The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, November 23, 1886, Image 1

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wmm — * -—TZZna second-class Matter at f'^ZlcvsvIllo l’osto/JIce April 27, 1SS0. „ Sandersvllle, Washington County, Ga, PUBLISHED BY \ J. JidiKINfIGr-A-N, proprietor and Publisher. Subscription: $1.50 Per Year. THE MERCURY A JT. JBRNIOAN, Proprietor, DEVOTED TO LITERATUBE, AGRICULTURE AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. SUBSCRIPT^*: $1.50 Per Annum. Mayor. j, N. Gilmore, Aldermen. W. R Thiophn, B E. Kouohton, ,T. B Robbbts, A. M. Mayo. B. G. Lano. Clerk. C. 0. Brown. Treasurer j, A. Irwin. Marshal. J. E. Wbddon, THE MERCURY. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY. NOTICE! Ail Communications intended far U*te Paper must be. accompanied by the full name of the writer—not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. tVe are in no way responsible for the views or opinions of correspond* ents. A, C. WRIGHT, attorney at law, 105 Bay St., Savannah, Oa. J^VTII.I, practice in all the courts. '"TTlanIadeT ATTORNEY AT LAW, SANDERSVILLE, Oa. rfTf.uFi. “• D- K v a«». J" EVANS & EVANS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW SANDERVILLE. OA. fesaffoldT attorney at law, SANDERSVILLE, GA. Will praotico in all the Courts of the Middle Circuit and in the countie* larroimling Washington. Special at* Isntiou given to commercial law. P. E tors. O. II . Rookiui. HINES & ROGERS, Attorneys at Law, SANDERSVILLE, QA. fful prsctlcn in Hid comities of Washington, Jifrrien, Johnston, Emanuel and Wilkiimon, Imlie L'. 8. Courts for the Honthorn Dia. iid of Georgia. tVi!| art erf agents in buying, Boeing or rent- ill It'll Evtrito. Office on West sulo of Public Souaro, JCtll-tf W. H. WHITAKER, DENTIST, . SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA. —TERMS CASH.— , ®5°. 0 111 llis residence, on Jlarrla ll root. Apr20- 80 H. S. HOLLIFIELD, 1 b' /wl, i SANDERSVILLE, GA. ^.!Lr,ft,.«. Mr ’- 1,ay ' ,b ’ S Mi “ in0ry huFYouIT" -FROM ERisrxca-A.N', onc gennino without our trade mark.) Mil AXD ANI) FOR SALE ECTACLES. NOSE GLASSES, Etc., Etc. atches, Clocks jewelry Repaired by 55NIQAN. otj;r DEPARTMENT Srs¥f«;; d DDI NQ CARDS, Vl Sl'i’[NG CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, STEns, BALL CARDS, Handbills, programmes, _ _ STATEMENTS, lER HEADINGS, PODqbi^ PAMPHLETS, Wfl,. Mfl,, atu HAPPENING8 OF INTEREST FT O .1 ALL POINTS. | ltAHTIiltN ANI> MIDDLE HTATK8, A bill hoa passed the lower house of th* Vermont Legislature which allow? women amfWu'iJb |‘S “i””*' nuTl'tli! r l f“i! ll ‘ bor '' ls ,' v «ro Instantly killed co^Pon^^t'Y l ' y a f,eigl,t trai “ Hona't .v?n lch W ta Lo K t ' ,aturo stands: House irni }*°l )u 1 j caIvi and 15 Democrats: I Independen^^ U ^ CaD9 ’ TODomocr, ‘ t3 ' , Both parties elniin the Now Jersey leg. rvtut m Senator Howell (Hep.). A1 T" E l Mas , s > huhlug schooner sennf n .fL^ 0ll,, e her L’nptoin and olio seaman by tho capsizing of a dory. thn 0 *ciniV K . ro » tllr ‘)? r '"' Connecticut make tho total vote for (lovornor 13t,058, divided ns follows; Cleveland (Dom.), 58,074; Isnmu- Fmbos (Pro), 4,810; linker (Lab ), 3,74:1. Cleveland lacks 5,710 |,,,“. nu J orl 1 t 3'. and IsMinsbtiry will bo elected Jin '®, WLIatmo Tho Legislature, which wlnns?.? 1 otllcors aula United States Hnatoi, stands: Heuato—Ilepulilicans, 14; Democrats, 10. 1 louse—Republicans, 188; Democrats, lull; Labor, 8. ono of the Now York Aldermen of I '4 chargod with bribery, bns been ad judged Insane. The of Josopli Doolger, fi tfiillionairo Now York brmvor, died mid- Uetilv, as was snppoaedof heart disease,while playing In the street. An autopsy showed that ho had boon strangled by n collar but- tou, w ik i lie bad been carrying in his mouth nud which had lodged in the windpipe. 1 he will of the late Henrietta Lenox, of New i ork, which dlspososof an estate worth from $(,000,000 to $10,()0ii,<K)0, is to Ik> con- tcslcd by s .mo of the heirs on tho ground of ' undue iiilluence, Diii.awaue odlcint returns complete foot VJ’• ror Uovernor -Higgs (Dem.l, Id,Of.’; Jioflookor (Pro ), 7,882. For Congress— Icnnington (Deni.), 13,836: Cooper (Pro.), o.ilSO. t he Legislature Is solidly llomocratie. IIahvaiid University on tho 5th began a four ilnys’ celebration oi lier 850lh birth day with a ro-nulon of tho Law School grad uutos. The followors of Henry Goorge, tho de- | fonted cnndidnto of the workingmen for the New York Mayoralty, hold an enthusiastic mooting a id organized a new party tiuder . •h» name of tho I regressive Democracy. ISL'p-, Im o also boon la ken to form a now labor party in 1 liiladel; h a. 'Vim the exception of M. Bartholdi, nil tie.' i epcoseutatives ol the French Govern ment win took nut in tic u ivcilin' of Lib .Tty's Statue have sail d for Franco. KOUTII A Nil IVEwT. The Georgia Is-gisiaturo mot in Atlanta on tho .M and elocte I J. S. l av.ds ai Presi dent of t!c Senate mid \V A. Lilt o Speaker of the House. On tho 4th Uovernor Me- Daniel dollveiod his luo-sage. James It. Tvi.ek, of \ irgintn, a giandsou of Pro i lent Tyler, has I eon appointed a watchman in the Interior Department. Georuk He Haven, engineer, nod Charles Given, luakenittn, we; e killolby the explo sion of n locomotive boiler near Davis Sta tion, La. Chief Ma'inus.omo .1 thoenpturod Apnrhs loaders, made n desperate bl eak for liberty wlillo being taken turn igh Colorado on Ills way t) I’u:t Marian, Fla., and when recap tured s nhbrd himself many timeY, indicting serious wounds. The Hopiibli an Ktato ticket in Indiana has u plurality of about 00 ). Both sidos clnl a tho Logisluttiro. Captain IIenrv JoltnAV, just olected Tronsuror of I,nsa!lu county, Texas, was killed by tho a cidental dls nurge of a rille which a friend was handling. A desperate fight octiiTcd botweon a gauged' riotous tramps and a number of citi- zens at Anuville, Penn., in which revolvers and knives were freely use i. Four citizens and two of their ns uilnuti wore wounded, and ono of tho latter capture 1 by tho polico. Coiirk.' I Eli returns from all Hie towns and cites of Ma sn liu It. give for Governor Ames (itep.) 181,1.58; A'tdi'ew, il)om.) 118,- ‘8.58; Lothrop (Pro.) 8,10'. In California tho Demo rat-have a major ity of about thirt ■on in tin Legislature, and will probably 10 elect Senator Hearst to tlio United States Homito. The veto for Governor was so dose it was thought tho result could only be decide .! by an odlcint count. The Indiana I.ogi lature is Democratic by alio it thirt' on majority on joint ballot, wlitdi Bocures ii DcmorTftti * successor to L nitetl Htiite- Senator Harrison. The otllcial count in t''e Sixth Kentucky Congressional Distri t was completed ou tho 5th, and shows a majority i f 7i!S for Speaker Carlisle over Mr. Tlioebe, the Labor nommoo. The dead body of Sheriff Forney, of Lake county, I ml., was fouu I in ft dump of woods near Plymouth, riddled with bullets. The assu-sin is supposed to bo ono Perrin, who was wanted by the Sheriff. Kdward Kelly, while repairing an o oo tri ■ light wire at Cleveland, Ohio, inadver tantly touched a | ortlou of the uncovered conductor and was instantly killed. Geohoe Thoerk, candidate ngaiusd Speaker Carlisle for Congress in the Sixth Keutucky district, nnuotmeos his intention to contest the election of Mr. Lnrlisleonthu ground that the returns wore doctored. WASHINGTON. The French visitors, M. Bartholdi, Bo Ives sops and their companions, munboriug twenty-two in nil, called at tho W hito House and paid thoir respocts to tho 1 resident. A party of diplomats the other day ivit- nessod tlio successful uso of the telephone be tween Washington and New \ ork. Umivei - satiou was successfully carried on between the two cities, u distance of about 180 miles. Chief Graves, of the Bureau of Kiigrav- ing and Printing, in Ins annual report stntos that tho ouo dollar silver eortiflcates a™ now b 'ine Drill ted in great numbers, while the plates for the two dollar and ilvo dollar sues aro nearly completed. A Inigo saving in salaries has been ejected. It cost the government *«3,T97,833 to pay the pensions of 1105,ibJ poisons last yea . roUHIGN. Hfavv storms hnvo prevailed throughout Scftlaud 'tn Kdinburg P h the gabto of a now building was overthrown, and work men were killed and live mju e l. Twenty-seven persons who J, rov ?)lt on ted in the ro. out M'-dr.' military n,v mu havo boon sentenced to vat ions tot ms or nu prisonment at hard labor. . . The town of Miu ?fe 'poOwS! ’ A police attacked and burned by 000 on theKyer- Gwetn river. three men killed. Hy theC'apiilztngol A Truck ut, n hi Haltlmorc. ur F i ro b . rokc . out shortly before noon Wedncsdny, in tlio drug warehouse of Burroughs Brothers, on Camden street, Hour Slmrpe, which was entirely burned out. The dntnmtige istestimated ut Add, - 000, which is covered by instirniice. The building adjoining, occupied by Wool- lord & Shilberg, straw goods manufac turers, was damaged iu stock and machi nery by smoke and water to the amount ,,f JMM00, which is also fully instiled. 'V kilo the firemen were ut work the truck i of one of the ladder company's capsized I and fell backward into the street. There were ou it at the time Captain Murston, Charles L. Grand, Frank Kerr nml llenry Ryan. Captain Marston caught on tlio edge of the roof of a two story house adjoining and, escaped serious in - jury. Grund, Rynn and Kerr, fell with •ho ladder, which broke in its fall nml all nro supposed to ltnve had their bucks broken. Grund and Kerr are reported to havo died since and no hopo for Ryan's recovery is had. AUTOMATIC LETTER BOXES. Tha Convenient Postal Contrivance to be Tried In Brooklyn* An automantic box in being put on tho 1 lump posts in Brooklyn, N. Y., to supply I the public with postage stamps, postiil j cards, a pencil ana postal letter envelopes. At nny hour in the day or night n citizen may go to one of these boxes and drop a j penny into it at which there will nppcnra postal card and a pencil with which to write n letter. If he has a letter already written and merely wants a postage stamp to mail it lie may drop two pen nies ttt the box at which, presto, a two cent postage stump will come out of the box. These convenient boxes aro already in tiRG in London and are much liked there. The boxes In Brooklyn are an im provement on in Loudon. They look like writing desks, and arc 75 incites high by 17 inches deep. Every box is divided into several drawers—ono for stamps, one for postal cards, onc for stamped envelopes and one for letter pa per. There is u slit for dropping i. coin over each drawer. When the proper coin drops in it sets in motion a hit of machinery which pushes out tho article wanted. TWO HOYM ni itNRO A8IIKH. Henry Rune and Daniel Scott, two ne gro hoys near Orangeburg, S. C., met a most terrible death at the plantation of Daniel Green, on Saturday night lust. John Green occupied a house in tho yard of his father, Daniel Green. Rune and Scott left Orangeburg on Saturday evening with tlie intention of visiting John Green, and went to his house, ar riving some time after dark. On Sunday morning John Green left ltis house about d o'clock for tile purpose of attending u camp meeting at some distance, leaving Kane and Scott asleep in a shed room of the house. Before daylight tlio house took fire, nud »cott and Rime were both burned to death, being consumed to ashes, except about half the trunk of their bod ies. The head and arms and feet and legs of both were totally consumed. There was lmt one window in tho room in which they slept, and that had some time before been securely nailed up. It is supposed that the tire originated in tlio body of tlie house, and having reached the door of the room in which the boys were asleep completely cutting oil all means of escape. ATTEMPT TO POISON A FAMILY. THE SOUTHERN STATES. TrylliM lol’olsoil l'lillllp 1>. Armour’* Fami ly In u Hniuplu ol' Riickwboat. An attempt lias been discovered to poison the family of Phillip 1). Armour, by means of what appeared to bn a sample package of buckwheat Hour, heavily charged with srichuitio. The attempt failed because tho family make a point not to sample packages left for ad vertisiug purpose's. Philip Armour confirmed the correctness of the report, but refused to talk of the matter. A COSTLY CHILL IN AN IKON FURN ACE- NEWSY ITEMS GATHERED UP IN PARAGRAPHS. Isaiah Armstrong, the mail carrier from Owens Ferry to Saltilla BlufT, was arrested Wednesday charged with robbing the mails. The Alabama fever 1ms struck iomc of the citizens of Campbell. They will find it difficult to find a state in the union that will equal old Georgia. Wednesday night about forty negroes passed through Augusta, bound for a point near Charleston, to engage in the mining of phosphate rook. They ltnve been working on the Atlantic, Greenville and Western narrow gauge, and want to enter a new business. Mr. J. 1). Gilmer, while fishing on the Oconee teii miles below Gainesville, on Wednesday last heard a woman scrcnnt. On looking in the direction from whence tho voice ctime lie saw a woman lenp into the river where the water wus about ten feet deep. Site lose and sank three times. Tho river was dragged but the body was not found. There is no clue ns to who she was. On Tuesday a loving couple from Thompson, flying before the wrath of nn irate father, arrived in Augusta. After renching Augusta very little time was wasted, and at Magistrate Vaughan's of fice the golden knot was tied with short but serviceable ceremony. The groom is Mr. Joel T. llolleyman, while the bride is Miss Lula Belle, a daughter of Mr. Minor Jones, of Wrightsboro, nbont eight miles from Thompson. This makes tlio third daughter of Mr. Joues to elope. The deaths in Savannah for the past week were 82. Rev. J. II. Dixon, of Nortli Carolina, lias accepted the call of tho Presbyterian church of Gainesville. The election on the water works ques tion at Dalton, was defeated by a vote of 250 against, 04 in its favor, C. S. Plant, cashier of the Southern Express Co., at Augusta, for over thirty years, died on Saturday last. There are two applicants for the judge- ship of Macon county court, Judge M. II. Fish, the present incumbent, ana Col. W. II. Hmmison, Sr. Cobh county has an old gentleman umJ wife wiio are 80 years old, been married nearly sixty years, raised t) children, and never had u death in their family. The scenery for the new opera house at Dalton lias arrived, and will lie placed ir. position at once. The building will soon bo in readiness for theatrical perform ances. Joint Davison of Augusta, whose es tate is valued at $100,000, left an tin signed will nt ltis death, which is of no avail. The hulk of his estate goes to relatives in Ireland. Mr. Peter Johnson of Eastman, went down under tbc saw at his saw mill Friday last, and the saw struck his head, cutting two had gashes and tenring oil a piece of the skull bone. The giuhouso of James F. Smith, near Irwin’s cross roads, Washington county, was burned with two bales of cotton and n thousand bushels of seed. There was no insurance. The remains of Mr. Andrew Low, who died in London about six months ago, have arrived nt Savannah, and were plnced in tlio family vault at Laurel Gtove cemetery. His estate was valued ut $8,000,000 Air. Dan W. Floyd, of Eastman, and Mr. W, J. Defoor were engaged in cutting down a pine tree, near the residence of the latter, when Mr. Defoor’s axe flew off the handle, the blade of which stria k Mr. Floyd on the calf ol' tho leg, laying it open to the hone, inflicting a vory painful uud serious wound. The Gem Iron Furnace in Page coun ty, Vn., on the Shenandoah Valley rail road, has chilled, and it will require three months to remove its contents. Tim furnace chilled in August last, and ope rations had just been resumed when the second misfortune befell it. Hon. Wm. Milnes, Jr., manager, has gone to Phila- ! dolphin with a view to arranging for re- i sumption of work. Between 500 and | 000 hands will be thrown out of employ- ! meat by the accident. A BIO CLOCK. The Seth Thomas C'look Co., of Tliom- nston, Conn., have prepared drawings for the great clock which is to he placed in the tower of the new city hall nt Phila delphia, and which, if completed in ac cordance with their blnns, will be the largest in the world' The bells upon which it will strike the hours and quar ters will weigh fifty thousand pounds, and the glass dials, as contemplated, measure 25 feet in diameter. 300 MEN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT. The Erie breaker, opperated by th« Hillside coal and iron company, Scranton, Pit., was totally burned Tuesday night. The loss will amount to over $100,000, which is partially covered by insurance. The fire throws 850 men and boys out of employment. The breaker has been in been in operation for sixteen years, and hud a daily capacioy of seven hundred tons. The origin of the fire is unknown. AGAINST CONVICT LABOR. KlSBdorivU-W^gSSS t his hydrophobia mOj.ul t-<u| on wbom ,4!)U patients, a vabt V' <d J’ of tho entire of 2,'. had hydrophobia moj-um q of wll0 ,„ patients, a vast_ U* I of tbo ou tire been bitten by mad dogs, umber only ten succumbed. ^ ^ in a ycal ' - creased iu value &u,wu, • Six persons were ’‘''iffJJerVboller atkew- by tho explosion of a steamer B noner A heal gentleman is as polite to a little girl ns to » woman. An official canvass of Cook county’! (111.) election returns shows that the con stitutional amendment against convict contract labor received enough votes to overcome tho heavy opposition among the rural communities of the state. Sc close was the vote that the estimates made two days ago declared the amend ment defeated. Only 2,684 votes were cast against it in tbe county. A boiler iu the sugar house of Guindry tfc Bro., in St. James parish, La., cxplod- j ed recently, killing two negroes and , fatally injuring a white man mimed Nicholas Powers. Last week Mrs. Judge J. Witherspoon Smith of New Orleans, pnssed her nun- dretli birthday, which was duly cele brated some days later' cn the arrivul of descendants from California for that pur pose. She is of historic lineage. Her maiden namo was Ducr. Her mother was a daughter of Major-General Lord Sterling, of the Revolutionary war. Sunday about 0 o’clock over two huu- lired foot of the river bank at Plaque- ( mines, including Bull street, caved into the river. Several buildings were des-1 troyed. This is the fifth cave-in which has taken place in the river front this season. This list cave-in has approach ed so near the new levee, which was built by tho citizens as to render its completion useless. It is now thought that thi* latter cave in, and the one below, will continue to widen nud extend until the whole business front of the river, xvill be engulfed. BOUTII CAROLINA. The official count in the Seventh Con gressional district has been completed and gives the election to William Elliott, democrat, over Smalls, republican, by o majority of 288. Dr. C. II Miott, onc of the oldest druggists in South Carolina, died at his home in Columbia Sunday, after a short sickness. For nearly forty years the de ceased was a lending citizen of that place. A grand entertainment took place at | San Francisco on Saturday, for the bene fit of (he Charleston earthquake sufferers. The building was filled with ono of the largest and most fashionable audiences ever seen in a San Francisco theutcr. Those who secured proscenium boxes paid $100 apiece for them. The cnt*T- tfu’nmegt netted about $5*050. Jefferson Davis arrived iu Clarksville ou Friday or Saturday last. He was tbs guest of M. 11. Clark, chief ami confiden tial clerk in Mr. Davis's office duriug the war, nud hence his warm personal friend. Mr. Davis will attend the dedi cation of Bethel Baptist church, built upon the site of his birthplace in Fair- view, Todd county, Ky., twenty-five miles northeast. Tiic lot on which this' house of worship is built, Mr. Davis gave to Bethel church as a thanks offer ing to God. At Fuirview Mr. Davis will be the guest of Mr. Wm. Jesup. lie is now fast approaching his seventy-ninth birthday, and this visit ifthi* cherished friend nnd to the place or his birth may be the last time that he will leave the comforts of his southern home for so long a journey. About sixty of the striking Chicago butchers are in Chattanooga in search of work. A young man named Tuc'ser was ar rested for illegal voting at Chattanooga, in tho recent, election. Ho confessed the crime, nnd urges in extenuation ignor auee of the law. Arthur Dixon, a fireman on tlio Cin cinnati Southern, met a horrible death while looking out of the cab window ol his engine. He was struck by the end ol the brilge, nnd was so badly injured that he was attacked with lock jaw, and hit his tongue off before death relieved him. • NOHTII ( AliOMNA. Immense oyster beds have hcen dis covered off the Forth Carolina const, op posite Dnro county. The cotton mills of the slate are doing the best business they have enjoyed for many years. Ten days have passed without the slightest earthquake shock being felt in Columbia, and the people nro beginning to feel easy. St. Mary’s college, in Gaston county, which wus recently dcdccuted as a mon astery, is now crowded with students, and a contractor is at work enlarging the main building. The corn crop is the best ever gather ed iu the state, so says the Person county Courier. In some cases the crop is four times as large ns last year, uml not a few men declare that they have made ns much corn this season as in three or four seasons past, all counted together. Mr. T. Y. Pomeroy, a miner from Colorado, who arrived at Charlotte several weeks ago, has made arrange ments to establish nn important mining plant in Charlotte. lie proposes to erect works for the treatment of the gold ores of the North Carolina mines, and liis plant will consist of chlorinating and reduction machinery. There is a feeling of unrest and n roving disposition Hiking hold of many of tho colored people in uml around Charlotte. It has been but a short wfiilo since a large number left this sec tion for Liberia. The subject of immi grating to California is being discussed among them now, and a colony proposes to start nbout the 20th of December for that state. A colored man by the name of J. D. Sheppard is working in the interest of this movement, and ho say* that many coloeed people talk of going. A snake at Sanford recently swallowed a darning egg, thinking ho had found something rich. A statu prohibition paper is to bo started in Orlando soon by n stock com pany, with It. J. Morgan at the helm. More corn has been gathered in Col umbia county the prescut year than has ever been before in a single year. Receipts ut the cotton warchousus in Tallahassee arc steadily increasing nml the staple is of unusually fine quality. The orange business in Alcnhuu coun ty is getting brisk, tho dry, warm weath er causing the fruit to ripen very rapidly. Hands iire at work completing the F. It. and N. spur to Lake Griffin. After this is completed the steamer Emmie will ply between Leesburg nml Silver Springs. It is stated that it took 1,700 ear loads of sand to repair the breach in the Puna- soffkco trestle. At this rate, it may re quire a million car loads to fill iu the whole trestle. The leading nurserymen of the state formed at Pnlatka last Wednesday n Florida Nurserymen’s association with the following officers: President, A. I. Bidwell; vice-president, F. S. Cone; sec retary, G. L. Tidier; treasurer, J. B. An del-son. The object of the association is for the benefit of all nurserymen, and to so agree that there will be a uniformity in prices nnd tho description of fruits. The association will meet semi-annually, and the first incvting will be in Jackson ville nt tiie time of the state fair, or nt Orlando during the south Florida fair. Joseph Clark, a white section employe of the Mobile and Montgomery railroad, fell between moving cars at Gcurgianna nnd was instantly killed. To meet the requirements of the law hv which tho trustees got tho property, the “Alabama State Land Company” is to lie organized, and the unsold Alabama and Chattanooga railroad lands, held by Swann nud Billups, as trustees, are to be made over to it. A declaration has nl- lcady been tiled in the probate office nt Birmingham putting down tiie capital stock at $877,000. Tho property com prises some 000,000 acres. It will soon he on the market again, having been necessarily taken off last May when the trust expired. THE NEW YORK COUNT. "JIM CUMMINGS. A OnrlM* Bobber Worllir or Jack (:■*•>■ Fellnn-alilp. There probably never wits a more hu morous nnd recklessly daring highway- mnii than the individual who recently robbed the Adams Express car on the St. Louis nnd San Francisco railroad of over $75,000, and who i* plensdil to be known ns "Jim Cummings.” He captur ed one of the largest amounts of money ever lost by nn express company, and despite the fact that tho wealthy corpo ration nnd the most skilled and exi>eri- enced detectives in 1 lie country are doing all that money ami brains can do, to run him down, Cttmmiug occupies his spnro time in defying his pursuers, and inf ur- liishing them with fulsc cities upon which to exerciso their ingenuity, lie seems to feel so absolutely assured of his own safety that ho dares to have a little amusement with the express company. The Republican is in receipt of a fresh letter, dated Topeka, signed “Jim Cum mings.’’ In tho letter ho states Unit ho regrets that suspicion should rest upon Fotheringlmm, aud asserts that tlio mes senger did all in liis power to protect the company's property. Ho requests that the package which accompanied tin; letter, and which contained property valued nt $10,000 iu notes, mortgages, eta;., be returned to the express company. Upon one receipt for money, to tlio First National Bank of Eureka, Kan., appear ed the following signature; “Jim Cum mings, for First National Hunk of Eure ka.” “1 have no complaint to make whatever.” The postscrip says: “I sent that hank note to Frank James for a joke, not for nny desire to get him into trouble.” Upon the letter from IV. II. Daiusol, manager of tho company, to nu ngcut, calling upon the latter to procure a second bondsman, tlio robber wrote, “In order to give the bloko a chance to see if lie’s any good on earth,! will goon liis bond. Jim Cummings—value of property $58,000 in cash.” FLAMES IN DURHAM. N. C. THE SUMMER IS DEAD “•Tha summer is dead,” A soaring lark said Singing up in the blues afar, “ I’m chanting her dirge • Where golden clouds surgo In the wake of the tnoruing star.” “ The summer isdead,” A damask roso said, In tbe light of her smiles I grew And warm with the bliss Of her parting kiss, I shall glory in my dying too.” " The summer Is dead," A honey boo said, To tho red roses still aglow. 11 But her honey is mine, ' —*'• I need not repine When your beauty lies under the snow." "Tlio summer is doad,” A butterfly said ” Lot tho honey boo live—I stippoz* Thoy are prudent and wise, But work I dospiso Lot mo die on tho heart of tha raze.” *' The summer is dead," A fair maiden said, As sho hied to the trystlug ttvs. “ But where autumn loaves lie, Cometh one by nnd by Whoso love Is lifo’s summer to me." 11 Tho summer Is dead,” A sad woman said, ‘ Yet I mourn not Its vanished flow, For ttmo cannot bring Tho joy of youth’s spring As tho summors of long ago." “ The summer is dead,” An aged man said, J ' But what is one summer to met '* A shining drop cast In tho stream of the past, While l stmxl by Eternity’s soa." —Horn Vcrtner Jeffrey, in Graphic. Tlio Whole Town Beniroycil In n Mhorl Time. Firo originated nt 8 a. in., Tuesday, in the grocery store of It. H. Atwater anti burned a large part of the buslnut* portion of tlio town. The loss is esti mated nt $500,000. Among tho indi vidual lessors arc: Jacob Levy, dry good* $8,000; Insurance$2,500. A. M. liiggt- by, general merchandise, loss $4,000, fully insui ?d. It. W. Atwater, grocoriw, loss $-1,000, insurance $2,000. Lombe, Slater & Gorman, loss $10,000, insurance $8,000. Shelburne's nrt gallery, lost $2,000, no insurance. E. A. Whitaker, music; Goldschicder, general merchan dise, full insurance; S. It. Perry, general merchandise, loss $11,000, insurred $5,000; (’. C. Taylor, hardware, $5,500, insurtd $1,000; G. E. ltawls, dry goods, loss $8,000, insurance $4,000; M. G. Herndon & Co., furniture, loss $12,000, insurance $7,500. Tho postofHcn is a total loss. E, P. Ashley, jeweler, not insured. Ada Smith, millinery ; Wesley & Mciiny, merchant tailors; I’nrrish'a warehouse and prize house, a total loss, insurance $150,000. The ban.: of Dur ham, Morehend'sprize house oi.d J. C. Lyon's residence were also burned. A STRANGE ACCIDENT. A llroTe of llags Full TlirtiUfb n Bride* Oa u Traill. At half past ten o’clock Tuesday morn ing a singular accident occurred in Chicago. A drove of hogs were being driven across a bridge loading to Aller- ton’s packing house. At tho moment a passenger train was being drawn along under the bridge. The structure broke with the weight of the hogs, nnd the whole drove was precipitated on the roof of one of the ca s. Some of the nuimals broke through the roof nnd a number of others fell on the tracks and were run over and killed. None of the passen gers in the car suffered injuries, though the sudden onslaught of the hogs occa sioned a great commotion. PITII AND POINT. Long-winded—Tho cyclone. A fruitful source of debate—A disputo over a tinrrcl of apples. The phrase, “in duo time,” probably means tho first of the mouth, for that is when tlio bills coine in.—Rambler. Thirteen is nu unlucky number at a bonrding house table where there is only dinner enough for twelve.—Pi:ayune. Judging from the tightness of the ar ticle, it isn’t every girl who can laugh in her sleeve nowadays.—Rochester Post-Ex press. Thu I’assnic river twists about so much in its course that young men sail on it in order to become effective curve pitchers. —Pack. An Ohiomnu claims to havo invented a mncUinc that will continue to run with out stopping until it runs itself out. It is evidently nn infringement on a book agent's tongue.—JYorrittoirn Herald. With tho two biggest insurance com panies in the Territory nnd fourteen churches in active operation Sioux J'alls ought, to be able to rcduco loss or dam age by fire here or hereafter.—Sioux Hulls (Dakota) Press. THK SI’KCTHAL (OMl'I.KXlO.V. They were lovers, uml fain they would wed; On Ills breast she had nestled hor head, He (dullcod down and fainted, Her cheeks they ha l painted His only dean shit t bosom red. -Life. Lord Palmerston’s good humor as a distinct clement of his character is well known. Wo find it even during liis last illness, when his physician was forced to mention d- alb. “Die, my dear doctor, that is the last thing I shall do.”-- Roles mid Queries. NOT THK CYCLONE. Aud I ho maiden shrieked In (error, Tis tho fierce nnd dread cychmo; 1 ran hear its dreadful mutter And its weird, wild, wofnl tone !” But tho youth, though pale, was fearless; And he said; “Uh hour thy pain; ’Tis tho village ban I who practice •lVhon the Robins Nest Again.'” —Musical Herald. nitlTISII ANARUIIIHTS. A meeting of the British Anarchist* lins hcen called to assemble in Cleveland Hall, London, on tho 88d inst., to pro test against the action of tho Cliicngo court which tried nnd sentenced Spies uml liis colleagues. The circular calling the mooting denounces the jury that con victed the Chicago Anarchists as a brib ed and packed body, and condemns Judge Gary for refusing the prisoners a new trial. Hon. Auberon Herbert, brother of the Earl of Carnarvon, will probably preside ovor the meeeting. A NEW REPUBLIC SCHEME. A party of gentlemen, somewhat noted in Texas politics, arrived in St. Louis, Tuesday, and were laden with a grand scheme to form a new republic. They are commissioners from the “Socialistic Republic of the Rio Grande.” They state their object is to take advantage of the excitement produced on the Mexican border by tlio Cutting incident, and to invade the three northwestern provincon. COTTON DESTROYED BY FIRE. Fire Tuesday afternoon partially des troyed 100 bales of compressed cotton lying in tho street in front of the Cham pion cotton press. Tho loss is about $4,000 and is covered by insurance in foreign companies. 107 .Mil.US IN N1NTY.FIYE MINUTES. The board of county canvassers have made their report of the result of the late election. The figures do not alter tho re sult as furnished by the press returns on election night. Tho official figures for mayor are, Hewitt 00,552, George, 68,- 110, Roosevelt 00,485, and Mardwell 682. i On Tuesday tho Michigan Central train on the Canada Southern division, having on board a number of director!. 1 | nnd officials, ran from St. Clair Junction : to AVindsor Dock, 207 miles, in ninety- live minutes. , A rtlVLSH VILLAGE DESTROYED. The village of Trimstein, in the canton of Berne, Switzerland, has been destroy ed by fire. A number of inhabitant* Some FnmoiH Kisses. In tho “Midsummer Night's Dream” Shakespeare calls the lips “those kissing treasures." Titanin “kisses tiie fair, largo cars of her genii: joy,” aud sfoms to take much pleasure in it, while further on come the quaint kissing of Pyrninus and Thisbo through tlio chinks of Tinker Snont’s fingers. There is the kiss of Potruchio: “Ho took the bride about Hid nock. Aud kissed hot lips with such a rluuiurous smack, That, at the parting, all tho church did echo. ” Then, there is Romeo's kiss in the vault so tender nnd tad, niul Othello's farewell kisses that almost did persuade Justice to break her sword, ai d Anthony's dying kiss: "Of so many thousand kisses, tho poor last I lay upon thy lips.” And tho grand kiss of Coriolanus: "Long as my exilo, sweet as my revenge.’’ And Bassunio uud Portia’s kiss, full of such wealth and loyalty of love, Byron’s widi “That womanhood had but ouo rosy month To kiss them nil ut once from north to south,” Docs not particularly commend itself to tho connoisseur of kissing. Leigh Hunt says: “.Stolen sweats nro ul ways sweeter. Stolon kisses much oompletor.” One of the most famous kisses in his tory is that ot Georgianna, Duchess of Devonshire, when she was canvas ing for Fox’s oloction. A butcher said Im would vote for Fox if the lady would kiss him, which sho thereupon did, thereby making tbe kiss, the butcher and herself immortal iu histoiy. The Duchess of Gordon, in Scotland re cruited a Highland regiment in the samo way. “ Pie. I jike the pies that Nellie bakes. The light, crisp crust, tho heart delicious Of spiced fruit between the flakes— All this seems heulthy and nutritious. While tasting one the otbor day, lly teeth struck something not o’astic; And soon within my palm thero lay A golden ring saved from the gastric. “From Nellie’s linger,’’ murmured I. Then looking o'er the metul mellow, J nearly fainted, to descry j Th’ initials of (mother fellow I &8B 'M , 'Jm