The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, December 07, 1886, Image 2

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THE MERSUBY. HANDEFSVlI.LP, • ** SEOlfilA SHItIFFS CRCM, WISHIMT6H COUNTY A. <*. JEBNIOAN ■»aroB, Fvblihbkk a»i> Fsoruirros TUESDAY DECEMBKH 7th 1188 Csl. IT. A. Hawkius of Amoricus is dead. The c*prnditurc‘* for tb* islasd nail aervice the past year were f J8, 486,TM. Bourbon county, Kentucky, the native plnee of Unurbon whisky, went “dry” nt the late election. Col. John Moore baa been appoint ed burgeon General by President Clev^and. The next House of Represents Uvea will stand one hundred aevon- ty Democrats to one hundred flity- tire Republican*. Thirty thousand Indiana Demo crat* did not vole in the last elec tion. Forty-one convicts will tie dis charged from the Georgia p-nilen tiary between now and the middle of January. Charles Francis Adams died nt his home in Massachusetts. Thus another one of Americas great sous passed away. ft Jefferson Davis* says that as a general proposition it can lie assert ed that anything said about him in a northern paper is totally false. The rooms of the Young Men’s Christian Association in Atlanta. Gu., are crowded nightly, the attendance often reaching 300 at a time. The Jewish population of Jerusa lem now numbers 18,000. This is said to be the largest number that has lived in the sacred city at one time since its destruction by 1'itus in 70 A. I). Dr. Gnllaudet, president o( the Deaf Mute College at Washington, has been invited to visit London and give English authorities informa tion in regard to the education of tho deaf and dumb. Zuig Lee, a Fort Worth Chinaman who has beeu converted to Chris tianity is tiying to convert the Chi- name* of Dallas, Texas under the auspices ot the I ouug Men's Chris tian Association ot that place. A big woil attacked a little eight- year girl as she was driving the cows to watei neur Couistock, Minn, but one of tli* cow* chat god the wolf, tossed it in the uir and then ihe farmer’s dog cume to the rescue and the wolf lied. of the nc'ual naccsssi it* of life.— [Sav. Kewa. Mr*. Gen. J. K B. Stewart, *ow principal of a female seminary at Staunton. Va, baa made applica tion to the Secretary i f War for a havarsack captured from her hus band iu August, I8C2, and which she believes to tie in the possession of the Y/ar Department. A diligent search has been made for it or some record of it, but so far without avail. The Secretary has spared no pains to grant Mrs Stuart's request. Mrs. Stuart thinks it was taken by a Lieutenant Colonel of the Fit'b New York cavalry. Oscar Kidd, of Port Jervis, dream ed three times that a watch wrap Sheriff’s Sales. For December 1886. % GEORGIA-Washington Co.| Will be mid before the Court Ho ixe Jour in the city of Ikiuderavillt on the tirnt Tuesday in December nest, within the legal hours of salt one tract of land lying in aatu slat* and county containing Will) ofiaae thousand acres of land more of lea* and hounded on the North by land* of J . K. fliue. and E K Dudley ud the South by lands of J C Williams on the East by land# of AI r s Dunovan and Mrs Newsome «n the West by Wiiltamson’tawam creek, whereon tho defendant now resides levied ou as the property of John V H»l' to satisfy a Superior Court ti fa in favor of Hme* and Rodgers vs of J D Hall. Property pointed out by defendant and legal notice given \ Iso at tho same time and place will ne mid (1) one fnuith interest iu a certain truct of land lying and being in Washing ton county Ua., and knuwn as the tract ot land bequathed bv Uen. Samuel Rabison to John W 101 wood (J John and Winfield ped in cotton ami placed in a tin box ^'^.Tbevt'i.eThsam'nel 1 B^Sm^nd as hidden in the cellar of a certain house ir. that village. The owner efthe house laughed at Oscar, who wanted to look for Ike watch, but finally went down in the cellar witli ftiin, and sure enough, Kidd found the watch just as he had dreamed. Then the owner of the house claimed the watch because it hud been found ou his premises, ami lie kept it too. The Constitution anti Telegraph art dartiug at each other, editorial and paragraphic javelittes that car- n with them considerable sting judging from the amount of win*, cingdoue subsequent to each (ling. County Treasurer. ' I annonac* myself an a candidate fur re- aleetian tut Treasurer for Washington eonnty. Thanking the people lor past e*n- fidenre I can o«,ly promise oondnued fidelit, lo trust il elected. V K TVLIAFEK Sept 2 IS46 For Treasurer. We ere authorized to announce tho name of Jtfr. K. J. N. Walden for Treasurer of Washington County it the enauing election in January next, on true Daa* te prin cipals. ' Ywr Ikerif. TUe friends and fellow citizens ol James A. Jackson presents him to the voters of Wsshingtou county as a candidate for the «»11tc8 of Sheritl Christmas] Goods. j -oOo—o- Goto Y. Jackson’s and purchase your Christ mas Goods, he has them in an endless quantity, and will sell them to you, (the word CHEAP does not sound loud enough.) If you want to purchase]a new No. 8 Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, call on Y Jackson and you will get bottom figures and easy terms. See Y. Jackson before you buy^your Drugs. others said one fourth interest containing fifty acres mi re or less. Hnid land levied U|miii as the prop'rty of John W Robison and described nnd pointed out in l‘t Ta» Notice given parties in possession to sntbov Superior Court Ki Fit in favor of M M Caldwell versus John W R*bi*on, A so at the same lime and place will he aold one trad or parole ol land lying in Washington Counts Ou„ containing .filly acres more or less. Hounded n the North by land of John K Hodges, on the South by trust estate of I. W Cullens Deceased, on tlie East by ,1/rs. Elizabeth Hini.d and ami Cullens, outlie West by Homestead estate of J/oses li Williams deceased and Mrs. Nancy F Cox Levied on as the property of Mrs. M K Bland to satisfy Superior court morgage Fi Fa issued in favor of FJ Pearson & Son for uscof LA CJ ray bill A t o versus. Mrs. M E Bland. Property pointed out in said mortgage. Legal notice given tenants in |K)s*ewion, Also at the suinc time and plaeo will lie sold one tract or parcel of land lying in Washington county Georgia, known as die property of J I) Hall, joining landaof J K IIilies and K U Dudley, hounded on North and South hr Mrs J C Williams on East, by lands of Mrs Dinovnnand Mrs New- some, on West by Williamson swamp crock the same containing one thousand acres levy being on (9 20) nine twentieth of said thousand acres: die place whereon defend ant now resides. Levied upon as tho pro[t- erty of John D Hall to satisfy a Superior court Fi Fa issued in favor of Cheas|ieake tiiiaiiiio Company vs John I) Hall, proper- tv pointed out by defendant and legal notice given. Also nt the same time nnd place will h. s. Id one tract or parcel of land lying in Washington county Gn .and containing one hundred acres of land more or less; forty- five of which are cultivated, including dwelling house stable &c, adjoining lands of Mtlpiirler, honnde I on the Noith, South and East, by lands of \.rs Nancy Price, on West by lands of John Price, seven mile. West of Bartow one mile Fast of the Wriglitsville and Dublin public road the place whereon defendant now resides. Lev ied on as tlie properly ol S B Price to sat isfy one Superior court Mortg ige F i ha iu tavor of A L Archer Jr, vs N. B Price, property pointed out in 1-i ha slid legal no- t ce given defeinluul in possession. POSTPONED 8AI.ES Will he sold before the Court House door in the city of Sundersville said county on tlie first Tuesday in December next within ihe legal hours *f sate, one tract ol land lying on tlie North Prong of William sons Swamp In said county, containing two hundiod and sixty six acres more or less and hounded on the North by Martha Sheppards land, East by. l’atsey Greene's For filierir, Tho friends and fellow citizens ol Charles A. Wnll presents biin to the voters of Washington county as a candidate for ihcoffltc of Sheritl. Tieenso unfortunate as to hue iiTsarni which renders him unfit for tlie ninnuel duties which lie followed heretofore and while I hnow him te be perfectly willing to undergo auv hardships of life (o enable him to mako his living lie being rwid«rel incapable by hi* misfort n* I for him} nuke rhis app al to the Voters It cling dial Y u Citizens of Washington (anility are noi stiver.* to giving position where merit combin'd with capability ask it. Kami and ritne.aber that a bealowei ol this oltice of Coroner will poasihly relieve Your f-llow oititen and de huu u service which lie will ever thank you for. kgiinlssy vote for Green AT. Low for Coreuor anil let hits live by his trienda Citizens: TAXNOTICE MONEY TO LA"T ROUND. Pty your tax to** IHRfl Mini when you pay y»ur tax see that you are registered and ’ that ilk- word is wiitten ou your receipt and it dated. Bfmoraber.Jthin ctn on i v be d ne in person, and you must He «t«»|j t jit i>j pi 21 years nld. iu the state one year, in tho, •*»* V L i * “ * < Vis IN I V K cu’iiitv nil m »ntk« provf.m* to the election i«ecuruv or approved (.OI.LVTKR VL and have paid a'l your taxes snce.77 then I per. Tortus easy. LOAN. The undersignsd are prejnrol to negitUt't F»r Coroner. a > 4 candidate for Coronor at tho Ele C { .unary uext, and respectfulty solicit .he ass's i a nee of the voters in the w,! amoffet. T* ffc« Public amorally. The undersigned hereby announces his name as a camlhiatc for the office of Sheriff of the co inly of Washington, and respectful* ly solids the sutferage* of his fel'ow men for said place p-omising s full compliance aa to tlie duties it lie should be honored with the office, and any statement as to coming down is a false one for thcbtnefil of design ing persons omv Very Respectfully- Wm. Duggan. For Clerk of the Su perior Court. Wn are nuthorizul to nunoance the nnine of A. M. Mayo for re* lection to tlie office of Clerk ol Superior Court subject to democrat ic nomination, if any, Wo all know ‘ Mack” and mtr courts would look odd without him, ho lets giVu him our full Kipp »rt as usual, us wo know bo is worthy and qualified. Fbirnbs HONEY TO LOAN TO T*B- 9KKHS. If you want money on easier i«rm< than vou can gel it elsewhere cull on limes St Rogers. j#iircb H0 h tf. CLEYELANO* UE.YUIM4'I4«, “These arc the two highest grades if Hour made by the Kureka Mills Merchants are buying them nnd they sel freely. Y-14 tl “PA.AXTEH8 PIII 1>F.," This is a new liratul of Hour that is triving uooil satistaction ground at Kureka Mills. 7*14—ti ROOD FLO UK. Merchants are buying and selling readily tho new brand <d flour ot tho Kureka Mills. 7-14—i. ymi :»iv viiiitied fo votf, If you run hIiow your Rt^Utcrod roeviut lo th« ruHiD«ger«, no uinttar if % our tin hip d«»*a uot aporar on tljr lisi furnished the mnnugers, by the Ordi- M»ry; and the niatuigvr who prevents ft n*HU from voting brnNiun; his name does not appeer on the list furnished by tho Ordinary whair tlie voter shows his receipt properly regi-iered, grossly violates tb» law, and robs the voter of tho dearest boo’ of a free nisi), Hyvoii sec you arc still the guardian of vonr own vote if you hav Evans & Evans, xttvruevs *t L«w ‘21th, 1886 —tl* • NOTICE! To Every One In Washington t* Who Wants HI tinny. I have $.100,000 to loan, If you wish it in any mnt. from $51.00 to $2000, ill from three months to five years time re- tile mrdiaa of vonr own „ - - —- ........ Iiave mo to write “regiateriHl" on your re- coins With proper security *llil get it. f ceipt and dale it then your pwwport to theL,„ pvuimreJ to offer your money on ballot hoi is complete ml no p..wer on BKTTKR tKKMS TIUS KVKH BKKOg*. earth o.n either by mistike or (illierwhe,jjj^nYl'K8 GltHA'l'LY REDUUEOl prevent you from voting except by tramp j | ()|in mo m>y nil city property, ling the law and youraacre.1 rights under), j,,^ , |Um „ v oil uotciw foot. 11 loan money ou notes ilt edged se,«ur»ty. . ... i - i ( lone inooey on irilt ertge.l sng' I will he in Sandemville every ila.v from 1 811AVK I'APF.ilH. Activi. I'usliicK »»»«* Bdiuble. Dr. Uiiwliugs cau always he re lio.1 upon to carry in stock tho purest and best goods, and eustiini the reputation «f being active, push tug and reliable, by recommending articles with well estab isirnd mem ind Mtch uh are popu^ar. Hu mg .he agency f--r :h- c.hh.ated Dr. KmgV New Discov-ry f"r eon tion, colds anil coughs, will re 1 it ou li late for Clerk of the Superior Gnurt o IHW i(, vt , gunranteo It will nui -ly Waaliingtoii county at the ensuing January ^ HI1V ,; u ,i ^verv affefioi. of th For Clerk of the Su perior Court. I respectfully announce myadf a can di late for Clerk of the Superior Court o the 15, of October till the 10, J . I will he in Sanilcr-ville everv Saturday from the lOili iliy < f November till the llltli day of December and then I wi'l ha in S.'nderaville overv dav fro n die lOlhdiy of December till the 2l'lth of Detemer on which day my h oka w ill do<». Chorle WaUar’a atme Weilnesday Dec 1st Geirge Walkci'a store Thursday Dec 2nd Giiea Friday Dec 'frd BeiUrighta u cade in v .Vow I .y Dec 0th Oconee fnivduy Dec 7th Penraon (V ednc # day Due lith Deep Step Thursday Deo 9th Taliernaile Friday Dec 10 th I hope my friends will'not fail to invite me to any corn shucking, •. lilting, or part, that may occur while I am in their scc'.ion- J A. ROBSON, Tax Collector and Ucgis- •rnr . , .,, Mr. Newman will collect m Sanderaville in m • absence. J- I ItuvH o pccinl offers for tho next ninetv days for all who wish on farm lands $2500 nr mom, It will be yrcstly to your iutcrost to c».U and sco in* during that t imo • ... Rwmnmlisr this is no Sham Notice fn Startle or mislead yon I mean evkky . IFonii 1 say, which 1 will he pl.saaed to pr »vo to if you will call to see me at tlie Store of A. Y. H .•lines where 1 will bo .'lad ao serve you. W. R. THIOPKN A.W •lection. THOMAS J.DAVIS. For Tax Receiver. I am before the people as a cun* eidate for Tax Receiver of Wanning lou c.iuntv nt. th« euauiug election in J niimry next. Dr H D. Ki-ND.U L. October 6ih 18hG. y , • lirnat, lungs,or eheai, ai a iu in prove our cUitn, w. link v 0l . I ud g I a T. .SI Holll Fite i roer (III to lie that is afraid of an emu things Its* (jrnpab y solemn reason to lie afraid ol them. Havej’ou been tlie New National? well it is a splendid Mn-kinc lor but little money at Jci nigun A Son*. For Tux Kcmlver Mr. Editor: With pleasure we t/mnoiuico the name of Will's P ^inilli as a candidate for Tax Receiver. We take this oppnrtunit> lo thank his friends for their liberal b ip|n»i l in th* past and earnestly request lliai thvv continue it in die future slid gel ihoir friends nnd neighbors to go and do likewise at Ihe coming eleotisn in January next FlIlKNllS. Twenty-six years ago tlie steamer Pacific burned and sunk id the Ohio River at Unioatown, Ky. The other day a hogshead was dug up from tne wreck, anil being *peued the to bucco within was found to be ai bright hdu good apparently as when il was packed. Hie present system of leasing the i’cnileiuiary convicts is re gardcil with great disfavor bv many people and it is said that Governor Gordon wnl recommend its abolition, to the Legislature. There is no doubt we thinn tuat the ques tion win receieve a very thorough investigation by the General Assembly, When Rev. Sam Jones, in Omaha Neb., asked any man present wuo had never spoken a cross word his wile to stuuu up, a round-lacotl goou natured individual, with a beard, stood up. “Thank God, there's one man wbo never said a across word to fits wile,” suiu Rev. bumj “i in a bachelor,” shouted me round faced man. Gov. Goauox appointed Mr John K. Towers Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary Mr. J£. T. bUur- brick assistant keeper, und Dr AV iilis YVi-atuiorelaud in* principal I physician. Ihe granti jury of Baltimore have nuUUeu tue city authorities that they will present true iudietmouis ti^uiubt viuJalui E oi 8tibUaih Juwsi ot Matyiaud. Il ail luws now on the slaiaie books iu regard to the sab- otuh were euiorced by officer*, tbo seventh day-ot the week would be it more quiet one than it is at present. The Prohibitionists still have the upper hand in At.anm. They have a majority of th« new City Council, and Uiat insures a timber trial ol prohibition m Unit city, though lroni alt accounts the prohibition tUal is enioroeu there is not the sort that proliimis. The native wine promises to pioviue more victims ior tlie Coroner than ungie tool whisky.—[Sav. News Alabama’* Govenor thinks it would be better to provide lor needy Coniederuie yeierans before builu- ing monuments to dead Coufeuerate he.oes, and it is probable that tbe Legislature ol ikat Stale agre t8 with him. Many a uiuiiuuu veteran who acieu a heio’* part is in w tt m red left off, filiayrd. From Wilkcrsons pasture a .Tersy heifer marked crop on ear, split iu right, horns sawed one shorter than t he other. Mad a hell on and may have a calf. Liberal reward will be paid for her, or her whereabouts. T K. RROWN. Nov. 26th 1880 NOTICE! 81.040.000 to Lon!! All pirlica in fVnaliiiigton ami BaMwin collude .whose Ioiiiih on imurovcil firm* mature in 1880, and dedre“EX TENSION" greatly ledllced raua; will find il lo iheir advantage to cull and ace me nt their earliest convenience, ut my otKcu in Colin House, Sandemville, where my re|i- reaentatative. or my self will he pleased to accommodate them. W. R. THIGPEN ClOckNt Cloekt.; t'lockm In a few days we will receive n new supply of clocks; give us a oat/ Jernigun & Son, * Inna. South, hy Donnie Healli'e land und outlie Wet* liy Green Brantley's lard. Levied on its the pro|ierty of Green B.nntley to satisfy aa Exeeulion is.utd from the Superior Court of said county in favor of Jo*epe E. Brown Govenor for tlie use of Cohh anil Hurhuek vs R F. Kudisell Principal Green Brantley, Jobu H. Wicker and A. A. Cullens Secretaries. Execution now preceding for ihe use of Lawson A. Cason administrator on the estate ol Nicholas Harbuck who was surviving partner of ihe late firm of Cohh nnd Hsr- hink Pronerty pointed out hy Plaintilis attorney. levy made by O- H. Roger. Deputy Sheritl, no given in poseasion. , Also will he told at the same time and pluce, onu house ar.d lot located in ihe city of Samlersville said county end lot conlaining one acre more or less and hounded on the East by Mrs. Hursts lot on Ihe West by Crawford Perry s lot, on Inc North hy Floyd street and on the South bv Joe Thom is lot. Levied on hy virtu of an execution issued from die Justice court of the 07th company District of said county in favor of Charles A. Wantz vs Isaac Herman Principal rn<k Mark Newman security. Levied on as the property of Isaac Herman to satisfy said Execution. Levy made and returned lo me hy R. W. Brown Con.'t Written notice given ten mts in posessirn. C. A. WALL Sheriff W. Co. For Tax Receiver. I respectfully announce myself ns a can- me for the office of T*» Receiver of Washington county at the J immry election and solicit the support of the voters ol the county. jonN N ROGERS. Sent 9,'8 0. Wonderful Uiiro*. W-D. Iluwt & Co.. IFludi'Hiile nnd Retail Druggists of Rmua, Ga*. sny . We. have boon si-lliuc Dr. King s Now Discovery, Kloctrio Bittors nnd Buik- hm’s Arnica S»lv« for two years. Hnvo never bundled remedios that soil as well or give such uinviusal satisfaction. Thero liavc been some wdiidorful euros affected by these, medicines in this vity. Several cases of pronounced Oonsnmp- ion have been entirely cured by use of few bottles of Dr 1 King’s Ne Discoy- ry, token in connection withal Electric titters. We gi ar.intee them Sold by Dr. War 8 nnini the hammock. Patronize Home In dustry. EUREKA. MILLS, SandersYille - - - Ga. T HESE mills are now milking the licst Flour nnd Meal ofanv mill in the country, livery nccommodation ia provided for people coming in from it disUiucc. Honest men are in eh urge, nnd EVERY FOUND of Meal, Flour end Bren That the wheal and corn will make is GUARANTEED TO THE CUSTOMER.' id’ the mill, less the toll. Sn bring in your WHEAT AND corn at the same time and thereby save going to mill twice. (J. R. PRINGLE, l'rop’tr 7 J 8,i — tf D i I ) V \ ID Mil SANDEU'vVII^IjI'J, GA., Will praelioH in thu Middle Ciru iit, nn i the eounlies snrro Hiding Wasllincton. Special atiuniiou. givon to Commercial Law Juu-JS-ly ,.Wll t 111 •» •-* M (4 Go«o<th«M *i> i Wmi. IVn h.»vo k.'ll eoMiiWr* •, «mlin tt “iv*u KUlWl!;.. Atcxitt A I tola* i;ia’..« n. v. Sold I r OniQflMo. Frico ti.W. For sale nt Or. A. Mathis' Drug tore. CalMli Bill IB NOT 1 * Two Good milk s d T.B. HU),VN. Sandersvillf* Gu. Nov. Otli 188(i. FAitiHi:St!l FAVOKITK.’ Is meeting with satUfi'Clion witii dnotpi's in tVashingtoii county, to ho found at Eureka Mills. 7-14-t 1 ' itui'hi! Il erad Cases. Of 8 a lU i: Ten id I Mr sal. iiv T. N. AJ l cave your order in«r 8h‘ For UcpHvrr. We nre autliuriied to announce the name .•f Janies T Ameraon .Ir. for the office ofTax Receiver of Washington county, at the elec tion in January next. * To The UitiZ4‘na of WHahtHgloH County. I most respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the office ofTax Receiver nn1 should you favor me with your siipnort I wid attend to the husine.sof that oltice to the est of my ability. I HERMAN. For Tax Berelver. Wo nre authorised to announce he name of M r. G. W. Bateman tor Tax Receiver for Washington county at the ensuing election in January uext. For the best %d cheapest STOVES and TINWARE, Go to the ;andersville tin shop. All kinds of tin and sheet iron work made and repaired W. H. Hargraves: ti . v.,.,111: g i O , in hh and Ln out S yle. SiyeinHy.. . For Treasurer. I reuptctfully tuinounce to my fel low citizens of Washington county that I aui a < undidatt for the wfiici of County Trentuier, at the emmiug JtttiiiHry election, and earnestly hu- licit the support of the people JOSEPH R, THIGPEN. The New National has the loose fly wheel and automatic liolnn winder attached which makes in equal to any other tiret class stan dard machine it is not to be *ur passed bv any. FATES AT THE -“HARNETT HOUSE!'-* SAVANNAH. (jr A.* Board with Room $1 50 pr day Supper, Lodging * Breakfast. ..$1 00 lodging aud Breakfast 76cts TIIJE LEUIKUI'l'KE. In the House to day Mr. Calvin introduced bills arauudingthe Con. stitution as to allow the Legislature to delegate to a county the right to levy a tax for the purpose ot aiding works ol internal improvements. Also one providing for a hoard ol equalization ol property taxation iu each county. Mr. Pringle from Temperance committee reported favorably to change section- ol code so as lo allow ordinaries aud county com mmissioncr* -o gram or refuse license in quantities less than ten gallons, as they now have iu quanti ties less thuuone Hkllon. Tlie New National at $28.00 is a read) auty, at Jernigau dc Son’s Call at Jernigau «k Son’s Jewe'ry store and examine their Sewing Machines belore purchasing else where. .Head quarters for Sewing chines uext door to Jernigsn A Sons Jewelry store, call at their store anil they wili he pleased to wait upon you. The New home with the new automatic bubin winder is a per feet gem, 'o he found at Jernigau A Son.s. Sheriff’s Sale. fur January i887. GEORGIA—Washington County. Will he Hold before the Court Ilona# oor in .Sumieruville on the first Toeaduy January next within the Lugs I hours of sale, one tract or parcel of land lyin K in Haul county and state known oh die "home place” of U. P. Bynum containing two hundred and seventy-hix (27ti) acres more or less, snd bounded on tne East by lands ol J T Younghlooa, rto'ltli b_, lands of tali- ol Bran ly, on ihe West In land.- of K. P. Bynum and W. E. Dno title and Noilli tiy lands known as the Williams lands, the place whereon ilefendant now resides, lev ied on as the properly of R. P. Bynum to satisfy a superior cunrl Fi Fa in tavor oi Isaac iiurman vs li- P. Bynum, Properly p inted out and legal notice given defen dant in possession. This Dec. tith 1885. Also at th* same time and place will he sold '.wo tracts o, parcels of laud lying in Washington county containing fifty (60) acres eaen. known as tlie Freeman Bland and Al G rt illiatMH places and adjoining lands oi Nancy Cox, John K Hodges, P B Cullens and Olliers, Levied on as the prop erty ol James Baron and Nonie L Baron to satisfy a Superior court hi Fa in fa vor of Malcolm .tlaclean vs James Baron and Nonie 1, Karon Property pointed out slid legal nonce given. Tins Dec fiih' 1886. CAM ALL, Sheriff W C For Tax Follrctor. We are authorized fo announce the name of Mr Stephen J for the office of Tax Collector of Washington county at the eu- •-uing election in January next. ForCsra N«r* We are nutboiized lo huiiouiicv riie nnniH ufC. W. Grahaiu fir Cor oner f»r Wiisliiugt.ou comity at thi- ensuiug electiriu in Juuuiiry next. For Forourr. We are authorized to annoiine. the name of Peter Yales for re-election to the office <% t'.ironer at the ensueing election in January next. -IROU Propt’rs. Mumt taut ultra uuci Deulers in: WOiK^- "Wilt, andersville, Ga. H ita ut all the latest styles anti at all prices to he hud at Miss titcaui Kngmcs ol all styles. Saw Mills. Grist Mills. Cotton Gins, Presses nn<I Machinery ol all kinds A lull liuejjol Rubber and Lent Iter Belting k pt in stock. Steam arid Water Valves, Steam pipes a»d Fitting*, Inspirators, Machine Oils aiul Mill Supplies Repair work solicited and prompt, v none and as cheap and well as can be done all Machinery sold b\ resented. Write or call on ua for Prices and in the Muchiue line. 1620 Aroti »tri#vt. I’lPa* A Well Tried Treatment For Cunsumpliiin, Aathmi). Hronchits, itarrn, IIsy Fever, Head- Kkeiuniitiam, Neuri' and till (JUrotitc ani Nervous Disorders. Wh .n "Compullml Oxygen” is inhaled tlie heart has imparled to it increased vitality. That Organ sends forth tlie blood with more force and less we*r to itself; the vital cur rents leave on their circuit new deposits of vital force in *very celt* of tissue over which they pass aud return ag- in for u new sup ply. This simple story is the rational ex- plinn lion of lliegreilest advance that medi cal science ha- yet made. "Tin' (/'ompoiind Oxygen Treatment" which Drs. htarkey & Paiun, No. 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia, hive been Using for the last sixteen years, is a scientific adjust"- ment of ihe elements of Oxygen and Nitro gen rtuguetisetl. and the com pound is so con densed and mads portable that it is carried by express to evety portion of the country — indeed, it is sent all over the world. Far ( aroner, Me. Editok: Please announce thenamp of John F. Holton as a candidate for Coro ner. We take pleasure in announcing lhat Mr Holton is an honest, up right and ca pubic man and if elected will be the righ man in the right place. Many Friends. For Coroner. Mr Eili'or: Whilo We are selecting our County officers may we suggest u name for Coroner, which I dare suy will give entire satisfaction *nd who we know to be eminently qna'ified being voting, active ami always ready to do Bis duty and wh is to “Lei Justice be duuu though the Heavens siiuuld fall." Tuts is "Robert A. Hurst.” rally rouu i his standard aud givd niia * uuly go al t ipi> >rl and you., will ever think “Well dune g iod auu f.nt.iiful -orvant outer ye iuto )our office ve Imve prepared n 101 you." u Hi*.: lor if. A ilursi f.u Uurouer iu the luoiLoc oi, Mamv Votkk*. For C’oroncr. To Editor Afercury. Y'on will please annoiHiCc llie name ol Green M Low as u for Coroner lor Washington county at thf eusuingelection in January next undo course subject to an) Demo ratio nomination that may he had and in proposing Mr. Low’s name lor this position I simply ask -\* vntHrs of Wa«hinoinn cf»nnt,v to do 410U* we guarantee to be a* rep- t cript'on of anything Wanted 'JJaakl The Fanners Mend!!! IT OFF-SETS THE LOW PRICE OF COTTON. By cleansing the seed perl'e it, never choKes, runs light, gins tits', Hud‘makes a good simple. The feeder stands on tho floor, it wi! toed unv kind of cotton regular, every gin guaranteed aa represented ami to give 1 satisfaction. Prices has been roduoed. Cal on or address, LANG and WILT. Manufacturers Agents, Saudersvillu, Georgia. For full description prices ami terms. A gin w 11 be Kept in stock where it can lie seen at any time v Das. Sahkkv A Falks h'av'a the liberty lu refer (in proof of tbeir standing aa Pliy- briars') lo ill* following named 'vell-knpwa pursona who have tried their Treatment: lio.-r. Wii.liam D. Kelley, . Metnher of Congress, PMeulslphio, Re/. VlCTllH L. OlSBAD, ‘ ' JitiUor Lutheran Observer, Ph f ‘trielpkeo.. Rev. Chaiilkh SV. L’u.iiino, Editor Anterteun Ue/orMer .too Tori ) I UN. Wll.HM j’ENK ,Nl£ON.. • Editor Intev-Ocenn, Chioign, 1 . lubciE Joshua R Flanukks, Temple Court, Ntti York. Me*. Maev V.Uatom. Widow of h lat* Dk Ha it vfcY i.'atur Camden Netr oersey Mkwmaky A Douoarv, Jamatea, Long Itlond Netr York • ' VIes Maev A Live..moke Melrose Massachusetts lUIHJh U S VooHlIhES, Nett York CVfy Mk'Geukue W Kdwahds lbopt'r St Osorge.milntek Philadelphia Uk TV'S*. ''IUllAl.L A well known Merchant, Philadelphia Mk William 11 Whitklt. Silk Manufacturer Philadelphia, Pa. And many Olliers in every pan uf ike IT t4 •Compound Oxygen-tit Mode of Action a*H UekuUd' is the ulie of a rolllcnr of nearly 20* pagta, hy Drs Slirhfy A Paleu which give* to all irtquirers fuif ii.furuvuion aa lu lh<> remarkable clirktive agvnliuid a largo rtcor* in suprising cures in a wide, range ufchios-- 1 ic casta—many uf ,heiu being atsotdrmrd i«*. die by other physicians, il' will be mail*® lirr si, vadtlre*. on ayp ii s ion fcUf, ATA14I4K1 A PAlfcfi. I*a* Arch Nt.. Fhilutfelphi* »*• COTTON FACTORS avgdsta - georgla. iifier Mbir gm'victt-i,i Oit) p unt* rs a rnercli nt. uf Washi u 75c a bale eo nimski n, no storage when So' i o., arrival r with: i r.*n If sent of the A. G & A. H R ill -x ; , •■■<... i ci , l“ r f* . I','' .^*, „ oo'iutiissiun a ui Imi.,,-will no b« over 1() f ur •• SO'iifr L , J Jotdsu has i.b. n in !.,.« Lunin,> w s for 12 years w,.J ,» giurin-.uH nerlue.' a mat ..„tl if KUnr.iti-.nH perfeet u VISil .Vil:;ll.ata, Ae BucklenN Arnlm 9alv*. due Bust Salve in ibe wor( .'or mo . Briust s, Sores. O'icers, Salt R.i* u u, ('’tivnr Sores, Totter, Cu i|>peti Ti..nifr Chilblains, Corns, .,u.i »il Skin .Erap- i.iuus, an.I pubinv .y ewes Pile*, or uo pay requiruti It is gooranteu^ to givti perfect salisfuction, or money satirfiictiou iu every rt*A .net. .... vwa v.i u.aU. n e lu R‘ve periect. saHsMctioB, or money give joq a cordial mvitatwu to vmti oar-office, we wili gladly we.ouu* vL"fthidwd. Price 25 cents VV hojc — ^ - ^ J u FDR BALK BY DR RAVfT,p?f>B