The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, November 30, 1886, Image 2

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— i s ■m-' "TfflTMERClfRY. HANDF.HSYILliE, - - OKOBQlA SHERIFFS ORGAN. WASHINGTON COUNTY A. J. JERNIGAN KuitoR, rtnuFKKn ash PitoriuK-ron lUKSDAY KOVEMBER 30th 1880 Kx Oovcnor Howie is ouc of Vhc Cross eyes Strnistlrtcucci. County Treasurer. ’ nml C'uCenH. on the Worthy Ilouicsteud »' i as* as - / | jzrrs£s ■ nteSs to ;BSitiLW is-v* as :s r,.v..r-.fl-'J» f™ ? I n, w |,, U ,W"A I* K TALI A FEE B prominent brooders of race horses in Maryland. "Sam Jones,” snye the Omaha Herald, “prcackcd to more empty C iairs tliau men nml womea in Ilia exposition building last evening eyo» today. Mr. I’liillip snya tlial his eyes have been crossed all of his life, an<l hail he known that he j could have been releived so readily, I would have ha 1 his eyes operated '■ on many years ago. ! The New home with the new nutomali; lmbin winder i* a per Uraybill «&<'overalls. Mrs. M K Bland. Property pointed out in said mortgage. Legal notice given tenants in possession. ] Also at the same time and place will he I | sold one tract or parcel of land lying in j Washington county Georgia, known ns llio j ; property' of .1 D I lull, joining landsol' J Iv 1SSO Sept For Treasurer. Wc arti autliorizotl to announce tho name of foot go Hi, ’o 1>o found at Jcniiigan & Son.4. I lilies II nil K K 1) idlev, imnnded on North of Mr. K. J. N. Walden for Trots irer of and So ith bv Mrs d (' Williams on Hast, Washington County 11 the ensuingelei twin bv limits of Mrs Drttovnnntid Mrs New- in Jnntliiry next, on true D.'iu ier.itie prm- A man in Oakland ndvcrtisns for forty mi-headed girls, flues* lie wants them to set hir house on fire. Exchange: The man who seats liitnself at your desk, makes a calcu lation on your papers and puts your pencil in his pocket when lie gets up is abroad ia the land. May lie \ou have seen him. Tlieeminsr.t statistician, Odi. Francis A. Walker, says that net A SAOUFICr,. some, on West by Williamson swamp crock oipals tho same containing one thousand acres levy being on (II 201 nine twentieth of said j thousand acres: the place whereon de'end* i ant now resides. Levied upon as the prop erty of John P Hall to satisfy a Superior I court l'i Fa issued in favor of Clicaspeake { Gunniio Company vs John 11 flail, proper- tv pointed out hy defendant anil legal notice i given. . , , I Also at the sun; tunc ind place w ill be ' sold one tract or parcel of land lying in | W.'.sliiiig’mi county Gu ,and containing one I hundred acres of land more u less; forly- i five of which are cultivated, including dwelling house stable Aa\ adjoining jamls ] of McQuirler. lioitmle 1 oil the North, South and East, hy lands of Mis Nancy Price, on West by lands of John Price, seven miles We<i of liartow one mile Hast of the Wrigbtsville and Dublin public road tlm pla e whereon defendant now resiles. Lev ied on as the properly of S 11 Price to sat isfy one Superior court Mortgage FI Fa in favor of A L Archer dr, vs s. I! Price, n a s liecn so unfortunate as to lose iiisarm i which renders him unfit for the Mamie! 1 duties which lie followed heretofore and while 1 htiow him to ho perfectly willing to undergo any hardships of life to enable him to make his living lie being rendered incapable by bis misfortune I for him make this appeal to the Voters feeling that Y "it Citizens of Washington county are no ndver.-e to givini position where merit combim-d with capability ask it. Head nml reive .ilier that a liestowel ot tins office ot Coroner will possibly relieve Yottr fellow citizen and do him a service which be will ever thank von thr. Again f say vote for Orenii 3f. f.ow for Coroner and let him live by his triends. CntZF.NSi For SI, oil 11. Tltc friends nutl fellow citizens ot Juntos A. Jackson presents bint to the voters of Washington county ns a cantlidate for tltc office of Shertll TAXNOTIOE MONEY TO LAST ROUND. Pay vottr tux tor 1880 and when pay v 11r tax see that yon are register* iind that the word is written uti )’« receipt and it lined. If-member,Jtlur- e niliv be d me in p-rsiin, and you m ot 21 years ».<l, in the state one year, in t county six III itillts previous to the eleeli and have paid all your taxes s nee 7" ' vim are entitled to vote, If LOAN. i ■ Itodersignsd arj > JjJ.rcl to Iiegotiste VNS l <P \l JiSTA E tli ran slu For Coro nor. For SlicrlfT. The friends and fellow citizens of Charles A. Wall presents him to the voters of Washington county as a candidate for iheotlkc of Sheriff. candidate fur Coronor at the El t . c n unary next, ami respectfully solicit be asips nueu of the voters in the ' 0Un,J - A MOPPET. TO FAM- less ihnu 75 per cent of th« men oi this country who own houses, lands, railways, manufactories, mines, and pav wages, begun life without a penny. And It# might have added that all without exception began life without a sliitT to lltcir buck. Yes I have too many goods already bought according to the nu iiey the e is U> th* country and liavu some hills to meet that MUST be met, my honor is at rt ike and the money must enme and I'm not going to borrow it, I'm going to sell my goods at a , sacrifice and there by give iuy customers | the benefit of it and .ot the money hmder , j- yy j , ml j,, p, Fa and legal no- saxsrjffL 1 '-W <■— . roSrt’ON till SALKS "I have also pore tnseil a most handsome Will bcsohl bvfuro the Court House and well assorted lot of Christmas goods. | door in theeity of Sandersville When vo t call ask for the goods we selling «t cost, OTONKY TO 1.0AN OT Ul». If you want money on easier terms titan volt can get it elsewhere call on Hines <V Rogers. Jf.irch HO It tl. To Hie I’liplie Generally. The umlersig ie I hereby announces hi-* name as a candiipite lur t.-.c olltee of Slnuili of thceo intv of Washington, nttd respectful* 1 ' , . i.„ K,,,...!/,, Mills Iv solic ts the sulleragcs of Ids fel'ow men 1 il flour made b.V the h.lteh.i Jims for said place p utilising a full compliance as to the duties it lie should lie honored w ith CLEVELAND A IIENDUIEMS. Those arc the two highest grades voitr Kegistcreil receipt Vo the managers : on,tier if iour name does not apoear on il list furnished the managers, by the Onl narv; nml the manager who prevents nan flout voting h caeHc his mune it not appear riivor approved * Ul LtfERtL pw Term easy. Evans & Evans, Attorneys at Law g 24th, 1880 -If the list furnished by t 1 Ordinary when the v ter shows his reeei properly regi-ierud, grossly violates tb law. aril rolls the voter ol the dearest ho nf a fiecitnn, So you see you are sltli t g uirdiau of your own Vole if von \vi have me to write "registered”on tout n ceipt and date it then your pas-port to t ballot box is c nnplete ml no p.-weru earth cm either by mistake or odierw prevent you from voting uteept hy train ling the law and vonrsacred rights limb foot. 1 will be in Samleisvil'e cv rv day fro die 15, of October till the 10, day "I No NOTICE! To Every Ono In Washington County ‘Who Wants Money. 1 I have $300,000 to loan, If you wish t in any amt- feoin $50.00 to %200(>, from tln-ee niotiths to fivu years tiimv •ttirm with nroncr Boeurity and t .•omo with proper iiocurity and get it. I m prepared to oTcr your money on nKTTIT. T.-.I’.MS THAN KVKIt . .W it.vTES (iltEAT’I.Y RKDUOEDt 1 loan money on city property. ■ I loan money on notes I lone money on gilt "dnvl s.snii-itv tfv l SUAVE PAI’EIW. have especial olV-rs f.e- lit** next ninety ns to the duties il lie the olllce, and any statement ns to coming down is a false one for the benefit ot ilesign- ieg persons on y. \ erv Respcetfilllj • Wm. Duggan. Merchants are buying them and they sel freely. ‘ 7-U—it V. JACKSON. Hnndcrsv ille lia. A Hungarian paper slatoa thnt tltc Emperor Francis Joseph lias given i up smoking, as lie found tli at lac so-called "Tlr^lnifts,” (the vilest and the strongest ot the Austrian cigars) which for years he had tun iked, began to effect hi in injuriously. lid county the first Tuesday in December next within tho legal hours »f sale, one tract of laud lying on the North Prong of William- sous (Swamp tn said county, containing two b i ml ted and sixty six acres more or less. mill bounded on the North by Martha Sheppards land, lias! by Putscy Greene’s land. South, by Donnie lltath'c bind and on the Wets by Green Hr uitlcy's lai d. Levied on as tlm property of Green I'.xcciltion issued For Clerk of the Su perior Court. Wo tiro autlioi izod to announce ilio name of A. M. Mayo for re- I flection to tlio olUen of Clerk of | Superior Court subject to democrat- I ic iioitiinniion. if au.v, Wo all know I 1 Mack” and our courts would look odd without, him, so lota give him “IM.ANTEK* 1*1*1 DE,” This is a now brand of Hour that - ^ i is giving good salinlaction ground at Eureka Mills 7-U—If GOOD FLOE I*. .Merchants are buying and selling reatlily the new brand of Hour ot lit.) Eureka Mills. ’■ will lie in San He sville even Satuoh, . I.nve especial oH-W to- no- next nnw.- from Hie 10-lid.v . f November till the lull lays for all who wwlt on farm lamia |.,vof l)ire,..her and then I wi 1 be i j V250U nr more. It will be greatly to S iiidrrsvillu every ilav fr.. „ the 10th da v „„ r interest to call ami soo me dumig of December till tho 20th of Deumir „i that time- which day my hook* will dose ' Remember tins is no 5Jmm Notice to Cliarlo Waiver's moie Wednesday Dec I Uvcriro NValkei’n ntoro Tliuiwlav Dec ‘-no Giles Friday Dec Ihiatrights ncadcliiv .1/iiiul iy It*® Oconee Tuesday Dec Pearson Wed lies, lay Dec Deep Step Thursday Do T.ibcru cdc 1- ridiiy Dei* I hope inv friends will’not fail to Startle or mislead yon I UKan kvkuv IPomi I say, .wlt'-ch 1 will lio pleased t., provo to if you will call to see mo at tlm Hi,,re of A. Y. Haines where l will l>o lad no *erve you. W. R. THKil’EN, il untIcy to Hsitinly «i« macuuuwh j . « from the Superior Court of said county in j our fud ntpp n t as usual, as wo know Ariivi, 1’tisliius «ml Hcliublc. Dr. UuwliiigH can always be re carry in block tho Hr fill' 7l' 8 fi 0 ini a me tu any corn slincking, ipiilling, or , art llialiimy occur while I mu in their see',ion .1 A. lfijIWON, Tax Gidlector and. Ki'gis t , ,,, m|I1 % ,, Mr. Newman will collect in Samicrsvilli Special attention given to Comn.srcial I,»W ia m ' ahsutice. J. .lia'JHIy vande usVI leu, u V. i Will practice in the Mi t tl»- tMrcilIt, nod in ih.' counties suriounding Washingtou. ‘ I.* Tlm remain* of Ex President Arthur were buried in tho family burying ground in Albany, N'Y- The services in New York city were! singularly quiet and simple—no military display, no pomp and a I most genteel affair ail the way i through. President Cleveland and j some of his Cabinet attended, to gether with quite a nuinbsr of other distinguished personages. — — - - The Seth Thomas Clock company, of Tliomaaton, Coun., Itnvs prepared drawings for tlie great clock which is to lie placed in the tower of tin- new City Hall in Philadelphia, and which, if completed in accordance with their plans, will he tho largest in the world. The bel s upon which it will strike the hours and quarters will weigh fifty thousand pounds, and the glass dials will measure 25 feet in diameter. The Now National at $23,0d ia n t -ca. beauty, at Jernigan A. Son s. Call at Jeruigau ik Son's Jewelry store and examine their Sew ing Machines bel ore pi: .chasing else- ! wl.ere. Head quarters for Sowing Ma chines next door to Jernigan A Sons Jewelry store, call at their store Hnd tliey wiii be pleased to wait upon you. CIOc4tst Clock*! Clocks In a few days w-c will receive a n--w supply of clocks; give us a ouy Jernigan Jk Sou, Have you seen the New National? well it is a splendid Machine for hut little money at Jernigan dt Sous. favur of Jo<epe H. ilrown Govomir for tlie tine of t'obb ami Hnrlmek vs K F. Kudisell l*i iiiciii il Green ftranlley, Jobu It. Wicker am | a A Cullens Beerelari.H. Kxecution now procoding for the use of Lawson A. Gason lulmiuiHtrator on tltc estate ot N'ieliolas llarbtick who was surviving partner of the late firm of t'obb ami Hsr- bm k. Property pointed out by l’iniiilitis Httornuy. lew made by O- IL Ungers Deputy Slioritf, notice given tciianiH in | pOSl’Rsiotl. , A'.to will Ik- sold "t tin* same time nml | pine.-, ulte house aril Ipl located in the . •citv uf S.iitdeisvillc said county said lot . eoi'il,lining one acre more or less, and bounded on tlie Fast by Mrs Hursts lot | mi tlie West by ( ratvford I’errv's lot, on tin | N'ortli bv Floyd street and on the South by Joe Tlio'm is lot. Levied on by virtu of an execution issued from tlie .1 ustiee court of the OTtlt company District of said county in fivor of Charles A. Waiitz vs 1-U'C Herman Prineipd • ml Mark Newman security. Levied on as tlie property of Isaac Herman to satisfy said Execution’ Lew made ^ mid returned to me by 11, \V. Ilrown tain-1 ; Written notice given ten mis in posessirn. j C. A. WALL Sheriff W. Co, lie is worthy and qualified. lied upon purest and bent goods, and Hustutn , the reputation »>f being nctivo, pu-th Fairs ns iu<r by recouiiiicmln g tx /ST - l C I iii-tiolen with well esttib whed tueiit Lor Clerk oi the feu- um i Bac h «»«r« p„p'»^. h<iii..k norim* Pnurt I tbo mioncy f-rth c h l> atml Dt. peilOl UIUIl. I King’s New Di-covory f.u; c m timp- i lion, colds amt eoujlm, will sc 1 it "it bitivo guaraiiti-u It will «U" l> I respeclfullv announce myself a can di late for Clerk of the Superior Court o Washington county at the ensuing January election. THOMAS J.DAVIS. tin For Tax Receiver. I ho. before the people ns a enti- eidiitc for 'l’nx Receiver of W asning- f011 countv at the ensuing cleetiou in J imtiry next. Dr II D Kimjail. f ri-tober fit 11 18(-fi. a poo. . . cure any and every affection ol throat, lungs,chert, and in order to prove our •■ini'", I'll l ml £■ 1 f 1 it. I d volt to vt t tui-4 my re» iiiMatna vt'ur L M ilw *».« rtipcdy kit .«» t i u« (-f tkuo iLuPA ■ltd (.Inti. i h.itN lull , . on'Vsi. *1 I .and in U AU-utl At Patronize Home In dustry. EUREKA MILLS, SandersYille - - - Ga.' T HESE milts arc now making thu| best Flour and Meal of any mill in ( p or ttt j),-. A. Mathis* Drily tho country. Even tiecoinuu»flalioii| tore, is proviileti for people coining in fl’Onil _ ; u -p:Kte«''CallatMBRIirE'S Meal, Flour anil Bran i r • * l .. . I all. i I n I: l I t k that is afraid of so emit lIt itgs IL hrs propalt y solo-nn tt Traiil ol them. reason l > ' c Six hundred and forty signatures were obtained in Macon Saturday to tho petition to the Legislature to enact a law requiring instruction to be given in all the public schools relatives to the effect of alcoholic drinks on the human system. The petitions were curried i.round hy three youths representing the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of Macon. Strayed. From Wilkersons pasture a red Jersy heifer marked crop on loll ear, split in right, horns sawed off, one shorter titan tlie other. Had a hell on and may have a calf. Liberal reward will be paid for Iter, or her whereabouts. T E. RROWN. Nov. 2fiLh 188(5 Aftor Forty yonra* Ptpcrit'iu'fi tit* lirupnrution ot inoro Uum Omo llun irt-tl yuan nil npnllra lions for pntcnlH in ljSunt'- nr.d l'-nr-U'i, o.m|J- .»'>• »*««v ■ >’v/-x« „«■ f ***“ i'f! : ‘•No physician ever weigi.otl out medicine to his patient with halt so much cxuc'.noHH ami care us (! weighs out- to n- every trial; ti mte gram too much dues he ever per mu to he put in the settle." To one who said, "I do not believe there is an honest man in the world," another replied, ‘It is impossible that any one man should know all the world, but quite possible that one may know himself.”—Lavater. The Vmliet Uiu timoiis. \V. D. tiult, Druggist, Iml , teatill-M “I can rt'OJmtneiHl Eleotriu Bitters ni- the very best remedy. Every bottle, Hold h.AH given relief in every omte. One man took six bottles, iqul was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years’ Htundiiig.’ Abraham llare, druggist, Ballvillo, Oliio idliriUHS -‘Tite imst selling lunli- for patent s, onveitU, trflil«-n»HrU3, copy- rt,.|iu.«ic. forth. Uult-1 Mines. miJ to -hisill i.-n-ni" tn ii»n»-U. ljnsljjnib 1 r»Viwtblc. No clmriio for ct.inliifttion ol luodtl. Tho o.tfftui"ill's of thill) f- notice every entente. °"rh”'«rie .ml .n’omlMIr ilbi;.1r»U.l “"tfl’J.fhl-M” »«»•!«» •” !««•»* 10 Munn A i’«L. pu1)li!*heiH of Scientilio Amunctu, Ml lirondvvny. New ’i ork , Uttudbook ai»at patent* mawtd n-ua. Woiulrrful ( nro«. \V- D. Ilowt -k Co.. lFhoh’snU Retail Druggists of Rome, (in-. miv- We have been sellim’ Dr Kings New Disvovery, Eleetrio Bitters and ‘'’ leu’s tntien Salve f n- t»-o yea's Have m»yi»r Imiicllcd maftlius that mmi or give sueli umvetsal satisfaction. Then* have been some wonderful cures i-tfeetcd hy these medicine* in this city. Several eases of pronounced ('onsntnp- ion have been entirely cured bv n«o -if few bottles of Dr* King's N T e Diseov- ry, taken in winnecimn willi.-t Electra* titters. We giinfanteo tlient ways. . r ir...„ ok., i Sold liv l)r. Wm Bindings \::zr•»-'" c '» Wnsliiiigton county at tin* J Hillary elect ion l Idle lt-ttumot it. nml I That ilie'wheat nml corn will nmkei Gl v. \ NT KD TO THE ' INTOM EI'8 ! nf the mill, bus |,lie toll. | ^ ■s-i bring in yottr WIIEAI AND u. corn at the same lime and thereby “• save going to mill twice. i k C. R. PRINGLE. Prop'll ’ d 85—if I) G. I ) V \ U) Mil . t ; fH For 'Fax Iteei iv er Mr. Editor: With picture v:o ^innouiico the name of Will's .i P s milli ns a candidate for Tax Receiver. We take tnis iipportunif to tlianU bis 'rienils fur their liberal H't|it*ml in tlie (last and earnestlv rei|uest that tbvv eontinuc i' ill 'lie future him! get the r friends and neighbors to go slid do liken is- at the eoiiiiiig cleetiou in January next * Fhikniis. NU'U'IC T.l’l Sandersvilh* (• t. Nuv. (Jilt l-SSii. s w i n t tl Bl ) VN FA HOT E K* FA VOIIITE.’ Is meeting with satisl’aclion with danters in Washington county, li ve found at Eureka Mills. 7-t-l-t For Tax Receiver. Burial Cases. rul f- i sal - T. N A J W. e.ive your or*ler wilt voters iff Hie and solicit the support of the county. . JOHN N ROGER* Sc t 9, 3 fi. For Receiver. We are atitliu. ized t" aimoitnc die o i Janie- I AinertniiJr. f** tli---Hie.-.a 1- Receiver of Washington < o "v, ill-'ei t un in January ie xt. # |*o Tlie Citi/.eiiH of Washington Fon my. I most respectfully anno mo myself ns a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver an Islmnlil you favor me u illi your siipnort I wt.l attend to the business of that otliee to tin- osl ol my ability. I HERMAN. For the best anil cheapest STOVES and TINWARE, Go to the aNDERSVIEEK tin IloP. ft62Q ArcU and repaired ,i e A well inea ireaiment J \ i* Ai' rmiv.iiiniii.hh. iwtunlit, llroiii'liils. 'X'li.- Dote s mamtziiic tor Novetn In-r offers its readers an timisitaily attfiictivc array of illustrate 1 dirci Wade llamptou ami a party of friends started out hunting Monday morning. The party became sspo rated, in the afternoon, while tiding through a thick wood. General Hampton’s gun was caught by a vine and disunarged A load ol buckshot entcre.t toe head of his horse and killed him. The horse fell on the senator. He vvns severe ly hurt. His '.eg was badly maimed. After several hours’ painful effort licgot loose and, with the aid ot a atick, hobbled on one leg, weak and utmost exhausted, for five hours through n dense wood toward home. The party reached the senator's bouse about 8 o’clock, expecting to find him there. As it grew late and be did not return, tliey started to look for him, aud found hiui a short distance from home, limping slowly toward it. FovThx Kefeivcr. Wc are authorized to announce , , „ . . atuacuvu a,in, | ,ho name of Mr. G. W. Bateman for cine I have ever haud m in M . tions nml suggestions loruecdle work ! Tax Receiver for Washington - oi.i.ty assxh^JSrs^Su. t«*»«■»; \»n» *«t» >» j*-*»z mouy, ho that tho verdict in lnanimoUK sisl:inco Ml making un.u-U‘8 loi lionii t uex . that KU'ctric BitterH do cure nil iImohko i decoration or Christinas u;itt>, ami of the Liver Kidneys or Blood. Only 1 | j,alcul)U‘ goods lor the Ik?lit*lit ot lull dollar a bottle at Dr. Bawling* ( U|08e wll> ; BMln ,o r t tlict.,selves. , „ f V,; Su",.hen J' for the..lUceul Tax All kinds of tin and sheet iron w ork Fort , lllMllll|lllol W R H Mrrvr.lVP-i* Dysm tisiu, (altirrii, May Fever, Head- • *| aclte, Ih'blllt) Rlieiiinatisiii, Nctirulgia, ami nil Chronic un<l Xenon* l)i*onlm. Winn "t'ompmiml Oxygen” i* inhaloil the Drugstore. Let the rule invariable b i diis where you i-animl pray as y on vvoal l pray its you can. —Goulbottru NOTICE! 91.000.00!) to Loan!! AH p irties in Wiislihigtim and I’ti'ilwin emmtie-whose loans on improved firms mature in 1888, anil desire*'KX PEN Si )S ' at greatly reduced ratis; will liml il t" their advantage to call and see me ol their earliest at my office in (Jour. House, Sandersvillc. where my rep- resentatstive. <*r my self will be pleased to accommodate tliem. W. K. TIIIGPKN. I 'olli'ctor of Washington county at the en- -uing election in January next. at the next. LEGISLATL'UE. Mr. Evans, of Washington into dttccd au act to require ull entries made bv a sheriff on any fi fa, to he recorded in an execution docket etc. Sheriff’s Sales. For December 188G. GEORGIAAVashington Co. Will be sold before tlie Court House door in tlie city of Han lersvillc on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal For 'Fax Collecloi*. We are a'Mliorized in announce the name 1 ilie lormer const iiuciuy, Mrs. Laura I’, Starr’s eighth tmpef in her “ nine Deenrtuions” series, and : — .tndge llopw.iilti Dixon's* I'lmpter I l'#i* f,'.u'» mu" ,,n Darning Work, in which she do j We are authorized to announce scribes some heautil'ul covers. Hearts, I i he mini'* "f G. W. G ah uu for Cor- etc., will perhaps In: most ueeepta : om-r for Washington county hie, while to the latter, directions \ i-ns-uing election in J innary for making a great variety of sea- ' Pol . coroiiov. sonahle knitted and crocheted aril ; Wc are anlhorizeil to iinnonnc tho name cles, tied wink. Breton embroidery, j „ fl >,. u . r Yates for re-election to the ollicco, cheap ami pretty iittrsery baskets i G„ r „ llor tt t the cnsucing election ia January ; and shell work will he niost helpful. ! next. i -5lie is indeed a ilnli woman whose i house is not morn beautiful, her | ti ien Is it i richer or her purse no i heavier after a visit from Doit as. ! $1.00 per itnntttn. A sample copy ei'Sts 10 cents. j Mr Holton is an honest, "p right and ca Address DjUCAS Pl bi.ISIIIXII Co. 1 (table man • IRON W ORKS< X_ia"O gf «feX7Vxlt. Propt’rs. Sandersville, Ga. Ili an has imparled to it incrciouid vitality, l int Organ sends forth the blood with more three ami less wear to itself; the vital cur rents leave on their circuit m w deposits of vita! t.irio in every c II of tissue over which llu-v (nss and rutHrn ag in lor a new siqi . pi v. This simple story is the ration tl ex- (ilii'iiiion of thegre.test advance that medi cal science has yet made. “Tito Compound Oxygen Treatment” which Dr». Ktarkev A I’aleii, No. 1521) Art'll M.,i«.Ss.r«. r t Deutora m: Slu..m Ki,*i;« « M «.v|o» ^«' i S&'3li!£!±. l S'7^Sl5?aJi Mills. Grist M'lU. Cotton Gins, ProsscH uitd Maeliincrv ol nil kimlsi „ HMIt ()t - l)l( , e | el] * tl .,. lH ,^oxygen and Nitm- A lull Httol!ot II libber tutd Leather Belting k pt ill mock. !gen wuijnclimi. auti the compound isab eon St«» »«'l VVaa-r Vulvca, Su-an. l-ipos a"d Mitcliinc Oils and .Mill tSnppIics Repair work solicited and prompt its can be done all Machinery sold b resented. Write or onll on us lor Prices and in the Machine line. ■ ione and us cheap and well we guarantee to be as rep- — indeed, it is sent ult over tlie world. For Coroner. Mb. Editok: Nkw Yokk. Please announce tltc name of John F. Hnlton as a candidate for I’oro- ticr. Wc take pit-nun re in announcing that is an honest. n(i right arni ca and if elected will be the riglt man in the right place. Many Friends. Mr. Moyenlso introduced a lull ap preprinting $3,341,53 to Washington hours of sale one tract of land lying in s tin . state ami county containing 0-20 of one j thousand acres of land more or less and Itoundtd on the North by lands of J. K. Hines and E K Dudley on the South by I lands of J G Williams on the East by lsmis of M r s. Danovan and Mrs Newsome r.n the j U’M by SViill.titison’s swam creek, \Vhereon i ; the dclcmianl now resides levic I on as the ! property of John i> Hall to satisfy a ; .Superior Court fi fa in favor of Hines tutd The man whose wife woke him up in church hy slicking a pin in him, says lie doesn't like si c t pointed suggestions. For Coroner. Mr Dns. S.utKs.v & Plugs li.tvetlie liberty to refer (in proof nf thuit* Hian il »ii'g uttsAMiy*"" ,Isioians) to the iViliowing named’vell-knowii • script)01) of anything wantedi (mrsotis who have tried their Treatment: | llox. V; ii.liam D, Member of Cor.grrm, 1 hilndelphia. i Rev. Victob L. Cohhad. IMilor Lutheran Qtntcrrcr, I'H'ndcIphia. Rev. Cii.vhi.ks W. Gtsiiixo, editor American Jlcjoniur Se.w York . < Hits. Wtt.i,im Penn .mxon. Jslitor Inter Ocean, I'hieiKjo, 1 . lUDOK JoSEI'II R FUANIlKItS, Temple. Court, Xcw Yuri;. IIT OFF-SETSTHELOW PRICE ( By cleansing the seed periot, never chokes, run a light, gins hist ,j M|1S ;UA1(V A Doi-oiirv, i ttnirntitkes a good sample. The feed n* stands on tho floor, it wil | Jamaica, Lon<j Islam! AW York teed any kind of cotton regular, every gin guaranteed as represented | MrsjiUitv A^layi^MimK Tlie Farmers Friend!!! and to give 1 satisfaction. Cal on or address. 1’riccA his heen reduced. Edi'nr: While We nro selecting our I County officers nitty we suggest it ! name for Coroner, which I dare say | will give entire satisfaction and ivlio ; we know to lie eminently qualified Manufacturers Agents, Sandersvillc, Georgia. uud always county for quelling au insurrection j Rodgers vs of J D JIall Prruil'H V imintr-il <1)11 against State, For Treasurer. Properly pointed out by defendant and j legal notice given I \ Iso nt the same timn and (ilacc will nr j ! soli (Done fourth interest inn certain 1 tract of land lying and being in Wasliitijr- ; tun county tla., and known «s tlm tract ul , j land beipiatlied by Gin. Bainuel Ii-jbtson ] low-cifizens of Washington cottulv i t: John and Winfield th o T on, U <*iirw4irlikii. f »i , " Uobisou.- M ud tract of land adjoining lands . V d d ^ f . 11,6 , ' ,IW0 of Ha, l ev, Snell, cainncl B. Itcbismi and ! id (A unty Irenmier, at the ensuing otherssaid one fuirtli interest containiug 1 JatiUHJ-y flection, Hltd earnestly bo- fifty acres mere or less. Maid land levin) licit the snpport of tlie (icople. | upon as the pruputy of John W Robison I ^ I respectfully announce to my fol- i r-cifizens of Is capable of Keating I001Y p«ojilf< i Deiiifg young, active ( fur THFiATiClCAL re!l dy •** do lob duty aud wh otn is to “Let Justice Lhj done though 1 situated in THE HEART E THE i *'>« Heavens should fall." Tll f H '« . 'CITY, ami is the ONLY HALL in "Robert. A. Hurst, rally roaud , standard and gtvo bnu a ttuly go .a s «!»;»>i't and you will ever think ‘‘Well done good amt faithful , servant enter y e into your office as -‘■v-I-vi.D-cvy’Sl j | -,vo liu vo prcpai'evl tl tot you ” Sandersville, Ga., i u Hi an mi u. a. Hurst f i ~ Coronet' is the moiloe of, ami is tirrangci SHOWS, CONCERTS Ac. It -is 1 HEART E THE ONLY HALL in tlm city Inal, wi.. answer for SHOWN APPLY TO MACK DUGGAN prices and terms, be seen at any time. LANG and WILT. For Cull (Inscription JVEOK II S VooltllhEH, A’r'ie York Clip MkGkoiiuk vV I'.dwards l'rnpt'r St lieonjejt Hotel P/iila lel]>huv M it Fit A.NIC >11111 ALL A v.ill known Merchant, Philadelphia/ \). II w.i.. A gin w 11 be Kept in btoek where it can M> 1 Wii.i.iam 11 Wiiitkly. . Silk Manufacturer 4'hilndAphia, Pa, i And many olltura in every (uirtuf tltc U o’ The New National has tho loose fl.V wheel and automatic hobtn wtnde-r attached which makes in equal to any other first class slan durd machine it is ..ot to be sur' passed by any. and deacrilied and pointed out in Ft Fn. Notice given p.ittieBiu poaaer.-iion to amiaty j Superioi' Court Fi I'u in favor of M 1 Caldwell versus John W llobiw.n. A so at tlie same time ami place will be sold ,.ne tra< t or parole ol land tying i* Washington Gouut. Ga., conti.iniiig nity acres more or lesH. Bounded n the North REDUCED PATES AT THE HARNETT HOySEi": SAVANNAH. GA- Many Voteiis. hv land of John R Hodges, on tlieSotnb by | c , . '-"iV" , ."’ J ti list estate of L W (‘""ons Deceased, ai 'buppcf, Lodging & Bimuktast th- i hy 3frs. .? 1 00 , j. -. For' Coroner. To Editor JArcury. You will please announce the name of Green M Low as a Candidate lor Coroner Nr Washington county at thf ensiling . lection in January next and o course subject to any Demo ratio nomination that may be bad and in j roposing Mr jam's name IVr this position I simply ask f*— y- i<>f \V',..i|j.i ..... e.,nr*.- t». r|o no).. Compound Orijricn — i’r Mode of Action <nid Result*' is the title of a volil.m-of cearly pages, by Drs Mirkcy & PivU-li which g>V**" to all in.jnirers full i lormitimi us to this I a l uge record idu r mg.’ ol elm' 11 icing ao union d u* tiled r. inarr.ali ecur t- .- age i s ipristug cur. s hi a w c e is.-s —.uaiiy of iiie.u ,icing he by other invysiiuans. U will 1 i ree to any nd.lres- on app tea wo I)lt8. SIM RklA .V PlUi'. 15‘i!) Arc'll St.. IMiilaaoliiitiu COTTON FACTOh’S AUGUSTA - - GEORGIA iflor t.heir sm-vices to tlm p aitim-s an ; mnreh mts of Washington c,out.tjFevcVSores,'K* Jul * ^ IV ftl Ol* Within li) (ln\ I ’lnIKluinn OiMinu an.l ik!l .skin hi i!p tnercli nits of 75c a bale con.mtssinn, no slot*,.go who,, erJ i on arrival or within 15 day ichilblaitn Conm, and .alj-Skin Enip it >ent ot the A- (.t .t S. It. IL all expenses me „d,ng freight, drtya-rc'turns, ami pusitivoly cUrcH Pile*, o' cmiruission nml In* irniicB will not be over <2.10 a 500lb h im. Mr.L 0 pay veqni.'od It i> g.iarunt”" J.M.lan has been tnt'.ebuBmoss tur 12 yeara and we guaranieo per,- c, to ii VB poAect satisfactiop,,or,mou«: satisfaction in every respect. Give us a trial ami ,f you v sit Augusta. -elrefumM. Price 25 ccuts oof »*« give you ^a cordial mviintton toviHit our office, wc will gladly welcome yon FOR SALE BY -1X11. RA’VVLIS'Y'*^ UiirklriiN Antini !Si»!vo. ; tjlm Best, Salve in tlm wurbl mfoniH IBruiaes, Sores, Ulcers, Sait lRt«0 , *b H. b’evc