The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, March 17, 1885, Image 2

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THE MERCURY.! Tlio Sheriff's Own for Washington County. A. J, JERMIGAN, Editor. PUBLISHER AHD PUOI’RIF.TOR, .l|i|toinlii|*‘iilM for %>(ishliiK'tuii Circuit. SA>OKHSVll.l.r, • • GEORGIA TUESDAY,: MARCH, 17 1885. EDITORIAL. Irwinton has commenced boring an artesian well. Ex-President Arthur is to reninin in Wash lug ton until about the end . I' March. Princess Colonna, foimerly Miss [ackay, has bought the Villa Pan- llipo, near Florence, and is giving owdud re. •options. Lord Garmoylo has returned to ,uw York after witnessing the inaug • ation in Washington. So far the New York tnan lias . owned the Ohio man. It has been long time sinco New York had an „iug and active President. — Td. Mss. The Inaugural boqnet was pre ared at the llotaniele Garden, and onsisted of forty two distinct vari eties of plants and flowers, twenty- four of them being exoetiea and seven very rare tropical flowers tliat bloomed in the hot-house. Bay Spring 1st Sunday nail Saturdiy be fore nt 10, o’clock a. in. Kocky Mount 1st Smith} at 4 o'clock p.m Deep Step 2d Sunday and Suturduy before at 11 o’clock a. in. Cabin Mill, .‘Id SiiBdny and Saturday be fore at 11 a. ni. Tabernacle, llh Sunday ond Saturday le loro at 10 o’clock a. m. New Ilelkil 4th Sunday in theovening af ter March. New Ilelhel fith Sunday and Saturday be fore in Maroh at 11 o’clock a. m. 2d Quartetly Conference for the Washing ton Circuit will ho held at New Bethel on the 4th Sunday and Saturday In April. The P. E. will preach nt Cabin Hill on Frida, before the 4ih Sunday in April. i pencil and fails tn itemize the costs, also . find tlmt the J, P. of the 00th district fails to sign hi« judgments. We find Criminal docket of the X P. of (lie 07th District not j kept in legible manner. We find docket o r ii. W. Hammock N. P‘ of the 1345th Mist, badly kepi and recommend that olHcial to | resign. Some four District officials failed : to bring in their dockets on the first day of j of court ns prescribed by law. We would ] refer said negligent officials lo the section of I code in reference to this requirement. Be- ! ing informed liv the lion. M. Newman ()r- W’e find the bookaof our worthy treasurer, Oapt. 1*. It. Tsl.nlerro, well kept and in good Mist) Luiillu Y. Dutlloy wns for «yme time a model in the London ai t world. Among those to wham the trued lo uit is Sir Edwnrtl Dtirne Jones. Iler nuitie and address still orunineut the pro-Huphollto studio door, on which lie writes Itis models names. Site also used to sit to Sir rodrick Leisiilon. A pulpit cotnposod of lirass and marlile is to lie erected in St. Ann’s "rotestant Episcopal Church, Hrook- yn, us a memorial to the late l)r. Anal) Hunt Schenok. It will be the i ndsouiest and most costly pulpit f tlio kind in the United States. The total production of pure bar in in all the countries of tlie world is itti.OOO t. ns a year, and of this 12- 0 >0 are brought lo tlio United States. It is asserted that the tin mines iu the Ulnck Hills will soon be in eon* dilion to furnish 3.000 tons' per year. nj. Gen. Hancock lias gone to Georgia, where Mrs. Hancock lias lieen for some time past for the bene lit of her health. So says the Phil r.delpbia Times. Mrs. Helen Dodge Irving, niece of Washington Irving, died nt the house tif her sister, Mrs Eliza Dodge Irv ing on Thursday. She was in her 82ml t ear. Two little boys have recently been sent to insane asylums—the victims of cigarette smoking. How many have been sent to cemeteries ns tlie result of that habit will never be known. It is proposed to make the selling of eigaretts to mi mil's u .criminal offense. It is doubtful, however, if it will lie done in tlir jient' future. —Sav. Neus. At llawkinsville, Wednesday, about suit-down, Mrs. C'outs, wife of Rev, Mr. Coats, pastor in charge ol the Baptist Church, and Mrs. Lati mer, wife of J. 11. Latimer, proprie tor of the Joiner Hotel, were return ing home after a drive, when their horse became frightened and ran nwuy. The buggy was overturned and completely wrecked. Both ladies were thrown out. Mrs, Latl liter bad oue arm broken and was .otherwise badly hurt. Her suffer ings are internal and iter condition quite eritiele. Mrs. Coats escaped without injury. Duvid Dirlti.«u'N Will. -From Hit Sparta, (Gn.,) Ishroaelite.- The careful and accurate Spartu correspondent to the Atlanta Consti tution stated in a recent issue of that paper that to-day we would pub lish Mr. Dickson's will in full. He was fully justified in the statement, but it will not uppenr in these col iijuiis. 1st. because it is a private .document nnd the public lias no in terest in its bequests; 2nd, beeatts. it js not possible that any good eoqld grow out of its publication, untl-ffril, because its contents arc ex tremely unpleasant to many of itis relatives and best friends. From the Alhents, {(/a.,) Jianner. A gentleman who has often visited Mr. David Dickson, bays helms seen Amanda Eubanks, tbeiugro woman to whom bo lift $400,0UU in liis will. Our infot lnant says she is an ordinal looking, nipper colored ol aouut 45 joins of age. Mr. Dickson Was married, but bis wife only Jived a few months. His liens will try and break the will, uud ii js highly probable that the lawyets w ill leap the spoils. An Original Suicide. )l°ll(— -< mcinnati Commercial Gnzette.- To produce a sensation by an orig Inal performance, a young man in the City of Mexico attempted to com mit suicide by stubbing himsejf with a corkscrew. This ip no new method, millions hu”e committed suicide by stabbing with a cfirkserew apd are stjll keep ing it up every day. Instead of stub bing the corkscrew ip their bodies they stab it in the cork of a bottle i nd slab themselves with the red F * inside of tlje bottle w hich is evr- luidlr the »rn:<-. [1 , ybody Known as tlio succt Larges) Hotel Enterprises V America, says tlirft while a pn?sonpei f; Vi w Vork "ii board a ship roI“G itromiri « Horn, In thu early days of emigration i« ( Vfornia, ho lcnructl that one of the nftic. tin* veAsol hail curml himself, (luring t»« ftg.*, of an olrttimite diiCMu by the use ol Ayer’s Sarsapariih, Unary that a vaiMiicy oxi-ls in the office I of the’ N. I’, in die iifttli District (i. M. oc casioned by the exp'ration nf the term of II. .Ionian Hodge*. We recommend that II. Jordan Hodges he appointed by Ids Honor Judge Carswell to till said vacancy. We a 1 -* also iniormed hy tlio Ordinary’ that a vacancy exists in the office of N. P. in the D tit h District 0. M. Iiy the resignation of A. C. Franks, we recommend his honor Juditc Carswell appoint W. T. Harrison lo (ill said vacancy. We are further informed a vieancy exists in the office ifN. P. of the ISiolli Ilist (4. M. occasioned by tho resig nation of (i. W. Hammock. We recom mend lii< Honor nidge Carswell, to ap point 1" Ii. (Sheppard to (ill said Vacancy. W. E. WATKINS. ' Chairman. fllillk Sll’IJIlOlt COM It T. The committee toexamine office of Clerk Superior Court have carefully examined hehook* of said ollico and find them in mosi excellent order, livirv record full and <-<>m- . Inte, work neatly nnd correctly performed ellerting credit upon our most efficient cl’k, \. M. Mayo, whine promptness in the dis charge of his ~ .Silica then Mr. I.ttisn la AvKit'a Nms\CAnn.i.v to many s» cues, and lio lm« in nr jrt henul ol lie i. uvh lo ••licet a rndlenl cure. Stine year* ngo olio of Mr. I.t:l. \Nn*v i. m Inboror* bruiiHid hia hg. Oviliig to ii • !• i Btalo of bin blood, nti U,ql\ norofulou? ■.* • 1 or lump nppoaml on the injured limb. " riblu Itching of Iko ■Kill, wllh luiri.ii g m darting pain* through the lump, mm « ' l" almost liitolcriiblo. Tlio leg ctu r tuouhly enlarged, nnd running nicer* forn.ed dhelinrglng great quantities of uxtmmh oirciislvo matter. No treatment wns of am, avail until the man, by .Mr. Id i and n dire, lion, wn» supplied with Avkii’m S iih. I’A nil.I.\, vhieh allayed the pain ami Irritation honied tlio tore*, removed the Miellii.g, mu! completely reston'd tbe limb to n*e. Mr. Lki.and tin* iieraonaily used Ayer’s Sarsaparilla m>d, for IllHMimatUin, witb entire i niter careful observation, deeiurv* tlmt. In liis belief, thero I* no medicine In tbe wftrhl equal to It for tbe cure of I,Ivor DlMmlnr^, limit, tho ofTeel* of high living, MU lllieiini, Horen, KritptloiiK. nnd all thu VurlmiA forum of Idnud iIImmim**. Wo bnvo Mr. Lei.anuh pcruboflon to Invite nil wbo may desire fuiibor evidence in npard to (bo OEtraordliinry curative powers «*f AVKtt’ft HaIIHAI'AltlIJ.A to Me bUn peifon- ally either at Ids mammoth <»cean Hotel. Long Hnutcb.or at tbe popu’nr Lolnnd lb to liroadvvay, 27th aud2Hb Streets, Now VorK. Mr. l.KI.ANb’n extonsivo knowledge «d tbe good dono by this unequalled emdleulor nl blood poidoim enables him to give Inquirers mud) valuable information. rnr.pAitrb nv Or. J.C. AyoriCo., Lowoll, Mrts. Svlil by all l)rugght*i f 1. six lint ties for ? r - Tbe fittest forfevirnml ague, and u mb tents, are tbe debilitated, bib Iouh uml nervous. to such j ersoiu, Iloslettei's Ptom- nebe Hitters afTords stl.-uMi le preti'ctinu by Inereasiug vital standiiu nnd the Istaiit power of tbe onstitiitlon xml by breklng irreguiarl- •tomueb and bow els. it I.hi* H lliulllt Isl ( I Ilf nloimti* id an ol stl- limn t>] e.smlstsmb ndee uiieqiiHiled plalung our luiiiou* nl ro»i edie*. For wile by druggiatH and dealers generally. MNITARIUM. River*Ida, flnl. Tha dry cllmnta cm* woe’j, Tluout, LmiiiO, full Idea, UGp., rmito. cost lio MARRIAGE^IMP I All that thodoubtfnl earlousor tnouubtiul wind to )kn'»w, Cloth nnd imllt bind in- M rid,palter , J riane Onlda, 144 i> ISo,eont oesled. monor nr *t ps.lij • OR. WHITTIER IWnVaOT’ ( t o*. \ yt he irreat himrlidlst, Nervoue Iinldllty.impodlnianti: ; lto Marrt:*((«, roiihiiltnlloH and Hiinieidet free. Oupt. r. H. Ttd.nlefro, Well kept and in good ouior. A glance at hia books diRcioses at i*nca the cnnilillon of tha flnauces intrnslod to hiB care: He had on linndatlast March lerm, $3. r i52.4fi Ufceived to Sept 1, 1884 2521.61 Total 86074,07 From Sept. 1st, '81 to March 1st, 1885, he has received trom all sources.812,558 86 Making a total tor the year 18,662 U3 He has pai i out: Jury fees in Muroh “ “ " Hspt County scrip to Sept. ’84 “ “ ’• March, '86 Treasurers cotnmissiou on expand.. “ “ •' receipts.. Total paid out in the year Balance on hand.,.., 3016.68 Estimate of expenditures for 1885: For eonrts slid jury expenses $2750.00 Homo for the poor and outside pau pers 2500.00 Jail expenses 650 tiO Bridges aud repairs 2(M) 00 tooks, stationery and printing 250 IK) Repairs of pnlilia building, insurance 250 00 I'nntingent ftxpenilitnres 300 00 Dominie.Iona, Tax Collector, Receiver Treasurer end Ordinary's salary.... tfiOO 00 Inquests and lunacy cases 150 00 •10350 00 Wo recommend that over and ahovo tbe 50 per cent on tue State Tex which the Ordl- n iry under §501) of -the Code, is snthorlzed to levy, the levying of a tax sufficient to make in the aggregate 35 cents on the one hundred dollnta of the taxable property ol the county. T. J HOLMES, ppairtuan. rnua buimunos, The committee appointed upon pnblio official duties deserves our wurinoet commend ition. This ollice w o tind in Hue condition Respectfully solid milted, and painlessly, ns a lmlioVlflib'\t} £tm ber, little liarlinra sank into tlio li oarihly sleep, her liend'upon kor ht, ...... band’s broitst, liis tender words Boothi) hutldiugs rtnd tbe tiuildlbgs for the poor in ‘ : good condition snd we find the inmates Well n’.jiie ii, ,,?i , lOft Ossing her. cared 1, r and Ibe (frouncls snd surroundings ndtly thoy laid her tinder tlio evt p, „ besidiy condition. Wo And the court gieen verimro of the southern gras ti, use needing no repairs. The ini 1. wo and Gyrus turned Ills faoo liomewnr think, in a sale condition nnd ncutiy kept, widowed and sorrowful. except ouo room, nowuecupied by prisonsrs, Two years Inter Fannie Pleasanton r w« nnd the wluduw sills oo ored by spittle Itiruisl Irom her European trip, tain and tha lloor in a damp ooudltiou trom wn- iminediiiloly after ilarlmrn'H woddin, ler upllletl (rom wash pans and buckets. Her old homo wns unchanged, her atu producing an unhealthy and filthy stale of glad to enmo back to her bouBokeepil . „ And friumds We recommend th«t the 8Uoriff look well A little paler, a little graver, Cyri ,f> tbfl oI,) * qIj ' * nl1 kealthy condition of this iit’uml Jury lTrseiilniciil*. We, tlio grand Jurors aliosen and sworn for tlie Mnrob term of Hie Supe rior omul of Washington county, beg leave to mnko the following present ments. Wo congratulate our fellow citizens tlmt after 24 years of misrule,tint admin istration 1ms passed into tlio hands of the democratic party, ai d we trust with tlm departure of the republicans from power there will also depart all strife, divis ions and sectional prejudice and that prosperity, peace and fraternity will prevail iti all our land. We sinserely hope that thero will lie wisdom enough iu the leaders and patriotism suflieiont in tlie party to make tlie occasion of the democratic party to power the begining of a glorious and long continued day. Wo congratulate our agricultural fel low citizens upon the evidence that ex- ists of solid and successful progress among them. In many sections we And new and improved implements of inis- imndrv, and their system of agriculture is obutlnoted according to Hie highest ascertained rules of tho art. To our fellow citizens generally we say that although there is great stringency in money matters and many indications of a financial crisis, yet wo believe that by patient industry and rigid economy we shall pass through successfully with our condition improved uud our expe rience greatly enlarged. We are sorry to he forced to say that there is an increase of disorder and law lessness nnd crime in our county, and we believe tlio r< medy is a strung nn<i rigid enforcement of tlio law. This body views with deep concern the dire evils grow ing out of the retail of ardent spirtts. Prominent among these evils is tlie demoralization of the labor sys tem causing a waste of time in lining, ing around bur-rooms and street cor ners indulging in habits (lint lend to vagrancy and ruin. The debauchery of the ballot-box by venality that draws its life-blood from His retail shop is an alarming evil that should .awaken the deepest anxiety iu every patriot. Tho concurrent testimony of so many judicial officers and the records of tlm courts, us well as our own observation that by far Hie lnigoBt proportion of the criminal eases of the country have their origin in the dram simp and that a not able abatement of these eases always follows tlie prohibition of bar-rooms in spires tlie hope that an early day the retail truffle, tho burners to our prog, le-s, tlie hotbed of vice,tlie snare spread for tlie youth nf our laud will no longer have the sanation of law iu onr county. The following committee reports wire read, approved and adopted as part of our general presentments. The report made to this body hy the committee, (I)r. Jl. N. llollilield, (4. 1). Wsrthen and Benjamin Tarhntton,) appointed liv a former Drand Jury to insptc (the various offices of (lie county, after a thorough examination on our parts we indorse. DOCKETS. found her ivhon ho enrno to oall, bi still the gentle, dignified woman ho r GEORGIA. ---*r—.a WASHINGTON COUNTY., ) ]’» tlie lion. <>rnml Jury for Ulureli Trrm IN85 of llie Siiltrrior Court. GENTLEMEN: It is a source of grntfinillnn tn me, to call j onr attention to the balance sheet braced in the report of the Finnnee Com mittee, showing the sound limu.einl con dition of onr comity, hy the Gusli balance in the linmls of the County Treasurer this day amounting to $3,016.(10 and no indebt edness, to begin tlie liscal year with’ Aud this. nntwilliBtnndiiig a reduction of 5 con's on ilie county Tax from last year on the $100 nnd an increased expenditure of over $1000 for bridges not niitieiputcd in my last years estimate. 1 am confident that you will excuse me, at the begining of this my second term nf of fice, for manifesting ii pardonable pride in referring your honorable Body to the finan cial history of our county during the past four yen is. When I assumed tlie Unties of the ordina ry’s olliec in 1881, I found tlmt tlie county tax of the proceeding year had been 8licts., on the $11)0, and hud realized $21,453.00, all of which had been expendid, w ith an indebtedness hanging over the county inn ing to $4812.00 lo begin tlie fiscal year of 1S81 with. A having familiarized myself during (lie first two months with tlie financial af fairs of die county; I suggested to die Hon, (Iran I .1 ury of tlie Mareli Term 1881, a rec- omcuilntii n in their presentments, a reduc tion often cents uii the county Tux. dial is from KOto 70 rente for that year, which re alized $t'.),)■ 88 00 wherewith the 1 ObT indebt edness was canceled, as well as tlie current expenses of that year pnid, leaving a sur plus in the Treasury on thu 1st of March, 1882 of $2,256,00. At the Minch Term 1882 I suggested to (lie lion, (irniid Jury a recommendation of i further reduction of20 cents, dint is from 70 t. 60 cents lor tlmt year, which realized $11047,00 wherewith the current expenses of dial year w ere paid leaving a surplus in the Treasury on the 1st of March 1883, $2,007,00. At the March Term of 1883, I again sug gested to the lion. Grniid Jury a reccom- iiiendalion for a further reduction of 10 els , dint is from 50 to 40 edits, lor dint year which realized $ll,77‘i,00 wherewith the current expenses of tlio year were paid, leaving a surplus iu the Treasury on thu 1st of Mareli 1884 of $3,.V 2,00. At the Mareli Teiin 1884 I onco more suggested in tlie lion.Grand Jury a reenm ineiiilalioii for a’further ri duel ion of 5 tents, that is from 10 to 85 penis, which realized $10,726,00 wherewith tlie current expenses of the year w ere paid, leaving a surplus in die Treas.ny to day as before stated $3,010.00. lo this connection it, may not lie amiss ; to mention tlmt by my management of apsrliiu,ut nod that tlm Ordinary plane a sufficient number or spittoons lb each room L.R. KENDRICK, Ch in, nilAUS AND DUMMIES. We flail tlm pnblio ronds generally in bnd condition. Notitily tlm rond Irom Jotter'., mill to Leacock's mill and thu road known ns tlm Hnrstroad in tlm HHlb ilistriol, the rond from 01st district lino to 1345th uot worked at all. We respretfnlly urge tlm ct'iiiuiissiou- rrs in tho districts nmned to rcqnira tlm nvurseers of said roads tn work them imam, dintely nod put them in good order We furthermore recommend that Read Commis sioners more Ireqnently nnd thoroughly in spect their roads and to see to it that tlm public roads are put in better condition and kept so w e recommend tlmt tlm Ordinary have a bridge built st tlio Frauds ford on tlm rond leading from Hnnderavillo to Da- vishoro. Another bridge lmilt over tic mine stnam at .Sou Hill, No. 12} 0. H It, and far- tberiuora tlmt they have put in good order tlm enusewsy at tlm Keg creek bridge on tlm Mil- ledgtvilie rond, We notice t! at in some pla ces the Ordinary has bnd ereoted, bridges lor loot travelers across some of our streams which we Ligbly commend. li. H. HOLMES, Ch'm. I’l'HUO BCUOQLH. County. Administrator, GEORGIA—Washington County. ORDINARY'S OFFICE\ March Term. 1885. In conformity to an set of the Oencn.1 Ar senal If ol Georgia approved 27th September, 1883, requiring the appointment of a Coun ty Administrator. It is ordered that Edward A. Sullivan be nnd lm is hereby appointed Cimutv Administrator for the term of four years, be having Hied a Bonn with security in the emu nf Five Thousand Dollars as re- qnired by law. This 2d day March, 1885. M. NEWMVN, Ordinary. A trae extract trom Book of Minutes E. Page 137. 3-12—2t Administrator's Dismission. GEORGIA—Washington county. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, l. W. Waller and J. R. Sumner, Adminis trators of the estate nt Wm.ll Parker late of said county deceased, applies to urn lor let ters of dismission from tho administration ol said estate, and I will paas upon their application on tbe int Monday in July, 1886, at my office in Handeraville. Given under my band and official signa ture, this I llh March, 1885. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. 3-I2- 3in For Executor's Dismission, GEORGIA—Washington County. ORDINARY'S OFFICE, 0. R. Pringle, Exeoutor of the wilt of J. 1. I'ughcaly, lute of said couuty, deceased, ap plies to mo for letters of dismission from ssiif Executorship and I will pass upon his application on the llrst Monday in June, 1876, at my office in Bandereville Given under my hand efficislly this 2d day oh March, 1885, . M NEWMAN, Ordinary. 3-5 —3m ,For Leavo to Sell Land .GJSOROlA—Washington County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, J. B. Page, Administrator of the estate of HArry Francis, I da of said oounty, deceased, has In due form applied to the nuderaigned for leave to sell the' linds belonging to saIiI will he heard estate, nnd said application will on the first Monday in April. 1885. Oivon under m.v hand ofiioially this 2d da; ol March, 1885, M. NEWMAN, 3-5-41 Ordinary, W, O. For Administrator's Dismission. GEORGIA—Washington oounty. Ordinary's Office. O. R. Pringle, Administrator with the wll annexed of tlie estate of Mrs. A. R. Jones, late ill said ennuty, deceased, applies to me lor letters ot dismission Irom said adminis tration, snd I will pass upon liis sppliaatio on the first Monday in June, 1885, ut my of fice in Hnndernville. Oiveu under my band officially, this 2u day ol March, 1885. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. 3 5—3tn For the Best over offered in Georgia call at the Saiirimvillc Store, by P. IIAPP.S SON & CO. THE LARGEST STOCK ever in the City, full nml complete in every line. To get $U.2f) worth lor one dol lar, come to them. No Merchunt Gcorgiu enn COMPETE WITH US, as we bought so low that you will be well satisfied that WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY, when you come in and inspect and price our goods. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO Save Money P. Hant s Son & Co. For leave to sell land and R. R. Htock. GEORGIA—Washington County Ordinary’s Office. It L. Warthin nnd Thomas Warthen, Ad- mifilstTutors ot the estate of Mts Mary B M Jes, deceased, luteof (he Suite of Alnbninn. have In duo form applied to tho undersigned for leave to sell the reel estate and llailrond slock belonging to said istate, nnd wihl up- ['lioalion will be beard on Pie Aret Monday Tlie committee on schools have examined : iu April, 1885, at my office In Hsndersvtlln the books ol Dr. II. N. Ilollifield, Couuty ScIiohI Commissioner Tbe receipts and disbursements lire as follows: Amount received Irom tbe State..,. $4787 7(t •* •• •• poll tux 2763 Ut) Halanco brought over from lust year 15 U7 •7567 57. Disbursements: Amount paid tenuhers per vonohera $7284,23 Commissioners salary 270 IK) Inuidoutals, stationery und.postuga 13 35 $7667.58. No. of white soliools taught iu county 5!) •* " colored " “ " “ ....33. Vo. of white pupils attending school. 2b(K) “ " ooloreu “ “ " .. 1781. There iinv- been examined and licensed tbe present year 07 teuuhers, 65 white and 32 colored. , We find from ilamination ol tlie law reg ulating tbe i Hlaliiisbuii nt of pnblio schools tlmt it is the duty of tbe County Hoard to Inciitu them. I bis has not been dbne satis factorily, one school operates against anoth er by lieing too near, and by being too nnsr- ly situated. In some sections poisons have been appointed to act as trustees unsiilfed lor tlie posilinu. They do not tsko tlmt in terest they should The importanoo of a judicious miinngftuient of our puUia soliools and the (listrirsftiuentH of its finuuoes is up I areut to every mind. Die legislature tn meet tho demands of the rising gem ration torus to mould their minds nml mo ul Ims acted wisely and lib. iirally We earnestly request the Comity Board to consider tlie cum plaints made soainst them by this body,and see 10 it tlmt schools are situated so us not to operate against the others by reason ol proximity nr otherwise, and would suggest tlmt five miles will be the proper distance apart. pour, ion TiiKPoon. Oiveu under my' baud officially this 2d day ol March, 1885. 3-5-4t M. NEWMVN, Ordinary. a Fo Letters of Administration GEORGIA—Washington County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, K. A. Nnllivsn, County Administrator has i the undersigned for in due torui applied to permanent letters of administration on the 'estate of Frank holomou lute of said qonuty dechiSed, and 1 will pass upon said applica tion on the first Monday in April, 1 85, ut my office in Haudersville. Given under my hand officially this 2d March, 1885. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary 3-5—it -Centennial Year.- Til Augusta Chicle. ONE ■IlYDHEI) l KAKS OLD. The enmmittea on the Home of the Poor r.spectrally submit tlmt alter a tborokgl the ohningiiug uffuiis, the iimouut of $1071.00 Ims been pnid into the treasury during tin 1 pint foul yews, nnd I now j hold a claim of $41)8 00 which I expect j inspection of this institution, (which is sn I to collect during trie present year. To honor to nnr county ) found it in most rx- | obviate tlie necessity of hiring out tlie ] celleut condition, well kept and tlie imnutei j chain gnug every year us turn been prno j supplied with evrry necessary for their com Heed by me formerly; I Imvc effected n lease with Mr. James II. Jackson for four years under proper restrictions nnd There sre at present whites 15 nuder proper restrictions uml ..." colored. 7 .. - 1 ! , , , , We fiud that the > xpense last year was, in- regn.utioiis, oiJhu able-bodied men nt o|ll , )illK improvements. $22 0.1M) and we t»- womeu $4.00 unil l>o t yH umlri* lb |j MVe whn (oonoiuicxlly txpdxJetl. During years of age nt $3 00 per luoiitli, pay- | tbe year there have been 4 deaths iu this able ruin mil ly on the 25tli of December, ; institution. It must be seen, to bo propeily and n failure of such payment vitiates I appreciated. tlie tense. Having adopted the cash linsis for nil expenditures of tlie county and the su- limit surplus not being sufficient to that purpose, I have had to resort lo temp orary loans for short periods each year, ! (within tlio limits of constitutional re- j strictions,) believing Hint the small amount of interest, not exceeding 8 per cent per annum, which I paid to the Merchants National Rank of Savannah and some of onr own citizens, would benefit onr people more, than levying it fnx of 2 or 8.000' doliara more encli year, or by issuiug interest bearing scrip to creditors of tlio county, who would have to shave them on die streets as tins been tlie practice in the long-ago. | Many, if not all, of your Hon. Roily, i have no doubt noticed the foot-ways j over streams which I have authorized | tlio Road Commissioners throughout tlie county to replaoe the old unsightly J and barbarous logs mill saplings which ! constituted such crossings. I have di- I rented the Commissioners to use 2x12 J plunk well nailed down. This entails i an additional expense on the oounty, but ! iuIiIh greatly to the comfort aud conve- ! tiieiice of foot-passengers uml especially school children, many of whom have to I crows streams to reach the school house. An additional expenditure is entailed upon the county every two years, by compensation of election managers, nml clerks ut nil general elections. Prior to the assembling of the present legislature I prepared a bill for tlmt purpose, which I I . ,. * *. ' . . * »*v»-« uuniur ... wit | L our Hon. RopreKuntHtiveH introduced \ corir teHi^8 extundud. TAX CDLLKCTOB. Wo find the books ol our late tax collector in Udh order aud most exei Hunt condition, tie litiH mode hm nettletuentri with both Htate and county in full and retired from thw po ind hition with the proud Kufishiction of having performed hia duly fearlessly, faithfully, promptly aud honestly. TAX RECEIVER. The hooks of Mr. A. W. Giiitr lafe Tax lie*- ceiveroi this county are caretully and neat ly made out and show in the collcqtien of last year's taxt-abut few errors. He did ids duty faithfully and was a 'conscientious of* Hour. » The committee to examine tlie office of Mr. Chua. A. Wall, Shentf tind liis books neatly kepi but would angKesi that hia in dexing be more BYbtumutical. % * A. Y. Haines, Chau man. Adminlitrator's Dim inion. ORDINARYS OFFICE. GEORGIA— Wusbiogtou County. J.W. F. Truwick administrator of Mirths L. Truwick, dec , applies to me for letters nt Dismission trom suiil estate, nnd I will pass upon said application on the first Mon day in April, 1885, ut my office in 8an- dersvillo. Given under my hand officially at .S'aoders- vllle, this 6lh day ot January, 1884. M. NEWM, 1-8-3 tn il. NEWMAN, Ord'y. For Letters Guardianship. GEORGIA—WiiBhiogton County 0RIJINA R Y 'S OFFICE, Win. F. Sheppard has in duo form ap plied to the nudersigned lor the On .rdbui- nliili of the person and property of Maud, Geo ge W , Bessy Leu nnd Dallas Yates, mi- nor children of Lallns nnd Siilllc E. Yates, into ot said couuty, deceaoed, notice in here* by givi u that liis application will tie heard at my office on the first Monday in April, '85. Oiveu under my bund officially this 17th February 1885. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. 2 I0 4t For Aduiinistr >tnrs Dismissiou. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, GEORGIA—Wasl'iDgtoD County James W. Hicklin, Administration of the estate of Dorothy Hicklin applies to me tor letters ol Dismission from -aid Administra tion, and I will pasa upon his application on tho first Monday in June, 1885 Uiven under my hand officially this 21st day of February,1885. M. NEWMAN, Ord'y. 2-26—3m For Leave to Hell Laud. -GBQRQiA—Washington County ORDINARY’S OFFICE, .lames J\ (Smith, {Guardian for Chariea Mertz, minor, lies iu due form applied to tlie nmiersigped forfe^ve to sell ad undivided interest IJI'a tract ol hind Iu Brooks county, beloiigitlg't to said minor, nnd said nppiion- will he heard on the first Monday iu April, 1885. This 11th February, 1885. ' 1 M. NEWMAN, Ordiuary. 2-10-it •• COUNTY COUBT. The Bill ject ol n county court having been brought before our booy was disposed of in the toil iwing amuour: Resolved, That it is til. sensa of this Grand J ury that tbe . stnbbsbiuent ot a coun ty court would be unwise uni detrmiiutal to the public arrvice. We recommend tlmt the Ordinary appoint the fc InwiLg named gentlemen: A. J. lioimes, O. li. P. Beall, N. J. Newsome, lo look utter the county chain gang. In taking 1-ave nl bis honor Judge R. W. we beg leave to return him our heartfelt I bunks (or tho very elaborate aud lucid charge to our body and lor bis many Kpr Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA Washington County. Ordinary’s Office. I. Hermann, administrator of the estate of W. H. Brown applies to me for letters ot Dismission from said ndniiniatra- lioo, aud I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in May, 1885, at my office in Kunderavitle. Given under my hand officially, this 16tb day ot January, 1885. 1 22-3m M. Newman, Ordy, Tiik Aoom.t CllltoNlci.K wns estab lished in 1786, but is still young, vigor ous and progressive, and fully up to the requirements of a first-class newspaper. Democrat in politics, honest amt fearless in the advocacy’ of all good measures— tlio origin of no ring or clique, it lias no friends to reward, or enemies to punish. Tilt) purpose of tho ClIltoNK.'i.K is to ad vance politic good and to support sncli measures as will inure to the moral, so cial, educational advancement of the 'State and country. The coluuts of tlie Ciiuoxici.f. are free from tlie taint of sensationalism and the depravity engendered hy immoral pub lications. Our telegraphic news service is full and complete. Tlie Ciikomclk contains an average of nine thousand words per day front tlie New Yora Associated Press. This service is supplemented hy our ahlo aud talented correspondents a Atlanta and Columbia, who are iudufat tigahle in their labors to give our read ers the latest news and the must inter esting letters. _ Our accomplished and brilliant asso ciate, Mit. .1 AUKS It. Uammi.1, of tlie ed itorial staff, sends our readers liis graph ic and interesting letters from Washing toH during the session of Congress. The Clilto.Nici.K publishes the full tel egraphic service of Hie New York Asso ciated Press. TERMS: Morning Edit inn, ti mos... “ 1 year.., Evening Edition, U mos— “ 1 year Weekly Edition, 0 mos 75 ” 1 year ] 25 Sunday Chronicle, 1 year 2 00 The Evening Chronicle is the largest and cheapest Daily paper iu the South as it publishes all the telegraphic news, and all the news of tlm morning paper, ami is sent to suDseriuera „t $0 per year. The Weekly is now a ten page paper, hut in April it will lie twelve pages—84 columns. It is tilled with important news. Tho Sunday Chronicle is a largo eight dage paper, and contains lifty-six col umns of matter. Spocomin copies free. Address CHRONICLE & CONSTITUTIONALIST. PathjckWalsh, President, Augusta, Ua To tli© IFla-nters OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, I hereby offer a special Premium HU HQ gym ' For the best crop of COTTOtf produced bvnw ton of either of the following of mybraiids of ano to-wit: DeLeons Animal Bona Fertilizers s DeLeons Complete Cotton Fertilizera DeLeons Chatham Guano -' •”** • DeLeons Pomona brand " DeLeons Soluable Raw Bone. • - Under tlio following stipulations: •-<» •). Parties contesting for the above premium must do no under rules nnd regulations ns tuny be prescibed ’ftWfl.t/ubliBhed hy tho *" Ch WASHINGTON COUNTY GRANGE Farmers can purchase my brunds from the following parties’ ..... purchase my JOHN C. HARMAN J. J. SPARKS THOMAS WARTHEN MS. JOYNER ig purtios: ’ENNILLE GA. SANDERSYILLK Ga’ warthen ua PERRY M. Dtf-#** 1 °A. iAYANNAHn || | RVPTVttEf, passman tiw buck, Aoftrgi linos Kivipg ui sure, salhe as! chafe. Hr* Premium Ad m io«4. roroiilo Dll. A. n vrill*; naNersvIlIc, tia, The Great Blood Poriller! Dr. Samuel Hodges’ Altemillve Colnponnd NsnsnsrilU with Iisliiie Potsah. This compound I) purely v*»ubl, ■ach article or Ingredient perfeelly Imrmlrsa in iturlf having l>cen wlecletl from riKih. and herbs puasi-aMne „ rM ; mi’ll)ciiI properties, when combined forms a most Ini, emciont and pleasant mcdiuiiie for the removal and wr insnentcureof am, diseases arising from an impurs .iL of the system, viz: 1 "" Chills, Rheumatism, Scrofula or King's Ei-il S'-nlit^eail or Teller, Chronic Sore. Eyes, Old anj Chrome Sores of alllinils, Roils, Rinses. SuMlilie m$‘ AV a Ihu, Sole Proprietor* and Manufacturers of Rheumatism, Primari/and Secondary Syphilis' AV r - units Debility, Liver Complaint, Inflammation of tht Kidneys and Rlaiider; renovates and invigorates the system; acts gently on the bowels. As an apintnei and for general debility, it is 0 most excellent reme,l„ CAMPBELL BROTHERS * Druggists, Role Manufacturers. Kor sale bv ill IlniMi.u Price$1 per bottle, or fl for $5. Liberal diseotmt L the tradu. ETHIOIPAN File ointment! A never failing remedy for Blind, Bleeding, Itching, in ternal or Protruding Piles, (fives almost instantaneous iu- lief, and will effect a permanent cure. Price $1 per buiHc, or 0 for $5. TESTIMONIAL No 1. CAMPBELL BROS—It affords me peculiar pleasure to testify In (he great efficacy of your Ethiopian PlleOlntmcnt. I was mi intense s.iflerer from Protruding Piles, and n few ipplii'iitiiuis of lids wonderful remedy speedily effected n permanent cure. Truly, J. M HAWKINS, 70 .South High St, 1T.STIMO.NI A I. No •) tried every remedy nttVrod me. Fiiully used ths’fcthltiplu nl t nnd fonnd it the ve^y liedt prepfriifii/Ii 1 uytT u«**l. it g4vt ■ormerlyof Ikailntin. now ofllrceu, 1'liillips k Co, Ntinliville, 7'flin, 85 00 10 00 .>..3 00 ti 00 MOTHER —ARK YOU— TR0mi.En Wlth n,, y di8(,as0 Peeulial inUUOuIlUio your gcntlo sex? l( so, to you we bring tidings of comfort mm grout Juv. You can , BE CURED and restored to perfect health by using Female Regulator. It is a special remedy for all disease per taming to the womb, and any intelligent woman can cure hcrselfhy following the di rections. Jt is especially efficacious in ca ses of suppressed or painful menstruation in whiles unil partial prolapsus. It affords im mediate relief and pernmnantly restors the menstrual function. As a remedy to be nsed during that critical period known ns “Change of Life,” this invaluable nrepn- ration Ims no rival. 1 Campbell Bros. Druggists lasMe, Tenn. PIliEJr FuR SALE BY A. MATHIS IHMIUflINT, MANDGHS VII.I.E, (f*. Gun, Pistol and Machine REPAIR SHOP. BRING nil you PISTOLS, GUNS, and SEWING MACHINS Ifyou want them put in good order nt a reasonable price, to F, TWILLEY’S SHOP On Jernignu Street, .Next to Mr. Bonj. Whiddon’s Residence. THE WHEELER AND WILSON NEW NO. 8. The committee appointed to examine die Dockets nf the various districts have per- j formed theirdiily and report: We find some I of the dockets well and correoily kept, re gret lo say that some nf the dockets, we find I in I. nl eiiiidiiioii. We find III it the N 1> yfihe DLu.c. !d» duckc. and which been wo u low last Decembei. My object in having the bill passed, is based upon tlie scriptural injunction, “Tlie laborer is worthy of liis hire,” as it lias been of late years difficult to ob tain clerks and managers at tlie various precincts, who could afford to lose the time,setviug their country without com pensation. In conclusion I beg to assure your Hon. Body tlmt it will be my aim to perform die duties of tlie office as faith fully during my present term as I have endeavored to do iu tlie past Very respectful I v, ' M. NEWMAN, p.dpnuy . C. lo Solicitor Geo. O. Ii. Rogers, we return onr thanks for the many favors extended and (or his HHHlHtauoe in aiding ns to ^really ex* pedite the matters that have come belore ua. \V e rt qiiiar, ihat Ihe Ordinary have these presentments published in both city pa pers. Respectfully submitted, Thus M, Harris, Foreman, M. D. 0 M, Si.mmerlin, Wilson Shealey, Henry II. iiolineH, Tuoa. J. Holmes, Wiu Emmett Watkins, .John O. Diig^nu, Jam s Hunt, Tuos. E. Rrown, William F Shnrliug, Lucius B. Kendrick, Green lb Harrison, Stephen F. Nv»w, Augustus S Want, ^eo i Smith, Joseph H. Daniel, Altred Y. Haines, William J T.ijlor, Kuthuu ii. Juidan. For Ijeave to Sell Laud. GEORGIA—Washington County ORDINARY'S OFFICE, J. J. Palmer, AdmiDiatrator of Cbas, ‘A. MuCnllsra,deceased, has iu diie form applie I to the nfidorsignoil for leave to aell ibe lauds in Burke county, helongiug to tho estate ot said deceased, aud said application will be heard ou the first Monday iu April, 1885, at my office. Oiveu undrr my hand tflicially this 11th February, 1885. M. NEWMAN, Ordiuary. 2-12-41 For Letters Dismission. GEORGIA- W ABbington County. ORDINARY'S OtllCE, Doct. A. Mathis nnd Geo. D. Warthen, Ex- ccntors of tbe will of James Brooks, applies to me lor letters of dismission trom the Ad ministration of the estate of said deceased, and I will pass upon their application on the first Monday in July, 1885. Given under my baud and official signa ture this 2th day of Maroh 1885. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. 3.12 J8S5 - 3m - SAVED HE It LIFE. TS T , 1:iu<u; ' McIntosh Cc., Ga. I)r. J. Jtrailfield; Dear .Sir—I have taken several bottles of Female Regulator lor falling of the womb and other diseases com bined, of sixteen years standing, and I really believe 1 am cured entirely, for which please accept my heartfelt thanks nml most p r0 . found gratitude. I know your medicine saved my life, so you seo 1 cannot speak too highly in its favor. I have recommend ed it to several of my Iriends who are suf- us I w Yours very respectfully Mrs, W. 17. Stubbing. nr Treatise on the •‘Health and Happi- of Woman” mailed free. Tiie Brahkiki.d Re hjlatou Co Rox 28, Atlanta Ge IT IS LIGHTEST RUNNING AND HAS NO NOISY SHUTTL* IT IS NOT DANGEROUS T( IIKLTH LIRE HEAVY:- RUN NING AND NOISY SIIUTTLI MACHINES. AGENTS WANTED SEND FOR PRICE LiSTS : AND /V WIIEELER it WltsbN Sf K^r.’ CO. ATLANTA GA M. D. DAVIS SAN DELS VIRLE, ( A 25 YEARSjN U»L Iks Orsatsst Medical trinayk ft tit* Aff 1 PTOIMDI'A. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVRR. Watches, Clocks AND JEWELRY J:; •sj.', Ul" A |)|>Olllt'a 1 lllligg. *“ iiiHrkc.. __ JioHva, ilrViuVI with Hutttc«lIn Uio mtu<l nml siippil )y«I>t*pRlu __ • • flu., tin tine U nurkcil nl uuiiiUriiii rusiillB. - lle.rt. Dais b.t.r. tha ayaa. Bsa#f*J aver iha right era. KtMUaaaa** fllfal Araaaa, BlfUr MtahWlW'M COM5TIPATION TtDTT’S FllXSarahkpttfitur ad»t«« - no efftets saqh * t*. Enllvc ..... ••nun mm aiipj , LADIES TIR TT A Dmisnin J dr. HARTER’S euro, it frl N TONIC a knlc ailil Vp^, r and hoallliy compiviiluii. ' *' 0 '.!.f lll “h n yon iiirne.ll, ile.lri, iL-ultU U OltICIVAl A hr 11 Pk-«|* JEHNIGAN 1)6 not ,1 ■' eiirne.ll, llesiril lleultu ^H.e.l P "“J't-Sel Die Ollllil N Al. AND EKSI. IS ; mF"," toTL 'Jio Hotter Med.Co.V mFnllSf^ !»Jt ” fop . our . DREAM BOOK." u f " trHn “ ,M, “‘l UMsful inlornintloo, ittsa.9 UR. HARTEH'8 (RON TONIO 18 FOR 8ALE BY ALL DUUQQlSTtt AND DEALERS EVEHYWHER5, TOOT llLAcifby aTlnSeT*l’ld | “' i. It Imparts a naturafooljf • ,! Sold bfi?*g** l * , :f Ghat Hon or " Gnossr r ' this DTK. lnstAnLanoou»ly. iiiauniuiiiriiuMj. ■ o*. , '« i TfTS'T"’ ‘im »ent hv exiiren on rwcAipt orP»« OfSoa, 44 Murray *•" ****