet pay. Address ' be granted, can devote your whole time to the work, or’ouly George Stinson & Co., Vortfoutl, M i gl Given under my hand and official aig^ounn^yi^wen ire, at Saudersville, this l^th day of |f»ii;to make enorn nat;ire, tftuah, 1881. max V?,-4t M. NEWMAN, Ord’y. your spare moments. No other business will payl No one willing to work c»n| enormous [isy by engaging at once. - A great opportunity I Address Costly outfitand terms free. for making money easily sod honorabl „ -is. * Thoi fe Os.'.Augusta'. Maine. a week In your own town. *5 Outfit free No risk. Iti udcr, If you want a business ai which persons of eltfier sex can makagrest pay all tho time they work, write for par titulars to n. JIALLIWT & Co.. Fortlai ’ j uly 13, I860—*ly BOUT ffiSEH REINHART & SANDERS respecffully inform the cii 1 , ol Washington a l? d a ^«ned*1 counties that they have op ' Boot and Shoe Bnop m ^ Q r ro vilie,next door to tbe); store on Hayne street-,wh*»rtWj respeetfullj solicits ^jjep age of the ladies and ^ All work done in the be 61 and of the beet material*, july 6—tf ,