The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, June 07, 1881, Image 2

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Buy your Drugs, Paints, Oils, Tobocco, Cigars, Lamps, *$'c. from /i. E. Houghton, on the Corner. M** ffi***m< MEETING. Administrators Sale. TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1881. PROGftAMME The General Meeting of the 3rd, GKOLilGA— Washington County i District of the Washington Asset-! Bv viitiue of nn order from the Court leiation, mot to dav?May ‘27th, at "f Onlimiry of said County will be sold [Sisters Chn.,.], iWlm, B at 1 ft- ill. I >3 Rev. 1 . J. ILolinos, ft* tci I tile legal hours of sale the tractof laml in Ed a- Public Schools. Wednesday, June the 8th a. in., at the school house. Examination by the Committee of the Board of cation. ist. Primary department. 2d. Intermediate department Thursday, June theDth 1 Oja a. m. ; ^ 1st. Crammer department. 2d. High School department. Friday, Juno the 10th I0y£ a. m., at Watkins’ Hall. tlie legal bourn of sale the tractof land as said Go., whereon John .S' Armstrongre- ............ T. sided at. the time of liia death, containing aiwl' 1 tiivi'd Bnil’v to lire- ,,inot y t"'<> "‘-reh more or lenn ‘adjoining Attain.. amt Jmmu uaiiy,ro pi* ,,r At™ Nmw-v lrniker Anthony Ofthe closing exercises of the^'hieh apnointed a committee follows: J. K. \\ hidden, \\ m. 1 10^ pare business. Satuuoay Morning, Delegates from different jX 11 1 p dies arrived, l?ev. T. J. Gumming also who was absent on die being pastor of the church, was I made Moderator permanently, i After the usual ceremonies were {discharged, read the following sub- jeolsfor discussion in the afternoon ist, lias piety declined in the present day as compared with any period past in Christian history. | 2nd Are our general meetings ns interesting now as they used tube, lands uf Mrs Nancy lFalkor Anthony Armstrong and others 7'erms of sale $250 .cash half of balance 1st day of Deo lmr-|lH81 and balance 1st day of Nov 188*2, with interest at 8 poreentj from date. ‘Soured by mortgage with power of Sale. yesteruny,| p urH | 1( , H , r ‘to pay for deed and moitguge. Robert L Rogers Adiur. Declamation, Reading of Com- If not, why'! positions, Address. Friday, June the 10th 8p. m, Declamations, Reading ot Compo sitions and Calisthenics. Music, by the pupils of the differ ent music classes. COIiORED SCHOOL. At the colored Metho dist church. ^Wednesday, June the 8th 3 p. m., Examination of pupils by the Examiniugoommittee ofbho Board of Education injtho various branch- pa taught during the term. Wednesday, June the 8tli 8 p. in., at tlio same place, Recitations, Singing, Comnosi- jtiotis, and Spelling Match. The public generally are invited. II. N. Hollificld, M. Newman, Sce’y, Pres. lid. Ed. Let everybody go to the picnic on iho 4th of July nndjearry their baskets and have a good time Tlio remains of Wiley Barwiek, the non of W B Barjviek, vliownsncei dently killed in Atlanta,arrived in the city last Sunday night and wap interr ed in the Cepictnry yesterday even ing. .Sanitary Notice. Tho Citizens of SaijdersviUo are hereby put ppon notice that the Doajd of Health will make a thorough inspection of all premi ses, lots, etc., between this and tlu* 10th inst., and hope to find every lot in a condition conducive to good health. Jlv order of tho Board of Health, WM. GALL AH HR Cl’k june 2. it. MICE TO*SUBSCRIBERS. Wc desire to remind all our sub scribers that have not settled for the paper, that we cannot run a paper without money and would jie pleased to have them come for ward and settle. It is not our wish to stop ypur piper, but we 3rd, Can not our country ehur- [clies hold their meetings more than once a month. Adjourned at llo'clock to hear preaching by Rev. J. J. Hyman, subject part of the 2nd verse, 3rd chapter 1st John [the sons of God] Af.kknoon. Road an address prepared by the committee appointed at the Da. Baptist Convention in hclmlf of the movement in our Slate against the liquor traffic. Discussion ot the prepared sub jects were then taken up in order. ist was opened by Rev. T. J. Bock, and dissoussed by Reverends Cain and Holmes, decided nega tively. 2nd opened by Bro. A. .1. Holmes followed by Rev. T. J. Beck, Messrs Cain, Holmes. An swered, our general meetings might he made more interesting if more generally attended, yet they often result in most excellent good. 3rd, After some discussion if was decided that many of our churches could and ought to hold their lneglings more than once a month. The following resolution was offered: Resolved, That we view with pleasure the increased interest in the cause of temperance, wo hear tily iiulorso and request our breth ren to press. Lost. On motion, that the Washing ton Association meet in Sanders- ville in 188*2. The meeting then adjourned to car. Seek JYOTICE. 'flic undersigned wishes to inform tire public, that he has located at TAPPKRb SHOP for AVheel- wrighting, Buggies Repaired, Painted and Trimed if necessary, prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and give me a trial, J. B. GARDNER. TAX NOTICE. and said William F. Brantley, having by the death of bis only daughter and r n f ,, „„,„ ( „i:tho only child of said - l/ary M. Brantley, I. will attend the heroine entitled to one fourth undivided places on the (lays speeineil tor tnopnr- - 1 - 1 poHO of receiving the Tax Returns for the State and county 1881: Paxes for the year May Sun Hill JAomlny Davjsboro Tuesday Cato’s Wednesday Giles’ Thursday (Hays’s Friday Robison’s nionday McBride's Tuesday Wammoek’s Wednesday Lamb's Thursday Biddle) ile Friday Hebron Monday Prosser’s Tuesday Peacock’s Wednesday Wartheu’s mill Thurday " Tabernacle Friday 11 Oconee Monday “ j Irwin's x Rond Tuesday “ Tennillo Wednesday “ Ifnrthou’s Store Thursday “ I will close my hooks on the 10 June. 1881. In Sandersvillejfvery Saturday until the books are closed. may 3rd 1881. I!. ,T. MO YE, T. It. Juno OKDINAimS OFFICE, Wasiiinoton County, Gkdikua. Lace and Wax Flower Work. Since affliction has unfitedi 7 ’° tho Gommiasionora of Waffi- ntc for buisness anti so niuchi leisure hangs wearily 1 would be ( ington County, Section 003 of the Code page 112 re- „ . j quires “the Ordinaries p, keep register- pleased to get a few scholars in ed in n book ill their office a list of all work or Wax Fcowcrs l|>Z!£Sr£X.fwi,,SSXd (“m will teach for$2,oo per scholar Mrs S Fann May 31st 1.881. Z. Koughton received yester day the finest lot of fancy can- day ever brought to the market, 1 comity 1 I time to to time, ns new roads or new dis Mrs S Fannie Jkunigau.!^ lu V l ,{> ut i 11 ' ol, J V l,es , , .00. J discontinued. As f have found no such book in my office, 1 would respect fully beg you to aid me in getting no that book by furnishing me at your earl iest convenience with a list of the roads in your respective districts, and thereby place under obligations, Yours respectfully, may t-2t M. NF.1FMAN, Ord’y. in forest on said premisesso described, id lotted and assigned by said deed of par tition, is now the. owiiorm his own right to said one fourth undivided interest in said premises which are embraced in said del'd of mortgage, which mortgage was conditioned that, if said William F. Brantley should pay ot! and discharge said bond according to its tenor and ef fect, then said deed of mortgage and said bond should he void. And it further appearing, that said bond remains unpaid; It is therefore or dered that said William F. Brantley,and as said trustee and said Mary M. Bran tley pay into court by the first day of the next term thereof tho principal, in terest, attorney’s commissions and cost due on said mortgage, or show cause to the contrary, if there he any; and that in failure of said William F. Brantley and ns said trustee and said Mary M. Brantley s., to do, the equity of redempt ion in aiid to said mortgaged premises be forever thereafter barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that this Rule he published in tlie Sandersville Mercury once a month for foui months, or copies thereof served on said \ViL- limn F . Brantley trustee and said Mary M, Brantley or their special agent or at torney, at least three mouths before the next term of this court. JAMES K. HINES Petitioners Attorney. By the court, R. W. Carswell, Judge 8. C,. M- C. A true extract from tl^e minutes of the altered or Superior Coup of said county, April tilth 1881. A ., M < limiNAiiv’s Omen. GEOltGI A—Washington County Jiy the Ordinary of Said Go. Whereas, T. J Gilmore applies to, me for Idlers of Admiration on tlmlder penalty of the law, from Hunting estate of Willie E. Daniel, late of said I’"" 1 !’ishingjir Trespassing in any man- Notice to Trespassers. All persons are hereby forbidden un J/iiyo, Clerk. Libel lor Divorce. l/ary Brantley irin. Brantley Diva >rcp, Wasliingti >11 Superior Court J/itroh Term 1881. FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS UNTETORM EXCELLENCE, ! Stylisli t Warrantee! 1 SAVE your HONEY, "write ior Catalogue and PRICE LIST tl The Boston Buckboard Co., NEW HAVEN, CON* AIM) SOLE Manufacturers Dt thn celebrated Huston Uuo&noAKn or jHTOBAT WAGON. laiTClIELL, LEWIS &. CO., Racine, WU., Manufacturers of f./ It .If .1 J’ M) FREIGHT ||'.<Mt OJTi9 County, iluccuseil. These arc therefore to cite and! admonish nil and singular tlui kindred| and creditors uf said deceased to be] end appear at my office outlie first Moiidv in Juno next to show cause it tier on my Lands. GEO. M.BRANTLEY, Sandersville, Ga., May 24th 1881. DISSOLUTION. The firm of /Jiirloo & Co., is this lay dissolved by mutual consent., ,1/iss they have why said letters of 1 1 lurtic Davis is alone authorized to col- meet again at Smyrna next On Tlitusday Rev. T. J. preached, 11 o’clock, serinon from 5tli and (Jth v. 11th chapter ot John, 2 p. in. sermon by Rev. Mosses Cain. Attendance was large and good order prevailed, tho spirit of God was surely at work with 11s, di scminatiiig Ill's influence through the entire assembly, and we now rejoice that wo were permitted to meet together in that “Heavenly place.” T. J. Cumming. Stanley Ivittrel, Mod. Glerk. On Wednesday morning last Air administration should not he granted Given under my hand at office in Sandersville this May 2d, 1881. M. NEWMAN Ordinary May f>-30d \V. C. \EWHAN.AS<>N ARE NOW OPENING A A BEAUTIFUL STOCK. OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, Carefully selected by our Junior, in Nov York. Our Stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES, GOLD & SILVER Plated Ware, (insisting of a great variety ol novelties, never before seen in this market, is exceedingly handsome. We make no display of sensation al advertisements, but will con vince our friends when they holi n' us with their patronage, that leef, tlie accounts. ClinrloH A. Ditrloo, 7/iirtie Davis. ^otop ypur paper, opt we pay , , . . pash lor paper and work and are ’' H Windsor, ot Md, was found obliged to collect or else stop dead in his bed at the house of his pa> son-in-law Dr J L Kelley of Gins cock Co. He went to bed the night before in his usual health. ip So friends come up and and let 11s continue. Avcrj’s New Rook. Colonel J. W. Avery has about ready for the press what must prove to be a most cutcrtaining book. It is a history of the past twenty- five years in Georgia, modeled somewhat after the “Memories” of The Savannah News says: In for m at 1 ox Waxtk n.—M r Peter McGlashan, the young man whose mysterious disappearance from the foundry cf Messrs Me Don ough & Ballantync on the 21st ult, Colenpl y(. II. Spinks, Hardlyj| ias no j been heard of although formal at;d steady enougjj lor his- ;r n 0s t dilligcnt search has been made tory, it will be more consequential for him. He is twenty j-ears of age than mere personal gossip. It in - live feet six and three-quarter inph a Blmiqe and Pilot qjion the panic c3 in h cig h‘ f dark hair, brown eyes may 81—tf, G EORGIA—Washington County. iriioveiis, .Tosepli D. Martin, Ad mil- \ 4tVi'' V S.s\.* istratnr cum tcstitiiK'iito imm'xo of John 1 ’ II. Martin. (lcoeiiHcd, iqqilieH to me for j letters of dismission lrom sftiil mhniiiis t ration. This is therefore to notify all concern ed to show cause, if any they have, with in the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be grunted. Given under my bund at office in Han- dersville, this -till day of April, IshI. M NEWMAN, Ordinary, apr 4—3m It appearing to the Court that tho do fondant duos not resido in tjio County aforesaid, and it further appearing that said defendant resides out of the said state: It isorderd by theCourt that said defend ant tie and appear at the next term 01 this Court to answer i’laintiifs Libel for Divorce, as in default thereof the (hurt will proceed ns justice shall appertain. It is further ordered tlint defendant be served by publication of this Rule once a month for four mouths in the Handers- ville Mercury previous to the next Term of this Court, This March tilth, 1881. It. W. CARMVELL. .1 udgo S. (J. M. ( A true extract from the minutes of tin Superior Court of said county, this Apn. A. M. MAYO, (Jerk TIili MITCHKt.L STANDARD PLATFORM SPUINO WAOOH, Also Thieo-Sf>rJiig ryjd FADJvSjM-Gift Wn^nn t, nml Sutc-Spring Buggies. The MI rCHF.l.L WAGON m Slonnrcli of the Kond; only the very best stock uted in its con struction nnil inode by tbebost wogon mechanics in the world. Tho Spring Wagon and Uugry D». partotont is entirely separate from the Farm Wagon shops. And for tho manufacture of thisTlat* “ork wc have faahucs uusui[>asscd. Send f#r Catalogue and Illustrated Trice List. MITCHELL, LEWIS d: CO., fltn Uic, Win. Waters’New Favorite Organs -re tlio molt IlEAUTIFtll. In STVLU —- Pliltfr iit T III TONIC ever iiimli-. Tfcry mmS! every lniiiroveiiieiit ncressnry lnr n nninkZ OIUJ AN, Int'liiiIliiH our Celebrnird t'KUttn STOP, ivliioli is 11 Mile m( tkmtS ninn Voire. WATKitS>*'ilAll OltCHD.SrUAI.oC IIOIIAl.IC nml lll'M'ITOI. lJAN8,ln iml.ine I rrush i'ieii'H,i'li'HHlll dr.l.u, coinliine lTIMTYor VOICING .rlih liltft# TONIC, siillnlile for Pnrlnr, Nrknl or (Mm: rli. Prtevii l>(50, is«0, 0, S8B. Blttk up.vuril. WATER8’ PIANOS, RULE MSI. ^fgal ^tlvfrlisrnmil.0 Sheriff Sales. Also at the same time nn I place w 1 lie sold one tract or panel of Ian I eon- hiiiiiiiR one acre less, boiimle< North East, and South by lands of Joseph foiner west by public road leading fron Sun Bill to B ill’s Ferry levied on t nl.'AnriT . ... . . . satisfy a.Tustiee court, li. fa. issi id fro t) LUhtilA, — Washington county t,lio Mist Dist. (t. M. in favor of A. J . NVASlUXt iTGX SUPERIOR C( )l'R'P;j Joi'K'r bearer and against Kate and Join. Waters property levied on as propert;. >f Kate imd.Tobn Waters, levy made b; James T. Cary eoiiHtulile S)3d ilist. me returned to me, Legal liotiei' given ile- fondants in possession, O. A. HOUGHTON, SheriIV, W. (!. —A Iso at the same. time, and place will he s"ld one tract or parcel of land situated in Washington < ’<»., containing two hundred and sixty acres more or less bounded on the North by It. W. Hall East by J). II. Flickor Smith Ill'll. I .• Wni-I linn IViiot I... March Term, 1881. Charles J. Hurrah, V8 William F Brantly, Trustee of his wife, .l/ary M. Brauty. Mortgage Ac., March Term 1881 of the Superior Court, of Wash- ington County. Present, the Honorable R . IF. (Jars well, Judge of said court. It appearing to the. court, by tho po.ti ! ',! film ot Charles J. Hurrah that on the. ko«1» are K „oU gon,K|j“ had beard. He had on when last seen a blue sack coat, jeans pants, and a colored shirt and black hat. <>f pur State that wo have pq com plete history, recounting the deeds of her sons, the progress of her in stitutions or the wisdom and sin cerity of her life. Income of Money Kings. To leave out events themselves, Brooklin Chronicle, xvliat a masterly array of men there. ()ur town millionaires qipst feel ,m >r arc to touch his pen with fire when comparing their wealth with that Bob Tootuks, the gonitis of revo- of dm four reputed richest men in the lution, moving like a king union*' w " rk1 ’ Tl, °. following sums arcsuppos- .i ^ ea to be the incomes of four of the great the men of GO. Gopdop, who mouey killgs o( the world . tnd our prices us ruasonahle as the most exacting can expect.. NEWMAN & SON sept 14, 18(80—tf BOOT And IE SHOP. REINHART dt SANDERS, respedfully inform the citizens ot Washington and adjoining counties that they have opened a Hoot and Shoe shop in Sanders ville,next door to Pringle &Ons store on Huyne street,where they respectfully solicits the patron ige of the ladies and gentlemen All work done in the best style and oft he best material. July 0—tf Brooks levied on as the property <>1 it. W. (Jarrto satisfy a Supcrierl'oui't ii fa in favor of New Jersey Chemical (Jo., ol said (Jlmrles J . Jlnrrali his writting ( ,|,|i.| j‘liiladeldliia, vs R. \S. (Jarr property It gatory, (•(mimonly called a bond, where- '‘'‘I 1111 ! ,s l’piperty of it. W. Carr and le- hysatd William F. Brantley sliindshoundp’J notice given defendant in poM'ssion to said Charles J. Ilarrah in the, sum ol G. A. Houghton, moved tq the right hand of Lee and fought like a demigod through the scenes that broke his chief tain’is Capital heart. Brown, the pallid, force-1 Per year ful mountaineer who held tlio! 1>er )npntl ! Jielm through Georgia’s bloodiest f, er ! 1ay • t> , l’er hour days. Ben Hill, the matchless Per minuto Gold Great eliunco to make money We lioocl ti pei'Hon in every town to take Hiib-M'.rlptionM tor t’lielar «est, elieupcMt and Illastrated family publication in tlm world Any one can become a microns, ful agent. Six etchant works of art given tree to subscribers. The price is so low that almost everv- body subscribes. One agent reports tak njr lvt) subscribers in a duv. A lady agent reports muklng over ^‘200 clear proDt in ton days. All who cncagc make money fast. You can devote all your tint* to the business, or only your spare tlim. S'ou need not be away from home over night. You ran do it as well as others. Full directions and teilus IV Kbgant and expensive out tit free. If you waul profitable work send us your address at once. »>sts nothing to try the business. No one who ngages lulls to make great pay. Address George Stinson k Co., Tort laml, Maine. Duke of Senator .Tone* GEORGIA—Washington County. Westmiiiiutor. of Nevada. By M. Ncwnn, Ordinary of said County. §100,000,IKK) Whereas, O. II. P. Beall. Guardian 5,000,000 »f < 'lias. D._ Inman, applies tome, for let- 400,000 dismission from his guardianship §80,000,000 4,000,000 300,000 10,000 450 orator and constitutional debater. Howell Cobb, the wise nml cF- 7.50 15,000 000 10 Capital quent statesman. Francis Bar-Per year tqw and Tom Cobh—those early Per month martyrs to a cause to which both P(,r dny had consecrated their lives. Col- I ’ erllour auitt, the brave soldier and the 1 ?!,, mUm , t0 . . , pure statesman. Ah !_there isan! posedto be M r. J. n*. impulse and inspiration in the thirty-one j’ears Kotlmcild. §2(10,000,000 lfi.OOC.QOO 850,000 25,000 1,000 20 These are t herefore to cite and admon ish all whom it may concern to lie and appear at my office, on the first Monday in July, 1881, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. M NEWMAN, may 20th-30d Ordinary W. 0. lives of these men—in the history of Georgia’s aspiration aqd acliiev- ment in the thirty years gone,that would fill the wrist of an imbecile with tlirobing and eager sentences. Miickay. $2750,000,000 13,750,000 1,000,000 35,000 GEORGIA—Washington County 1,50(101 By m. Newan, Ordinary of said County Whereas, Robert L. Rodgers, admin- world is sup- istrutor of the estate of Elizabeth Archer Maekay, wlioldeceascd, njiplies to me for leave to ago was a poor boy in « e U,r<;« 1 estateof said Elizabeth Archer; I Jus is there!ore to notify all concern- ed to show cause, if any they have, at the next July Term of this Court, yvliy said leave should not be granted. Given under my hand and official sig Ireland, Twenty years ago be traveled through the United States as u specula tive salesman, and seventeen years ago was a bankrupt. At the ago of 47 he is the owner of tlio Holiest silver mine that has ever been discovered. ol | sixteen hundred Dollars, conditioned fm the payment of the sum of eight hundred dollars, in monthly installments of one hundred dollars each, payable on tlio first dayof March, April, May, J u n e, July, Au gust, September and October, A. 1). 187(1, together with interest payable monthly at the rate of six per cent, per annum and ten per cent attorney'seom- inissions on principal and interest in the event of suit, to collect said bond, or the loreclosure ot the mortgage hereinafter named; and it further appearing that af terwards on tho same day for the pur- mso of securing the payment of said hind, which was given by said William E. Brantley in consideration of and foi money advanced by said Charles J. llar- rali for the use, benefit and support of his wife, Mary M. Brantly, now the sole beneficiary of the property herein nfie described as held by said William F. Brantley as trusteo for Ins said wife, said William F. Brantley, Trustee as aforesaid md J/ary M. Brantley, his wife, sole cestui quo trust, executed and delivered to said Charles J. Ilarrah a certain deed of mortgage, conveying to said Charles J. Ilarrah, the Store in the north side of the Store House, which room is now occupied Gy Mark Newman A Son. and the north half of the Lot on which said Store House stands, said Store house and lot fronting west on tho pub lic square in Sandersville, Georgia, and hounded on the south by 1’. J Japps’ lot, on the east by Amanda Davis’s lot (mm M* If. Boyer’s,) on the north by B. I). Evans’ lot, containing one eighth of an acre more or less, (Zacliariah Brantley, late ot said State and county having de parted this life seized in his demesne as ol fee of the above described premises, and having by the second item of his last will and testament conveyed and devised his pioperty as follows, towit : ‘•Second ly 1 loan my beloved wife, Mary Brant ley, for and during her natural life, all the property of whatever kind or de scription 1 may possess, after my just debts have been paid, and at her death, my will and desire is that said property be equally divided, one moiety of which to vest in Solomon *1). Brantley in trust for Mary E Brantley, wife of said Solo mon J). and her children, the other moiety to vest in William F. Brantley in trust for his wife J/ary M. Brantley and her children; and Solomon D. Brantley, wife and daughters, and William I. Brantley, wife and daughter, by deed of partition, bearing date the 8th day of October, 1875 duly executed, made partition of tlio estate of said Zacliariah Brantley, deceased, inter alia nl Sliorill'. W. (’. (GiiilrtAU i s BEE ICE, G 1*J )R( 11A—\\ iisliington count v Wherca-i E. M. Cuiiiming, Guard in i •I Hannah M. Kitchens, now Hawkins ipplies to me for letters of dismission ruin said guardianship, I his is, therefore, tocitenud admonish all persons concerned to be and appear it my ollioe on the first nionday in July next, to show cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand officially, this 14th day of May, 1881. M. NEWJ/AN, may 10,1881—4t Ordinary W. C. Alt It nn'l T’PKTcnT.arslho It KMT MAM. For <|('A f.ITY i.fTONK, It I: A ITT Y afriNIAI ii ((It t.AT lUUt AIIU.ITY (hr* CANNOT W _ . RXCEI.I.HII. !>■ Ire, with "xnl. Covtr u4 Rnak, Tlnxril nnrt Nhlppnl, only S11N), tJiuvnril. Kvrry PIANO nml OIUJAN »VAKKANTj HI) lor SIX YKAIl.**, to si VC Riitli r MntlM'nctlim. Prlrrs Rxtrcmaly Low. Moplblf la(Mf menu received. Illustrated t'nriilimnc Tree. AtSFNTH WANTHD. HORACE WATERS Si. CO., Manufacturers and Dealers, \\ [iri i'ooinu, ,Nu, h!.’G ilroudway, N. Y.(P. O. Baa 1.UR XESTEY1 illPAHY BRATTLEBOBO, VT. Largest Manufacturers of Reed Organs in the World I ESTEY ORGANS ARE WARRANTED, AND THE MANUFACTURERS ARE RESPONSIBLE. sure to Send for Illustrated Catalogue Before Purchasim. 0 U DINA It V’3 OFFICE, G EORGIA—Washington County. Jly the Ordinary nf Said Co Whereas, Spencer 11 W.S. Wmn- mack, Admistrators of the estate of Win. Woinmaek, deceased, apply to me for letters of dismission from said administra tion . Therefore nil persons concerned are tcreby required to show cause (if any hey h ave) why said administrators should not he discharged on the first J/onday in Vugiist next. Given under my hand and official sig nature, at Sandersville, this J/ny 2 1 1881 31. NEIFJ/AN, may 5—3m. Ordinary w. co. TLEHo nature, at my office in Sandersville, on loted and assigned tho above described the 23rd of May, 1881. m. Newman, (premises to said William F. Brantley may 20-30d. Ordinary W. C. trustee as aforesaid his heirs and assigns; Hair-Cutting, Shaving, Sluinipooniitg Day and Night. Shop under the Sau- dcrsville Hotel, fob 8t'i 1831. My I ar er slioj) at Tei n Ile wil I c op n on Wednesday's nml Sutiinlavs M. D. C. M. Summerlin, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Saxdrrsviu.e, Geouou . All cal Is for professional service prompt - ly responded to. Office at, his rosideqpo on Harris street, opposite the car shed, The public are invited to call and examine my stock of con fectioneries Z I I Roughton Best liiisinoss now lipforeUii' public Vim tm iimtii* money liwtci' „■ work lor us tluiiuit nnvIMnj'cl- t npilol lull rcipUrcii. Wc wil. si net you $1',' a day anil up wards mmlc at. ho|lic i>v tbc in’ dtislritms. M u. wouicu, boys mid jjlr’is wanted .'Vcrywlicc to work for us. Non Is the time. Vim cm: devote your whole time to ilie work, or only your spare mm icuts. Xo niber Imsiui'ss will pu’v you ncirly ns we'l. Xo ono w Hill • lo work can fail |n iniikc enormous pay bv euynviua m o ce. Costly Outfit and terms free.' A ureal opportunity for tuukinp money easily nml honorably. -Ail,lress flair % 'll. (tu^ustf. FOR RAILROAD AND EXPRESS COMPANICS. ESTIMATES AND DRAWINGS FURMwl, ROUND CORNEA FIRE proof; I Go to Z IT your Lemons RouLfhton for Pop corn, Pop corn at Z,. IT. RouoTiton’s. THIS wm Sins II urn YORK. Hi ay do found nr j 11 lo at Ui:o. F. v . , . UoWDLL (fc Cos! Towspapcr Adyurtisin^ iinruan (10 Spruce street), where u< Ivor- tiblntf contracts muy ja imulu for it iii [SAFES extra SECM"» LOCKS has GENERAL ACC NT ^ DIEB0U3 SAREliJOggl BUY YOUR MACHINE Oik From Mrs. Jernigan’B.