The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, April 19, 1881, Image 2

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Hit'*/ i/our Drugs, Paints, Oils, Tobacco, Cigars, Lamps, fyc. Jrom IS. E, Houghton, on the Corner. THE MERCURY. TUESDAY, APRIL 1I>, 1881. Elder T. M. Harris will deliver his closing lecture oftlie scries on /lie Mir.-, Heidi next Suuilav night ut • lie Clu‘'s- Hcle* fta$t Sunday nijj. ifiin' church. Sulij ct, ‘‘liaising o/j jLncaras from llic dead.” Kentucky’s Weather King. PREDICTSRN APRIL PROGRAMED WHICH SPRING, THE SHY YOUNG THING GETS NO PLACE. , |[ Corrcnpondcncc of (he Courier-Journal] IjuyantsviLi.K, March 111.—A , ^hc members of the Association and Jodies generally are requested to meet at |ke MoHjo.di$t olnire.h on Rfalucsdny [storm-center w ill pass over Kansas, next, aotli inst. at 3 p. in. for tlie pur pose of electing officer?. ]VIys. M. II. Tnrbutton, Secretary. Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Michigan and Uuiuula, into tlic Atlantic, [from April 3 to 7, with rain and !.-now iu the North a/ul Northwest land heavy rains ill tj/oOhio valley, Ladies Memorial A isolation. 1CXEUCISE8 For Memorial day Tuesday Apr,):proceeding easterly, changing to •Rest 20th 1881, at 3 P. If- Voluntary on the organ, Spirit Rest”. Hymn—“Nearer i»y thee”. Privy<5r by Tipv. O. C. CTark. : ' Hymn—“Hue by One’\ Orator by Rev. ’j. J. llyinlui ex Chaplain, Thomas Ga Brigade. Hymn—“Shall we Lila lly meet’ . fienedietiou by Elder T.M.Har ris. Procession to the Cemctary. Decoration of graves. Committees on Decoration. Comiffittec No. 1. Mrs Emma Ainsworth Mrs Matt Hooks, Mrs Jolpti Roberson, Mrs Jobh Pittman. Committee. No. 2. Mrs H0 Evans, Mrs Augustus A SUPERB FAMILY BIBLE. Ono of tho most remarkalilo foa' urea of the book trade is tho enor mous sale of liiblos. Tho demand is chiefly for la ge Illustrated Fam ily Bibles, for strange ns it may seem, there aro uinuy families who do not possess such a Bible. Prominent among tho publishers who have rccoguizod this demand is tho National Publishing Company of Phil delpbia, Chicago, St, Louis and Atlanta, to whose superb odi ti m of tho Sacred Scriptures Wo da- sire to call attention. Tho binding of their magnificent Bibles first claims our attention It is rich, beautiful, and substaut ab— As out'treaders woll know, a Bible may bo very showily bound, and yol RULE MSI G EORGIA. —Washington county WASHINGTON SUPERIOR COURT; 1 March Term, 1881. Charles J. Hurrah, VS William F Brnntly, Trustee of his wife, .Wary M. Brnnty. Mortgage fee.. March Term 188| of the Superior Court of Wash ington County. southerly, wind and warmer weather. The energy of this period - - .. -.. - f .. put togethor so ilunsily that it wjll indicates tlmmlcr-storms in south- conjo l0 pj eceB j u a fow years. A1 God- tojern sections. A second storm-cen ter will pass over tho country from pieces iu a low y though covered with showy stamps and apparently well bound, the tho 7th to the 11-th, aecompnincd work may bo douo iu such a loose mil unsubstantial manner that with with heavy/SHOW’s in some sections and rains in the Ohio valley, fol lowed by a severe freeze in the North and a frost or freeze in inter mediate sections. From the 18th to the 18th, heavy rains and local storms in tho Ohio valley and, - - - . Southern States. Expect another ?^^ry. Every stage of the work is carefully supervised, it would be only ordinary handling it will crack and Dually fall to pieces. This Bi ble is made u. on a very different plan. Ou'y tho best- materials are used iu its munufiicturu, and all the work L done by the best workmen, ind tho most highly improved ma. Prcseiit, tlio Honorable It. IF. Cars well, Judge of said court- It appearing to the court, by flip peti tiou of Charles J. llarrah- that on the 20th day of January, A, 1). 1871}. WiJ- limn F. Brantley made and delivered to said Chuiics-J. llarrah his written obli gation. commonly called a bond, where by said William F. Brantley stands bound to said Charles J. Hurrah in the sum of sixteen hundred Dollars, conditioned for the payment of the sum of eight hundred dollars, in monthly installments of one hundred dollars each, payable on the first duyof Morch, April, May, J u u o, July, Au gust, .September and October, A. 1). 1870, together with interest payable monthly at the r.-de of si< per cei/t. per annum and ten percent attorney'seom- missions on principal and interest in tli I rust after this. A com-pnmti vely dry spell will follow tho above period, n'tifj will extend, with few interruptions, to May 18. The rain area.-* will he roine less extensive and have lees energy alter April 19 than before Waters’lew Favorite Organs nrc llio most I1EAUTIFUL In STVI.Ra . PBRUJCT In TONI! oVcr made. They ® „£!! every Improvement necessary for a Brsi^il OIK.AN, Including our Celebrated CKl *iSJ2 STOP, which la a Fine Imitation of 7h„n* man Voice. WATERS' IIAHMONie.'sISt ORCHESTRAL”! (10RA1.E and liri rCT MANS,In untune French eases,eleanat dell- ratnblne FERITY of VOICING with , WATERS’ PIANOS, |ppl Sheriff Sides. FOR MA Y. Will he sold before the Court House loorin Kandersvillo,(iu, on the firstTues lay in may next ? wiiliin the legal hours of sfdethc following property to wit. One tract of Lund containing 808 acres more or less, adjoining lands, of ltol e.t Rogers. Mrs M. J.Layton,T. J.Gilmore, Hardy Havtly andjothers. i.evid on to satisfy a .Superior Courtfi fa,; issued from tlie Superior Court of said county in favor of El wood C. Robison vs ltniford IJnrt- ly, said lands luvid on as the property of Raiford Hartly and pointed out by de fendant and legal notice given. O. A. Rougliton Sheriff IF. 0. April, 6th, 1881. GEORGIA WusllHIgton County. n«i*e* and Shipped, only SHOO, reward. Every PIANO andOIUJANVVd IFherens, Joseph D. Martin, Admin- istrator cum testament.) nnuexo of J .bn II. Martin, i|pcen,sed-, applies to me fid ... v t letters of distftijteiou fronr auiff adminis eventof suit, to collect said bond, or (lie tration foreclosure of the mortgage hereinafter This is therefore to notify all concern- named: and it further appearing that nf-[oil to show cause, if any they have, with tenvnrds '' * 11 !L ’ ' "* HORACE WATERS & CO., Mnnufacturora \\ tiriToonm, *No. llroariway* f v „ , tlie same day for the pur- n the time prescribed by law, why snhl pose of securing the, payment of i-nidjletters should not ^be crniited. id i Slate-Roofing Kobinson Wagon Co, impossible to doviso a plan by which greater ctiro could bo given to the manufacture of Bibles, pv by which tho interests of subscribers could be moro carefully guarded. The pub lishera huvo a high roputafiou to maintain, and thoy are detormiuo Hines, Mis I* R lalil’cio, Miss that tinin, and, except the eurlj jt r L’ney roolizo the 1 ® 1 _F| i^fuot tliat a furnily Bjblo may bo aub- April -^'bjonted to vorv hard usago. and must Bailie Dinkins. Committee No, 3. Mrs G C Clarke, Mrs Dr if N llollifield, Mrs James D Franklin, Mfs Charlie Datlniels. Committee No 4. Mf.s Beck, Mrs .! \V Smith, Mrs C R Pringle, Mrs C C Parsons. Comm mil tee No. 5 Mrs AV L Orr Mrs J T Laveigne pr, Mrs J N Gihuorc, Mrs C C Drown Committee No. 6. Mrs Bayne, Mrs William Harman Miss Fapnie Haynes, Mrs Jesse A Hobson. Committee No 7. Mrs T E Brown, rs Thomas Gil more, Mrs R J Moyo, Mrs B 51 JJqpthington. Committee No. 8. Mrs M Newman, Mrs 11 Brook ins, jyjrs I Ilermun, Mrs Horn. Committee N°- Mrs S J Smith, Mrs S G Jordan Mrs T M Harris, 51 rs J 11 Wicker Committee No ;0. Mrs H D Adams Mrs Dr AI Mathis, Mrs John Lattimer, 51rs Pr Summerlin. Coinmitiee No 11 Mrs Wm Gallnher, Mis Mitchell, JMrs Roughton, Mrs Wm Parsons. Committee No. 12. Mrs I W Duggan, 5Irs Wecdon Mrs Martin, Mrs Dr Tanner. Committee Ni/ 13. Mrs Tucker, Mrs A Y Haines 51 rs A J Jprnigan, 5frs C I Duggan. Committee No 14 Mrs H Lawbou, Mrs J E Wod don, Mis Moycaii Mrs Dr Roberts From the L'tuiaviUc Courier-Journal. When will Pen. 1 Jill have un part ( loea t'Mnyand ono considerable rain influence from to April ’2.1, Htorc u/-e no good niin i )0 p )oum | Bubstuutially as well as periods In all this time. 1 lie tain handsomely. ari eiis wi ll therefore ho contracted,! f J’ho additional matt r is very rich tho ruins moving in narrow hglts,I ftn j complete. The loading feature leaving much ot tlie country with- j 8 a B iglitly abridged edition of D . out nuns, grumbling the land- and tlie voice of tlie farmer will behetml in JOSEPH DUNN. “JAHRS, IS TJIAT YOU! Women lire timid creatures,and hate to bo left in arouse ijloijo ut night, po, when Mr. Gallagher went away from hoipo leaving his wife with only qn ignorant servant much worried, and Wm. Smith’s Dictionary of tho Bi 1)1*. This is really a complete wor in itself, arid would rnuko an octavo volumo of ovor six hundred pages. Another yaluabio feature is a His tory of all tho ojristiug Religious do nominations of tho world, uud tin- various soots, both unciout and mod ern. Those accounts arc clear, con cise and comprehensive). Tho additional matter which ac companies tho books of tho Bible is very full und interesting. A large „ tlie pay iloud, which was given by snul Willinw Given under my lmnff ut office in Knn- L 1 ’. Braulley in cousifferulioii of anil forldersvillo, tb;'< ‘Hlrffnv of April, 188J. money advanced by sniff ClinilasJ. Hm» -b N1CWMAN, Ordinary, rnh for the use, benefit and support of npr 4— 3 n his wife, Mary M. Brnntly, now the sole beneficiary of the property herein afu-r described as held by said William F. Brantley as trustee for Ins sniff wile, sniff William F. Brantley, Trustee ns aforesaid and J/ury M. Brantley, Ins wife, sole cestui quo trust, executed and delivered to sniff Charles J. Hurrah a certain deed of mortgage, conveying to said diaries J. llarrah, the Store Room in tlie noj-tl side of tlio Store House, which room is now occupied by Mark lS'ewini/u «St Son, and flic north Imlf of the Lot on which sf#id Store House stands, e?iff Sfoie house aud )ot fronting west on the pub lic square in Sundei\ivi|le, Georgia, und bounded on the south by P. Rupps’ lot, ill the, east hy Amanda Davis's tot (now)l M. H. Buyer's,) on tliu north by 15. D. Evans’ lot, containing one eighth of lie was very much worrier., ^ .. . readily lmrkenod to tho voice oflsectiou is devoted to a col ecliou o! m agent who culled just after Gal- Scripturo dhistratmnp, consisting ol higher had gono around the corner, ind wanted to sell her u machine which would prevent burglars from gutting into tho house. She aero more or less, (/..K-lmrinh Brantley, late of said State and county having de parted this life seized in his desinno as of fee of tlie above described premises, and having by tlie second item of bis last will and testament corn-eyed and devised bis property as follows, towit: “Second ly 1 loan my beloved wife, Mary Brant ley, for ipitj during her natural life, all tlio property of whatever kind or de scription 1 may possess, after my just debts have been paid, and at lief .cfoatli, my will and dcsiio is that said property be equally divided, one. moiety of wliicl a series of articles explaining and il ltovest in Solomon 1). Brantley in (m lustraling tho manners and customs lor Mary K. Brantley, wife of said Solo if the period, Biblical antiquities JfO TICE! ORDINARY’S OEFK;i3, GEOWG1. A-—Washington County By tlio Ordinary of Said County. Whereas, Oiid3o Ball applies to mr forlettovs of G'u u-’.i nsbip of his - ia d- nlnl Iren, OnIjo Affl.ins, Mary Gonl Abe Higgins, njpl Mary Jo'qson, ille gitimate children .,f Ids daughter. These are therefore to into and admon- sb all interested to be and appearnt ray uffieo on tlio fii-st. M •inlay in J'u ' nex' to show enuso why said le.ttcjMshould not i granted. (liven under ujy hand and official i ig- antttie, a* Sandr-iavi)le, this 15‘li day of and sccuory. Tlio animals of the bought three. Those placed at. Bible.arecarefully described, as are tlw front and back doors were ho tho trees, plapts, flowers, etc., uioiety to vert in William F. B.a -.tiey iu . >n 1 trust tor his wife M. Brantley ai.d:) V ° her children; and Solomon D. Bmutley, - tBlAl't-.-illts' arranged that, when the door was >pened, a hammer would strike low'u from above and knock down the person trying to enter. A third contrivance of dill-rent pat tern was placed on the stairs and another at tho front window. Gal lagher unexpectedly returned lati that night, and, attempting to en ter the front door, got a blow on the nose that knocked him down the steps into tlie street. He was both surprised and annoyed at the ciroumstunee, find gttorlv unable to understand it, tried the mon D. and her .children, the other t/urcli, 188). mar 17,-4t M. NEWMAN, Prtl’y. referred to iu the Scriptures, inch being tho subj ct of spirited and life ltko engravings. Tho Wander ings iu tho Wilderness, tlio Tuberua- lco and Tcmplo aro described with grout miuutouess of detail. These explanations uud tho m psaud plans which acifiouipauy them are of great value to every reader of tho Bible A typographical sketch of Jerusalem is given, aud tho cities and towns mentioned it) the Bible are nlso de- eoribod, ft is impossible to outi incrato all the yaluable features iu a notice like this, ’i’hdy constitute complete oncyclopiedia of Bible /Other attack of brayin’ iever?-[[ j or- lloor aid.) Tf it’s contagious, he’ll proh- ^bly get it the next time lie tuckols p, Jleruld editorial. Abtneii IlAitnisoN’s majority in (Chicago is about 8,000. Ills ma jority at tlic last election was 5,000. Chicago is not a Republican city this year. loot'again. San/o rc3glt. lie then [knowledge, and present to the lou !thqi}gl)t somebody w:i> behind the der all tho information n-idexplana Thk Tennessee Legislature down trying to assassinate him, und, getting up very mad, ran around to the back door to get in that way. Then ho got a thump that sent him back into the swill- barrel, and he was terribly cross when lie got up. He grabbed an axe, and, as lie opened the door again, struck with it. But he hit •lobotly and got another knook- tious be can desire. The work is literally a library iu itself, and is published in both English uud Uer man. It is magnificently illustrated.— a , s - sa ‘ l1 trustee and said 51 uy M ■ in i i , J • , .• . • . tley pay into court by tlie first iho larger plates consists ot exqaw- thu y u ^ torm thereof tlio princi ito steel engravings, aud a number of superb desigus by the g cutest living artist, Gustave Doro. The additional muttor contains twenty- live hum]rod fine illustrations and Thursday adioumed sine die Un-I 1)0 went and got a policc-^aps. Nearly every place and ob “"ho wl,olTo™ .cB«,,l, a: ; toi,ka», »|l»l«» eo»W ««*). W oI ,nte ‘ ,al J “> a success, haying elected a Demo- dyer, ami one bo sure to get in. )/ea(t United Senator and set-1 Gut after both had enjoyed tinee tied the State debt. But some of |knoek-i.lovyns they met and com- the members will receive very pared notes, apt) decided that two lyarip receptions at homo. i moil must be in the house. I hoy I then tried tliD front window, and, wife and diui^liters, aijd Williuin 1-. Jirantley, wife and dnnj'litor», by deed of partition, bearing date tlie S;h day ol October, 1875 duly executed,having mad. partition of the estate of said Z tclmriah Brantley,deceased, by deed inter alia nl- lotcd and assigned the. above described premises to said William F, Brantley trustee as aforesaid his heirs and assigns; and said William F. Brantley, having, by the death of his only daughter and tho only child of said J/ury 51. Brantley, become entitled to one fourth individual interest on said premiscsso described, al lotted and assigned by said deed of par tition, is rjow the. ownpr of one eighth of said .mo fourth undivided interest iu said premises which are embraced iu said deed of mortgage, which mortgage was cqndti.mod that, jf quid William F. Brantley should pay off and d.sch irge said bond according t.) its tenor and ef fect, then said deed of mortgage and said bond shall ho void. And it further appearing, tliat said bond remains unpaid; It ietherefore or dered that said William F. Brantley,and Bran- day of principal, in terest, attorney’s commissions aud cost due on said mortgage, oi-show cause to tho contrary, if there bo any; and tliat in failure of said William F. Brantley and as said trustee and said Mary M . Brantley so to do, the equity of redeinjU- TAX NOTICE. I will attend the following named places on tho days specified for ttiepur- poso of receiving tho Tax Returns foi the State aud county Taxes for tho ye u 1881: Tanner’s Monday April 18 Davisboro Tuesday “ lb Cato’s Wednesday “ ‘2<-' Giles’ Thursday “ 21 Ouiys’s Friday “ 22 It-ibi.son's Monday “ 25 MoBri-lo's Tuesday ‘f 20 Wednesday ” 27 Thtirwlny “ 28 Friday “ 2'J Hebron Monday may * Prosser’s Tuesday a aci-ck’s Wednesday “ 4 Warthen’s mill Thurday 11 C L'aberuaelo Friday •* (i In Sail lorsville every Saturday until tho books are closed, mar. 2.) It. ,J. MOYE. T. 11. f: BI©! OR tlio benefit of PAINT. BAYES RE-SHINGLING. FIRE AND WAT EU-rROOF. CONTAINS NO TAR. MIXED READY FOR USE. ANYBODY CAN APPLY IT. With this Paint old shingles can bo made to look better und Inst longer than new shinelcs for one-third tho cost oi re-sliingiing. Equally good for tin or iron; nnd for porous brick walls is unequalled. It is clastic—will oxpand or contract With heat or cold. This is nn indispens able quality In a durable Roofing Paint. It will not crack, peel or scale; being state, will not rust or corrode. It has a heavy body-r-ono coat being equal to three of any other. It is sold at a prico that enables everyono to havo a well-painted roof. Four handsomo shades—Roof-Slate, Drown, Red ami Bright Red. Prico in barrels of 45 to DO gallons, only 00 cents per gallon. ,r After a most thorongh use of this paint, wo most cordially re. commend it, and aro satisfied that if onco used- it will bo ordered a second and third time.”—[II, C. Bowen, iu the Independent, Sept. 80, 1880.] * Send for circular and samples, and mention this pnper. IT, U E. PAINT Oil. CO., 7 INDIA ST., BOSTON, MASS. Belling Agents for Bertram’s Oil Po lish for Brass,Copper,Composition, &c, Manufacturers of WAGONS. Bu^gios £l Pbaotona. • Bwid for (losl^nn nu.l i-ricca to ItOBINSOIT WAGON CO., CINCINNATI. O. THE HOUSE & WAG0IT A MEW BOOK Ills hii*;ry. btructurc, um« At.d troatnicpt, AT>.* niy«n;;: Important and Efloctivo remodiea for the cure.qf the diseases of tine horse. C aT* Valuable to every owner nnd loeer of the hornc. Published by the 50BX1T2C1T ^TAQOH CO., Cltlti* &ati 9 0., nnd sent* postage paid, to any address, oe receipt of TIIRKK3-CRNT NTAMP3, [..1. 1 \ A. lor eh. r rVVv-Tr ^ -^^ '11. Path r. K. I«”d Koonfc L>iaia» Hoorn II. 1LU1. ’ Three sheets* 10x24* heavy plate paper, contain ing elevations, plans and details for the nhove houtet also booh of V0 pajjes, pivingspccificaiions, ileiniied estimate and form of contract—invalunhle to every carpenter or party proposing building, as a t;uide »• malcinj* bids or drawing contracts. Price $2.00, Kent \ y mail, postpaid, on receipt ol price. II. E. WALTON, 330 W. Ninth Gt., Cincinnati, a MITCWRLL, M3WBS & CO., Riiclno, Wli., Manufacturers of JPa RM *1JTFit tl IG fl T Ir^OO^S, inquirers to lmvo Drosses, Oo;ite, IhijiU Yosts, &c., (ivi-tl; below will l»o iouml a sched ule of prices. Thankful for past favors J solicit '4 <.'ojp.i;,iia!if;e ol liic same: Coatij. ......... Pauls, Yosts, Ladies’ Dresses. Childrens’ “ , -Shawls, silk... “ wool.... 81.00 to S2.00 l no tf f»0 o 1.50 “ 75 “ 1.00 “ 50 « Jloaks, waterproof. 1.50 ffineques... .Mittens... Feathers.. Silk Ties. 25 10 10 the jirrc:;;-:;,;, standard fi.atfoum si-ring wagon. Also Threc-Sprifi" nnd FQMr-?pwe 'Vogonn, and Side-Spring Buggies. # Tiie MI rCHKI.L WAGON is Monarch of the Road; only the very best stock used in its cett* rtraction ami made by the best wagon mechanics in the world. The Spring Wagon and Bugfnr Dor p.\rtmeat iscntirely senamt? from the Farm Wagon shops. And for the manufacture of this clas* « wcik wu have faetUtlCw uuiUrpiLssed, Send for Catalogue and Ulu.YtratCil Price List. MITCHELL, LBWI3 d: CO., Uarin«, WU. tion. Tho family record is beftiitifuliy lithographed; aud facing it isarnag- nificout marriage certifipato, a feut- uro which makes this Rjble a very appropriate aud desirablo wedding “The country,’ says tiic Ixcw mjsiniritn delugeof icy water from i . .... , fork Tribune, “hardly needs to bcL ll0K0 nrl - 4W g (G ' ( f to bring it ilew!P rese ^ At tlie - closo of the volume reminded that tlie Deinocraiicj^ noiTtheui!'^But^they Graved that!* 8 - ^ handsome photograph album, By flip court, party is the same old party still.”j n i , ot j,,* Then they ransacked Spaces for sixte-.n i ortr its, a It. WVOarsi it is vc.,y evident that the Tribune^1- part of the house hut a »«vol uud appropriate addition to Ju bn, 4edd ? d that, it i. a aUly pieoc C0 „ W m „„ nobody, and m«m. * The‘miSatoaialundvlow. andL.ii‘3'sZ of businesp to stick to its former proposition, that -“file Democratic party is dead.” It is a fact that “th'fe-Bameold party” which elected Mr. Tilden in 187(3 is slill on deck, and is giving the Republican party fiS much trouble ns ever. Rule bo published in tlio Samlorsville Mercury once a month for femi months, or a copy tl/ereof seryed oil said Wil- liam F. Brantley trustee and said Mary A] , Braiitley or their special agent or at torney, lit Ie4st iiiouths before flic next term of this court. JAMES K. IIINES Petitioners Attorney. The price is astouisliinglylow, and Libel for Divorce, time Mrs. G., up stairs, licnrclj w ithin tho nicups of every family.— county, Aprjl Ji)th 1881. them, and nearly died ol Bight.Uy Q adviso our readers to examine They started up-stiurs, Gallagher this groat Bible. It is sold by sub- lirst, and near tlie top a stair fixedl 8cr iptiou only, and Mr. E. M, White- 011 a pivot, rolled under Gallagher Bead iu company with two or throe and hurled him backward, and ho other gentlemen, who are tho uu- went to the bottom taking (lie po-tborized agents f r fhis secti n is liceinan with him. They both now canvassing lor it. yelled, but Gallagher yelled the ’.-Carswell, ' idge 8. C. 5j[. C. nim tlie minutes qf tin Superior Court of said ion in and to said mortgaged premises boi [£[,] Qlq V os block . 25 foreyer thereafter btirVed and foreclosed.t,.. , \ ’ '’ ’ or. And it is further ordered, that ,hi> otoekBign, J pans. . o Ribbon per yd J() Ilaiidkcrchie|h} «ilk TO Dying left at either tiio Mercury office or at Mrs. Bayne’s Millinery store, with instructions as to color, will lie attended to. MBS. O. C. SCARBOROUGH. muy 1.8, 1880. Old and Honored- From DcmorfisV»Monthly for Ai>ril. 1- , - , t . - ... . , Peter Cooper has jusf bcen celc-|!°. ndcst > n,ul h , 13 jrecogt^d brntipg his ninetieth birthday. II signalized tlie occasion by giving) another $100,(X)0 to various wire charities. Mr Cooper is an e.vam- l)ie to alt who wish to benefit their rind; he has given away wisely, and has /enjoyed t)m conscio^sncKs ot fho good he has done. Literally tens pf thonsai/ds of ueysons are bene fited hy his art ana scientific schools and are to-day living witnesses of his ns voice and his favorite oath. Her courage returned. Slio went to the head of the st.aiys nnd cried: “Janies is that yon ?” James was pie to ail wno vm to Benept their P ai "tV lly h " rta,,dawf » l " m< ! the ‘‘’ kind; he has given away wisely, and a,,d t,lc ; Freeman was trying to get back the breath Gallagher had squashed out of him. “Mo,” cried James, “it’s not me; it’s some other felloAV. Jim Gallagher was never knocked down seventeen wise benefactions. "Mr. Cooper hnstf ime8 ia »igl»t!” But she lived nearly all ot his loVnr life ini know lt ie > a,,d ^P liU1 , R ‘ d matters. Ai/d then Gallagher rave the policeman 610 to say notli- livcd nearly all ,ot his long 'life in New York City. II is ghat age shows that city life is compatiblelo 1 with health uml longevity- r|1 ' ~ |1! Therel* 11 " ft ' ,out f-kg matter, and the Wo will send the J/orcury nnd the Christian Index for 1 year for $3,50 cash in advance, tho J/orcury, the Savan nah TFeekly News and tlie Christian In dex for $5,00 cash in advance. A, M. J/..yo, Clerk, A/ary Brantley B r m. Brantley Divorce, Washington Superior Court j/iirch Term 18b1. Uu.slufsM i],o\v before tlio public. You cau iniikc money taster ut work for iih than at anything rln . Capitol not required. \Ve will start you. $J;f a day and up- witrdu inaila at liome by tlie ii. • dRjiinouH. Men, woiu^’U, 1>ovh and ^irls wanted vor.vwlioro to work for oh. Now is the time. You :nu devote your whole thnclotliu york, or only your spurt* jpAtnoi/ts. No other ljUblne«B will pay ypu ncirjy a» wvlj. bue w Uin/ to vyork ci faij to make onnrtnouH pny by ohgngitift at o c 'r-oHtly Oiitfitand tonus free. A greut opportunity tiyy i.UiikiiiR money eaHily am} lion -rtddy. Audro^s Tfivr k Ct.'int* VCiiQK, IIO W TO SAVE §20.00. Yau can do it by buving a first class SEWING yACJIINE, from Jcrnigaq gnd pay the cash for if. is no great secret touching ]p s [dheor retired; and then Gallagher heartiness and good bodily Sondi-|Jf vud 1 ‘ la , w,te toi \ Uvo ljour .‘!’ and ,. Tr . 0 ; ..!tho next day went seven miles to ion. He docB not poison lnmself i OVt . r tuk0 f}jo man who sold her the .with tobacco or stimulate his sys- machinesapd kicked the life nearly lem with liquor, vyhat a different out of him. lie admits tfi^t the .world it would be it cvrybody was things would be drctuifully disopgiv temperate, as sensible, and as aging to a burglar, though.—Bos- 090,4 ga old Peter Cooper, ‘ton Post, j t , It appearing to the Court that tho de fendant does not reside in the-County aforesaid, and it further appearing that said defendant resides out of the said state: Itisorjerd by the Court that said defend ant lie and appear at the next term of this Court to answer Plaintiffs Libel for Divorce, as in default thereof tlie Court will proceed as justice shall appertain. It is further ordered that defendant be served hy publication of this Rule once a month for four months in tho Sanders- ville Mercury previous to tlio next Term of this Court, This March lflth, 1881. Ji. W- CARSWELL, Judge S- C. M. C. A true extract from the minutes of tho Superior Court of said county, this April 14tli, 1881/ ' A. M- 5IAYQ, Clerk B .VITER IES 1 BATTE UIRS.! A fresh supply of Boyd’s 5Iinia- ture Battorjes just received, aud for sale at the Mercury office by C. C. Scarborough. BUY YOUll MACHINE OIL From 5Irs. Jcruigftu’s. mm No. 610. Largest Manufacturers of Reed Organs in ttie World I ESTEY ORGANS ARE WARRANTED, AND THK MANUI-ACTUBEtSa AB.E RE3PONSIBUB. Be sure to Sent for Illustrated Catalogue More Purcliafflif. Hair-Cuttiug, Shaving, Sliampooning D ly anff Night. Shot) under the San- dcsville Hotel, feb 8th 1881. My Barber shop at 'l’enuillo will he open on Wednesday’s, Saturday’s and Sriudq,y’s. Urt-at cuunce to imiko luoney. Wo uoo 1 u poraou Iu erory towni to lake subscriptions for theInr- clicupeet and Jllu.itri.tuil fanitly pub action in tlio world. Any oueean be-ibinu u ; «ucco.-(l- ful ngent. Six et e K® n t work* of art given free to (Uilmeribers. The l ,ri<:u ls so low tbut aluioHt every- body Bubigriben. one i\ u-nt i-cporti taking um HUbKcrlbere in a day- A liuly ngeut reports muk)n„' over IftlinO clear prollOpi ten d-ijn All woo enviig.) mnke money Tust. X <>u enu dsvote uli your time to theimsiness, or only your si.aretlm-. Yon need not be away from home over night. You eon ifo It oil as other*. Villidlreclloua nnd leniis free. Klegillit and expensive outllt lice. If you want peolitHble work send us your address ut once. Jt r.sts uotbiug to trv the business. No olio who ngagOB fails t-> make great pay. Address George Stinson k Co., Port laud, Maine. 3 “ in your own town. $1 Outfit free I K * nt * ur » 11 you want a biiHiiionn uj 1" PC rsonB ol either tex can make irreut 1 t,l0 4 ln )? t,l0y wor ^’ write for ]>ar tlculuraion.,-& Co.. (Portland. J1, > iuu • JiHyldlBSr REINHART & SANPW respecffuljy inform th e of Washington and fl4.« counties tiia-t thevhav.Bap p " Boot and Shoe ffhpp } n ^ a " a n L villo, next, door to P'i 11 # e u n ie y store on Hayne street,wher respectfully solicits tb e P age of the ladies nnd genj S All work done in the_ best tip and of tlie beet material* july 6—tf .