The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, August 03, 1886, Image 1

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THE MERCURY. Entered an Sccond-cl a hr Mother at the Sniulcrsvlllv Vostotflcc April 27, 1880. Sandersville, Washington County, fia. PUBLISHED BY A.. J. jeenigat ^ 5 Proprietor and PubMahei*. Subscription: $1.50 Per Year. City of Snndorgville. THE MERCURY. THE MERCURY. PUBLISHED EVERT OJESDIY. NOTICE! A, iT. JERNIGAM, Proprietor, DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.80 Per Annum. VOLUME VII. t SANDERSVILLE, GA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1886. NUMBER 14. Mayor, J, N. Qii.more, Aldermen, W. 11 Thigpen, B E. ROUUHTON, J. B Roberts, A. M. Mayo. 8. G. Lang. Clerk. C. 0. Brown. Treasurer J. A. Irwin. Marshal. J. E. WnnnoN, A THRILLING LEAP. A YOUNG MAN JUMPS FROM THU BROOKLYN BRIDGE. BASE BALL ROTES. TRIAL OF THE ANARCHISTS. Trf* Southern League (season will oloso September 4. '*• Tun dozon leaguo balls n day por man (s thq rate nt which they are madft The New Yorks 6,v0 drawing the host crowds of any clUb in the country. StOVKy, of the Athletics, 1ms led Ibo coun- HOW THE DYNAMITE WtillE VsElt. BOMBS Plunging ((endlong Down ISO Feet Into the Ext lUver. “Stove” Brodfe, an ox newsboy and pedes- try With home runs for three seasons, trinn, jumped from tho BrooKlyn Bridge Dude Esterdrook, of the Now Yorks, is Friday afternoon, the 2: J d, and wns taken J onsil iered the finest third baseman in tbo from tho water uninjured. Shortly before 2 ! o'clock an open truck containing three men , D ,T?5 St a»t, who has boon playing ball .. , ,*■ Linen men f 0 r about twenty-il voyeurs, bus been released Irovo upon the NoivVork roadway of tho by tho Washingtons. bridge and j atsed thu ]K>lleomati stationed The {American Association never before tnero unnoticed. Tim truck wns about 250 , * lnt * 1,10 tenth part of the troubltt with un.- foot beyond the t wer, at a point where tho ,lir03 tl:nt ifc ,ms «*l*h'i6fired this Season, bridge is fully 12U f u8 t a bovo tho water,when ! _ T , n .? M . ets leAd UiO AssOeiatioh_lU fielding Mtnrtlinff Tmtliunny nt tlio Trial of tlie Arcuntd Prlioieri* AtBASTsi M-cMTMnnAL, | THREE THOUSAND DEAD! . , ■ ...1 I \w York'* Capital Celebrate* If* Hundredth Birthday. Tliiiradiiy Vrag, tho hi-,centennial of the orporation of Albany, flf.T.,* *8 a plt/t A HORRIBLE STORY OF SUFFER ING AND MISERY. I,R«e*t A troll tits Onla the Labrador Coast. Over Three Tliniisntid Starved and Frozen lo lltnlli. and tho Albanians gave tliomslvcs up, body and soul, to celebrate it. The celebration I lms in fact been in progress for three j I days, but Thursday was the anniversary ! and climax. Nobody went to bed that Further particulars of distress trtftoiig night. The uproar that broke loose at llio fisherman of Labrador have been re- midnight when the bells announced tho j ccivcd: seventy Esquimaux, whodcman.l- arrivaiof the anniversary continued un- cd food from tho stores nt Mugcnford, tho dynamlto bombs were manufactured til daylight^ jMcnjlboys and etch whfiiCn which could not be given them, owing to A. C. WRIGHT, attorney at law , 105 Bay St. ( Savannah, Ga. JttSTWILL PRAOTIOK IN ALL THE COURT*. E. S. LANGHADE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SANDERSVILLE, Ga. R. D. Evans. B. D. Knu«ii, Ju I EYANS & EVANS, ATTORNEYSAT LAW SANDERVILLE, GA. | F~IL SAFFOLD, attorney at law, 1 SANDERSVILLE, GA. I Will practice in nil the (Courts of t^ie Middle Circuit nnd in tho cou'.itits lurrouuding Washington, Special hi- teutiou given to comme rolal lii'.v. iron lattice work whieii serves to protect tho roadway from the dizzy depth below, and ! ™ v ? r ‘ M l y0Ur with Urn agi ily of a .at, clambered down Change, tea.ii, Is not only a t from ono of ri.n l™!! I l^hytermn Chnrch, but is reeoutly. Sunday, thy favorite young player of tho ki i . —... - mom hor of tho said to he au V. K. Bisks. 0. II. Boa KUS. HINES & ROGERS, Attorneys at Law, SANCbE'rtSVILLE, GA. Will practice |,, ()„, counties of Washington, Jefferson, J Vl.'natou, Emanuel and Will.!, son, M..1 in the Hi Courts for tho Southern Dis- 1 w n f ° "in .♦ as agents in buying, selling or rent ing Heal ’Estate. i idler, OIl West side of Public8<iuare. Until--tf G. "N. H. WHITAKER, DENTIST, SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA. TERMS CASH.— •aT OfTicn at his resilience, on Harris streot, Aj»r20-'80 and hung by his arms from ono of tho Iron : hn ,.„ girders "Inch run along below tho bridge. L ‘ inn driver of tho tin I. ,md a policoman ’ I s there anything In the Western nlpcon- i-iislic.l to tho spot. They were too Into to dueive to heavy batting ( In both longue null accomplish anything. The iKiliceinau wildly Association games of late out there the idug- , coll.-iod a printer unnitkl Waterman, Who ging has been terrific, i "ad Hi-o.lio in tho tiuck. - The Newarks and Bridgoports played a W ,UU ,.T, U H rn,| hing tuo fori” criod porfoet fielding game recently. Notftnorror, aiui uan* 1 lure s tin* innn wlinV* t.rvlnrr ; nossod hall nr wild hltrh mitrrod tho coutoit. the Southern plays have boon made in that 1/ongno, anil both have been mrulo on tho Atlanta grounds. Macon proposes thnttho Boufltorn Is-aguo next year engage only profossionnl battories add fill out tho ro-tof the teams With local amateur and somi-profcssloual players. Seven homo runs hnve boon made by the Kansas Citys on tho homo grounds, under the stimulus of an oTor of a silk umbrella for every home run niado. Not a momber of any of tlio visiting clubs is carrying one of thoso silk umbrellas as yet. In lliirty-ulno games of ball played July 5, by clubs of tho National, International, Bouthern, Eastern and New Knglttnd Leagues Rad tho Amertcun Assoeialiou, there Were,in ,.... round mini hors, 175, Ol’O spectators, au aver- iinove llietr hc?ds, lli -y the.'. hr ;a‘b nli.l ' ttgo of nearly 4,.MW at each game, ti, t l i, tll r , "i. w ‘ , i s ' vi tbln llft-y feet of i Manaoeh Watkins, of tho Dotrolt Club, ’ i^;!*' foolhardy man t II straight ns B(l ys that if Detroit wins the la'itguo clmm- Tlmn .!« if I'.v n l ,, . IM H , '. vt a l " r o l0VU " s .' al !' pionshlp he will I,i'y to id-rnilgo n series of ■ »i In, l. . kocute lort’liko aninn whols games With (.lie Aniuri- an Asso. intion ehn'ii- 1.1. „^,.- ll . , .“’! 1 '.!!. ! :?I 1 . ft borizonusl bai^ho.tlraw pious. \Yatkius predl ts that two of this sea-on's Astocintlon clubs will bo in tha An entire day in tho Anarchist trial at Chicago was devoted to tho examination of William Beliger a carpenter, in whose house ^vnfpf tiicTnnWerMry “continued an the dynamic bombs were manufaetur«>d , u dny)l htt Mcn.lbojs and otch wOfHCt undor tho supervision of Louts I.ingg, olio uf W ent up ntid dotvh Uio ptluclpal stfccts tlio npc.1 ctf inlialiltnntM nnd the small the phsdners oh trial. Beligor was au Anar- ' horns and slntrihg Uhfll morning supply, made n riish for the harbor store chist, a ntomhor of a Socialist group, au.l fIU ne. j[ cn and boys organiieed them- house where flour nnd flsh were stored. Recording Secritary of tho Carpenters’ 8e lves into marching bands and went from The men of the small settlement gathered Tbo Gtnciri- u,llo, >- He was one df tho leading wltnossos on e part of tho city to another, blowing to defend their only lioptf of existence for tim nh»AmiHnn in. f»sfi...r.n» >- ’ —»'-* ) r, and stopping and a desperute figlit cusued, in which residences and j four of tlio marauding Esquitnnttx were Small n#nrly killed nnd two of the storehouse and bon- 1 defenders wore seriously injured. The ho was up early. IIo had previously told fires lighted up tho principal streets, and Esquimaux finding that they could not Llngg ho wan tod those bombs removed from tlio red tiro’s glow was reflected from the obtnin food by force, retreated nml sent his dwelling. Lingg tol.l him to work .1111- skies above until they paled in tlio gray j in several of tlioir number to usk for a gontly at them, amt that they would bo taken 0 f approaching morning. All tho noise small quantity of food, which they sitld ultra „ „' V . 1 i!'I ie n S „ '*n 1 f “li, 8 rn'm nnd enthusinsm that Albany may have had was absolutely necessary to tho cont inued about hall'all hour. Lingg returood from' a pent within herself for tho last two con- existence of their wives and cltildrcn meeting on the West Bide about 1 o’c.o -k. turios seemed to have suddenly found l wo hundred pounds oi flour nnd about and told witness he did not work very vent. fifty pounds of frozen codfish were ■ . , . . i.u. o-wary to fol low him, and for this the officer had no i HK’.l ,.,'ho l,0 ’ s ,0 ^ h'’ nx.-HMmod, ‘hi , , V ,, "‘ v ,U ' «il n#, Wildly brand' Imlo v I n n mB^townr.l the man who hung tt o tr in. ‘ coultl liavobeou »i»r»ri?V fin -Til . bt-odlo lump; for a t-oohd <5r two | , ^ Until ho wns fui o of his 1ml- «»; Mi^n nls body shot downward, and, who. ,er tV>r HfA»»r n nth, tho leap was niado. A tow of BViHlioH friends worn in thoso rot V* w^'ndod leap. Thruo of tliom—Paul tr<tiHvr. “Jerry” Kane and “Tim 1 ’ Xlrennau— Veto in a rowboat below the bridge, waiting to haul him out. About thirty other j orsotts Mood on ono of the piors. Thoy lmd boon wntehniK for jirodio'H ap|»oaratice, nnd when at last the> saw him huhi onrlffd in tho air, far above Iliotr hc?'U ih v' * , . imiutmuB i hi if itu mow ins ariitR downward until his cloneliod lists weni (,n a level with his broad. Bis legs. "hi'h had until Hew remained straight and ! ’■tie. parted ami b-nt at the knees, nil.1 ho - struck tho water la tho position of a ninnwho - is gathering his lor, us to start in a race. It seemed impos iblo that in this position ho e..iil I mi.'.-esNfiilly sustain the shock cf tho Wat r. The two or throe soeond.s that ho was under water---.-mod to the wniting crowd nil , oteruity. Yet lie came to tho stirfa-e ih safety, with an extremely rod fnco, It is true, - but nppnreutly uninjured, and blowing tbo Looguo next year. The work of the Chiengt) team In the t*oeont series of three gainel won from Detroit was remarkable: Twenty-six base hits, including homo runs by Anson, Bfefl'or and William- s n; threo-baggors by Anson, 1’fbtTer nnd Dnlrym -lo! doubles by Williamson (2|, ltyan, Flint, Burns, Flynn nn.l 1’foTer; in all a total of 48 bases. In Holding llloy male but I't errors. On tho other band the Detrolts ale but 20 hits, nn.l 1 three-bugger by t lilt. They PERSONAL MENTION. H. $. HOLLIFIELD, Physician & Surgeon, SANDERSVILLE, GA. Office next door to Mrs. Bayne's Millinery Store, on Harris street. water from Ins mouth with n long breath he - “'' iiarnsoi. was tno only long n struck out to Swim on his back ms unconcern umdo 10 erron in tho lhrc0 su " 108 - sslly as if ho had only divo.1 from one of tho liters. Bis friends in tho boat immediately pulled toward him. IIo caught eight of them and greeted them with tho cheery cry of "Bully hoy,” which under tho circumstance* must ho looked upon ns a piece of oxcusnblo self-appreciation. While “Tim” Bronnau managed tho oars, l’nul Butler and “Jerry” Kano jumjicd Overboard and swain toward tho hero. Bailor almost reached him, but his nsststaneo was not nooded. and Bro.lio nn.l Kano elamborod into tho boat nn.l imllod away for thu Bridge pier, leaving Butler to his into in tho water. Once in tho boat nnd In safety. Brodie rutber “neat to pieces.'’ Hfs friends, how ever, had a bottle of brandy, nnd they made liberal applications of the liquid, both Inter nally nml externally. Undor these reviving illlIU' , Il(!RH Hrntliil srtnil I nnin II mmul nn!l BUY 5TOUlt JBR IsTX C3-A.LT. (None genuine without our trailo mark.) ON HAND AND FOR SALE SPECTACLES^NOSEJJLASSES, Etc., Etc, Watches, Clocks AND JEWELRY lulluencos Brodie soon . omo around, and when the pier was reached ho climbed out of the b. at and walked about as if jumping 120 f.-et lmd never killed nnv ono bofore. A po ll oman whoso attention lin.l been called to tho jump lmd rushed madly through tho j crowd on tho Dovor street pier, nn.l was cos- like a madman nt Bro.lio. Tho little Fourth Warder, realizing that esenpo 1 was Impossible, jumped again into tlio water, | while his friends rowed buck to rescue tho neglected Butler, nnd swimming across the slip, gave himself up gracefully to tho ofii- oor. Jle was at once hurried off to tho Oak Htioot station, nml Dr. White wns summoned from tho Chambers Street Hospital. By this time ■ wns beginning tc show unmistakable inebriation. He was perfectly sober at the ; time he jumped, but since ho had been lmuled 1 into tho beat a formidable amount of stimu lants lmd been pouro.l into him, and tbo ex- 1 cited condition in which he wns probably rendered the elfo.-t of tho alcohol more suu- i dim and more striking than it would other wise have been. As the doctor was exam ining him, llrodio writhed and shouted as if in g oat agony, but the physician finally ! pr< n jun.-eil him uninjure 1. rave for a lew j brnisos on tho chest, which were probably | made whilo he was clambering into the lnmt. In tho meantlmo “Tim” Brennan arrived nt I the station with dry clothes lor Brodie, an l was promptly arrest -.1 as an accomplice in RKPAIBID BT je KTsriQj^isr. OUR DEPARTMENT b supplied with *11 the requisites for doing *U kinds of Job anti Book work in 1- irst- GUu Stylo, Promptly snd tt Hot- •onsbl* Brice*. WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, BALL CARDS, POSTERS, HANDBILLS, PROGRAMMES, STATEMENTS, LETTER HEADINGS, DODGERS, PAMPHLETS, MSQ. ETC KT(. promptly. Braille's foolhardy act. The intoxicated in dividual wns helped into a dry suit, and then ho and his friend were hustled olf to the Tombs l’olieo Court. This is tlio second time n man has jumped rrom the bridge. A Washington swinnnot nnmod Odium attempted tho font some time ago, but was killed in tho attempt COLLIDED WITH A WHALE. An Eighty Foot Moimter Cut In Twain by a .steamer’* How*. Tho Nothorlnnd stoamer Wneslnnd, which arrived ntNow York from Antwerp a fow days sinco, reports that at noon on tho second .lay out, anil just after tlio Waesland left tho channel, a wlmle was soon (looting on tho vessel’s course. No attempt was mndo to avoid it, as tho natural impression was that it would get out of tho way of its own ac cord. It declined to move, however, being fast nsleop most likely, and tbo steamer’s sharp iron hows struck full and fair about midway of its longth. There wns a perceptible shock to the vossol ami un immediate checking of her progress. Passengers nml deck hands rau forward to see what was tho cause of tho Iroublo, and found that tho whale, which was fully 8.) feet long, hn.l been cut half in two, nnd lay (lend au.l fast caught on tho bows. It was neces sary to stop thoshipaud backoff todisengngo tho carcass, which, when froed, drifted nstora. , , , Nono of tho officers of tho ship had ovor witnessed a similar occurrence, although it is by no means au unheard of one. Ships have struck slooping whales boforo, and on several occasions have suffered damage from the col lision. SAW ms SON KII.T.ED. Michael Davitt, Irish Homo Buie lender, is nbout to visit tho United States. Colonel Mosnv, tbo ex-Confederate, will ho in tho lecture field next Benson. Saiiuou himself is expected to attend the opening of “Theodora” in New York in the fall. James Rubsell Lowell, now visiting England, finds himself the constant guest of dukes and earls. Senatob Mokrill, of Vermont, has been in Congress thirty years, and is twenty years older thuu Edmunds. Dwight Moody, the evangelist, is spend ing the summer at Mount Henuon, instruct ing 225 young men in tho Herlpturos, Julkb Verne, the French novolist, has not yet entirely recovered from the effects of a pistol shot wound inflicted by hi* crazy nephew last March. The Bov. Dr. Talmnge, wife and family have gone to Axhville, N. C., for the sum mer. He preached ail open-nir sermon on the Battery Park grounds in that place. Captain Eads, of Mississippi ltiver fame, is described ns a little man with white bear.i Br.dio : and a fringe of white hair around a bald head, and a pale, bloodless complexion. T. B. Aldrich, the editor of the Atlantic, has written a two-act drama entitled “Mer cedes,” which Mr. Lawrence Barrett will essay next season. The scene is laid in France during tho Napoleonic wars. Amono the first installment of Chinese that went to North Adams, Mass., wns Ltm Gim Gong, lie be umo converted to Christianity, | studied hard, saved money, and is now about to return to bis native laud as a missionary. | The young Emperor of China, Kwnng-S'u, : will assume thu reins of government during tho first mouth of tho new Chinese year. Tlio ministers and Board of Astronomy aro John Jones, aged twenty years, son of Superintendent Jones, who is building the incline road up Lookout mountain, near Chattanooga, met with a shocking death Tuesday. He was on a large tram freight car coming down the steepest portion of the road, when he lost control of the car. It rau down the road at a terrible rate of speed, when suddenly Jones was hurled through the air with awful force, falling in front of the car, where he was instantly killed. His legs, arms, neok and back were broken. Jones’ father was standing within twenty feet of the car when his son met his aw ful fate. IN BURNING OIL. A Negro Who Quarrel* With hi* Wife Meet* hi* Doom, Thomas Dallard, a colored miner of McDonald, Pa., died Sunday night from the clients of injuries received a week ,igo in n quarrel vith his wife. Dalkir.l frequently assaulted his wife, and on the night of the 10th inst., came home in toxicated, and commenced abusing her. She remonstrated with him, but as lie evinced no disposition to desist his ill treatment, she threw a tan of carbon oil „ver him, and then set fire to his clothing. I Us cries brought assistance, and -the fiames were extinguished, but lie wns so terribly burned that all efforts to save his life were without avail and he died in -rt'Mit agony. Mrs. Dullard has not been irrested. BURIED IN THE SAND. tccl.lent to Three I.lttle Glrl*—A Sand Pit' Carr* on Them. Tuesday afternoon Maud and Cora Da venport and Anna Davenport, their cousin, were playing in a sand pit at Cun- | ningham, Mo., when the sand pit caved : in and buried all three. Anna freed her- : .elf and dug away tho earth above Cora, | uncovering her face, thus allowing her to : breathe and saving hcrlifc. ThcDodyof i the other girl she was unable to find and j ran to the nearest house for aid. Cora j was taken out uninjured, but her sister l Maud was dead when found. lHu^ g l!‘i°‘ o, 0 ',President Cleveland and his pnrty nr-| given them ^Thon I.ingg salil: "Wo will linvo to work rived a few minutes after 0 o’clock in tho It wns repotted that in ABtorin nlonc, li&rder thw nftomoon.” Lingg told him to go morning, and foilnd waiting to receive out of thirty-live or forty families, to a place on Clayborno avenuo to got sonio hint Burgess’s corps, under command of or n total of 800 persons, over 100 bolts to put in tho shells. He got nl-out fifty Mnj. Van Zandt. with the Plnttsburg had died, mostly women and children. fe‘!iUWri‘SiX b 'StSi,Y'7S.!'”»! “ "»* i™>- o»*«« ““<*<”• 1" V* "II* °> “ S' worl.wl nt the gas pipes putting in tulH)H. ing .Mayor Thnchcr, Ex-Mayor BnnkR nml sufficient to afford food to the lnlinm- Abont forty bombs woro nmilo by tho other city officials were also in wniting, tants, Tho season which opened on May pnrty that afternoon. Mr. Ingham, for the Without tho lines formed by tho militia.i 1st was very hack wnrd, and had it not .me,., wnwm.Kr,. „t 00( j fi vo Q,. B ix hundred citizens who i boon fortho seal industry, which was lmd come to welcome tho President. Mr. Cleveland and his friends were es corted to the executive mansion, where they breakfasted with Governor Hill. Burgess’s corns then marched to tlio steamboat landing nnd welcomed the vet eran organization of tho Now York Sev enth Regiment, whilo other organizations All Cotnmunieotlone intended for this Paper must he accompanied bp the full nante of the writer—not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. Weareinno way responsible for Ik* vtews or opinions of correspond ents. NEVER MIND. N*v*r mind If your clothing 1* threadbare and worn, Aid tbo colors beginning to fade; < Such trifle* are easier by far to lie borno Than the thought of a bill to bo paid; For debt Is a master relentloss and grim, He grants you no rest or reposo; If once you aro sold into bondage to him, No pencil can picture your woea Never mind If your neighbors wonder am guess Over things yon don’t choose to make known, Your motives and actions would trouble thorn loss If thoy would attend to their own. There’s naught to require one to mako hts affairs Of neighborhood gossip tho theme; If a man breaks no laws, what he oats, drinks and wears, Is hi* own spoclal business ’twould seem. Never mind, lo* the world move along as it will, Llfo’s changes are certain wo know; And tho man that’s to day at the top of the hill May soon grope In tho valley below. Livo rightly, and slander and gossip will fall To harm you, and soon you will find That tho vory best armor whono’er thoy assail Is to say from the heart; “Never mlndl” —Palmer (Mass.) Journal. prosoeutionjiero prosontod two w.-ougliHron tubes about two in.-lios in diamotor nnd six inches long, alluded to by the witness. I.ingg cast tlio round bombs onco alone In tlie rear room of witness’ store, six weeks ho- fore May I. i.ingg told him ovory working- man should ha. e dynamite and learn to use it. There was going to I e an "agitation,” ho said, au.l all workingmen ought to learn tho use of dynamite. Oil tho Tuesday afternoon when they wero making bom tolerably good, not a soul would ho liv ing. Along Hamilton inlet, mnny hnve died. In Wobouck nnd Indian harbors fish is tho only food besides a smnll quantity of corn meal. They hnve had no vegetables sinco March 1. and tlio people are almost without clothing. At llopc- dnlo, not over twenty-flvo families rc- .y i bbgoc^ ‘ ‘ fodder' ’ * f (m**ih^oenpi till i st s mMho ! of Albany inalitta had a very Tmsy time j main out of tho entire former population, police who might try to protect tho capital- ! welcoming and escorting othtr visiting Many have gohe cast along the coast In 1sti. The bombs might to no completed that ; commands. ‘ * * “* * 1 —- , -- 1 nnie evontng, ns they were to bo used that night, President ClcYfcland spent pnft of the I.ingg said. Wliou witness left the house in . . „ the evening Lingg accompanied him, nnd foitnoon in a cnll upon Bccfctafv Man- they cdirio,l a Tittle trunk containing the nmg, nnd later, in company with Gov- bombs. They were all loAlo.1 with dyna mite and had cn|>8 fixed on them. PITH AND POINT. A man who nlways cuts an acquaint ance—Tho barber. It requires a million year* to form a coal-bed 100 feet thick, and yet people complain nbout tho price.—Pack. A tired speculator says ho flmlB nothing incrcasos now except the young men’s trouser*.—Boston Bulletin. A poet says: “I liston for the coming of his feet." We suspect the girl’s father tlio hope of getting into better supplied j do(lgn , t tnckIe t0 hun kindly.—JVbmi settlements. While eighty jjersons, of j (wn Hera id. While they wore carrying them they mot Mitzertberg, and the tlirco of them carried tho trunk to Neff’s Ball, No. 58 Ulyliourao avenuo. Thoy took them in through a sido door nnd into a tmllwny. There 111* trunk was opened au.l several persons came to look nt tho .ontoutd. Two or tbreo men took bombs. Witness teok two nil.l put them in his {Hinkets. Then they wont away) leaving tlio bomb: in tho | asi-ngewny. Tills hall, witness said Was . nlle.1 the “shanty" of tlio Communists, Anarchists and Bo in lists. All u-o.l to meet thero When ho left Neff's saloon I.ingg, Uielen and Gustavo Lchrman were witli turn, and they woro afterward jono l by two men of tlie Lehr and Wohr V’erein. All hail bombs. tV it ness said that it was understood that a dlsturbnn e was to bo made on the North Bide lli.-it nizht. Other dlsturbau oi wero to b> mude ou the West Side to prevent the police from massing nt any one point. I.ingg said disturbances should bo made all ovor tho North Bide, to prevent tlio police from going to tlio West, As they passed tho I.nrrnl>eo street noli.e I , ..... n.„ station i.ingg said it would bo a beautiful | gives a heartrending accoun. of tlio ttrii- thing to throw in a couple of bombs. From IgiiTubce sti* - t i.ingg and ho wont Wobstor avenuo station. A patr. throw'i'n abomb-TlmMt*was Z | Chidley two hundred nnd fifty souls are to do it. Witness said that it wns not a goo 1 | distributed over an nren of several miles, tlmo; that it would bo useless. Lingg ! Tho entire food supply gave out early in became excited and wanted witness M b The se al catch was very small. to give him somo fire from Ins ... cigar. The witness went into a hall i As the season wore on tho seuls fulled to and struck a match as if he wore going to uomu ncur enough to shore to bo enugfit. give it to Lingg. Tho patrol wagon pas-a I ]j,c cold was intense, and many old puo- Loforo the match lighted. Lingg wante 1 io . lu () ; ud 0 f exposU re and lack of nourish- follow the wagon. Bo thought them wns * n . t.A. ... ...i *i.„ „.,l,L. ],Jt ornor Hill and staff and city officials, re viewed tho magnificent procession. When tlio formal ceremonies wero pro ceeding, nftcr a speech by Governor Hill, tlio crowd dispensed with tho rcgulnr nrogmmmo by clamoring for "Clcvclnnd. ’’ Tlie president made a short congratula tory speech. Tho crowd then called out Secretaries Bayard and Whitney, who spoke briefly and in good taste. Tlie regular programme was then allowed to be r.-BUmed, winding up with the singing of “America” by a chorus and tho au dience. SUFFERING AMONG INDIANS. A HCnry of Extreme llritltutlon In the I.a- brudor. which forty were squaws nnd thirty-five children, died from starvation In June alone, there were sofifo deaths in April and May; but these were principally from exposure to tho cold. The Okk.ili Indians tire suffering greatly, hut there arc not ns many deaths among them its was nt first reported, only twelve per sons having died this spring out of 125 who mndo up tho tribe. Tlie whole set tlement is. however, on tho verge of star- A naturalist lias discovered that tlio toad is just as musical ns the frog. This destroy* what little musical reputation tlio toad ever had.—Minneapolis Tribune. “What are chilled plows, papa?” asked tho little eon of an agricultural professor. “Oh, my son,” was the wiso reply, “thoy are plows which have stood out in the furrow all winter.”—Boston Budget. Scone. Night—Mrs. Jonkine— “Do get. Tho Indian guide nnd government in terpreter, who lias just returned from lpo J Cape Chidley, tlie extreme northwestern Al pomt of Lubrudor reached by sledges, gives a heartrending account of the terri ble destitution and suffering which tho .vont up to thu Esquimaux nnd Indian farmers urs endur- t!! ! ing along the Labrador coast. On Cape Bo thought troulilo oil tlie West Bido nn.l "anted to know wlmt it was, hut tho witness persuaded him to go homo a little before 11 o'c-1 n-k. Liu;;g asked if witness had seen a notice in tho impel- that the armed men wore to hoi 1 a meeting on tho West. Bide. IIo showed a copy of the .1 rhcil.r Zt ituny and pointed to tho word “rnho, ” whi- li he said meant that there was to be a meeting, and that everything wns to be turned iq sid . down. Lingg and witness went to Noll’s iinll, where a number of otliors were. Herman said ta Lingg, in n very angry voice: “You are tlio cause of it nil.” Thero somo ono told of the Hnymnrkct nffnir and sui.l that a bomb had killed a great many. Lingg said nothing. On our way horn: i.ingg said that even now ho was scolded and gibed mont. On Juno 12, when the guide loft, (he inurcury stood nt eighteen below zero, and had been low*r. Ice for several hundred miles was solid for a less than 1,(500 persons must hnve per ished, hut tlie exact figures cuu never lie known, owing to the isolated region i i which tlie suffering exists. A dispatch from St. Johns, N. F., snys: The steadier Burrott lias put in here, bringing tho latest news from the Labrador coast. For nenrly two weeks she was blockaded in Yorklinrbor, forty miles east of Northeast river, by it field of ice. She brings five families, who had depth of 10 to 100 feet, and snow wns j reached that point from Sandwich bay, piled mountain high. At loast eighty i over 100 miles inland, in sledges drawn persons have perished since Mnrcli 1st py ponies, on which they subsisted after between Cape Chidley and Capo Mug- j their arrival. York ln-’bur is crowded ford, and only four survivors were found ] with fugitives, but they enme from the in the rude shuntieB along the coast, j southern coast nnd know nothing of their These accompanied tlie guide to Cape northern neighbors. July 10th a two Mugford. The bodios of ten Victims t days’ snow storm buried eastern Lnprii- \v#re found frozen stiff. The clothes dor, cutting off ull communication " jt! 1 had been taken from them, evidently to its population of 15,000 persons. 1 he help keep life in tlie bodies of tlie miser- snow has closed all trails. Relief vessels vutioii. The places spoken of do not up,Henry,and hold this child.” Jenkins include the whole district where there is ! —“Not much;wo havo iust decided that to bo found destitution nnd dentil. In eight hours per night should constitute n the country lying back from Okknh, , night’s work—that’s tho kind of a union Hopcdaloj Nain nnd Cnpo Mugford them ! man I am.''—UambUr. ure n large number of families, most of l Mamie—“Mamma, Iliad the funniest thom Indians or Esquimaux, among dream last night. I actually dreamed whom suffering is really greater than it ! about Thomas, tho new conehman.” Fond is in more thickly populated settlements, j Mother—“Henry, my love, I wish you The dentils here from starvation enimot j would discharge Thomns at onco. Hots he estimated, but it is thought, judging i getting entirely too familiar. Tho idea from reports now nnd then brought in, ^ of Ids allowing Mamie to dream about that tho number is voiy largo. i him. Such an insult V'—The liamblcr. In New Foundland uloug tlio north ' The other morning at tho Tombs, bo- const, there is great destitution. From I f OTO 0 ne of our most courteous polieo Cope llauld to Hearts Content, hundreds j justices, a war of words wnxed hot and are in a dying condition. In White Bay furious betweeu two distinguished Inw- nlone forty two persons died last month yers of that locality. “Sir,” said one, in anil no one knows how many since. Not j a vigorous aside, “you are a liar.’! ‘‘Sir,” responded tho ottier, “you aro a fool.” “Gentlemen, gentlemen,” entrented tho courteous judge, “you will kindly address your observations to the court.—New York Sun. WORDS OF WISDOM. at for tho work ho lin.l <lono; thnt Ills ; able survivors who, in turn, had died will now go direct to Aork buy to rc- brothers ill till) causodill not appreciate him. ,..i,;i„ nut finViino-nr after Reals Seven- I lie - - - .. . ■ They hid their bombs under the sidewalk. It I wlll *e out nsning or alter scats, oovtu | nc now cuguped in easting tho horoscope to find an auspicious day for the ceremony. UroN her ascension to the throne Queen Victoria apjioiutod a Hebrew, Sir Alosos | Montofiore, as Sheriff of London, and now at the beginning of the fiftieth year of hev I reign, another of the tribe of Judah, Aider- man Isaacs, has been appointed to tho same office. A correspondent writes that Miss Alice Freeman, tho l’reddent of Wellesley College, is in horself a glorious example of what a woni&n may become. Small and slight and handsome, only twenty-eight years of age, slio lias mastered thoroughly soven languages, all the sciences, and won tho right to stand beside any professor on earth as President of a was' about midnight when they reached * eun bodies were found along tlio shore, home. Witness said Engel often niado j Twenty-four persons, including six wo- sneeches to the effect that ovory workingmun men and three small children, perished should make bomba _ | at Cape Mugford. The prosecution nt ttiis point made a sen sation by holding up a bomb nnd asking if that was tho way bomus looked wlion thoy were reoclj^ to go oil’. Considerable nervous ness was displayed by Court and audience when it was learned thnt tho thing was loaded, and Judge Gray insisted thnt it nn.l tho othor bombs should be taken down to the Inko side and stripped of their caps, which was done. SEWSY GLEANINGS. : Onio has 30,500 government pensioners. There has been no rain in certain section* of Michigan for three mouths. People aro leaving Kansas for Louisiana to engage in agricultural pursuits. The Bartholdi statue is booked for comple tion tho latter part of September. Near Cnnuelton, Penn., the ground lieavos and pulsates just like the human brenst. The cnlf crop on the Wyoming ranges this scasou is the largest for a number of years. A peat deposit, forty acres in extent and seven feet deep, bus boon found near Neligh, Neb. An Amador county (Cul.) man bus applied for a patent oh a process for making butter by boiling the cream. Colorado farmors claim thatEnglish com panies have taken up all the water rights and established a gigantic monopoly. The uso of paper lias boon extonted in Vi enna to the manufacture of gas and water pipes, and in other places to tiles for roofing. The camphor laurel, from whicti the cam phor gum of commerce is obtained, has boon successfully iutroduced into California. It is a native of China. Patents to Southern Inventors have dou bted within three years. Car couplers tako the lead; there are uoarly 4,UOO already, and not one of them has established its supe riority. At one Northern XIUEII 11Y ACCIDENT. At Columbia, S. C., Dr. B. W. Tay lor’s son, Nathaniel, a very bright and promising boy about twelve years old, met bis death Tuesday, in a shocking manner, lie and bis brother were out in tlie fields bunting doves. Nathaniel con cealed himself in the high grass to get a good shot. In the meantime his com panion was watching in the open fields - for tlie birds to rise, and getting a shot 1 lie leveled his gun and pulled the trigger. 1 At the same moment Nathaniel rapidly ' rose to his feet, just in time to receive tlie whole load of shot in his head, n con- | sidernble part of which was blown away, j lie was not fivo yards off. Death was ; immediate. The remains of the deceased ; were brought to tlie city. MYSTERIOUS KILLING. j lieve first tho sufferers there. A White hay dispatch states that the whalers re port that Hudson hay strait is again frozen over, which is an unprecedented occurence nt this season. Up to dote 020 survivors have arrived hero. 1 lie number that have died is estimated at 3,000. Sinco Saturday an cast wind lias blown off tho banks, increasing tlie firm ness of the const ice. KILLED BY HIS SONS. Without hearts there is no home. Cultivate steadfast patience in waiting hours. Bo ever gentlo with the children God has given you. Tho greatest of fools is he who imposes upon himself. Oh, blessed health! thou art abovo all gold and treasure. Tho chief, if not the only, Bpur to hu man industry is uneasiness. Wo can only live noble lives by acting nobly on every occasion. Study rntlier to fill your mind than your coffers, knowing that gokl and sil ver wero originally mingled witli dirt, until avarice or ambition parted them. Sloth makes all things difficult, but industry all easy; and lie thnt rises late must trot all day, nnd senreo overtake his business nt night; while Laziness travels so slowly that Poverty soon over takes him. Two Brothers Assassinated by Unknown Portion. A. young man named Henry Bnily was shot and killed by unknown part es in Harlan county Ky., while he was wash ing his face. His brother was shot and killed in the same way about two weeks ago. It is thought to be a continuation of the I toward-Turner feud, which began a year ago. Wilson Howard and William Jennings arc suspected of both killings. NOT HOLY WATER. Mrs. John Prill, of Pittsburg, Pa., was frightened by the great storm of Tues day, and ran to her bedchamber for a ! vase of holy water. She hastily grasped , point on the Cascade branch of the ! the wrong bottle and liberally sprinkled | the people. The other half of the j eniams „ Pacific the railroad describes a her head, face and shoulders with sul- J wcr e found salted down m a barrel. 1 lie horseshoe, which is two and a quarter miles phuric acid. Her cries of distress brought negroes became frenzied on making the around, and only 1,500 feet across tho hUl at * 8sistauce Her lif , „ in be gaved . but ^scovery, seized the woman and burnt The report appears to the open end of it. In the chateau of the late King Louis of Bavaria at Bery have been found coffers filled with diamouds, pearls, rubies and all kinds of jewelry whose value is equal to a magnificent fortune. The Polish Alliunce of the United States asserts that there are 1,000,000 Poles in this country, and recently a prominent Wiscon sin Bohemian declared that there were 6,000,000 Bohemians here. assistance. Her lif.o will be saved, but her eyes are destroyed, and she will b# terribly disfigured. FORTY PERSONS KILLED. An explosion has occured in the gov ernment magazine, near Constantinople. About forty people were killed and sever al injured, Crawling Into n Rabbit-Hole. I was in Hood's corps, under command of Johnston, in Georgia, when tho follow ing event occurred, and notwithstanding that we were engaged in fighting it made' all laugh who suw it. It was at Now Hope Church, where wo had thrown up temporary breastworks, and slept in tlio trenches upon our arms. During tlw niglit we were aroused from our slumber by what wo believed a tremendous dis charge of musketry nnd roaring of cannon nt our immediate front. Tlie blaze of tlie etiomy’s guns made tho woods look like one unbroken sheet of flume. .Minnio balls, grape, and canister shells wero whistling through tlie air and bursting everywhere, cutting down tho timber and producing n havoc and confusion that cannot be described. At this time one of our boys had taken refuge behind a large hollow tree, out of which a rabbit lind been chopped, nml behind him six others hn.l also taken shelter, standing with their hands cm U one upon the shoulders of the one in front of him. Whenever a shell burst in tho neighborhood of these boys tho front one would try with all his might to crawl into that hollow tree, and the roar boys would swerve nnd veer like a comet’s tail or the left wing of a regiment. We laughed at these poor boys’ antics afterward until the cruel war was over. And, after all, the tight w is a falso alarm. Tho Feberals thought that wo had charged their lines, and we that they had charged ours. Soon the firing ceased and wo were again sleeping in tho trenches. Such is war nnd tlio alarms of war. Of course we wero hardly civil in laughing at tho conduct of our comrades, but then, you know, a laugh is no re specter of persons, etc. The most laugh able part of tho whole qulsode was tho A dispatch from Staunton, Vn., says: fact that tho tree was really a source of The violent storm Tuesday night caused j danger had a shell struck it, ns it would great damage to the crops throughout the i have knocked it all to pieces.—Chicago valley. Trains were delayed twetlvc ledger. hours. Telegraph lines down. The Frightful Death of a Father In Llh- rrty County, Georgia. A shocking tragedy was enacted near Ilinesvillc, Ga., Friday. Pat Martin, a widower, living with his three little boys, the oldest being about twelve years of age, was killed by them while sleeping on a cot in tlie front piazza of his house, j They went to the house of an mint \ and confessed the horrible deed, saying | that their father lmd whipped them and threatened to choke and cut their throats when lie had taken a nap. The boy:, sr- i cured an ax, and while lie slept aimed i three or four blows at his head, killing him before he could rise. The boys arc small for their age, having always been considered sickly. Martin was addicted to drinking, but as he worked hard at a neighbor’s house up to dinner time, and tlie killing took place immediately after, it is not probable that lie was in liquor. A GEORGIA CANNIBAL. A Woman Kill* a Child nnd Cooku It. A horrible report from the lower end of Tatnall county bus just reached us. A negro woman engaged to prepare a dinner for a colored picnic, murdered a young child, which had been left in her charge, cooked half the remains and served it to her at the stake, be authentic. THE STORM IN VIRGINIA.