The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, August 24, 1886, Image 1

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the mercukv. Entered as Second-class Matter at fj, e sandersvtlle Postoffloe April 27, 1880. SindersYille, Washington Connty, Ga. PUBLI8HED BY a. J. jimisriGAisr, Proprietor and Publisher. Subscription: $1.B0 Per Year. City of SandersTllle. THE MERCURY. A. JT. JMRNIGAN, Proprietor. DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.80 Per Annum. Mayor, J, N. Gilmore, Aldermen. W. R Thigpen, B. E. Rotiohton, J. B Roberts, A. M. Mato. S. G. Lanq. Clerk. 0. 0. Brown. Treasurer J. A. IllWIN. Marshal. J. E. Weddon, VOLUME Vlt. SEWSY TOPICS. SANDERSVILLE, GA.. TUESDAY, AUGUST 2L 1880. NUMBER IT. THE MERCURY. PUBLISHED IRBY TUESDAY. NOTICE! Ail Communications intended for this Paper must be accompanied bp Mao /’lift name of the writer—not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of goml faith. We are in no way responsible for flte views or opinions of correspond ents. matters of interest from VARIOUS QUARTERS. A, C. WRIGHT, attorney at law, 105 Bsjr St., Savannah, Ga. e&rwll.t, PBAOTICU IN ALL TIIE COURTS. U. LANGMADE, " attorney at law, SANDERSVILLE, Ga. B. I). Kvahi, B.D. Kvass, Jn • EVANS & EVANS, ATTORNEYSAT LAW SANDERVILLE, GA. fTH.SAFFOLD, ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, SANDERSVILLE, GA. Will prsotice in all the Courts of the Middle Circuit and in the enmities itirrou tiding Washington. Special at tention given to commercial law. F. K. IIlNSR. 0. It. Roams. HINES & ROGERS, Attorneys at Law, SANDER8VILLE, GA. Will practlco In tho counties of WssliiaRto i, Jefferson, Jolimton, Emanuel and Wilkimon, »nd in tlie U. 8. Ooiirta for tho Hontlu-ru Dia- tiint of Oonr|(ia. Will act a. agonti in buvlnf, selling or rent ing Heal F.itate. Oflico on Wcat aide of Public Bouaro. Octll-tf GW. H. WHITAKER, DENTIST, SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA. TERMS CASH.— VT Office at his rcaidcnce, on Harrii at rest. Apr20-’80 H. S. HOLLIFIELD, Pliysician & Surgeon, SANDERSVILLE, GA. Offico nnxt door to Mrs. Bayne's Milliner, Store, on Harris street. BUY YOUIl America's Ills Veaacl-A Bnrgienl Pcnt-Tlis Urenl Force! Fires, Ktc. The Army and Navy Register publiaboe the following: Secretary Whitnoy has de termined to iuuludo in tho list of now truis- ora for which proposals are to bo invltod the large unarmorod cruiser authorized by the bill passed two wooks ago to increaso tho uo- val establishment, and has directed that for this vessel tho plans prepared by Chief Con structor Whlto, of England, for tho ship known os u No. 27,” ho usoJ. Theso plans con* tomplntea vos*el of greater power nn.l speed than any cruiser now afloat—-in fact, the vory highost powered vessol of tho kind in (lie world at tho timo of completion. The principal dimensions of tho vessel nro as fol lows: Longtli over nil, 835 feet; beam, ox- tremo, 43 feet H inches; draft, mean, ill foot flinches; load displa oinaut, 4,418 tons; indt- < ated hoi^o power, Lo. 5(0, forced combus tion; twin screws; estimated speed, nineteen knots. The ship has two military masts, no sail Power except storm sails; coni capa Ity about WK) tons. Tho complement of men is 320. Tuo main bnttery consists of four 8-inch an 1 hIx fl inch hreceh-loading rifle's: secondary bat tery, eight 57-singlo-sliot Hutjlikis-| guns, two 31-rovolvor madiiue guns aud one Bhort Gatling. Tin hull will lie con st! noted of stoel throughout, with double bo.tom running tho entiro length of tho machinery s(aco, or 150 feet. Tho outor pint'll^ varios from thirty potm Is to loveiitoon mid ouo half pounds, the ordi nary woiglit hoing twenty pounds per square foot. The machinery, magazine's, sholl rooms, torpedo rovtns and steering gear nro plocod holowau armored deck, which is four imdios thick ou its sloping bides and two and one- half inches on the horizontal part amidships, A Teat In Surgery. A remarkable surgical operation lias just boon performed ut the Massachusetts (Ion* Hospital, Boston, by Dr. M. H. itichnid- soii of that. city. About a year ago John McCarthy swallowed a sot of artlllclul teeth, which passod through tho trsophngtis and lodged in tho cardiac oriitco of tho stomneh. Borne months ngo an attempt wns mode by a surgeon to remove tho obstruct ion by tho introduction of an instrument into the miophagus through tho mouth, hut to no purpose. Tho passage of food to tho stomach being almost wholly prevented, the patient bocamo very much emaciated and vory wtak, nud it wns evident that unless rollef was Boon bad ho must die. After having had tlia cast under observation at tlio hospital for a ihort timo Dr. Xichardsou determined upon opening tho stomach. llo made a transveis) cut iu the left side of 1 ho nbdomeh, through which tho stomach wns aud then opened, when Dr. Richardson washable to reach and removo the teeth. Tho internal opouing was thou dosed with flue silk nud the ston ach replaced, the external cut being also closed with stit hes. The whole operation wns completed in forty-five min utes. The patient is doing well, and his com plete recovory is now considered certain. Tho Great Pores! Fires. A Fort Howard (Wis.) dispatch says: Ro- porti from tho groat Arcs have not been at nil o-nggerntoil. Fort Howard nud Green Hay nro enveloped in douse smoke, and all aronnd the outskirts of tho town can ho seen tho tlamos as they hurst from tho distant woods. Evory- thlug is ns dry us tiudor, and the fence* and glass along the tracks are either burned or aro now burning. North of Little Creok is a large cranberry swamp in Which the bushes are all on ilro and burning flercoly. dno of the most peculiar elfo -ts of tho fire is the ac tion of the animals, whi h seem to bo nppro- henslvo of some great danger. Tho cattle and horsoi huddle together, forget ting to fcod, and si amp the ground restively. Around Greon Bay tho ’ clnntago ItnS lieou heavy, hut the greatest Joss ltns been suf fered in tho Oconto region. Lnat Monday night tho lire readied Depere, and burned fifty-one buildings, Including a church and several stores. Tho fires, according to the latest reports, aro rapidly dying out, and un less a gale of wind should spring up will cause little more damage. FROM CTEK.TTia-A.ISr, (None genuine without our trade mark.) ON HAND AND FOR SALE SPECTACLES, NOSE GLASSES, Etc., Etc. Watches, Clocks AND JEWELRY BBPAIRID BY JEUR/ILTIGiJYILT. OUR Hurricanes in tho West. During a win:! storm a large double Ice house at Mitchell, Madison County, 111., was blown down, aud four tramps wlm had taken refuge hi tho building woro killed. 1 ho building was about half full of ice, and was ru o 1 to tlie ground. At the afternoon performance of a circus in Hditin, Mo., a tremendous wind torin camo up, tearing tho immenso canvas from tho poles. Tho wholo foil to the ground, burying treat. numbers of men, women and children beneath the canvas and creating a panic which resulted in a number of persons being seriously in iured. A hurricane passed over Keokuk. Iowa, do ing great damage to buildings and leveling feueos and trees. Numbers of husinn s house! woro unroofed and the spire of the Fir.t Baptist Church was blown down. C. n- sidurablo loss was entailed in the lunibor district. Throughout Iowa and in portions of 1111- no's a violent storm has greatly injured crops. ' HYDROPHOBIA IH BAY CITY. DEPARTMENT H supplied with all the requisites for doing all kinds of Job and Book work in First- Clasa Stylo, Promptly and at Rear aonable Trices. WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, „ BALL CARDS, POSTERS, HANDBILL8, PROGRAMMES, HT ATE ME NTS, LETTER HEADINGS, DODGERS, PAMPHLETS, ETC.. ETC.. EfO THE NEWS IN GENERAL. HAPPENING8 OF INTEREST FROM ALL POINT8. BASE BALL ROTES. DEKALB’S STATUE. A Young Man liltten l>r a I’et Dog in tlis Throes of Heath. Etliclbert Smithson, aged 10, of Bay City, Mich., had u finger bitten by a pet dog, which died. It had exhibited un mistakable signs of hydrophobia. No attention was paid to the wound until Tuesday. The young man ltad retired apparently in his usual health, hut soon awakened the family with his barking and growling. Physicians were sum moned and at once pronounced the case hydrophobia. His paroxysms were so violent and desperate lie had to he chloroformed. lie has been removed to the county jail and manacled to his bed. HANGED HIMSELF. The Assistant Postmaster. of Danville Tired of 13 fe. S. W. Armstrong, ussistant postmaster at Danville, Va., committed suicide Sunday by hanging himself to a gas pipe in the basement of thepostofficc building. He left a letter saying he wns tired of life. Nothing is wrong in his accounts. He leaves a wife and three daughters. Tho deceased wus a prominent man here, and wns past noble grand master in the order of Odd Fellows. He came here several years ago from Hampton, Va., and was a lawyer. An Actor’s Sensational Snlclde. A real tragedy of tho theatre has occurred it Casalo, a town of Piedmont,Jn Northern Italv An actor, who was playing a iead- - J «'e audle iusr nart. inueu w picc^o ....-fence, who displayed their disapproval by prolonged i hissing The actor stopped suddenly in his lines aud, advancing to tins footlighfa, drew ' a revolver and rhot himself dead. ! His wife, who was seated in a box, wit nessed the tragedy, and in a frenzy attempted to u»p to the noor beneath, which was quite I ' distance. She was restrained by several friends who were in her company, and was finally carried from the theatre unconscious. KANTKKM AND MIDDLE STATES. The strikes in the leather shops of Pea body and Salom, Mass., liavo resulted In as saults and riotous disturbances. .Uollin M. Squire, the New York Com missioner of Public Works, aud Maurice B. Flynn, the contractor who was practically running that office, have beon indicted by the Grand Jury for conspiracy. "They both gave bail. TnnEK young daughters of Henry Wyman, n Far Rockawav (Long Island) fisherman, were drowned while bathing. The nnnunl convention of tho National Association of Ameri an Rankers oponod on the 11th in Boston. Representatives of the banking interests in all parts of tho country wore prose it, nud various papers of import ance to financiers were rea l and disettssod. William Boyd, an aged millionaire, wns struck by an oxpress train notir his homo at Wnlkor's Mills, Penn., and instantly killed. Hon. Lewis Beach, Congi-ecumin of-tlie Fifteenth New York DUtrTct, died at his homo, Cornwall on the Hudson, a few day! sinco, ng«d fifty-one years. The New York Beptibli -an State Com mittee decided on tho 11th to hold no Btnte Convention tills fnll, hut that a candidatefoi Asso -into Judge of the Court of Appeals be nominutod by tlie Committee at a subse quent meeting. Dr. Frank II. Hamilton, n noted sur geon anil one of Clio doctors in attendance noon President Garfield, died in Now York tho other day, in liissovonty-tliird year. MicttAKLi Mezzi was hanged at Union- town, Bonn., for tho murder of n fellow Ital ian liamoi Cossidonto, the motive being rob bery. | GREAT CROWDS AT TIIE UNVEIL ING IN ANNAPOLIS. Unveiling ofthe llronan Statue at Annapo lis. Aid. The ceremonies attending tho unvcil- Bavannaii has won fourteen straight Ramos. Ferguson, the Philadelphia pitcher, Is the terror of League batsmen. Gov. Bullock, of Goorgia, Is one of the stockholders in tho Atlanta club. Despite their low position, the Bostons ; nvl , ,, - , have drawn 70,000 people to their games at ^ °‘ ,llc DcKnlb statue on Monday, home. caused tho historic old city of Annnpolis, Dunlap, tho St, Louts second baseman, M'U to awaken from tho lethargy with has boon sold to tho Detroit Loaguo nine for%Dvhich it is usually enwrapped. Fully a argosum. 10,000 strangers were in attendance and (Asscsws ss? ass ays't s.,r ‘ > ° c r ua - <* t °! Washington J 1 lie occasion. Tlie statuo is considered Tub New England League has had less !7, Ust work of the young sculptor, trouble with its umpires tbnn an; other base Lphrnim Kcyscr, to whom the work wns ball organization. * given by cx-Secretary Frclinghuyscn. It Detroit's big right fielder, Thompson, represents a German soldier in Conti- othri'l 0 ™, '‘V:?. 0 L uoual cntchos thau “y ncntal uniform with a sword upheld nnd Tiif Mmiin™ !), _ , .. . . 18 11 ningniflecnt bronze work, measuring ‘"7 mounted Oh u granit? playore has bteu formed. pcaeslnl thirteen feet high. It is erected on n knoll nt the south end of tha. state BUDGET OF FUN. HUMOROUS SKETCHES FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. SOUTU AND WEST. Liortnino rtriick the main stablo of th» Omaha (Neb.) Fair Association, killing eight valuable trotters. A mm at Eggleston, Wis„ destroyed a largo grain elevator uud sovuntcon loaded freight cars. Four tramps asloop lit a car woro burned to death aud throo others soveroly injured, An F.l i'a-o (Terns) dispatch of tho dth stated that tli - excitement ovor the imprison- numt of Cutting, tlie Amoi icn-i oditor, was intansilled, and Mint the .Mexif-an authorities would is'lica l their prt-onoi-in case a rescue wn< attonipted. 8s retary Bayard wns re ported to Imvo made a final demand for Cut ting's release. Two men returning from a picnic at Blrdssye, Ind., wove shot dead by Thomas Hobbs and his a >n, James. A crowd of tOO uiou captured tho murdorors and hanged them to a tree. Rev. Mam Jones, tho Southern rovivnllst, has boon preaching to great crowds at Lan caster, Oh o. Ex-Gove.nor John W. Stevenson of Ken tucky diod tho othor dav in Covington, aged sovonty-tbroo yenrs. Ho was President of tho Domocrntlc National Convention which nominated Genornl Hancock for tho Presi dency. The boiler of a thrashing machine on a farm near JciTcrson, tVis., exploded tho other day with horrifying effect. Kugiuoor Anthony Klein anil his son, Joseph Leitor and ills ten-year-oiil hoy, and Joseph Haas were instantly killed. Another of Lester's sous, agod eight years, and a man named Fisher were fatally s aided. Mils. Martin Stouqii, of Conneaut. Ohio, and her three daughters, agod fifteen, thirteen and eight years rosiioctlvely, woro drowned a few days sinco in a crook. Mr. 8tough'* grief drove him mad. Durino tho trial of the Chicago Anarchists, tho prisoners woro daily recipients of num erous bouquets and other floral offerings. Tub Indiauupolis Democrat* at tlioir State Convention in Indinna|iolis nominated a Ktnto ticket headed by John C. Nelson for Lieutenant-Governor nnd ndnpteda platform which cordially approves Cleveland's admin istration: favors a financial policy “in which gold and silver coin ami pa|>or money readily convertible into coin, including tho volume of tho United States notes now provided by law, shall bo tlio circulating mo liuminsists upon a reduction of tho Treasury surplus in payment of tho National debt, and opposee “all sumptuary laws and prohibition legisla tion.» Robbers killed Bernard Martin, ot Weaver, Arizona, his wifu nnd two children, and then burned tho hodio*. Martin had sold his ranch for *4,00J, and with this sum had started with ills family for Erie, Penn. Thomas Bondy, the son of a Baptist min ister at Graysvillo, Tonn., attempted to whip Johu Davis, a young farmer, for visiting ills sister. Davis boat Bendy to death, crushing his skull witli n stone. At this juncture the futbor of Bendy intorforred. He and Davis fought wiqh knive*. Bondy was killed and Davis fatally wounded. The now town of Lusk, Wyoming Terri tory, built of tents aud temporary wooden structures, has been swept out of existence by a furious wind and hail storm. A Chicago bakor killed himself to escape a boycott. Count Saigo, tho Japanese Secretary of the Navy, is on a tour of inspection in this country, and a few days sinco visited the Washington Navy Yard. formed. GovKRNon Hill attended a rocent game between tho New Yorks and the Detroi’s on the grounds of the forinor. ^ NS0N i ot tlie Chi ngos. and Connor nnd G Kourko, of tho Now Yorks, have each crossed tho 100 base hit line in their ordor. The New Yorks won three straight game* »fom both tho Clilcagos anil tho Dotroits on tho lost Eastern tour of these two Western clubs. Rochester has anadvantago in the Inter national League race by reason of closing tho seuson at homo with sixteen straight games. There are said to be mora and bettor ama teur nines in Philadelphia tlinn any other ball city in this country, with tho exception of St. Louis. Browning Is playing brilliant ball with the LouLvllles sinco ho rejoined I lio team. In two games ho made seven hits with a total of fifteen bases. In their drubbing of tho Bostons this year the Philadelphia* aro wiping out old scores. Tho Bostous. in two successive sousons, won twenty-eight game* from them. It is on the cards that after tlio ending of tho Southern League season tho Atlanta club will make a tour through tho Eastern an l Western Htatos, and will piny all tho ioading club* in tho country, TnoMAS au 1 Alvord of tho Bridgeport*, were lined $50 each for refusing to pfay att exhibition game on a rocent Sunday, it is *nid both men will seok to recover by law,as there is no rule compelling Eastern League men to play Sunday. Hardy Richardson, short stop of tho Dotroits, made a neat do tula play aud as sisted in making a triple in iiostju a few days ago. He captured Sutton’s lly, touched Hovnung, who was playing olt socond bass, and then out Burdock wh.lo trying to steal home. Ok all tho minor organizations tho Inter national loaguo has boon the most fortuuuto thus for this season, it can claim tho eight clubs at tho present timo that it starto.i tlio season with, an I it is having nn intorostiug race. Th( ro is nosign of any club weakening; all will undoubtedly finish tho season aud be on hand again next year. PERSONAL MENTION. amity Pride — Too Snrcaetio — A Quiet Chat — A lint-gain — Ho Drought the Bear—Turn- llii'a Victory. A Texas boy of about twelve brought homo a very poor school certificate. The old man said, os ho looked under the sofa tor a bootjack: “I’ll have to apply coercive measures." “Don’t do it, lather. I’m afraid thoro will ho a scene, nnd wo don’t care to have the neighbors suspect that our rela tions nro not"harmonious.” Tho neighbors say the boy’s cloqucnco wns intoned by something that sounded like hitting a tough beefsteak with tho flat sido of an ax.—Siftings. house grounds nnd faces duo south. The ceremonies opend with npnrndo, in which n part wits taken by United States naval ; officers, cadets and mariners; all tho date militia, the Knights of Pythias, German societies and othor orgnni-ent ions. Flic unveiling wns according to tho solemn I it uni of tlio Masonic order nnd wns in "hut-go of tlio grand lodge of Maryland, i'iiottias J. Sltryiek, grand marshal, with , lleausnnt comninndcry Knights Tomplnr, i » guard of honor. Tlie veil was with- Too Sni-oastic. First Dudo—“Olo fellali, what do you think of Miss Coimnonsonsc?" Second Dude—“Well, inn denh boy, mo opinion of her is not vowy fwut- twing." First Dudo—“Thatli had. Wat’s tho wenson you don’t wike her?” Second Dude—“Too deuced sahcnstic, don’t yo know. W’y tho other dny we were out widing, sho and I, and wo passed by one of tlicso donkeys, a mis- wablo animal, you unnerstan, and I asked I lawn at half past two o’clock, when a | her tlio dillorenee between that henst and national salute was fired front the naval 1 myself. 1 thwought sh n would sny sho -.(-iidemy. Secretary of State Bayard, didn’t know, and I would tell her that 'tlio was accompanied by the Turkish tho donkey ciwow loads and I dwow pic- minister, received the statuo from sculp- tures. Yo know I am a sort of nn alitist, tor Koyscr. an d that would bo a fwine joko, halt i Jove." First Dudo—“And wlmt did she sny?” Second Dudo—“Sho Bnid tho.onwi dif- wenco sho could see was in the length of i tho cars.”—Detroit Free Press. James Stcnrns, who returned to Chat- J tnnooga, Tenn., Inst week with n pretty A Quiet Clint, young wife, after mi absence of thirty- J—is n wideawake young business mnn years in California, believing his first on Stnto street. Sauntering about nt tho wife dead, only to find the latter alive, is Art Club exhibition recently, ho chanced HIS TWO WIVES. A Clinltnnaoin Jinn Finds Illmsell In a Sad Frcdlcnment. WASHINGTON. The President has commissioned James O. Matthews (colored) of Albany, whose nom ination was rejected by the Somite, to be Recorder of Deeds for the District of Co lumbia. The President has nnpo’ntod Daniel Ma- gone, of Ogiioiisbiii-gh, N Y., Collo tor of the Port of New York, in pla^ *.f E. L. Hodden, resigned. It is understood Mr. Hedden's resignation wns requested becaus* he did not carry out the President’s Civil Sorvice reform views. Presidential Postmasters have been ap pointed us follows: Elias B. Hinkloy, at Stoningtou, Conn.; George F. Thorpe, at Westport, Conn.; Francis A. Willard, at Boonville, N. Y.; Daniel McGory, nt West Chester, N. Y. • Harlow E. Bundy, at On- eonla, N. Y.; Jefferson B. Brown, at Key West. Fla Mr. Jay Gould spends $310 a day ou his yai ht Atalanta. Attorney-General Garland is on his farm nonr Litt.'e Bock, Ark. Genehal Bukhman has been tho social lion of the seas-m in California Senator Stanford, of California, 1ms flvo mansions In different parts of tho country, all olegautly and completely furnished. Dr. Luring, ex-Commisslonor of Agricul ture, will found a now town, to ho callo I by his name, about soven miles from Wash ington. Mrs. JonN W. Mackay is tho American woninn referred to by fumdon Truth a* hav ing been refusod an invitation to tlie Queou’s state balL Governor FiTznuoit Lee, ot Virginia, will attend tho Steuben County Fair nt Bat li, N. Y., in September, as the guest of Gon-ral W. W. Avorell. CnauNCEY M. Depkiv, Frnnklin B. Gowcn and Tiionins Powell Fowler are throo rail road presidents who entered tlie railroad world from law offices. General Boulanger, the French Minis ter of War, aud tho most ta)ked-of man in Pari;, is tho son of an nttorney at Rcnuo*. His mothor was English. Joaquin Miller hiis assume ! tlio editor ship of tlio Gulden Era. n inaga itio pub lished at Sau Francisco. It is the sumo mag azine upon which Bret Harto mode his debut. Mr. P. T. Barnum says that if ho livos much longer and retains his present activity ho will oxuib.t himsoif in a sido tent us “one of the greatest curiosities Barnum over handled.” The secret of M. DeLosseps’s succoss in raising the Panama Cuunl loan is bis persua sive powor with tho ladies. Ho has inveigled no less than 1(1,00(1 of tlio gcutlor sex into his Bchomc, and still t’.ioy come. Although Senator Morrill, of Vermont, Is seveuty-s-von years old and 1m* spout nearly half hi* life in Congress, it is said that up to thu time of hi* recent illness lie was never absent but ono dny from his seal. The Prince of Walks riocllnos to go out to the Adelaldo (Australia) Jubilee Expo sition next year on the ground that, it would not bo prop-r to absent himself from Eng land duriug tho jubilee year of tho Queen’s reign. John T. Elkins, the brother of Stephen B., who died suddonly of heart disease while on a fishing and hunting excursion among the Ho -kies a few days ago, owned lnrgo silver nnd cattle interests in Colorado and had served a term in tho Senate of that State. NEWSY GLEANINGS. in nn unfortunate predicament, lie has to meet a friend, a deaf mute, who was two wives anil don’t know wlint to do with one of them. Both Stcnrns nnd his first wife believed each other dead, ns he hud gone west to seek n homo lor his family nnd wns never hoard- from, nnd neither could ho learn one word concern ing his wife, sho receiving neither letters nor $1,000, which ho sent her. Stcnrns wns married in 1840, and tho couplo were j devoted to each other. Now thnt he has found her alive, nnd thnt bIio has re mained true to her troth, plighted forty- six years ngo, his old love has been re kindled, nnd yet ho loves his young wife . . . whom Lo brought from California, and , * .. H “} l0( bcorge!” said tho new-made she fairly worships her aged husband. ftcqua i„t„’„cc to the new comer, fnmilinr- Th °y “ rc >'- 1Qg 1“ th ,° house 7 ly, “how do you like tho picturca this present, but this stato of affairs cannot y CBr p> 1 Inst long, ns both the wives, who at first “Thunder and Mnrs?" exclaimed J—, were so affectionate toward each other, i„ surprise, “can you talk?” "Styles, I think that wns oiatne mean; you know I ain’t no geologist." But it enmo Tutnhn’s timo to reply, and ho was equal to tho occasion. He scorned tho imputation thnt ho did not know where Liverpool \Vn«, nnd. pro ceeded to locate it, to the satisfaction of tho audience. “But,” snid lie, “it would make no difference if I didn’t know it. There is ono thing thnt I do know, and that is my people nnd my dislriot. Now I want to ask my friend Styles n simple question, which the representative of this district in Congress ought to be nb!e to answer, and if lie docs so at once, right from his seat nnd without information, I will promise tocomo right down nnd ask you to vote for hint.” Attention was now directed to Styles, who eyed the speaker complncently and good-humoredly, nodded for him to pro ceed. “Whnre, sir," continued Tumlin, rais ing his voice to a high pitch and leveling his finger at his opponent, “where, sir, is Cooper’s Creek?" Stylos bccarao confused nnd did not venture a reply. Tho audience accepted tho point ns a good one, for every ono knew that Cooper's Creek wittered tho most prominent section of tlio county. . “An, you see,” he conclucd, “he don’t know anything about tlie county that ho wnnts to represent. .Now, I lenvoittoyou to say whether it is best to elect n mnn who knows nil about Eng land nnd nothing about his district, or ono who knows overy cow-puth in tho district and every creok that should bo elennnd by Congressional appropriation.” Tito victory was Tumlin’s. IIo had enrried the dny, nnd his triumphant elec tion followed. History snys thnt tho old Cherokee district wns we'l represented in Congress duriug his term.—Atlanta Con stitution. Ho Drought the Bear. You know thnt I went up in Northern Michigan lnstfallon n hunting trip with throe or four friends. Well, I can tell yon of a comical little incident which oc curred to our old negro cook, Jim. We hnd killed numerous heavers, por cupine, purtridges nnd pheasants, and a few deer, but wo had been grievously conversing with n companion in sign disappointed in getting no hears. Wo language. Greeting J— cordially tlio followed up overy benr track wo could deaf inuto drew out a pocket pad and poncil, and after a brief pencil and paper conversation introduced his cont- p iniou by tlio same means and shortly after withdrew. J— and tho gentleman discussed tho pictures pleasantly for twenty niinuts or more, mcanwhilo covering tho backs of sundry envelopes nnd scraps, of paper with their pencilings, when a fourth chnrncter in this little drama came upon the scene, a friend of J—’anew-made ac- uro becoming very jealous. The husband is in a dilemma and cannot decide which wifo shall have the exclusive claim to his affection. The two baby boys whom ho loft when Ito wont west ore now grown men and ‘Well, I should sny so,” said tho gentleman, equally surprised, as he put away poncil and paper. “Ain’t you deaf and dumb?" “Not by a good deal I” J— replied, thrusting into his pocket nn envelope have families, while by his^ second wife nearly covered with poncil marks, “but I'll kill Dummy noxt timo I meet him.”— lioston Record. he has a swoet four-year-old girl. FIVE PERSONS KILLED. Fiilnl Itcmi'IK nr n Holler FxploNloii Wisconsin, At Oakland, Wis., on Monday n ter- ; rifiic explosion occasioned by the burst ing of a boiler in tho carpenter shop of | I’erinicr & Webster. The boiler house | was utterly demolished and five men and | hoys instantly killed. Nelson Pern, foreman of the working j crow, was slightly wounded in tlie log, j and II. F. Bailey, severely. Ho is now iu \ tlie hospital with a fair show to recover, i The cause of the explosion was a lack of water in tho boilor. Saturday tho boiler wns blown cleaning. As when it was found that tho injector would not work. While trying to fix it tlio explosion occurred. A Riirffnln. A street-tinker, surrounded by a bevy of children, was industriously working on a demoralized ten kettle, when a very soiled tramp approached him, and cautiously drew from under his coat a tin can, and in a confidential way said: “My friend, I’m in hard luck; I dropped this can yesterday, and now every timo I drink it leuks down on my coat and looks very untidy. I’m broke —I spent tho last cent I had for a char lotte russo. But won’t you just put a drop of solder over thnt hole?” v Tho tinsmith was very prompt in in- off and pumped up after ■ forming him iu plain, unalloyed English, s usual, the fire wus built, that he didn’t wulk around nil day yelling YELLOW FEVER AT QUAItlNTINK. — ; At a meeting of the board of health nil Monday, a telegram was read report ing the arrival of the bark Scotian ut the lower quarantine station, nineteen days from Colon. She lost twoof her crew on the passage from fever, and had font- cases ou hoard. Tho sick were removed to tin: hospital, nnd twoof the cases were pronounced yellow fever. The vessel will be detained at the lower quarantine station or sent to Ship island. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. A iiurricane which swept over Nancy, Fiance, did immense damage. Ono soldier was killed, and many persons wer*injured. Six men were killed by the collapse of • railway tunnel in process of construction at New-Ross, Ireland. The Hungarian town of Sillein hns beon destroyed by fire. The property burned in cludes 403 houses, and the loss is $250,000. During the rioting which occurred at Bel fast, Ireland, from Saturday evening to an early hour Monday morning eleven persons wore, killed and 130 seriously wounded. The majority of the injured persons liavo Bhot wounds. The rioting was resumed on Mon day, and a numbor of persons were wounded in an encounter with the soldiers. The city, owing to the wreck and ruin of houses, pre sents a deplorable appearance, similar to that of Paris after the Commune. Thoro wore 5,500 extra military and police in Belfast, and more wore expected. Fifty rioters were sent to prison. The Emperors of Germany and Austria have had a meeting at Gostein. Martial law has been proclaimed in Bel fast and Londonderry, Ireland. Owing to the discovery of defalcations reaching $500,000, the British Medical and General Assurance Association has gone into bankruptcy. All tho new British Ministers have now been re-elected to the House of Commons, every one unopposed. The honey ant is now sought as a delicacy by California epicures. Eight members of Congress have died during the present Administration. The new B jston Directory contains 177,- 605 names or 10,203 more than last year. Four homing pigeons released in New York reached Now Haven, eighty-seven ntilos distant, in sixty-soven minutes. A Western papor makes the extraordi nary estimate that 10,000,000 pounds of fish are taken from tho rivers of Illinois each year. The pickle crop on Long Island, which generally amounts to about 50,000,000 pi-ktes or cucumbers, will be uoarly doublo this year. Recent general army statistics show that last year twenty-four out of 150 deaths that occurred among the soldiors were duo to suicide. Martha Washington’s portrait will adorn the new ono dollar silver certificates, and that of General Hancock the certificates of two dollars. Tub chamber in tho White House ozeu- pio 1 by President Garfield after ho wus wounded has, it is said, novor been opened sin e he loft it. The census just taken in Paris shows that tho city contains one married woman of fourteen, three widowers of eighteen and two widows of sixteen. When the Texas people get ready to build n town thoy do it in a hurry. Ballinger, a now town in Runnels county, is only a month old, but it has 3,000 inhabitants aud is still growing. A tramp arrested in an Illinois town for Veiidi is still filing anil polishing awayjat his new opera, “Otollo.” Henry Irving and Miss Terry aro iu this country ou a short pleasure trip. Mme. Janisii will produeo next season "Diana Losora,” a story of Polish life. Dellinger, the composer of “Don Cii-sar,” is at work on a now oporottn, “Lor- i raine." The widow of Meyerbeer, tho composer, who recently died iu Germany left a fortune of $2,500,003. ! Rubenstkin has definitely refused the offor of a tour for pianoforte recitals in the ; United States. Mr. Lawrence Barrett will "revive” tho old play of “Rionzi" at the Star Theatre in New York. Mrs. Thomas Jefferson, the wife of Mr. Joseph Jefferson’s youngest son, has written a comedy entitled “Glass.” Mme. Ei-elka Gehster, who has been very ill egnin at Paris, lias recovered suffi ciently to reappear iu concert. During her engagement in Rio Janeiro it is reported that Mme. Bernhardt played to houses averaging $5,000 a night. A beautiful prima donna, of Hungarian I origin, bos been engaged at the Paris Grand Opera after a brilliant examination. Augustin Daly’s New York Companv, having finished its London engagement, ! will now bo seen In Paris, Berlin uud Ham burg. Durino Henry Irving’s presentation of “Faust” in London, the booksellers of that city sold over 100,030 copies of the original drama. ! Miss Adelaide Moore, an English actress ; who besioged many small Western cities last season, is to sot out in September iu a private car of very elaborate design, with her name | in great big gold letters ou the outside, i Miss Helen Dauvray says: “French au diences lose interest in the play during the half-hour intervals between the acts. In my up alloy-ways, witha furnace iu his hand and a twcnty-fivc-pound box of toolR hanging o:i his shoulder, for pleasure. After tlio tramp hud reflected os only n tramp can reflect, he snid: "I’ll tell you what I’ll do if you solder that hole; I’ll inform you whero there’s lots of tinkering, and it pays first-rate, too.” Tho tinsmith entertained the proposi tion, and it was a bargain. The can was once more beer-tight. “Now where’s all that tinkering you were talking about?" The tramp hobbled off a few yards, and informed him it was over in the United States navy-yard. Before tlio tinker could gather himself together, the tramp jumped on a passing ice-cart nnd was gently wafted out of Bight.—Puck. Tomlin's Victory. The present heated political campaign recalls a story told of tho spirited contest for Congress in tho fifties, in the old Cherokeo district, between Lewis Tum lin and William Henry Styles. Tho wholo country wns at the timo agitated over the Clnyton-Bulwer Treaty which was then pending. Styles and Franklin were speaking from every stump in tho dis trict anu tho former laid great stress on the idea that it wns necessary that the district choose as its representative a learned man and one well posted on tho current news of both this country and the Old World. “Why,” said he in ono of his joint dis cussions, “wo want a man in Congress who is sufficiently posted to protect us from the aggressiveness and grasping methods of Kngland. We want a man who can vote intelligently on the issues arising from this great treaty which is now pending between, the two countries. This, my friend, Tumlin can’t do. I will submit to him a single question, and if he answers it from his seat without being informed, I will agree to come down.” All eyes were on Tumlin as the speaker turned to him and pointing at him asked: “Where is Liverpool, sir?” Tumlin sat undisturbed and anwered with a sneering smile, but ventured no further response. “Ah,” continued the speaker, turning to the audience, “he don’t know. Now I leave it to you to say whether or not your representative in Congress should know the situation of Liverpool!” i This seemed a clincher aud Styles sat down with an air of triumph. As he find, wo set traps, nnd we employed un Indian hunter to aid us, but no bears woro to bo found, although it was said that there were many in tlio neighborhood. Returning ono afternoon after an unsuc cessful hunt,dispirited and out of humor, it was no wonder that when Jim, tho cook, who was somewhat of a privileged chnrncter, commenced to poke fun at us and deride us on tho bear subject, one of tho fellows beenmo enraged and said: “Jim, you black devil, get out of the camp, and if after your bragging you don't bring nbenr back with you before dark I’ll give you a sound thrashing.” “Sartinly, I will," replied Jint, gayly. He obeyed, and failing to obtain the loan of a gun from any ono of tho party ho started out, having no idea in the world as to where ho was going. Having wan dered nwny a inilo or so from tho camp ho lay down under a treo nnd went to sleep. It was dusk when ho nwoke, nnd the first thing thnt mot his frightened gaze was nn immenso black benr resting on his haunches, about twenty-five yards nwuy, and watching his victim compla cently, Tho bewildered and thoroughly alarmed negro jumped to his feet and started for the camp, nnd the beast fol- owo l. It wns a race for life, and Jim’s only chance wits in his legs, for ho had not the vestige of a weapon with him. After half a milo had been Unversed he looked back and saw thnt tho beast wns gaining on him rapidly. He threw off his crip, and, while tho benr Btoppod to smell it, lie gained a few yards. In this way tho poor darkey continued throwing off his out clothing, pisco by piece, now nnd thon, nnd profiting by the bear’s mo mentary halt to examine nnd snuff it. Finally, to Jim’s great delight, he saw the lights of the camp but a few rods away, and, having nothing elso that ho could throw off, ho redoubled his speed, but the brute gained rapidly and was but a few feet behind. A series of blood curdling whoops brought the fellows from tho tent, and as they reached tho door, in came Jim, with a big black bear nt his heels. “Gcinmen,” gasped ho, “I’s brought back dat b’arl promised you.”—Washington Post. iifgoW°80wed > up in 1 " one 3 of “his pockefci *and own theatre I shall never allow an actreM passed Tumlin it is said that the latter * «* OT-°a < car^iRw 0 more U ^han ehjht^to^et' the remarked to him, sotto voice: Queen Victoria's Horses. It is not generally known, says tha St. James's Gazette,thut the famous crcam- colorod horses which draw her Majesty's state enrringo, as they have drawn tho carriage of her predecessors before her for the last century uiul a half, belong to her not as Queen of England, but us 8 princess of tho royal house of Hanover. The home of the breed for n very long period has been at Herrenbnusen, a country residence lying a couplo of miles outside of the Hanoverian capital. There may bo seen to this dav a stud of ani mals. kept by tho Prussian Government on behalf of the exiled Duke of Cum berland, out of the revenues of his con fiscated estate. The breed hits so long been carefully kept pure that it is rare (so say the attendants) for anything but a cream-colored foal to be produced. In Hanover, on Stato occasions, tho King's carriage was accustomed to bo drawn by the creams, while the Queen sat behind a team of bays. If tlio account of tlie Btnblc authorities may be believed, the footmeu who walk at tho head of each animal arc not merely ornamental. Ex cept on State occasions these horses never leave the stable, and they are kept in such n gross condition that they need to be watched lest they should suddenly give way to a desire for instant repose, and thereby disturb the stately progress of the Queen’s cortege. An Electric Sword. A gentleman of Shanghai has, after considerable experimenting, invented a new aud deadly weapon. This is an electric sword, which, when the point touches the party attacked, sends a pow erful shock through him, aud if not im mediately killing, -will at least put him hors de combat. The sword is an ordi nary military sabro, but along its wholo length is let in a fine platinum wire, which ends at the foil of tlio weapon. A small but very powerful-storage battery is carried strapped about the waist, much tho sasno ns a cartridge box. Insulated wires connect the battery with the sword, and by pressing a button the holder can complete tho circuit at once.—Shanghai (China) Courier.