The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, May 25, 1886, Image 1

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■' Wvk v •. &! THE MERCURY. /;#!t&i'cd a a Sccond-ciaas Matter at the SandcrsvUle Poatojlco April 27, ISSO. Sandersvillc, Washington County, Ca. PUBLISHED BY A. J. JERNlGAN, Proprietor and Publisher. Subscription: $1.50 Per Year. THE MERCURY. THE MERCURY. EVERY TUESDAY. NOTICE! A. J. JEltNlOAN, Proprietor. VOLUME VII; DEVOTED TO I.lTEUATtJRE, AGRICULTURE AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. SANDERSVTLLE, GA.. TUESDAY, MAY 23, ISSli. $1.50 per Annum. NUMBER 4. All CnmmunlcnlloiiB Intended /hr* this fatter must be accompanied by the fall name of the writer— wol nccc.tarlly for publication, but oi u (/.idl'dalec of nood faith, H'o ore In no way responsible foe the I'frir.i or opinions of correspond* cult, City of Sandersville. , Mayor. J, N. Gilmore, THE HEWS IH GENERAL. BASE BALL NOTES. A FEARFUL TORNADO. 1 POWDERLY’S MANIFESTO. ' BUDGET OF FUN. Aldrrmen % W. U TniapBN, U E. Houghton, J. B RoilEHTS, A. M. Mayo. S. G. Land. HAPPENINGS OF INTERE8T FROM ALL POINTS. AMERICAN VESSEL UEt.1l 111 Till; CANADIAN OFFICE IIS. ICASTKKN AND MIDDLE STATICS. Clerk. 0. C. Brown. C. F. \Yt KRIKHOF1 KIl. A*IciUllIt.? “!m'.11 m union# th) New York stock H|*ecL‘at«u\H, in i 'load. A triple tragedy is reported front I.ouns* Treasurer J. A. II.WIN. Marshal, J. E. Whddon, Town of Tonnille. Tnl€ndant. John 0. IIauman. Aldermen, •I. F. Mkrkison, J. I) Franklin, J. M. Brown’s J. It. Pritchard. Clerk. S. H. B. Makskv. Marshal. J. O. Hamilton. Bury Station, I«. Y.t where Normnr. Boinn- I ury, lift.v-two yrri'-s t I I, ni irder* I his wife and h nephew named 1’nyhou, nti I Sion kil'o l himself. Tho murderer was jcal-.m of l it nephew. The trial of ITonry W. Jnoliuo, cx-Vico- President of the Now York Hoard of A1 lor- men, charged with Hulling Ills vote in favor « f the Broadway railroad franchise, hega»i in 1 tho metrojv I s on the 10th. .Incline's Bail was discharged and he was taken to Bn licw street t jail. Herr Most, lender of the Socialists in America, for whom tho Now York poll e have Been searching for soino time, was cap tured tho other day under a Bed in a dtarepu- iaBlo liou<o i i tho inetroiKilis, lie Bad Been Indie tod for making incendiary speeches, j The great st rike in the Brooklyn sugar re fineries lias resid e 1 in tho defeat of tho strikers. The men taken Baek to work are i required to sign an agreement that they will i rot belong to any union or join any wh lo in I tho employ of the refiners engaging their i services. The Now York Renata has passed a Bill prohiBit ng tliosnlo of liquor in the Hint Vs j public buildings. £tnfrMient of llrr tenptnln lo llio l ulled States CouimDGoncral. Ct nshlerable excitement lias been aroused By the seizure of the American fishing schooner David J. Adams, of Gloucester, Mass., By the Canadian authorities, for pur. chasing bait in Cana linn waters. Tho State Department at Washington ordered Consul- tionerul Phelan to make an investigation and roj»ort. The Captain of the Bnnsdownc, the Canadian vess *1 which captured the David J. Adams, mail) a do mind upon Captain Kinney, of the American ve sel, for tho sur- renlerof l.i« ship’s papers. Captain Kin- Now, asevor, the beifcbasa-running teams aro doing most of tho winning. The Portlan I (Mo.) Club more than cloircJ expon.soson their Southern trip. Chicago funitahos about four-fifths of all tho North wostra n Iiongno players. Lack of confidence 1 a* much to do with tho wildnesiof mo it youugfdUJhors. JoiiNHroN, centre fielder of tho Bostons, iu twonty-ono games made but two errors. In tho o|K*niug ganni of . the ICaitern I.oaguoall tho 1191110 chilis were victorious Tiik National Agreement now covers cloven associations, with sovonty-two clubi. A fair odimate of fie numbor cf balls nmdo for tho present season is nai*l to bo fi,000,000, or one for every toll of tho popu lation of tho entire country. I From present appcnraucfii Detroit's sr>von I KU.-cvvsful left-handed slugg *i s aro likely to tot tho met:loot all 111- National Leiguo MANY CHILDREN KILLED Oil INJURED IN KANSAS CITY. TIIE KNIGHTS OF LABOR CHI Ft ISSUES A SECRET CIRCULAR HUMOROUS SKETCHES THOM VARIOUS SOURCES. j and serene, and the uncorked soul of tint 1 poet was overflowing like a bottlo of j champagne Court House ami Other Prominent lliiildluji't Demolished. . Ilntl Been Interviewed Kansas City, Mo., has boon visited by a storm which caused tho loss of many lives, principally children, and tho destruction of prominent buildings, im inding the Court House. Details ns given on tho night of tho calamity in n dispatch are as follows: A fearful storm of wind and rain swept over tho city to-day, continuing from cloven A secret circular from General Master Workman Powderly, of tho Knights of Labor, bos been issued and read in tho vari ous Assemblies. On topics of current inter est to tho order Mr. Powderly g|>ciik.n very -How l»o Could Take Revenge —An Errand of Charity Tlu» Lawyer’* Friend. The old canal-mule stood upon the toe- path as solid as n rock. It was impossible to move him oven to tears. In vain di l Bis navigators .attempt to Mart him hr A Big l>og; prying his feet off the ground with a “Why. good gracious, Darlnger!” You look ns if you ha l been shot through n frankly. Ho says: noy refuel to comply. Consul-Uenoial right-handed twlrlors—for a time, at loist. Phelan, n presenting tho United States Gov ernment, toltl Captain Kinney to keep his papers. r iho following is Captain Kinney's ofllcial statement of tho soLure: ‘‘Wo arrived in Dighy basin on Wednes day night at fi o’clock and laid ala place called Uranx illo till 5 o’clo *k tho next morn ing. when wo got. under way and started to leuvo the basin. Tlio win 1 I aviug us when j we g-.t outside ah nit ono mile, tho flood tide brought us back ajalu. After wo got into j tho basin again wo sailed around to different parte till about 4 o’clock on Friday morning, when we started to again leave tho I as!n. Rh irtly after getting under way wo saw a Boat ( injf toward us from a steamer lying opposite A. C. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOUTH ANO WEST. 105 Pay St., Savannah, Gn. ItoTWII.t. PRACTICE IN Al l. TIIK COURTS. E. S. LANGMADE, Countless dead Birds of many varieties ; were found tho other morning on tho streets j and sidewalks Burroun ling tho Board of Trade Building in Chicago. Whilo migrating from south to north during tin night they i had been attracted By tho immouso olootric ! light in tho top of tho building, and foil dead I when they Ban hod it. Digby, which latter appeared to Lnns.lown y'h 1 oit. It came alongside of us after wo had proceede 1 a mllo and a half. Tho first, officer of the I.ansdowno was in til0 beat; and at on<*o asked our hailing |x)rt, our name, tho own- imnu, tho namo of tlio Captain, id what \ ore there for. I niiBWorod Nearly ovory Association club has had 0110 or more pieyers cripp 01. Tit) Louta- villo, Motropolitun and Athlotic clubs luivo boon particularly unfortunate in this respect. One of those momtrosltlos known as a fo- ma!o hnmhaU club has d sbanded New Or leans from la •!; of .support., mid tho mauugot* has been sent to tin workhouse as a vagrant. At Albany, N.Y., rrwvitly tin Democratic Assembly men boat tholr Republican brethren by forty-one to fifteen. Th' roc e pis amount ing to $44, wore given to tho bi-cento:mial fund. Tho bats and Balls wore afterward sold ns mementos. The regular annuil g uvn n? as to Now York’s salary lis‘, has liegun a; a 11 and wi 1 lo kont up, we supp so. nl sum no*. On) Now York paior plicTB the salary ohil z;nti n of tho club nt $UyW0, 1 ff this Welch 1 O’ltourk 1 . Ewing, Ko ‘ nil I Connor $8,000 ca h, and W The New ICnglmd L a ;uo Ini adoptod a rul>that If i! p ol t 1 s • iu 1 uoi.y .* t)piov<nt tin c.uBs from honing tl:o um pire's do 'isiona lie slnll give warninv,, and,on oi *1 . u. vJerhardt i d his questions and ho wont away, apparently j a ropet.t.ion of tho disturbance, shill forfeit satisflo l. Than wo again proreodod on our ' thoi-iinioto tho visitin ? club. A1 o, that if ATTORNEY AT LAW, SANDERSVILT.B, Ga. II. |) Evans, It. I). K».\ns, .In EVANS & EVANS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW SANDERVILLE, GA. A TKRiurn* storm of wind, rain and light ning caused throe deaths iu Iudhua mi l 0110 in 1 )wa. ( ' J. Brusckic, senior propriet »r of n largo Chicago I in nituro factory, shot two of h s striking employes who had assaulted him. Ono of the men was fatally woundod. Druscko suiTouderod liimsolf. Two n on and two children wore drowned whilo crossing a ferry near Parsons, Kan. Three persons—Mr. ami Mrs. Jacks nnnd l abo— wore killed by the wrecking of a camp mooting tent during a wind storm ncai I.nw- e. Kan. F. H. SAFF0LD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SANDERSVILLE, 0A. Will prftct'colii till tli3 Court8 of tlio Middle Circuit and in the owntim purro Hiding Washington. Special k> t- iition given to comniorciul law. o. II . liooKua. rem e, Later reports put the number of killed by tli ) wind storm in Kansas City at thirty-two, including (Ifloon solio »l children, and lit > in jured at. th rty-llve. Tin) lwcuuiary da nago is est'mato'i at $.iU0,00J. Attornev-Uenkral Francis J. IIord. of Indiana, has Boon a ijmlgod in auo and rent to an asylum. The cyclone which proved so fatal at Kan bos City a's;» did great damage in other parts of Mi;*s :i i, in Liinois, Indiana and dvansai. Tho vdlug.) ot Odell, III., was nearly do* per.sonn Being fatally and . f.... ..1 * ... ; again pro course. But failed to got out of the Busin Tho wind leaving us, wo drifted on to tho west shore an hour before low water. There wo lay for two hours, when wo flouted again, and tho tide brought us hack into the b nin, where wo wore again hailed by the first ofllcor of tho Ltinsdowne, who came aboard, niul going below, Kent*, bed our cargo, as I10 said, iu accordance with tlio orders of | Chicago... tlio captain. When ho returned on deck hi jy ow York 0 said lie l:nl found honing on board and inquired bow old they were. I told him they wore ton days old, which I considered they wore by (heir sizo. Ho then re turned to tho Lansdowne. and returned shortly after with a man whom, I supposo, was Captain Daken. who also examined tho cargo, an l than thoB< at andofil ers returned to tlio Lansdowne, Then tho same ofllcor and crew that fir tho pitchor fto.w oil’ of tho box tad diver tho 1 all whou thuo is in bas>run*ior on tho Imsoi, li • slm 1 bo b ibjoclcd t> a lino of $0. If tlioro b) a man or inon on tho hues nt tlio time, tlio runner01* ruano. sdittll bo advance I 0110 has». NATIONAL LEAGUE RECOnn. TFtm Lost. I Von Los** Washington..!) 5 dock until noon. Tlio Court H Hocond street was totally demolUhod above tho secon^ storx. 'i’Uo Uithiop school building oil Eighth street was partially wrecked, many children wore caught in tho ruins, un 1 eleven of them were killed. A manufactory of overallton Second street was blown down, and live deaths aro reported from there out cf tho lif to *11 girls nt work iu the building, while warly nil tho others aro wounded. The old water works building near tlio Court Houso was blown down, and ono or tw o pci sons tli U’c are mis ing. Frank Hinith, of Smith & Moffat, owners of spice mills situated in the old water works building, wan killed. Deputy 8 lie riff Dougherty was buried in tlio ruins of the Court House and taken out dead. Of tho four buildings wrecked all wei 0 more or lo.«s unsound. Tlio school building has Ik.*oii twieo comleinr.o 1, an l the Court House by many was considered unsafe. The storm was a violent wind accompanied by a flood of water atld fiomo hail, which turned ninny streets into rivers. R gas. shut ters, chimneys, etc., were blown with tho gale, ami 11 numb r of vehicles were over turn© 1 in the streets. Tho black clou Is that roBod over the city create 1 almost tho dark ness of night, nnd mnilo tho timid ones crouch in terror In cellars. Tho streets wore eutirely dcsorto l, an l in so no instances hones were seen wandering about attache 11 > vehicles an I soklug refugo from 1b) pelting storm. Tlio Imthrop school consisto l of a main building, to wl i. h an art wing liad Been Detroit.. Philadelphia Rt. Louis 4 Boston ‘J 5 Kansas City...I f» AMERICAN ASSOCIATION RECORD. H'o a Lo#f. iron Lost, Cincinnati.,,.? 10 Louisville 7 10 Pittsburgh 7 U Metropolitan. .0 11 Rt Louts.... 10 Athlotic 6 Haitiuioro... .8 Brooklyn,,,,.8 0 HINES & ROGERS, Attorneys at Law, SANDERSVILLE, GA, iYill praollee in tho c> unties of Washiugh)), IcIToiboii, .Inhesion, Kiiuidiu'1 and Wilkinson, ud in tho U. S. CJ.mrts for the Southern Dis- i.*t nf Ooorgia. Will net as ngcnt.1 in buying, selling or rent- ng l’Onte. Office on West aide of Public Square.* U'tll-tf stroj’o.l, th co Badly injured. The great *!* part of Vichy Hprinni, M)., met 11 similar fate. At Evansville, Did , throe lives wore lo t nnd tho African DaptLt Chur h, n Bri k Build* in *, was wrocko I. I11 many other localities liousos were unroofed, stock killed and crops d *s royo.l. The official |>olieo report of tho camultios By tin nn uvlilst riot In Chicago shojv that si xty six ollhvrs wore wounded, of whom fivo htivudiod. A1.1. t lie me nhers of tho Chicago Whole- fft!oClothing Manufacturers 1 Association have notified their employes, many of whom aro on strike, that for iho present no further work would Bo given out. By this lock-out nearly OO.OlM) men and women'll?.vj bjcn cu* »-ff from oraplovmo.ii. G. W. H. WHITAKER, DENTIST, WAHUINCSTON. SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA. TERMS CASH.— #3" OrtlJii at hi . 1. kill. 11 • I'll llarri* atreot, Apr»)-'8.0 H. S. HOLLiFIELD, HlUiUll VL Uiu a i SANDERSVILLE. GA. Ofiicc m*xt door t«» Mrs. Bayiu’s Millinery tor-*, on Mu ri« htr« of. Conorekhman Morrow has rocolvod a monster petition from tho Knights of I.alior of California. It is over 2,0!KI feet long, con tains the iiamoi of over ftO.fXK) jiorsons, sml asks that tho Chinese bo forever prohibited by law from emigrating to this country. There nroyo: over 1,000 nominations to be ach'd upon By the t ennte, nearly half of those tho President has mado remaining un confirmed. Mu. Hisski.i., the President's law partner, who is put down as tho best mini at the ap proaching wcil ling, is at tlio ’White House, lie will accompany tho President to New York, to meet Miss Folsom on her return from Europe. The President has nominated Clarence Ridudoy Greathouse, of California, to be Con sul General of the Unite l States at Knnaga- wa, tho nomination of Warren Green for this posit'ou having Ih?o:i withdrawn. There have Boon introduced in tho Hour* HUY YOU It 8.740 Bills nnd 1T1 joint resolutions; of those tuo IIouso h is passed 82J. FOREIGN. DRUM JER1TI 0-A.TST. >(Nono genuine without our trade ON HA SD A ND FOR SA LE SPECTACLES; NOSE GLASSES, Etc., Etc. Watches, Clocks England, Germany, Austria, Russia aud Italy have notified Greece that a Blockade of her ports has Loon ordered. Premier Gladstone is mid to bo losing ground iu his efforts to odablish Irish homo rule. President Rocja, of Buenos Ayres, South America, was struck ou the head by a would- be ns-:a>siu and kuo *ko.l sonsolea; whilo open ing the Congress. His assailaut is supposed to 1)3 imnno. The British IIouso of Commons has re fused, by 117 nays to 02 yeas, to abolish capi tal punishment. Ore roe has a now Cabinet, with M. Val- vis ns Premier. Sixty members of tho IIouso of Commons met at Mr. Joseph Chamberlin’s lions row that fir t Ixinrded iih came hack and .-aid 1 vo would bo delayed for some time, and cr- i derod us to Digby, and to anchor os near the j Lansdowno ns possible. Wo obeyed tho | ordor, ami the senooner was placwl iuchnivo of tho second ofih er and fiveinenarino l with ! revolvers nn l cutlasms. We were ordered to lower our sails and await the ordors of Cap tain Scott, who was to iuviutigato our care. About four hours Inter Captain Scott himself came aho.aid nnd examined our cargo, after 1 whi h he seized tho vessel iu tho (Juoon’s name for violatioif of tho fishery laws. 1 dp 1 not roineinher tho exact language used by him. No re istmico was made. Ho then read to us his regulation 1 that wo would he allowed to go ashore hero or go to St. Johns. I camo ashore to s >o the Consular ng. nt bore, but di I not find him, after which 1 re turn r1 to tho Lan sloivno nnd Informed (’apt, Scott that 1 could not find the Consul, and preferred to go to Rt. John. He said ho would start th ‘nextmorning, and that I and my crew might stay aboard of tlio sofa >onor, which wo did, tin vessel remaining I un ler tin euro of thonnnod crow from tho Lam lowno. 1 again iu tho ovouing camo , ashore nnd saw Consular Agent Stewart, an 1 ft'k-’d for iustructioui regarding 1 tho course to In pursued. Ho iuF- vis. d mo to go to Rt. John, which we did tlio following day. After remaining in St. John four days I re ceived instruction to return to Digby and report to tin Consul-General. I deny having pur based or caught any bait for the pur peso of fishing in English waters or having con- ! cealed tho namo of the ■ *ho >11 *r. Of courso 1 there i; a possibility that a pioeo of canvai may have Been over tho in 1 covoriug a jsirtion of tho vessoPs name, but it was not jihicol tlioro intentionally. 11 Commander H-ott, of iterato l his convi?t!on of tho guilt of Captain 1 Kinney, nnd said tho lat er simply lied when 1 bo cloniod purchasing bait. I11 reply to tho , question ns to whether ho hail received any dofinit) instructions regarding tho mak ing of further seizures, or whether it was the intention of the Canadian authorities to await further do- velopm?nts in tho orosont caso before pro- I eoodtug to the briiuin ( of inw ones, Cnj t liu I Scott said: “Tho seizure of the Adams will make in difference v hatover. if I ha 1 a j clranco to s i'.e half a dozen more vessels to- | night I would do so without the least lieaita- j tion.” i Consul-General Phelan ch ira?torl/o l this 1 late t proco luroftsno* h lug short of ti’illing by tho Canadians with tlio affairs of a great j nation. "For,” said ho, "have they not held this vessel sin?e Friday with rat offering our | Government auy explanation whatever! I Bridgeport.. .0 Hartford..,.. I Ixmg Island. .0 Jersey City. .4 EASTERN LEAGUE RECORD. Won Lmt. iron Lost. ....0 Meriden Nowark. Providence. ...2 0 Waterbury. ...Jl 1 SOUTHERN LEAGUE RECORD. iron Lott. iron Lost Atlanta fi Augusta 11 Charleston... .fi Chattanooga.. 4 Macon Memphis... Nashville.,. Savannah .. fi fi 10 MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. BaraH Bern 11 a ud r is industriously study ing tlio English languago. Mum. Langtry coil tines to draw well by hoi* iKirferman *es of Paulino at tin Prince’s Tlicatrc, London. Dion BoucirAi’i/r has written a play founded ou Sir Walter H.'ott’s "Guy Mnu- ncring.” Colonel Hoiikrt G. IngerkoL/L will lec ture in Now Yor.c for th) bzin.'lt of tin A*- tors’ Fund. Misu Maud Banks of Boston, tin daughter of General N. P. Banks, tin written a play that she in end i to st ir in. The Sultan of Turkey may rnnk with the mud al mouarchsof tho ago. Helms recently comp iso 1 sos oral orchestral works. A new Egyi tian coitiio ope*a by two Philadelphia journalists is finished, and is to I 11 ..111 .. I 1 ill I SI ,1 '(..all*., I a , I . . phi oil iii Colouul M • CauIPs bauds. Mrs. Agnes Kthki. Tra y, widow of the tho Buffalo millionaire, \sill return to tho «tago as soon as her period of mourning ia ovr. Tiik largest th a*ro iu tho world i i tho now op ra Iio.ih) iu i ari-». It covers nearly throo , ncionf grotnd: Its cubic nmsi is 4,US 1,000 i fo t; it v 0 t ubout $‘,VMU,0 r J0. A now ni-trumeut, to which ho has given 1 t . the im no of pleniMplumo, 1m- he ra invented 1 hv a ilia's, rat Bilbao. It unites tho toms of l o vi liu, v.oln. cel’o nil 1 double Bass. A new to 1 r h is b vn disiravored in Carlv Gorunny. His 11a no is Felix Miu ior, added. Tho building was surmounted by tower, which for s in • time had boau consid ered uu»afo. Tho building was irowded w.tin U Mmi. many of whom wont nearly fi antic with tear oxer the apt ailing darkno s and the itiiltiess which | rerout'd tho tenijH*>t. Tho wind seemed to eon ontrato its for 0 j upon the tower, which yielded with 11 crash, and, carrying down tho heavy bell, plunged through tho Intervening floors to tho Bus * 1 incut, Th) main building is a mass of ruins, | within shattered wails, which still stand. Tho wing was comparatively uninjured, and tho scholars there were unhurt, j In the main building the effort, was awful. 1 Tlio falliug floors precipitated tho torched j children to tho basement, whore inasaos of In ick and Beams cruihod the in to tho grouu I and Buried ill m from view. Owing to tho ox< itemeut tl 0 first work wai not very effective, but tin lire department ami police soon arrived and an organized search wai commenced. The dead aid wounded wore taken out as quickly as nessibleand carried to tlio Nutn- toriuiu, adjoining, which was turned into a hospital. Horo tho jarents ami friends of tho little ones soon gathered, uttering . heartrending cries as they recognized in tho 11 aimed ami blooding forms those whom they loved. Among tho firsttnkc 11 out.several were »hra 1 and 1 wo mangled almost beyond ro *ognition, their clothing torn mi l their bodies covered with dust and mortar. Many heroic seeuos were enacted during tlio rescu *, mid some of the wounded children reamed to Uavo great or coutrol than their ciders, (’no little girl half buried iu th' doBris, over whom rescuers were busy, beggod them to leave her and help ahoy bcc 1 use, sho said, ho was only five years ’old. Eleven dead were taken out (lining the day mid tho bodies were tent to the ll rases of sorrowing families. Several of the children Belorgod to prominent famil oj iu tho city. In tho overalls manufactory conducted by Ham* Brother.! wore twenty-five employ**, chiefly girls AVheif tho storm began they started for tho collar. Tho build ing fell with a crash, Isdng razed entirely to the earth, nnd ino-t, of tho girls were cuuglit in the ruius. Tho county Court House was erected nearly twenty years ago for hotel purposes, But when complete was pun hosed By tho county for $200, CO J, aud converted into a Couit House. Tho rocond span from the north cud of tho long Bridge across the Missouri, opposite Wo 1mvo been losing ground, so far ns public opinion la concerned, for some thne. One of tho cmisofl is that wo liavo allowed things to Bo done under tlio nnmo of tho Knights of J,nBor for which the organization 1 was iu 110 way responsible. I ask of our members to keep a jealous eyo upon tho j doings of tho labor men w ho never labor, and when they chargo anything to our order In your locality sot tlio seal of your condemna tion upon it nt oncoby denying it.” '1 lie Master Workman ilistiui tly advises against boycotting nowapa|iers for criticisms unfavoinb’o to tho order or it* ofllcor*, sinco , the kiiightsd.'innnd forthomsolvus "the right of fieo speech* 1 and cannot 1 oiisisteutly deny it toother*. Sneaking of tho abuses arising , from illy-considered strikes, Mr. Powderly 1 says: *‘I find that wherever a strlko occurs ap- i I cals for ni*l aro scattered broadcast anioug I tho nss'inhliei. Do not pay ono cent for | such pUTpo?oi in future unless tho appeal * comes from your own district assembly or the general assembly. If boycott notices mo ' sent to you burn thorn. I have in my j |k>8 esdon 400 boycott notice* wlilcn wore rent to a sonmlies with a request 1 lint they b© enacted. A member is o lit ng a pajHi*; he B urn a rival and pro- ?roJs to get iuto an altercation with him, boycutte Li*u mil then asks tlio order to | : azry it out. Our order has l»oon used ns a j tail lor a bun lied different kites, and iu fu- j tuioitiimst soar aloft, tree from all of t hem. I hate th) word boycott. I was boy- | i otted ten years ago ami could not get work at my tia lo lor month*.” In the future, Mr. Powderly a aorta, the Exc ut xo Board will suffor no interference in th * din linrga of its duty. He condemns the ( ai'ing of re olutions * by local assem blies, denouncing Jay Gould and other capt- talists, since such actions do no good, but only i*( tord the offorts of tho Geucial Board toor- bitia.0 differences with these men or tholr roj i*osoutatives. Mr. Powderly says that his time jj so taken uj) that ho cannot undortnke to answer unv questions addressed tj him by mail. Ho toys: • i ro.ii now until tho general assembly moots, 1 will receive no committees, answer iy> lei ti r 1. I must formulate a plan for tho j grain elevator. 11 I was out in tlie country, llromlcv, | arranging for summer boarding. ’ “Well, but wind happened t lyiu? 11 ‘I—I- was intervioAed.’’ “Interviewed! By a reporter “Xo." “A slugger, tlieiif” “Xo. By Farmer Wutson's Bull."— i P/iiladdphia Call. cmwbiir. Tho trore they pried, the firmer j lho mule stood, nnd sm L*d a smile that floated over his (oun'cuanco nnd melted ! sort 1 y in Ills curs, while tho birds Illicit the nir with their Clcrmnn-sllvcr notes. "Rot tip thorp, you !!!! — !!!!(?(?!!!!!'* shouto) th-driver. But still tho mule stood stock still, ns though intending t,i jf.ilhcr n o is. "— !?!f!!!H" shouted the driver onco more. I ll hot I cun start hitn,"»ahl a small, 1 thick set man. "Lot’s s, c you." replied the captain. 80 the thick set man approached tho hind-end of tho dreaming quadruped. !!o had formerly h en n dock-hand on tlio Catskiil lio it, and thought ho could stait tlio mule nt they start refractor t cows up the tfuiiff-plank, namely, by tw isting his tail, lively eye was on him as ho took hold of tho mule's tail to twist it. Tho mule himself looked com placently around, with a twinkle in his eyot that reonvd to lay: "I nm not a item-winder." lie also seemed to Im» ( < a diluting the w ci-lit of tlio nmn, nnd (loci ling which county lie would drop him into. "lie'll lo iu Chemung county direct ly," raid one. 1 "Or Sullivan county," remarked an- 1 other. "Look, look, now,” they said to gethcr. Ily tiiis time the tail was about half wound up, and was beginning totigiiteu at tho roots. He seemed to wind up n» slowly ns a Waterbury watch. Filially Hie man got it all twisted up. Tlio birds still sang their sweetest songs, and the sky looked like a blilo watered-silk d o<s. All nature seemed to smile, yo did the mule. Then the man gave the tnll s a twist that caused tho mule's spinal column to damsel at his side, j contract, and ho just lot go all his feet together— A llig llog. The minds of many people are not lilted for struggles in inathim dies. When it came to fractions, Mike, for < \ ample, was at si a with no hope of ever getting ashore. "What are you going to do with that dog, Mikof" "Bureau’ 1 want tosell him, sor." "How r.iueh do you ask for him if” "Well, bein' as it's you, sor, I'll sell him to you chape, nnd u better dog tiivor walked in shoe-leather. You ca-. have him for two dollars, ior.” "What breed is lief" "Well, sor, lie's lie's—he's half terrier aud lnlf N'ewL undliuid*, nil’—nil’ half mn-titf. sor." "Ah! Well, this is tho llr-t time 1 ever knew of a dog having three halves.” “Armh, an' that’s a big dog, so he is. lle’d make a do-on halve< of the little felly goin'nlon . Iieyant ye there." How llo Could Take Itoven ;o. •L'fe," slid the cynic, ,"life 19 not wortli the living.” "No?" said the “Why?” "Life is a bore. Human nature is tamo, insipid, ridiculous, iu all except the vicious classes. Bocictv in the nc- Aud didn't stop running until afternoon, when I o felt exhausted, after having copied sense doc. not live, my dear Miss ; th(J ,.„ lml . lml h '|f W(iy u ., ’ u Jones. It | asses tho Line. I mountain.-.Pud-. future niul will not Be interfered with. Nor will I p» anywhere at tho request of member* of n somblio.1. Thi* is iuqx’iativo. I must have a chance to do honiftliiiiK of l onuflt for thu oitU r, nnd I cannot do it if I am to nit for ci rhtcon hours n day reading li tter*.’ 1 OiiMnuinr, Mr. Fowderly Hava that tlio order liai hud trouble from drinking mem bers nn»l from men who talk nbout buying guns and dynamite. “If tlio non who pon- k*ss im noy enough to buy Kiinianddyuamito would invest it Iu tho purchase of some well j nolucted work cm labor,” ho remarks, “they w. uld put thu money to good itso. They will I never nerd tho guns or dynamite iu this I country.’’ Mr. Fmvdorly takes a deierminc’d rtund , against violon • iu tlio following aentonoe*: i “if I kili my enemy I silence him, it in 1 true, But I do not convince him. I would make a convert rather than a corpse of my enemy. , “Mon who owni npital are not our enemies ; If that theory hold good, tlio workman of to* day would Ito tlio enemy of his fellow toiler I nwc “And lias lot* of fun nometimes. 11 “Never. It Bclievoc it Bni fun; but it*h very nirry. Ht’ipid, d til fun. I am a cynic. Bcojite liorc nm to death. Of course there arc oxt options, such ns you — but- others. They talk nnd talk and talk, nn I I I nit and listen, and think wlint enpty. Brainless thing! men and wonic'i arc Th y weary me.’ 1 “Well, why don't you take your ve venpet” “How “Talk I tick to them.* 1 And the c ynic grinned n sickly grin and dropped the suhjc t —Sun Frauri/tco llOjqiOl on th) morrow, for, aftor all, it la how I Aii Krrniid ol’C'lintdiy. “Uncle Htend" is they c alled a flhruivd old gentleman who u^ed to live in Winlhrop, a little way out of the vill: •quire capital aud how to use p'operly that we are endeavoring to learn. I am well aware that some o<- t omists will nay 1 am ndvocating a weak plan, and will say that hloodHlicd and destruction of property alone will solve the problem. If irinan njieak* such sotitiment* up the side of the pond, near Head field. One of his f *llow cili/eus was a man mint 1 d l.ovcjoy. Uncle Stead met Love- joy in the village one day, and lie Paid to him: “f.ovcjoy, tlicic's a poor woain liv ‘ Tho Dangers of Mesmerism. Dr. A. Bansome, the chuirman, and Dr. Kmry-Jonc* and Mr. T. ('. Abbott, the secretaries of the Manchester and Salford (England) Sanitary association, have forwarded to tho press tho follow ing statement, drawn up at the request of tli • committee: Exhibitions of the phe nomena of mesmerism have become very frequent of lute, and many people havo been trying experiments in private in ref- uronee to the same matter. It appears to the committee of the Snnitiry associa tion very important that publB* attention should be called to tho dangers arising out of such tampering with the highly organized and nervous system <>f many p ople. It is possible that in some cases trickery may he inn le subservient in soimt of the exhibition*, in question, hut with out entering into the difficult aud still obscure physiology of the mesmeric state, it will lie HUffidmit to point out than iu this (ouditiou, when really tho city, was blown into tlio river, tlio piers being left apparently uninjured. The dead numbered atxrat twenty, and somo of tlio in jured wore expected to die. A WEEK’S RESULTS. in an asccraiUly, rtact for him tlio charge which tho master workinau repeats to tho n«wly initiat’d who joins our *army of peace. 1 If ho repo.its his nonsense, put him out. "In the hands of men entirely great tlio pen h mightier than tho sword.” To that l add: "in tlio hands of men ontiroly mouth the gun U ns harmless ns tlio sword,” '1 li) w riter advlsos his reodoi s to boycott strong drink, llo also says that tlin.u^’* “uufortunnto iiiisunclorstamliiig” t’mt knights have iiicurred Iho enmity of several trades unions. Ho find* no excuse for the nttack made on tho order by some of the 83 trades unions, ospo iully at a time when tho knights stand fni o to face with a most per- A Chicago dispatch states that th) result* of tho first week cf tho agitati n for eight i bo mg )r at the public an l ho i. a porter by t ad u ntsl for mi artist exjienso. Audran liac written a new comic opera, “Tho l ath of l.ovo,” whi h is having a pros* run ii J’arh aud is expect *d to l»o transl ite l fer both tlio English mil Aineri* can stage. ;;;, , IY « i A ulay written l»y Julian Hawtlione and yesterday morning, asking hlin to explain ! !!! , .V ,ot ! 1 .H. 01 VA'!? ! ulb W'> tho latest turn of affairs, but hours as a day’s labor in that city are inter esting. They are: Matthew J. Doegan, John J. Barrett, Charles Mueller, Timothy Flavin and Xicholai Shelian, flvo as bravo and good police officers as tli?ro were on the Chicago police force, and every man with a family de pendent u ion him, dead; Reignuoltz •i or, Joseph ^ ojtok, Frank LouD, Tho | London raid i as ou resolutions declaring they Mr. Glad* JEWELRY I’.El’AIRED IiY A WRECKED TRAIN. JH3 5Z,]sr.IG’A 1ST. O U f't gavo no sati&TActory responso. I asked Collector Vioti on what grounds tho j customs authorities held tho vesuoi, aud ho ; replied: ’Violati ms of tho < ustoms laws, cm- . powering a penalty of $4u0, and sh) was hel 1 i for that sunif’ llo.v can these conlBctiug | contentions bn recon dlodf On one aide tho 1 assertion is that tho Adams is confiscated for violation of tho fishery laws, and on tho other is the statement that sho was seized for i infringement of custom j regulations? 1 All tho satis r n.*tiou Mr. Fnolan could ob tain from Cantain Hoott was that th) latter ! referred tho Consul to tho Ottawa authori ties. Sheriff Van Blarcom received from Hall* fax, N. S., a writ against tho David J. Adams, bringing tho caso before the Vi< o-Admiralty Court in that city. The document is one of the greatest importance. It says that the action is for tho forfeiture of tho vossel and hor has been accepte 1 by Mm\ Modjoiki scene is laid in Englan 1 and tho heroii prima donna. Major Ben Peri.ey Poore writes that tho Marine B ind at Washington is industri ! oudv rolunriing M.’iidolsohu’s "Wed ling! Mar .’li.” " to tho WecldTi;,” an l a waltz (loclicatod to Mrs. Grover Ciovelan l. | In addit'o i to Hobson ami Crane's grand spe-tac revived of • Comely of Errors” j aud “ Morry Wives of Win Isor,” mxfc sea* I son, two other of Shake p r.-o’u j 1 iys will be | put on in spectacular sty »o by oth jr part oj. Next to Mr. Wilson Barrett, tho leading 1 foreign attraction visiting this c mntry next season will Ih» the cofobrat* d MeitdngcnCourt Coni|.any, of whi *h tho Duke of Saxe-Mein* 1 lugcu is the prom )tor and patron. «G MEAT FOR FOOD, • .Men Ivilleit OutriMhl niul Twenly live Car* Wicked. cargo for violation of tho treaty of 1818, nnd j of various acts of tho British Parliament,and I AD nimp DMI’AHTMENT .-■n-rii. 1 «i'li »’l 111 > r- q-li ■ t-s tor il-l'M •■'s .lull iMi i I •« ili l» * * * i' lot* l Lm I". I 1 v ■:-> I III It-.*- rii CubiC) J'i i.' 3. WEDDING CAItDA, YJD.T N' 1 t ADDS, LDAiMDlS CAUDA, BALL CAE DO A freight wreck in the niountaius ou the Pennsylvania Railroad tho othor night de molished twenty-five cars, killed tlirco men outright, and obstructed tho tracks so badly that it took twelve hours to clear them. Tlio accident was the result of n heavy storm which swept along the Conon a’lgh Valley during tho night, uprooting trees and blowing down fences and outhouse:i. Near Couo.naugh a numbor of empty freight cars wore standing on a siding. The tornado picked thorn up and carried them over to tho main track. A heavy Mo-t-bound freight train of twenty-five cars, going at the rate of thirty miles an hour, came alongabout mi lniglit and crashed into the obstruction before tho engineer hid time to reverse his ongino. Tho twenty-llvo cars were totally doni’li h.d and tlio wr’ck strewn along the tracks a distance of several hundred j'ards. C.'oiiductor Thomas Conners. Engi neer Themis Mowray, and Fireman Michael Myers wore killed almost instantly. They cuuglit in llio wreck nnd terribly ninn- glu 1. The Balau o of tho crow escaped with slight iujuri ?s. The men killed were all mar ried, and lived in the neighborhood of Derry, Penn. of acts of tho Parliament of tho Dominion of Canada of 1868, 1870, 1871 and 1873. PERSONAL MENTION. A HOItKIBLK DEATH. POSTERS, 11A NL'LUEL U ITiOur.AMVEH, ftTATEMI-NXTS, ! EITEI’r HEADINGS, pD DGEIH ULirra, mOu BIQ„ W* \ HYO Boy Drawn Inin nu Ore C'riishei mid Hilled. James Larkin, a negro boy, uged sixteen vears, who worked ut the ore crushor of the Wheeling iron mines, Birmingham Ala., met a iable death Friday. He was putting ore ' ' The second volume cf General Grant’s I inomoiis has appeared. J TiiEDukoof Newcaxtl’? is coming to this ; countiy fora nine months’ vi it. ! C. J. f'RE iky, a California millionaire, le gan lifo on the Pacific slope as a woodchopi>or. Bey. Sam Jones and Sam Small are preaching to large congregations in Fa’ti- inoro. Martin Ironj, tho dope •• t. Louis Knight of Labor, is goiog t) . <uu a loc- turor. Senator Spqo ;i:r. of AVisiotisin, is an enthusiast on music, ill.-i wife is a splendid singer. The interior decorations of J. C. Flood’s row house in San Fi*tincis:o, funii -ho l l>y a New York firm, aro said to liavo cost over $800,000, Mr. Gladstone wore a roie and a sham rock, the latter a gift iron Mr. Parnell, ia his but-touhole tho night Id in trod a*, ol th» Home Hu to bill. “CONGRKKrtMAX M lClM.EY, (.f Ullio,” says the dYasIiington Hep- 6‘myi/i, “is i i per sonal npp aiaucc the cciintiTteit•juvacntineat of th) first A Wi st Virginia Fiunirita Harrow EHcapo From Lynching. George Bilim, a farmer living with liD wife find family a few miles from Volcano, W. Va., MiiTowly CHcap.-d being lymhcd by a mob of indignant ne ghbor*. Tliociu o was the out rageous treatment o. J Bis wife and the feeding of her and the eh i'iieu on dog tU’Hh. Mrs. Bilim is ill w.'.h c *u umplion nn l her physi- can proscrih.; I cod liver oi'. Hi liuduiml iho •linen kill »1 a (’op, rendered some of ita tat ami plac d it in a I oitlo an I took that and Iho ilictHed meat In mo. IBs took die gr- as and soon Ik came wry il . J he dog meat Bmm to Bo mutton, and made the ohi.dicii « hi it. As a resu.t the chil dren were also taken nick. T .0 following day h me of tho ncighbora wIi'S) rUHpicioua ... d lien exeiteil fo.lowed Baum to the woo 1- and saw him kill nnd ilrts- i'ii>.lira* do.. They at onco captured him. They were on tho |> out of hanging him whin wiser counsel < prevul eil and Im was placed ia Jail. 1B*» wife -n I chi dren'aio very ill. Charles iCoisler, Joseph St.ramok, and Mata thew Blank, workmen with families depend ent upon thorn, (load; oilo more policeman dying, two policemen in danger of death, a score more maimed oi* injured for lifo, and twenty-live more suffering f om wounds ranging from slight to serious, an l nineteen workmen known to bo woun lo.l, with tho probability that as many more have boon In jure l, but concealed and cared for by their friends. Fully 3,000 men, earning on an average $1.50 a day, had their demand for eight hours refused, and runiainoi idle dur ing the week. A Now York Mercantile Agency givoj statistics of tho eight hour movement show ing that tho total number of workmen en gaged iu it in all parts of tho < ountrv is 3‘AV 0J0. Tho demand for shorter hours nni Beoil con coiled to 150,000 without n strike nnd to 85,000 aftor striking, leaving 110,000 till on strike or defea ed. The trades in which t lio movement, has boon mo.*t suiccsiful arc those connectvl with hou o building, ugii< ultural implement makers, furni.uro making, aud machinery building. nt- n tin! c Igc of tlio town that taint'd. the will of the subjiok j neccL some provision-*. Pin willing to is. for the time, in abey- ' supply her, but I’ve sold my horse and mice, mul his actions, and even his sen- j have no means of geltingtlie stuff to her. nations and ideas are entirely under tho i Now, I'll buy her a barrel of flour and a , control of the person operating. By fro * hum and some other supplies if you’ll qitont repetition of tho operation the sub carry them out to hi r with your to mi.' mission t > the influence becomes more Lovejoy >aid certainly, he’d lie very glad facile, atul its action is iutemdflcil. More- j to do it. Accordingly, Uncle Stead over, there appears to he developed u lik- ; bought a barrel of flour, a ham, ti bit ket ing for the mesmerized state, so tliut t» « of sugar, etc . and telling Lovejoy wheJe subjects present themselves willingly for I the woman lived, sent him off on the or- experiment, and it becomes quite easy for ! rand of charily with the good things in persons in no way connected with th?) ! Ilia puug. j first operator to throw these persons int.# Lovejoy easily found the house where such a condition that they are entirely piexing que tion, but hs thinks there is no j woman lived. lie unloaded the under tholr power, in which they cnnnofc cause for nuarrel and assorts that at the ; goods, pulling liken grampus a** he rolled resist any indign'ty, and can ho mudu to • tho barrel.of flour in, and .‘aid to the commit any act, howover outrageous, tit woman: “Mr. Steadman sent \o i the pro- tho command of almost any person who I visions. He’s a mighty kind-Iterate 1 may ehooae to assert imperiously suck man to semi you all these things.” ] ower. It will readily be rein how dan- * “Well, 1 don’t know why li ■ slioulJn’t gcrous is such a condition, not only to i *on 1 t'ierii to me!” exclaimed the woman tho subjects themselves, but also to tho j in Kurp is *d accentc “lie’s my bus- public at large. Women especially, for k ind.”—I.ftciJ/n (.Ife.) Journal. their ownsakes, should ho warned ucvir to permit themselves to be placed in dun- Tho Latvyor’s Frloml. ger of submitting their will to this para- ; One of tlio In i;'tito t lights of tin* Atm- iuHuence, seeing that they may be- tin bar was stmnling on tho corner of come, the slaves not only of bo first I tho avenue, surronmlcd by a group 0 f i operator, but of other less scrupulous per- ad uii ing friends when a man with, a ! peculiar stride and c’o e cropped hair | walked up to the lawyer, and, taking one | of his bunds in both of his. shook it ns if he was going to wrench it from his body, say in *po Ini f.o.Woh of tho General Assembly tho cutire troub’o ran aud must be settled, in concliuion Mr. Powderly says: ‘‘There is ono thing that will not be done whilo I stand at tho head of this organization —■it will not bo used to further tho pc homes of individuals, di jucs or parties, and it will bo subordinate to 110 other organization ou eartlu” NEWSY GLEANINGS. There are 20,003 waiters iu New York and Brooklyn. Last year 4:030,450 cans of milk wore ' for ~ • ” brought to New York city. The estimated triinber of idle wago'vork- er: in th) Uni hut ::i: 8‘JO/JJJ. Maine still pays out about $“,030 a year bounties for bears'killod iu tho State. Based oil tho liiintos iu tin* last city diroe- tory,St. Lotils claim j a population of 430,030. A floating planing mill, 170 foot long by seventy foot in width, is being built on the Allegheny River. About n fifth of tho 000 Chinese residents of Philadelphia h ivo bocomo nieiubors of the Sunday-schools of tho city. Durin.i tho 11st year tli * output of coal iu Groit Britain was 150,351,418 tons, ia which 530,033 collier.'e.i wore engaged. The avorag) annual yi.*!d of tho Kltuberly diamond minus in rath Africa during tlio p.c t tlirco years has boon $ I ‘.*,500,000. Tho CofltitaMrtking Ir.dustry. There arc thirty-four coffin factories in the United States, nnd they turn out nu average of 150 coffins and caskets a day. It's ten years since* I saw you, but 1 The largest factory is in Cincinnati; it , knew you as soon a; 1 laid eyes on you.” covers acr-s of ground and its shop facil- Tho lawyer was embarrassed, But the ! itics arc so great that it manufacturea rough-look ing stranger helped him out. everything necessary to complete a fun- “You did 111c u kinditcss once, Jcdgc, era), except corpses. Anything from u and cf 1 ever forgit it may my right arm tack up to a hearse can be seen 111 process clove to the roof of my mouth. Don't , of manufacture on their premises Next you rememccr when you practiced law to Cincinnati, Chicago, has tho largest ten years ago, up in Dawson County? coffin factories. The biggest coffin kept You did me it kindness I never shall for- in stock by one Chicago house is six feet o ; nine inches in length nnd has nn opening , The friends of tlio lawyer cast adtuir- of twenty-eight or twenty-nine inches. suit of booming things onpqxu*, ing glance* at him, and one of them said Thu average opening is only eighteen o. .... ... Wt.rv-.Ot.rr .. 1 ..w V. . ' n . , .1 .1.1 .1. I I ..i.w.ixnl. iimlma nnd lllO IIVI’HO'C loll!/ A STORM IN SPAIN. .More limn Om? Ilnmlred People Killed mid ti I.iii’mc Number Injured. M .1 1 seventy ii»hta*fily , w t!i the rad land cab swore li ito.S 1*07 S .MOTIIPH’S AWFUL DKKD. Mil. the: Ilia eoat ulcevo was caught in the machine ami 1 o wus drawn iu. lie made a hard fight for 1 L*. Tlio crusher slowly drew him in and 1 - i -- k ’** Uo could not Iwflftvcd m-W hint into # pu'n. llo coulU uotbo saved #wS diia by Inobe). Th* d«*U» w»i * b?rHbt» An Alubamu Judge rmiieucbud. Hou. Francis M. Taylor, probate judge of NViuaton county, was impeached in the supremo court of Alabama on Wednesday. It was charged that ho wilfully neglected to send In lists of lioenoee issued and to pay over to tho state tho tnnuoy ho liad collected. A plea of guilty was entered by the defendant through hi, counsel, T ie court rendered a judgement sus- tahmij hi* guilt dtporiii* Mr* frew Atorribl) murder and suicide occurred in iitncoln couniy, W. Va., Monday night. Mrs. Margaret Djuan, widow, Became insane from religions fanatictam and imagined that she had Been called upon By the Lord to saorifioo tho lives of herself and her three children to divine wrath. Eitlv in the evening shu throw Iipi- A torriblo hurricane lias the midillc of Spain. In pci's in an* kn nvn to h i\ kilted, and 203 others havo 1 iu red. Tho wiud'-.t'H *k tlu (iooiioss >1 lightn'ng. Ti am overturuod and bruk *n hit were dislodge l. and tologra where torn from their p< 1 a Tho narks Tu and about tin city were devnsfiucd, and ii some casTK cntirel denuded. Ono ili.uvh tower Wii M wvn «l iwn. A n imbor of liousui iu tlio Buburbs wore entirely wrodeed, and of the mviw - odag 's ou the outskirts of lb) capital which wore blown from th is* foimhition. and wreck'd, somo wore so completely and quickly Brok. n up and scattered by the that th *y may h.) said to havo s in 1. vauhh.’d hjforo the storm. Farm crops aud village i were d s’ivs ,iugiy ravage 1 in tho country di -triots, tho working classes suffering tho licavJoit 1 wscs. Many washerwomen were blown into tlio River Mntimiiares.aud t wont/-eight, wore drowse 1. The largest tree iu Madrid, which flood in front of tho Farlianiont Building. blown down. Thu ho.spitult uio crowded with sul forors. Tho storm was pi'ccodo l Ijv soverai days of extremely hot wrath *r. the farm which Inis Inara ownod by his an cestors s ii e Hi.'55. llo is ninety years old. Iris estimated that it will require fifteen cm** | or day for four months to market the orange crop of South »rn California this year. A cave largo enough to accommodate all th) citizens of tho town is to be dug in Clif ton, Dak. It is designed as a safeguard against cyclones. The e’.ovoutli annual meeting of nursery men, florists nnd seedsmen will beheld iu t(io Department of Agriculture buildings, Wash ington, D. C., Beginning June 10th, and con tinning tlirco days. * Mormon Elder Morgan is nt Chatta nooga, with a large staff of Mormon mlslon- nries, of whom there are at least ono huu- was going to lock me up when you nobly j coffin whs used nt the burial of Cardinal volunteered to go mv bond. And vou MeCloakcy, the extra length being ip- ilidn'l know me, either." (iiiircd for his crown which ho wove m The lawyer -aid lit. thought he rccol- [ tlcftth. About twenty-four houni were lectori llio ctrctimstimcc, wltil.: the ttd- j taken to put this colHn together, nut any miring friends said: “Justlike him. He ordinary coffin, that is. a coffin of oxtrn is always going about doing good.” large si/.e, no matter wliat its cost or tho "You offer d lo go my liotid, hut the sheriff said he would be blessed if any jack-legged shyster could shove a straw- bond off on him.- and if you remember, judge,he refused to approve the bond,end 1 w in locked up, lmt 1 wins always grateful to you just the same. You tried to help me toswimlle justice according to law. I character of tho trimmings or upholstery, can Ito put together from the rough boards in three hours nt tho utmost. • Qlobt-Dimuerut. People Who llog Meat. Christian Glauser, residing at Heading, Penn., is engaged in a curious business. die l'at work intlm South, distributing tracts j broke jail that night, and crippled soverai j s (j la t 0 f k ill in' r dogs and furnishing i ! )00 >! le b,lt - tl,,,nk9 t0 y<m ' the me: iu th) mountain districts of North and South Carolina, Georgia, Toauoisee and Alabama TOD tel.OSH FOR COMFORT. Two miloa west of Nesvnan, Ga., ou the Sa vannah, Griffin and North Alabama railroad, Wednesday morning, an accident occurred which cam*) near being au awful affair. Mio?e»» Dent, Iknson and Poddy were on tlio public oral driving tlio horso of Major N. 1*. G.over, _ ..,. ~ , Tho Queen vtaitod various points 0 *t-lf upon tur’kiK ca and spoilt several hours iu i city aud suburb* wli n o the dainago wrou ght s nnd when on the railroad crossing, their horse wild ravings. Bhe ilicn tiros o' and arming her- ; hy tlio hurricane was mo it inarKo l kuo ox- halted and refused to go forward or back, rnd self with a large, sharp caning knife, made Pr*®** profouud sorrow nt th) loss of Pfe her way to the room occupied hv he r three i uud much sympathy with tlioao 'vhose ho lies laugh ers, aged twelve, ton and eight yoaiv, i bad been wreck) 1 by the storm. 1 cut iiio throat of each child and p.ungcd the | ftcc oxceetl $1,350,003. j into her own hoarr. The bodies wore ! -^*— : , AiiTUotoh the iguorunt general., to btar a very stroun tint mb nuts t« s ' bove Ism to bout ot tosn the intelligent ; i'-sHyitter tow. | they else hurt l«n to be eibemed of, Imltcd anti refused to go forward or baek, r nd ttiure was but a moment for aotion ami tho young ladies were in a top buggy. Miss Peddv reaped from tho buggy, but boforo her com- (liiiiious could follow stilt tho engine bad struck their horse, It killed tlio horse and took off the front wheels of tlio buggy, Luckily for meitt to certain families who eat it. 1 got away.” _ ! They consider it very palatablo atul "Where have you been since!" asketl ; j l0 ., ftliy. Ho constantly keeps iu hia the lawyer, seeking to change the conver- yarc | „ number of dogs, which he fatten* sation. . ’ im ,i kills as he tinds a demand for thu “I am just out of the Kansas pcnUott- mlllt He also extracts the fut aud sells tiary. I would never got in tlrar i f .v>'i> ' ; t t0 persons alHiotcd with colds, rhett- had been about. A feller refused to drink ul . lll3m „ n d affections of tho chest. Ho with me and 1 Imd to shoot bint. Let’s sa , s: “[ often eat dog meat; in fact, step across and have something," 1U11 ' I wc have it on our table. Why, a fat do;; running his arm through that of his legal , wf) or ,] iroe years old makes the finest; friend they marched neioss the street,tho | |.| u( | ot - m g Ut ' it is better tlmu ltunh, Tho meat of. ti fut judge keeping stej) like a soldier, while * uu i p uc f 0 r pork. the" friends on the sidewalk swapped , j uo . i„ ls ft v ic-n, delicate flavor that every- opinions itliont what a bud eyo that man | t,ody relishes who tastes it, and there it had.—SfiMiu t'i/'lings. i no finer-looking meat than dressed dog, i When I lived at homo father slaughtered Starting; tho Mule. i big dogs and salted down the hams and It was a soft, bright day when the j sides same as pork, and^vo ^ll ate i« 'j-o young iw'lit'j, tiio ooupliu h i° piu’broko aud ; crocus lifted its cup of flattie from the j same ms otber moat., wm’vtitj igenj, they wer, oft siuitig (u tUa 'mggy with the t tvuikliuB Kmvset, ami tho sky wfwrtottod ! lt#vu MJBP In th* Uuuut now, ttUiyoty f. front wheel* I w | t j, , m aVwbtte olmidt. ^11 W«!Y , lt«Vf H I" —