The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, May 17, 1881, Image 2

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Buy your Drugs, Paints, Q//.s, Tohocco, Cigars, Lamps, <$'('. .from B. E. Boughton, oh the Corner. 11111 -- —------- - - / 1 1 u .1 ... *.1 UKIIIntn 1? Urnntl<»v linv'lnor. the mercury. TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1881 A Democratic Senator, who n warm and active supporter Colliding, ^believes the latter I Wc sincerely trust that neither _ Senator Mill nor Senator Brown ! will be found anywhere near the “(Conkling lines when the battle is over Robertson’s nomination is of joined. Their constituents expect is them to stand by the president in gaining strength,and will gain more. The Conkling men's count on the l)i liiocrutic side now is eleven votes, and it isg claimed that il Conkling can so divide the Re publican Senators so as to give him a prospect of winning, he can get fourteen Democratic votes. Of course, there are a few Senators who have not declared themselves but the Democrats who support the administration give Conkling pie rudiments are concerned. LayiBiudder Goshport’s the foundation and stop. I tell {spiritual welfare? you this risinggencration arc pow erful shifty. They can invent worldly or and said William F. Brantley, having, * i .. UJo on u ilnncrhfpi* nnil The hall was so quiet dat the - , , - isound of Elder Toots rubbing his more wavs to dodge work than an\ e . of their predecessor*. A niceMk on the sharp edge of a win- this fight, both on principle, and as a matter of policy. Crush Couk- ling.and New \ ork is ours Sustain him and he will own that State for the next ten years.—Telegraph & Messenger. looking man came to see me the other day while 1 was way down in the field planting wutermcllons, and lie was tidingn splendid horse, and had a hook full of elegant 1 BILL ARP. dow-casing gave everybody a start. “Not a man in dis hull club— not a man in dis hull city, so fai as we know, ebor .put hisself out flowers and roses, ami poses ^ml lh> * favor for or speak a word geratigers, and 1 told him no 1 in praise of our lamented lirudder, didn’t want any, and he kept on; tl ti’ yet we have the cheek to talk showing his pictures and expatiatin | 0 p u resolushun settin’ forth his vaitues an’ our heartfelt Expresses his views on the education QUESTION. [Written for the Constitution.] _ Js there any polities going on, anything except spoils? 1h there only seven Democratic votes now .|. in y momentus issue before the —Western Press disptaeh from 'country that we must take sides Washington. I upon—anything higger than Got- , ,, ,, ham and Spi/.erinktum getting an We should really like to Know ]s ». fc r ^ J bril fi ant not only who this “warm awl nCl 'Lt(j i tcsmansliip lor one party to out- Conkling” is, butL et another party, and wi ! Wc ivc supporter of Conklin also the names of those Democrats whom Conkling counts upon to back him in this fight. We should delight in advance, to print them in big letters lor the benefit of their constituents. If wc arc not greatly mistaken, the latter will settle with them when the time comes after a very sum mary fashion. Let us have their names, by all means.—Telegraph & Messenger. sorrow! jno, sir! We donn’ pas^ no sicli hizness lieali! I should be ashamed to look his widder in deface, if we did. It am do way 1 of do world to let men alone jist Boston Herald (Rep.): “Wc think wc are safe in saying that a large majority of the reasonable and reasoning people of the coun try look upon the contest in the United States Senate as foolish and fruitless. And this view taken without regard to political preferences—it is held by Rcpub licans and Democrats alike. That the highest legislative body in the country, second to none in the world, should neglect the public business for weeks to indulge a squabble over a few offices,taking occassion meanwhile to revive see tional prcdujiccs by mutual erim inations and recriminations humiliating to every patriotic American. The general feeling, il it could ltnd expression in words, would be: 'Attend to your legiti mate business, Senators, and go home. You arc serving no 'use ful purpose. You are offending the common sense of the repub lic !’ ” was that eleven why the English Parliament was once called the rump Parliament because it set a long time and done nothing? Is our party committed to educating the negro, or are we just digging into the rads because they promised so much and done so little? I just want to be posted, I’m afraid my own education is a little defective on this point,I reck on I’m one of the twigs that was bent and the tree is now inclined from a proper perpendicular upon the subject of educat ion. Mr. Pope till I got tired and told him sever al times I didn’t want any, nndi llUin ^ finally he showed me a picture of a new lily they had imported from the island of could smell it forty yards off hand and said they really oughtcut to so any of’em this year for fear of, , . . , , , • , diminishing their limited stock,i when n lectio help would give e 1 hut ns it was me he would let me a broad and easy road. \\ e li’tir have half a dozen ut a dollar ahulh.jof dis man or dat man havin’ But I told him I sympathized with j won graiitude of de people, hut Ids company and thought it would) h , or oMt uuti i he am be imprudent lor them to dispose, of any this year and advised him diaul. AN hen a man has gone to wait. When he got ready to|troni y’arth do papers an’ de pub- depart he asked me it I had anyj|j c suddenly diskiver how honest objection to his calling on Mrs 1 j, c WI1B . Av i lllt a big heart he laid; Arp and getting an order Inm.j, , ()J ll0 wns a llus doin’ her if could. “None whatever,’ ; ,,u p ■ said I as he started oil; quite jubl- «»> wlmt a loss to Ins hint and hilarious. “Maybe she death will prove. Do time will take a few of those Madngas* praise a man is when he am livin kar lilhes if you are certain your company could spare them. ’’Mrs. Arp don’t play second flddlc k to me about such feminine things as flow ers, but 1 know that she know the state of the exchecker, and wns a by the death of his only daughter and the only child of said d/ary M. Brantley, become entitled to one fourth undivided interest on said premisosso described, al lotted and assigned by said deed of par tition, is now the nwncrin bis own right to said one fourth undivided interest in said premises which are embraced in id deed of mortgage, which mortgage was conditioned that, if said William L-. Brantley should pay otl and discharge said bond according to its tenor and ef fect, then said deed of mortgage and said bond should be void* And it further appearing, that said bond remains unpaid; It istherelore or dered tlmt said William V. Brantley,and as said trustee and said Mary M. Bran tley pay into court by the first day of the next term thereof the principal, in terest, attorney’s commissions and cost due on said mortgage, or show cause to] the contrary, if there be any; and that in failure of said William F. Brantley and as said trustee and said Mary M. Brantley so to do, the equity of redempt ion in and to said mortgaged premises be forever thereafter barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that this Rule be published iu the Sandorsviilc Mercury once a month for foui months, or coiiies thereof servod ou said Wil liam !•’. Brantley trustee and snid Mary M. Brantley or their special agent or at torney, at least three months before the next term of this court. JAMES K. IIINEd Petitioners Attorney. By the court, It. \V. Cars well, Judge »S. C. M. C. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of said to county, April tilth 1881. 1 A. M. Mayo, Clerk. FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS TJKTIIT'OIFLlvr EXCELLENCE, Xilglit t Styliab. I Warranted I SAVE your KONEV, write far Catalogue and PRICE LIST to The Boston Buckboard Co., NEW HAVEN, CONN. Alio SOLE of Ihn celebrated Boston Buokuoabd or XEUbtT W40QN., LEWIS & CO., Racine, WI*., Manufacturers of F *t Jt.WT »1 A’ It FMUBIGII1.' 11'.l U O.l’j, said a little learning is a danger- considerate woman, and 1 watchei ous thing. I don’t know so well the door to see how long she ett- abont that, hut I am very certain Itortained that young man, and very that a good deal of it is no ad van didn’t take her half so long us running on blossoms ut this time. Shu told him that those same Mad- agasker lillivs were growing wild down in our swamp, and sho was Timely Talk. • [Athens Banner.] On the ground of both right and consistency, all the argument seems to l»e in favor of the Democrats standing up to the President in this issue. The Southern Demo crat, especially, who votes with Conkling, will have need to go in to explanations. [From the Louisville Courier Journal.] Abram Sebring, of Gratiot coun ty, Mich., says he has the cape to and Agger the overcoat worn by Jcftcrson Davis at the time of Davis' capture. It is found that the foreign-born residents of Massachusetts produce more criminals than the natives, but that the natives plan crimes more deliberately. Gen. Robert Patterson, of Phil adelphia, is ninety years old. lie and Gen. Harney whq is eighty- one, are the only surviving Gen erals of the Mexican war. Ilickcnlcoper lias delighted thousands of other Ohio men by saying he will not run again for Lieutenant Governor. One office vacated in Ohio causes more joy than ninety and nine that are well tilled. A r enncr says he doesn’t intend to go lecturing. After such a winter as he has been giving us and considering the present abun dance of eggs, Mr. Ycttncr is somewhat distrustful of popular gatherings. The New York Times ol Satur day has an editorial upon cime in the South and on the freedom the North enjoys from that evil. On the next page the Times has a blood curdling account of the shooting of two women in that city, one by her brother and the other by her husband. Comment is unnecessary. ta< r o to the majority of people. Itulid me to convince him she wasn l spoils too many hewers of wood i , mo° ,, ".o ..f t tm... and drawers oi water, and don’t make anything else ot ’em. If ev erybody wits rich, and could live like u gentleman, a power of learn ing would bo a good tiling, but most people have to work for n living, and a little is just as good as a good deal to them. If a cinq has an uncommon quantity ol brains in his noggin and wants more learnin,’ ho will be apt to get it some way. If he has just a common supply all he needs is ft common education, and if ho huiut got hardly any, then there aintno use in straining his gun. The coun try needs laborers; the farms need ’em, and so does the shop; hut the farm nor the shop won’t get ’em from the colleges. About one out of every ten who graduates, becomes an ornament to the law, the gospel,or some profession, and the other nine expect some pro fession to ornument them. When a young man has studied logic and rhetoric and syllogisms and othei conundrums lie thinks it would be a waste of sweetness for him to work—work with his hands, his pretty white hnnds.Ile just couldn’t think of such a thing; the very idea is preposterous. do must do brain work, and so ho finds his way into sorao lawyer’s office or doctor’s shop, or turns country ed itor and goes to abusing somebody, or runs for a little country office, or loafs around town aud gets a living—nobody knows how; and his last hope is to inviggle some soft -hearted gill who bus great ex pectations, and then live ofl' ol beside us. Uriiiso burls nobody, but many n good man lias grown weary fur de want of appreeiaslrun. Itenli tun seventy-two of us in dis hall to-night, an’ we have to own up dnt not one of us cbci wet outer our way to prove to our bnuhler dnt. his gentle ways, bis squar-deulin’ an’ bis upright life war’ ony mo’ ’predated by us dan if lie bad bin uho-ts-thiel! An’ to pass a rcsolusbuti wonkl be to Libel for Divorce. .Vary Brantley vs 11 m. Brantley ey v Divori ( Super ley f Term Divorce, Washington ior Court March 1881. glad sho hud found tho true namejbiaml ourselves hypocrites. Let lor them, and sho would like to! no man dare ofler one. ’ engage500 bulbs to tho companyj y . ... . . at twenty-live cents apiece. Weil I GEO 1\.G IA V\ ushington Count), you see that young man had rt lit- [ iptiercus, Joseph D. Martin, Admin- tlo too much education, wiiat’s tho matter. Tho likeliest oung darkey 1 had, got a little cheap education after the surren der and the first uso ho made ol it was to forgo an order on his employer and jump into the chain (rang. I suppose tho people of Now England have got moro ed ucation than anybody, but they ire no better than one can percicve and all the isms came from up there and L never think of’om but what T. remember what Mr. Pope said of Lord Bacon, “the brightest, meanest, of mankind.” Congress has got more smart men than"place, I reckon, hut if I was hunting for honest men 1 would cruise round outside awhile be fore I went in, and if I was hun ting patriots who thought it That’slutriitni' cum testumento annexe of Joint H. Martin, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said adminis tration This is therefore to notify nil concern ed to show cause, if any they have, with in tho time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my h’nnd at office in San dersville, this -1th day of April, 1881. M NEWMAN, Ordinary, upr 4— Dm It appearing to the Court that the de fendant does not reside in the. County aforesaid, and it further appearing that suid defendant resides out of tho snidj state: I It isonlerd by the Court that said defend ant he and appear at the next term o this Court to answer PlaiutitVs Libel fo; Divorce, as in default thereof the Com - . 11 proceed as justice shall appertain, it is further ordered that defendant bi served by publication of this Rule one* a month for four months iu tho Sanders, villo Mercury previous to the next Tern of this Court, This March 10th, 1881. R. W. CARSWELL, Judge 8. C. M. C. A true extract from the minutes of tin Superior Court of said county, this April 14th, 1881. A. M. MAYO, Clerk "Ns. - 3-. { P.1.1 mi THE MITCHELL STANDARD PLATFORM SPRING WAGON. Also Three-Sprint? nnd Kour-Sprlng WnRona, and Sidc-Spr'ins Buggies. Th tf MI ('CHELL WAGON »sc Monarch of the Road; onlv tho very best stock used in Us con- ntmetion r.nd made by the best w&tfon mechanics tn the world. The Sfung Wagon and Buggy Do- nartntent is entirely separate from the Farm Wagon shops. And for the manufacture of this clai* of *vork we have facilities unsurpassed. Send for Catalogue and Illustrated Price List. HIITCEIRIiL) LEWIS tc CO., ituctno, Win. Waters'New Favorite Organs RULE MSI. G EOllG I A .—Washington county wisest,I WASHINGTON SUPERIOR COURT; March Term, 1881 (.'buries J. Hurrah, V3 sweet to dio for their country wouldn’t go in at all. The best people I know of and the most re liable in time of trouble arc living an humble life and milking m> noise in the world and they are not surfeited with cdueation either. Maybe I’ve not got enough to un derstand tho question or have got too much for niy capacity, but somehow other I think people are getting a little too smart, tux! 1 reckon we hiul better not cneour- Willi un V’ Brandy, is wife, Mary M. Branty. Mortgage &c., March Term 1881 of the Superior Court of Wash ingtoa County. the old man’» money. Everybody’s children ought to lie taught to read littli We may at our peril reconcile ourselves' to the world, but it will never reconcile itselt to us.—Bax- willing to bo taxed for that, but if they get any more let ’em get it cut of somebodyselse's pocket than mine. I am opposed to spoiling so many good subjects lor the plow and the plane and the anvil. Eli- liu Bnrritt was a great astronomer and he was a blacksmith and stu died at the forge, and it may he that if he had gone to college lie wouldn’t have been any account There’s more in the boy than there is in the college. In these days of cheap books any hoy or irl can get an education it they want it, but my observation is tlmt not more than one in ten want an unusual quantity. If the family tukes a good newspaper and lias a Bible and a few story books in the house and the children do an honest day’s work they’ll gtt along about as well as the college boys iu the ■ long run and do as much good in the world. It's bad enough to bo spoiling so many white boys, when you talk about negroes it’s still worse. My opinion is that their natural condition and inclination is work —labor—sweat—elbow grease.and they are never so happy and con tented as when'they are at it, and every time you educate one you spoil him; you make a fool of him; and I’ve no sympathy with that hobby that some of our statesmen are riding—the education of the negro; and if that ie to be a plank in our platform I won’t stand on it in my present frame of mind. 1 don’t oppose any muu giving his own children just as much learn ing as he can afford, and I’ll do the same thing by miue, but may be both of us will he disappointed in our expectations and both will spoil some good mechanics, hut I’m opposed to a general system of educatin'; tho masses Present, the ILmorablo R. IF. Cars well, Jml^e of s.iiil court. It appearing; to the court, by the peti lion of Charles >4. llnrrnh that on tin -Jlitli clay of January, A. D. 1870. Wil limn I'\ Brantley made and delivered to said Charles J . Hurrah his writtiug oldi- Witory, eoimnonly called a bond, where- lysaid William F. Brantley stands bound to said Charles J. lbirruh in tho sum ol ixteen hundred Dollars, conditioned f.n the payment of the sum of ei^lit hundred dollars, in monthly installments of one hundred dollars each, payable on die first dayof March, April. May, .T u n e, July, An •rust, September and October, A. D. 1870, together with interest payable monthly at the rate of six per cent, per 'annum and ten percent attorney's coin- |missions on principal and interest, iu the event of suit, to collect said bond, or the said j foreclosure of the mortgage hercinaftei , . ! named; audit further appearing that af- tho old man 111 a solemn voice asjturwurus on the saute day for till! pur- of securing the payment of said which was given by said Willi,-in age too much book lamin’ tor Solomon says that “much study is and l’mla weariness to the flesh,” Y ours, BILL AllP. 'I he Lime kiln Club. lh trait Free Pres*. “At midnight las’ night,” he looked up and down the aisles,Ijaise o •‘at midnight las’ night de spoerit 1 T,>'_" l | t ; 1 ! a ' of brudder Charles Climax Gosh- port, a local member of dis club,! autley in consideration of and for >f b rudder Charles Climax Gosb-linoncy advanced by said Charles J. Hur rah for the use, benefit nnd support of his wife, Mary M. Brandy, now the sole passed from y’arth lode unknown. | beneficiary of the property herein after , , i , . i* i.-n..described ns held by said William E. Only a \\ eek ago he sat in Its hall, jimutley as trustee for his said wife, said to-night he nm dressed fur dej William E. Brantley, Trustee as aforesaid grave. What ackshltn will M»ry J/. Brantley his wife, sol. n 1 * 'cestui quo trust, executed and delivered club take?” to said Charles J. Hurrah a certain deed “I ’spose, sail” said the Rcv.^ mortgage t-onyeyiiur to said diaries 1 ’ . J. Hurrah, the store Room m the north Penstock as ho rose up, “dnt it side of the Store House, which room is am in order to present a resolu- now occupied by Mark Newman & Son and the north halt ot tho Lot on which said Store House stands, said Store anise and lot fronting west on the pub lic square in Sandersville, Georgia, and bounded on the south by 1’. Lapps’ lot, on the east by Amanda Davis’s lot (now M. H. Boyer's,) on the north by B. D. Evans’ lot, containing one eighth of acre more or loss, (Zachariaii Brantley, late of said Suite and county having de parted this life seized in Lis demesne as of fee of the above described premises, and having by the second item of his last will and testament conveyed and devised his pioperty as follows, tmvit: “Second ly 1 loan niy beloved wife, Mary Brant ley, for and during her natural life, all the property of whatever kind or de scription 1 may possess, after niy just debts have, been paid, and at her death, my will and.desire is that said property be equally divided, one moiety of which to vest in Solomon D. Brantley in trust for Mary E. Brantley, wife of said Solo mon D. and her children, the other moiety to vest in William E. Brantley in trust for his wife Mary M. Brantley and to present slum to de etteck flat he was a man of de highest integrity, liberal- hearted, high-minded, an’ dat his loss am a sad blow to de hull city,” “Yes, such a rcsolushun am in order. Bruddcr Penstock can you remember dat you eber took Brud- der Gosliport by de hand an’ gin him a word of praise fur his hard work an’ honest ways? “I—1—dean’ remember dat J eber did, sail.” “Am dar a puss on in dis hall who kin remember dat he eber put hisself out to favor Brudder Gosh- port?” Not a man answered. Sheriff Sales. Will he sold before tho Court I (oust lour in the city of Snndersvillo during the usual hours of sale on the first Taos lay in June, the following property to wit: One tractor parcel of land containing 1 850 acres more or less, adjoining lands, ofG.-B. Thigpen, Moye and others, levied on as the property of Jesse Brown To satisfy two Justice ( Hurt li fa’s in fav or of Miles Whtiliohl executor of the^es tate of Robert Whitfield and again t said Jesse Brown, levy made by J. W Bryan, constable, nnd returned to me, legal notice given tenant in possesion. Also at the same time and place, wil he sold one tract or parcel of land lying mil being in said county, containing lit' ly acres more or less, hounded North bj ■James Stephens’ Eist by W. Math ews' Smith by T. J. Cook’s W’est by David Lindsay's, known as the Gamp Spring place, levied on to satisfy two Superior Court li fa'.-, for cost, in favor ' J. E. Rigei-s vs John J. Davis, lt>v- dou us tho property of John ,J Davis am 1 -gal notice given, and properly pointed out by plaintiff. (.). A. HOUGHTON, may 8, 188L. .SheriIf \V. C. Also at the sainn time and place will li 3 sold one tract or pared of laud con- ■lining one acre move or less, hounded North East and South by lauds of Joseph Joiner west by public road lending from 8uu Hill to Ball’s Ferry levied ou to ditisfy a Justice oonrt fi. ft«. issue.d from the 01st llist. G. M. in favor of A. J. Joiner bearer and against Kate and John Waters property levied on as property d' Kate anil John Waters, levy made by J ames T. Cary constable Odd Dist. and returned to me, Legal uoticc given de fendants in possession. O. A. HOUGHTON, Sheri ft’, W. C. —Also at the same time and place will he sold one tract or parcel of land situated in Washington Go., containing two hundred and sixty acres more or loss bounded on the North by It. W, Hall East by D. H. flicker South by R. L" Warthen West by Win. Brooks levied on as the property of R. W. Garrto satisfy a Superior Court ii fa in favor of New Jersey Ghcmical Co., of Bhiladeldliia, vs It. W. Carr property lev ied on as property of R. W. Carr and le gal notice given defendant in poscssion. O. A. Houghton, Sheriff, W. G. are tho most BEAUTIFUT. In HTVLEH u i 1'HKE- UCT In TONE over made. They roiltli every Improvement norestary Ter a tlrai.rlani OlK.AN, lllcludniK our Celebrated I'KI.KSTK MrOt', which In li Fine Imitation or (I,. i| B> miui Voice. WATI1UK’ IIAlOIOMC, "NKO 01U'lli:STllAl.”t'U01tAI,U and ItUI.CBTon. (IANcMii unlane I’roueli rn*ni,clciaiii driiliii combine l’tllt 1TVof VOICINd wliti (UtKAT VOl.lUIKor TONIC, «altable lor I’arlnr, Kdnl or Churrli. Price* gSW, 8(10, 816, 880, 8100, upward. WATERS’ PIANOS, E^TAIIR nnd TPTtT(JnT,«ret>ie BKSTMAOJt. For OTIAI.ITY ofTONK, lirAt TV ol HMfll and (1 It HAT DDK ABILITY ilo-y CANNOT bj EX(-i:i.I,l:l». Price, ntlti (Heel. Covrr »«« Book, Boxed and Shipped, only 8100, Upward. Every PIANO and OHHAN ' v Mi'Urn l;l> for SIX YEARS. >* *lve Entire Hullelartloii. Pi-Ire* Extremely low, meat* received. Ulnotrated Cnfnlmmr Free. A Cl ENTS WANTED* —— — ■" ct Dealers. MouUiIj ln*tol» HORACE WATERS & C.O., Manufacturers and Dealers. IVarerooms, Nu. tgJO llroadwuy, N. Y.(P. O. Box .ESTEY&61 BRATYLEBOOl©, VT. Largest Wanufaciurers of Reed Organs in the World I ESTEY ORGANS ARE WARRANTED, Alia the kanuj-actukehs a?-. :lespongible. .is?" Bt sure to Sen! [or IMratol Calalopc before Pnrclasimt. JTO '£ IVE! To the Justices of the Peace in oiul for the County of Washington. Yourattuntion is respectfully called to ^ 457,on Page 92 of the Code, which re quires you“ i'omakea list of names of all persons liable to taxon property or poll, in their respective Districts, and return the same to tlie Receiver of tax Returns at bis second round to receive tax returns, ii their respective Districts iu each year-” M. NEWMAN, Ord’y. W. 0. May,2, 1881.—3t GEORG IA—Washington County All persons arc hereby notified Unit on Wednesday the first day of .Tune r.exf, tho following named road will be made public, if no good cause is shown' o the contrary; tho stuns having been recommended ns of public utility and marked out by the Road Commissioners conformably to Law, “Commencing on the plantation of B. f. Smith via Tarver’s mill, to the road leading from Saiulersvillo to' 15 u-tow in tersecting snid road at Tarver’s store running through lands of 8. J. Smith, Esq. nnd of Hon. A. E. Tarver.” Given under my hand nnd official sig nature, this 2(jlh day of April, 1881. M- NEWMAN, Ord’y. npr 28, 1381—30-1 “Kin any one of you remember dat you took any pertickler inter- her children; and Solomon D. Brantley, ... , . , 0 „ wife and daughters, and William I'’. in hmv ho ernr. nmnorf i» . ,t . • e 1 i i . i i_ 1 es’ in how lie got along' Not it voice was heard in reply. To he a little plainer,” continu- Brantloy, wife and daughter, by deed of partition, hearing date the 8th day of October, 1875 duly executed, made partition of the estate of said Zachariaii Brantley, deceased, inter alia al ii Byhieiiij • i- i -n w i 10 eber|l ot(J d and assigned the above described at public Mnglc pusson in Uts nan wno tuui ircinisus t0 yaid William E. Brantley expense, except so far us the sim-lfelt five cents’ .worth of anxiety lurhrustoe as aforesaid bis heirs and assigns; Oumnaky’s Office. GEORGIA—Washington County lhj the Ordinary of Saul Co: Whereas, T. J Gilmore applies to 3 lor letters of Admiration on the estate ol Willie E. Daniel, Into of said County, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on the first Mondy in June next to show cause il any they have why said letters of administration should not be granted Given under my hand at oflice Sandersville this May 2d, 1881. M. NEWMAN Ordinary May u-cOd w_ GEORG IA— Washington County By M. Newman, Ordinary of said O '• Whereas, Isaac [,. 8-nitli applies fc> me for Letters of Administration on the! estate of his son, Otis R. Smith, late f said county, deceased. These arc therefore to cite nnd ad monish ail interested to bo mid appear at my oflice, on the first Monday iu J uue next to show cause why said Let tors should not be granted. Given under my hand officially, this 16th day of April, 1881. M. NEWMAN, Ord’y. npr 21, 1881—80(1 GEOlIGLA — Washington coulity. Bv M. Newman, Ordinary of MiWiP?- Whereas, Isaac -Blount appltc* •" h thi-sof Administration on the «““■ >f Howell Jones, deceased, late ot Z arc therefore to cite ish all and singular, the kindred lvditors of said deceased, to be on j 1 pear at my office on the first jl/ouua.Y June next, and show cause, it . y have, why said letters should > granted. nt -,i Bin- Given under my hand nnd otllcij ^ nature, at my office in Sanders' > the lfith of April, 1881. ,, M. NEWMAN, On'y apr 21, 1881—30il ___ E0RGIA—Washington cou# Whereas, Robert L. Rodgers, g- istrator, lias applied to mo tor , sell tho lauds belonging to tho John 8. Armstrong, de-ceascd. 0D , Those are therefore to cite oiu . j Go . to Z 11 your Lemons Eouu'hton for towspaper Aitvortistu St root) .wliero udver- ttsing eouti-nctK nmy bo uiudo lor it iii 11 lu ut UCo. llOWKLL & (’( S tliuenu (10 Spru o HEW YORK.' isli all whom it may concern t0 appear ut my office on the “L * n? tfief iu June, 1881, toshowoauso, » nJ , have, why the leave to sell » j apr 21, 1881— batteiuesT^baSbi®^ Afresh supply of B°)’J 8 ture Batteries just received, ■ - fl( . sale at the Mercury-office j Scarborough. BUY YOU 11 MACHINE From Mrs, Jcniigfi n ’ 8 '