The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, May 31, 1881, Image 2

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.5 krugs Paints* THE MERCUitY. TUESDAY, MAY 81, 1881. I07ICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Wc desire to remind all our sub scribers that have not settled lor the paper, that wc cannot run a jiaper without money and would be pleased to'have them come for ward and settle. It is not our wish to stop your paper, but we pay cash for paper and work and arc obliged to collect or else sb>| it. So friends come up and pa> and let us continue. <r fe » i •i 1 Toboceo, 4 Igars, ft a* n reps.) iye* Jrom> Iff. Corner. JPAVFIY PIMPTl \ Welcome Sivet’l Day. of Best. ifuJEFEL Mary /.. dolmaon, the subject ol tins notice passed away quietly on the 14th lay of May, 1881, in tlie eleventh year or her age. A'lie liad just, lived Jong enough to endear herself to all who knew her. Though from her very iu- [faiiey the Lord hail visited her with sore The recent grand jury producedlaillictions she lmcl bore them all with Judge Simmons aslhoproleclorol MI NOUS- TAX NOTICE, T will attend the following - , 1 -ip j 1 ,, IU UlMllo Will/ 1UU1UI 1111111% 111 tit places on the days specifiedfor thepm- jnf(TOt on K;li d premisesHOdescribed, al- Dose of ieivinor tie 'ax K 'turns lor, .. , .... , • i i .. -i .... , » ? . jand said William F. Brantley, having ;by the death of his only daughter and . (> d 11 ho only child of said .'/ary M. Brantley K 11 1 hecome entitled to one. fourth undivided Tho Cotton Exposition. To give our readers some idea ol tlic magnitude and importance of tho grout Cotton Exposition to commence in Atlanta on tho nth day of October and continue to J)ee. 131st 1881 wo Christian meekness without a murmer, and on the 14th inst. at 10 o'clock p. m. .'he hie.-sod Savior who said “suffer 1 it- children to come unto me” releived icr oi all of her afflictions and welcomed r to that sweet land of rest. Tho grief of the bawl stricken family ?ia almost indi wribable, and eapeeii.Uy f the aged and allliclcd lather who in Yesterday the indicated mrlim#}’ 0 ’“"j r, j v ] " w ' vif ?> 1 fitlie eldest son and now tins darling t txeitenient among Macon bar keepers anil an array ot indict ments was found against a munberg' of barkeepers for selling whiskey ui Sunday and allowing minors to drink. pose of receiving the Tax Returns the Slate and county Taxes for the ye 188] ; Sun Hill J/ondny May Davjsboro Tuesday Cato’s Wednesday Giles’ Thursday “ (Hays’s Friday Robison's mondny McBride's Tuesday Wammock’s Wednesday “ Lamb’s Thursday “ Riddlevillo Friday “ Hebron Monday “ Prosser’s Tuesday “ Peacock’s Wednesday .Tune were arraigned before Judge Sitii-Sliody. Stic was buried on the Sabbath j Worth on’s mill Thurday mons in tho Superior Court room" liter her death with till the adeotiou and i Tnbernaele severo lecture of rebuke. Jud Sinitnous stated in ellect that lie had been written to by mother ... . , who implored hint to stand between will state that the $200,000 capital 1 . . 1 , ,,,, , ... ... . . , 1 their young sons and ruin. 1 hat Stock lias all been been taken and pat in, and tho work is now progressing , ... rapidly on otic of tho handsome* , - and-fl ,aren * 8 iU "' * llu ~ 81 ' 0 T est, most elaborately ornnmentive am attractive structures ever erected lids country Friday .lienor that the entire oommuntiy couldjOoonoo Monday Hid heavily fined,after it noble unil|give. May the Lord sanctify this their,Irwin’s x Road Tuesday uni bereavi incut, to the good of the cii- ire family, and console them with tno nappy thought that their loss is her teruul gain. A. Lace and Wax Flower work. It is to bo a World's Fair taking tlioEtliCl 11. J lid they were being allured from home,I tin bril ll'iiaut, lighted saloon and frescoc i;,|bilUai*d hall and only blighted live Band disapjtointed hopes nwaite 1. —z-x—Ti-z— Tennillc Wednesday IPartlicn’s St ire Thursday 1 will close my books on the 10 Juno 1881. In Sunders villo every Saturday tho books are closed, may 3rd 1881. R. J. MOVE, T. R. Since affliction lias unfited inn for buisness and so much leisure hangs wearily I would be inleasgd to get a few scholars in lit A. W ash of Got llou Exposition on account of cotton bfeingn leading product of lbe|him lltiit it was a matter of the South and cutering largely iuto tin * an j serious doubt in his commerce of the entire world. \\ <■ are assured by the managers that every thing necessary to success will he done and that the exhibit ion will not hi confined to cotton alone but will ho tt GENERAL EXHIBITION. Every implement used in pearing and cultivating tho soil whether by hand, animal power or steam; will lie exhibited, and oitrL. southern visitors will see imple !t fthe first party gra\ mim hether to send him to jail or'im- SpoBO a fine. At this the concoeter (of drinks paled and became iriglt- Stuned. Why, staid Judge bim- mons, I ltavc this morning, just now, sentenced a man to the peni BeUusdii r re *ltentiary for life for tho murder or 1 .fa follow human being and are you lany less guilty than ho. Daily Pyotr pave the road of a young mam jjruin, death and dam it a ti o n incuts they never (beamed ot, antlpyi, roU g}, y 0Ur instrrmentalily the-jjday ever brought to the market, wails of Motheii and tho sobs ol&— OB DINA IlY’S OFFICE, WASHINGTON CnFNTY, Gt:n! 7'o tho Rial Commissioners of ingto’i County, Section 003 of tho Code page 112 re- quircH “the Ordinaries to keep rogister- ed in a book in their office ti list of nil pnldio roads and road districts in the county to bo added to nndcorrected from time to time, as new roads or now dis tricts are laid out or old ones altered or discontinued." As / have found no Elder T. M. Harris Appoints for' such book in my office, I would rospert- .1 title 1881 [fully bog you to nid mo in getting tip r , ,, , , , . that book by furnishing mo at your enrl- Tordans Mill 1st Sunday 11 o clock A M. ,„ K , 0( , nvonil . ]ico with u list of the roads ‘ uvlhl,oro •» •• «• •> • • ^ • ^1* in your reopeotivo (liKtriots, ami tlit-roby Simmons said toll .ace work or Wax Flowers arraigned beforelwill teach for^2,00 per scholar Mrs S Fannie Jernigam. May list 1881. dotted and assigned by said deed of par tition, is now tho owtiorin his own right to said otto fourth undivided interest in tire embraced in , which mortgage was conditioned that, if said William F. „ji! Brantley should paj oil and discharge, o.i'said Imud according to its tenor and of- oj ifeet, then said deed of mortgage and or.jsaid bond should he void. And it further appearing, that said bond remains unpaid; It is therefore or dered that said William F. Brantley,nnd as said trustee and said Mary M. Bran tley pay into court by the first day of the next term thereof the principal, in terest, attorney’s commissions and cost due on raid mortgage, or show 'cause to the contrary, if thorn bo any; and that in lailurc of said William F. Brantley and as said trustee and said Mary M. f Brantley «>i to do, the equity of reilempt- jion in and to said mortgaged premises he until b’rever thereafter barred and foreclosed, j And it is further ordered, that this j Rule lie published in the Saiidersville j Mercury once a month for fom months, or copies thereof served on said Wil liam F. Brantley trustee, and said Mary M. Brantley or their special agent or at- |torney, at least three months before the next term of this court. JAMES K. HINES Petitioners Attorney. By tho court, If. W, Carswell, Judge S. C. M. (J. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior (Joint of said county, April lttili 1881. A. M. J/uyo, Clerk. 2 J Laid promises which 2^ said deed of inorts 19 WAGONS EXCELLENCE. XjiKJxt ! GSfsFlirasla. S TAT/vi-j-,nxatocl | SAVE your HONEY, vrrito for Catalogue and PRICE LIST to The Boston Buckboard Co., NEW HAVEN, CONN, BIITTCIlEiLLi, lilEWIS A CO., Ifiruilno, WIs,, Manufacturers of JF'. / li ,?f tit .T tit S' £t S' t i* i! T R’.l O O J^S Also SOLE Mannfnctnri'ri) of tho coin!)rated UoSTOK Buokboabu or NOfiE-AY WAGON. Bock Eyo 2d ,,11 o’clock and Saturday before, ,, ,, ,, 5 o’clock P. M. _ 3d Sunday II o’clock A. M, L’oomltsboi'o 3d Sunday 5 ,, ,, 1’. M, Saudoi'Hvillo 4th Sunday 11 “ “ A. M. and 8 o’clock P. M. place under obligations, Yours respectfully, nmy 31-2t AT. NEWMAN. Onl’y. notice to Trespassers. .1/ary Libel Tor Bran tie v biVOITt'. 11 An. Brantley I livoree, Washington Superior Court J/ivrch Term 1881. LJ.- Til!-, MITCI-IEI.L STANDARD I’DAT! )KM /.. Roughton received yester-j 1 , lay die finest lot of fancy can It appearing to tho Court that the dc- jfondant docs not reside in the County ,,, , 'tifoi'csaid, and it further appearitig that All persons are hereby forbidden u»-i R nid defendant resides out of the said il’KINO WACJON. Also Three-Spring nnd Four-Spring Wotjons, and Sit’e-Spr ng Ihtg^ics. •The Ml I Cli WAGON is Monarch of the only the very best stock used in its con* struct ion and made by the hrM wagon mechanics in the world. The Spring Wagon and Ihiefyy De partment is entirely separate from the Farm W.u*oii shops. A.vl for tho manufacture of this clar of : h.wu facilities unsurpusicd. Send for Catalogue and Illuslratc>l I't, LKIVIS A: CO. WiH. that will exeito their womlor Tin ' exhibition of implements and nm-jiSisTEit | U0 lieatci in ilesoltitu bourn chinos will embrace the lull «cope designed for maim cl labor, anitnal|p 11(3 dai'kncss of your sin power and steam power Titer will bo seen all implements for plnti-ii. ting and fertilizing, as well as for] tier iieiir.lty of the law, from Iluntin tttd Fisliing or Trospassitt iter on my Lands. GEO. M.BRANTLEY, Snndcrsville, Ga., May 2tth 1881. ^EKULBBlbr all inaeltines ul- irurht futures are shadowed by| wll J’ 3 on ^ ani ^ !l * ^ 18 "F'l'nigtui s. The morals of tho youths of our city ire being corrupted and their rc- bnrvesting, cotton pickers, etc. Carts, trucks, farm mill freight wagons, and the component part spectahility tainted. Judge Simmons imposed fines to 1 the amount of sorno twelve lain— li ed dollars. Several parties wore of the same, weighing st ales, anil §250, some #125 anil #150 measuring and testing apparatus Machines for preparing cotton )utfe flaz,&e, for market, l’resscs seed ltullcrs, oil presses nnd ttia- chincry for plantation uses. Giu(al.)oiisli lnpior drinking on Sunday houses, horse powers, engines, Btcdm power, cotton presses and dirt-roud traction engines. All kinds of guano and commer cial fertilizers. 'Cotton seed, plants, bolls; cotton in tho seed, ginned cotton and bided cotton. One party wns fined $325* J uilgo Simmons is determined ns fur as jlics in his power to check the sel dug of whiskey to minors nnd —TEL & MES. 73 bcav. Death Of Samuel Jordan Smith ARE NOW OPENING A A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, Carefully selected by our Junior, in New York. Our Stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES, GOLD & SILVER Plated ot a are, cat variety o! On Thursday last at his home,! onsistiu unrounded by his family H ii(||uovcUics, mwor beforesoeu in thb in tiny mini- | ( Lorilcril by the Court that snitltlefeiul- mit. bo mid appear at the next term of jthis Court to uiroatir I’hiintilV-t Libel for j Divorce, us in default thereof the Court nu J/u .miL.1 will iiroeeoil us justice shell appertain. DlsM)Lb I ION. | It is further ordered tliut tlefemlnnt hr 7’ho firm of 7/urloo Co., is tins served by publicutiou of this Rule ourr toy dissolved by mutual consent, Miss a mouth for four months iu the Kundrrs- ilnrtie Davis is nlouo authorized to col- ville Mercury previous to the next Term loot the accounts. of this Court, This March 10th, 1881. may 31—tf. (1 E() RGIA- Ctmrlrs A. Durloo, y/utio Davis. -w shington County. lFliorens, Joseph D. Martin, Admit.- istrut or eiun testnineuto annex o of Jot.n 11. Martin, deceased, applies to mo for letters of uistnission from said adminis tration. This is therefore to notify all concern ed to show cause, if any they have, with in the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hum! at office in Hun- dersville, this 4th day of April, 1881. M N E3V MAN, Ordinary, npr t—3m U. W. CARSWELL, Judge S. C. -M. C. A true extract front the minutes of the Superior Court of said county, this April 14th, 1881. A. M. MAYO, Clerk Xf;)4l ^llmtjfimMllS loving friends S. J. Smith breath- ls ^coouuiflfl.v , lYv e make no display ol od his last, in the lilfy-thiro year? of his age, lie was one of our mos Wool in the fleece, carded undjprominent citizens, a member jn boles. Goat’s hair, camel’s lmir.ldio Baptist cliurh, a lending mer-j Ac. Silk —raw, in the cocoon and ree led Hemp, flax, jute, ramie, pita nnd other textile fibers in till sta ges. Manufacturing machines for ev erything on earth. This will bo a grand display. Manufactured articles of cvoryjldaughters chant and a large planter, bis lift was a busy one, success had crown ’d his labors, and full of honors: he has retired to his lust resting place, he will be sadly missed, not only at home around the old hearth stone by tho wife of his youth,! who climbed with him the hill of Jlife, hy his children both sons antljj conceivable nature. Minerals, ores, marbles, slates, stones, lime, comen clays, coal-everything dug out mi- ef sensation 'll advertisements, but will con vince our friends when they hon or us with their patronage, that our goods tire good solid goods, md our prices as reasonable as the most exacting can expect.. RULE NISI. (.■'EORG 1 A.—Washington county WASHINGTON SUl’EUlOK COl'RT; March Term, 1881. (Ilmrles J. Hurrah, R %o«Y- sfiBSiissfssMSM . an> lIn* mini liKAttTIFDX. In KTVI.M ... F lilt It HOT in TOM', ever nmde. They aontal! e.rry im|ir»veiii(‘iit ner.-i»nry for ii(lr*i>rU(I OltlJAN, a 111-1 MaliII.--, m:r Crlelinitril CKLIMTI MTOIS ivlilclllH II l ino Imltiitlnit of |ha Ha. mini Voi-v. WATEItS* 11AKMON1C, «MyS Gtti BEST RAE'»ltIIOIUl,Knml Im i.c-rtoiu (.' A.NS,In m Hill,- en-i.ii.eleKiint di-Kiiia. ;• ’S'lno FI M l”. I % OK INIJ with OHKaV l :IJ,! I! Dot TON li, mi it utile for Fur tor, Hrhaal or l liini It. l‘.-ieeu t',JO, '.KtO, *>73, 885, SIOU ailiwnrU. ^ < • "N U\i J ' M.r- : . -.i 'MAI & SOI? Apt U, 1SS0—tf vs William F Brtinlly, Trustee of his wife, J/ary M. Branty. Sheriff* Soles*. Will he solrl before the Court IIourc lour in the city of Wainlcivville rl it ring the usual hours of sale on the first Tues day iu June, the following property to wit: One tract or parcel of land containing •150 acres more or less, adjoining laud of G. B. Thigpetl, Moye and others, El> for MIX YKAR^, to alve Entire :--uitlri'if.-tlii:>. I r-teeN fixtreineiy JLow. Monthly lBUlfti* levied on as the property of Jesse Brown “* n ‘» received Jitigirmr.l nun_i<, K ne Free. Aim.NTS wanted to satisfy two Justice(J>mrt li fa's in fav or of Miles Whitfield executor of the es tate of Robert Whitfield and again,t aid Jesse Brown, levy made by J. \V J '.T-'-'AKV „ n 1 FUJI Tl ITIT.orethe JIENTMABl. ■ ('nr lit M.l f )• .,rt (INK, mcAItTY oTFIMUM - - ...U tlMlA I'IU K AHH.fTY they CANNOT* _ ' i Xl KI.Dtm. I’rlee, with Mnnl, I’nrrr »»4 noolt, Hnxod nnd Shlnpeil, only -M !»(>, rtivvnrd. ( very I'i/.M) end OKUAN WARRANT* Moft'r.r’p Ac., saul ,tease Drown, levy mane tiv MarehTerm 1881 'b ysu, consfalde, anil returned to me, of the Superior Court of Wash ington County. R. U'. Cars- RKlNilART if; SANDERS, Present, the ITonorablo well, .Judge of said court. ,,, . 1T . i - . , , ,, It appearing to the court, by the peti i Lindsay s, known as the Lt tion of Charles J. Ilarr,ill that on thei^^i\\\, 20th day of January, A. 1). 1870. Wil limn F. Brantley made and delivered to said Charles J . ilarrah his writting ohli- g gatory, commonly called a bond, wlierc- Ly said William F. Brantley stands hound I to said ('harle.s ,T. Ilarrah in the sum of ixteen hundred Dollars, conditioned for ii'espeel fully inform tho cifizHn?| , 1 l, ®»" l >' , ! K ’ ,lt " f ! 1 1 K,K ." 1 " "f eight hundred whom lie loved with a jot Washington and adjoining <,M, lnrt all over our couii-l con 11 tins that thoy havo o^ienrii a jt-ho lirst dayof March, April fathers lov Ity lie will bo sadly missed; upright {truthful, honest and industrious lit lied or quarried from the earth,'{had made for himself a name luidlrespeet fullj solicits tin and the same manufactured. reputation of which his friends All timber woods and their pro-!may well fool proud, lie was horns ductioir land reared in our county, wa.-i ;■ Grains, plants, roots, tobacco,rpublic spirited and liberal, evciS and all seed. Eformost in every undertaking tiling Productions of the farm and the|was calculated to elevate the statu inmo manufactured. sing of our people or improve then Animals, fish and fish culture injjeondition. but lio has gone from actual operation. Chemicals, oils, tracts. Bricks, fine clay goods, tiles and crockery. Furniture and all household ar ticles. [Boot and Shoe shop in Sanders-1 May, J u u o, July, iville,next door to Uiingle &Orrsbeast. iSopfcmbcr nnd Octnhcr, A. I) tore on 1 layim street, where they! I8 FJ, '"gffilmr wuh jnleiost tmynhl, - • • , t •• monthly at the rate of six per cent, pe P a G'°u annum nnd ton per cent fittoniey’sciuii lge ot till’ ladies and gentlellienlmissions Oil principal and interest in the \11 work done iti tho best styli’lqve.utof suit, tocolloct saiil bond, or tin* md of the host material. I foreclosure, of the mortgage hereinafter July fi—tf named; and it further appearing that af terwards oil the same day for the pur pose of securing the payment of mid Bond, which was given hy said William Boyd’s Minia-I*'’ hrautley in consideration of and for money advanced by said (Jhnrles J. Har- , ,, - ... , rah for tho use, benefit and support of it tho Mercury olhco by C. C. [,j s w ifc, Mary M. Brandy, now the sole BATTERIES! BATTERIES! A fresh supply of Batteries just received, ami foi legal notice given tenant in possed-m. Also at the same time and place, wil he sold one tract or parcel of land lying and being in said county, containing til ty acres more or le-.s, hounded North liy .lames Stephens’ E ist h> W. (’. Math ews’South hy T. J. (look’s West hy amp two I Superior (,’ourt li fa’s for cost, in favor of J. F. R igors vs John J. Davis, lov- | mil oil an the property of John,] Davismul legal notice given, and properly pointed out hy plaintiff. <). A. ROUGHTON. may 3, 1881. Sheriff W. C. Also at the same time and place will 1 >0 Hold one tract or paved of land eon- less, bourn rtb East and South hy lands of .Joseph A„!j Joiner west hy public, road lending from Sun Hill to Balt's Ferry levied on to satisfy a Justice court ti. fa. issued from the (list 1 list. G. M. in l'avov of A. .1. . I oilier bearer and against Kate and John Waters property levied on as property of Kate and John Waters, levy made by James T. Cary oonstalilo 93d Dist. and returned to me, Legal notice given de fendants in possession. , O. A. h’l RTGHTON, Sherilf, W. (!. Also at tlie same lime and place will he s'dd one tract or parcel of land situated in Washington ('o., containing two hundred HORACE WATERS & CO., Manufacturer!} and Dealer*. Wui'LTOiimt^ JNu. jiruuuwuj o and Doafer®,.^: , N. Y.(F. O. Bai 3,43*4 ( ■' vi km* «'A' MV & #■/ rm m : Yi.L [among us anil the scenes which paints, ex |onco knew him will know him no (more forever. May ho rest oace. He was buried on Friday g evening, an immense crowd follow ing his remains, services were had in the Baptist ehrch, Rev. Thomas M. Harris officiating in a most do jquent and acceptable manner,after j which the funeral cortege moved to the ccmetary where tiie body was placed at rest, thereto remain GEORGIA Was or, sculpture and all flue arts. Ed-( an p,i £’ ie resurrectioit morn,“when tho angel shall declare the mystery o’er, that time has been, but linn iliall be no more.” •ibis wife, Mary M. Brandy, now the sole and sixty acres more or less bounded on j boni’liciary of the property herein after die North hy 11. W. I bill East hy D. H. ''described as held hy said William E. Tucker South hy It. L' Warthen West hy Military equipments in all theirjj broad rango. Medicines, wood working ma chinery, flourmills, earriges,leatli- ucation and clothing. Wc cannot enumerate a tithe of the great Exposition; in short tin visitors will sec everything in the world worth seeing. W(-nVj,!'"jp.M-snii v°j'm-n '’, ls ,n Dtce for Ins said wife, said I Wai. Brooks levied on as the property of to Dike- siiiih-i-iptioiis for fi,William E. Brantley, Trustee as aforesaid IR- W. Carr to satisfy a Superior Court ti fa Rost, ch.'iipost iMul iitustnitci'and J/ary M. Brandey, his wife, solcl'm favor of New Jersey Chf inical Co., of .’.'m omM-a'p j,!'’-!!,,, 1 , 1 . !i‘hi'^c.'ss- l 'C:itui quo trust, executed anil delivered j ’hiiadeldhin, vs It. \Y. Carr property iev- ;: " , i w u-iis of art piu>n ino ioito said l diaries .J. I larraii a i-iu-t.'iio dc-il ,ied on as pronertv of It. W. ( Lit and le- V ill agent. Hixntt Vino mouJ”'jn C ‘ ,l, .V^yi'^ said diaries HiUscrioor* in a thiy. A ludy ngeut roporti making ^ • 1 lcVlTit 11, tllO 8tOlV, Uonill in tllti north ,,f «l*««t»re House, w!licit room is t) ttm l)u.sino«H, or only vonr apDrctinr. You uccil HOW OCClipiCiu Uy Mark Aowin.111 iV. boll, lot 1,0 mvay from hoi,10 over You nm ,lo U and the 1101 til half of tllO Lot Oil which s well uh otiierM. Full cliroctioijH und icons Iron 1 .1* gant nml o.vponsivo outfit froo. If you profitable work semi um your aiMross at once tH nothing to trv thn husinc ngagCK fails to niako gn at juiy. Addi (icorgo Stinson iStCo., L’ortlainl, Maine. ‘if vitg'S: d Ui id uicx % ’.Li] Largest IVfanufacturer? of Hood Organs in the World! ESTEY ORGANS ARE AND TII3 KAlJrUrAC’J Ul'EH-'i A; WARRANTED, :::• itssroNSJBi.E. sure lo Scud for Illustrated Calitae hoforo Purchasing. ertain deed icd on as property of It. W. Carr anil le al notice given defendant in poscssion O. A. Roughton, Bhcritl', W. C. aid Store House stands, said Store 'll house and lot fronting west on tho pub-- ih-rnti"" 0 " 1,0 square iu Saiidersville, Georgia, and bounded on the south by I’, liapps’lot, |<m the east hy Amanda Davis’s lot (now liillgton County.i^f' H- Boyer’s,) on the north hy B. I). Lvans lot, containing one eighth of an By M. Newan, Ordinary of said County. |ii ere more or less, (Zncliariali Brantley, late of said State and comity having de parted this life seized iu his demesne as of fee of the above described premises, and having hy the second item of his last Redmond, Ihc Outlaw. Tho hearing of the ease of Red mond, the outlaw, was postponed until tho next session of the Fed eral Court. Tlio court consented to give him hail in the sum of $2, 500. He still in jail at Asheville, N. C., not having as yet been ab'.o to give this bail. TH K COINKLIXG C'AUCUS COX 51 UP. NY herons, 0. II. P. Beall. Guardian f Clone l>. Inman, applies to me for let ters of dismission from his guardianship; Those are therefore Incite ami admon ish all whom it may concern to he and Appear at my office, on the first Monday Oil DINAR VS OFFICE, ] GEORGIA—AYnshinglon County I liy the Ordinary of Said On Whereas, Spencer 15 A W.S. V/mn- inaek, Admistrators of the estate of Win. Wommaek, deceased, apply to me for loiters of dismission from saiil admiiii U'a- tion. Therefore all persons concern'’;! are tore by required to show cause (if any will and testament conveyed and devised his property as follows, twit: ‘'.Second ly 1 loan my beloved wife, Mary Brant- may 20th-30d We think it is time for the Geor gia legislature when they meet in July next, to make arrangements|Admmistration to enlarge the State Asylum lor Lunatics. Ai.iunv, may 28.-The Morning Ex-^Vr-uited.' press, winch represents the (Lnklnigsec tion in tlie city, gives up all hope of so uring a caucus. It says: ‘We have been overridden in this matter. The party lias 1 been overridden. The prospects now are that in consequence of the withdrawal of enough names to reduce the signatures below tlie requsite number, that tlie Re publicans will proceed to vote without settling their party atl'airs by themselves. Conklins cocks can’t crow Albany, may 28—The Evening Jo m - in July 18HL to show cause if any they for and duriii B her natural life, have, Why sanl letters should not *li« nmnnrtv ..f ’ ORDINARY’S OFFICE G EORGIA—YYushiiigtoti county. Whereas E. AI. Gumming, Guardian of Haiinah M. Kitcliens, now 11 a w kins, [ | u , y | mvi .) why said , uhnini ti 'ators sl,n,:i'l applies to me for otters ot ilismi s sion| llot be dhcharged on the first J/onday in lrq .1 said guardianship, . I August next. I his is, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on the first monthly in .July next, to show cause, (if any they have) iwhy said letters should notbograulod. ' Given under iny hand officially, this 14th day of May, 1881. M. NEWJ/AN, may 19,18.81—4t -Ordinary \V. C. nal makes tlie following classification ofttlie. he legislature on tlie Senatorial question Senate, 15; assembly 431 M NEWMAN, Ordinary Y\ r , G. GEORGIA—NYashiiigton County By M. Newan, Ordinary of said County. Whereas, Robert L. Rodgers, admin istrator of the estate of Elizabeth Archer __ f .... deceased, applies to me for leave to I her children; and Solomon D. Brantiey' sell real estate of said Eliziibeth Archer ;Uvifo anil daughters, and William F. 11ns is therefore to notify all concern-!Brantley, wife and daughter, by deed to show cause, if nnv fliev linvn Iif'nf Hi»-titi,.n ♦!./» u»L Jn.. ..r Given under my hand and official sig- . ; iPP‘ , i J,l '| nature, at Banders ville, this .J/ay2d I MS l M. N Ell M/AN, may 5—3m. Ordinary w. co. (iEORGIA—Washington county. Whereas, Robert L. ltodgers, Adinpi (Tiuiin'akv’s Oitick. GEORGIA—Washington County liy the Ordinary of Saul Co. Y\ herons, T. J Gilmore applies to me lor Idlers of Admiration on tin. .fiot'il 9; iu rfenate, 1 ; assembly, 7 'essembl''' ' h!i * U !'Y’ , a j lly oll jV 0 , ln ^“‘^raville, on luted and assigned the above described .), .issembly, .. 1 - total,-to On the leucejthe 23rd of May, 1881. m. Newman, I premises to said William F. Brantley totnl * b ' | may 20-30d. Ordinary (V. G. 'trustee as aforesaid Ids heirs and assigns ; the property of whatever kind or de scription l may possess, alter my just debts have been paid, and at her death, my will and desire is that said property be equally divided, one moiety of which to vest in Solomon D. Brantley in trust: , , „ - for Mary E. Brantley, wife of said So!o-b'f ,:ltc 0 , 10 Daniel, late of said ' " ' Gounty, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on the first Mondy iu June next to show cause it any they have why said letters of administration should not lie granted Given under my. hand at office iu Saiidersville this May 2d, 1881 M. NEWMAN Qi'diiu ‘ mou J). and her children, the other moiety to vest in William F. Brantley in trust for his wife J/ary M. Brantley and ed to show cause, if any they have, at of partition, boaring date tho 8th day of ,thc next July Term of this Court, why October, 1875 duly executed, made said leave should not. bo granted. |partition of the estate of said Zachariah (nven under my hand and official sig-jBrantley, deceased, inter alia al- May 5-30d istnitor, has applied to me l'or leave to sell the lands belonging to tlie estate of John 8. Armstrong, lU-cem-ied. These aro tliereiore to cite and admon- isli all whom if. nmy concern to l,o and appear :.t my office on tlie .first Monday iu Juno, 1831, toHliowenune, il' any they nave, why the lonve to m-il should not bo granted. Giv- u under my hauil cud official sig- uHi-ille at >3-.ind“rsvilJo, ftfi da-of .Vpril 1881, vj, N EWMAN, Ordinary. apr 21, 18 I—dt Go . to Z IT your Lemons Roiuyhton for THIS PAPER EEXFL Sowspaper AdycrtisiiiK Fan an (In iljiruci ol root),where ml vei. ns ,-» . . .. , i ary W r 1 I Usin/fcontriictHinay b iF. / • " miulo lor it in : ||Ti i.j i.j -'I / fcffi'dAOd/itiAND fcsCfiMPAg EST IMATES AND DRAWINGS FUBgp BOUND CO rNE ", W '29^B^ n ^yorI GENERAL A&l*J '% W) D l £B0LDSA®^3 buy your machine | From Mrs. Jerniguu’s.